Gradual but implacable totalitarianism in Quebec

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Gradual but implacable totalitarianism in Quebec

We learned today that the Quebec government will ban natural gas in commercial, residential and institutional buildings by 2040. I write “learned”, but for anyone interested in what is happening now, there is obviously no surprise: the script is written in advance and we can already predict what the next measures of this type will be (if I had a wood stove, I would look in its direction).
Indeed, the strategy is always the same, and it is the “totalitarian tiptoe” that David Icke spoke of, which is applied simultaneously in most Western countries, and with particular zeal under the Quebec dome. This method is not very difficult to understand, for those who are observant and consider major policies going beyond daily issues. It is simply an implacable gradualism where a host of seemingly innocuous measures end up combining to achieve a single final objective: the end of our freedoms.
When we look at what has been happening over the past few years, and more particularly since 2020, we see that the same scenario is constantly repeating itself:
1) Minority groups, subsidized by private or government interests, advocate radical and liberticidal measures;
2) Mass media, subsidized by the same sources, give a platform to these radical groups;
3) The ideas are applied in a limited area, to test the resistance of the population;
4) We apply the ideas throughout Quebec when we see the absence of resistance;
5) We do the same thing again, but with another stake.
Examples abound.
Beyond natural gas, the ban on which was tested in the small municipality of Prévost before being applied throughout Quebec, Orientation 10 was also first imposed in the greater Montreal region, prohibiting municipalities from developing new neighbourhoods outside urban cores.
Faced with the lack of protest, this policy was extended to all of Quebec in May 2024. Let’s be clear here: people are on the streets because they can’t find housing, more than 80% of Quebec’s territory is uninhabited, but we are now preventing new developments outside of urban areas.
The housing crisis thus artificially created, between massive immigration and the ban on new developments, we can direct the population towards towers, in fifteen-minute prison cities that were first tested in certain sectors (for example the 10/30 in Brossard). The same principle: we started talking about densification, we applied densification locally, and now we are applying it everywhere in Quebec.
We saw the same kind of policy at work with the QR code story in the Magdalen Islands. The so-called pandemic was used to impose a “vaccine” passport, with a modulation of freedoms based on adherence to government dictates, and an attempt is being made to make this modulation permanent by first implementing it locally. Opposition to this measure forced a temporary setback, but we can expect an eventual return of the project, after consolidation.
Should I continue? Should I talk about the ban on gasoline cars by 2035 (which will deprive 90% of the population of cars, since there are not enough rare metals for more than 10% of the current vehicle fleet to run on electricity)? Or can we note that several cities have already banned wood stoves (including Quebec City, last winter), that organizations like SÉPAQ are talking about banning fires, and therefore that the population is already being prepared for this new decline?
Everything that is happening now, for those who have eyes to see, is not by chance. These policies, which have never been submitted to the population, and for which no politician has ever been elected, all aim at one and the same thing: to reduce the autonomy of people and make them more captive, prisoners of a system on which they depend entirely and from which they cannot escape.
Let’s look at things coldly.
People are prevented from being owners : they will therefore be dependent and at the mercy of external forces, always ready to expel them.
Alternative energies such as natural gas and wood are banned: people will therefore be dependent on and at the total mercy of Hydro-Québec and, consequently, of the government.
People are being directed to prison cities where they will live without cars: they will therefore be dependent on any form of public transport system and will only be able to leave with difficulty.
A QR code is being introduced to enter or leave certain regions: people will therefore be dependent on the government’s decision to be able to move around.
People will be deprived of cars: they will no longer be able to move around.
And what will happen when the current fight against animal feed is over and our protein comes mainly from insects produced centrally in giga-plants? Yes, even more dependence, even for food.
Everything, absolutely everything that is happening at present, has this same and unique objective: to reduce people’s freedom and place them in a situation of dependency.
What history teaches us is this: you don’t put people in a situation of dependency because you want their good. Governments that have tried to limit the freedom of their citizens, no matter what the reason, have always done so in order to be able to better control it, to be able to better direct the “mass” of people, without consideration for the individuals themselves.
This was the case in the USSR, with cities made up of gigantic towers from which one could only leave by train where one had to present an internal passport; it is the same scenario in China today, where social credit allows the modulation of people’s freedom and the reduction of the freedoms of any protester.
This is the system that is being put in place here, before our eyes.
The world is changing , and it is doing so on tiptoe, but in an implacable manner. All these rules that have been passed, all these laws, all these liberticidal measures, are not by chance, but the simple cogs of a well-oiled machine, moving forward inexorably, and having as its aim to transform democratic Western societies into something that resembles a global techno-totalitarianism where power is imposed from above on a mass of individuals living in such dependence that they have lost all means of resisting and expressing their voice.
As long as we do not dare to see the same strings behind the political puppets who speak in our name, we will continue to tiptoe towards totalitarianism and the end of all our freedoms.

Marc Lajoie
A sublime and eloquent text……

Émilie Archambault
Thank you for this excellent analysis. I dare to see but I refuse to remain silent! My humanity hurts, as Kenny Arkana would say. Let’s put on our big boots, let’s get our powerful voices out and prevent this massacre of ourselves, but also of future generations!
Beener Labrosse
very well said, it is time to come together behind an organization of the people for the people, together stronger at home, it is the national union.
Cynthia Bouchard
Great text. We must do like the people in the Magdalen Islands and get involved in municipal politics.
My Lady Chantal
Restrictions, the only thing our governments excel at
Jean-Philippe Le Goy Labbé
Excellent text thank you!!
Janine Thomas
Superb text! Thank you.
Lydli Di
You have a surprising pen! Keep up the good work! This is important ❤️.
John De Nugent

Thanks for a perfect analysis, except that in Canada it is forbidden under Justin Castreau to say WHO is behind all this. I simply say: Westmount [the Jewish quarter of Montreal], or as Jacques Parizeau said, the Big Money, those who nowadays kill 50,000 Gazan civilians.
In the United States we still have at least the First Amendment to the Constitution which guarantees freedom of expression, and in the Second the use of arms.
Photo: A certain “journalist” Posternak in France asks “Who?” to retired General Delawarde, who had dared to denounce the controlled media without saying thanks to the so-called “anti-hate” laws “who” specifically holds them in their hands.) The victory of Trump, a vain and politicking mortal, is only the very beginning of the renaissance of freedom in the West!


  1. Canada is one of the most oppressive, totalitarian, communist hellholes on earth. Justin Trudeau is a fruitcake and a puppet of the jews.

    I think that the government in western countries will definitely use the military to crush their own people. Australia is a totalitarian, zionist-run country run by traitorous politicians.

    I think that the only opposition to the jews is the large amounts of brown and black people in our countries. But on the negative side of things, the brown and black people hate white Europeans just as much as jews.

    I think that, in Europe, the Islamic population is so large and out of control that the European military won’t be able to protect the jews. That’s why they’re imposing communist totalitarian rule but it’s not going to work out.

    Islam is not compatible with lgbt, so pushing it onto a large Islamic population is not going to work.

    I think that things will need to get much worse.

    If a lot of western Europeans flee western Europe to Russia and eastern Europe, then that will be the only solution…. because there’s no way or use for us to organise and fight back.

    As for the communist climate-change cult it’s mentally retarded people and politicians behind it.

    Another big problem has that whites have become such pathetic cowards with no backbone.

    Most white men are pathetic and have become effeminate with no masculinity or backbone.

    When you’re surrounded by pathetic, effeminate men and stupid, entitled feminist women, then it makes it difficult.

    Like i’ve said before, without firearms then you’rw just sheep just waiting to be slaughtered. Canadians will have to flee to the U.S if things get too bad.

  2. It would be horrendous if bolshevism happened again. I have never heard anything as bestial, diabolical and gruesome as jewish bolshevism.

    It’s even worse then the worst stuff i’ve heard the Mexican cartels do, and they are really savage and gruesome. A cartel member hacked the arms and legs off a six-year-old girl in front of her parents, doused her in petrol and set her alight, and then did the same to her parents.

    That’s not human and just primitive savagery.

    But I have read stuff the jewish Cheka did to children and their family that iss much more gruesome.

    And jews always get away with mass, huge-scale genocide such as bolshevism because of their control over politics and the western media and most christians believe jewish lies.

    The fact that Putin is a christian who think jews are God’s Chosen People and has a giant painting of that monster rabbi Schneerson just shows how demented and evil that Abrahamic desert religion is.

    He’s most likel part Georgian, Vladmir Putin, it’s very likely that his mother was Georgian and adopted him out.
    No decent intelligent Russian would serve the jews after gruesome bolshavism under Lenin and the Cheka which later became the KGB under Stalin.

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