ENGLISH Gun nuts who don't shoot; siege at Firebase Gloria; global warmists caused Brisbane, Australia catastrophe; Sarkozy stuns France with Alsace gaffe; on previous lives (in German)

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==================Gunned up and wimped down
I love these semi-tough males who load up with expensive guns, Glock pistols and whatnot, and then, when the zogfeds actually show up, meekly and cravenly surrender.

It reminds me of Hitler’s mocking remark about those German patriots in the 1920s who were into Odinism, and even wore Viking horn helmets and bear skins and swilled mead at their  meetings! (The modern parallel is my acidic critics on VNN or SF whose screen name is always some combo of “Viking,” “SS,” or other martial theme, “Stonewall,” “14” or “88”….. Unlike me, a mere Marine NCO, these guys are all super-heroes.)

But when the Reds came in the Twenties, to bust up the Nordicist meetings, as Hitler observed, these same “Vikings” fled with their tails between their legs.

In fact, he pointed out that, in every single right-wing movement except his, the members would run like shrieking girls whenever the Reds crashed their meetings.

Hitler also observed that the most needed virtue of our times is COURAGE.
Having said that, note this recent item:
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Police seize guns, 1,000 rounds of ammo after Los Alamos standoff –Ex-LANL [Los Alamos National Laboratory] physicist being held for psychiatric evaluation 14 Jan 2011 High-powered weapons [JdN: sic! see below for the “high-powered” stuff; you’d think the guy had one of those new fully-automatic shotguns above his mantelpiece] and ammunition were among the items seized from the home of a former Los Alamos National Laboratory physicist who has become increasingly paranoid [?] and outspoken against the lab and the government. Los Alamos police trying to serve a warrant arrested Richard Lee Morse, 75, outside his 1350 Bathtub Row home at 11:45 a.m. Thursday, according to Los Alamos Capt. Randy Foster. A search warrant executed Thursday on Morse’s home netted the discovery of three guns — a .30-06 rifle, a .22-caliber rifle and a 9 mm Beretta pistol — and more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition.

So the guy hates the government, he has a thousand rounds of ammo, and he lets the very same government pusillanimously haul him off to a cage because he spoke out “against the government.”

All I can say it, we need Solutrea to Arise, and restore honor to white males. They must fear dishonor and terrible karmic punishment, far more than death, which is just taking off the glove that is the body.



Clark just downloaded off Torrent a great 1980s movie about Vietnam combat with the US Army and Marines, a semi-low-budget film but with a great plot and action (lots of troops, Army helicopters, Asian troops, etc.)

The legendary former Marine “gunny” Lee Ermey (about whom I have blogged) is in it and also Wings Hauser, a rectangular-faced German-American actor who plays a very convincing gung-ho Marine. (In the subplot, his personal troubles bring in Ermey, a kind of father figure and a Marine sergeant major, to counsel him. This is quite a moving scene, toward the end, about his feeling of betrayal by the government over the war.)

After this movie, you really feel you understand the Vietnam War and the anger of our betrayed vets. (Btw, I did not see hardly one Jewish name among the credits. The movie seems to be totally UNAVAILABLE except as a Torrent download!!!!……….. You cannot find it as an official DVD.)

“The Siege of Firebase Gloria” also shows how the communist psychopathocrats in Hanoi used and destroyed the Viet Cong, their communist “brothers” in South Vietnam, during the 1968 “Tet Offensive,” so after the Americans had crushed them (and the white-led American Marines and Army DID crush them!!!) the regular North Vietnamese army could take over the war and eventually put the south under the north’s boot. Tet was partly about the northern communists wiping out the Viet Cong, the southern communists. (As so often, I refer you to my key essay here: https://johndenugent.com/psychopaths-in-power)

Here is a site (slow but reliable; there are others that might be better) for downloading it:

=============Global warmists caused Australian floods

[source:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherbooker/8262064/What-was-the-role-of-warmists-in-the-Queensland-flood-disaster.html]Christopher Booker

What was the role of [global] warmists in the Queensland flood disaster?

Australia was told to prepare for droughts as a result of climate change, and let down its guard against flooding, writes Christopher Booker.

The Brisbane river peaked at 4.46 metres region. The recent floods in Brisbane and the Lockyer Valley have claimed lives of 12 people with many more reported missing in region.

The Brisbane river peaked at 4.46 metres region. The recent floods in Brisbane and the Lockyer Valley have claimed lives of 12 people with many more reported missing in region Industrial flotsam forms a deadly logjam in the Brisbane River

By Christopher Booker
<http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherbooker/> 7:29PM GMT 15
Jan 2011


Ever more alarming facts are emerging to show how Brisbane’s floods were made infinitely worse by cockeyed decisions inspired by the obsession of the Australian authorities with global warming. Inevitably, the country’s warmist lobby has been voluble in claiming that such a “freak weather event” (as the BBC called it) is a consequence of man-made climate change. But far from being an
unprecedented “freak event”, the latest flood was nearly a foot below the level of one in 1974 and 10 feet below the record set in 1893.

For years, Australia’s warmists have been advising the authorities that the danger posed to the country by global warming is not floods but droughts: not too much rain but too little. One result, in Brisbane, was a relaxation of planning rules, to allow building on areas vulnerable to flooding in the past.

[JdN: This has also been true in the United States, where whites misled by greedy Jew (or white-psychopath) real estate developers have built whole towns in flood plains alongside rivers. In the flood I experienced in Metairie, Louisiana in 1989, the Napoleon Canal had been built by crooked Sicilians who had gotten the contract to build the canal, and this disgrace of a construction project was infamous for NOT stopping flooding.]

As long ago as 1999, this was seen as potentially disastrous by an expert Brisbane River Flood Study (which was ignored and for years kept secret). Instead of investing in its flood defences, Australia spent $13 billion on desalination plants. (Queensland’s was recently mothballed because of the excess of rain.)

Last week’s most disturbing revelation, however, was the contribution to Brisbane’s flooding by the South East Queensland Water company’s massive release of water from its Wivenhoe dam upstream from the city (for details see “Brisbane’s Man-Made Flood Peak” on the Regionalstates blog). Instead of controlled releases through the previous week, the company allowed the level to
rise to within a few inches of the top of the dam before releasing a vast volume of water, with devastating consequences for Brisbane 36 hours later.

Last spring, Queensland’s prime minister, the drought- and warming-obsessed Anna Bligh, (http://www.thepremier.qld.gov.au) ordered the water company not to allow any releases from the dam because water was such a “precious resource” that none must be wasted.

Unsurprisingly, on Friday, the city’s Lord Mayor asked for a full judicial review of what had happened. But it is time our Australian cousins carried out a very much more wide-ranging inquiry into all the other decisions made by their gullible politicians in recent years, under the spell of a pseudo-scientific ideology which now looks utterly discredited.


Being the Jew he is, Sarko (whose job approval in the polls is now almost as low as that of Obama) is probably “creeped out” by Alsace, which is racially Germanic and where 40% of the population, esp, in the beautiful countryside, still speaks the Germanic dialect. (My second wife was Alsatian.)

Alsatian half-timbered house (with bright frenchie colors added)

  • Friday, Jan 21 2011

So much for two World Wars! President Sarkozy angers French by saying Alsace region is STILL German in ‘simple error’

By Peter Allen

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has caused outrage by suggesting that the Alsace region which his country won back from the Nazis after World War II was still ‘in Germany’.

The French President made the hugely embarrassing mistake during a speech in the Alsatian town of Truchtersheim, which is less than 20 miles from the German border.

Speaking to representatives of the agricultural industry, Mr Sarkozy said he could accept unfair competition between China and India, but not between Germany and France.

Whoops: This is the moment Nicolas Sarkozy's made the mistake in Truchtersheim, Alsace, which was greeted with gasps by the audienceWhoops: This is the moment Nicolas Sarkozy’s made the mistake in Truchtersheim, Alsace, which was greeted with gasps by the audience

Land grab: How the territories were dished out after the Treaty of VersaillesLand grab: How the territories were dished out after the Treaty of Versailles

‘I’m not saying that simply because I’m in Germany,’ he continued, before correcting himself to say: ‘I’m in Alsace.’

The crowd immediately began jeering and then booing Mr Sarkozy, who appeared shocked by what he had said – putting his hands up in the air as if surrender.

Alsace, historically one of the most strategically crucial regions in France, was contested constantly between France and Germany during the 19th and 20th Century.

======my comment

Sarkozy, who literally is a CIA agent and has been since his teenage years, is a part-Jew who has married two Jewesses in a row, and his son just married the daughter of a Jew billionaire who owns the Darty store chain and, as France smiled knowingly, “converted” to Judaism.

Sarkozy is a real Goldfinger…..”his heart is cold; he loves only gold”…. This was the famous theme song to the early James Bond film “Goldfinger.”

As my Normans essay points out, all of author Ian Fleming’s villains were in reality Jewish billionaires, and James Bond — Bond is a Norman name — a kind of Aryan superman who reduces evil in the world by elimninating judeoplutocrats one by one. This was the theme of an article in the New York Jewish newspaper, the Forward. See my Normans essay, pp 50-52, found here: https://johndenugent.com/normans-pdf

In this video, the villian has already murdered Bond’s female contact for reveling information, and has dipped her in gold.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRqOelUrgbk  ]

Sarko’s current wife, Carla Bruni, an Italian Jewess, is infamous for posing nude in the 1990s when she was a model. The whole Sarko phenomenon is the Jews giving France the finger.


I had the largest thread ever on a wonderful discussion website that lasted for seven years called Libertyforum.org. It had great graphics and great posters, and was also one of the first antizionist forums ever on the Internet, founded by a libertarian and free-speech lover whom we all knew only by his screen name “John Deere.”

I crossed swords there constantly in 2007-2008 with both American Jews and Israelis, who also formed a whole team of individual Jews masquerading as regular Americans under the female name “Daisy.”

The thread, entitled “Apocalypse of the Psychopaths,” soared to 86,000 views until the entire forum was eliminated by the judeopaths in August of 2008, destroying one of the best forums on the Internet.Look at the page tally as of July 208, shortly before the forum was shut down…two hundred seventy-nine pages of me duking it out with the Jews….(Click directly on the photo below for a larger image.)

The Jews, after killing htp://www.libertyforum.org in August 2008, then made sure that my SPECIFIC thread, that is,  “Apocalypse of the Psychopaths,” could not be located or recovered, not even on the Waybackmachine…..the thread where I openly exposed ritual murder of white children by talmudists …. and Jews committing incest on their own kids (which even a Chinese visitor to the Near East, noted in 700 AD, calling them the “loathsome Zim Zim”) ….. and that many Jews are therefore highly inbred — this is why they are so incredibly ugly, unstable and deranged.

I revel in their psychopathic jealousy and hatred toward me and our Aryan race.

As Hitler said: “If the Jews are not attacking you daily, you are not doing your job.”

This little penguin just told me we’re gonna win ….. We will ridicule the judeoocrats to death, and they will literally commit suicide.

And “I like winning, don’t you?” as Brother Nathanael Kapner says. This blue-eyed former Jew, who left Judaism at 16 and became a Christian monk, always makes a lot of good horse sense as well as being always entertaining.


Here is yours truly talking in German (which I speak with basically no American accent) about, first, the wonderful city of Pittsburgh and its importance to the Eternal Solutrean movement, and then about my mysterious childhood connection to all things German, which came out at age six…..

I lived in Kufstein, Austria, on the Bavarian border, and was married to an Austrian 1976-89, raising our two daughters Ingrid and Erika bilingually.

….. and this video also discusses my profound belief that reincarnation is a possibility for many people, and that it helps us focus on our duties as men and women, understanding our souls are always on trial, and it aids us to overcome the excessive fear of death.

I believe we have many lives, and should not waste a single incarnation, but be learning and growing, becoming Aryan, that is, NOBLE.

(My thanks to Zak, the volunteer cameraman, and to volunteer Jason Salyers for the video editing and upload.)


(Tomorrow I publish the rest of the videos in German — parts three, four and five — here and in a separate German blog. As I say, this is natsoc 2.0, not German national socialism in the Thirties, but a pan-Aryan religious ethnotribe, which welcomes all men and women of all races to be our allies in the worldwide fight against the psychopathocracy, a corrupting terror machine which now rules every country, race, religion and people. The English video, a 90-minute production, is now in preparation.)

1 Comment

  1. You left out a word

    and that many Jews are therefore highly inbred — this is why they [ARE] so incredibly ugly, unstable and deranged.

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