Jewkraine and Jewsrael both insist on escalating their wars on their neighbors; our choice

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A Russian Sukhoi-35 fighter jet


The Mongols, Poles, Swedes, Napoleon, Hitler and now Julensky in Jukraine all found out that provoking a large bear is a really bad idea. The Russians often lose the first half of the game — but they have a great second half. “If you attack Russia, in the end our troops will parade through your capital.” Here a Sukhoi-35 cuts across the front of a U.S. Air Force F-16 conducting a routine intercept of Russian aircraft off the coast of >Alaska.


…..Jewish intransigeance leads us closer and closer to WWIII

Zelensky rejects all Russian peace offers, vows to fire missiles deep into Russia; Satanyahu tells Biden that Israel will do to Iran whatever it wants —  no de-escalation



…..Recent donations

I now accept Bitcoin via CashApp; $29,901 (plus 15 excellent books and two great pistol holsters) since 1 Dec 2022

I salute a Walloon/Belgian comrade. His country excels in “french” fries, waffles, fine chocolates, and beers (sometimes with fruit syrups added — surprisingly delicious 🙂

— 15 October 2024 $1,000 via PP from L in Belgium

— 15 October 2024 $500 via PP from L in Belgium

— 15 October 2024 133 euros via PP from C in Germany

— 11 October 2024 $106 via PayPal from M in France

— 3 October 2024 $65 (500 Danish kronor) from B in Denmark

The norse god Thor with his war hammer rides his goat-drawn chariot through the sky (“sky” being one of  many Viking words in English, btw) as a germanic farmer, his son and daughter work in a field

— 29 September 2024 $333 via PayPal from C in Germany

— 26 September 2024 $25 Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 24 September 2024 $106 via PayPal from M in France

— 22 September 2024 $55 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

— 16 September 2024 $105 via PayPal from M in France

— 7 September 2024 $55 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

— 7 September 2024 $100 from J in Indiana via Western Union

— 5 September 2024 $865 via PayPal from M in France

— 4 September 2024 $100 from J in Indiana via Western Union


….I wrote to a donor

Dear comrade,

I am so grateful for your donations.  It is penury that forces me to keep blogging when the time for just doing that one activity is over.

I now feel no concern for myself, but for the world. My only concern would be if I deserted the struggle! Then I would have God as a foe and not just the jewish wolves and the libtard sheep.

We face either a ghastly police state or a nuclear war.

And who wants to be either a sexless, infertile, drugged-up work slave —  or vomiting and dying of post-nuclear radiation poisoning…. or being killed by marauders out to take your stored food? Imagine how the Muslims in France or Germany will behave then!

If the world listens, and thanks to you my message will go forth, then a third possible future opens up, a heroic awakening and a freedom struggle that ends with earth joining the peaceful and civilized planets in our galaxy.

And you (and a former Green Beret; a German survivor of the 1945 Sudetenland mass-murder; and a deaf vegetable farmer in Washington State) have made the gigantic financial sacrifices that will give us that third and happy option.

And if this bad-karma planet rejects us, then we will go to the interlife having proudly fulfilled our loving duty to warn our neighbors, and incarnate thereafter for our own further personal growth on another world, but not again on this miserable rock that is full of demonic and possessed souls.

As Jesus said, cast not your pearls before swine. There is that ten percent that wants the truth and will act on it.

I am proud of the fact that, having read Thomas Carlyle in both this life and in the last one, I am doing as he said, and taking over all that is good in Jesus… and so the gorgeous churches and Christmas music do not need to be ridiculed, rejected and scrapped as Jew poison, just radically reinterpreted.

This Jesus-friendly faith also facilitates a mass movement, especially in America, the superpower. And in my last life as in this one, to move the masses is my goal.

Even the atheistic New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman, a former Evangelical Christian,  says “I am still a Jesus guy.”  A loving God who is our heavenly Father, and forgives those who forgive, is both true and of unending comfort as we face the horrors of death and destruction that are right ahead. The Jews will not surrender their power and abandon their lusts for world conquest peacefully!

Our glory will be our tough love toward them, and our tender love for our own race and nation, and our sympathy for all races whom the Jew is seeking to enslave and kill. Gaza has been the Jew revealing his true nature.

Thank you infinitely also for your bravery, comrade.  In World War One, whether a French poilu or a German landser, how we loved the men who risked their lives to bring us our ammunition and hot food. 🙂

John de Nugent



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