News flash — Alaska is NOT an island, and why the Founding Fathers did NOT want democracy; Peter McCullough MD — the Covid vaxx is an obvious military bioweapon

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ALASKA IS AN ISLAND!  I remember how comedian Jay Leno used to have a regular segment on his “Tonight Show” called “Jaywalking,” and he would go out onto the sidewalk and ask very average Americans simple questions, such as: “How many states of the fifty United States are islands?”

He would get this from the bimbos (and bimbobs): “Um, Long Island? Err, Rhode Island? Oh, oh, I know! ALASKA! It’s on the map; it’s out there in the ocean!” (Correct answer: only Hawaii!)

Mental laziness: Young dope reads on my FB page the temp: “-15F in Ontonagon,” asks me “Oregon?”

I am so tired of these potheads and their mental laziness. This is like all the bimbos on FB who contact me and ask “Where are you from?” Well, look it up, girl, in my profile, you brain-dead gold-digger!… Ontonagon, Michigan!

So I asked the guy: “So what is your reason for not googling ‘Ontonagon’? There is just one such town on this entire earth. By your asking a lazy question, you are imposing on my time, not that you would care, eh?”

Oregon is a large state, and is found on the left. Ontonagon is a small town located in the center…..

This wilful mental ignorance and laziness are why the Founding Fathers did NOT establish a democracy, but a constitutional republic, and the oh-so-hallowed word “democracy” (rule of the average slob) — this is a FACT — is not found one single time in the Declaration of Independence or the US Constitution.

We were set up as a meritocracy — the rule by the most hardworking, honest, and patriotic citizens, not Joe Sixpack who sits there, swills beer from a can, puts artificially orange-colored Cheetoes into his body, and cheers on the Negro Football League as his ass gets fatter!


Psychopaths rule this world — but brain scans expose them; America founded as a White republic, not a democracy; George Washington wanted to ban all political parties — a jewish poison to divide-and-conquer us


……No evidence Trump is a Mason

Anyone can photoshop or CGI anything these days. What is the evidence for the authenticity of these pix? The Masons themselves say he is not one. And, believe me, the Freemasons BRAG when a president is a Mason.

But he is not listed as one here — though Biden, yes.

You can’t just say stuff and demand we believe it. No Masonic website claims Trump.

Also, he has way too big an ego to say “Worshipful Master” to anyone. 😉





……You killed this English mother, Trump, and their father — you and Fauci — with your promotion of the Warp-Speed ju jab

The ju Eric Rubin (left) and another ju (with frizzy negro hair) at the New England Journal of Medicine (from Harvard Medical School) pushed, with their trademark juish smirk, the vaxx on white kids.


Mark Luth

So sad, but if they are too darn gullible, it’s their own fault. I have heard some of the craziest answers and the meanest-mouth people talk to me and tell me I am the one that is crazy and “sick in the head” over this. Some of these people were very nice — and then all of a sudden they turn into vampires if you tell them the truth.

Christian Corrada

Terrible. Here in Italy the “died-all-of-a-sudden” thing and the “there-is-no-correlation” are huge.
The last government, once kicked out by the [quasi-nationalistic party called the] League, went full vaxx to the point that, with the infamous Green Pass, it basically pointed a gun at the head of the Italian people. No vaxx, so no Green Pass, therefore no more right to work! How dishonest, since they also claimed the vaccination was “not mandatory.”!
To an extent, and worthy of note, this vaxx enforcement became a real red line which the Deep State crossed that managed to wake up an helluva lot of normies, which is the only good thing that infamous QR code called the “Green Pass” did.
With the current government, despite Giorgia Meloni being a bit of a tricky politician and, of course, she is chained to varying extents to the globalist ones who rule the west, that vaxx  nightmare at least has ended.

……McCullough — the vaxx is a clear military bioweapon

Great American hero, Peter McCullough, MD! This top cardiologist has been bravely saying the truth since 2020! But bonehead Trump, who eats McDonalds all day and guzzles Diet Coke with aspartame — who has admitted he “has no time to read books” and, aside from Twitter/X and his own Truth Social, does not go online, remained oblivious to Covid truth, dropped hydroxychloroquine, and pushed instead Fauci’s Chinese-made bioweapon, the mRNA Covid pseudo-vaccine, the CLOT SHOT.

This is criminal negligence! Millions have died from taking this BIOWEAPON and millions more will yet die! I swear — Trump is as ignorant and uninformed as George Dubya Bush!

Donald’s brain is gummed up from the daily McDonalds junk food and the aspartame!


…..I thank all donors!

I now accept Bitcoin via CashApp; $39,693 (plus 15 excellent books and two great pistol holsters) since 1 Dec 2022

— 23 January 2025 $100 via PayPal from M in France

— 22 January 2025 $50 by check from S in Idaho


— 22 January 2025 $60 to pay directly my Internet and landline phone to the provider in Ontonagon by P in Florida

— 18 January 2025 400 Swiss francs from G in Zurich  ( = US$441) and 70 Australian dollars  ( = US$44) from T in Tasmania

— 15 January 2025 $25 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 13 January 2025 $100 via PayPal from M in France

— 10 January $45 via PayPal from B in Denmark

— 4 January $70 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

— 29 December 2024 $99.88 from M in France

— 25 December 2024 500 euros/dollars from S in Germany

Castle in Schwerin, Germany

— 25 December 2024 $500 via Amazon gift card from J in Illinois

— 25 December 2024 125 euros/dollars from C in Germany

— 13 December 2024 $25 Amazon gift card from T in Florida

I bought these winter gloves with the donation:

— 13 December 2024 $91 via PayPal from G in England

— 13 December 2024 $82 via CashApp from N in Texas

— 11 December 2024 111 Euros/dollars via PayPal from C in Germany

— 11 December 2024 $35 via CashApp from J in Louisiana

— 6 December 2024 400 Danish kronor ($56) via PP from B in Denmark

— 29 November 2024 $100 (101 euros) from L in Belgium



  1. Ive had very severe side effects from the mrna death jabs.
    I’m making the most out of my life and thats it.
    To me thats all you can do, i don’t think theres an afterlife.
    I wish there was as long as there was no jews or black or brown people.
    I do believe in evolution, but i wish there was an afterlife.
    Because there will never be a heaven on earth, just a jew run hellhole.
    Jews are such fucking monsters, to be that evil wth that much hatred,and how they hide their jewish identity.
    To be that inbred and that mixed would have destroyed any other group on earth. And inbreeding and race mixing seems to have given the jews more intelligence. How can anything like that exist.

  2. Eine der bedeutensten Seiten der Aufklärung des Coronaspritzenholokaust im englischsprachigen Raum, war die des Bloggers namens Brian, ein Journalist, der in seiner Karriere meist als Sportreporter tätig gewesen war – laut Aussage von Herrn John de Nugent im übrigen ein Schwarzer.

    Nicht nur, das er, Brian, entgegen seiner ausdrücklichen Absicht und seinem ausdrücklichen Versprechen seinen Lesern gegenüber und darüber hinaus sich selbst, den Coronaspritzenholokaust weiterhin aufzuklären nicht mehr nachkommt – wahrscheinlich nicht mehr nachkommen kann, da wohl eliminiert – auch seine wertvolle Seite wurde abgeschaltet, die nach genannt verknüpft/verlinkt ist.

    Auf seiner Seite hatte er, Brian, den chronologischen Ablauf des Coronaspritzenholokaust sowie zahllose Schicksale ‘geimpfter’ Menschen akribisch im einzelnen für die Nachwelt festgehalten und dokumentiert. Auch der Untergang derer, die sich der Agenda des Coronaspritzenholokaust angedient hatten und folglich zu Protagonisten des Todes verkamen, waren im einzelnen für die Nachwelt festgehalten und dokumentiert – meist Homosexuelle oder irgendwelche Leithammel der sogenannten sozialen Medien.

    Alles wurde getilgt und ist nun verschwunden – und von Brian gibt kein Lebenszeichen mehr!



    Elon Musk live am AfD-Wahlkampfauftakt: Schuldkult muss überwunden werden

    X-Boss und Trump-Vertrauter Elon Musk schaltete sich live zum Wahlkampfauftakt der AfD ein. Auf der gigantischen Video-Wand ermahnte er die Deutschen, endlich den Schuldkult zu überwinden, sich auf die eigenen Wurzeln zu besinnen und das eigene Volk und seine Kultur zu schützen: „Wir wollen einzigartige Kulturen in der Welt. Die Deutschen sind ein Volk mit tausendjähriger Geschichte!“

    AUF1-Chefredakteur Stefan Magnet kommentiert: „Gigantisch! Elon Musk eröffnet den Sturmangriff auf den anti-deutschen Schuldkult! Er hat die Funktionalität der Niederhaltung der Deutschen genau studiert und legt jetzt die Axt an die tragenden Säulen der Fremdbestimmung.“

    • Danke! Sehe ich mir gerade an. Ich bekam fast Gänsehaut bei der Eröffnung mit der Weidel. Obwohl Lesbin und mit nichtweißer Partnerin, macht sie gute Arbeit und trägt sich mit Würde. Ich weiß doch, dass sie einst bei Goldman Sachs angestellt war und den Nationalsozialismus (zu Unrecht aber obligat) als böse Linkspartei bezeichnete. Aber sie dreht das Rad der Weltschichte im guten Sinne weiter, und dasselbe gilt für Elon Musk (der übrigens über beide Elternteile — über Musk, den Vater, und Haldeman, die Mutter — deutschstämmig ist und auch deutsche Eigenschaften hat — vor allem hohe Intelligenz und Tatkraft).

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