ENGLISH Most damaging quote ever by a German Jew; Slavic beauty; whites flee Democrats and Obama

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============BORN TO BE CONNED

A Florida comrade wrote me respecting a recent blog:

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Your best lines were:
Actually, I think we owe both Kanye West and Barack Insane Obongo a great debt of gratitude. They are waking up white America, and arousing the “blue-eyed” race that otherwise, for thousands of years, has proven itself to be overly compassionate, excessively nice, ridiculously trusting, and fatally naive.

I replied:

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Thanks for that feedback and when I saw pix of you with those big blue peepers I thought of you as I wrote those lines….trusting, sincere, idealistic….

This white woman looks de-naived, and that is what we need…. 🙂

If we are not repeatedly put on our guard by our natural (and that means psychopathy-free) leaders, we remain what we are, very easy to exploit and to heart-break. Our race is such an easy mark for con-man races.

We will win by what the Pythia said to Socrates, gnothi seauton, “know thyself.”



Please note, though you may not speak a word of German besides “Achtung!” or “Sieg Heil, my new bio page in German, found in the blog today and as a permanent webpage. I have many strong and generous supporters in the German Fatherland. Most Europeans speak two or three languages, and I am a real European-American, married to both an Austrian (1976-1989) and then a Frenchwoman (2002-2004), who both moved to and loved America.

I raised my two children Ingrid and Erika bilingually — in German, which I speak without an accent, and in English, which I speak without a Rhode Island accent though I AM a man from divine Providence…. 🙂


It was here in Kufstein, Austria, where I lived, that I met the daughter of Gestapo leader Klaus Barbie…..A German living in Bolivia offered to send me his medals.

============one-word accusation

To: john@democratic-republicans.us
Sent: Sunday, January 9, 2011 15:09:20

Revisionist !

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I replied to this one-word “J’accuse”:

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Proudly a revisionist, because as you know, this world and these governments are full of lies, and this is why it is so sick.

If this world were based on truth, it would be happy and functioning well….Is it happy and functioning well now?

The purpose of this earthly life is to fight for the expansion of happiness. What is expanding now is misery and despair, all based on us swallowing government lies by psychopathic misrulers.

So I am proud to demand that we revise our opinions of history and bring them into accord with real facts. It is the truth that will set us free, said Jesus of Galilee.

John de Nugent


This is from the foreword to Dr. Johannes von Leers’ magnificent short book Juden sehen dich an (“How Jews See You”). Dr. von Leers, who was an assistant to Joseph Goebbels, was fluent in five languages, including Hebrew and Japanese. After WWII he fled to antizionist Egypt, where he died in 1965.

Dr. Johannes von Leers 1902-1965

A German-Canadian sent me this book as a photocopy, and I found this nugget of solid gold…..a major German Jewstating that hatred of non-Jews defines Jewish identity

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This little book is designed to show the German people yet again in a lively way just who dominated it politically, mentally and economically. Even the most limited brain has to admit that what we had was the out-and-out rule of Germany by a foreign ethnic group, which worked together in every area of life to hold down and oppress our nation, and also that this group would re-establish its satanic rule if Germanity again became weak.

At the same time the rogues’ gallery you will see of nation wreckers shows definitely, by the very fact that not one of them was ever executed after the national revolution of 1933, although their crimes resounded to the heavens, how extraordinarily humane and merciful the German people was even toward the vilest and most corrupting elements.

When we are accused today of “hate-filled antisemitism,” the majority of those portrayed in this work let an infernal hatred of Germanity rule their lives. They were filled by the thought enunciated openly by Cheskel Zwi Klötzel, a former major writer for the Berliner Tageblatt newspaper in the German capital of Berlin.

Advertising placard for the Berliner Tageblatt, a Jewish-dominated prestige paper which was in effect the Washington Post of Germany from 1872-1933. (It was closed in 1939.)

Klötzel revealed in his essay “Das grosse Hassen” (“The Great Hating”), published in the Munich magazine Janus, “Critical bi-weekly for German [sic] culture and politics,” Volume 2, Number 2, 1912/13:

[an excerpt from the German original, followed by my English translation]:

“Dem Antisemitismus, dem Judenhass, steht auf jüdischer Seite ein grosses Hassen alles Nichtjüdischen gegenüber; wie wir Juden von jedem Nichtjuden wissen, dass er irgendwo in einem Winkel seines Herzens ein Antisemit ist und sein muss, so ist jeder Jude im tiefsten Grunde seines Herzens ein Hasser alles Nichtjüdischen. Wie im innersten Herzen eines jeden Christen das Wort “Jude” kein völlig harmloses ist, so ist jedem Juden der Nichtjude ein “Goi”, was beileibe keine Beleidigung ist, aber ein deutliches, nicht misszuverstehendes Trennungszeichen..

Nichts ist in mir so lebendig, als die Überzeugung dessen, dass, wenn es irgend etwas gibt, was alle Juden der Welt eint, es dieser grosse erhabene Hass ist. Ich glaube, man könnte beweisen, dass es im Judentum eine Bewegung gibt, die das getreue Spiegelbild des Antisemitismus ist, und ich glaube, dieses Bild würde vollkommener werden wie nur irgendeins. Und das nenne ich das grosse jüdische Hassen.”]

“In the face of antisemitism, the hatred of Jews, we find on the Jewish side a great hatred of all things non-Jewish. . .Just as we Jews know this of any non-Jew, that in some corner of his heart he is an anti-Semite and that he must be that way, in the same way every Jew, at the deepest bottom of his heart, is a hater of everything non-Jewish.

….Just as at the bottom of every Christian’s heart the word ‘Jew’ can never be fully harmless, in the same fashion the word ‘Goy’ for a Jew, which is in no way an insult [JdN: LIAR; it means CATTLE!], represents a definite and unmistakable line of demarcation….

Whoever among us is not spiritually and intellectually castrated, whoever is not too impotent to hate, he shares this hatred! Let it be gladly admitted that it goes against the grain of many a man, but that is only a proof for the vital potency of this hatred! …..in reality there is nothing more alive in me than the conviction that if there is one thing which unites all the Jews of the world, it is this great and sublime hatred…..

….I feel this hatred, this hatred against something impersonal, intangible, as a part of my nature that has ripened in me, and for its growth and development I must say a natural law is responsible. And for that reason it seems shameless to be ashamed of this hatred, because it is a part of nature. . .

[JdN: Yes, exactly, and that is why the part-Jew Michael Bradley wrote that Jews are heavily neanderthal in their genes and their psychology, and dedicated by their entire programming to destroying the white man, a being who is who is descended from the Cro magons who drove them out of most of Europe, leaving only minor traces in our own blood. See my VERY important webpage here: https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and-semites]

David Miliband, “British” politician in the Tony Blair and Gordon Brown cabinets; note the extremely asymmetrical features…… the outright criminal mug. His grandfather (as Vladimir Putin’s govenrment pointed out sharply when Miliband criticized Russia, speaking for Britain as if this hideous Jew were actually a Briton) was a bolshevik who fought alongside Leon Trotsky in a failed attempt in 1920 by the Soviets to enslave Poland. (Btw, a French major named Charles de Gaulle, in whose honor the Poles erected a statue, helped guide the brave and jew-loathing Poles to victory over the bolshevik Jews, defeating Miliband’s murderous and neanderthalic grandpappy. Miliband as Home Secretary ordered the aged WN German activist Manfred Roeder, whom I know and at whose gathering I once spoke on the subject of psychopaths, to be arrested and held at a London airport after he landed there to give a speech to some British comrades. Miliband declared Roeder to be a “dangerous person,” and expelled him (after many hours of waiting) from Britain back to Germany late at night, to a different airport from where he had flown, and with no opportunity to contact his followers first by telephone as to where he was landing in Germany. A nearly eighty-year-old man — who has had several strokes — finds himself prevented from giving a mere speech, arrested, expelled and dumped at an airport in his own country but hundreds of miles from his home, and in the middle of the night….Nice way to try to indirectly kill a man, you satanically ugly-featured Miliband….As Hitler said in Mein Kampf: “The Lord God has done us the favor of putting the features of the Devil on their very faces.“]

[back to Cheskel Zwi Kloetzel’s own damning Jewish words]

I believe that it can be proven that in Judaism there is a movement which is the mirror image of antisemitism, and I believe that this correspondence is more perfect than any other. And this movement I call “the great Jewish hating.”

We are called a danger for Germanity. Of course we are that, just as Germanity is a danger for Jewry. But what do they want from us — that we commit ethnic suicide? No one can talk their way out of the fact that a strong Jewry is a danger for all that is non-Jewish.

All attempts by certain Jewish circles to prove the opposite must be called as cowardly as they are bizarre. And twice as lying as cowardly and bizarre! Do we have the power or not: that is the only question that interests us, and therefore we must strive to be and remain a power.”

* * *

As Jesus said to the Jewish leaders:

“You yourself have said it.”

=====================SLAVIC BEAUTY

Slavic Image of Female Beauty http://www.adorableland.com/slavic-image-of-female-beauty

*From time immemorial, a woman has been worshiped among the Slavs as the Mother of God, a keeper of the hearth who illuminates the world with the light of spirituality, kindness and love that is with the highest spiritual beginning of life itself.

*Despite all the calamities of the Slavic peoples such as many wars, the raids of nomads, everyday disorderliness, the pursuit of beautiful women as witches, and maybe even because of this, a genetic cocktail of the Slavs crystallized as an extremely powerful, unique, and vital stable code that gave birth to a beautiful, brave, and wise nation.

Slavic beauty…marks a kind of unity that is not only an external but also an internal. It is a unity of the many parts of the space where a person lives that is the space of the home and the whole wide Rus. Here a Slavic girl is a symbol of noble appearance and unity. She is the Mother of God.

“Slavs were determined not by the external beauty of tattoos, nose rings, etc., the beauty of a woman’s ability to be as we, Ukrainians, say – Bereginja (it means “keeper”) in the family, be loving, be brave or, in some situations, even be cold-blooded. Genetically, from generation to
generation, it was necessary to survive in Ukraine, so it was necessary to be able to sew, embroider, darn, cook, etc., by yourself.” (said Bogdan Ivanovich Sushinskiy, a Ukrainian writer.)

The image of the Slavic woman is one of incredibly versatility. She is a tireless hard worker and a compassionate sister, a caring mother and loving wife, but most of all, she is a true friend who is ready not only to support and inspire her beloved but also willing to make sacrifices to her ideals. Let’s recall, for example, the selfless Russian wives of the revolutionary Decembrists, who left carefree social lives and traveled to the Siberian cold in misery and shame for their doomed husbands.

*The beauty of Slavic women is harmony, the indissoluble unity of their sensitive and noble souls and their fine-looking appearance.

*After all, any face that is luminous, thoughtful, and feeling cannot be ugly.”



[SOURCE: http://www.nationaljournal.com/magazine/in-2012-obama-may-need-a-new-coalition-20110105?page=1]


White Flight

Previously unreleased results from the 2010 exit polls show a stark gap between whites and minorities and a smaller but still significant difference between blue- and white-collar whites.

President Obama’s path to a second term may rely on states shaped by the same social forces he embodies.

By Ronald Brownstein

Friday, January 7, 2011 | 6:05 a.m.

By any standard, white voters’ rejection of Democrats in November’s elections was daunting and even historic.

JdN: Just look at these three clowns….

Fully 60 percent of whites nationwide backed Republican candidates for the House of Representatives; only 37 percent supported Democrats, according to the National Election Poll exit poll conducted by Edison Research. Not even in Republicans’ 1994 congressional landslide did they win that high a percentage of the white vote.

Moreover, those results may understate the extent of the white flight from the Democratic Party, according to a /National Journal/ analysis of previously unpublished exit-poll data provided by Edison Research.

The new data show that white voters not only strongly preferred Republican House and Senate candidates but also registered deep disappointment with President Obama’s performance, hostility toward the cornerstones of the current Democratic agenda, and widespread skepticism about the expansive role for Washington embedded in the party’s priorities. On each of those questions, minority voters expressed almost exactly the opposite view from whites.

Much can change in two years—as Obama’s own post-2008 odyssey demonstrates. These results, however, could carry profound implications for 2012. They suggest that economic recovery alone may not solve the president’s problems with many of the white voters who stampeded toward
the Republican Party last year. “It comes down to that those voters are very skeptical of the expansion of government,” says Colorado Republican Party Chairman Dick Wadhams, a veteran strategist. “The voters who went with Obama in 2008 did not know what they were going to get with that vote. Now that they’ve seen the health care bill, the stimulus bill, the bailout, the cap-and-trade proposal—issue after issue, they don’t like what they see.”

JdN: Hey, Obongo, you lost seven of the eight counties in western Pennsylvania in 2008…..Why would anyone, comrades, want to move to the Pacific Northwest, as beautiful as it is, where the Seattle white liberals STILL have Obama stickers on their car bumpers, when PA, OH, WV and KY loathe Obama, have beautiful hills and rivers, and are over 90% WHITE. (PA would be 90% white without Philadelphia, which is on the border with New Jersey in every sense.)

That resistance could, in turn, increase the pressure on Obama to accelerate the generation-long transformation of the Democratic electoral coalition that he pushed forward in 2008. With so much of the white electorate, especially working-class whites, dubious about the president’s direction, to win a second term he will likely need to increase turnout and improve his showing among the groups that keyed his 2008 victory—minorities, young people, and white-collar white voters,
especially women.
In 2012, Obama may be forced to build his Electoral College map more around swing states where those voters are plentiful (such as Colorado, North Carolina, and even Arizona) and less on predominantly blue-collar and white states such as Ohio and Indiana that
he captured in 2008.

David Axelrod, Obama’s chief political strategist, said in an interview that “it would be a mistake to take exit polls from a midterm election and extrapolate too far” toward 2012. Conditions—and the composition of the electorate—will change a great deal by then, he said. But he acknowledged that Obama must “reset” the public perception about his view of government’s role. Axelrod, who plans to return to Chicago next month to help direct the president’s reelection campaign, also made it clear that he sees as a “particularly instructive” model for 2012 the case of Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet in Colorado, who won his contest last fall by mobilizing enough minorities, young people, and socially liberal, well-educated white women to overcome a sharp turn toward the GOP among most of the other white voters in his state.

A white, mis-educated, guilt-tripping, negro-enthralled college girl at Rhode Island College, January 2008….Can there be anything more hopelessly naive than a white liberal college girl?

Given the trends among the white electorate evident in these exit-poll findings, that formula might represent Obama’s most promising path to a second term. Because the 2010 elections dealt such a heavy blow to the Democrats’ old models of electoral success, the imperative of electoral
transformation is looming ever larger for the president. “He has to make an effort to reclaim some of the lost [white] vote,” says Simon Rosenberg, president of NDN, a Democratic analysis and advocacy group.

“But he’s got to push the new electorate harder.”

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My comment: Now you can appreciate why Hitler gave his party a red flag and the name “socialist” — to attract the angry and much-less-brainwashed working class.

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[….] From every angle, the exit-poll results reveal a new color line: a consistent chasm between the attitudes of whites and minorities.


Jason Salyers sent me this quote from Obongo, a true faux pas:

Shocker: Obama flips out, calls for murderous violence against opponents.

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said at a Philadelphia fundraiser Friday night. “Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”


I responded:

Hi, Jason. What a thug this “president” is.

I dislike the word “nigger,” and also the phrase “white trash,” but in fact there are those blacks and those whites who truly merit those labels, and I hear both blacks calling each other “nigger” and I hear angry whites calling irresponsible pasty-faces “white trash.” Because they act like trash.

Barack Insane Obongo has reverted to his real nature…. and this remark applies to any black man who talks and acts this way with his “bringing a gun” talk….

…..thuggish street nigger.

Let us get this narcissistic and incompetent laughing-stock street nigger, who is no Colin Powell (who at least served his country as a military officer in combat in Vietnam, and was a conservative Republican), out of our White House.

The slave owner and white nationalist Thomas Jefferson (see his comments on blacks in his history of Virginia), with his red hair and blue eyes (in both ways like George Washington, another redhead) was the first presidential occupant of the WHITE House.

Good, Jason. I can and will use this. Thanks.


…and Jason got a “warning’ from JewTube, where downloads of his channel JasSalyers (http://www.youtube.com/jassalyers) have soared to well over 10,000:

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YouTube | Broadcast Yourself™

Regarding your account: JasSalyers

The following video(s) from your account have been disabled for violation of the YouTube Community Guidelines:

  • Attack on our White Nations – (JasSalyers) [this is the brilliant cartoon from Sweden with the Eternal Jew manipulating other white nations to destroy Hitler Germany and then kill them off after 1945 via immigration.…In the end, the muslim and black who have taken over Europe slash and stomp the foolish Jew….Boy, do the Jews FEAR this cartoon…. I have spoken with the cartoonist, a very gifted comrade.]


Your account has received one Community Guidelines warning strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations may result in the temporary disabling of your ability to post content to YouTube and/or the termination of your account.


The YouTube Team

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Hey, guess what, homely Jewish censorship boys Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Google…..yes, you two, the ones who reduced by 99% the number of hits on the search term “John de Nugent,” from three million to 300,000 and then to 30,000, with an arrogant, Jewish-supremacist master-race keyboard stroke…. Smile now, boys…..

…because this video is available elsewhere, and it will be put up again and again and again and again.

….and again and again and again and again.

…again and again and again and again.

….again and again and again and again.

This is OUR Internet, Jewboys. Our American taxpayers paid for it, and it is a PUBLIC UTILITY, not private Jew property.

Here this powerful videwo is back again, on Jason Salyer’s Vimeo video site:



By the way, folks, why does the VNN person calling himself “MuadDib” (a species of hopping desert rat), who lied to me, and who runs WNTube, refuse to upload Jason Salyer’s carefully selected and hard-hitting WN videos and lies to me that he never saw them?

Is he under orders to keep this video site dead and inactive?

And why does Erich Gliebe of the moribund post-Pierce National Alliance expel Greeks, because they look “south of the Alps”? How about Robert E. Lee? Would this heroic and brilliant leader of the Confederacy, commandant of West Point, and second-in-his-class as a cadet at West Point, qualify as a member of your micro-group, Erich?

Brown eyes and hair…must be “south of the Alps”…. Fire that Lee guy…..

Eternal Solutreanism is pan-Aryan and embraces all whites of all hair colors and facial shapes, and seeks genuine friendship with all God’s children of all races, including rebels against Judaism, in the common struggle against the true enemy, psychopaths, be those psychopaths pasty-faces, Asians or Jews.




What is the specialness of the white race? We have beauty, creativity, courage and intelligence, and most of all an altruism that makes us the least psychopathic and most noble of al the races God has created. Thus we were called “Aryans,” the noble ones.

It is our destiny to lead a suffering world, to be its Solutrean spearpoints, against the main and organized focus of evil today, the psychopathic Jewish misleaders.

They endanger the little Jews, oppress all mankind, and form the Eternal Jew, a being that incarnates from the darkest worlds below and whose whole nature is based, as Cheskel Zwi Kloetzel freely and proudly confessed, on hate.

It is time they talk to the points.


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