ENGLISH Arnold's sendoff to Mexifornia legislature; BNP activists; Loughner yet another Jewish satanist

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=========ARNOLD AND I

I had to laugh when I saw this……

« Gov. Schwarzenegger Says F*** You To California Legislature »

Source – Tech Crunch

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger sent this letter (with an acrostic mesage) to members of the State General Assembly recently. No way this was an accident.

  • The Governator is claiming this is an accident, but I did a little junior sleuthing, and I have to say “probably not.” First there is the raw numbers. Now I am no number cruncher but it seems that once the first letter, “F” is picked the chances that the remaining letters would be those exact ones would be 1 in 30,8915,776 (multiply 26 by itself six times).

Now to my own Arnold story…

I liked Arnold in “Kindergarten Cop,” I love Austria (and lived there and loved every minute), and I have lifted weights, inspired by Arnold, since 1995. I thought that in view of his acting skills he was wise to chose roles as barbarians or robots. 😉

I never liked the fact that Arnie ruthlessly groped women after he became a Hollywood star, nor that he was so tight with the Jew boss of bodybuilding, Joe Weider.

Weider gets an award from Arnold at the Arnold Classic, Columbus, Ohio, in 2000.

When I was a youngish stormtrooper with the NSWPP in 1978, there was a comrade in Arlington, Virginia named Jimmy Clendennen, a California transplant. One day he told a story…. He and another comrade were doing a “paper sale” of the NSWPP’s newspaper “White Power” in downtown San Francisco when a sports car screeched to a halt. Out jumped a huge guy, looked at the paper, bought it and said “Dis is amazing! How much?”

Ten minutes later he was back, and bought ten more copies.

The other comrade, awestruck, said to Jimmy: “Do you know who that was?”


“That was Mister Olympia, the Austrian guy!”


I later became so disgusted with Arnold as a plutocrat and Mexican-lover, gay rights champion, RINO (Republican in Name Only), and favorite speaker at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, that I wrote the ADL to tell them about their “friend.”

Now, is or was Arnold a national socialist?



Were we in power, he would be.

The Jews are in power, so he is for them.

A PURE opportunist.

His admiration for Hitler is that of one huge ego, his, for another man whom he sees as a “superstar,” for a man who was powerful, adulated, and made his dream come true. For those who believe in astrology, Schwarzenegger is a “negative” Leo, a man into self-worship, not using his positive leonine leadership abilities to sacrifice himself for his Folk.

In 1945, those who admired Hitler only as a superstar fell away and cursed him.

But WE understand the spiritual significance of the man.

Folk Community, and the Aryan spirit of courage, altruism, innovation, excellence and victory.

Adolf, unlike his worthless fellow Austrian Arnold, never made peace with the Jews.

Jason Salyers found this blatant quote from the JDL’s site: http://www.jdl.org/index.php/threats-adversaries/assimilation-intermarriage/

The Jewish Defense League seeks to combat not only the multifarious physical and spiritual forms of Jew-hatred but also the spiritual malaise of Jewish indifference and ignorance, and the threat of Jewish affection for the non-Jew.

“The threat of Jewish affection for the non-Jew.” Jews should feel no AFFECTION…. Forget intermarriage, because even affection is wrong.
Spoken like a true master race.

==================HOLAPPA WRITES

Henrik Holappa thanked me for the blog yesterday on him, and added:

* * *

And you should also remind your readers that not only you wrote me many letters →in prison], and regularly, you also made it possible for me to call you etc. [by putting $50 on a phone card for him]. Those phone calls indeed raised my spirits. And I well remember our first phone call. Anyhow, also remind comrades reading your blog that I did not receive your letters before the first week of April, though you had sent me several letters in March and I was arrested March 9th!

And even then some of your letters were censored. When you mailed me the letter about Margi’s, Ingrid’s and Major Fox’s visit, they at first didn’t want to give me the letter because it contained a photo of the prison!

Take care and write when you can!

I salute the Solutrean movement from Finland!


Henrik, a former antitank soldier, in a tender moment in our living room, holding Kissa the stray calico who appeared on the back doorstep. Henrik’s father is a veterinarian, and HH knew a great deal about how much snow, ice and wind a pet could take, and for how long, outdoors in subarctic Finland. (A dog cannot take more than 30 minutes at minus 20, for example.) The blue-and-white Finnish flag is in the background. Henrik lived on the couch in this living room to make room for Major Fox and his americafirstbooks.com operation, but the big south enclosed porch is STILL, in his honor, named the FINLANDIA room.

Dear Comrade de Nugent:

Thank you for the Rudyard Kipling poem [in yesterday’s blog].

I wasn’t aware of that one. It is most ethereal and pertinent to these times we find ourselves in.

If only more USA white nationalists could be so kind, yet strong, at the same time, for those are Saxon traits indeed!

As I know you are also a political soldier, I post a link from today’s activism in Oldham (Northern England) from the by-election campaign which the British National Party (the BNP) is fighting.


I’m sure you’ll be glad to learn that 2011 has started off well for us and morale is high.

Best Wishes, comrade

Paul Hickman

P.S Pictures ansd links:

Oldham and Saddleworth campaign 2011

Newsnight interview with Nick Griffin MEP (forward to 8:22): http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00xgghb/Newsnight_12_01_2011/



PPS For Mr. de Nugent and my German comrade from Cologne.

Another comrade wrote under this video:

The like of such a powerful movement should be part of every Aryan man’s growing-up experience in which he has a taste of belonging to a worthy identity much bigger than himself and enjoys the power of unity.

================MEXICAN GETS NASTY
Jonny 23
2011/01/12 at 11:01 PM

LOL! What, truth hurt, eh? You people bring up many tripe like “oh, we’ve been here before you” just to legitimize your utter nonsense. These two continents always been ours, our ancestors came here first. You are the illegals, not us.
And time now is our side, we will take it back.

Gerry is very intelligent whit man, are you sure you passed your elementary Gerry? Amazing the the amount of tripe from racist turds like you and your ilk. The funny thing is you’ll always be nothing but a whisper in history, not even a worthy footnote. As they say life goes on….

* * *

My reply:

* * *

You forgot to say “hey, tired, old, dying-out white people, with each latino baby we take back our country.”

Just so we understand each other….

Say, since your English stinks, even down to the spelling of your own movement, which correctly is AZTLAN, how is your Spanish? And why DO you speak Spanish, since that is a WHITE language? From EUROPE. As in white conquistadors…..

Why not speak your real languages, Aztec, Mayan or Qechuan?

Why not start human-sacrificing again?

Why not give up the wheel, the sail, written language and soap? 🙂 They all come from the gringo, hombre.

You see, if we give you Los Angeles, first we take a big carpet. And we roll up every freeway, computer chip factory, university and skyscraper in southern California and take it back with us. We return California to you in its original condition.


Rehearsing (no tie ;-)) for an important message I will deliver to America and all the Aryavarta


(Many thanks to a dedicated Hungarian comrade for sending me the link to this.)

Excerpts from Texe Marr’s mostly excellent article found here: http://www.texemarrs.com/012011/jared_loughner_article.htm

Shooter Jared Lee Loughner Is a Jew, a Satanist, a Pot-head, and a Heavy Metal Rock Music Addict Who Spitefully Had Declared:

No! I will not trust in God

(I must say that I do not agree with Texe that that Columbine High School killer Eric Harris was Jewish. People are recommended to read my key article on psychopaths (https://johndenugent.com/psychopaths-in-power) , and stop this blind dichotomy of Jews-are-evil and whites-are-good. America today is full of fat, ignorant, apathetic, irresponsible, cowardly and even EVIL whites (I was molested by WHITES as a child), and there are also brave and good Jews. Well, a handful anyway. :-))

And now to Marr’s article (and be sure to read my key concluding information).

* * *

Loughner Is a Jewish Satan Worshipper

According to the media, Jared Lee Loughner is a Satan worshipper. New York’s Daily News published photos of a “Devil shrine” and altar found in the Loughner family’s back yard of their home in suburban Tucson. The sinister candles, skull, and sacrificial paraphernalia are all shown there in photos. The Daily News used words like “chilling,” “sinister,” “twisted,” and “frightening” to describe what was found by investigators.

Over the years I have investigated almost all the criminal cases of mass killers and assassins, and in virtually every case, I found the same things. Just as with Jared Lee Loughner, all the killers were involved in some form of Satanic worship as well as being crazed fans of heavy metal rock music. As we shall see, Loughner was a hard-core heavy metal music addict.

Shrine at Loughner residence in Tucson

As reported in the New York Daily News, this sinister Devil’s shrine was found in the backyard of killer Jared Lee Loughner’s Tucson home.

Regarding Loughner’s reported worship of Satan, after carefully examining the photos of what the New York Daily News called a “shrine” to the devil, I realized that once again the media only told half the truth.

This “shrine,” made up of a brick altar and a tent-like surrounding structure, appears to be what the Jews call a “Sukkot booth.” It is part of the Jews’ seven-day Feast of Booths (also called the Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot).

During Sukkot, the Jews build fragile outdoor “booths,” or shacks, to resemble the ancient, primitive housing of the Jewish tribes. They set up an altar and “invite” seven of Israel’s long-dead patriarchs to come and be their guests. Of course, this is necromancy, communication with the dead. The book of Ecclessiastes is read and the themes of death and vanity (“all is vanity”) are emphasized. Thus we find the death skull and candles displayed on the altar of the Sukkot booth in the Loughner’s backyard.

At left is the New York Daily News photo of the Sukkot booth erected in the Loughner backyard. At right are similar primitive booths that were erected in Israel by Jews during the Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles). (Wikipedia photo by Yoninah)

Now, I suspect that the New York newspaper knew that this shrine and altar was used for Shabbat Sukkot, the Festival, or Feast of Booths. However, the newspaper wanted the sensational accusations of Loughner being a Satanist firmly lodged in the minds of Americans. The media obviously do not want us to know that Loughner is not only a Jew but that the Loughner family are fanatical Jews who go to extreme lengths in celebrating Sukkot. In this instance, the media may have outdone itself because now, due to the exposures in this article, many will discover not only that the shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, is Jewish, but that Sukkot, one of the most popular of Judaism’s holy periods, is Satanic in nature. It might also be noted that Michael Hoffman, in his classic exposé, Judaism Discovered, covers Sukkot and all the Jewish holy days and provides evidence that the rabbis have saturated their religious rituals with occultism that comes straight from pagan Babylon.

JdN: Order directly here this fabulous book: http://www.revisionisthistory.org/ The Jews fear this book more even than David Duke’s works, because Hoffman, as a devout Christian (as well as impeccable scholar of part-German heritage), can make big inroads with Bible-believing Christians with this masterpiece. You cannot call yourself a serious WN unless you read this.

Loughner Is a Jewish Liberal

On his internet Facebook page, Loughner says that in addition to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, among his most favorite books are The Communist Manifesto, Mein Kampf, Siddhartha, George Orwell’s Animal Farm, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, Aesop’s Fables, Plato’s Republic, Fahrenheit 451, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and Peter Pan.

The Communist Manifesto Alice's Adventures in Wonderland The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Quite a varied selection there. Loughner’s naming of The Communist Manifesto suggests the killer is a died-in-the-wool radical and a Communist.

On the other hand, Hitler’s Mein Kampf was also on Loughner’s reading list, which naturally sent the liberal news media on a tear in a vain attempt to portray the murderer as a “radical right-winger or Hitler lover“ That doesn’t wash, however, because everyone who knew the young man described Loughner as a “left-winger and a liberal.”

Some in the media theorized that Loughner was an “anti-Semite.” This theory was based on the fact that Congresswoman Giffords, whom he shot, is a Jew. But, as it turns out, Jared Lee Loughner is himself a Jew. He listed himself as “Jewish” on his MySpace internet page. His mother, Amy, is a Jew. That little factoid is something the mass media conveniently omitted. Indeed, the surname “Loughner” is Jewish in origin, and the meaning of the name “Jared,” in the Jewish Name Dictionary, is “Hebrew Descent.”

It is also a fact that nowhere in his postings on the internet does Loughner indicate a shred of anti-Semitic sentiment. The words “Zionism” or “Israel” are not mentioned, nor does Loughner discuss the hot button of immigration, a favorite theme of Jewish legislators. Noteworthy is that Congresswoman Giffords voted for the “Dream Act” and supported other legislation favoring illegal immigration.

Loughner is a Liberal, Left-Winger

On the same Facebook page, Loughner listed only one political columnist whose work he enjoyed reading—Ben Smith, a liberal who writes for the pro-Democrat Party internet site, Politico.

Jared Lee Loughner also published on the Internet pictures of the burning of the American flag and spoke disrespectfully of the U.S. Constitution. Conservatives and Tea Party people would never do that.

Meanwhile, a young woman named Caitie Parker who said she went to school with him reported that Loughner was “left wing, quite liberal, and oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy.” She also said that he was “a pothead into heavy metal rock music like Jimi Hendrix, the Doors, and Anti-Flag.” According to the Tucson Police Department, Loughner had been arrested once for possession of drug paraphernalia.

All these are signs of Loughner being anything but a conservative and traditionalist.

Loughner Was Functionally Illiterate

It seems that the killer fancied himself to be gifted with a higher intelligence than others and he would often make fun of those whom he believed exhibited bad grammar and poor English skills. However, his own writings that I studied, including those Loughner had posted on the internet, were riddled with bad grammar and were virtually incomprehensible. Jared’s markedly deficient language skills provide prima facie evidence that his excessive pot-smoking drug use had addled his brain. Listening to heavy metal music does that to a person, too.

Don’t believe it?—check out the muddled, dolt-headed behavior of Ozzy Osbourne, or watch a TV interview with The Rolling Stone’s Keith Richards. These mentally deficient people are worse off than elderly, punch drunk retired boxers who were knocked out a score or more times in their prime. Listening to too much heavy metal music destroys more brain cells than drinking a pint of pure arsenic, the only difference being that the heavy metal rock music addict is still alive. Yes, retarded and brain dead, but medically still alive simply because he has a cardiac signal.

To make matters worse, reports indicate that Jared Lee Loughner dropped out of high school after he was caught drunk on campus and was diagnosed with “acute alcohol poisoning.” Later, as a student at low-cost Pima Community College, Jared Lee Loughner once was heard complaining about his having to pay for college. Loughner stated that college should be free, paid for by the government. Fascinating, since one of President Obama’s campaign promises is to require the government to pay 100% of college costs for all students. Jared: meet Barack Obama.

The notion that a conservative traditionalist or a person who strongly believes in family values would be a dope-head and would shoot and murder anyone, let alone 20 innocent men, women, and children, is ludicrous. My own audience—the readers of Power of Prophecy—are almost all Christian believers who believe in exactly what God said to us in His Ten Commandments “Thou Shalt Not Kill!”

Just what part of this Commandment do the left-wingers, the flag burners, the abortionists, the pro-Communist thugs, and their ilk not understand?

Loughner’s Disregard For Life and Murderous Attitude

In examining the spectacle of Jared Lee Loughner’s brief but debauched life, we discover where he stood in regards to life. One day while attending a class at Tucson’s Pima Community College (yes—liberals allow even unqualified high school drop-outs to attend college classes), a young girl openly read to the class a tender and touching poem about a baby that was aborted. Reportedly, every student in the classroom teared up—all except Jared Lee Loughner. He was inappropriately laughing out loud, mocking the others.

“Maybe they should have tied a bomb to the baby’s body and exploded it and made him into a terrorist bomber,” Loughner cackled.

Abortion of a baby obviously meant nothing to this dumbed-down monster. So the fact that Congresswoman Giffords was an avowed pro-abortionist would not matter to him either. His total disregard for human life certainly was demonstrated on January 8th at the Safeway food store in Tucson.

Military records show that Loughner attempted to join the U.S. Army, but he failed a drug test. Since this crumb was no patriot, we can only assume that he fantasized about being issued an automatic rifle by the Army so he could go out and kill people.

While Loughner was a lazy goof-off who couldn’t hold a job, he did volunteer to work part-time at the Pima County animal shelter. I have found in my investigation that more than a few satanists obtain animals for sacrifice to the Devil from animal shelters. The practice has gotten so bad that some animal shelters close their doors during the Halloween period, for fear that Satan worshippers will “adopt” out pets just to slaughter them in rituals.

To Sum Up

Please allow me, dear friends, to sum up some of the things we know for sure about this bloodthirsty killer:
1. He is a Jewish Satanist.

2. He is a brain-addled doper.

3. He is a narcissist and a sociopath who selfishly has feelings for no-one but himself.

4. He has no sympathy for aborted babies and no regard whatsoever for the sanctity of life.

5. He is a warped fan of satanic heavy metal rock music, further proof of his immaturity and maladjustment.

6. He is a dumbed-down, inept educational drop-out and failure who probably has less than the equivalent of a second grade education and no social skills.

7. He was an unemployed loser who lived with and sponged on his parents. (True, he sought to join the U.S. Army but for what purpose—to go and kill? He certainly was not an American patriot.)

8. He is a hater of God.

========================WHO STARTED MODERN SATANISM??

The Jew Anton LaVey, inspired by the writings, novels and anti-values of the Jewess who was the high priestess of ATHEISTIC, GREEDY SELFISHNESS, AYN RAND!

* * *

Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anton_LaVey) on LaVey:

Born Howard Stanton Levey
April 11, 1930(1930-04-11)
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
Died October 29, 1997(1997-10-29) (aged 67)
San Francisco, California, U.S.
Known for LaVeyan Satanism
Religion Satanism (Church of Satan)
Spouse Carole Lansing (1935-1975) (m. 1951–1960) «start: (1951)–end+1: (1961)»”Marriage: Carole Lansing (1935-1975) to Anton LaVey” Location: (linkback:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anton_LaVey)
Diane Hegarty
Blanche Barton
Children Karla LaVey (b. 1952)
Zeena LaVey (b. 1963)
Satan Xerxes Carnacki LaVey (b. 1993)

Ancestry and early life

LaVey was born as Howard Stanton Levey in Chicago, Illinois. His Jewish father, Michael Joseph Levey, was a liquor distributor and second-generation French-American [sic] from Omaha, Nebraska.[2] His grandfather, Leon Levy, was born in Paris, France and immigrated to Douglas County, Nebraska in 1886, where he married Louisville-native Emma Goldsmith [a “Russian” (sic)!] on October 23, 1888.[2]

* * *

Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayn_Rand) on Ayn Rand:

Ayn Rand

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ayn Rand

Half-length monochrome portrait photo of Ayn Rand, seated, holding a cigarette

Ayn Rand in 1957

Born Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum
February 2, 1905(1905-02-02)
Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Died March 6, 1982(1982-03-06) (aged 77)
New York City, United States
Occupation Philosopher, writer
Alma mater University of Petrograd
Notable work(s) The Fountainhead
Atlas Shrugged

Ayn Rand (pronounced /ˈaɪn ˈrænd/;[1] born Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum; February 2 [O.S. January 20] 1905 – March 6, 1982),

* * *

Satanism today: an encyclopedia of religion, folklore, and popular culture

By James R. Lewis

p223 (source: http://books.google.com/books?id=LxCwyChmJrAC&pg=PA223&lpg=PA223&dq=greenspan+satanist&source=bl&ots=Wfx3LxGI4Z&sig=Azn3FN7HT_9EjBn6sX_ekJ6bAVM&hl=en&ei=hfUuTZ-4AcPflgev65z1Cg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=8&sqi=2&ved=0CFAQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q&f=false0)

“…one of the most immediate sources for much of LaVey’s thinking was the popular mid-twentieth-century intellectual and author, Ayn Rand. [not one word here that both LaVey and Rand were Jewish.] Her fiction included the best-selling Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. ….An unabashed apologist for capitalism, her perspective is perhaps best summed up in the titles of such books as Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal (1966), The Virtue of Selfishness (1961), and America’s Persecuted Minority: Big Business (1962).

[JdN: As the Valley girls in the 1980s would say, “Gag me with a spoon.” ;-)]

….her most prominent disciple [was] Alan Greenspan.

…Rand advocated values such as rationality, selfishness, greed and atheism. …conservative, traditional Christians would undoubtedly have considered her diabolically inspired, which may explain LaVey’s attraction to her thought.

The influence of Rand on LaVey is most evident in The Satanic Bible’s “Nine Satanic Statements,” one of the Church of Satan’s central doctrinal documents. As a number of observers have pointed out, these statements appear to draw from Rand’s [best-selling] novel, Atlas Shrugged.

…Satanism [LaVey’s further development of Rand’s thought] is also strongly hedonistic. Knowledge is …more of a pragmatic tool than an objective value for the Satanist, who relies upon the dictates of his or her own personal needs as the ultimate criterion for indicating the best course of action in any situation.

===========MY COMMENT

Ahem, “personal WANTS,” not personal NEEDS.

What we need is good karma, love expressed by ACTION, obeying God and helping the deserving.

What we “WANT,” like Arnie with his Jew buddy Joe Weider, is sex, fame, power (so — even as a “Republican” — marry a Kennedy, and become Uncle Teddy’s nephew!), and oodles of cash.

None of these people believe in God. They CANNOT possibly believe in God as the judge of their lives, who sees and knows all things.

The Jew seeks to spread atheism, because, as the great Russian novelist Dostoyevsky saw clearly:

“If there is no God, everything is permitted.”

This is why the great Dr. William Pierce failed, because — without being evil — he was, like many scientists, an atheist. (I know because I worked for him for three years, 1981-84, started a flourishing local unit of the NA, spoke at his 1983 Chicago convention, wrote the recruiting-methods section of his newsletter, and ran his 1984 NA convention.)

Eternal Solutreanism is the certainty of God. YOU WILL BE JUDGED.

First appearance of the Solutrean emblem, Irvine, California, October 14, 2007, in a dance ballroom I and a Croatian comrade named Mark found. Here, after being expelled by Jews from hotel after hotel, we met victoriously for the final (the white-nationalist-run) day of the anti-zionist conference “No More Wars for Israel.” Aryans, Jews, Arabs, Blacks, Christians, pagans, liberals and conservatives met to oppose together the Zionist monster.



  1. There is a certain expression (or lack thereof) in the eyes that separates a psychopath from a normal person; and, Jared Loughner’s llatest photo – in -my opinion – shows him to be psychopathic.

    Your latest blog on this individual is right on the mark; how the MSM could ignore certain parts of his background does not surprise me. Have any of the media pundits ever mentioned Loughner’s addiction to heavy metal rock music during their days-long discussions of last Saturday morning’s tragedy? I haven’t heard it mentioned even once these past several days; and, yet, these pundits yapped on-and-on about “right-wing extremism” and Sarah Palin’s “lock and load” remarks in past speeches. Of course, they wanted to picture Loughner as a “right-wing”, rather than “left-wing” nut, being seft wing themselves.

  2. While in the US Army, (82nd. Airborne, Ft. Bragg, later 3rd. Infantry Würzburg Germany) we had to display the bible in our footlockers during inspections. I was 18 and eager to learn everything I could. I read voraciously and the PX at our base had an amazing selection of paper-back books available, One of my favorites was Dr. Zhivago, which I read in English (on the left side) and German (on the right side) with a dictionary in the middle. Thusly I hoped I would improve my English language skills, which were less than stellar having been in the USA for only about 1.5 years. One day I spied Ayn Rand´s Atlas Shrugged, read it and got hooked. I loved the self-reliance (as I interpreted it to mean) and the fact that ONE man could change the world. THAT appealed to my soul; so I replaced the bible in my footlocker with Atlas Shrugged and when asked by the Captain what the hell this was, I told him, THAT Sir is MY bible. He attempted a wry smile and left it at that. I haven´t read the book since, but I will never forget, that it was Ayn Rand, Jewess or not, who awakened in me an intellectual thirst I had not known before. Gerry Frederics.

  3. Ron Paul didn’t name his son after Ayn Rand. There’s a video on Youtube where Rand Paul addresses that question if you look for it. Ron Paul certainly admires some of her work but he did NOT name his son after her.

    • It would be more helpful if you produced that video. Also, how many people give their son the first name “Rand”? And Ron Paul is a strong libertarian, like Ayn Rand, who was the big voice of libertarianism for decades when he was a young man and became a parent……

      Even if RP does deny it I remain skeptical that this is all just a coincidence.

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