ENGLISH Dennis Stanford wusses out on own Solutrean discovery

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The Rock of Solutré, in Burgundy, France. Spearheads from Ice Age France, from around 17,000 B.C., and named Solutrean spearheads after this location where many were found, have been discovered all over North America by scientists, and the MSM is suppressing this, and genetic evidence that most Amerindians east of the Mississippi when the first English came in 1607 had up to one-third white blood — via a white female gene only, indicating the horrific genocide of ALL white males by Asians.

The psychopathic Left continues to foam at the mouth over law student Kyle Bristow’s forthcoming novel on the coverup of the Amerindian genocide of the ancient white American Solutreans.

Here is the latest nonsense, (bashing both young Kyle and me), which shows the Left is reading my blog, and calling it “scary and depressing” 😉 They ain’t seen nothing yet.


Here is my replay and defense of the truth which Dr. Dennis Stanford (who unfortunately seems as spineless as any other FEDERAL WORKER) appears to be recanting:

* * *

Dr. Stanford disappoints me, or as Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “human, all too human.”

He, along with Dr. James Chatters, and Dr. Michael Bradley, was very courageous a decade ago in fighting against the destruction by Siberindian racists of the bones of Kennewick Man. They all deserve great praise.

The brilliant and courageous Dennis Stanford with Solutrean hunting weapons.

Hey, how did that European stuff get over to America during the Ice Age? Answer: Europeans brought it. As they say in the US military, “KISS”: Keep it simple, stupid. 😉

However, he (just like Galileo, and other scientists, and not long ago Dr. James Watson on the issue of black IQ, who publicly recanted his own clear and accurate views under p.c. pressure [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article2694632.ece]) is susceptible to political correctness pressures, particularly because he as a Smithsonian employee is in effect a FEDERAL EMPLOYEE, to wit, an employee of the leftist anti-white racist Barack Hussein Obama. Barack is his boss.

(You know, the bagel-eared neophyte who sat in an all-black church for 20 years while Reverend Wright yelled “God Daaaaamn America,” and was married and had both kids baptized by that same man, and took the title of his last book, “The Audacity of Hope,” from one of his sermons. That guy. Your boss.)

And US government “public policy” (this is the government’s own phrase) is “opposing racism.” It has used this “public policy” concept to deny church/religious status (“501-c-3” tax status) to pro-white religions (such as the Cosmotheist Community).

If the Ancient American Solutrean fact, and I repeat, fact, can be “used” (or “misused”) to promote white pride, white resentment at Indians, or a white-genocide-by-Indians view of history, then “the feds,” Stanford’s bosses…..will be against it.

So will the American Indians be against it, because the whole white guilt trip (“whites-stole-the-Indians’-land”) rides on them being here first. And they need this also for the casino revenues, and the extraterritoriality (tribal lands) they enjoy as supposedly the first people who came here, before “we” took “their” land.

Mohegan Sun casino, Connecticut. Barack Hussein Obama recently gave this Indian business a fifty-two-million dollar stimulus check. That’s what America needs after the orgies on Wall Street: more gambling. (See https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/06/18/english-polish-revisionist-found-dead-usa-today-map-shows-darkening-america/, scrolling down two-thirds to “JEW-RUN INDIAN CASINO GETS $54 MILLION STIMULUS.”)

(Except the Solutrean fact proves the opposite; the Indians not only took OUR land but they also took our LIVES.) Today in the USA, because North American Solutreanism has still not impacted public perception yet – but watch my website soon — they wrongly still enjoy the title of “Native Americans” (which is what white Europeans are) and in Canada they are glorified as the “First Nations.” No, they are the descendants of those who mass-murdered the first nations, who were white hunter-gatherers.

Sitting Bull. His ancestors annihilated the white native Americans. Now THEY want reparations, and to destroy the evidence furnished by the skeletons of all prehistoric white Americans. (See the [British] Channel Four/Discovery Channel DVD “Homicide in Kennewick” — photo below.) It is rather embarrassing for the poor Injuns that Kennewick Man died from an infection from an Indian arrow, after sustaining numerous other physical injuries that caused the examining anthropologist, Dr. Jim Chatters, to feel great compassion for him. (Chatters was married to an Amerindian woman at the time, btw, and is hardly a “white supremacist.” She divorced him partly because of his stand for the truth about Kennewick Man.)

It’s like this:

Mr. Indian to Mr. White Man: We were here first, bub. So bub, or rather, Bubba, shove off, go back to Europe, or stay and keep your skyscrapers, food stamps programs for us, etc, and pay up big-time for stealing North America from us nature-loving eco-natives.

It’s all about their money. Their power. Their status. Their victim card. Their (and the Jews’) ca$inos. (And by the way, why did Barack Obama send a $52 million stimulus check to the Mohegan Sun Indian casino in Connecticut? Because of the liberal-minority gravy-train coalition.)

Dr. Stanford wants to keep his job. The Jews, I suspect after decades of experience with them, warned him he is indirectly helping the neo-Nazis.

Am I keeping it simple enough?

I was in the Marines, and I can tell volumes as a former military, from my own personal and other experience, about how the federal government pressures people — employers, contractors, employees, military and civilians alike — to toe the line and be politically correct.


In fact, in a scandal revealed by the Washington Examiner (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/local/Education-secretary-urged-his-employees-to-go-to-Sharpton_s-rally-651280-101839293.html), Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, just “urged” by email 4,000 Dept of Education employees to attend, YES, an Al Sharpton rally on the (Washington DC) Federal Mall (which press accounts said turned out to be an all-black affair), in blatant violation of the no-politics rules for federal employees of the Hatch Act!

It is crystal clear, as of February 24, 2010, that a policy flip-flop has been done by the Discovery Channel on the Solutrean fact, thus contradicting its own two “pro-Solutrean-American” documentaries:

–“Homicide in Kennewick,” done in 1998

–and in 2003 “Ice Age Columbus” — order it here: http://shopping.discovery.com/product-59637.html.

They were produced (wait before you snicker) by Britain’s highly prestigious “Channel Four,” the PBS of the United Kingdom.

In February 2010 the Discovery Channel then turned around, as I anticipated, and did a hatchet job, using its host, the half-Egyptian-Jew (by his own confession) Olly Steeds, entitling its latest Solutrean piece sensationistically “Hitler’s Mummies” [sic!]:

Oily himself, a Jewboy eager to defame science if it disrupts the white-guilt agenda. (Pic from his own website.)

https://johndenugent.com/jdn/television-coverage/ (See the last link.)

This hitpiece also tried to ridicule ME, because I am a leading white civil rights activist (almost three million hits on Bing and Yahoo search engines; the two nice Jewish boys who own Google, Serge Brin and Larry Page, deliberately put me down to “only” about 366,000 hits).

The Serge and Larry show.
Google is an NSA “cut company.”

it is clear that the Jewish Establishment (and their Brayton character now attacking me and Kyle Bristow) now sees Solutrean fact as no longer a “fun fact” about “way-back-when” and “who-ja think got here first?” but instead a threat to their conscious cultivation for decades of the white guilt trip, of white passivity while illegal immigrants pour into our originally all-white nation (neither blacks nor Indians gained citizenship until recent generations), and, last but not least, a threat to the Indian casino money which Jewish lawyers administer and skim off.

(Anybody recall “lobbyist” and Orthodox Jew Jack Abramoff (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Abramoff), now serving five years? “Nim de geld,” as they say in Yiddish, “take the money.” He took donations for Indians and gave it to violent West Bank Jewish “settlers.”)

Abramoff’s Tribal Clients
Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians

Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma

Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana

Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana

Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians

Pueblo of Sandia

Pueblo of Santa Clara

Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe

Tigua Indian Reservation


The truth of Solutrean-American genocide after 10,000 BC by Asians is just as much a threat to, ahem, “public policy” as the truth about Barack Obama’s more than murky resume, the vicious Jewish/Israeli role in the mass murder of 9/11/01, and in the worst practices of the African slave trade, which black scholars and JEWISH scholars have exposed as an almost entirely Jewish import business. But so far these shocking facts have not impacted public consciousness. After all, there is a lot of information floating out there. A leader’s task is to get people worked up about the serious threats and turn small blips on peoples’ mental radar into huge blips. To yell “incoming” before it is too late.

If you dare, view these videos on who ran the slave trade, and it sure wasn’t Robert E. Lee:

Yes, you will snicker, but the narrator has a legitimate PhD in history, and I saw his very impressive PhD thesis.

But hey, being leftists, the truth is secondary to your sicko self-hatred for white people.

And you will snort, but not with conviction, as you read this quote, from a JEWISH scholarly history book:

And before you mock me and say it is a “canard” (“canard” means “duck” in French, and the Jewish hate group ADL loves to quack this word) or a myth that the Jews control the government and media, please stop making fools of yourselves and read Joel Stein in the LA Times on the topic (http://articles.latimes.com/2008/dec/19/opinion/oe-stein19).

Then read Yuri Slezkine’s “The Jewish Century” (http://www.amazon.com/Jewish-Century-Yuri-Slezkine/dp/0691119953).

In both works the Jewish authors openly gloat — and proceed to demonstrate with names, positions and other facts – their own accurate observation as American Jews that Jews DO run OUR country, America. Even the Jewish joke writers at “South Park” also joke openly about this theme, and giggle that the “Joosians” can even “cancel the earth” like a failing “reality show”: http://www.southparkstudios.com/episodes/103622

And it is this very Jewish supremacy that explains why the well-known dean of White House reporters, Helen Thomas, until very recently the darling of liberals for her justified Bush-bashing, was summarily fired — for criticizing Israel, the Jewish State, to a snooping rabbi with a tape recorder in a private remark.

And then all sorts of hasbara malarkey was peddled about how she was really Lebanese and thus an Arab, and thus a terrorist sympathizer, though she was raised in Kentucky! The gloves came off, her looks as a woman were mocked – extremely unchivalrously, I might add — and a hate orgy began! How ironic that Jews encouraged mocking of her semitic nose! That is the definition of chutzpah.

Frankly, this factor of politically correct intimidation, and Dr. Stanford’s own unfortunate bouts with alcohol in recent years (visible at a conference in Columbus, Ohio), sadly must shade our acceptance of what he wrote above, for all the laurels he previously has merited and accumulated.

And for all my great esteem for Dr. Stanford in the past, and I also say this as a former member of Marine Corps intelligence, with interrogator training under my belt, it is a sad human fact that under enough threats and pressure, especially if coupled with BRIBES, (almost) “anyone can be gotten to.”

I have seen this for 32 years when the Jews lean on someone. IN THE END, ONLY THE “NAZIS” STAND UP TO THE JEWS. EVERYONE ELSE CAVES IN.

Like Galileo, who recanted under pressure. Like James Watson, a Nobel Prize winner who recanted under pressure. (But hey, what does the mere co-discoverer of the DNA helix know about genetics, after all? I can hear Tyrone now in his affirmative-action college class: “He jus be a traila pahk honky racist m—f–er. Gimme that Nobel Prize! I’ll hit him upside the haid wif it!”)

James Watson of America, and Francis Crick of England, along with Maurice Wilkins, figured out the structure of DNA, a gigantic scientific contribution. In recognition, the Human Genome Project used some of Watson’s DNA for mapping human chromosomes, along with that of project founder Craig Venter. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watson_and_Crick)

But Watson. not being a nazi, caved under pressure on the black IQ facts. Instead of taking a stand, deploying his staggering world prestige to fullest advantage, he apologized for what he KNEW to be the truth, just like Dennis Stanford. And it serves Watson right that this coward got fired anyway (as head of the Cold Spring Laboratory on Long Island).

Getting back to the specific assertions of Dr. Stanford, in the Ice Age northern Europe, as he obviously very well knows, was under glaciers. All the white people of Europe of course moved SOUTH: “Move south or die.” France was trodden by reindeer — and woolly mammoths!

Eventually, cold and starvation during the horrific “Glacial Maximum” even killed off the mammoths, and many reindeer and wild horses. Whites were forced to MOVE and hunt elsewhere — or DIE.

White people (that is, really “white” people with pale skin and perhaps already fair hair and eyes) lived in the south, in southern France, Spain, Italy and North Africa. These areas were also much cooler (and also greener) back then than they are now, as was the American Southwest in that period.

I am sure Dr. Stanford is not ignorant of the fact that until recently, many Berbers in the high mountains of Morocco, yes, I said MOROCCO, had blond hair and blue eyes. I lived in the south of France myself in 2004 (in Aix-en-Provence; see my Wiki bio), an area full of muslim mediterranean immigrants, and met such people, BLOND and/or blue-eyed Berbers from the countries of Morocco and Algeria.

READ THESE QUOTES ABOUT THE BERBERS – IF YOU DARE: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Berber_people

A white, blue-eyed Berber girl. Unfortunately, after ten thousand years, these genes are now disappearing in Morocco and Algeria due to intermixing with the aggressive and domineering semitic Arabs.

The Berbers as a race are going the way of the Guanches on the nearby Canary Islands (https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/08/29/english-grand-rabbi-on-selfish-dinks-white-indians-of-nivaria/, scroll down one-third to “White Indians of Nivaria”) when the conquering, dark-haired Spanish killed the blond men and married their widows and girls. The Canary Islands had absolutely no metal at all, being volcanic-magma-formed islands, and the Guanches thus could not defeat Spanish iron and steel weapons, shields and body armor despite a 96-year-long and very heroic resistance.

It is an equally well-known fact that the original people of the Canary Islands, off the African coast, were not just white but largely Nordic in appearance. Here is a non-p.c. book about that:


From Norwegian researcher-explorer Thor Heyerdahl’s 1951 American Indians in the Pacific.


Now where exactly does Stanford get this notion that the Solutreans “might have” died out in Europe, leaving no descendants? To what total holocaust is he specifically referring — so that the Solutreans of Europe would disappear and we whites of today could not descend from them? After all, they were extremely tough, and mentally they were “survivors,”as he knows best of all. They invented incredible new flint hunting weapons….

……and the vital sewing needle for making clothes, and in their imaginativeness they may even have been the inventors of the world-famous and stunning cave paintings at Lascaux (France), according to some radiocarbon dating readings of paint pigments, and not the later Magdalenians.

VISIT THIS INCREDIBLE CAVE ONLINE! Take a visual walking tour. CLICK IN THE CENTER HERE http://www.lascaux.culture.fr/index.php?lng=en#/fr/00.xml

The Solutreans that Stanford SAID in 2003 were tough enough to navigate the Ice Age Atlantic were certainly resilient and innovative, demonstrably, because they survived the worst time of all, the Glacial Maximum. They were incredibly hardy and inventive. Is he seriously claiming the subsequent and similar white culture, the Magdalenians, killed them all, man, woman and child? So we modern whites could have NO Solutrean blood???


Wernher von Braun introduces his Apollo moon rocket engines, the Saturn 5’s.

I suspected this cave-in, no pun intended, by Dennis Stanford would happen. Sooner or later, everyone, even Nobel Prize winners, gets on their knees before the Almighty Jew, and genuflects to toxic, nation-destroying political correctness. And especially guys who do not look like fighters, but rather like drone federal workers, and with a jovial Burl Ives beard to boot.

“Hey, I’m not a fighter! I’m a federal employee!”

And that craven submissiveness of the proles, to use George Orwell’s language, is why we are again facing a gradual process of white genocide today (the white percentage in America has UNQUESTIONABLY fallen from 90% to 55% in my one lifetime), because we have the sacred taboo propagated in Joel Stein’s Jewsmedia against whites having any rights or any victim status, not matter how deserved and proven.

All whites are the oppressive, racist bad guys — unless they become self-abnegating, roly-poly, bitch-titted (I have been to Democrat gatherings in downtown Washington and seen these white girly-men) liberal wusses or psychopathic, leucophobic leftist race traitors.


I know this deracinated breed. I lived off and on in the Washington DC areas for 28 years, from my Georgetown University years through my military time and years as an activist and  writer.

(Sorry, lefties, though you want to call me “white trash” peddling “silly racist rantings,” I graduated “magna cum laude” and “Phi Beta Kappa”; look me up on Wikipedia, and my people came here, to America, in the year 1635).

=======================from the Wikipedia article (deleted by Wikipedia because I was “not a person of note,” yet there are millions of hits on my name, I have been on nationwide and even WORLD television repeatedly as a white nationalist leader, and yet Wiki has an article (rightfully) on archeologist Dr. James Adovasio, a superb and steadfast pre-Clovis expert, who has only 5,000 search engine hits on his name….) [The Wiki article is now found here, with further additions such as photos and updates: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/wikipedia-biography-john-de-nugent/]

* * *

On May 24, 1981 de Nugent graduated from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., receiving a degree of bachelor of science in languages, with a 3.702 average, earning the Latin designation magna cum laude, i.e. “with high honors.”[37] Georgetown is consistently listed by US News and World Report among the top 25 universities in the United States.[38], [39] He was also admitted to the national honor society known as Phi Beta Kappa,[40] which recognizes roughly the top ten percent of the students in any academic field who have also passed certain rigorous science courses. He majored in German language [JdN: not literature; this was a bachelor of SCIENCE degree]  and minored in French.

The Georgetown campus.

Phi Beta Kappa is (or then was) basically for the top ten percent of the class, provided hard-science courses were also taken. (But Condi Rice got a Phi Beta Kappa despite a B average…. Hmmm. ‘Cuz she’s black.)


I also know that blacks raped my fiancee twice (she has discussed this publicly and on the radio), an opera singer, and yet she is not allowed to notice (or talk) about their “skin color.” No, they just haaaaaaappened to be black. (Rape by blacks happens to 136 white women every day, say 2005 FBI statistics. But it would be racist to talk about it, so the FBI no longer updates this statistic.)

Another raped Solutrean woman.

By the way, Dr, Stanford [addressing you directly]:

In the televised documentary “Ice Age Columbus” from Channel Four (you remember that, do you not, and I remind you that you are under oath 😉 ), Professor Peltier of the University of Toronto says that up to one-third of American Indians east of the Mississippi have ancient female Solutrean blood.

Zia, in “Ice Age Columbus”

This explains neatly, does it not, why the Mandan Indians and many other Eastern North American Indians looked part-white. The Siberindians genocided the white men and boys, and committed the mass abduction/rape-insemination of white Solutrean women.

Note the facial shape and the eye color!

Mi-neek-e-sunk-te-ca (in English, “The Mink”)
Date: 1832-1839
Creator: Catlin, George
Image Source: Catlin, George. North American Indians. Vol. 1. Philadelphia: Leary, Stuart and co., 1913.

Chief Cornplanter of southwestern Pennsylvania

(From a website about the history of Salisbury, southwestern Pennsylvania, a 99% white town of 878 on the Maryland border)

In 1739, a Frenchman, La Verendrye, encountered a tribe of Indians on the Upper Missouri “whose Fortifications are not characteristic of the Indians… Most of the women do not have Indian features… The tribe is mixed white and black. The women are fairly good looking, especially the light colored ones; many have blonde or fair hair.’ He called them Mantannes.

Or why else, sir, do these Amerindians have only white FEMALE, “Eve” genes?

I have been to Meadowcroft Rock Shelter, and met the nervous director, David Scofield.

Why DOES suddenly the pre-Clovis culture “end”?

Yes, perhaps a comet hit the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Perhaps that caused the Younger Dryas period, the 1,300 years of refreezing and the return of the Ice Age around 10,000 BC that may have killed off many animals and humans. But that does not explain the full genocide. Why did the Siberindians survive it, but not the Solutreans?…………..??

I must say this, regretfully, to a man I have admired for a decade:

Shame on you for pussyfooting, and thus betraying our and YOUR murdered white kinfolk, and for betraying your own integrity, recanting the truth you know to be true.

You will answer to God if you lie against your own people to save your job.

You are desecrating the white murder victims of that Solutrean Holocaust, which, as you surely know, was by no means the only time that Asians invaded white nations (think Huns, Mongols, Tatars and Turks) and then annihilated whites en masse, or abducted their women as wretched sex slaves.

This bowing to the savage god of political correctness, Dr. Dennis Stanford, is why our country is now in steep decline, and why an unqualified negro fool is now squatting in the White House, destroying our economy — and the environment via the BP oil disaster, which is very far, very disastrously far from over. (See, among many blogs on this, this blog: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/06/09/english-gulf-oil-breaching-up-from-other-locations-devastating-coasts-obama-bans-united-states-flag-at-press-conferences-2/)

Are you now the white slave boy of your federal boss, the illegal alien with the collapsing poll numbers, Barry Soetoro/Barack Hussein Obama?

At Meadowcroft Rock Shelter, where pre-Clovis culture suddenly “ends.” How euphemistic, when we are talking about …. genocide.

Galileo should have chosen the stake. Dennis, he will always, always be remembered for recanting the truth.

From the Southwestern Journal of Anthropology with respect to the Mandan Indians, encountered by a great French explorer, La Verendrye, and later by the Americans who were sent out by President Thomas Jefferson, Lewis and Clark:

The Jewish invaders — and their Siberindian collaborators — are sitting on an anthropological and geopolitical powder keg:

Whites are the Native Americans.
We always have been.
We are the victims of the red man’s torture, rape, death camps, and genocide.

Scene from the Mayan “Temple of the Warrior.” Other scenes show a slave raid on a peaceful village of blond people. WHERE DID THEY COME FROM?



  1. A scientist that use the term “antisemitism” to make a point on a topic of human origins in America is not serious.

    Arabs are semites and not all jews are semites. That would make an anti-semite someone who is against arabs !

    The term antisemite is flawed and very politically driven.

    Dennis Stanford is doing exactly what he is accusing Mr. de Nugent of.

  2. Stanford said: “…there is NO EVIDENCE that these people were the SAME RACE as modern Europeans in fact they most likely were not the same race.”

    He’s lying. NO EVIDENCE??? How about similarity in skin color, brain size, hair color, eye color, general skeletal structure, cultural achievement and values, technological creativity, inventiveness; not to mention that the first (and most) of the skeletal and artifact evidence were found in EUROPE??? And how is our courageous “scientist” defining “race” TODAY? The definition seems to change from day to day in this jew world depending on need. I guess race doesn’t mean “the human race” then today for you “scientists.” Is that correct, Stanford?

    Obviously, the Cro-Magnons are a different sub-race — or PRE-RACE. There are physical differences. However, there appears to be more resemblance between Cro-Magnons and Aryans than between Aryans and Mediterraneans, for example. But the latter two are considered two sub-races of the same White European race. Moreover, despite the small differences, this does not mean there is no close relationship with today’s White Europeans. Everything I’ve read and seen suggests they are our ancestors. Almost certainly, if Neanderthals mixed with modern Europeans, the MUCH MORE SIMILAR Cro-Magnons mixed with us too.

    Is Stanford saying Cro-Magnons are NOT WHITE? Is he saying they did NOT live in Europe? If they lived in Europe and are White and then migrated into and populated America, then WHITE EUROPEANS WERE THE FIRST INHABITANTS OF AMERICA — perhaps a different SUB-RACE or PRE-RACE from today’s White Europeans — but still White Europeans. They were White and looked like us and lived in Europe for 35,000 years. Why doesn’t that qualify them, Stanford, for being Europeans?

    I think we can trust our eyes. We can look at today’s North Africans, if we want to limit Cro-Magnons to North Africans (and pretend they weren’t Europeans). What do these North African “direct ancestors” of Cro-Magnon look like? LIKE US!!! LIKE WHITE ARYANS!!! True, Stanford?

    I just feel like kicking this mealy-mouthed traitor in the butt.

    But…I think a more generally effective approach to him is to specifically refute his specific statements with the EVIDENCE that he claims now is lacking.

  3. “Dr. Stanford disappoints me, or as Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “human, all too human.'”

    Maybe he’s not human. Maybe he’s a Jew. He looks like one. That would explain much.

  4. Hi, Tenniel.

    Were Dr. Stanford a Jew, I doubt he would have worked hard to save the skeleton of Kennewick Man from destruction. That was a very good deed.

    But I am disappointed now.

    • J’aimerais bien le savoir, moi. Selon le film documentaire “Ice Age Columbus” apparement on les a retrouves dans la caverne de Cactus Hill en Virginie. On les montre au moins dans ce film.

  5. J’ai aussi regardé ce film à la télévision il y a quelques années (2005) et fut très impressionné. Mais c’était avant que je ne sois bien informé sur qui est à la tête de nos médias en Amérique. Depuis 2 ans j’ai cancellé mes abonnements au câble et je ne regarde plus la télé que pour y visionner des parties de hockey.

    Ice Age Columbus est une production de Discovery Chanel, une créature du juif David Zaslav et dont le mandat est strictement de vendre du film, par tous les moyens possibles, et d’endoctriner les Américains. Les “scientifiques” qui participent à ces productions ne méritent plus aucune considération sérieuse. C’est carrément de la prostitution et une insulte à la communauté scientifique.

    Je ne crois pas que Dennis Stanford est “revenu” sur ses positions au sujet des pointes de Cactus Hill. Je crois que les producteurs du film ont plutôt manipulé l’image pour faire dire à Stanford ce qu’il n’a jamais dit. C’est leur technique habituelle.

    L’exemple de la grosse pointe dans la caverne de Cactus Hill est représentatif. Au début du film on nous montre une minuscule pointe dans la caverne Cactus Hill avec une lentille macro, donnant une fausse impression de grandeur, puis plus tard on nous montre des pointes géantes solutréennes dans ce qui parraît être la même caverne, mais qui est en fait en France, puis plus tard on revient à Cactus Hill avec la petite point en avant-plan encore grossie avec en arrière plan une pointe géante solutréenne qui parraît de même grandeur. Des jeux de montage (editing) et de plans de caméra qui trompent le message du narrateur.

    La tromperie est amplifiée lorsqu’on nous montre le “méchant” solutréen (exilé) en Amérique, enterrant des pointes géantes cérémonialles, avant une chasse au mamouth.

    Aucune pointe géante n’a été découverte en Amérique. Ceci est très important car ces pointes sont un trait distinctif des Solutréens. Ils n’auraient pas abandonné leur religion aussi brusquement.

    Le but des juifs est de brouiller les cultures et religions américaines pour mieux endoctriner les Américains de leurs idéologies et mythes qui servent leurs intérêts.

  6. Une chose est certaine, c’est que les sites archéologiques à Meadowcroft (Pensylvanie), Saltville (Virginie), Cactus Hill (Virginie), et Topper (Caroline du Sud), démontrent une migration il y a 16,000 ans dans l’est des USA, c’est à dire loin d’une migration par les rives du Pacifique, dont la seule découverte est au Chili à Monte Verde il y a 20,000 ans et qui n’est en rien liée à des peuples asiatiques !

    Il ne fait aucun doute qu’il y a 16,000 ans la région aujourd’hui apellée Pensylvanie et celle de Virginie étaient exactement sur la frange de la couche de glace liée à l’Europe par l’Atlantique.

    Je vous ai posé ma question sur les pointes solutréennes géantes cérémonialles sans vous émettre mon opinion afin de ne pas influencer votre réponse. J’apprécie votre franchise de me dire que vous ne savez pas et celle-ci vous honnore.

    Voici donc mon opinion sur celà :

    Je n’ai pas d’expertise en anthropologie, mais j’ai depuis plus de 20 ans étudié les religions et mythologies du monde pour essayer de comprendre leurs liens et influences réciproques.

    Lorsque j’ai visionné le docu-film sur les Solutréens, j’ai vite identifié les inconsistances et contradictions avec les informations que j’ai accumulées.

    Il me semble évident que le membre du groupe solutréen qui produisait ces pointes géantes (inutiles pour la chasse) avait le temps libre nécessaire pour le faire et que leur fonction était purement symbolique. Cette personne était le Shaman (prêtre)!

    Le Shaman a fait une religion de l’outil qui assurait la survie du clan.

    Or, les Solutréens qui ont traversé la calotte glacière atlantique n’étaient pas accompagnés d’un Schaman. Ils ne connaissaient pas et n’avaient pas authorisation de reproduire ces pointes sacrées.

    Ils n’étaient sans-doute même pas experts dans la production de pointes, mais ont fait leur mieux pour les immiter une fois en Amérique, par accident.

    Ce sont les pointes retrouvées dans l’est des USA et qui ont influencé ceux qui viendront d’Asie 2,000 ans plus tard.

  7. Merci, camarade.

    Mais selon “Ice Age Columbus” le pere de Zia, qui fut en meme temps chef du clan, fonctionna egalement en pretre (shamane). Donc lui fut, selon la phrase de Platon le philosphe-roi, portant deux chapeaux, celui qui guida et la chasse et la religion.

    J’espere que vous avez lu mon blog en anglais sur le sabotage du Courant du Golfe du Mexique. La derniere fois qu’il y eut un Age de Glace, le Canada eut bien froid!

  8. Le récit de “Ice Age Columbus” ne fait pas de sens. C’est comme prétendre que la Reine ou le Roi d’Espagne avait fait le voyage d’explorateur à la place de Colomb.

    Le Shaman était l’autorité spirituelle au service de l’autorité physique et sociale du Chef.

    Le film “Ice Age Columbus” fait encore plus grande faute en transformant le “méchant exilé”, une fois en Amérique, en Chef-Shaman qui subitement devient expert en production de pointes-cérémonialles qui exigent une technique et maîtrise après de longues années sous un maître dont il n’avait pas là-bas ! Ce méchant-exilé était pourtant d’un caractère asscocial et intempestif, même meurtrier, avant sont expulsion !

    Rien d’un shaman !

    Non. Un Chef solutréen n’avait pas le temps libre, ni l’inspiration métaphisique, pour perfectionner ces pointes de cérémonies. Son autorité n’était pas de même nature.

  9. Isn’t it amazing, John, how one can find all these great VISUAL proofs of the thesis one is propounding, and then, putting them on our sites, we think: “There, people can see these things with their own eyes.” And a few do, and go, ‘Wow, These guys are RIGHT!

    And then, some accursed Deicide/Multicultural comes trolling along, and realizes “OY! If Joe Six-Pack and Betty Soccermom see this pictures, they might believe the ‘goyim.'”

    So, they go to whoever ‘owns’ the picture, and POOF! while leftist and communist, multicultural, and sockpuppet news agencies can run these pictures for free (or have the millions of dollars to pay the outlandish fees for a PICTURE!?) WE CAN’T. Suddenly, a simple picture (that speaks ten thousand words) is GONE from one’s site, for no apparent reason, other than that “THEY” don’t want you to have it. Mwa-ha-ha. (evil corporate laugh, there) 🙂

    I had that picture of the blue-eyed, fair-skinned Berber girl also on my blog (thanks to your posting of it) until I linked to a site where the Xenos/Deicide troll, and suddenly (just like here!) POOF! No more visually corroborating evidence…for my/our side, that is.

    I read that your site was hacked, and Photobucket took all your photos. I ask myself, ‘Why? How is a picture (that is freely distributed on the net) the ‘possession’ of one person/group/ethnos, if it is being FREELY distributed, and is not AVAILABLE for sale, anyway?

    Then I realized. CONTROL OF THE MEANS OF PROPAGANDA. Intellectual property, my Aunt Fanny. Propaganda control, you bet. That’s what lies behind removing pics from only ‘certain’ websites. (Or charging a completely different fee for one group, than for another…don’t think we are going to forget this, either, ‘come the revolution,’ as they say…)

    Sadly, we still will have to write (each in our respective fields) to only those with brains, and expect our sites to be stripped of freely available pictures, while they remain on the Propaganda device sites. Which is really disturbing to me, for those with ‘half-a-brain’ (the ones who NEED the pictures to understand the rhetoric) may/will end up being the fodder for the NWO, and never know it. God help them, and help us all, who are fighting for His Kingdom, and His Rigteousness.

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