ENGLISH Breivik friend Nygren’s kibbutz; the Jews are both right and wrong about goyim; HACKING OF ALL JDN PROJECTS

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Norwegian women in shock


Norwegian Foreign Minister Store at the summer camp before Breivik’s massacre…and who was the “dark-haired man” who, initial reports said, was also shooting?



https://johndenugent.com/english/english-breiviks-inevitable-jewish-handler https://johndenugent.com/english/nglish-nygren-in-israel-denies-he-is-jewish-negroes-flood-now-even-into-ireland-stare-threateningly-at-blond-irish-women IZAK, IF YOU ARE A SWEDISH NATIONALIST (AS PER YOUR BLOG: http://isaknygren.wordpress.com/), WHY DO YOU LIVE IN ISRAEL? YOU ARE NOT A TOURIST THERE — YOU WORKON A KIBBUTZ!

Kibbutz Revivim! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revivim)


Nygren’s blog states that he has no connections with Breivik. However, in response to a request from a reporter for Austria’s ORF television network about Breivik’s use of .at domains to send e-mail to an entity called the “Vienna School,” Nygren, from Israel, refused to cooperate. The reporter pointed out that in Austria, most e-mail addresses do not use the .at country domain for Austria but addresses like gmx.mail and other commercial addresses. http://eng.negev-net.org.il/HTMLs/article.aspx?C2004=12760

We’re approaching you, the interested, willing and able person to join us in the challenging and satisfying making of sustaining a Jewish settlement in the Negev.

All good “Swedish nationalists” leave Sweden to go through the gates of this kibbutz in the Negev desert….😉

Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampfon the true reason why the Jews wanted a Zionist state….

For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb goyim. It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.


Late-breaking news: Isak Nygren writes me again….

New comment on your post “ENGLISH Breivik friend Nygren’s kibbutz; the Jews are both right and wrong about goyim; HACKING OF ALL JDN PROJECTS”

Author : Isak Nygren (IP: , bzq-218-8-169.cablep.bezeqint.net)

E-mail : zacke_01@hotmail.com

URL : http://isaknygren.wordpress.com Whois : http://whois.arin.net/rest/ip/ Comment: Yes I am not a tourist in Israel. I am a guest worker. I will go back to Sweden next week and return to my life in Sweden. I haven’t fled from Sweden. I will only be in Israel for two months. About a week I have been in Israel for two months and will finally go back to Sweden. I prefer the climate in Sweden before the Negev desert. You can see all comments on this post here: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-the-jews-are-both-right-and-wrong-about-goyim-hacking-of-all-jdn-projects#comments Permalink: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-the-jews-are-both-right-and-wrong-about-goyim-hacking-of-all-jdn-projects#comment-23445 Isak, if a Swedish nationalist, why are you in Israel and on a kibbutz in the first place?…………..


At the moment http://democratic-republicans.us is down due to hostile Jew action (including now sayaneem shunting all essential emails re my website from the webhost into my Yahoo spam folder).

You would never think after viewing the same two presidential videos on Jewtube –where the Googlejews deliberately adjusted downward the visual quality — that we filmed them with this great $1500 Sony camcorder…. It looks like I was sitting behind an aquarium! 😉


The proofs of God, reincarnation, “liberals” and Christian-Zionist born-agains are what will be filmed next, as I come up for air after both my mirror sites going down and other hacks.

We are crawling along due to lack of money, and three extremely experienced WN videographers have turned me down, afraid even to write me back, so I am training almost TOTAL beginners in video editing.

And the learning curve is four or five weeks…. while WN video hotshots turn out their umpteenth Hitler nostalgia video…..as if a guy who lost the war and kicked the bucket 66 years ago will lead us now!

Yes, no one wants to work for a guy the Jews hate that much that they start campaigns claiming simultaneously he is both a homosexual and a wife-beater;) wink, who is a maniac yet on the videos sure SEEMS cool, calm, collected, intelligent, strong and reasonable.

How are such contradictory things possible? The gullible website reader doesn’t know, but he can entertain explicitly opposite ideas in his little noggin…… if it provides the excuse to do nothing.

(“Yeah, his videos look good, but I heard some weird sh– about him……so I am just gonna sit back and watch how this all plays out.” Bingo, the Jew has won. Thirty-three years of commitment and sacrifice are cancelled by a few jew-spread rumors. The question is WHY DO YOU EMBRACE THESE RUMOR SPREAD BY JEWS — OR THEIR PAID OR BLACKMAILED AGENTS — IF YOU HATE THE JEWS? Because you want an excuse to hang onto your dollars. The smart man lets others make the sacrifices….or so you think, reasoning as the functional atheist that you are.)

Now you know, comrades, why I have hesitated to start this movement…..because people love gossip that gives them a positive cover story to do ZIP to help me. Americans are far and away the most bloblike and inert people on earth, and utterly unwilling to help in any way (except with throw-away compliments, like “great blog, John.”)

God, I hate these empty peanut shells of praise thrown at me instead of money or volunteering.

I already know the videos are good, and here is why: 1) because I and my volunteers poured weeks and months of our minds, hearts and souls into them, and 2) we showed them to focus groups before releasing them.

If they are so damn good, and they are preparatory to saving our race, why not send some frigging money?

My donor ratio (readers versus donors) remains one half of one percent.

I knew this would happen — non-response even to truly excellent videos, and I say excellent because people write me and tell me they are excellent. Even a non-response after nine and a half videos….whose content and delivery blow listless David Duke stuff away — all his news about the Jews………

And yet these same white ninnies gush and coo and spend months and thousands of dollars trying to help a SEA TURTLE survive! http://www.wpxi.com/news/28753836/detail.htmlAnd they issue this pious wish:

André is believed to be about 25 years old. The hope is that he will swim off, mate often and help his species survive.

As soon as I started reading the headlines on this story, I said to myself: “Let me see the photos of the crowd as this literally bone-headed, 15-IQ sea turtle swims out into the water. I bet the crowd will be virtually 100% white — no blacks, Asians or Mexicans.” And I was right! Nutzoid white maternal-parental-responsibility instincts — going crazy toward a REPTILE! Pitiful…. A self-centered Chinaman would just make a soup out of this critter 😉 (if not eating a cat, dog, snake or monkey), not spend FOURTEEN MONTHS NURSING HIM BACK TO LIFE. Well, “he’s a threatened species.” ……Yeah, well, so are we! Hey, white ninny-brains, are there any white people out there who need help? if the roles had been reversed, if it had been these white people who had been chopped up by a boat, would the frigging turtle give a “rat’s ass” about US?? He’d just keep on swimming. 😉 No, these white folks are just enjoying GUSHING while their own folk perishes.NAUSEATING.

Isn’t a white child a lot more beautiful?

Whites are just altruism-obsessed, a relic of the Ice Age when altruism — helping others — enabled our survival. As long as it is not our own kind — having been brainwashed by Jews into white guilt, and thus shutting down our healthy self-love — nordics will help anyone and anything……. for we need to help and feel responsible; that is the core of our nordic nature. That is Aryan “nobility” spun out of control for every humanoid minority and every “poor, persecuted wittle aminal.” 😉 And as the blue-eyed race (all whites — yes, even Greeks, southern Italians and Spaniards — carry blue-eyed genes, whether their eyes are light or dark) we are also hopelessly NAIVE. “Blue-eyed ” has the secondary meaning of NAIVE in every northern European language except, ironically, English.


Of course, the answer is to engender a new love for ourselves and emphasize that excessive altruism toward others can end up turning into a wicked and evil form of treason toward our own people and our own children and grandchildren — and betrayal of our primary duty in nature, which is to our own survival as a species.A good comrade in West Virginia sent me this perceptive quote:

“When I [the non-white] am the weaker, I ask you for my freedom, because that is your principle; but when I am the stronger, I take away your freedom [as whites], because that is my principle.” -Louis Veuillot, describing the attitude of non-whites toward white people.

One actually very good gal in Massachusetts, a non-WN until recently, but leaning our way, wrote me (LOL):

* * *

Thank you, John. Very good stuff, and great writing on the site as well. In stark contrast to the usual shit stirrers we often find online, you are a soul stirrer. I watched all the presidential videos you posted and will watch them again tonight. Critique? Well, at some moments you look like you want to kill somebody, but I’m not sure that is a criticism.;) wink * * *

Other reactions I got on Facebook: * * *

  • Bravo, John!
  • That was VERY good!
  • That was sincerity you can’t fake. No skill or fancy artistry is a substitute for it.
  • Nice job, using the movie analogy – and a movie [“Titanic”] they are familiar with.
  • Good, mentioning the white inventions of the Internet and the computer.
  • That was good that you brought up the military. I remember how kids used to know who Pappy Boyington [famous WWII Marine pilot] was.
  • That is one powerful message.
  • Your videos are GREAT….Sharp and witty!

But I know that no book and no video — by themselves — will awaken the majority, and the whole long line of Duke videos prove that to a T. It will take an active organization and then this organization go out and make headlines in the MSM (mainstream media) to wake up people to the fact that someone is taking ACTION, someone who looks, acts, thinks and plans like a true leader. But first I have to clear away the toxic history lies and guilt-surrender-and selfishness values that people have and change their values — the purpose of these ten videos.

And so I must complete this ten-video series, put it on DVD, and make it also downloadable on this website or as a Torrent. Then anyone can reproduce them and give the DVD to their friends.

I could have released two years ago a big fat book with photos for $75 and it would have had the same blip effect.

But in reality only ten percent of those now living are not just taking up air and space, living self-centered lives, but really deserve to live in freedom, because they fight for and contribute to our folk’s and nation’s long-term survival.

The rest, corrupted by jews, yes, and yet EMBRACING THAT CORRUPTION — even when we try to awaken them — do not deserve in any way the name “Americans.” I have relatives who scorned me at a 70th birthday party for an aunt, and did not appreciate me when, stung with righteous anger, I then confronted them all with the sickening hypocrisy that while condemning ME as a racist, every single one of them has moved AWAY from the non-whites and moved TO the most lily-white areas of America: rural Alaska, rural New Hampshire, rural Vermont and rural Maine! (Of course, they SAY they are not avoiding minorities but instead seeking “nature…..I don’t like the city!” Yeah right….if the cities were full of beautiful Scandinavians and spotless and safe streets, and replete with good-paying jobs, would they still have moved away to northern Podunk, and to minus 20 degrees all winter, and to $300-a-month winter heating bills, and being cooped-up inside during three months of snow and ice?) NO. These white hypocrites just retreat, and RETREAT AND RETREAT AND RETREAT. And they hate being CONFRONTED by the bravery they perceive in others, because it shames them and pricks their conscience to look at the ugly face of their own cowardice and irresponsibility.

A true American thinks for himself; a true American is a revolutionary.

“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

(It was Benjamin Franklin who first said this — in the Pennsylvania Assembly’s November 11, 1755 reply to the Royal Governor, and it appears in The Papers of Benjamin Franklinv. 6, p. 242 (ed. Labaree).

And that is all I will be fighting for, the helpful, useful, loyal, giving, fighting ten percent who prefer liberty for their people to safety for themselves.

And most of these ten percent will be good-caliber Tea Party types and combat vets, bitter at how their idealism and sacrifice were betrayed, NOT the WNs….many of whom are very, very odd loners, cowards and misfits, a phenomenon which Dr. William Pierce noted to me in the early 1980s.

They do not want to build a white nation, these “white nationalists,” they want to rant impotently, in a cowardly and ineffectual manner, to each other about “n—rs, spix and Jews.”

And so I will not lift one finger when they are rounded up and go under. The FEMA camps are where they belong. They know the truth, they understand the urgency, and they do NOTHING to help the one man really doing something about it.

And this is because, in the Kali Yuga which just ended, the majority were very, very young souls, just above the animal level.

One supporter contacted a WN friend with plenty of money, who pled that he cannot send money because his wife is opposed and can read his emails! This supporter advised him to “grow a pair,” 😉 change his email account password (“Gee, can I DO that? 😉 ) and then send and receive whatever emails he wants! She wrote this guy in justified scorn: * * *

I don’t email you any more because you mentioned that your wife may get into your emails and read them so I have no way of asking you for help. (I am also not allowed by your wife to phone you.)
It is not right that we all sit comfortably here while one man works to save us and has absolutely no fricken income to pay the bills or buy food.Our people have to smarten up and if shit-head spouses don’t understand, then you men have to be men … If a man cannot stand up to a woman how will he ever stand up to what could happen???
I will no longer deal with wimps like you. Having a penis does not make you a MAN.

* * *

I can really understand the feelings of Jesus, trying to start a movement among the brain-and-heart-dead of HIS time, two thousand years ago, by the sheer reality of His emotion in the quote I have put below.

It makes me believe He was indeed a real person, because any leader faces the same ineffable inertia in the masses, who refuse categorically to be saved and prefer to wallow in their mire and despair. As the French say,

“People would rather die than change their habits.”

* * *

Jesus first addresses the generous and helpful few…..

<< Matthew 25 >> New American Standard Bible

35‘For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? 38‘And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? 39‘When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40“The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’ 41“Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels; 42for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink; 43I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’ 44“Then they themselves also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?’ 45“Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ 46“These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

* * *

Later Jesus says, sighing and yet bitter toward Jerusalem (http://bible.cc/matthew/23-37.htm

Jesus whips the moneychangers out of the Temple

* * *

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you kill the prophets and stone to death those sent to you! How often I wanted to gather your children together the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings! But you were not willing!”

* * *

Between chemtrails, HAARP, fluoridated water, female-hormoned beef and milk, high-fructose corn syrup, obesity, cell phone calls, and whatever toxin McDonald’s puts in its fake food (there is a video where a guy forgot a bag of a McD burger and fries for six months on his porch and it was still un-decomposed a half-year later!), the masses are unable to think or feel anything of higher value. They are ready to be slaughtered and they will obediently, like cattle, march up the ramp into the slaughter truck.

….and into the head vise…”Gee, I thought staying low-profile somehow would save me!” 😉

They will take whatever vaccine the government orders them to take (for an epidemic the government caused) …they will go to work camps to work for food and survival, they will turn in their guns……

Los Angeles officials look at turned-in guns…… when the guv’mint says turn in your guns to get food and the vaccine (trust us!) to keep you alive, you watch what the tough-talking, gun-nut loners will do…. esp. when they announce, as Eisenhower and the Soviets did to the Germans AFTER WWII, the death penalty for non-compliance….

Los Angeles Police Department Deputy Chief Charles Beck (2L) shows Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa (2R) hand guns which were turned into police custody as part of a Mother's Day gun buyback program, at police headquarters in Los Angeles, California on May 11, 2009. More than 1,600 firearms were voluntarily surrendered to police custody over a five-hour period May 9, 2009 in the one-day gun buyback program in which citizens who turned in a handgun, shotgun or rifle received a USD100 voucher for a local supermarket while people who turned in higher caliber assault weapons such as a AK-47, Uzi or AR-15 received a voucher worth USD200. The gun buyback program is a component of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's 2009 gang plan to reduce gun violence. At left is city councilmember Jack Weiss and at right is the mayor's anti-gang czar Rev. Jeff Carr.

…..and they will take a tranquilizer pill to make it through the day in the hard labor camp. And they will thank Big Brother.

I am convinced something like the Georgia Guidestones will indeed happen, but in the end it will not be a Jew elite that runs the world and what is left of it, but an Aryan elite, merciless to slackers, strict toward its own members, and obsessed with quality, not quantity.

The Jews are right in general when they call most people goyeem, “cattle,” but they are no true elite lifting people up from their initial level, but instead a demon race, dragging and keeping them down. A true elite will uplift all who wish intensely to profoundly change.

In the future, there will be a muscular movement, and a solemn induction ceremony into the Eternal Solutreans. And then there will be no retreat, desertion or abandonment tolerated.


====================The truth about Muslims

Ain’t it the bloody truth !!!!!!!!

The bottom line: The Muslims aren’t happy!

They’re not happy in Gaza.

They’re not happy in Egypt.

They’re not happy in Libya.

They’re not happy in Morocco.

They’re not happy in Iran.

They’re not happy in Iraq.

They’re not happy in Yemen.

They’re not happy in Afghanistan.

They’re not happy in Pakistan.

They’re not happy in Syria.

They’re not happy in Lebanon.

And where are they happy?

They’re happy in Australia

They’re happy in England.

They’re happy in France.

They’re happy in Italy.

They’re happy in Germany.

They’re happy in Sweden.

They’re happy in the USA.

They’re happy in Canada.

They’re happy in Norway.

They’re happy in every country that is not Muslim.

And whom do they blame?

Not Islam.

Not their leadership.

Not themselves.





=================I NEED URGENTLY



rifles, shotguns, .45’s, .44 magnums, .40’s, .357 magnums……9 mm okay too. I do not even have ONE shotgun to protect this house! This baby is a .50 caliber rifle…..

Just $1,250 😉 ….. http://www.alexanderarms.com/item/7/23/50BeowulfEntryCompleteRifleBlack.htm

We are peaceful. The point is to prevent any leftist of any sort from even dreaming of storming this place in a cakewalk. My advantage is this:

It is THEY who are afraid to die. 😉










We have a nice, 2500-square-foot home here, and you have your own private room.

The lights are on all night

A volunteer from the West Coast arrives

The view across the street, looking due west

This area is 98% white and right-wing. The local people are overwhelmingly Tea Party in mindset, and seven of the eight countries in this area voted against Obama in 2008 while the rest of the country went gaga over him.

Look at the WHITE crowd for this downtown Pittsburgh hockey victory party!

Pittsburgh is the WHITEST major city in the United States!

The Cathedral Of Learning, University of Pittsburgh, at Art Festival time….

Read here why greater Pittsburgh will be the new Munich and the perfect place to grow a WN movement.


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