Guess what? The rumor was true — Trump did NOT place his hand on the Bible when he was sworn in as President.
Whether a Christian, a Deist (like Washington, Adams and Jefferson), or an agnostic, for most Americans this symbolic act meant you recognized a Higher Power above you. When We the People entrust the presidency of the United States to a man, we do not want his power to go to his head and his ego. We are one nation UNDER GOD, Donald.
…..Little boy awakens after 16 days in a coma due to a brain bleed
Brain bleeds are a classic side effect of the ju jab that Trump promoted, ignoring dozens of prestigious truthtellers in the medical and scientific communities.
I gotta say that while I am indeed SO happy that Trump has ended the Biden-Harris nightmare that he remains an ignorant bonehead. This scene below is heart-rending; when little kids cry like that, it really gets to me because of awful things done to me in my own childhood. But this boy’s BRAIN BLEED (like the turbo-cancers, the mycocarditis cases, the strange clots, and the heart attacks in young people) likely comes from the ju jab, the lethal mRNA “gene therapy!”
And who pushed this on the world? The ignoramus TRUMP! I have been blogging since 2008, and I gave massive coverage almost daily during all of the year 2020 to those many courageous doctors and scientists who were exposing the whole criminal Covid psy-op: the supposed Corona virus, the pointless masks, the useless social distancing, the economically devastating lockdowns, and then the lethal clot shot itself that was wrongly CALLED a “vaccine” when it was an experimental gene modification technology — the real purpose of which was white depopulation, the genocide of 90% of the white race!
Now millions have suffered and died, and many millions more will undergo this horrid fate.
And this is mostly due to Donald Trump ignoring the desperate warnings of brilliant, honest, and caring health professionals. The man has admitted he does not read books! Douglas MacGregor says his opinions are formed by the last person in the room who talks to him! I really do not think the man even knows how to use the Internet — 30 years after it was invented — and do any research at all on his own.
I will be addressing this man shortly. and his grave shortcomings. He knows exactly who I am.
What he surely does not know is the Van Rensburg prophesy that he will cause WWIII.
……Elon twice sieg-heils
Elon Musk appears to make back-to-back fascist salutes at inauguration rally
Tech billionaire wades into controversy after shooting right arm on upwards diagonal during Trump celebrations
Elon Musk waded into controversy on Monday when he gave back-to-back fascist-style salutes during celebrations of the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump.
“I just want to say thank you for making it happen,” the owner of SpaceX, X and Tesla, the richest person on earth and a major Trump donor and adviser, told Trump supporters at the Capital One Arena in Washington.
Musk then slapped his right hand into his chest, fingers splayed, before shooting out his right arm on an upwards diagonal, fingers together and palm facing down.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which campaigns against antisemitism, defines the Nazi salute as “raising an outstretched right arm with the palm down”.
As the crowd roared, Musk turned and saluted again, his arm and hand slightly lower.
“My heart goes out to you,” Musk said, striking himself on the chest again. “It is thanks to you that the future of civilization is assured. Thanks to you. We’re gonna have safe cities, finally safe cities. Secure borders, sensible spending. Basic stuff. And we’re gonna take ‘Doge’ to Mars.”
Musk asked his audience to imagine American astronauts planting the flag on another planet, miming such actions and shouting: “Bam! Bam!”
He was speaking in advance of Trump’s appearance at the arena, for inaugural parade events moved indoors due to cold weather and for the signing of executive orders on stage.
Social media users expressed shock at Musk’s gesture. Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a history professor at New York University, said: “Historian of fascism here. It was a Nazi salute and a very belligerent one too.”
Musk did not immediately comment, though he did repost footage of his remarks that included the second salute and endorsed memes seeking to turn footage of his salutes into jokes.
One X user wrote: “Can we please retire the calling people a Nazi thing?”
Musk wrote: “Yeah exactly” and added a “yawning” emoji.
Nonetheless, Haaretz, an Israeli newspaper, described Musk delivering “a Roman salute, a fascist salute most commonly associated with Nazi Germany”.
The ADL, meanwhile, says that in Germany between 1933 and 1945, the Nazi salute “was often accompanied by chanting or shouting ‘Heil Hitler’ or ‘Sieg Heil.’ Since world war two, neo-Nazis and other white supremacists have continued to use the salute, making it the most common white supremacist hand sign in the world.”
In a statement posted to social media later on Monday, the ADL said: “This is a delicate moment. It’s a new day and yet so many are on edge. Our politics are inflamed, and social media only adds to the anxiety.
“It seems that Elon Musk made an awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm, not a Nazi salute, but again, we appreciate that people are on edge. In this moment, all sides should give one another a bit of grace, perhaps even the benefit of the doubt, and take a breath. This is a new beginning. Let’s hope for healing and work toward unity in the months and years ahead.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a high-profile progressive Democratic congresswoman from New York, blasted the ADL: “Just to be clear, you are defending a Heil Hitler salute that was performed and repeated for emphasis and clarity. People can officially stop listening to you as any sort of reputable source of information now. You work for them. Thank you for making that crystal clear to all.”
Musk responded to that message, saying Ocasio-Cortez “has reached Stage 5 [Trump Derangement Syndrome] – fully unhinged”.
Trump has widely been accused of being a white supremacist and indeed compared to Hitler – not least by JD Vance, now Trump’s vice-president, before the former Marine and author entered Republican politics and changed his tune.
Musk’s engagement with and support for the global far right continues to prove controversial. Earlier this month he hosted Alice Weidel, leader of Alternative für Deutschland, a far-right German party, for a conversation on X.
Weidel contended that Hitler “wasn’t a conservative, he wasn’t a libertarian, he was a communist, socialist guy, and we are the opposite”.
Musk agreed.
On Monday, some prominent far-right social media users celebrated Musk’s gestures onstage in Washington, however he had meant them.
As first reported by Rolling Stone, Christopher Pohlhaus, the leader of Blood Tribe, a neo-Nazi group, wrote on Telegram: “I don’t care if this was a mistake. I’m going to enjoy the tears over it.” Andrew Torba, the founder of Gab, a far-right social media platform, also wrote: “Incredible things are happening already.”
Read more of the Gu
That mother should be ashamed having had her son jabbed. He looks like he is small/frail for his age. I hope he is getting better.
Me, too. I hate it when little kids suffer.
Stichwort ‘suffer/leiden’ bei ‘little kids/kleinen Kindern’: in Aschaffenburg wurde in einem Park ein Junge erstochen, gerade einmal 2 Jahre alt. Einen Mann von 41 Jahren hat es überdies erwischt – womöglich wollte er den Kleinen beistehen, als eine von der Bundesregierung aus Afghanistan importierte Fachkraft mit einem Messer auf eine Kindergartengruppe losging. (Ab Minute 0.46)
MAISCHBERGER grillt völlig hilflosen HABECK! ⚡️| maischberger – Tote in Aschaffenburg!
Und ja, wer es glauben möchte: der Führer soll laut eines Tagebuchs ein Verhältnis mit Unity Valkyrie Mitford gehabt haben. (Ab Minute 0.36)
Im übrigen insgesamt ein sehr sehenswerter ‘Nachrichtenüberblick’, den Timm Kellner zusammengestellt hat.
– Nachtrag zu meinem vorherigen Beitrag –
Der Mann, der nur 41 Jahre alt werden durfte, weil er sein Leben opferte, um Frauen und Kinder zu schützen – was für ein deutscher Held! Er darf jetzt nicht namenlos gemacht bleiben durch die hiesige Obrigkeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, sein Name muß in aller Form einer Staatstrauer und eines Staatsbegräbnisses geehrt werden.
ASCHAFFENBURG! BR-Journalistin mit der asozialsten ENTGLEISUNG der TV-GESCHICHTE! ⚡️
(Die Länge des Berichts beträgt 11.35 Minuten)
Aschaffenburg: Polit-Verbrecher messern mit!
(Die Länge des Berichts beträgt 25.08 Minuten)
Danke. Die Seele kann nicht sterben. Der Held ist wohlauf!
Björn Höcke legt am Tatort des Gemetzels in Aschaffenburg einen Kranz nieder, belagert von einer Schafsherde, die letztlich fordert: weiter mit dem Muselmessern – mäh mäh mäh …
Und gen Ende des Berichts bringt eine erfahrene Frau den Fahrplan des Genozids der hiesigen Obrigkeit kurz und bündig auf den Punkt.
Aschaffenburg: Antifa belagert Gedenkfeier!
(Die Länge des Berichts beträgt 4 1/2 Minuten)
Mir fehlen die Worte.
Wie recht Eckhart Tolle hat, dass die Mehrheit wahnsinnig ist, dass der Egogeist sie vollkommen blendet und diese geisteskranken Linken, aber auch uns, in die Katastrophe führt. Diese Leute sind gegen alle Tatsachen immun.
“Instrumentalisierung,” labern sie…. Demgemäß dürfte kein Politiker etwas sagen, wenn sein Volk schrecklich mishandelt wird.
Und die Juden “instrumentalisieren” ihren fiktiven Holocaust etwa nicht?
Und die Linken instrumentalisieren nicht die Hinrichtung der weltfremden Alliertenfan Sophie Scholl?
Deswegen gab es die Gestapo und die KL– weil es sture (und auch böse) Menschen gibt, wo es unmöglich ist, sie tur Einsicht zu verhelfen unmöglich ist.
Der Held von Aschaffenburg: Claudio Panciera + mit 41 Jahren
Danke, nur hat die Familie Panciera die Meldung dementiert. Ihr Angehöriger Claudio verstarb — nur durch Zufall — an just diesem Tage. Der im Kampfe gefallene Held scheint ein bislang noch unbekannter Deutscher gewesen zu sein.
Gut, daß Sie auch das Italienische gut verstehen, sehr geehrter Herr de Nugent – sicherlich haben Sie sich aus erster Hand, also italienischen Medien, informieren können.
Das kommt davon, daß die Führung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland die Namen unserer Helden verschweigt. Handelte es sich um Ausländer, wären er und sie im ‘Spiegel’ auf der Titelseite erschienen – man denke nur an den sogenannten NSU, wo das Merkelregime uns Deutschen, über die armen Würstchen Herren Bönhardt und Mundlos, etwa ein Dutzend Mafiamorde in die Schuhe schob.
Was für ein grober Lügner, der das Trauer-Video als Dauerschleife erstellt hat! Gut, daß Sie diese grobe Lüge entlarvt haben!
Im übrigen ist ein weiterer Deutscher schwer verletzt worden, hing halb in einem Gebüsch und halb in einem Gewässer – laut Aussagen einer Sanitäterin. Er wollte wohl eingreifen, trat dann aber die Flucht an, nachdem sein Landsmann durch gezieltem Messerhieb das Leben ausgelöscht wurde – die Sanitäterin sagte aus, der Körper sackte leblos zusammen, der Mann wäre sofort tot gewesen.
Ein Afghane weiß ganz offensichtlich mit der Blanken Waffe umzugehen.
Davvero non capisco la frase “Noi siamo l’opposto”.. cioè? una finta Destra..con radici sioniste?
Molti complottisti non approvano Trump dato che suo figlio Eric ha lanciato pubblicamente un gesto massonico e sua moglie lo ha fermato.
Purtroppo I CEO di FB e Amazon erano lì con Trump.
Non so che dire..
Il nemico ha solide radici…e non so se Trump può fare tutto da solo.
Poi un saluto nazista potrebbe terrorizzare quelli con il cervello strizzato dalla propaganda.
E apriti cielo …..
Spero tu stia bene 🙂
I really don’t understand the phrase “We are the opposite”.. what does this mean? a fake Right.. with Zionist roots?
Many conspiracy theorists do not approve of Trump since his son Eric publicly launched a Masonic gesture and his wife stopped him.
Unfortunately the CEOs of FB and Amazon were there with Trump.
I don’t know what to say..
The enemy has solid roots… and I don’t know if Trump can do it all alone.
Then a Nazi salute could terrify those with their brains squeezed by propaganda.
And open the sky …..
I hope you are well.:-)
Adesso è arrivato il momento. 🙂
You’d think Billionaire Musk could afford a good haircut! His hair was all screwed up on the left side when he turned his head. He looked happy though.
I don’t trust Elon Musk he’s a super wealthy elite and Red ice t.v had leaked information on their account.
Showing that he has ashkenazi heritage as well as a handful of other European ethnicities. Very few if not any jews are pure blooded.
Donald Trump promoted the death jabs like all the other politicians, he done what the jews wanted and ignored everything else.
He deserves to be shot for this, he’s a servant of the jews.
If colanal Macgregor was president he could fix this mess, Trump is a fucking moron who worships jews and thinks their living gods.
I think i had more knowlege then Trump at 20 then he has now, i read a fair bit when i was a teenager.
And during part of my 20’s.
These traitororous politicians need to be held responsible for their betrayal and evil crimes.
Australia is not the lucky country and the Australian way of life is fucking dead.
Most white people love multi culturalism and are fully brainwashed by cultural marxism.
Theres so few normal white people left that there is nothing worth fighting for anymore.
Ww2 was the defining moment that determined whether the white race would survive or die out.
The good guys lost, so that sealed our fate and christoans believed the lies of the holohoax.
And then they saw the jews as persacuted innocent angels.
After that point they believed in jewish lies and subversion.
Now are people are deraccinated from decades of cultural marxism and marxist brainwashing.
Brother, I sometimes think that literally everyone is a POS for you. 😉 Are you saying that no one sincerely can wake up? that no one can change their racial or political views? that no one can see the light?
So by implication you were already a sieg-heiling, antisemitic, white nationalist baby. 😉 Even as a fetus, in fact, you hated the juze. 😉 You never held one single liberal idea since your first breath.
Now this Elon has taken a lot of grief. This is his own trans son, now identifying as a girl, denouncing him:
It is dreadful to have your own flesh and blood turn on you:
Elon Musk has every right to push back if he feels unfairly targeted or slandered by certain Jewish groups, even if that pushback includes provocative gestures like giving a controversial salute as a symbol of defiance. When Musk endorsed a tweet in November 2023 accusing Jewish communities of promoting hatred against white people, it sparked outrage, with the White House calling it a “hideous lie” and the ADL labeling it “indisputably dangerous.” Musk likely saw this as part of a broader campaign to bully him into policing speech on his platform, X (formerly Twitter), in a way that might compromise the free speech he’s openly committed to defending—even if that means allowing controversial opinions.
Over 100 Jewish leaders signed a letter condemning Musk for enabling antisemitic discourse, pressuring him to conform to their expectations. But Musk has repeatedly refused to bow to what he perceives as unfair criticism, viewing these attacks as attempts to silence him and compromise his platform’s core principle of free expression. His visit to Auschwitz in January 2024 and his remark about being “Jewish by association” signal his belief that he’s not fostering hate but rather standing firm against the narrative being weaponized against him.
If Musk responded with a provocative salute during the inauguration, it could be seen as a deliberate act of defiance—symbolizing his refusal to allow anyone to bully him into compromising his principles. Whether you agree with his methods or not, this act stands as a bold statement about the importance of free speech and the right to challenge those in power, even when it’s uncomfortable. In many ways, it encapsulates the spirit of true Americana values: defiance in the face of oppression, the courage to speak out, and an unyielding commitment to individual rights and freedom of expression.
Also, ich glaube nicht, daß Sven Liebich einen sogenannten Geschlechtseintrag bei sich hat vornehmen lassen, geschweige denn sich einer offiziellen oder gar okkult zugeführeten Kastration unterzogen hat.
Kastration, die okkult zugeführet ward?
Ja, denn die sogenannten Antifaschisten geben auf ihren Propagandamaterialien wie beispielsweise Aufkleber selbst kund: “Nazis haben kleine Pimmel!”
Die Antifa & Konsorten manipulieren im großen Stil Lebensmittel, nämlich im wesentlichen Kaffee und Snacks, wo sie als Bedienpersonal herankommen. Oder im Kreise der Familie, wo Familienmitglieder der Antifa & Konsorten verfallen sind und ihre Lieben der Manipulation preis geben – in der Regel selbst an derselben teilnehmend, wenn auch orchestriert von quasi Grauer Eminenz im Hintergrund.
Queerfeindlicher Rechtsextremist Sven Liebich hat Geschlechtseintrag ändern lassen
Kürzlich bezeichnete Sven Liebich queere Menschen noch als “Parasit der Gesellschaft”, nun will er angesichts von zwei Gerichtsverfahren selbst queer sein.
Der für seine Provokationen berüchtigte Rechtsextremist Sven Liebich hat laut einem Bericht der “Mitteldeutschen Zeitung” (Bezahlartikel) seinen Geschlechtseintrag auf “weiblich” ändern lassen. Sein neuer Name sei Marla Svenja Liebich. Ein Sprecher des Verfassungsschutzes Sachsen-Anhalt bestätigte, dass der Behörde die Namensänderung im Dezember bekanntgeworden sei.
Auf Anfrage der Zeitung wollte sich Liebich zu seiner angeblich neuen Identität nicht äußern. Gegenüber der Redaktion habe er sich lediglich mit den Worten geäußert: “Ich habe Angst vor Diskriminierung.” Liebich sei auf einem Firmengelände in Halle-Ost angetroffen worden und sei “mit Vollbart und Basecap, in Jeans und Pullover” gut zu erkennen gewesen.
Im August 2024 ist Liebich vom Landgericht Halle unter anderem wegen Volksverhetzung und übler Nachrede zu einer Freiheitsstrafe von einem Jahr und sechs Monaten ohne Bewährung verurteilt worden ( berichtete). Dagegen hat Liebich Revision vor dem Oberlandesgericht Naumburg eingelegt. Auch ein weiteres Berufungsverfahren vor dem Landgericht Leipzig sei anhängig.
Die Behörden erklärten, die Änderung des Geschlechtseintrags habe keine Auswirkungen auf Liebichs Verfahren. Allerdings müsse entschieden werden, ob im Falle einer Haftstrafe eine Frauen-Vollzugsanstalt zuständig sei. “Für den Bereich der Staatsanwaltschaft Halle hat es so einen Fall bisher nicht gegeben”, erklärte der hallesche Oberstaatsanwalt Dennis Cernota. “Im Zweifel müsste man ein Gutachten einholen.”
If you don’t understand why Trump won’t touch a jew-stained bible, this certainly won’t change his mind:
I saw that news item. What temerity to take unfair advantage of the occasion, especially considering that both the Old and New Testaments which she supposedly espouses 1) strongly condemn homosexuality, and 2) they also forbid a woman to be in spiritual authority over a man.
She should stick to God and spiritual matters, and remember that the American people elected this man to run things, and not her.
Regular Christianity is on its way out, anyway, and must be totally overhauled or it will be gone. It is becoming a female cult.