ENGLISH ADL defends Wikileak stooge Assange; approaching ice age caused by continuing oil spill and HAARP; Goebbels gave biggest starring movie roles in Reich to part-Jew Horst Kaspar

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ADL: Wikileaks Vital to Israel’s Intelligence Program
ADL to attack journalists and publications tying Israel to Wikileaks
by Gordon Duff
Veterans Today – Military Veterans and Foreign Affairs Journal
December 27, 2010

There is a list, the Bush administration’s “working group” that green-lighted 9/11.Of the five names on it, three are Jews.“

Last week, responding to a deluge of news reports tying Israel to Wikileaks, Julian Assange announced he finally planned to release 3,700 cables from the US Embassy in Tel Aviv, documents previously withheld from the public. In a press release, Assange said he planned the “dump” in six months but didn’t indicate how many other documents involving Israel were being withheld.

Veterans Today has been informed by sources within the ADL that, in coordination with Julian Assange’s announcement, they were “tasked” by the Tel Aviv government to begin operations against journalists and online publications that had led to Wikileaks being discredited as an Israeli intelligence operation. Sources indicate that Tel Aviv values Wikileaks as a vital asset in molding public opinion and providing cover for high-risk operations.

ADL’s website is loading up with warnings and attacks, all defending Wikileaks and Julian Assange and attacking news sources that print materials either critical of Julian Assange or citing Israel’s involvement in Wikileak’s agreement to allow material critical of Israel to be censored.

“If we had Wikileaks up to speed, the Goldstone Report would never have been heard of at all. There isn’t anything that can’t be covered up by a Julian Assange scandal. I just hope something doesn’t come up where it gets so serious that Assange will have to be assassinated. He is really a loveable dupe.” (ADL source)

The ADL source cited publications www.opinion-maker.org and www.veteranstoday.com as the largest threats, followed by author Jeff Gates.

“We know we aren’t going to be able to reach their audience. Our job is to insulate our own base, America’s Jewish population, one increasingly sympathetic to progressive alternative publications. With Israel and President Obama at each others throats and 78% of America’s Jewish population having supported Obama in the presidential election, we could be playing with fire here.” (ADL source)


It isn’t a very well kept secret that the ADL and AIPAC are agencies of Israeli intelligence. Their litany of transgressions is being dragged into the open by former AIPAC Lobbyist Steve Rosen in his defamation lawsuit against that organization. In 2004, the FBI tried to close AIPAC down for spying, only to see their criminal cases blocked by Bush administration officials.

Now, with the ADL openly going after the press for reporting ties between Julian Assange and Israel and Assange’s agreement to allow Wikileaks to be censored by both Israel and press organizations working with them, has exposed Wikileaks to even more embarrassment.

ADL actions to publicly defend Wikileaks is blowing up in their faces.

“I have no idea what they were thinking back in Tel Aviv. What kind of idiot would try to keep the Wikileaks and Israel thing quiet and then have the ADL run around like maniacs calling people names. The ADL should keep to spray painting swastikas on synagogues and sending articles to “Stormfront” and leave the thinking to people better equipped, if there still are people like that around….which I am not so sure of.” (ADL source)


With 9/11 more and more in the public eye, especially with Fox News and Jesse Ventura’s “Conspiracy Theory” building a powerful case for involvement by the Bush administration in the planning and execution of 9/11 as a “false flag” terror attack, it is likely that Israel feels particularly vulnerable. If a solid tie between Israel and 9/11 is made, Israel will have its first real security problem since 1973.

“I never knew Assange was working for us, not even when he started attacking the 9/11 Truth movement. I really didn’t know for sure until a couple of days ago. As for 9/11, that’s something else. There are a couple of senior guys running around, saying they planned 9/11, not Mossad, military guys. I don’t know if they are bullshitters or not. They say it like this…’Of course, we did it, who else? We don’t care, say whatever you want, who needs to hide anything, we can do whatever we want there’.

This is how they put it. I just don’t know why they are saying this or why they are saying it now. What I do know is that this Wikileaks thing, somehow 9/11 may be behind it.

There is a list, the Bush administration’s “working group” that green-lighted 9/11. Of the five names on it, three are Jews. ” (ADL Source)


I have been stating over and over on this very blog that 1) Obama deliberately did the Gulf oil spill; 2) the oil is not capped but still flowing; 3) it is disrupting the Gulf Stream; 4) this will lead to a new ice age; 5) the purpose of the ice age is to destroy the homelands of the nordic race: northern europe, northern Russia and white North America (USA and Canada), and cause a food crisis as snow and long months of cold destroy current levels of agricultural production.

I believe I stand now totally vindicated.

I will further state that 6) chemtrails are creating a”matrix” so HAARP can work better, and 7) HAARP, operating from both the main base in Alaska and other bases around the world, is making the ice age chill much, much worse.

My supporters around the world have sent me in the following reports.

A former Navy officer in southern Florida who works in aviation:

* * *

Weather for Orlando area the last few days has been mostly clear, and cool, a classic high presssure cold air mass. The local weather website shows 36 degrees Fahrenheit at 2:35 a.m. Tuesday -and is forecast to go down to 32.
Starting Wednesday, a slight warming trend predicted -low temp. is forecast to be only 46 degrees. High, 63. Highs in the low 70’s are predicted for later this week.
December in Florida has been mostly dominated by cold air masses moving down from the north -it’s like the jetstream is blasting right on through down to Florida. Two weeks ago we had another cold front with a few nights of below freezing temps.
Jan and Feb. should be interesting.

Another comrade reports this from Northern Ireland…

Belfast has been without water for eight days and Newry has been without water since the afternoon of December 27.

The rivers which flow into the resevoir have frozen, as have the water pipes, which has caused major damage and which will take major construction to repair all this.

They are drinking bottled water and [two friends] went to the swimming pool to have a shower.

More on the “water chaos” in NI (Northern Ireland) now….

British Broadcasting Corporation/BBCHome

Water chaos affects thousands in Northern Irelandt

People at a bottled water distribution point gave their reaction

* Northern Ireland Water statement
* Record low temperatures for NI
* Burst pipes warning ahead of thaw

Thousands of homes and businesses in Northern Ireland are still without water, some since before Christmas.

Northern Ireland Water said it was alternating supplies from reservoirs in a bid to give every area a limited supply, causing more interruptions.

It has warned that the drought could last for several more days.

Belfast City Council has opened three leisure centres to distribute drinking water, while free showers will be available on Wednesday.

NI Water said an unprecedented number of leaks caused by the thaw have been putting “big pressure” on its systems.

Many people have complained that it is impossible to get through to a helpline (08457 440088).

Among the areas worst hit are Belfast, Armagh and Coleraine.

Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness said it was not good enough that some people had been left without water for so long.

“Obviously under the terms of the Financial Act that we put in place some time last year, the most vulnerable in our society – those that have been most badly affected by all of this – will have the right to make claims,” he said.

“I think there will be a willingness on behalf of the Executive to ensure that the most deserving cases are supported financially.”

Regional Development Minister Conor Murphy said he had been in contact with NI Water about the problems.

“I have been speaking to the chief executive of NI Water and they have assured me that they are working flat out to try and resolve all of these problems,” he said.

A stand-pipe was installed in north Belfast after the depot ran out of bottled water A stand-pipe was installed in north Belfast after the depot ran out of bottled water

“They have issues with contact because the volume of calls that has come in has put them under severe pressure. I have been constantly in touch with them to try and reassure myself that they’re doing everything in their power to try and address this issue.”

Belfast City Council is operating an emergency operation to help those without water.

Drinking water is available from tankers at three council sites: Avoniel Leisure Centre; Whiterock Leisure Centre and Olympia Leisure Centre from 8pm-10pm on Tuesday and from 9am on Wednesday.

It is limited to 20 litres per household and people must bring their own containers.

Drinking water will also be available from a tanker in the north of the city at the NI Water depot on the Westland Road.

All Belfast City Council Leisure Centres will be open on Wednesday and subject to water supplies will be able to provide free shower facilities.

Coleraine Leisure Centre will be open until 2200 GMT on Wednesday for shower facilities and anyone taking water containers can have them filled with drinking water.
‘Drought situation’

Ruth Loney, who owns a small farm in Armagh, said there was like “a drought situation”.

“There are elderly people in Armagh today carrying buckets of water and they are having extreme difficulty along the streets.

Water collection centres

* NI Water depot, 1A Belt Road, Londonderry
* NI Water depot, Seagoe Industrial Estate, Craigavon,
* Old Westland Road, Belfast
* NI Water Depot, 69 Gortin Road, Omagh
* Castlederg Enterprise Centre
* NI Water Depot, Erne House, Killyhevlin
* Ballykeel depot, Ballymena
* Depot, Park Road, Strabane
* Derrygannon Community Hall, Eshnadarragh, Roslea
* The Civic Centre, Gortgonis
* NIW Depot, Huntley Rd, Banbridge
* Purdysburn Service Reservoir, Alderwood Hill
* The Town Square, Portaferry

“There is also water pouring out of commercial premises and nobody realises that their business has burst pipes,” he said. “And unless there is help given to people who really need it we could be in a very serious situation.”

Tiago Menezes returned to his house in Belfast to find the street has been without water for six days. “After six days, it’s starting to be a public health issue when you can’t even flush the toilet,” he said.

People seeking information about their water supply have complained to the BBC that it was almost impossible to get through to NI Water’s phoneline, while the company’s website has also been also running slowly.

Worried farmers have been among dozens of people contacting the BBC about their water supply problems.

Customers are asked to check the NI Water website for updates.

SDLP Regional Development spokesperson, Conall McDevitt described the communications system at NI Water as “inadequate and shambolic”.

On Tuesday afternoon, NI Water said: “We would strongly urge all customers and property owners to check their premises, including vacant buildings, outbuildings and animal drinking troughs for any leaks and arrange for them to be isolated immediately and repaired as soon as possible.

“We are noticing that the majority of the leaks in the water system are currently on the customers’ private water supply side. NI Water is currently inputting an additional 40% of water into our supply network to meet the unprecedented demand being experienced.

“We would also ask customers to conserve their use of water during this period of disruption in order to allow us to fully recharge our water network.”

Are you in Northern Ireland? Are you experiencing problems with your water supply due to the weather? Have you had trouble getting through to the emergency line? Send us your comments and experiences using the form below.

Send your pictures and videos to yourpics@bbc.co.uk or text them to 61124 (UK) or +44 7725 100 100 (International). If you have a large file you can upload here.

Your comments

We have been without water for seven days. I have two young children, both under five, and it is proving exceptionally difficult to provide water for our family’s needs, especially during a time when the whole family are at home. We contacted the emergency number a couple of weeks ago, when our water was off for three days. The water service did send someone out, but told us that as the mains pipe was frozen it was not their responsibility. Alastair McFarland, Ballinamallard

I would like to comment that despite your report citing Belfast and surrounding areas having severe problems that there are many people in the Dungannon and Coalisland area who have been without water for coming onto a week. Why have you failed to report this and why is this not considered enough of an emergency situation so that action is taken to distribute water as is being undertaken today in Belfast? No one I know can get in touch with NI Water to ascertain the action being taken to address this matter. Leontia Doran, Dungannon, County Tyrone

We have had no water since Christmas Eve, starting with the bath taps. We thought it was a frozen pipe at first, but then the taps downstairs stopped working too. Now we have no water at all, no shower or bath, can’t even flush the toilets. Can’t get through to Northern Ireland water as the number has been engaged all day and the website has been down most of today too. Claire, Dromore, Northern Ireland

We live in Coleraine and have no water. Can’t get through on NI Water Helpline and their website keeps crashing. All local supermarkets and garages have sold out of bottled water and there doesn’t appear to be any supplies available here from NI Water like there is in other towns. Total chaos. Tricia Roulston, Coleraine

We have had no mains supply for over 48 hours. Calling the emergency line is futile. To make matters worse supply of bottled water in local supermarkets has dried up. Johnny Bottomley, Bushmills

Our home has been without water since Christmas eve. The Housing Executive were informed early that morning and as yet no one has been in contact. We have been on the phone to NI Water constantly with no avail as it is either engaged or you are left waiting for the next available advisor, after 20 mins you have to wonder is there anyone there and give up. Other houses close by lost supply Monday night and it returned within a few hours; ours has had no such luck. There seems to be a serious lack of co-ordination and accountability. Gerry Andrews, Belfast

We live in Edenderry, Belfast and have no water in the village. I have tried in excess of 100 times to phone the Waterboard number. It is constantly engaged. Drove to North Belfast to get water for ourselves and an elderly neighbour to be told they had run out 10 minutes before we arrived! Heather Taylor, Belfast

Our water supply failed yesterday (Monday), morning. I called NI Water. I held on for 30 minutes before getting into the queue and then waited 10 minutes to speak to someone. The water supply was restored by the evening. However, considering the huge problem of such a deep freeze over the whole country, I accepted that there would be hundreds (in fact thousands) of people calling in. I am sure the NI Water got some things wrong, but on the whole they have done as good a job as could be expected in this extreme situation. Dr Raymond Cox, Portadown, Co Armagh

We are a family in East Belfast and have been without water since approximately 8.30am this morning. I took us until after 12pm to get through on the emergency water line and all we were told was that there was a problem with a reservoir, repairs were underway but there was no time scale to fix it. We cannot cook, wash, go to the bathroom etc and have no idea how long this will last for! Lisa, Belfast, Co Antrim

It’s chillier than Lapland: Minus 18C makes it our coldest Christmas Day EVER

By Christopher Leake
Last updated at 11:33 AM on 26th December 2010

Britons awoke yesterday to the coldest Christmas Day on record.

In parts of the country, the mercury touched minus 18C, chillier than Lapland, and few places saw temperatures rise above freezing.

At 8am in Shawbury, Shropshire, it was minus 15.9C and in Altnaharra, in the Highlands of Scotland, minus 18.2C.

Forecasters predict this December is likely to be the coldest on record. The previous coldest was in 1890, when the average temperature for the whole month for England was minus 0.8C.

Cold crossing: A frozen River Severn at Ironbridge near Telford,  Shropshire, as the icy December continuesCold crossing: A frozen River Severn at Ironbridge near Telford, Shropshire, as the icy December continues

Bleak midwinter: A mother walks her dog while her child ice skates  on a frozen Lake of Menteith in Scotland yesterday as Britain endures  its coldest December in living memoryBleak midwinter: A mother walks her dog while her child ice skates on a frozen Lake of Menteith in Scotland yesterday as Britain endures its coldest December in living memory

Dog walkers take a Christmas Day stroll alongside the frozen River  Avon near Pershore, where temperatures yesterday fell to minus 17CDog walkers take a Christmas Day stroll alongside the frozen River Avon near Pershore, where temperatures yesterday fell to minus 17C

The average temperature for all of Britain up to Christmas Eve this year was also minus 0.8C, though forecasters said the weather would improve from Wednesday.

The Arctic snap brought travel chaos in the run-up to Christmas, with thousands of passengers having to sleep in terminal buildings after their flights were delayed by snow and ice.

Their spirits will hardly have been lifted by the revelation that airports throughout Europe and America have put Britain to shame with military-style weather-busting operations.

European airport bosses were often able to call on many times more snowploughs, snowblowers and de-icing vehicles than the UK’s busiest airport, which boasts just 46 specialist vehicles.

Revealed: How Europe shamed heathrow

Tradition: Members of the Serpentine Swimming Club queue to dive  into the Serpentine Lido in Hyde Park yesterday morning


What is wrong with this picture? If the Third Reich, Himmler, Hitler and so forth, were out to genocide the Jews out of pure racial hatred, as per the supposed Wannsee Conference, then why did they give the starring male role in their final movie, the powerful extravanganza, “Kolberg,” the last artistic statement by the Third Reich (opening just three months before the war ended) to a part-Jew?

Here is Horst Kaspar (left), playing the dashing young hero Colonel Neidhart von Gneisenau, who rallies the city of Kolberg in Prussia to stop Napoleon, telling the weak-kneed king (right) that the Folk is ready to fight!

Here we see the end of this magnificent movie, featuring the face of Kaspar and a screenful of waving Prussian war flags:

Hey, first of all, what happened to the “the Nazis only wanted blond hair and blue eyes” thing? (My friend Henrik Holappa was taught in school in postwar Finland that “Hitler wanted to exterminate anyone without blond hair….” (Ah, so THAT’s why Hitler shot himself… 😉 On April 30, 1945, while shaving, he wiped the steam off the bathroom mirror and discovered he had dark hair!)

Now check this out, the Google translation of the German Wikipedia article (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horst_Caspar) on the actor Horst Kaspar:

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Horst Caspar

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Horst Capar as Hamlet at the Deutsches Theater (1945)

Honorary grave of the actor-couple Horst Caspar and Antje Weisgerber in the churchyard of St. Anne’s parish in Berlin-Dahlem

Horst Joachim Arthur Caspar (* January 20 1913 in Radegast , Anhalt , † December 27th 1952 in Berlin ) was a German stage and film actor.


The son of a former officer studied acting in Berlin at Lucie Höflich and Ilka Gruening After an engagement at Bochum City Theatre (since 1933) Horst Caspar switched in 938 to the Munich Chamber Theater and 1940 to the Berlin Schiller Theater , where he stayed until the war-related closure of the stage in 1944. His professional role in the theater was playing classic, young heroes. As a ” hybrid of the second degree, “under the Nazis he received a special permit to work.

Horst Kaspar in his starring role in 1940 as Germany’s most beloved poet, Friedrich Schiller

From 1940 on Horst Caspar played the male lead several times before the camera, including the stand-fast film Kolberg in which he was the city commander Gneisenau, who defended the city against the onslaught of Napoleon’s troops.

After the Second World War, Horst Caspar performed at the Düsseldorf Schauspielhaus. In the legendary WDR radio production (1949/1952) of Faust , directed by William Semmelroth Horst Caspar took the title role.

At only age 39 the character actor, who married in 1944 the actress Antje Weisgerber, died suddenly in Berlin-Dahlem of a hemorrhage .


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A copy of the Reich’s law publication in 1935 which proclaimed the new racial laws excluding Jews from all influential positions in public life, making them non-citizens (how can they be both part of the “Jewish people,” a phrase we hear constantly, and a member of ANOTHER people???) and establishing the swastika flag as the new flag of Germany

So how does it square with the Holocaust story if Hitler allowed the two most important movies of the Third Reich to have a part-Jew in the starring role? And not a Jew like Paul Newman with blue eyes, but one with both dark hair and dark-brown eyes!

Maybe Hitler was NOT out to exterminate all the Jews ….and maybe he did revere the nordic race but did not see nordics as the only good whites to have around….. Maybe he thought performance and patriotic love of nation were as least as important…..

As for myself, I welcome all men and women who are aryan inside, that is, in Sanskrit, “noble” of heart, mind, word and deed, to join me. I welcome blacks, mexicans, jews, chinese, japanese — anyone ready to FIGHT the judeopsychopathocracy.

And just ‘cuz you have pasty skin and blue eyes is meaningless to me. The world is full of pasty-faced scumbags right now. Both my parents had dark-brown hair; the blond gene skipped a generation with them (both having had blond mothers).

Nordics are good at leadership, not at being the life of the party. ALL branches of our race that are not heavily neanderthalic (https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and-semites) are desirable for building the base and management of the Eternal Solutrean tribe.

My distant ancestors were Norwegians, who became “Normans,” and my ancestors on both sides.

Here is my “Israeli” version of the Solutrean flag, as a way of reminding the Ashkenazim of Israel, the ash-can nazis, that they themselves are white supremacists, and keep the dark-skinned Jewish sephardim down so the white-skinned European Jews can dominate Israel. The heroic Jack Bernstein explained the whole thing in his unforgettable 1985 30-page manifesto, The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel, before he was murdered for 1) race-mixing as a white Jew with a dark sephardic girl and 2) openly defying the domination over the State of Israhell by the white-supremacist ash-can nazis. As Bernstein showed, the Israelis are white-jew supremacists, and to understand the behavior of Israel, it is this: From the German Jews they have inherited NATIONAL SOCIALISM (in a Hollywood version involving both the “folk community” concept but also the supremacist desire for genocide and conquest) and from the Russian Jews Israhell has adopted the methods of BOLSHEVISM. See and READ this brief, powerful manifesto at this website: http://jackbernstein.blogspot.com/

If anyone believes in the white race, it is the German-Jewish Rothschild family of psychobankocrats from Frankfurt in Deutschland, and their private country, Israel. The Star of David is a khazarian logo that has shoved the true Jewish symbol, the menorah, aside.

This Israeli woman heads the largest party in the Knesset, Tzipi Livni (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tzipi_Livni) and visibly is as white-Ash-can-nazi as they get. Wiki: “In December 2009 a warrant for Livni’s arrest was understood to have been issued by a London court at the weekend following an application by Palestinian activists, focused on Livni’s role in Israel’s war against Hamas-run Gaza at the turn of the year.”

Jack Bernstein experienced racist, marxist, white-supremacist Israhell firsthand, then fled to Canada where his fellow Jews murdered him. Rest in peace, brave man.

The Life of an American Jew
in Racist Marxist Israel
Written in 1985 by Jack Bernstein



I am well aware of the tactics that you, my Zionist brethren, use to quiet anyone who attempts to expose any of your subversive acts.

If the person is a Gentile, you cry, “You’re anti-semitic” which is nothing more than a smokescreen to hide your actions.

But, if a Jew is the person doing the exposing, you resort to other tactics.

* First, you ignore the charges, hoping the information will not be given widespread distribution.
* If the information starts reaching too many people, you ridicule the information and the persons giving the information.
* If that doesn’t work, your next step is character assassination. If the author or speaker hasn’t been involved in sufficient scandal you are adept at fabricating scandal against the person or persons.

[HEY, DON BLACK, ERICH GLIEBE, MUADDIB ET ALIA….THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT YOU! Major Bill Fox USMCR (http://www.amfirstbooks.com) once posted on Stormfront under the name “Thor9999” and a minute later got an email “I saw your post. Levin“]

* If none of these are effective, you are known to resort to physical attacks.

But, NEVER do you try to prove the information wrong.

So, before you start your efforts to quiet me, I OFFER THIS CHALLENGE:

You Zionists assemble a number of Zionist Jews and witnesses to support your position; and I will assemble a like number of anti-Zionist, pro-American Jews and witnesses.

Then, the Zionists and the Anti-Zionists will state their position and debate the material in this book as well as related material — the debate TO BE HELD ON PUBLIC TELEVISION.

Let’s explore the information and let the American people decide for themselves if the information is true or false.


Certainly, you will willingly accept the challenge if what I have written is false.

But, if you resort to crying, “Lies, all lies,” and refuse to debate the material you will, in effect, be telling the American people that what I have written are the true facts.

Jack Bernstein

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Eternal Solutreanism is a religious faith that God created the white race as the vanguard of a righteous world, and that the white race has innate qualities, such as fairness, honesty, altruism, and physical beauty, that make it ideal in leadership roles for all God’s children of all races.

See my words here (esp. at 3:20-4:13):


All men of good will of whatever race can and should support the Eternal Solutreans, and find friendship and meaning with us as our allies against evil.

And all men of evil of all races, including pasty-faced white traitors, especially prison-turned jailbirds, should fear it.

Weather for Orlando area the last few days has been mostly clear, and cool, ( classic high presssure cold air mass ), the local weather website shows 36 degrees Fahrenheit at 2:35 a.m. Tuesday -and is forecast to go down to 32.
Starting Wednesday, a slight warming trend predicted -low temp. is forecast to be only 46 degrees. High, 63.
Highs in the low 70’s are predicted for later this week.
December in Florida has been mostly dominated by cold air masses moving down from the north -it’s like the jetstream is blasting right on through down to Florida.
2 weeks ago we had another cold front with a few nights of below freezing temps.
Jan and Feb. should be interesting.

Northern Ireland…

Belfast has been without water for 8 days and Newry has been without water since the afternoon of December 27.

The rivers which flow into the resevoir have frozen as have the water pipes which has caused major damage and which will take major construction to repair all this.

They are drinking bottled water and A and C went to the swimming pool to have a shower.


British Broadcasting CorporationBBCHome

Water chaos affects thousands in Northern Ireland

Click to play

Click to play

People at a bottled water distribution point gave their reaction
Continue reading the main story
Related stories

* Northern Ireland Water statement
* Record low temperatures for NI
* Burst pipes warning ahead of thaw

Thousands of homes and businesses in Northern Ireland are still without water, some since before Christmas.

Northern Ireland Water said it was alternating supplies from reservoirs in a bid to give every area a limited supply, causing more interruptions.

It has warned that the drought could last for several more days.

Belfast City Council has opened three leisure centres to distribute drinking water, while free showers will be available on Wednesday.

NI Water said an unprecedented number of leaks caused by the thaw have been putting “big pressure” on its systems.

Many people have complained that it is impossible to get through to a helpline (08457 440088).

Among the areas worst hit are Belfast, Armagh and Coleraine.

Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness said it was not good enough that some people had been left without water for so long.

“Obviously under the terms of the Financial Act that we put in place some time last year, the most vulnerable in our society – those that have been most badly affected by all of this – will have the right to make claims,” he said.

“I think there will be a willingness on behalf of the Executive to ensure that the most deserving cases are supported financially.”

Regional Development Minister Conor Murphy said he had been in contact with NI Water about the problems.

“I have been speaking to the chief executive of NI Water and they have assured me that they are working flat out to try and resolve all of these problems,” he said.
A stand-pipe was installed in north Belfast after the depot ran out of bottled water A stand-pipe was installed in north Belfast after the depot ran out of bottled water

“They have issues with contact because the volume of calls that has come in has put them under severe pressure.

“I have been constantly in touch with them to try and reassure myself that they’re doing everything in their power to try and address this issue.”

Belfast City Council is operating an emergency operation to help those without water.

Drinking water is available from tankers at three council sites: Avoniel Leisure Centre; Whiterock Leisure Centre and Olympia Leisure Centre from 8pm-10pm on Tuesday and from 9am on Wednesday.

It is limited to 20 litres per household and people must bring their own containers.

Drinking water will also be available from a tanker in the north of the city at the NI Water depot on the Westland Road.

All Belfast City Council Leisure Centres will be open on Wednesday and subject to water supplies will be able to provide free shower facilities.

Coleraine Leisure Centre will be open until 2200 GMT on Wednesday for shower facilities and anyone taking water containers can have them filled with drinking water.
‘Drought situation’

Ruth Loney, who owns a small farm in Armagh, said there was like “a drought situation”.

“There are elderly people in Armagh today carrying buckets of water and they are having extreme difficulty along the streets.
Continue reading the main story
Water collection centres

* NI Water depot, 1A Belt Road, Londonderry
* NI Water depot, Seagoe Industrial Estate, Craigavon,
* Old Westland Road, Belfast
* NI Water Depot, 69 Gortin Road, Omagh
* Castlederg Enterprise Centre
* NI Water Depot, Erne House, Killyhevlin
* Ballykeel depot, Ballymena
* Depot, Park Road, Strabane
* Derrygannon Community Hall, Eshnadarragh, Roslea
* The Civic Centre, Gortgonis
* NIW Depot, Huntley Rd, Banbridge
* Purdysburn Service Reservoir, Alderwood Hill
* The Town Square, Portaferry

“There is also water pouring out of commercial premises and nobody realises that their business has burst pipes,” he said.

“And unless there is help given to people who really need it we could be in a very serious situation.”

Tiago Menezes returned to his house in Belfast to find the street has been without water for six days.

“After six days, it’s starting to be a public health issue when you can’t even flush the toilet,” he said.

People seeking information about their water supply have complained to the BBC that it was almost impossible to get through to NI Water’s phoneline, while the company’s website has also been also running slowly.

Worried farmers have been among dozens of people contacting the BBC about their water supply problems.

Customers are asked to check the NI Water website for updates.

SDLP Regional Development spokesperson, Conall McDevitt described the communications system at NI Water as “inadequate and shambolic”.
Empty drinking water shelves Drinking water sold out in this east Belfast supermarket

On Tuesday afternoon, NI Water said: “We would strongly urge all customers and property owners to check their premises, including vacant buildings, outbuildings and animal drinking troughs for any leaks and arrange for them to be isolated immediately and repaired as soon as possible.

“We are noticing that the majority of the leaks in the water system are currently on the customers’ private water supply side.

“NI Water is currently inputting an additional 40% of water into our supply network to meet the unprecedented demand being experienced.

“We would also ask customers to conserve their use of water during this period of disruption in order to allow us to fully recharge our water network.”

Are you in Northern Ireland? Are you experiencing problems with your water supply due to the weather? Have you had trouble getting through to the emergency line? Send us your comments and experiences using the form below.

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Your comments

We have been without water for seven days. I have two young children, both under five, and it is proving exceptionally difficult to provide water for our family’s needs, especially during a time when the whole family are at home. We contacted the emergency number a couple of weeks ago, when our water was off for three days. The water service did send someone out, but told us that as the mains pipe was frozen it was not their responsibility. Alastair McFarland, Ballinamallard

I would like to comment that despite your report citing Belfast and surrounding areas having severe problems that there are many people in the Dungannon and Coalisland area who have been without water for coming onto a week. Why have you failed to report this and why is this not considered enough of an emergency situation so that action is taken to distribute water as is being undertaken today in Belfast? No one I know can get in touch with NI Water to ascertain the action being taken to address this matter. Leontia Doran, Dungannon, County Tyrone

We have had no water since Christmas Eve, starting with the bath taps. We thought it was a frozen pipe at first, but then the taps downstairs stopped working too. Now we have no water at all, no shower or bath, can’t even flush the toilets. Can’t get through to Northern Ireland water as the number has been engaged all day and the website has been down most of today too. Claire, Dromore, Northern Ireland

We live in Coleraine and have no water. Can’t get through on NI Water Helpline and their website keeps crashing. All local supermarkets and garages have sold out of bottled water and there doesn’t appear to be any supplies available here from NI Water like there is in other towns. Total chaos. Tricia Roulston, Coleraine

We have had no mains supply for over 48 hours. Calling the emergency line is futile. To make matters worse supply of bottled water in local supermarkets has dried up. Johnny Bottomley, Bushmills

Our home has been without water since Christmas eve. The Housing Executive were informed early that morning and as yet no one has been in contact. We have been on the phone to NI Water constantly with no avail as it is either engaged or you are left waiting for the next available advisor, after 20 mins you have to wonder is there anyone there and give up. Other houses close by lost supply Monday night and it returned within a few hours; ours has had no such luck. There seems to be a serious lack of co-ordination and accountability. Gerry Andrews, Belfast

We live in Edenderry, Belfast and have no water in the village. I have tried in excess of 100 times to phone the Waterboard number. It is constantly engaged. Drove to North Belfast to get water for ourselves and an elderly neighbour to be told they had run out 10 minutes before we arrived! Heather Taylor, Belfast

Our water supply failed yesterday (Monday), morning. I called NI Water. I held on for 30 minutes before getting into the queue and then waited 10 minutes to speak to someone. The water supply was restored by the evening. However, considering the huge problem of such a deep freeze over the whole country, I accepted that there would be hundreds (in fact thousands) of people calling in. I am sure the NI Water got some things wrong, but on the whole they have done as good a job as could be expected in this extreme situation. Dr Raymond Cox, Portadown, Co Armagh

We are a family in East Belfast and have been without water since approximately 8.30am this morning. I took us until after 12pm to get through on the emergency water line and all we were told was that there was a problem with a reservoir, repairs were underway but there was no timescale to fix it. We cannot cook, wash, go to the bathroom etc and have no idea how long this will last for! Lisa, Belfast, Co Antrim

It’s chillier than Lapland: Minus 18C makes it our coldest Christmas Day EVER

By Christopher Leake
Last updated at 11:33 AM on 26th December 2010

Britons awoke yesterday to the coldest Christmas Day on record.

In parts of the country, the mercury touched minus 18C, chillier than Lapland, and few places saw temperatures rise above freezing.

At 8am in Shawbury, Shropshire, it was minus 15.9C and in Altnaharra, in the Highlands of Scotland, minus 18.2C.

Forecasters predict this December is likely to be the coldest on record. The previous coldest was in 1890, when the average temperature for the whole month for England was minus 0.8C.

Cold crossing: A frozen River Severn at Ironbridge near Telford,  Shropshire, as the icy December continuesCold crossing: A frozen River Severn at Ironbridge near Telford, Shropshire, as the icy December continues

Bleak midwinter: A mother walks her dog while her child ice skates  on a frozen Lake of Menteith in Scotland yesterday as Britain endures  its coldest December in living memoryBleak midwinter: A mother walks her dog while her child ice skates on a frozen Lake of Menteith in Scotland yesterday as Britain endures its coldest December in living memory

Dog walkers take a Christmas Day stroll alongside the frozen River  Avon near Pershore, where temperatures yesterday fell to minus 17CDog walkers take a Christmas Day stroll alongside the frozen River Avon near Pershore, where temperatures yesterday fell to minus 17C

The average temperature for all of Britain up to Christmas Eve this year was also minus 0.8C, though forecasters said the weather would improve from Wednesday.

The Arctic snap brought travel chaos in the run-up to Christmas, with thousands of passengers having to sleep in terminal buildings after their flights were delayed by snow and ice.

Their spirits will hardly have been lifted by the revelation that airports throughout Europe and America have put Britain to shame with military-style weather-busting operations.

European airport bosses were often able to call on many times more snowploughs, snowblowers and de-icing vehicles than the UK’s busiest airport, which boasts just 46 specialist vehicles.

Revealed: How Europe shamed heathrow

Tradition: Members of the Serpentine Swimming Club queue to dive  into the Serpentine Lido in Hyde Park yesterday morning


What is wrong with this picture? If the Third Reich, Himmler, Hitler and so forth, were out to genocide the Jews out of pure racial hatred, as per the supposed Wannsee Conference, then why did they give the staring male role in their finale movie, the powerful extravanganza, “Kolberg,” the last artistic statement by the Third Reich (it opened three months before the war ended) to a part-Jew?

Here is Heinz Kaspar, playing the dashing young hero Colonel Neidhart von Gneisenau, who ralies the city of Kolberg in Prussia to stop Napoleon, pushing aside the previous commander of the city, a do-nothing:

Here we see the end of this magnificent movie, featuring the face of Kaspar and a screenful of waving Prussian war flags:

Hey, first of all, what happened to the “the Nazis only wanted blond hair and blue eyes” thing? (My friend Henrik Holappa was taught in school in postwar Finland that “Hitler wanted to exterminate anyone without blond hair….” (Ah, so THAT’s why Hitler shot himself… ;-))

Now check this out, the Google translation of the German Wikipedia article (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horst_Caspar) on the actor Horst Kaspar:

* * *

Horst Caspar

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Horst Capar as Hamlet at the Deutsches Theater (1945)

Honorary grave of the actor-couple Horst Caspar and Antje Weisgerber in the churchyard of St. Anne’s parish in Berlin-Dahlem

Horst Joachim Arthur Caspar (* January 20 1913 in Radegast , Anhalt , † December 27th 1952 in Berlin ) was a German stage and film actor.


The son of a former officer studied acting in Berlin at Lucie Höflich and Ilka Gruening After an engagement at Bochum City Theatre (since 1933) Horst Caspar switched in 938 to the Munich Chamber Theater and 1940 to the Berlin Schiller Theater , where he stayed until the war-related closure of the stage in 1944. His professional role in the theater was playing classic, young heroes. As a ” hybrid of the second degree, “under the Nazis he received a special permit to work.

From 1940 on Horst Caspar played the male lead several times before the camera, including the stand-fast film Kolberg in which he was the city commander Gneisenau, who defended the city against the onslaught of Napoleon’s troops.

After the Second World War, Horst Caspar performed at the Düsseldorf Schauspielhaus. In der legendären WDR -Rundfunkproduktion (1949/1952) des Faust in der Regie von Wilhelm Semmelroth übernahm Horst Caspar in beiden Teilen die Titelrolle. In the legendary WDR radio production (1949/1952) of Faust , directed by William Semmelroth Horst Caspar took in two parts, the title role.

At only 39 years ago the character actor, who was married after 1944 to the actress Antje Weisgerber, died suddenly in Berlin-Dahlem of a hemorrhage .



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