Girls in pretty dresses; EFT; the reality today

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I remember this era. And girls played with dolls and had miniature stoves for play-cooking along with a little light bulb for a relatively safe bit of “cooking heat”. It was so cute. As a boy, I played “cowboys and Indians” or (my favorite) “the Army against the Germans.” (Guess which side I was on.) There was no question for me as a boy that males and females were very different. And I loved girls, even in elementary school. I did not not find them “icky” or “dumb.”
One of them, Katey, at the Leander Peck Junior High School in Barrington, RI, said to me, looking me right in the eye: “Everyone knows you are a genius. Some day, you’re going to do some great thing!” (That encouragement meant a lot to me, and I never forgot that supportive remark. She was a cute girl, too, and was getting curves even in the 7th grade. I hope she went on to have a nice marriage and family.)
It means a lot when a girl or woman whom you respect and secretly or openly like gives you encouragement and thanks. 🙂
Fully grasping that boys and girls are different, Adolf Hitler, in all urban schools where it was feasible, segregated the schools by gender, creating all-boy and all-girl classes or even separate schools. Minus all the distractions and the note-passing and the “who likes X” and “who has a crush on X”, both sexes learned far more..
Hitler also ordered two hours a day of phys-ed for boys, and one hour for girls. Goals: 1) release all that youthful energy on the playing field, 2) learn teamwork through group sports, and then, returning to the classroom all happy and physically tired out, 3) sit there and process useful math, history, geography, language arts, and science in the classroom.
Famous incident: toward the end of the Third Reich in Europe, the battle-hardened US Army under Patton was sent to conquer Nuremberg, location of the famous NS party rallies — and General Eisenhower spitefully ordered them to take the city on April 20, which was Hitler’s 56th birthday.
But guess what? The Hitler YOUTH division of the Waffen-SS — consisting of 15 and 16-year-olds!!! — held up the grizzled infantry veterans, the grown men, of the US Army for three long days!
Imagine that — an age and a country where teenage boys and girls were NOT sullen, pouting, entitled, overweight, full of attitude, wondering if they were gay, autistic or asperger, or somewhere else “on the spectrum,” and growing up lost in single-parent homes with their drug- or booze-abusing mothers with a string of user-type boyfriends. And it was America’s “Greatest Generation” that destroyed that one happy country. While I respect their bravery (my dad was one of them), America has a lot to repent for. Bottom line: We saved the jews — and we saved communism.



……..They hate what they cannot have

….. Women-bashing: a dangerous mindset for females if anarchy breaks out

I can foresee deranged, female-hating men going wild on captured women. Just read some of the old Andrew Anglin stuff (not the newer material, which is Christian) about “white sharia,” and how women get all lubricated in their vagina when being raped. Horrifying.

Of the five (obviously white) women I had longer relationships with, four had been raped and none were sluts who had slept around and took chances — which has never been my type, anyway.

Women will need Virtus even more than men do — strong, chivalrous, and loving men who consult their wife but definitely head the family, and protect it even with extreme violence from violence and theft.







  1. Immer mehr Frauen wählen rechts:

    Laut offiziellen Analysen wählten fast genau so viele Weiber bei den Wahlen in Österreich FPÖ wie Männer. Viele Frauen sind wegen der Corona-Diktatur und den Asylanten (sexuelle Belästigungen durch diese Gruppe) zur FPÖ über gelaufen.

    • Das ist ein sehr gutes Zeichen!

      Der große, US-verursachte Wirtschaftskrach von 1929 erwirkte den großen Schwenk der Frauen Richtung NSDAP. Wenn das Essen und das Haushaltsgeld knapp werden und der Eheman arbeitlos ist, daheim herumhockt oder in die Kneipe geht und volldeprimiert zuviel trinkt, dann werden endlich die Frauen auch radikal.

      Und so auch mit der sexuellen Belästigung.

      Wer wird rechtsextrem? Das Opfer eines Überfalls.
      Nur hat es der Jude verstanden, der seine Methoden seit seinem Scheitern mit Weimar immer mehr raffiniert, die Leugnung der Wirklichkeit auch bei den krassesten Dingen zu steigern — z.B. Weltkrieg ausgerechnet mit Russland!

      Deswegen die Chemtrails und die Zombiesierung durch Handys.

      • I read the Daily Stormer ocasionally but i do not like Andrew Anglin he’s an asshole incel that hates all women.

        I don’t hate all women but i do dislike and hate a large percentage of white women and i think single mums can be some of the most vile demented sick people out there.

        And lesbians raising children can be even worse then gay men.

        One of the things i hate the most and can’t stand is an aggressive fucking dyke.

        It’s hard to work out which is worse white lesbians or white whores that date and fuck black men.

        I would say the mud sharks even though i hate both of them.

        I don’t have much else to say, because i don’t think the majority of white women are decent people.

        I think it’s a small minority that are decent.

        I don’t like the majority of white males either.

        But their are a lot more white females that are liberals and degenerates then white males.

    • Grazie per il articolo.

      Da un lato, Trump o prova (o finge) un odio irrazionale per l’Iran… ma dall’altro lato — e l’articolo non lo menziona affatto — non si fida più né si avvale più di Jared Kushner. Quella parte dell’articolo è obsoleta.

  2. Per raccattare voti ebraici… la demokrazia amerikana rende irresponsabili e folli:
    È la parte giusta dell’articolo 😉
    Pochissimi lo pensano..
    Ma è una dura verità.
    Come si fa a votare questo Trump?!
    Non c’è fiducia.

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