ENGLISH Netanyahu lords it over US Congress; Eric Hunt debunks Spielberg “Last Days”; John King on Saulianity

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================THE LORD OF THE THINGS


Netanyahu got disgraceful standing ovation after ovation from the bought-and-paid-for Congress as he made clear with brutally cynical phrases that Israhell wants no peace with the Palestinians.

In fact, Israhell has shown positive enjoyment in displacing, torturing and killing the native people of Palestine for decades.

Ironically, as Israeli author and professor Shlomo Sand points out in his recent bestseller….

…it is the Palestinians of today who descend from the original Jews, who converted over time to Christianity and then Islam, and 90% of the Israelis of today are descendants of non-Jews (mostly turko-mongolid Khazars) who converted to Judaism.

“How the Jewish people were really formed” (in Hebrew). The book is now also out in English. It proves that when Israelis gun down Palestinians, it is Turks gunning down the Jews of bible times.

What was most sickening to me as an American and former Marine about Netanyahu’s speech was that Obama was out of the country as this harangue happened. I find the symbolism deeply sinister that a foreign head of government can give a speech in my country, poaching endless standing ovations by the Congress — a major branch of our government — while our supposed head of state is not even in the country, not at home taking care of business, not in the nation’s capital. Like a whipped boy, Obongo has fled town while King Jew flexes his muscles to the lapdog legislators.

This video was done before the psychopath’s speech, excuse me, “His Excellency’s”:


Even the leftwing and nazi-bashing German weekly newsmagazine Der Spiegel was nauseated, both at Netanyahu’s hardline speech and the Congress’s genuflections, and one reader wrote:

“We see who the real President of the United States is.”



===================”The Last Days of the Big Lie”

Eric Hunt has done a great job in this video below debunking Spielberg’s holohoaxian sob-story from 1999 entitled “The Last Days” !

One of the key traits of a psychopath, as a born con man, is to use a sob story to gain manipulative sympathy. I think that, due to Hunt’s judicious use of the right footage, any halfway emotionally intelligent person can see these Jewesses are lying by their very body language.

Here is a opening segment of Eric Hunt’s new work:

Part 1 –

My comment on this first video: She calls Adolf Eichmann a doctor!

“The Last Days of the Big Lie” is a documentary which debunks the disgusting liars glorified as victims and heroes in the Steven Spielberg-produced, Academy Award winning Holocaust “documentary” hoax “The Last Days.”

“The Last Days of the Big Lie” uses Spielberg’s hoax documentary as a jumping off point to expose his “USC Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation” and the greater Holocaust myth.

Here is the rest of the whole video:

Part 2 –


My comments on this video:

1) Her eye movement at 06:12 suggests clear prevarication. I studied interrogation and body language in the 35th Interrogator-Translator Team of the US Marine Corps Reserve from 1977-79, in a special training program which I suppose Divine Providence provided for me, and have pursued the study of body language since. (I use this skill when strangers contact me on Skype, and demand they turn on their video-web camera so I can SEE them, then I work in a few discomfiting questions to study their reaction.)

When people look up and to their own left, this usually means they are accessing their right brain half. The right hemisphere is basically the imagination part of the mind. Looking left accesses this right brain (imagination) and looking right accesses the factual left brain, where real things that happened are stored.

Looking up and right is a classic involuntary move when a person (who is not trained to defeat the interrogator) is concocting a b-s tale before your very eyes.

2) No inner conviction as she recounts her trauma stories.

I suffered for decades from genuine PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) from being molested as a kid.

A picture of myself in 1962, a “happy camper” [sic] at Camp Tohkomeupog, Madison, New Hampshire. It was a really great summer camp for boys (http://www.tohko.com). But nothing like archery, swimming and hiking can heal extreme childhood trauma such as I experienced, just superficially smooth it over. I had 18 months of therapy to overcome severe PTSD, six months in 2003-04 and 12 months in 2006-07.

And because of my own experiences I can see — I can SENSE — PTSD in others. I can also sense the difference between a former Marine and a former Army soldier, who undergoes a much shorter and less searing experience at Army boot camp. Marine boot camp is (or was) a form of deliberately inflicted trauma in itself, and I think it is part of why Marines (and even former Marines) often have a grim set to their mouth, and a distant look in their eyes, for the rest of their lives. This is a scene from my spiritual video number eight: “Betrayal of the American fighting man; AND the Jews and INCEST”. You can skip forward here to the time segment 13:20 for my introduction to a Marine Corps boot camp scene from the movie “Full Metal Jacket.”

Some experiences just heighten one’s senses. Jews can often sense another Jew. Homosexuals can often sense another homosexual, wrily calling it “gaydar.””)

Everything I have learned myself as a victim of homosexuals and bisexuals, and all that I have studied about Abraham Foxman, head of the ADL, everything, tells me he is a practicing “fem” homosexual. Unlike all “good” Jewish men he has never married, or spawned little Jews, violating all Jew traditions. And he early-on began promoting “gay rights” within the ADL. No objections by Orthodox rabbis to homosexuality among Jews have dissuaded this simpering yet vicious pudge-face.

In terms of PTSD, I am thinking specifically of a Texas friend whose PTSD I saw immediately when I first met him in Washington DC 2005. As I subsequently found out, confirming my perception of his PTSD, he was taken away by the family court from his own parents, but then was put in an even worse place, an orphanage in Texas where a Jew used to come out from the city and molest the boys, and the vicious staff used to sell the meat — which was meant for these poor children to be able to eat — to local restaurants.

Gong back to the lying Jewess in this video about the Holohoax, every fiber in my being tells me that she shows NO signs of genuine PTSD, which would be the case if any of the horror stories she reels off had been true.

You just cannot blithely recount such things in the way she does if they had really happened to her. One can block them out, but when the moment comes to recall them and describe them, with silence in the room except for the camera whirring, things which are all that searing and horrible always choke you up to some extent — even after months of deep-healing therapy. You never totally get over them; they are deeply embedded emotional TRAUMA.

There is no doubt in MY mind that this German woman in Mannheim in 1944 is not faking it. But did SHE do a video on HER suffering, her REAL suffering?? THAT is real horror.


Men who come back from the horrors of combat at the front often are the same way. The are often very reluctant to say ANYTHING about “what it was like,” as with my owh father, who fought in both WWII and in Korea with the Marines. It is just too painful, too nightmarish, too re-traumatizing to delve into the details, almost masochistic.

There is a video out on YouTube, which I have shown on this blog, where Adolf Hitler is speaking to a German women’s organization in 1936, and he explaining why he would NEVER put women in combat. The key part — his discussion of how some countries are now training women for combat, but how Germany would never do so — starts at 02:23…..

He states that he has seen men with shell shock (called in WWII “combat fatigue” and now “PTSD”). He describes them in German as “schlotternd,” which means SHAKING or EXTREME TREMBLING and STUMBLING IN A DAZE……

His voice build in anger around 02:43 at the thought of women being deliberately thrust into the horrors of war, then goes higher and with more horror in his own voice from 02:53 to 03:17….saying that no real man would ever ask a woman, the gentler sex, to fight at the front, and he should resign from the military if he wants women in a man’s place when even many men cannot take it!

Hitler knew what real PTSD was from four long years on the front lines, where he also earned both the Iron Cross Second Class and then the highest honor an enlisted man could get, the Iron Cross First Class, which only 472 enlisted German soldiers were awarded in WWI out of millions who served!

(This very important detail about the rareness of the Iron Cross First Class being awarded to German enlisted soldiers in WWI is found in comrade Martin Kerr’s truly superb article in the British magazine Heritage and Destiny, found here: http://efp.org.uk/publications/journal/ I have know the resolute comrade Kerr for 33 years now; he is the American co-editor of this magazine, and I encourage all interested in our race and especially the struggles of British comrades to subscribe!)

The journal Heritage and Destiny is affiliated with the England First party.

Adolf Hitler, recuperating in a military hospital in Berlin from a severe thigh wound in October 1916. He had lain for hours on the battlefield, bleeding and suffering, before he could be rescued and carried to the rear. Look at the eyes and the expression, which is simultaneously unbroken yet without any illusions about the tragic side of human existence in the “Kali Yuga,” the Age of Iron described in Vedanta. (I wish, btw. Hitler had kept that big, thick mustache. 😉)


Part 3 – (does not display, so pls click on the link)


Part 4 –


Part 5 –


Part 6 –


Part 7 –


Part 8 –


Part 9 –


===================JOHN KING ON SAULIANITY

John King, one of my top volunteers and a former US Army lieutenant, has written a powerful analysis of Saulianity. (It is my contention, and it was that of Houston Stewart Chamberlain and of Adolf Hitler, two men who met and highly esteemed each other), that Saul, a Sanhedrin EMPLOYEE, “converted” to Christianity, then subverted it deliberately into Judeo-Christianity, instead of letting it stay the revolutionary and anti-Jewish religion that it in reality was.

Anyone who reads Jesus’ three parables in Matthew 23 can see that Jesus was clearly stating and warning that if the Jews murdered God”s Son, then any covenant with the Jews was OVER. Saul directly contradicts Jesus in the Epistle to the Romans, claiming the Jews are still God’s Chosen People and they will yet accept Christ. “In the end, all Israel shall be saved.” Well, it has been 2,000 years now….. and not only are the Jews NOT accepting Christianity, they are in fact eliminating it.

Here is John King’s analysis: caustic, honest and also a fun read.

Today’s Christianity is leukophobic anti-white poison



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