My advice to Trump in October 2018 still true now: “Trump, declare martial law before these psychopaths destroy 1) you and 2) this country”

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I have never in my 64 years of life read a more disrespectful, more interrupting interview than the CBS one below with Jewess Leslie Stahl of any President of the United States of America.

I blew my cork most when Stahl slipped in a dig about Trump having no military service. Actually, he attended an extremely strict military academy, New York Military Academy, which has iron discipline and military training.


I had a friend, Gordon McAlpin, who went to NYMA. Retired military officers run all such schools….

And Stahl never once bugged Demoncrat president “Slick Willy” Clinton, who smoked pot and went to Prague and Moscow during Vietnam, or skinny bisexual Barry Soetoro about them not serving.

Obama lifting girly weights — looks like ten-pounders

A New England comrade wrote me:

Good afternoon. Here’s a Leslie Stahl story. Let’s just say a relative knew her back in the early ’60s, and she was a spoiled JAP [juish-american princess] back then too. And a priss.

This is yours truly at 63…

…doing the whole stack twenty times…

Here is the interview by the catty Jewess Leslie Stahl… (


 I substitute-taught at Swampscott Junior High school, btw, and got this note. (One of the kids was Jewish.)…/Swampscott-JHR-mass-jdn…

Steve Clark My brother lives in Swampscott and I lived there until 1958. It is almost entirely inhabited by noses and scum now (90%), my brother included. Same goes for adjacent Marblehead. Lynn once boasted 50 plus shoe factories and was the shoe capitol of the world until every single one got struck by “dgewish lighting” from the mid 60’s until about 1975. The common is even shaped like a shoe and I was born in the “City of Sin.” Several brave firemen lost their lives in the last big insurance fraud blaze. Also Lynn had 50,000 GE workers in WW2 and Vietnam. Now it is like Detroit. The real estate is priceless, but it’s an island filled with 80,000 migrants and 4th generation welfare. A supposedly “up and coming” real estate broker’s dream, but the inhabitants cannot be moved in any direction. It reminds me of the Bronx in the early 80’s. Only a neutron bomb or pesticide could make it inhabitable. There are about 10,000 working people there living in fortresses.
John de Nugent Steve Clark Wow, I had no idea how bad it has gotten….

…..My advice to Trump

Do a false-flag, like September 11, and this time you make sure this next time that Israel attacks the US that everyone knows it!

You knew on that very day, 9/11/01, and said so, that the towers were invulnerable to a plane crash.

And Robert Mueller, who is hounding you now, was a key villain in the 9/11 coverup!



….The truth about any criticism of you when you are a national leader fighting the jews


Only 1/3 of criticism is even slightly legitimate — that is, sincerely motivated, and maybe valid in part

1/3rd, however, is pure jealousy, hostility and political rivalry. Some hack politician just wants your job.  If you say the sun rises in the east, your critic will, no, it rises in the west.


The final 1/3rd, however, consists of trained, professional liars, divide-and-conquer experts, experienced slanderers, and Deep State trolls. They are paid big bucks to sit there and churn out lying garbage to defame you, and divide, divert, confuse, and distract the masses.



….So it is time to do what you know you gotta do, Donald. You cannot save this country without a literal war with guns and bullets, bombs and jets, a merciless war of eradication against the traitorous, genocidal Deep State. These people are mass murderersm, child rapists, satanists and cannibals.




Me as an ancestor in an earlier life I had:



    • Excellent question. I will provide here a complete response. While I have received much encouragement over the years from them, they remain skeptical that anyone can fix earth humans, who 80% are people of mediocre or bad karma. They cheer me on as people do special-education teachers, or the volunteers who organize the Special Olympics athletes; they applaud me as people do a minister who visits a maximum-security prison to discuss the Bible with the murderers there.

      And they grasp a huge insight — only an earthling can fix the earthlings; THEY CANNOT.

      You must “go native” to achieve anything. You must become one of them. Each missionary from a higher world must prove by how their life is lived that all earth people — yes, you and you and you! — can in fact change, and not spend in futility yet another wasted incarnation.

      The Nordics, my people, see a George Lincoln Rockwell lying dead in a parking lot and shake their heads: “Why would anyone want to incarnate on this planet? These people are hopeless. They kill those who love them and love those [the juze] who kill them.”

      As for the Nordics, I am simply one myself, from a far higher planet, but I did not hop out of a spaceship that landed in the woods east of Providence. 😉

      I chose to incarnate asan earthling with your earth DNA to be one of you, the earth folks, and so I look like my earth mother and earth father as you do yours, yet I am somewhat different. You are all a bit “strange” to me, yet your good sides and your acute suffering trigger my compassion, and I see that good in you struggling to emerge.

      My DNA as John de Nugent is flawed as is that of all earthlings. I wear contact lenses for nearsightedness and I needed orthodontic work to straighten out some crooked lower teeth. On my planet no one has these problems. 😉 And I stand 5’10” (179cm), whereas the average male there is 6’5″ (196cm).

      Earth women: too many have tiny breasts, and others HUGE breasts. Two extremes…. I know two rather attractive women in this town but they have almost no waist — broad shoulders that taper down to narrow hips like a guy!

      Not on my world. Our women have perfect figures, and all shades of hair from light brown to different kinds of red, auburn, or blond (ash blond or golden).

      Had Mary Phagan not been strangled by the ju Leo Frank, she might have looked like this. Her hair was a magical warm color, an auburn-blond, that one sees on my planet and I saw it on a Finnish-American girl at the local Walmart store in Houghton.

      Because we are rational, we do not poison our water. We do not put lethal chemicals into our soil. We do not burn toxic chemicals in our air. How amazing, eh, Terrans, that by avoiding ingesting lethal poisons we are not sick by 40, and not dead after years of suffering and pills by 70 or 75. Imagine that! 😉

      We live for 130 years or more, and leave a body behind when bored with that life, having mastered its challenges. We do a ceremony in a garden so our soul leaves the body and we return to the other frequency. There is zero fear of death. The only thing we would dread is a life without learning, challenges and progress.

      Both my earth parents felt a kind of awe and bewilderment….. I have written of the A1-steak sauce incident. I was sitting in my high chair and began reading off the ingredients on the steak-sauce bottle. I will never forget how they both stopped chewing and stared at each other. 🙂

      But if I came down a ramp off a spaceship like this stern and pi–ed-off Klaatu,

      ….earthlings would listen only out of fear. Their hearts, their motives, their chattering, unsteered, and even evil minds would remain as before.

      I did choose to come here. My brothers also respect that. They know I must live as an earthling, as one of the natives, with an earth brain, living like a full aborigine of this planet, and this is the only way to move any hearts…. and not as the frustrated, silver-suited Klaatu. 🙂 And there is nothing the Nordics can do either for incorrigible people who do not want to change, besides vaporize them.

      I wrote to a serious WN whom I have known for over a decade, a man with a fine military background and good nordic genes:


      Well, you will have realized, as I did back in 1984 under Dr. William Pierce, that normal pro-white activities, however well done, do not fix the white people who live on this specific and wayward planet. This planet is a reform school. The juze succeed because the souls who incarnate here have either mediocre or outright bad karma. And it will break your heart if you do not see them as they are, wayward souls, unlike on thousands of other worlds.
      The juze corrupt us because we are corruptible.
      And so only a genuine Aryan religion can tackle the job of transforming and reprogramming us.
      I follow a FB page called “Died Suddenly Worldwide,” and it is one anecdote after another of people dying from the ju-jab.
      And one constant refrain is that if you dare bring up the clot shot as causing the crippling, suffering and death of their loved one, they STILL, they STILL are in denial!!!!!! And they explode if you remind them that you warned them and begged them to not take the clot shot!
      As the French say, “people would rather die than change.”
      So there is something out there in earthlings which overrides even the most powerful instinct that we or any living thing has, even the survival instinct.

      And that is the egoic mind.
      The mind that no longer is a servant or tool, but the tyrannical master, and that tells you: “You are just your mind, your brain, that bag of blood, and your silly thoughts.”
      “Yu are not a soul,” your toxic mind tells you, and believing this inner liar, you remain a mental chatterbox, thinking incessantly about all manner of things on 24/7 auto-pilot.
      ….The egoic mind that will not let you switch it off.
      And this mind is sadistic and wants you, me, and our race to suffer and die. The mind becomes an evil king and you the vassal.

      Our egoic mind is in league with the juze.

      Eckhart Tolle got me to understand this enemy.
      I just could not fathom why in most ways functional people remained immune to facts, and could shrug off mortal danger! I can be fairly tactful, empathic and persuasive, actually, but I strike out too!

      This planet is full of liars and, worst of all, self-liars.

      If we expose the juze to them for lying, well, it does not get the average person even “bent out of shape” as it should, because they lie, too!
      “The truth will set you free.” Beyond all the myths about Him, Jesus was saying something huge here. 🙂
      We are like missionaries going to Borneo to convert the cannibals — and end up in a pot. 😉
      He replied:

      Damn. That’s a brutal way to put it; it makes sense though.

      But, like Jesus, we love and forgive as God does with us.
      And reincarnation means we knew we were going to the darkest jungles of Borneo. 😉
      It’s like joining the Army or Marines… You know boot camp will be rough.
      But you cannot stop loving the earthlings because there is that golden 20% whose hearts are open, grateful and loyal. We are here for them, and will have an authoritarian system for the rest.
      Remember, we took a real country, Germany, which was a basket case after 12 years of ju-infected Weimar, and within two years it was off life support and booming and blooming! We can do it again. WE WILL. In 90% of the earthlings there is a sliver of pure gold.
      Watch especially the women. Right now, some, misled by jewry, are horrible “bitches,” but in every real woman there is also a heart of gold that gives, loves and cares. This was not CGI! We healed, re-taught, led and uplifted an entire Folk! It took the whole world six years to beat one national socialist country! It will not be so easy to beat a huge National Socialist United State of America!

  1. I recently discovered a way to communicate with a member of the Trump family. Two days ago I told them that he needs to be talked into an indoor inauguration.

    Today an indoor inauguration was announced due to the “weather”.

    • Congratulations! 🙂 🙂 🙂

      And yet I am not sure if even this will suffice. IMO he should be sworn in at an undisclosed location, and give a televised inaugural speech from the Oval Office once his security is airtight.

      The portrait photo he did for his inauguration is certainly ferocious.

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