ENGLISH Down to the wire

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Comrades have donated SOME money using PayPal, or Walmart MoneyGrams, so I can release safely this audiovisual book, Solutrea Arise, and though I need a lot more immediately, for mirror sites, DVD production, security cameras, and a locksmith, even for such trivia as batteries for my laser Walther (I practice head shots constantly, Jews), I am pleased at the initial response to my urgent appeal for financial fuel.


As a reward, here is a sneak peak at part of this audiovisual work:

(The two videos below by me and my team — skip the Obama presidential-seal video — are in English, but buried in the letter to an esteemed German comrade below, which Germans will understand. Many of my key supporters are Germans or other Europeans. Use http://www.translate.google.com to read it if you wish.)

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Danke, Fredrick! Clark ist schon seit 2009 ein ausgezeichneter Freiwilliger (er sieht eigentlich mehr ägyptisch denn schwarz aus, und sein Vater ist ARAMCO-Ingenieur). Seit er hier ist, klappt alles Computermäßige wunderbar.

Es sollen die Feds kommen, und auf gute Waco-Art Frauen (darunter Kanadierinnen) und auch einen “Neger” gleich mit niederknallen! Das wäre etwas Feines für die Abendnachrichten: “Der hasserfüllte weißer Supremazist, dessen rechte Hand ein Schwarzer war….” Tja, schwierig zu erklären….. Wie habe ich einen 25jäjhrigen schwarzen Mann und Ingenieurstudent in Los Angeles wohl fern-hypnotisiert? 😉

Clark Lightbridge, also “Lichtbrücke”, auf dem Butler-Freeport-Pfad im sehr deutschstämmigen, Hessen-ähnlichen Pennsylvanien

Ich und Margi waren traurig, dich und deine Lady nicht (wieder) sehen zu können. Hoffentlich hat Erich Gliebe in Cleveland dich nicht mit Verleumdungen gegen mich animiert. Ich ertappe ihn dabei in flagrante delicto. Aus der Pierce-Organisation haben er und Walker eine rauchende Ruine gemacht. (Ich leitete Pierces Kongress 1984.)

Mein langes Zögern, meine Bewegung ins Leben zu rufen, ist morgen am Ende. Alle, auch die Besten und Klügsten (du, Rockwell, Carto, Tyndall usw), haben gegen die Judenmaschine mehr oder weniger gescheitert, das heißt, bestenfalls einen gut durchdachten Gefechtsrückzug ausgeührt, so wie eben die Deutschen 1943-45 nach Stalingrad. Das war zwar keine panikartige Flucht, aber immerhin endete es, schaurig in Blut getränkt, in den Straßen Berlins.

Und so sage diesmal ICH: “Never again.”

Morgen beginne ich mit NatSoz 2,0, mit einer ganz neuen Variante dieser Weltanschaung für unsere Zeit: DIE EWIGEN SOLUTRIER. Die Zeit ist dafür reif, auch ich fühle mich endlich dieser Aufgabe gewachsen, zumal ich einen Mitarbeiterstab und (gerade) genug Geld endlich habe…. und, gleich wichtig, Obama und die US-Wirtschaft sich gleichzeitig im freien Fall befinden.

Ominös…..Hitler befahl, den Namen eines neues Schlachtschiffes namens “Deutschland” umzubenennen. Wie wird das Volk es deuten, wenn es nun mal versenkt würde?!” 😉

Hier ein kurzer Einblick in einen Teil meines audiovisuellen “Buches” Solutrea Arise:

Part 1:


Part 2:


Ich möchte dir auch das höchste Lob spenden: denn es war deine immer wiederholte Leitmahnung, die mich nachdenklich machte:

“Do not blame the Jews. Blame those who give in to their pressure.”

Beschuldige nicht die Juden. sondern die (Weißen), die vor ihnen in die Knie gehen.”

Die Bewegung der Ewigen Solutrier fußt auf dieser SELBST-Erkenntnis. Der Wurm steckt ja doch in UNS! Der Jude benutzt ihn nur. Hätten wir nicht dieses spirituelle Leck in unserem Wesen, den Egoismus, fände er bei uns nie und nimmer Eingang, dieses kleine, hässliche Schmierfinkenpack!

We must be “born again.” Wie Jesus richtig analysierte, müssen wir zu neuen Menschen werden, und innerlich zutiefst wiedergeboren und verwandelt.

Dann schlagen wir den miesen Juden. Weder Jude, noch Neger, noch Türke noch Mexikaner schlägt einen echten Arier. Arier heißt auf Sanskrit EDELMÜTIG.


=====================potshot critics

As for certain critics, I am just as dismissive of those who take cheap shots at me without ever helping as they clearly are of me.

I despise those who, unlike myself, have not spend decades of suffering and extreme sacrifice in this Cause and yet criticize a bleeding, wounded underfed and outumbered warrior. Nor have they ever themselves set up any group whatsoever, or dealt with the extreme dysfunction of today’s spiritually and physically sick whites.

The worst of all is the chilly, left-brained nerds who have totally failed to ignite any of the masses with their factoidal, Piercean approach.

Jared Taylor has now permitted twice the Jews and blax to shut down his AmRen conference, in both 2010 and 2011. Here he is being bodily manhandled out of his own meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. NEVER in 32 years has any meeting I attended or spoke at been closed by the Jews!

And this fat, black (and open) faggot, the Jew-funded Daryl Lamont Jenkins, the New York, marxist-trained director of the One People’s Project, is again crowing “Victory over the Whites!!

Joe Fields credits me for the survival of the “No More Wars for Israel” conference (see esp. 02:15-02:20)


I am the one who gets the standing ovations when I speak, and I get the Discovery Channel in my house….


…..and ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, etc,


….and also the FBI, Secret Service and Homeland Security.

I am the one whose personal assistant gets arrested and expelled for life from US soil.


And that encounter with the FBI and SS three weeks ago was possibly very dangerous. Wait until you see what they did with the pro-white, anti-Asian-immigrant Pauline Hanson in Australia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pauline_Hanson)……It is being filmed today.(The article on Wiki does not breathe a WORD about how the Murdoch-controlled Sidney Herald ran faked nude photos of Hanson, produced by a known conman, to preclude her political comeback in 2009!)

This vicious Jew, Neil Breen, who runs the Herald, the biggest paper in Australia, ran faked nude photos of Hanson, a businesswoman and mother of four, supposedly taken way back when she was NINETEEN, to shock her conservative white supporters, then apologized for the fakery, for buying photos from a CONMAN, but did so ONLY AFTER SHE LOST. What a psychopath!

The Joint Terrorism Task Force, with the same ethics as the Australian High Court or Neil Breen, could have hauled Clark away on the spot as an Egyptian citizen because his father got him Egyptian citizenship when he was FIVE.

You think all that is ridiculous? The Jew-stralian High Court deposed an elected federal SENATOR, Heather Hill of Queensland, who was pro-white and a Pauline Hanson ally — because she was BORN in Britain and thus COULD technically be a dual citizen!)

But my critics are great at the dismissiveness.

You, Jason, and others who have made great sacrifices are allowed to criticize me, as long as my role is respected. You have proven yourself and this merit alone is what gives you that right.

Nothing is more insidiously destructive of my mission than the slur — always like what was launched against AH too, ever since the year 1920, and without respite — that I am mentally ill.

Manic depression or bipolar disorder means mood swings. Anyone who has dealt with me knows I am appropriate in my emotions, even in a constant pressure cooker of stress of all kinds. When things are terrible, I feel sad, and when they are going well I feel happy. Mood swings are when people are out of sync with the reality around them, and no one can lead our race or folk who is out of touch with reality, even in an emotional sense.

What I have is very small remnants of PTSD, a very different thing. When I see bullying I become more enraged than the average person. I hate psychopaths more than the average person. I am incapable of surrender to them.

And I am loyal, appreciative and respectful of all good comrades.

Just remember that this race will be saved only by feeling, soul, and religion, not by factoiders, Pierceans and Am-Renoids. They have demonstrably and utterly failed. The Tea Party shows how angry white America is, as do the gun sales, and the support for the anti-illegals Governor Brewer of Arizona, yet these factoiders have made NO inroads at all for the openly white approach.

I have done so much for so long with so little that now I am qualified to do anything with nothing. 😉

I have lost everything I owned financially twice for this Cause, lost two marriages, and the contact with both my beloved children. MY FATHER OFFERED TO PUT ME ON THE PATH TO PARTNER IN A FOUR-MILLION-DOLLAR INSURANCE BROKERAGE. (He finally sold his share for $2 million around 1988.)

How do you think I feel, knowing me as you do as a “touchy-feely” person, to find out second-hand that my elder daughter had twin daughters and did not tell me I was a grandfather? I have been nearly murdered — nearly thrown at night off a warship in 1979.

The helicopter carrier USS Inchon; four Dutch marines plotted to throw me at night of the carrier into the Mediterranean because I openly opposed their blind Dutch hatred of the Germans and love of race-mixing. One boasted to me that the Dutch Marines had killed the inept Germans with their bare teeth……….. I realized after that the greatest danger to me was white traitors.

Have any of my critics undergone what I have? No one who has not sacrificed as I have has the right to criticize me in the manner they do.

Hans Baur was Hitler’s pilot for years, and was the man who flew the Führer to Finland or an important meeting with the Finnish war commander Mannerheim. He once told a friend of mine, Matt Koehl, how just before their departure on the Eastern Front—where they came within several hundred meters of the actual fighting (!)—all German ground personnel (clerks, cooks, transport, supply, everyone) had to be mustered to join the regular combat forces in driving off the Reds, who were attacking at one end of the runway! I don’t think any of the Allied cheerleaders came anywhere as close to the fighting as the “cowardly” Hitler.

And if you were HERE as I suggested, you would have seen that our work is nearing completion. You would SEE the videos competed.

Two more parts of Solutrea, Arise, the audiovisual book:

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goOYbI4biKE

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZqfIJpdI7g

Why is it nearing completion? Because my BLOG and speeches on video and my TV appearances attracted STAFF & MONEY. I was beyond broke in 2005; today there are three million hits on my name.


I got a donation on PayPal today, and then another, and raced off to clean out the account before the Jew who owns it closes the account and, as is his wont, pockets the money. (He did that to David Scott von Braun and $25,000!!!)

Here is the email I sent him:

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To a Finn (according to the message) who just sent a good donation by PayPal…..

* * *

Dear comrade,

I am deeply touched and grateful for this financial sacrifice.

The PayPal message says “from a supporter in Finland.” If that is true (and it need not be, because sometimes supporters feel a need to hide their identity as much as possible, given persecutions and prosecutions by ZOG), then let me tell you how much I appreciate the Finnish nation. As you surely know, I had Henrik Holappa of Oulu in my home as a political refugee, and he really incarnated the old and true Finnish spirit. Through him I got to learn about Lauri Törni and the Winter War, the Continuation War, and even the tragic Brother War.

The name you gave, however, indicates a Swede. I know that Finland has a large and proud Swedish minority, and of course I have great respect also for the Scandinavians. My distant ancestors were from Norway.

Once again, so many thanks for this deep financial sacrifice. I will do a blog today just in your honor. I am finishing my book so as to start this movement, and did not intend to do any blog at all. The blog takes a lot of time and though it had created a support base, and attracted key volunteers, now it is secondary to finishing my book and starting the movement, the Eternal Solutreans. Now, finally, I have the staff needed to both finish this book, an audiovisual book with text, photos, my own videos, other videos (some by David Duke) and many supporting text documents, and welcome, organize and also screen new interested persons and volunteers once they read the book.

I am angry at WNs not supporting me, just as they did NOT support Adolf Hitler either until AFTER the world economic crash of 1929. After eight years of endless hard work, Hitler ran candidates for office throughout Germany in the March 1928 election, giving hundreds of speeches….and got a dismal 2.8% of the vote.

This was the SAME Hitler who got 37% in 1932, AFTER the economic crisis, and the SAME Hitler who made Germany into an Aryan superpower, and a happy, safe, beautiful society. But all he got in 1928 was criticism and apathy, cowardice and irresponsibility in 1928 from people he was trying to save. And he, like me, had to read in the Jewspapers that he was mentally ill, or a homosexual, and a coward.

It was HUNGER and FEAR, plus his movement, that changed things. Hunger — from the masses literally starving with no food and money. In 1932 Germany experienced a wave of suicides across society.

Fear –because the Communist Party was growing rapidly and terrifying many Germans. Right next to East Prussia, Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin had already killed millions. And by 1932 the Communist Party of Germany was the second-biggest party, right behind Hitler’s own.

Today, it is the same. WNs prefer to read about the Jews instead of about the rebirth of national socialism in a new form, in Solutrean social nationism.

They prefer not to sacrifice, but to sit back and consume “infotainment” about race, look at photos of race problems, and watch videos about race problems.

But you opened up my heart and changed my mood with this morale-boosting gift. It is because of people like YOU that I soldier on. And because there is much greatness still slumbering in millions of our people. It must be and will be awakened again.

Thank you, white brother. This was a great psychological start for my morning of work, when I am filming a key video speech to the white world.

John de Nugent

=========================part-Jews who wish to help me

A YouTube channel owner wrote to ask me what I would think of a person (herself?) who was half-Aryan (German) and half-Jewish.

I replied:

Well, dear lady, while genetics are very important, frankly I would rather sit down and have a glass of wine with a half-Jew who fights evil than a worthless white traitor.


As Fredrick Toeben has said,

“Do not blame the Jews. Blame those who give in to their pressure.”

Our souls are not blond or blue-eyed: we have spiritual bodies. All of us of all races and genetics are on trial, especially right now. Some of the best people fighting Jewry are Jews and part-Jews, such as Gilad Atzmon and Alan Sabrosky, or Brother Kapner.

One of my righthand-men now is part-Eyptian and part-Eritrean! His family gives him hell because after two years of knowing me he refuses their slander that I am a “white supremacist.” I am pro-white, and fight with my very life for the freedom and dignity of ALL God’s children!

While it is true that our young Nordic race is genetically recessive, and thus we must not mix with other races, there are good men and women, striving to the light above, in all races. All white men are my brothers, but non-whites who fight Zion at my side are my COUSINS.

Clark Lightbridge, who since 2009 has spent HUNDREDS of hours in unselfish volunteer work repairing and defending my constantly hacked website, while one white-trash guy, who called him a “n—-,” took $300 I sent him to come and help me and spent it on women.


=========================NEW MIRROR SITE GOING UP

http://johndenugent.us (We are working now on the banner.)

We are setting up even more mirror sites; soon four or five more will appear.

===========================I need transcription, and ASAP!

As for donations, all I need from all poor supporters now is skilled transcription talent. Others who are not college students can and will kick in big amounts ONCE THIS BOOK COMES OUT.

The document I need transcribed is my radio interview with Brendon O’Connell!

It is a key part of the BOOK.

I assume you have been following my blog on Brendon O’Connell, who just got three years in prison. He is very important to my work, because the Jews are petrified about the truth concerning Verint.

I did a major, 78-minute radio show with him on May 10, 2010. I think it is great radio and very important. It shows a really lovable white liberal whom the Jews just absolutely stomped on, and their fear of Verint.

What I plan to do is RE-RECORD my own part, using this transcript, and then release it as a video with many still photos and video footage as well. Also, I will release the transcript with photos online and put it in the book.

We have filmed also a major intro to the Brendon videos.

Clark was suggesting that perhaps another supporter might like to help him with transcribing from the 45th minute to the end, at 78 minutes.

Please let me know if you can help with this vital project.

I will make a superhero out of Brendon as I did out of Henrik Holappa; we will get that mad Irish-Aussie out of prison (he can be released on appeal); and we will rip those judeopaths a big new hole over Verint and the stomping of white liberals by Jews.

My goal with Brendon is to push millions of white liberals into the wake-up moment, OR, at the very least, they will stop supporting the Jews in their hearts and minds, even if they do not become full WNs.

Just reparking these liberals into neutral is better than having them as 24/7 fanatic enemies.

Reducing the number of one’s hardcore, committed enemies is just as important as gaining new troops.

And I have seen myself over and over that many white liberals are of excellent racial stock, IQ, and financial status. They are often kind, giving and broad-minded. Some of the best WNs I know are former liberals. In my heart, but not my brain, I am a liberal myself.


Q:How many anti-racists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Ten. One to screw it in and nine to complain that the light is too

And it is by building a mighty mass movement that WE WILL WIN.

If you can help me with transcription — listening to an audiofile and typing out the conversation — please contact me at any of these email addresses ASAP:

Contact John de Nugent


213 Ekastown Road 

Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]






John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


Cash in an envelope

Blank money order

MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)


* * *

If this email address does not work, then the government of Israel, Jewish sayanim in gentile countries, or a Jewish-controlled agency of a Jewish-controlled gentile government, committing the felony of violating freedom of speech and destroying my property, has hacked this email address once again in fear of both the factual truth and the resonance of my message.

Then write me at one of these email addresses — or both. 😉




I will no longer do a daily blog. After two solid years of blogging seven days a week, from now on it will come out every other day, and thus the next appearance will be on Wednesday.

In the future, I expect to do, in alternation:

1) a video news and commentary on one day (starting the video service this Thursday),

2) then the blog on the next day (re-starting the blog this Wednesday).

It is time to found and lead a mass movement. The mere blogging phase is over.

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