Bring back the Roman “Paterfamilias”?

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Roman officer Lucius Vorenus, a father, husband, and paterfamilias, was an actual, real and very heroic centurion ( = captain) in the legions of Julius Caesar, who wrote about him, and this Vorenus was a star of the mostly excellent HBO drama “Rome,” which is semi-fictional but often accurate in many details.

The first scene of the first episode:

Niobe, Vorenus’ wife, is shocked when he suddenly returns home on leave after several years off fighting under Caesar in Gaul — because she now has a baby, and pregnancy, then as now, lasts but nine months.

The panicked wife gives the baby away instantly to a close, trusted female friend, who claims it is hers.

The Romans gave absolute legal authority to the “paterfamilias,” to the father-of-family, to the legal head of the family under their law. He could even execute his wife and kids for disobedience, though that basically never happened, but adultery by the wife was a death-penalty offense.

There was an old tradition that if a married woman was raped, or said that she had been — that the sex had been involuntary —  she should kill herself and demand that her husband, brother, father, uncle, etc. avenge her. In 510 BC the high-born lady Lucretia did this in front of her menfolk, and this crisis led to the sudden end of the Roman monarchy and the beginning of the Roman Republic, since the rapist had been the king’s son. This rape and the virtuous Lucretia’s death was the final straw.

This harsh custom certainly discouraged adultery since the Roman’s wife would die even if she claimed it had been rape, and the rapist would also have to be killed — or a truly enormous financial settlement had to be reached. Basically, the menfolk of the raped wife would be at war with the family of the rapist until satisfaction was given or taken.

Lucretia was a married woman and Roman aristocrat, but the early Romans were still living under the brutal boot of the foreign kings of Etruria. A certain Sextus Tarquin, son of the Etruscan king Tarquinius Superbus, that is, “Tarquin the Haughty,”  came to visit her when her husband was away on a trip. As he was a distant relative of her husband, she let him in.

Though a wealthy blue-blood, she was not busy gossiping or partying but instead, along with her servants, was working at her spinning wheel, spinning wool to make clothes.

That night, however, Sextus Tarquin, son of the Etruscan king, somehow feeling provoked by her reputation for virtue, invaded her bedroom, with her husband away, and with a sword at her throat, ravished her.


After he left, the outraged Lucretia sent messengers for her husband and father to come quickly. She told them she had been ravished by the king’s son, and her honor had been taken.

Lucretia pulled out a dagger, stabbed herself in the heart, collapsed and died as her menfolk looked on, stunned.


This vicious crime by the Etruscan foreigner, and her death to protest the rape, forced the men to act, not talk, releasing finally the Roman fury of long standing against the domineering Etruscans. The Roman men rose up in arms, drove out the Etruscans, avenged Lucretia’s suffering and death, and liberated their nation on the basis of honor, of both national honor and the honor of Roman women.

Rome was started by great deeds, not words.

Julius Caesar


Thus, the rise of Rome from a tiny Italian city to a superpower stretching across Europe, Africa and Asia with a population of at least sixty million…


…began with one virtuous woman’s refusal to accept rape, preferring death to dishonor. It was her deed as a woman that inspired manliness in the men.

Roman society was patriarchal, hence the power of the paterfamilias, and masculinity was premised on a capacity for governing oneself and others of lower status, not only in war and politics, but also in sexual relations. Virtus, “virtue”, was an active masculine ideal of self-discipline, related to the Latin word for “man”, vir (whence our word “virility”).

The corresponding ideal for a woman was pudicitia, often translated as chastity or modesty, but it was a much ore positive and even competitive personal quality that displayed both her attractiveness and self-control.

Roman women of the upper classes were expected to be well educated, strong of character, and active in maintaining their family’s reputation and standing in society.

Things like this race-mixing that is seen in the photo below are why Romans gave men absolute authority.

Btw, I dated for over a year a good gal from Allen Park near Detroit (a little white island, 93% white, in a black sea), a natural blonde (German and Slovak) whose father was a Ford engineer. The city of 28K hosts Ford and Uniroyal tires. A University of Michigan graduate (and no dummy), she too had saddled herself with a black kid. All I can say is she was nice but a young soul. I dated her, though other white men would not. She is now around 67 and has just that one black child. What a waste of good stock, as we used to say.

41 of the 50 states made interracial marriage illegal! And in most states many real estate deeds contained a “covenant” — a clause stating that, to protect the neighborhood from crime, disorderly conduct, and race-mixing, the house was “not to be sold to any person of the African race.”…/Anti-miscegenation_laws_in…

Only the few northern states in gray on the map below had no laws against “miscegenation,” as it was legally called. 41 of the 50 banned race-mixing, which was totally abnormal to most white Americans, and even viewed as disgusting. The colors refer to different stages in time when these laws were repealed under libtard pressure or, in the case of nine Deep South states, by order of the US Supreme Court in 1967.

Since then, numerous once-proud cities, such as Detroit, MI; Newark, NJ; or Baltimore, Maryland have gone black and been destroyed by fear, crime, grime and chaotic public schools. No one wants to live there any more, not even the Blacks themselves. Detroit fell from two million to 600K residents.

And, in fact, Mexicans violently drive or just push the Blacks out, such as in Compton and Oakland in California.


  1. Aus dem ‘Politikversagen’ vom heutigen Tage, letzte Meldung.

    Dreifachmord: 96 Stiche mit „massiver Wucht“

    Zutiefst erschütternde Details bringt der Unterbringungsantrag zum Dreifachmord im Asiastudio in der Wiener Engerthstraße ans Licht. Demnach ging der 27-jährige Afghane mit massiver Brutalität gegen die Frauen vor. Er war bei dem schrecklichen Amoklauf nicht zurechnungsfähig.

    Laut Gerichtsgutachter Peter Hofmann handelte der Mann bei der schrecklichen Tat am 23. Februar unter dem „maßgeblichen Einfluss seiner psychischen Störung“, nämlich einer paranoiden Schizophrenie.

    Offenbar täuschte er an jenem Abend vor, das Bordell als Kunde zu besuchen. Im Eingangsbereich zog er sich die Schuhe aus, wurde von der Betreiberin in Zimmer Nummer 3 im ersten Stock gebracht.

    Mit drei Messern ins Massagestudio
    Dort habe er auf sein erstes Opfer, die Prostituierte Y., gewartet. Mit dabei hatte der Mann drei Messer. Als Y. das Zimmer betrat, stach der 27-Jährige sofort 16 Mal auf die Frau ein, wobei zwei Angriffe zu Durchstichen führten.

    Dem zweiten Opfer, der Prostituierten K., fügte der schizophrene Täter 20 Messerstiche zu und versuchte zudem, der Chinesin die Kehle durchzuschneiden. Die tiefgreifende Schnittverletzung habe laut Staatsanwaltschaft dazu geführt, dass die arme Frau „beinahe enthauptet“ worden wäre.

    „Besonders brutal und aggressiv“
    Das dritte Opfer, die Betreiberin Z., wurde im Badezimmer vom Angreifer überwältigt. Sie war dorthin geflohen, nachdem sie die Schreie der ersten beiden Opfer gehört hatte. Z. wurde gar 60 Mal mit den Messern attackiert. „Es lässt sich zweifellos ableiten, dass der Betroffene bei den Morden besonders brutal und aggressiv vorging, sodass zwei Messerklingen vollständig vom Griff abbrachen und bei einem Messer die Spitze abbrach“, schreibt die Staatsanwaltschaft Wien in ihrem 15-seitigen Unterbringungsantrag.

    Nach den drei Taten durchsuchte der Mann das Studio, suchte in Erdgeschoß und Keller nach weiteren potenziellen Opfern, die er in seinem Wahn für Hexen hielt.

    Eine vierte Frau blieb unentdeckt
    Eine Zeugin, die sich mit einem Freier in Zimmer Nummer 5 befand, hatte Glück. Sie blieb unentdeckt. Der Afghane zog seine Schuhe an und verließ das Bordell, wurde schließlich von der Polizei blutüberströmt auf einer Böschung gefunden und festgenommen. Er war zum Tatzeitpunkt nüchtern und hatte laut Gutachten auch keine Drogen konsumiert.

    Wann die Geschworenen über die Anstaltsunterbringung des Mandanten von Anwalt Philipp Springer entscheiden werden, ist noch offen.


    Rechtsanwalt Philipp Springer vertritt den 27-Jährigen und sagt:

    Ich bin optimistisch, dass die Medizin bei der Behandlungsmöglichkeit von Schizophrenie in den nächsten Jahrzehnten Fortschritte machen wird und er dann wieder ein Leben bei seiner Familie im Iran führen wird können.


    Tantchens Fazit: Wenn es nicht so traurig wäre, könnte man belustigend feststellen, daß das obige Szenario im Islam wohl die unbefleckte Empfängnis darstellt.

  2. White woman who betray their men are traitorous, fucking scum, and they deserve to be hung or get a bullet. I would never forgive them or take them back. They should have an example made of them to the rest of our women.
    When you give them the same rights as men, they either become a lesbian or date black and brown men. because most white western women are utter, fucking trash these days, and, though they talk all femiinist, are actually attracted to black men that, ironically, are masculine, dominant and aggressive.
    How many white women are selling their bodies and starring in hardcore Jewish pornography films?
    They’re all vile, white liberal women who treat decent men like shit and date degenerate white male chads or thug negros.
    There are twice as many men who are single in Australia, even though there are more women then men in my country.
    Why? Because a large percentage of white, western women are entitled bitches and stupid whores who only use their men, not love them or stick by them, and treat them like shit. There iss definitely a large percentage of white women who hate white men and would team up with black and brown men against us.
    White men have four times the suicide rate of white women in Australia.
    Yet there is far more help for them when they feel suicidal because they’ve still got a bit of victim status. I know I rave on about this, John, but I live in a fucked-up, super-liberal area (Brisbane) full of degenerate, white liberal women like this. The truth? There are far more white women that are degenerate liberals then white men.
    I just wish I could leave this area and live in a small, rural area away, far away from this.

    • This is why we need a new religion. Hatred of one’s own kind, treason, and swallowing ridiculous lies — this is all spiritual sickness. Facts alone convince no one.
      I know someone who joined the Mormons, not so much because he believed in their teachings — he did partly — but just to be in a wholesome environment with family values to guide his wife and kids.
      Values are why I am creating a religion. But it is myth-free, with evidence for life after death and the existence of God. I want people to be able to truly believe, and not to spoon-feed them new fairy tales that a grown man cannot really accept, not deep-down, just going along with the malarkey for the family-values reason.
      And above all else, I must teach the whole truth — the jews are not God’s Chosen People, and they never were. The Old Testament is a crock of ridiculous, stinking, sick and outrageous lies, and the jew god, Yahweh, is literally a demon.

      Yahweh to Abraham: “Slit your own son’s throat, and, for obeying me, one day your descendants will rule the world.” This is a conversation only two psychopaths could conduct!

      This is no different from Tony Soprano ordering one of his mob captains to kill someone. It is like the jews (excuse me, “the Israelites”) killing every man, woman, child and animal in the city of Jericho! Oh, I forgot. The whore (“harlot”) Rahab was spared — because she betrayed her city to the jews. Another heart-warming Sunday-School Bible story for the kids. 😉

      In my conversation a century ago with Dietrich Eckhart, called “Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin,” (I did an audiobook of the whole thing in this life), I expressed amazement and disgust at the Christianized masses that these blood-curdling tales from the “Holy” Bible did not trigger nauseated revulsion!

      But at least the Marcionites did get it. Bishop Marcion was an early Christian (now called a heretic) who lived a century after Jesus. He loved a faith that says God is love, forgive others and find forgiveness, judge not lest ye be judged, and heaven awaits those who seek God and to morally impriove their lives. Marcion totally rejected the disgraceful Old Testament!

      He said that the god of Jesus, a god of love, and the god of Moses and Joshua were two completely different gods. How rightr he was! And he cited as a perfect example the massacre of the people of Jericho and the jews sparing a whore whom, to save her own neck, committed treason against her own people.

      Of course, in other cases Yahweh was more practical and “reasonable” in his instructions to Joshua.

      “Kill every Canaanite [ = Palestinian], as usual, except for the young females, the virgins. Have fun with them, lads!”

      Hence, THIS is the true meaning of John 8:44! Not “you are from your father, the Devil,” but instead “you are from the father of the Devil.” In other words, “you jews and the Devil are brothers.” And who IS the father of the Devil?

      Well, who is the jewish Creator god? Who created the angels who “fell”?

      For judaism, it was Yahweh!

      Im Klartext, “in the clear,” that is, uncoded and said plainly, as the Germans say, the jews were created from the start by Satan, AKA Yahweh — from the prehistoric neanderthals and from thieving hordes of Habirus, a race of roaming, terrorizing Middle Eastern ne’er-do-wells.

      A neanderthal:

      Neanderthal DNA (Haplogroup J2):

      And this is why the jews so hate Whites and especially blond and blue-eyed Whites — we make them feel hideous and ugly!

      And look at us now, being inundated via the Internet with facts, videos, information and memes — for example, the mass murder of the Gazans using American weapons that were GIVEN the jews by America.
      The problem is not the jews, and not any lack of information, but white cowardice. The jews are like cancer cells that grow on the lungs of a three-pack-a-day smoker! The white race needs to face its addiction, stop smoking mental poison, and reject killing itself.
      We white Americans slaughtered the white Germans, 16 million of them, for saying the vital truth. So now it is all on us, on the white Americans, to swallow hard, repent, grow a pair, and fight, picking up the sword of righteousness which we forced the great and valiant Germans to drop.

      We were at the gates of Moscow.

      We were besieging Leningrad/Saint Petersburg!

      We conquered the breadbasket that was Ukraine.

      And we were racing toward the most important prize of all, the Soviet oil fields of Baku! For all modern militaries with their trucks, tanks, trains, and planes, run on fuel.

      And then the avalanche of American war supplies hit Soviet warehouses via the US Navy, sent under the Lend-Lease program of Frank Rosenfeld, and it began turning the tide.

      SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND vehicles poured into Stalin’s communist slave empire: tanks, trucks, jeeps, fighter planes and bombers…. 40 million cans of spam, and oceans of fuel.

      It is all detailed here:

      America, you saved communism. You saved the jews.

      As the then-leader of Germany, I offer the great American people — “God, bless America!” — my congratulations. 🙂 Be proud of your achievement, O Greatest Generation!

      • Did you know that Stalins army was weak and needed air support and fuel from the U.S army.
        If Japan hadn’t of bombed Pearl Harbour then Germany would have won the war, because the U.S wouldn’t have got involved.
        If the national socialists had won ww2 then the world today would be a paradise and the 3rd world would not be overpopulated.
        And the planet would not be destroyed with globalism.
        White people would be the dominant race on earth.
        And communism and zionism,communism and cultural marxism would would be completley wiped out.
        You do not need a hell why? because the demons are all here on earth running things.
        If we did try to start a new religion for our people it would just be infiltrated and shut down by the jews.

        • @Arminus, white people are already the dominant race on earth. I wish Germany had won, but i believe we will win in the future. -The Gods want us to win.

    • It was a contractual and fear-based religion, very much a quid pro quo thing. It was “sacrifice animals to them to get something from them, or to end a plague or famine, which could mean the gods were angry at the nation about something.”

      The Greco-Roman gods were renegade nordic aliens who raped, fought each other, and were highly feared by the Greeks and Romans, not loved — not loved at all.

      In fact, one group of benevolent modern nordic aliens, the Andromedans, supposedly said to that in part they were trying to help and offer advice any earthlings who would listen to them in order to atone for what that other group of Andromedans had done to harm earthlings.

      The Romans’ own origins story was that the war god Ares/Mars raped a Vestal virgin, Rhea Silvia, and that is how Romulus and Remus were born. After the two twin brothers grew up, Romulus actually killed his own brother, Remus.

      In effect, therefore, the Romans had war-god DNA, nordic-alien genes, in their veins, which made them superior atleast in ferocity to other white earthlings. They became an extremely warlike, pitiless, merciless people with an economy based on attacking and enslaving, or even genociding, innocent neighboring tribes of people.

      This article is on how they wiped out an entire germanic tribe of 100,000 people in what is now Holland. Archeologists finally found their actual bones. How ghastly, especially when you think how nordic, blond and blue-eyed the men and women of that tribe must have been 2,000 years ago, because the Dutch are still pretty tall and nordic even today:

      I read a book by a German nationalist once on what it was like to come under the Roman boot, the incredible taxes, the executions, the humiliations…. One has to ask why the germanic peoples attacked the Romans for 500 years straight until they finally destroyed Rome. Only serious hatred can explain them taking on such a military superpower with an admittedly great civilization. Any teuton would concede the greatness of the Romans. They traded with Rome (among other things, in wigs of blond hair for Roman women and amber for jewelry) and they saw the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the aqueducts, the magnificent roads, the amphitheaters, the walls and fortifications, and the glittering steel armor on their soldiers….

      The recent German series “Barbarians” on Netflix is a somewhat realistic depiction of how Arminius and other ancient Germans came to both admire and yet viscerally hate Rome.

      I am sure that you, especially as an Australian, saw the Russell Crowe film “Gladiator.” Here is the famous scene showing both Maximus’ martial skills and his total disgust at the bloodthirsty Roman crowd:

      And America is truly following in Rome’s footsteps in bad ways as well as good. America is now hated around the world. People actually WANT Russia and China to prevail against the US. The good-guy image is long gone, replaced by “jew-controlled bully.”

      During the 500-year period of the Roman Republic, the Romans still worshiped their old gods, but during the Empire period they actually began worshipping many other gods, including Mithra, various Egyptian deities such as the goddess Isis, Sol Invictus (“the Unconquered Sun”), and finally, of course, Jesus.

      It is certainly noteworthy that a great Roman emperor, Constantine, whose mother Helen was a Christian, abruptly ended all persecution of Christianity and, in effect, endorsed it. Fifty years later, it became the official strat religion and then paganism was actually banned, and the pagan temples were closed.

      What I saw long ago as a young Jehovah’s Witness (1970-75), and what Constantine saw as a Roman genral was that conservative Christianity (not the liberal denominations) can make people more peaceful, respectful, law-abiding and cooperative, and produce nice marriages and well-behaved kids. It is a myth and a lie by the Freemasonic author Edward Gibbons that the early Christians were anti-war and pacifistic. From the time of Jesus on, Christians joined the Roman legions, and fought and killed skillfully and were far less likely to disobey orders, get drunk, and whore around or mutiny.

      Also, it is speculated (and I tend to agree) that Constantine saw the Christians as a usueful counterweight to the jews, who became dangerously wealthy and thus powerful in the Roman Empire, especially after they had been utterly crushed thrice by the Roma legions (in 70 under Titus, 117 under Trajan, and in 134 under Hadrian) and gave up all their foolish and delusional military attempts to overthrow the Roman Empire. Thereafter the jews concentrated only on making money, and exercised a certain amount of power that way. But they were still known as crooks, sadists, and for their odium generis humani, their “hatred for the human race” (for all other humans who were not jews).

      By AD 300, it had become clear for 200 years already that it was constantly the jews who always ran to the Roman authorities with lies against the Christians or stirred up violent mobs to seize and kill the Christians, slandering them with the very crimes that the jews themselves commit: rape, incest, and hatred of other people. Every time there was an earthquake, famine, drought, or plague, the jews fired the mobs up with “your gods are angry that you tolerate the Christians who reject them.”

      So then you have this powerful Roman emperor, Constantine, whose own mother is a Christian, and presumably a nice and clean-living woman. And he both fears the jews’ financial power (which can be used to bribe Roman officials and generals, and hire hitmen, or communicate treasonously with the Germans and the Persians, fierce enemies of the Empire), and resents the hell out of the jews for slandering the religion of his mother. And he sees that Christian legionaries are often good soldiers and cause very little or no trouble.

      This book in French, which deserves to be translated, “Jewish Antichristianism,” goes into how the jews lied viciously against the Christians and reviled their peaceful, loving god-man, Jesus.
      ” alt=”” />

      The Galilean was not hostile to the Romans at all, only to the jewish priests and to judaism itself. He famously made a whip out of pakciing cords, overturned tables, and throwing the jewish money-changers right out of their own temple.

      The one and the only time Jesus got violent was not against the Romans but against the Big Jews. And He performed miracles of healing for Roman soldiers and for other Gentiles, to the shock of jewish militants.

      When asked how to achieve salvation (meaning that when you die, and are just a soul without a body and directly in God’s hands, you go to a good and happy place, a heaven, which btw the Greeks and Romans called Elysium — they too had a heaven for the brave and good), He said 1) obey God’s laws (the Ten Commandments) and if you break them, feel genuine sorrow and repent, asking God as your loving father for forgiveness.

      This was thus a religion of good behavior, being a good citizen, soldier, father, mother, youth, etc.

      It was Saul/Paul who transformed this simple religion of Jesus, which was to be good, and apologize sincerely to God and man if you do something wrong, and then prove your sincerity by trying very hard to change and only associate henceforth with good people, and avoiding the scum of society.

      Saul/Paul, still stuck in Judaism, wrote in all the parts of the New Testament which he composed all sorts of stuff while hardly ever quoting from Jesus Himself!

      Instead, Saul cooked up a new and yet very old and jewy doctrine, which was that God was so furious at wicked humanity that some animal or human had to die — had to be sacrificed — to assuage His wrath.

      So the crucifixion of Jesus — which his own religious gang, the Pharisees (who later wrote the monstrous and psychopathic Talmud), had forced Pontius Pilate to approve — was now a good thing, see, because Jesus sacrificed Himself to atone for humans and to cool off Yahweh’s anger and rage at mankind. (This was the same Yahweh, remember, who had already once drowned the whole world except Noah and his kin in the Flood…..)

      The second most important Founding Father of America (after George Washington himself) was Thomas Jefferson, and this is what he wrote:

      Jefferson also wrote, after reading the New Testament in the original Greek, that Christianity was a strange jumble of both truly beautiful doctrines of love and peace on the one hand and yet savage, cruel insanity on the other. (The insanity came from Saul/Paul joining the new faith, commandeering and hijacking it, and then twisting everything back into a horrid jewish mold. All the burnings at the stake of heretics by the Church and the tortures by the Inquisition arose from the crazy and jewish teachings of Saul. After all, he preached a god who would burn disobedient people forever and ever and ever in hellfire. Even Genghis Khan would not torture someone forever! But the jew god Yahweh would. How many people joined Christianity for the comforting teaching that “God is love” and your soul goes to a beautiful place after death — which, again, was the same idea as the Elysium of the Greeks and Romans — but then left it over Saul’s sadistic hellfire doctrine?!)

      Again in “Gladiator,” you will notice how the Roman general Maximus, right before the big battle against the Germans, gives his battle speech, his “haranga” (to use the Old Germanic word which gave rise to our word “harangue”), his pep talk to his soldiers. He only half-humorously evokes Elysium, the pagan heaven.

      If you reject heaven, comrade, and the immortality of the soul, which is rewarded for bravery, kindness, and loyalty, you are actually rejecting clear, pagan, and Aryan teachings.

      RFK,Jr (a Christian) with Tucker Carlson (also a strong Christian, btw) gets emotional talking about autism (and thus Aspergers, ADD — which my late wife, Margi, sufferd from — Tourette’s, etc.

      The true teachings of Jesus were simple and both yin and yang, both femine and masculine, both gentle and harsh as appropriate in the different situations of life.

      There is the gentle Jesus….and also the stern one. He protects the terrified adulteress (who had been caught right in the act!) but He also says in His final words:

      “Stop being a slut, go — and sin no more!”

      Interestngly this story doe snot appear int he ealriest Christna gospels but apparently the storeys wa sout ther and it got put in later. It encapsulated everything about Jesus you need to know, including: “Let him who himself is sinless cast the first stone.” Every jaw then dropped. Religion must never become a self-righteous ego trip of being “better” than someone else. God sees the sh–t that we all have done in secret and that no one else caught. So get off our high horse and repent sincerely of every rotten and selfish thing you ever did.

      And the proof of your sincerity is “sin no more.” Or try very hard not to.

      Mankind can actually be straightened out by this simple teaching. Obey God’s laws, ask forgiveness if you do wrong, and prove it by real change. And when this incarnation is over, you have nothing to fear on the other side, just a vacation called the interlife, and then you get another chance, another life, to grow and change more, always on the upward path. We can be proud and respect ourselves for sticking to this mission, this noble pursuit,k and the word noble in Sanskrit is “Aryan.” 🙂

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