ENGLISH Ted Gunderson lets 'er rip on Washington secret regime

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============Barbara Bush and her son’s neoconservatism

from the Jew scribbler Michael Kinsley’s review of Bush’s memoir in the Sunday Times…..

Speaking of a sense of humor and the Middle East, when George W. Bush called for a new Palestinian leadership, Barbara Bush the elder (“Mother,” he invariably calls her) rang up to say, “How’s the first Jewish president doing?” Maybe I’m deficient in humor, but I don’t see why this is funny, as her son clearly believes it to be.

I can see why Bush thought it was funny, and it’s a little window into the important mystery of how the realistic Bush parents absorbed the shocking reality of their neoconnized son — after all, a question of huge historical import. I.e by gentle ribbing, in the hope that it might eventually make a difference. Perhaps it even did; Bush didn’t attack Iran. Jeffrey Goldberg reported that GW Bush began to call Kristol and Krauthammer “the bomber boys” in the last years of his presidency. I’m a little surprised that Kinsley would have thought it alarming.

Let us recall the famous White House session where President George HW Bush and his chief of staff, Texan James Baker, were discussing the angry Jewish voters and Baker erupted: “F— the Jews.”

None of the above implies that any of the Bushes were good people. (See below.) Just less evil than the son.


=================MORE NORWEGIAN FIDDLER GAL, Annbjorn Lien


From the Facebook page of Clarence Douglas Malcolm


Clarence, whom I and Margaret have known for five years, is an inventor and marketing genius who got involved in Los Angeles in the truth movement and then found himself in the gunsights of ZOG, losing a flourishing business in the process when FBI agents literally went right in after him to his clients and warned them that he was “under investigation.”

He became the protege of Ted Gunderson, the former regional director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the major station of Dallas, Texas. Gunderson finished his career as the Senior Agent in Charge in Los Angeles, California, one of the biggest ports of the USA — and a beehive of espionage by America’s enemies due to its huge aerospace and military connections.

Gunderson, a Norwegian-American born in Colorado, had 700 agents under him there and an annual budget of twenty-two million dollars.

He was also involved in the 1960s in the COINTELPRO operation of the FBI, and has admitted and spoken openly of working via false rumors to disrupt violent black militant movements. So Gunderson has an intimate and personal knowledge himself of what the hidden-hand regime does to dissidents.

After his retirement in 1978 Gunderson began to dig deeper and finally became an open opponent of the hidden-hand regime, which still waves about the symbols of a constitutional republic, but has been almost totally hollowed out at the upper levels and turned into an Israeli-NWO op.

He became a high-profile private investigator and tackled the most shocking crimes by our government that are imaginable:

1) the railroading of Dr Jeffrey MacDonald, a Green Beret doctor who blew the whistle on rogue CIA factions running drugs (even sticking them in the body bags and the body cavities of fallen US soldiers); MacDonald was imprisoned for life for murdering his own family, which in fact the exact same rogue CIA faction did in an atrocious manner.

2) Gunderson also courageously took on the FBI’s lack of interest in tens of thousands of child abductions annually by satanists and pedophiles. (Gunderson had initially noticed a spike in abduction around Halloween and the two solstices, which are very important days of the year to both regular pagans and also to devil-worshiping satanists.)

His protege Malcolm, a proud blue-eyed Scotch-Irish Texan, is now living here at HQ and doing DVD production for Gunderson’s many excellent DVDs on the NWO.


Here is Gunderson being interviewed on 9/11 by Anthony Hilder of L.A., who, btw, is part-Jewish and thus has joined many other Jews and part-Jews in opposing Zionist enslavement of the human race.


Having been molested myself as a child, which was emotionally devastating for me until I sought counseling at age 49, I support especially and totally the work of Ted Gunderson to expose the network of satanists and pedophiles harming and killing children and yet who are protected by “our” government. Here is Gunderson’s 2004 testimony at a Town Hall Forum with Congressman Joe Baca on “Children Protective Services Reform”

Ted Gunderson Speech on Child Protection 3/13/04

March 13, 2004

San Bernardino, California
Town Hall Forum with Congressman Joe Baca (http://www.house.gov/baca/, Democrat, San Bernardino area on the subject of “Children Protective Services Reform”

Respectfully Presented by Ted L. Gunderson,
FBI Senior Special Agent In Charge (Retired)

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Honorable Lawmakers, Guardians of the United States Constitution and the Federal Treasury,

I am a licensed private investigator with more than 54 years experience. This includes more than 27 years as a special agent with the FBI. At the time of my retirement on March 30, 1979, I was in charge of the FBI LOS ANGELES Division, which included most of Southern California. I had more than 700 personnel under my command, with a budget of 22.5 Million Dollars.

As a licensed private investigator I have specialized in exposing graft, corruption, and illegal, criminal activity involving public officials. The tentacles of these investigations have involved public officials at all levels of government: city, county, state and federal, and have reached as high as the White House. Most disturbing of all I have “chiseled-in -tone” documentation of an international criminal enterprise involving kidnapping, murders, including human sacrifices by Satanic Cults, and other nefarious criminal activity on the part of public officials and leading citizens in various communities. Specifically, in regards to Child Protective Services in some areas and some states, I have been told by a reliable source, that a planeload of 210 children from CPS was flown out of Denver, Colorado on November 6, 1997 to Paris, France. Later a second plane of children also under the care of CPS was flown from Los Angeles to Europe. I have also developed information through credible and reliable sources that in the past, children have been taken from foster Hhmes, orphanages, and Boys Town, Nebraska, and flown by private jets from Sioux City Iowa to Washington D.C. for sex orgies with politicians.

I have interviewed witnesses who were active in an international child-kidnapping ring, who advised me that, of the thousands of children who disappear every year, many are auctioned off, at various locations throughout the country. This kidnapping ring involves a case under investigation known as “The Franklin Cover Up.”

One of my sources advised that he has attended six such auctions, with six to thirty six children being auctioned off. These locations are identified as fifty miles outside Las Vegas, Nevada, Toronto, Canada, Houston, Texas, an unidentified location in Michigan and a barn outside Lincoln, Nebraska.

This source informed me that the children range in age from 2-21, both boys and girls. They are usually placed on a stage or platform, in their underwear with a number attached to a string around their necks. The perpetrators bid on the children by number. The location outside Las Vegas was at a small airport.

Some of the children were auctioned off to foreigners wearing turbans on their heads.

The children were placed in private planes from which they took off. Other children were placed in campers. They were drugged so that if police stopped them the kidnappers could claim their child was sleeping. This same source advised me that when he was ten years old he was used as decoy in public places to attract other children his age to that area, where the adults would grab the kids and flee. This source also informed me that in his early teens he made more than 100 trips around the world transporting drugs. Often he would be given instructions to fly to a city where he would be met by a strange couple, who would have 5-6 different passports from different countries with different names for three of them, for the purpose of making drug drops.

In the early 1990’s, following the circulation of The Franklin Cover-Up for almost a year, the Yorkshire Television of England sent a topnotch investigatory team to produce a documentary on the Franklin Cover Up. They conducted a national investigation for 10 months, interviewing, filming, and documenting the Franklin story, finding new witnesses, and uncovering new evidence. Their documentary, “Conspiracy of Silence” was scheduled to be aired nationwide on the Discovery Channel on May 3, 1994 at 10 PM. It was listed in the national publication, “TV Guide”. When certain members of Congress learned that Conspiracy of Silence was to be aired on national TV, the cable industry was threatened with restrictive legislation, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown parties and all copies were ordered destroyed. It never aired.

Here is part one of that suppressed documentary, featuring the heroic Vietnam War vet and former Nebraska state senator John DeCamp. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_DeCamp)

Approximately six months ago I ordered a copy of the TV Guide for May 3, 1994. Even though “Conspiracy of Silence” had been listed for this date in a previous issue, the most recent issue of TV GUIDE, listed a documentary on Nature in its place. It’s apparent the TV GUIDE for this date was reprinted. I then visited the LA TIMES LIBRARY, reviewed the TV log for May 3, 1994 noted that “Conspiracy of Silence” was listed to be aired on that date at 10 PM. I had a contact on the East Coast review the TV log for the PHILADELPHIA ENQUIRER and noted “Conspiracy of Silence” was also listed in their TV log section at 10 PM, May 3, 1994. I have a bootleg copy of this documentary, which is available.

I developed information from a credible source in a major city in Southwest U.S. that there is collusion between judges, attorneys and underworld criminals. Children in the system, are adopted, four thousand dollars is given to the people who adopt, and the children’s names are changed and each child is re-adopted up to 75 times, with four thousand dollars going to each adoption every time. The Federal Government Adoption Bonus is given to these judges, attorneys and underworld criminals it is split among the three groups of child traffickers.

As an outgrowth of my involvement in the Franklin Cover Up Case from Omaha, I learned that a covert CIA operation known as the Finders, based in Washington D.C., was actively involved in kidnapping and international trafficking of children since the early 1960’s. This matter was brought to the attention of the FBI and State Department in February 1997. A report by the Metropolitan Police Department was classified “Secret” in the interest of National Security. The investigation by the FBI was closed down. However, according to a US CUSTOMS investigative report, portions of which I will now read, “the Finders became a CIA internal matter.” I have given this information to the FBI on seven occasions, and have demanded an investigation for the international kidnapping and trafficking of children.

Let me read directly from the US CUSTOMS REPORT ABOUT THE FINDERS….

I have been involved for several years with a case involving what appears to be corruption by Child Protective Services in the State of Colorado. Furthermore there has been a total lack of consideration or follow-up to investigate these matters in both states, Colorado and California. It is alarming that there is a similarity between the CPS Colorado Case and the Finders of Washington D.C. with the specific reference to a nanny placed in the home.

I have personally written to the authorities in Colorado regarding this case and have had no response. The case involves an adoptive woman’s children being given to her nanny, and you will hear this case from her next.

I appreciate the opportunity for being able to bring this to your attention. There is nothing more important than protecting our children. Thank you, very much.

Respectfully Presented By

FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge (Ret.)

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JdN: A new wave of defamation has been circulating against me in the infiltrated WN movement. I am now preparing countermeasures. And I will avail myself of the finest investigative sources in this country to add to the material I have already collected, and publish it all, if necesssary, on this blog and in my book.

The following video is basically accurate, though it is useful to understand that the producers are promoting gold and silver sales.

The white world needs a leader, and that is why I am being more viciously attacked than ever before. I relish the combat, my juices are flowing, and as a Russian wrote:

“What can be broken should be broken;

what will stand the blow is fit to live;

what breaks into smithereens is rubbish.”


  1. “Having been molested myself as a child, which was emotionally devastating for me until I sought counseling at age 49…”

    John, best to not continually bring this topic up. These continual reminders are not helpful to your goals. The information is out there. You’ve explained it many times. Now let it rest.

    The same goes for the homosexuality accusations against you. Again, your continually bringing this accusation up does not help you in achieving your goals. It’s counterproductive. And, again, you’ve pointed this out and explained it many times. Now let this rest also. Forget about it. It’s not relevant to you — and so doesn’t matter.

  2. Thank you, Clark. I have many new readers for whom all this unpleasantness is not “old hat.” And I cannot lead unless I explain my life and who I am. You will see soon, Tenniel, that character defamation will be the NUMBER-ONE line of attack against me in the Jewsmedia. It already is that way now with those WNs attacking me.

    And my life was NOT perfect.

    The molestation is central to understanding who I was, and child abuse is now a huge phenomenon affecting tens of millions of white people. Some of my best supporters came to me, Tenniel, BECAUSE I stepped forward on this issue, BECAUSE IT HAPPENED TO THEM TOO. I can think of a Marine NCO who fought in both Iraq wars, yet was molested by his Catholic vice principal. As much combat as he saw, and as tough as he is, his voice cracked when he called me on the phone.

    In short, your advice is always good but, I must say, always conventional. This approach clearly has not worked for David Duke, who has merely been waging a valiant fighting retreat, slowing, yes, the enemy’s advance, but not reversing it, and this traditional approach will not work now. Time is running out now, Tenniel.

    In 1920, Hitler could have created yet another right-wing group. Instead, he hoisted a literally blood-red banner (reminiscent to one and all of the Soviets), called it (shocking the bourgeoisie to the core) a “workers party,” in German “Arbeiterpartei, and and put in the center a symbol which was NOT rooted in modern German culture, but rather in ancient India, the swastika. He was a true innovator.

    David Duke and i exchanged Christmas greetings a few weeks back. And i started to bring up my discoveries about the Gulf oil spill. David replied: “I just focus on the Jews.”

    My task is to create a new people, and then govern them and steer them through the nightmare that is coming, and create a nightmare also for our enemy.

    Nothing makes me better prepared for this task than understanding psychopaths, because they molested me. And as I have stated on several occasions on this blog, we must innovate our way out of our crisis.

    As a Croatian friend (and Tomislav Sunic’s wife) wrote as the title of a band of poetry:

    The old life is dead.

    So ist das.

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