Both would-be Trump assassins appeared in (((BlackRock))) commercials; are jews somehow connected with the planet Saturn?

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A comrade sent me this very useful link:

Crooks and Routh both appeared in BlackRock commercials. What are the odds of that, I wonder?

I replied:

Important article — thanks. And wow, actually.

As for “BlackRock,” it is a gigantic, evil, sinister financial empire —  and it is buying up houses all over the United States, forcing more and more white people to rent instead of owning their home.

And the concept of a black rock may refer to a very sinister symbol of judaism and to some truly weird things about the planet Saturn.

As for the jew CEO Larry Fink, from Wikijewdia:

Laurence Douglas Fink (born November 2, 1952) is an American billionaire businessman. He is a co-founder, chairman and CEO of BlackRock, an American multinational investment management corporation.[1] BlackRock is the largest money-management firm in the world with more than US$10 trillion in assets under management.[2][3] In April 2024, Fink’s net worth was estimated at US$1.2 billion according to Forbes.[4] He sits on the boards of the Council on Foreign Relations and the World Economic Forum.[5]

Early life and education

Fink was born on November 2, 1952.[6][7] He grew up as one of three children in a Jewish family[8] in Van Nuys, California [….]


You should know the two corporations that control the Fed, the West and (LOL) even each other

On black rocks or black cubes:

Reptilian cube forms the new US Embassy in London which then-President Trump refused to dedicate

The old US Embassy in London (now the Canadian embassy) simply did not do — it was far too attractive. And anything in the Geco-Roman style is white supremacist, suggesting that America was a white nation and an offshoot of Europe, not Haiti.

Out with this Aryan garbage….

[updating a 2017 Facebook post of mine]

The cubic shape of the f—k-ugly new US Embassy in London is not irrelevant, but instead highly significant.

We see our good old friend, the number 33, in the address… “33 Nine Elms Lane.”

The Kaaba in Mecca is also a cube, as is a key media building in Germany, the Der Spiegel magazine headquarters (looking like the Borg warship on Star Trek), and the inane little prayer mini-box that Orthodox Jews wear on their foreheads when they pray! This is all Reptilian.



John Cassidy The cube, John, is representative of Saturn. The winds of its north pole create a hexagon like the Star of Moloch aka David.

*** JdN The $3.4 billion satellite Cassini, built for NASA in France and launched in 1997, photographed Saturn and its moons between 2004-10.
Saturn has many moons, but Iapetus is by far the strangest one, walnut-shaped and not spherical. It is clearly man-or alien-made; it is welded together!
This lip or rim is 25 miles high.
In 3D, John, a cube looks like a hexagon in 2D projection. Donald Trump was a wise man to avoid entering this huge, nasty cube. Perhaps the cancelled visit is due to intel he got on a JFK-style execution attempt with the usual suspects fronting Islamic [even Iranian] proxies.

Using so-called false color (to highlight dark details), the Cassini probe from NASA took this photo of the swirling vortex of clouds in the center of the hexagon:

Ciarà¡n Hercules Kennerk PT when will people wake up to the satanic behavior?
Brian Avran It even has traffic going around it in a circle. Could it be any more obvious?
John de Nugent The West German eagle (Germany today is just the US-created West Germany after annexing East Germany) is depicted on all government-issued bonds as an eagle that looks tortured (note the eyes and tongue) and  confined tightly inside a hexagon cage, that is, inside a Star of David prison wall. 
Brian Avran inside a prison”
John de Nugent Yes. And Orthodox Jews also wear a cube on their forehead during prayer and on their arm. 

John de Nugent Islam, IMO, was created either by (((them))) or by the alien power that controls the jews.
An article in the Israeli newspaper (in the English language) called Haaretz (= “the homeland”) castigates me for this cartoon. 😉
Now wherever would I get THAT idea? Elon Musk seems to agree!
The secret JEWISH agenda behind Islam is to overrun and destroy white Christians.
By the way, this rabbi is in France, and he did say these words in French. I understand French perfectly (it having been my minor at Georgetown, and I also lived in France), and this is exactly what Touitou actually said.
What even WNs do not understand is that the reason for the HAREM system was to RAPIDLY “de-whitize” European and other white countries.
ONE Arab sheik with one harem was able to impregnate two hundred white women with his semitic genes! And these white women, kept in this seraglio, were not accessible henceforth to men of their own race!
A perfect example is the whole coast of North Africa, from Morocco in the west over to Egypt in the east.
The whole area had lots of white people two thousand years ago!
But now everyone is dark!
The Berbers were a very white people with blue eyes, speaking their own, non-semitic, non-Arab language.
About ten percent still have blue eyes and many more look mostly white. But the Arab/muslim conquest brought about the slaughter of the defeated white Berber soldiers, then the harem system with its inundation of semitic/neanderthal DNA.
Some Berbers who are mixed but still look white, and many are actually good- or okay-looking:
When I lived in the south of France in 2004-05, I met many Algerian and Moroccan immigrants, who make like miserable for the white French… this guy, who ran over and killed 86 white people in a stolen truck on the French national holiday, July 14, Bastille Day, in Nice, France, in 2016 ( He also injured 434 other Whites!
Here is a still photo; you can see the stolen white truck approaching:

Of the 434 injured, 65 injured were still in hospital three days later, 18 in critical condition.

Video of the truck, which with its speed and mass smashed right through police barricades:


This semitic religion of Islam has its followers worship its deity, Allah, in Mecca at a giant black cube, the Kaaba.


The dominant, jew-controlled, holocaustomaniac, ultra-German-guilt-tripping periodical in Germany is their version of Time magazine, Der Spiegel ( “the Mirror”), founded by Rudolf Augstein, a supposed Catholic.  This is its headquarters in Hamburg, a giant cube like the evil Borg cube in the notable tv series “Star Trek: the Next Generation” (1987-94) 

The “Borg” announces menacingly as it meets each civilization in the galaxy: “Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.”

John de Nugent I have often written about one of the many supernatural experiences I have had, and this negative one really jarred me with its evil presence.

As soon as Der Spiegel’s founder and publisher Rudolf Augstein ( died over in Hamburg, Germany, I felt it in my bed in Johnson, Rhode Island on 7 November 2002. (Btw, Lenin’s (((bolshevik))) putsch, not revolution, for it had no popular support, began on this date in 1917.)

I woke up, around 3 am, told my then-wife in her language, French, to her bewilderment,


….that “Rudolf Augstein est mort” (“is dead”).

I got up, got dressed in my bathrobe, went into my home office, turned on my computer, went to the Spiegel website,, and then saw this, the death notice on the front page, with a black border, about Augstein, the magazine’s founder in the British Occupation Zone. He had been really the key player in the postwar media demonization of the German people, and the central actor of the so-called “Lizenzpresse” (“licensed press”):

I well never forget my rage at seeing a story in Der Spiegel entitled “Im Land der Mörder” — “In the Land of the Murderers,” meaning of course German itself. It was one long pity-party about young German Jews who live in West Germany, and how the horrific memories of the Holocaust creep them out whenever they go on the street, and see the Germans walking along, they hear the German language, and they have to think every waking second of their lives that “their German-speaking grandfathers probably gassed my Jewish grandfather at Auschwitz.”
Augstein was the incarnation of absolute evil. No one man told more lies to make the Germans hate themselves and want their own genocide.
And I felt as if that his evil ghost had visited me after death to taunt me in my bed.  How else would I have possibly woken up with the words “Rudolf Augstein is dead” on my lips, having no personal knowledge of his health condition, and living 3,669 miles (5904 km) away?


But I must ask if you still insist on your dreadful accusation over many years now that Trump is an evil pedophile, and a traitor working for the jew enemy. Is it not evident that the jews — who clearly ARE the Deep State, and infamously have resorted to assassinations (both literal and also character assassinations) for centuries — are trying hard to murder him?

If Trump is their tool, and they object to his policies, why do they not just order him to bow out of the presidential race on something like “health grounds”?

My problem with Trump is that he IS their tool — but only on support for IsraHell — and I see him as a reluctant tool who is actually very antisemitic deep-down (like many conservatives and populists), a tool whom the jews cannot trust and rightly do not trust.

A Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mitt Romney or Lindsey Graham is a true, loyal, willing tool, an eager goy traitor. the Jews have adjudged that Trump will never be a team player and would turn on jewry in a heartbeat if he knew how.

In fact, Nixon would certainly have done so, based on his very anti-jewish private remarks, said even to Henry Kissinger.

The HUGE problem was there was no Internet back then or any other way to get an antisemitic message out to the masses. There was just jew-controlled newspapers, magazines, radio and tv.

You have demonized Trump from the right just as jews demonize him from the left. Yes, the man has his glaring faults, as Nixon did, or Kennedy.

But a willing traitor and eager servant of the jew enemy? Then why are the jews out to KILL him? Oh, and there were also two attempts in 2022 to poison him with ricin. To die of poison can be extremely PAINFUL. While tragic, it is at least pretty quick and painless to have your head shot off as with John Kennedy.

Do you think Trump is unaware that AG Merritt Garland is a jew? This psychopath has waged lawfare against him for almost four years, and gotten him indicted (using proxies like the New York negress Letitia James and another negress in Georgia) on 91 felony counts, and has locked up hundreds of innocent January 6 protesters, including that harmless shaman man with the Viking horns, and a friend of mine who is now doing five years in a federal prison in New Jew-rsey.

Does Trump truly NOT KNOW that the CIA director is a jewess, and Senator Chuck Schumer is a jew?

Having been slandered myself, I consider false accusations to be reprehensible. And to accuse a man of being a pedophile, a child molester, is, for me, a survivor myself, the most serious accusation a person can make, worse than calling someone a murderer. For a man to kill another adult man is horrible, unless it is in a just war (or in personal self-defense), but to rape a helpless child, also savaging his mind and soul for potentially decades, which may require extensive psychotherapy, is the most unnatural and monstrous crime there is.

And if Trump is a pedophile, why have the jews not trotted the evidence of this out to sink him once and for all? They let even two of their own, Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell (Hoch)be exposed.

As a convicted pedo, he might even be murdered by the other inmates in prison. (I remember an innocent whistleblower in Florida about the Gulf Deepwater Horizon oil mega-spill — which happened on Hitler’s birthday in 2010 — was totally framed as a child molester — they “found” child porn on his home computer, see — and was then murdered in prison.)

Why have the jews not already done this to Trump?

Jesus (Matthew 7:1-2):

1“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. 2For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.

Jesus as depicted in a Roman catacomb




…..He replied:

Good points, as always. But I’m still convinced that the Jews must hold some awful dirt on Trump for him to continue bowing to them despite their many attempts to jail him and assassinate him. Trump goes way over the top in his support for Israel, and to my mind, it can only be due to Israeli blackmail of the worst kind. I’ve posted in the past many photos of Trump fondling his daughter in inappropriate sexual ways, and his comment that if she wasn’t his daughter, he’d be dating her, etc. Then, there was his close friendship with Israeli Mossad agent Jeffrey Epstein, photos of them together at parties laughing it up, etc.

So, I remain convinced that Trump is a sexually blackmailed Israeli tool, which also explains why he dares not call them out for their attacks on him. And since Trump is already well-known as a womanizer, another adult female coming forward with rape accusations wouldn’t affect his support at all. So, I suspect that the blackmail the Jews have on Trump is the pedophile snuff-film type. They’ve got him „over a barrel,“ so to speak, so he has to do their bidding.

Here is the latest alleged Trump assassination attempt, which would be the third assassination attempt on Trump. Strangely, there is nothing about this in the mainstream media, at least not yet:


…..I responded

Anything is possible as long as you acknowledge, comrade, that this is a theory, a supposition. The essence of blackmail is that it is withheld if one does the blackmailer’s bidding, and not released. The blackmailer would lose all power over the victim if he released it. So we just do not know.

As for Epstein, the famous pix of Trump ogling adult babes at the entrance to a Manhattan cocktail party with Epstein, as you will concede, is not pedophilia.


But, yes, that parrot-sculpture photo is weird.

I simply do not wish to do the man an injustice — and thus to his kids, especially to Eric Trump, who seems to clearly be one of us, that is, a white nationalist. And, for all his flaws, the man is being targeted on a regular basis for death. As a former Marine, I respect his courage, as I did when he was Patton, the most formidable of the enemy generals.

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