I probably would be a US senator or even the President of the US today myself — instead of this undignified, tweet-o-manic and erratic Trump — if I had just toe’d the line about the jews and racial differences, and been politically correct — as my dad long urged me!
“You mustn’t talk about this racial stuff, John” — Dad
“But what will America be like, Dad, and how will we compete with CHINA,
when we’re Third World — 40% black and 40% Mexican?”
My father with Ronald Reagan
With President Ford in the Oval Office
With Henry Kissinger and the Republican mayor of Providence
Dad’s mansion overlooking Narragansett Bay and the Rhode Island Country Club
He and I in front of his house in a gated community in Seagrove, on Route AIA, in Vero Beach, Florida, on the Atlantic
Vero Beach
There’s a bug https://prnt.sc/xovXG82RkqIE
Really? That is is all you can see, white brother?
I see a normal article….Hmmmmmmm….
Yea it is, brother. I tried the Windscribe vpn set to both Montreal and Los Angeles and the same result. As for giving up a lavish lifestyle and being quiet about jewry, i wouldn’t be able to ever. How can we stand idly by while the jews are slowly killing us ? ‘I Am Forever’.
Hmmm, so maybe my website is being blocked by your Internet provider in Denmark…..but a VPN should avoid this problem.
I can’t relate to anyone who came from a good family, i think they’re lucky. I think it’s great that you had some good, decent family members that raised you and by the sounds of it you were close to them. My family were dysfunctional and horrible people.
My mother and her mother, my grandmother, were mentally ill and mentally unstable. My grandmother had schizophrenia and my mother was and still is a mentally unstable nut.
Plus she’s a control freak and a narcissist and has temper tantrums where she goes off her head over the slightest little thing.
I probably only lived with her for two months when i was 14. She was in a relationship with a butch American dyke at that particular time. They had been together for 15 years though she has a male partner now.
That’s not the reason I don’t talk to her; the reason is what I just said — she’s a mental case, a mentally unstable, unhinged nut. And I don’t have much to say about my father. He wasn’t mentally ill but he came from a very dysfunction family of stupid yobs. I never bonded with him and constantly fought and got into arguments with my stepmother. And I didn’t get along with her and my father’s two younger sons.
I haven’t seen my father since I was 14 years old, and I’m 39 years old now. I tried to get in contact with my father when I was 18 years old, but he wasn’t interested and was more concerned about what his wife would think. He obviously put her and his other two sons first and didn’t want to be in contact. But you move on in life and make your own friends and family. I know there’s nothing wrong with me, that I don’t have any friend or girlfriend after being in Brisbane [Australia] for 10 years.
I have a chronic pain condition, neuralgia — nerve pain — which I’m on amitriptiline for, which is a pain blocker, not a pain killer.
Brisbane is also a marxist, multicultural shithole like every other city in the western world.
Meeting genuine people that are not fake and shallow is like searching for a needle in a haystack. A lot of white men who work full time still don’t have friends or a girlfriend. And the individualistic, commie, hippie way of life, with no roots or heritage, culture, people or values is too heavily embedded into our society now.
The only way things will change is if white people face an enormous amount of suffering and endure massive hardship. That means losing everything and not having a comfortable lifestyle anymore. But I think that we’re too deracinated and there are not enough decent white people left.
Plus our traitorous politicians all serve the jews and have sold out their own people.
Sick, ignorant, demented, evil people will always do business with the jews, and they only care about money, greed, and luxury. Plus Evangelical Christians think that jews are living gods that cannot be criticised. They’re responsible for this more then any other group.
I just don’t think Zionism can be defeated, John, and I don’t think the jews will be held responsible for the mRNA bioweapon. They got away with 9/11 and I think they’ll get away with having over 5 billion people injected with their bioweapon. The politicians are deranged sociopaths and psychopaths. And if the jew killed over 100 million people they would still serve them for their money and luxurious life style.
Boy, you have been through a lot. But when you ask around, so have many, many others. Only a new, spiritual way of seeing ourselves, and a new love and respect for who we are, can turn things around now.
Brisbane actually looks on the outside like a nice city, despite all the multiculti and the heat and humidity.
Yeah, Brisbane is a great city compared to anywhere in the U.S. And most of our immigration has been from East Asia and India.
And we have an ocean that separates us, so we haven’t been been completely invaded because of that reason. But our government has still brought in 1.5 million people in two years, which is equivalant to just over 5 percent of the Australian population! It’s absolute madness, and George Soros is paying for planeloads of immigrants to flood our country.
I wonder how much longer the adrenachrome will keep the old Nosferatu alive.
I think all white countries are going to be third-world hellholes like Brazil. Combine the massive number of autistic and mentally retarded whites and lgbt freaks, from vaccines and zio anti-depressants and anti-psychotics, and you have plastic and chemicals in our food and water, with low testosterone in white men.
And throw and mix in millions of low-IQ, violent, third-world brown and black people and you have a Kalergi melting pot. Whites are being mixed out and eventually we will be all slaughtered by the third-world savages our traitorous politicians let in.
Non-Whites want all the luxuries that we have but without white people. They’re too stupid and full of hatred to realise that if they kill us off, then who will feed them?
Brisbane is where a Chinese man poured boiling hot coffee over a baby boy. He was then allowed to escape the country because the QLD Police refused to identify him as Asian.
I remember! And Queensland used to be the whitest and most rightwing state! Home of Pauline Hanson.