ENGLISH COMPLETION of spiritual video nine on the Solutrean Ahnenerbe; Hellenism is Solutreanism

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The first eight spiritual videos of the Solutrea Arise DVD project are found here: https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking (Scroll down one-quarter to “Solutrea Arise.”)

You have probably already seen on this blog the two initial segments (out of five, total) of the FINAL spiritual video, number nine:





Here are now three, four and five, completing this important video, that is, number nine, which represents the last spiritual video.

3) prana, vril and almost free energy; spirals, implosions and ancient Aryan civilizations; the German Ahnenerbe 1935-45


4) modern physics and the reality of God; facing a tribunal at death


5) the satanism in judaism and its offshoot for white conservatives, Ayn Randism




Please donate so I can 1) complete the presidential video, 2) add the supporting documents as a pdf which I have written, and 3) add key videos from others about the key issues:

the Holohoax,
Jewish ritual murder of white children,
the Israeli murder of John Kennedy,
the assault on the American crew of the USS Liberty,
the tragedy of white South Africa, and
the pedophile network inside our government.

The public, after viewing this DVD, will be transformed. They will divide up into two categories: 1) those who will run screaming from the horrible truth, hating the truthtellers for bothering their bad conscience, and 2) those who will come alive, grasp the urgency, see the leadership, and become warriors for freedom, for white civil rights and builders of a secure future for white children.

They will understand that it is GOD who demands ACTION.

When I quit Dr. William Pierce in 1984 at the height of my success with his organization, it was because I realized then that only a new Aryan religion, that is, a modern rebirth of our old Indo-European faith, can save us, that is, make us INWARDLY able to save ourselves.

We need no more facts about blacks and Jews! We need facts about US, that inspire us, that preach the glory and duty of the Aryan people!

I have now completed 90% of this project.

Will you help financially so I can finish the job?

What will happen to YOU if I fail? We are nearly broke here, with volunteers working for free and hand-to-mouth. I am not worried for US; Our karma is good; but how about yours?


John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road, Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)

Donations: Cash in an envelope or a Blank money order (except for the $ amount ;-))

MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)


================a Greek comrade writes, and I respond

Hi, John. I am so happy to see you are searching for a real spiritual path that is appropriate for your old/new tribe of Solutreans and the love of our natural environment. As a re-Hellenized Greek ( someone who restored his predecessors’ religion in his heart and mind and broke free from Saulianity, I welcome you to the club of spiritual decency, broadmindedness, and uplifting towards a cosmic harmony and familiarity with the gods that represent the supreme consciousness.

In Greece the movement to restoring our classical Hellenic spirituality throughout the general population is growing fast. People are starting to show reverence to their predecessors’ gods and they pray to them in a devout manner. They often book our ancient sacred sites in order to go there and pray in groups. Contrary to this development the Government of Greece is implementing the most stern anti-Hellenic policy to the point where it systematically seeks to destroy our ancient sacred sites. One such place they hate is “The Altar of the Twelve Gods and of the [thirteenth], the God of Mercy.” The Saulian religion copied the tradition of forgiveness from this.

Mercy is something absolutely unknown to the semitic culture that sprouts out of the relentless desert.

I would appreciate it a lot if you could post on your website the two below videos uploaded on YouTube:

These videos show a protest against the Greek Railway Authority — which is trying to lay railroad tracks right through the Altar where the sons of Hercules found refuge and sought asylum with the Athenians!

Already four Court decisions have forbidden the Government to proceed with its destruction but the Minister of Transport is determined and is searching for alternate ways to do this atrocity. He wants to bypass the legal obstacles and go ahead in the name of material “progress.” The first video shows the main speaker (Prof. Maria Tzannes) giving a short speech, then a poet recities his poem and masterfully connects it into a prayer to all gods in an ancient Greek version. He is echoed by the people, verse-by-verse. The second video only shows the end of the prayer. Also note that the Greeks salute their traditional gods by raising their hands high.

Please, also post the below:

Multilanguage messages for the Protection of our Sacred Altar! Please distribute all over the World!


From our Call for Solidarity throughout the Thinking People all over the World!
“Very recently during constructions on the railway network of Athens, a magnificent Treasure of the Hellenic History was discovered, a masterpiece of the Hellenic Culture, the Sacred Altar of the 12 Gods. Now this Treasure is in immediate danger because of the lack of interest of the Hellenic State, because of the decision of the railway company to bury it as quickly as possible. And also know that the Altar and its very site were the center of Athens in Ancient Years. The holiest spot of Athens. Where <em>Hiketes </em>(suppliants) would ask for Mercy! As archaeologists say, it is as important as the golden-elephantine statue of the patron goddess of the city, Athena! #

This Altar is not only an archaeological reminder of our past. It is also sacred, especially to us who are the followers of the Hellenic ancient religion. The total devastation of it means that the Hellenic culture has been mutilated by the ignorant and dangerous people who rule us, and they do not respect who we are, where we come from, as shown by where they want to lead us, the true Hellenes…”

Please help us to spread the news to all civilized people all over the world, and to save even at the last minute the cultural and spiritual treasure of our ancient heritage.

Your help is not just for the citizens but for Hellenism itself!

You can send your messages to the Railway company at this email:
And to the Hellenic Ministry of Culture in this email:

Estimado visitante de Atenas
Aqui mismo, por donde esta usted paseando, cerca de las vias que llevan a la estacion de trenes de Thiseion, se ha hecho un descubrimiento de valor incalculable. Se trata del Altar Mayor de los 12 Dioses, una obra maestra unica de nuestra historia antigua que fue el centro de la polis Ateniense. Es, por tanto, uno de los monumentos mas importantes que se han encontrado en toda Grecia. El Altar Mayor fue descubierto gracias a las excavaciones que la compania ferroviaria realizaba con el fin de expandir la red de metro en Atenas. Ahora, la misma entidad ferroviaria pretende volver a enterrar este magnifica reliquia, desoyendo propuestas viables de conservacion y exposicion al publico provenientes de la comunidad cientifica. Es muy triste que las posibles perdidas economicas que podrian derivarse del retraso o desvio de las obras del metro puedan hacer desaparecer este yacimiento arqueologico unico. La conservacion del Altar Mayor es, bajo nuestro punto de vista, una razon de peso para luchar y defender nuestro sagrado patrimonio. Este altar es de gran importancia para miles de griegos tanto por su valor historico como religioso, pues la comunidad de seguidores de la religion griega clasica ven en el altar un lugar de culto sagrado que podria desaparecer para siempre.
Ademas, es muy probable que un tratamiento poco respetuoso para con el patrimonio arquelogico en suelo griego redunde negativamente en las negociaciones para la repatriacion de bienes arquelogicos en el extranjero, como las esculturas del sagrado Partenon.
?Por favor ayudenos a salvar nuestro patrimonio sagrado! Es muy facil, solo tiene que enviar un correo electronico a la empresa ferroviaria (I.S.A.P.) y al ministerio de cultura con algunas palabras en defensa del altar y en contra de su plan de destruccion.
Una su voz en defensa del patrimonio heleno. La Civilizacion Helena es patrimonio de toda la humanidad, y no puede ni debe ser supeditada a los beneficios economicos.
Gracias de antemano.
Las direcciones de correo de la empresa ferroviaria: pro@isap.gr
Las direcciones de correo del Ministerio de Cultura: grplk@culture.gr


Sehr geehrteR Besucher von Athen,
Auf diese Stelle wo Sie gerade spazieren, an den Bahnschienen entlang in der Nahe des Bahnstations von Thiseion, wurde etwas unschatzbares entdeckt. Ein einzigartiges Meisterstuck des Altertums im antiken Zentrum Athens, der Altar der zwolf Gotter. Es ist eines der wichtigsten Denkmaler die je im ganzen Hellas entdeckt wurden. Ihre bekannte Interesse und Zuneigung fur die hellenische Kultur ermutigt uns um Ihre Hilfe zu bitten. In diesem Augenblick mochte die Eisenbahngesellschaft den Altar unter Sand und schweres Eisen begraben unter dem unverschamten Vorwand, sie verliere Geld wegen der Verzogerung des Ausbaus des Bahnnetzes und es sich nicht lohnt auf die konstruktive Vorschlage der Archaologen einzugehen, die fordern den Altar komplet freizulegen und zuganglich fur das Publikum zu machen.
Die Bewahrung dieses Altars ist Grund genug fur uns fur die Bewahrung unseres heilige Erbe zu kampfen, ein Erbe das den hellenische Staat nicht zu interessieren scheint.
Dieser Altar ist von gro?er Bedeutung fur tausende Hellenen nicht nur seiner historischen Wert wegen, sondern auch einen als Anhanger der alten griechischen Religion, die erleben mussen wie ihr heiliges Denkmal zerstort wird, da der Staat deren Flehen ignoriert.
Wie kann der Hellenischer Staat die Ruckgabe der Skulpturen des Parthenon fordern, wenn genau dieser Staat praktisch jede entdeckte Spur der Antike zerstort, nur weil es in ihrem Businessplan nicht einpasst?
Wie konnen sie die weltweite Achtung fordern, wenn sie keinen Respekt fur die Geschichte dieses Landes, nicht mal sich selbst gegenuber haben?
Bitte helfen Sie uns unseres heilige Erbe zu retten! Es ist sehr einfach; senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail sowohl an die Eisenbahngesellschaft (ISAP) als auch an das Ministerium fur “Kultur” mit ein Paar Worten um bei ihnen fur die Bewahrung des Altars und gegen seine Zerstorung Furspache einzulegen.
Vereinen Sie Eure Stimmen mit den unsrigen und verbreiten Sie diese Botschaft uberall. Die hellenische Zivilisation ist mehr Wert als deren Gewinne!
SIE konnen helfen!
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Die E-mail der Eisenbahnen: pro@isap.gr
Die E-mail des Ministeriums fur Kultur: grplk@culture.gr
Thyrsos – Hellenische Heiden
Fur die Forschung, Studium und der Verbreitung der antiken hellenischen Kultur


Cher visiteur d’Athènes

A cet endroit, à côté des chemins de fer, près de la gare de Thiseion, une découverte de valeur vraiment inestimable a été faite. Un chef-d’œuvre de notre histoire ancienne unique: le Grand Autel des 12 dieux, le centre d’Athènes pendant les années classiques. C’ est un monument des plus importants déjà trouvé en Grèce entière. Espérant que vous aimez, donc, vous êtes intéressé pour la culture hellénique, nous prions de votre aide. À présent, la compagnie ferroviaire a l’intention d’ enterrer l’Autel sous sable et acier, soutenant l’argument totalement scandaleux qu’ «on perd trop d’ argent» à cause du retard des constructions au réseau du métro; qu’ il ne vaut pas la peine détourner. En même temps, ils ne tiennent pas compte des propositions raisonnables, faites par les archéologues, à découvrir l’Autel et le rendre ouvert au public. Sauver cet Autel, pour nous, est une raison de lutter, en défense de notre héritage sacré, un héritage dont l’État hellénique ne semble pas s’ être intéressé. Cet Autel est d’une grande importance pour des milliers de Grecs, et non seulement pour sa valeur historique! Il y a de nombreux adeptes de la religion hellénique originale qui voient leur monument sacré et vivant être détruit par un État qui ne tient pas compte de nos appels.

Comment est-ce que l’Etat hellénique réclame le retour des sculptures sacrés du Parthénon, quand cet Etat même, détruit pratiquement tous les traces de l’Antiquité que l’on découvre – simplement parce que ca ne s’ adapte pas à leur plan d’affaires? Comment peuvent-ils réclamer le respect du globe, quand eux-mêmes ils ne respectent l’ Histoire de leur propre pays? Nous vous prions de nous aider à sauver notre patrimoine sacré! C’ est très facile, il suffit d’envoyer un e-mail à la compagnie de chemin de fer (ISAP) et le ministère de “Culture” écrivant quelques mots en défense de l’Autel et contre son plan de destruction.

Unissez votre voix avec nous et passez le mot. La civilisation hellénique vaut plus que leurs profits!


Merci à l’avance. Addresse e-mail de la compagnie ferroviaire: pro@isap.gr – de la Ministère de la Culture: grplk@culture.gr

Thyrse – Hellènes Ethnikoi

Pour la recherche, l’étude et la diffusion de la culture hellénique antique www.thyrsos.gr


Caro visitatore di Atene,

Proprio qui, dove sta camminando, lungo i binari presso la stazione di Thission, è stata fatta una scoperta inestimabile. Proprio qui è stato trovato un capolavoro unico della nostra storia antica, il centro dell’antica Atene: il grande altare dei 12 Dei, uno dei monumenti più importanti che siano mai stati scoperti in Grecia.

Considerando il suo interesse e amore per la cultura ellenica chiediamo cortesemente il suo aiuto: la società ferroviaria vuole sotterrare l’ altare, sotto la sabbia e il ferro pesante, sostenendo assurdamente che “perde soldi” a causa del ritardo della costruzione della metropolitana. Afferma che non “valga la pena” far arretrare la ferrovia, ignorando così le richieste degli Archeologi che propongono di rendere accessibile l’altare. La salvezza di questo altare è per noi un motivo per lottare e difendere la nostra Sacra Eredità, l’ Eredità a cui lo stato Greco sembra essere disinteressato.

L’ altare e’ di grande importanza per migliaia di Greci e non esclusivamente per il suo valore storico. Ci sono molti praticanti la Religione Ellenica Antica che temono di vedere distrutto il loro Monumento Sacro e Vivo a causa dello Stato che purtroppo ne ignora gli appelli.

Com’è che lo Stato Greco reclama il ritorno delle Sculture del nostro Sacro Partenone quando sta per distruggere ogni traccia di Antichità che viene scoperta soltanto perché non si adatta con il suo “business plan”? Lo stato Greco non può reclamare il rispetto mondiale se per primo non rispetta la Storia di questo Paese e di conseguenza neanche la sua esistenza.

La preghiamo di aiutare la nostra lotta per la salvezza della nostra Sacra Eredità. E’ molto facile: basta spedire un’ e-mail alla società ferroviaria (I.S.A.P) ed al Ministero della Cultura scrivendo qualche parola in favore dell’ altare e contro il progetto della sua distruzione.

Unisca la sua voce alla nostra. La Civiltà Ellenica è più importante dei loro profitti.



Email della societa’ ferroviaria: pro@isap.gr, grplk@culture.gr
Thyrsos – Hellenes Ethnikoi
Per la ricerca, studio ed espansione della Cultura Ellenica Antica

* * *

I responded:

Dear Greek-Australian comrade,

I am delighted to hear from you. When Adolf Hitler was once asked by the French-speaking Waffen-SS officer from Belgium, Léon Degrelle…..

……..if he felt himself to be German or European, the German leader (who had both the dark hair of the mediterranean Europeans and the blue eyes of the northern Europeans) answered:

“I am a HELLENE.”

I think that the Eternal Jew simply MUST destroy Hellenism, because the Jew’s claim to cultural and racial superiority cannot stand any comparison with the almost weird and sudden explosion of culture, art, technology, mathematics, theater, philosophy, statecraft, poetry, and military science that was Classical Greece.

How can these hideous neo-neanderthals call themselves God’s chosen people when, if any people was ever blessed by the divine, it was the ancient Hellenes?

I also recall fondly, Polydoros, our radio show along with Pete Papas of June 22, 2008:

Artist Pete Papas and another special guest, former classical guitarist Polydoros Polydoropoulos of Sydney, Australia, discuss with John the kinship between ancient Greece and the modern Third Reich in their common love of excellence and of aesthetic, uplifting beauty; I also go into Hitler’s view of true art.

Solutreanism is , however, grateful to the Jews…… and to the blacks, Turks, Arabs, Chinese, gypsies, Aztec Mexicans, and all our other racial enemies. For millennia white men has been fighting each other. But now, in an iron law of history, an external threat is creating a new feeling of internal unity and brotherhood. The Greek, German, Englishman, Australian, Russian and Swede all feel that whatever our previous differences, faced now with annihilation, now we must stand together against the invaders. In the same way the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae, by their total self.-sacrifice, awakened the sense of honor and manhood in all Greece, and the whole nation united as one man against the Persian invasion.

And so this moment now of greatest threat can now be the moment of greatest unity. Solutreanism means we are all now Hellenes.

* * *



Google has already reduced the number of search results on my name by 99%, from 3 million down to around 30,000, but that is not enough….

THE SAME DAY AS I RAN THIS BLOG: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-jewgle-attacks-bristow-book-progress ATTACKING GOOGLE for using tricks and censorship on the blog of author Kyle Bristow, the Jewgles fired back, suspending BOTH my gmail accounts




This has also blocked my own access to my own YouTube channel, http://www.youtube.com/johndenugent, which was soaring toward 35,000 views.

This means I can no longer modify that channel or even SEE private messages to me in my message box.

So to contact me, use



Those in the inner circle, who use encrypted emails, will of course continue to contact me there.



This is a fine blog on Jason Salyer’s Ahnenerbe site on Sveinbjörn Beinteinnsson, the refounder in 1972 of Asatru.


Franklin Roosevelt brutally, illegally and without anyone’s permission landed the US Marines on Iceland in 1941 to “protect it from Germany”….claiming ludicrously that Iceland, for a geological reason was part of the “continental shelf” of North America, and thus Iceland came under the Monroe Doctrine! It has had a US Air Force base since 1951 (http://www.aeroflight.co.uk/waf/ice/usforces.htm), but until the 1970s only white Americans were allowed to be stationed there.

A son of the president of Iceland served as a Waffen-SS officer during WWII on the German side. (https://johndenugent.com/deutsch/german-sohn-des-islandischen-staatsprasidenten-war-ss-offizier)

Björn Sveinsson served in combat as a sergeant on the Eastern Front and then in a famous journalism unit of the Waffen-SS, the “Kurt Eggers” unit, after he graduated on April 20, 1944 from the famous Bad Tölz officer school of the Waffen-SS in Bavaria.

(A lot more fun, poise- and spirit-building than the Marines…)

As for Sveinbjörn Beinteinnsonof Iceland, he re-founded the Asatru religion on April 20th (in the year 1972)…. Iceland also granted political asylum to the ex-Jew and chess genius Bobby Fischer, who had become fiercely anti-Jewish, after the US government sought worldwide his arrest over having played chess [sic] in Serbia, which the US was then attacking and boycotting for resisting the NWO takeover of the Balkans.tanic

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