ENGLISH Apple computer co-founder Wozniak protests hate-speech laws; Iowa tosses out three pro-queer State Supreme Court judges; the SS speaks out on America

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=============dolly parton and kenny rogers: “islands in the stream”

What fabulous show-“men” they are, especially Dolly, a Scotch-Irish Appalachian genius! And note the ruddy Solutrean (haplogroup H1b) complection of Kenny Rogers, unlike the white skin (haplogroup H1a) of Dolly.


Professor Robert Faurisson (http://www.revisionists.com/revisionists/faurisson.html) sent me this from France:

With Paul-Eric Blanrue [a courageous, well-known, regular French historian, not a WN, but whose recent book on the Israel lobby in France was boycotted by every bookstore in Jew-run France; Blanrue then retaliated by supporting repeal of the Gayssot law of 1990 against “Holocaust denial”], against the Gayssot Act [banning Holocaust refutation] and for Vincent Reynouard

Says Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computers:

It’s wrong when we are denied the right to challenge common beliefs or culture, especially when everyone knows that the books are written by the victors. It doesn’t stem from hate to say “I don’t believe” whatever. This anti- free-speech stuff always irks me. This is nothing like a call to violent action even.

From Wikipedia

Stephen Gary “Woz” Wozniak

Born August 11, 1950 (1950-08-11) (age 60)
San Jose, California, USA
Alma mater University of California, Berkeley
Occupation Computer scientist
Electrical engineer

Stephen Gary “Woz” Wozniak (born August 11, 1950 in San Jose, California) is an American computer engineer who co-founded Apple Computer, Inc. (now Apple Inc.) with Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne. His inventions and machines are credited with contributing significantly to the personal computer revolution of the 1970s. Wozniak created the Apple I and Apple II computers in the mid-1970s.[1]

Wozniak has several nicknames, including “The Woz”, “Wonderful Wizard of Woz” and “iWoz” (a reference to the ubiquitous naming scheme for Apple products). “WoZ” (short for “Wheels of Zeus“) is also the name of a company Wozniak founded. He is sometimes known as the “Other Steve” of Apple Computer, the better known Steve being co-founder Steve Jobs. His ancestors are of Polish descent.[2]

[back to Professor Faurisson]

That comment above is from Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computers (see his biography at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Wozniak ), and it recently accompanied his signature of the petition launched in France by historian Paul-Eric Blanrue against the Gayssot Act and in favour of Vincent Reynouard.

The Gayssot Act of July 13, 1990 prohibits the diffusion of historical revisionism on pain of imprisonment and fine. On the grounds of this law, Vincent Reynouard, aged 41 and a father of eight, was in 2007 sentenced to one year in prison without probation and ordered to pay about €70,000 for having written a 16-page pamphlet entitled Holocauste ? Ce que l’on vous cache… (“Holocaust? What’s being kept hidden from you…”). At the request of the French authorities, who had issued a “European arrest warrant” for him, he was arrested by the Belgian police last July in Brussels, where he lived with his family, then jailed in Belgium for over fifty days before being extradited to France. He is now incarcerated in Valenciennes in northern France.

And throughout the Western world the mainstream media ignore the fact that in France an honest man, father of eight children, is serving a year in prison and must pay €70,000 because he authored a piece of writing of sixteen pages.

Vincent Reynouard’s touching watercolor painting he sent from prison to Professor Robert Faurisson. It is inscribed: “To Prof. Faurisson with all my esteem.” On the book it says “revisionist writings.” The lock refers to Fabius-Gayssot. Laurent Fabius is a hideous French Jew and former prime minister who composed the law against free discussion of the Holofraud; Gayssot was a communist legislator who introduced the bill into the French parliament.Finally “Valenciennes prison, 26 October 2010, sent by Vincent Reynouard.”

For his part Noam Chomsky [JdN: famed professor at MIT and linguist] has stated his position in a letter against the Gayssot Act and in defence of Vincent Reynouard. You may find that letter at https://csvr.wordpress.com/2010/09/24/the-full-statement-from-noam-chomsky-to-the-release-of-vincent-and-the-repeal-of-the-law-gayssot ). Currently there are a thousand signers of the petition.

JdN: Reynouard in 2007 in a courtroom in Saverne, where he was given his one-year sentence to real prison time (not a fine or a suspended sentence), the first such sentence to the dungeon in France for revisionism that has been carried out since the resolute leftwing Holo revisionist Alain Guionnet went to the dungeon for many months back in 1993.

The captive French media has not breathed ONE WORD about this man going to prison. The Keltic-Mediterranean-Germanic French are naturally somewhat rebellious, like also the Irish and the Greeks. All three countries show strong sympathy for the Palestinians because of a national tradition of opposing any form of bullying behavior toward the small and weak.

A woman in Gaza weeps after an Israeli missile assault. Gaza is the largest concentration camp to have ever existed, with one million prisoners.

Unlike captive and obedient-by-nature Germany, where the public has been totally brainwashed by WWII and Holocaust guilt trips and thus thinks it “normal” for “dangerous writings” to merit prison, the French in contrast see free speech as a core part of their identity, of Frenchness. Free speech was part of the “declaration of the rights of man” which the French Revolution established. “Freedom” is as much a sacred cow in France as in the United States. So the media hides what the Jews are doing to Reynouard, whom I know and visited for three days in February 2007. He has splendid, obedient, loving children and a heroic wife, Marina. Here is my blog featuring the excellent writings of Reynouard DEFENDING the German Gestapo, as translated into English by the brilliant writer Carlos Porter: https://johndenugent.com/news/english-part-indian-white-americans-smashing-the-gestapo-taboo-with-reynouard-and-porter (Scroll down halfway.)

I invite you to add your signature to theirs once you have read the English version of the press release, posted at http://www.tellingfilms.netne.net/reynouard2010.htm , presenting Mr Reynouard’s case and showing the e-mail address to which to send your name; please indicate your place of residence and, if you wish, your profession.

Thank you.

Best wishes,

Robert Faurisson

(November 5, 2010)

In France, the part-Jewish president Sarkozy (he is by blood only one-quarter French), who has married two Jewesses in a row and whose son openly converted to judaism so as to marry the daughter of a billionaire Jew named  Darty, has nearly collapsed in the polls, in a situation parallel to that of the loser Barack Insane Obama. “Sarko” is now widely realized to be what he is (again as with Barack Obama): a planned creation and total puppet for decades, since youth in fact, of the ruling Jewish faction inside the CIA in Langley, Virginia. (Of course, the US needs a CIA, a necessary institution to protect the state. but not an Israeli-subverted CIA.)

This is the Jewish psychopath who left these children without a father at home.

JdN: Who knows if this neanderthal Sarkozy will not at least SEEK to add on more prison time for Reynouard after his one year is up, as the traitors in Austria have done for Wolfgang Froehlich (now up to eight years) and Gerd Honsik (now up to seven years). Once they get you in prison they can indict you for each individual book or magazine you published as an additional “crime.”

My ladyfriend Margaret Huffstickler and I paid two thousand dollars that we barely could afford in October 2008 to hire a Pittsburgh lawyer specializing in immigration and political asylum cases so the brave young Finnish former soldier Henrik Holappa would not face four and a half years in prison in Finland for the crime of protesting gang rapes by blacks and muslims in his nordic country. (https://johndenugent.com/henrik-holappa) Instead, Holappa was arrested (partly to strip me of needed staff) and spent 87 days in solitary in a federal prison before being expelled and banned for life from US soil! I am eager to read and then promote his new book about his experiences in unfree Jewmerica and also the many good white comrades he met. Hey, what could that be in my left cargo pocket?….a piece of the Second Amendment? 😉

Another form of torture is the Jews deny prisoners their letters. Mike Williams keeps getting sent letters by my volunteer team and they keep getting sent back on ridiculous grounds, and finally even when every stupid rule is followed (such as photocopies must have handwriting on the back, not the front), then they return your letter marked “unauthorized”! I urge every WN to consider well if you want to peacefully and meekly go into ZOG’s prison if they come for you.

Arrested at 3:30 am on the way home from his security-guard job.

Williams, who did not resist arrest, was brutally dragged across a road on his naked knees, which lacerated them and left him with permanent scars, by a 300-pound Samoan who held a 40-caliber pistol to his head, as a SWAT team trained their rifles on him. Then he spent weeks shivering in a cell kept at fifty degrees and was not given enough to drink, and was released finally into the 1,600-prisoner black and Mexican general population, many of whom are psychopaths and borderline psychopaths. https://johndenugent.com/psychopaths-in-power

As I have often written, the pernicious disease of atheism, caused by judeo-christianity,  makes people convinced they have just one life and then they will be dead forever. Soooooo they prefer to live in a cage with negroes and mestizos than die like a man, like Robert Mathews (spelled with one “t”).

The Wiki article on Mathews http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Jay_Mathews is fairly accurate, for once, and I was present in Chicago for this speech described below (in fact, I spoke myself on mixing democracy and aristocracy in a new voting system, and not long after Mathews):

In 1983, Mathews made a speech at a National Alliance convention, which was a report on his efforts to recruit on behalf of the National Alliance, especially among “the yeoman farmers and independent truckers,” around the “White American Bastion,” and a call to action to the convention’s only standing ovation.[3] Mathews took to heart the novel The Turner Diaries written by the National Alliance founder William Pierce.[4]

Solutreanism is to understand that our Aryan race is a creation of God, our lives have sacred meaning, our souls are one hundred percent immortal and will never die, and we will be JUDGED at death on how we led each life.

As Jesus said, “from him to whom much has been given much will be expected.” Especially if you, in this life, are born as a man, your role, which you ACCEPTED BEFORE BIRTH, is to be the PROTECTORS, the hunter, and if need be the killer for our species.

My goal is to put the fear of God and balls back into our men, and raise up a generation of women who SUPPORT those men, as valiant Marina Reynouard supports her valiant husband Vincent and does not berate him: “if you really loved me, you would drop this struggle. if you really loved me, you would think of our children.” SHE understands that it is BECAUSE Vincent thinks of the world our children must grown up in that he does as he does.

And as Robert Faurisson once said (I am paraphrasing him) when accused of irresponsibility as a married man because he persisted in the highly persecuted profession of revisionsm: Before I was a husband, I was a man. And to fight — for my values and defend my civilization, and the TRUTH, and the right to speak out — to fight is the first calling of a man.


And my other goal is to attack the Jew in a ferocious, no-holds-barred, head-on collision that may last for 25 generations of Solutrean tribal warfare — until we win and eradicate the threat here and anywhere else in the galaxy these fiends may yet spread in the coming centuries. We will spread and we will be right behind them, this virus people, and merciless. And I will not call them “zionists.” They are neanderthalic, psychopathic JEWS.

Saul Alinsky, the Chicago Jew whose activism for blacks and the overthrow of the white race inspired Barack Insane Obongo in his own crusade against our folk, wrote these lines from a book of his I have….

Saul Alinsky, Chicago apiru and mentor posthumously to the bisexual, illegal-alien, part-Jewish, negro bolshevik Barack Obama. Boy, these Jews are all lookers, aren’t they? 😉

Don’t Blame the Jews

When’ere we butcher Arab kids,

We’re never “kikes” or “Jews” or “Yids,”

But “Zionists” is what to call us,

To term us “Jews” would quite appall us.

Though all our planes are Jewish-manned,

Though every murder’s Jewish-planned,

The state we serve’s “The Jewish State”

A Jew-state built on lies and hate,

Don’t blame the Jews: all Jews are blameless,

Jews aimed the guns, the Jew government’s aimless.

And admit: OUR taxe$ and Wall $treet’s loot,

OUR ca$h bought the mi$$iles

for Jewish brutes.

JB (with JdN)




I was very encouraged by this story, because Iowa is often considered one of the more liberal states in the Union. It has long been said that the three things that win elections for Republicans are God, guns and gays. And here we see that even in liberal Iowa, the idea of men marrying men and women marrying women is rejected as the absurdity that it is.

While I feel compassion for any homosexual who is not also a child molester (and that is the vast majority), and I hope they all find a significant other and stable relationships in their affliction, society cannot sanction with the sacred word of marriage any arrangement which does not unite the white man and the white woman, the father to the mother, the husband to the wife, to create, in an amazing act that resembles God creating humanity, the little divine being that is the white child.

Family and reproduction are sacred Solutrean duties, and sex is 1) to procreate children and 2) bond the marriage couple, two often arguing individuals, together so they raise the child together, they stay together, and the white child has both a male and female role model to observe and learn from.

This is a thought-provoking piece from the weekly SS magazine Das Schwarze Korps, “Die Gefahr des Amerikanismus” [“The Danger of Americanism”], 14 March 1944, pp. 1-2.

(source: Calvin College, at http://www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/sk03.htm)

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[note: I have replaced the word “Americanism” with “Judaized Americanism,” in agreement with the article’s thrust: the Jews have corrupted American culture and values. How much more true is this in 2008 than it already was true in 1944!– JdN]

The Danger of Judaized “Americanism””

When we speak of young Europe and its young nations, we contrast them to the senile world of dying liberalism which, under the leadership of Jewry, is once more gathering all its material resources in an attempt to forever subject the world to the power of money under the domination of those who have it. They want to perpetuate the social injustice they find so comfortable. More is involved than differences between ages and generations, however.

Our camp includes not only those who are young enough to topple the old and build a new world. It includes all those spiritual forces that see the new in the collapse of the old, who want to build a new future with new ways and means.

The triumph of the Copernican worldview over the unfruitful dogma of the past, the triumph of science over empty faith, was a victory of youth. They followed the shining examples of their predecessors. The youth have always been the battering ram that helped bring the national idea to fruition. The discovery of the laws of inheritance has been the occasion and guidepost of a new youth movement that builds on the eternal culture-building values of race and blood. They lead from the deadly and destructive lethargy of materialism to the new world of tomorrow.

Today it is as it always was in times of revolution. Those fighting for the new have more to offer the youth than those who live in yesterday, who hold to what they have grown accustomed to, even if it has long since become rigid, empty and stifling. We offer the youth the freedom to develop their nation, even in the case of smaller nations. We offer them room for creative fantasy, the opportunity to transform great thoughts to reality outside the lecture hall. We offer the realization of dreams on a world scale, a common Germanic will, a common European will. We fill the spiritual vacuum left by liberalism with the magic of a worldview that draws self-confidence and meaning to life from race and the blood of one’s ancestors.

What does old England have to offer its youth to justify the war’s requirements? It cannot even begin to solve its own social problems, much less offer anything to other peoples. Where is there a healthy youth that is on fire for Bolshevism? It was a danger only during the spiritual interregnum that followed the First World War. In the face of an inadequate yesterday, it was the only force, the only revolutionary movement, available, and anything was better than nothing.

Today Bolshevism may have reached its material and organizational pinnacle on the bent backs of its devotees, but as a spiritual movement it is finished. The crass incompetence of its methods and goals have proven it to be the very epitome of capitalist slavery.

The only remaining alternative is Judaized “Americanism”. As strange as it may sound, it is the only serious competition to National Socialism’s racial worldview in the struggle for the youth, in the struggle for the future of humanity. In the end, however, it is only a forerunner of Bolshevism.

Judaized “Americanism” is certainly not a spiritual movement, nor is it a worldview that it is possible to oppose at the intellectual level. Its political beneficiaries have tried in recent years to give it, if not a face, at least a program or a goal: “the American Century.”

It is a collection of empty promises of the type democratic orators have always made — but this time on a world scale. There is nothing in them to excite a reasonable man. But that is exactly the point of Judaized “Americanism”! The key is not what it promises, but what it cannot promise. The key is not what it demands of men, but what it gives them.

That would not matter if the world’s youth were of the sound character that develops from racially conscious lines, tradition-rich families, good upbringing and close camaraderie. But that is not the way things are. The good fairy will not give youth the values they will need in life.

The racially sound youth can be inspired by virtue of his blood. But the blood does not tell him what should inspire him. He can be misled into serving a bad cause. He can squander his enthusiasm if he matures in a spiritual vacuum. One should not underestimate the danger of Judaized “Americanism”, or its seductive power. It offers devotion to a culture of nothingness, independence, lack of restraint, a freedom from all obligation, from all honor, from all consideration.

JdN: What torture to try to raise white kids in Jew world. My beautiful girls Ingrid and Erika in 1988.

We do not wish to deny this culture of nothingness its right to exist. It can even, rightly used, be good, just as it is sometimes a pleasure to do nothing. Should a German soldier happen to find a portable record player and jazz records in the deserted quarters of British or American soldiers, he does not smash them against the wall. Instead, he takes them along and thinks he has a great treasure. We don’t want to suggest excessive cultural disaster here. There are times when he wants a vacation from himself, from us, from the whole world. He needs to relax, and certainly does not wish to ponder intellectual matters. Nothing is better suited to take him out of the normal world than the complete nonsense of this hot music, this cacophony of animal howls, wild instruments and foot-stomping Negro lust. [JdN: LOL]


It takes him away from human concerns back to the depths of pre-human apedom, returning him to the time when people did not need to think because there was no past and no future.

Its effect is like that of alcohol, which turns normally rational men into shouting, destructive children. That can sometimes be good for serious and intelligent men. And the soldier certainly does not forget his German mission, nor does he lose his character or honor when he occasionally spends an hour relaxing to entertaining music. He is immune to the danger of confusing this rhythmic pig grunting with good music [JdN: re-LOL ], much less art or culture. It cannot meet his higher standards.

Others, however, are not as immune. That is what those who deny any appeal of Judaized “Americanism” forget.

Certainly there is no danger that our young boys and girls will fall into sexual frenzy while listening to some Jewish lout blowing on a saxophone. One can introduce them to the high priests of the American jitterbug with no worries at all. At most they will laugh. Our young Luftwaffe aides and working girls would hardly join in a dance marathon. And the winning couple running through the arena in tattered, sweaty clothes would receive not applause, but a beating.

But that is our youth. They are made of different stuff, and grew up in a world in which dignity comes from doing one’s duty, and both are seen not as a burden but as the joy of life.

That may be self-evident to us, but it is not so to others. Whole nations behave in ways not guided by clear tasks. They are only individuals, parents, teachers, tribes and groups, [and they are unable] to lead [youth] out of error and confusion into a clear world of meaning. We may not forget that during the tragic years following the First World War, a significant part of our youth too fell under the appeal of Judaized “Americanism”, waving their limbs in the Shimmy and the Charleston because there was nothing else to do.

We sometimes fail to see that there are young people in Europe today — often from the so-called better classes — who not only do not stand within the camp of young Europe, but even mock or scorn it. Many of us simply cannot understand how there can be a mass meeting at a Norwegian university protesting those who are risking their lives in the east for the freedom and security of their native land, or how Swedish students, even if they do not jump to the side of their Finnish brothers, do not at least follow their struggle with respect.

These young men surely are not consciously supporting the plans of Stalin and Roosevelt. Thank God, this small part of Europe’s youth is not a politically aware counterpart to the European youth defending young Europe in the east. Those who think politically and act from conviction demonstrate it through their actions. The others have followed the comfortable path that leads from political thinking to Judaized “Americanism.”

That is the political danger of Judaized “Americanism.” It leads those who fall prey to it away from political thinking, away from responsibility, even to their nation, away from decency, even from national decency.
The American lad may use fine phrases to say that the nationalist is his political enemy.


In reality, however, [the Judaized “American”] fights a man who makes uncomfortable and difficult demands on him, the man who recognizes the fate of the nation as his fate, who respects the woman who will become the mother of his children, who wants to be a model, who always acts as if the eyes of the nation are upon him. The American lad feels his “freedom” restricted by such behavior. He wants to keep the hot music spinning on the record player, not be reminded that he must work as well as relax, that he must not only enjoy, but also honor the dignity of his nation. And that is neither comfortable nor pleasant.

It is pleasant to talk slang and enjoy a loose moral life with those of like mind. Judaized “Americanism” has its delights, and he who is captivated by them not only sticks his head in the sand, he also gets some pleasure. It is nice to be able to dismiss all criticism of a too hearty enjoyment of life with the claim that one is defending human rights against Nazi brutality.

Judaized “Americanism” is not a logical development. It certainly does not spring from the descendants of the Virginia colonists with their Prussian sense of honor and duty, nor from the healthy farmers and citizens of the Midwest. It did not triumph easily against the often overdone moralism of Puritan circles. Its power grew along with that of Jewry. As is the case of everything that follows the orders of Jewry, Judaized “Americanism’s” lack of culture and morality, its freedom-promising “Century of the Child,” is nothing but a concealed way of ruining the youth.

Judaized “Americanism” is a splendid method of depoliticization. The Jews have used jazz and movies, magazines and smut, gangsterism and free love, and every perverse desire, to keep the American people so distracted that they pay no attention to their own fate. Even in politics, they are no longer influenced by the head, only by what is under the belt.

The Jews would not be Jews if they did not want to apply such tested methods to the entire world. Nearly every nation in the world faced or is facing the need to combat Judaized “Americanism”, a generally pleasant retreat to a barbaric lack of culture.

The logical consequences of Judaized “Americanism” will help the world combat it. The fact that 60% of American crimes are committed by children 13 years old and under and that rapes increased three-fold between 1942 and 1943 proves that Judaized “Americanism” has reached its limits. It will provoke a counter-movement that, just as in Europe, can only be political.

Judaized “Americanism” is not merely a moral-cultural form of degeneration, nor can it be combated by nonpolitical means. But it has already been defeated when one digs it up by its roots and sees there plainly the sinister origin:

“Made in Israel.”

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I need your financial sacrifice (https://johndenugent.com/contact) so I can achieve something gigantic, where even the great Adolf Hitler and Robert E. Lee failed, and Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford and George Lincoln Rockwell, John Tyndall in England and Jean-Marie Le Pen in France.

And I thank the Slovak comrade who just sent money, the three Canadian Germans, the Swedish housewife, the Texas college man, the non-white but Aryan and noble African, and the gifted young video people from the nordic north.

I will take this now-decadent America, with all its vast power, and make it a mighty blessing to our race. We must have America and we must get Russia, where by the way huge pro-white demonstrations have taken place and more are in the works, now that the closet-Jew mayor of Moscow, Lyushkov (Katz), was just fired by president Medvedev and, seemingly, all restrictions have been lifted. Let the whole jew-infiltrated US Navy threaten Iran; mighty Russia has her back. I do not love islam and neither do the Russians, but Iran at least is telling the truth about the Jews and the Holofraud. (And Russia just rejected a proposed law banning Holocaust free speech!)


  1. What concrete help can you give the suffering political prisoner Vincent Reynouard?

    We would be grateful to you for sending him a letter, even brief, of support and encouragement:

    M. Vincent Reynouard
    N° 33034
    Maison d’arrêt de Valenciennes
    BP 80 455
    F-59 322 – VALENCIENNES Cedex

    Valenciennes prison holding Vincent Reynouard

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