ENGLISH Jews were a vicious, nomadic Mideast crime family long before they wrote the demonic Talmud and the Zohar

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I was a super-devout regular Christian for six years (way back in the 1970s). Finally, I actually READ the frigging Old Testament (and I am amazed at “staunch Christians” who have never read their own holy book, which anyone must admit is bizarre if one is committed to a religion and their life revolves around it). However, I (just like Martin Luther 500 years before me, while he was busy translating the Old Testament into his native German) became deeply disturbed by some of the content and attitudes.

Today my research on the ancient Hebrews –who they really were –is published BELOW.

I hear the comforting myth that the Jews, once God’s People, later were corrupted, corrupted by a book, the Talmud.

I prove that this exculpatory notion is dangerously false. The Jews, or Israelites, or Hebrews (the Bible successively uses all three names), descend genetically from an ancient nomadic crime family, the HAPIRU, a huge gang of roving thieves that was bad-to-the-bone from the very beginning.

The Hapiru, later called Hebrews, were an ethnic mafia that wandered around the Near East and that already plagued the ancient Sumerians, Hittites and Egyptians with a crime wave a thousand years before the Old Testament or Talmud were written.

You will read this nowhere else.



A comrade who put a video of this radio program up on YouTube wrote:

This was lifted off the archives of Radio Free Mississippi. This is the #1 reason why I support John de Nugent as the leader of the WN movement. To find out more about John de Nugent, feel free to check out his website. With the will of God, may we unite to save the white republic.

Yellow house, Zell am See, Austria.

An admirer of my work wrote me today:

* * *

Dear Mr. de Nugent:

I am of German, Austrian, Swiss, and Roman (French and Italian) descent.

I am always interested in the ancient and modern Solutreans. (I read that my Rh-negative blood is predominant among the Basque people, who seem to be descended from them.)


I saw your webpost on Pittsburgh (https://johndenugent.com/white-safety-zones). Being from the Midwest, I am very familiar with Pennsylvania as a fine state.

The land is old and beautiful, and has lots of history.

JdN: Ben Franklin, one of the very greatest of the Founding Fathers, a scientific genius and brilliant businessman, was the dominant Pennsylvanian in the 1700s. He believed strongly in reincarnation, and in America taking in only nordic immigrants. (He even objected to the southwest German Amish coming into Pennsylvania — as being too brown-haired and brown-eyed!)

(Upstate New York is also beautiful and historic, but N.Y. as a state has the highest taxation and is full of nonwhite welfare.)

But I saw the video below, sir, and could not believe it. Look at this police state, right in your Pittsburgh, and here they call US the “Nazis”? They are blasting peoples’ eardrums out who want to peacefully protest! Here are your “stormtroopers” — the stormtroopers of ZOG! (Make sure your volume is turned down when you turn this on.)


* * *

My reply:

* * *

When the G-20 came to Pittsburgh in 2009, and Obongo with it, I was tempted to start my movement then. (And I loathed this creature who had arrested my then assistant, Henrik Holappa, just a few months earlier: https://johndenugent.com/henrik-holappa ) But once again my instinct kicked in and I said:

“This will only lead to serious trouble at this time and place. Yes, Pittsburgh is the place, but no, this [2009] is not the time. Let the economy and Obama melt down a whole lot more first. The rage needs to build a whole lot more.”

The jew-trained police indeed acted TERRIBLY (not that the protesters, many of them outside anarchists who came in, acted like angels).

Look at this cop — harasses this girl on a bike who was obediently moving away — just shoving her ahead repeatedly — like some animal — and when she gets fed up and shoves her bike back at the harassing cop



(The aftermath of this, from what I read, was the girl — a coffeehouse employee — pled guilty of assaulting the cop…and paid a ten-thousand-dollar fine! THE COP PUNCHED HER!)

Gee, it takes a real man to punch a 110-pound girl….. Despicable!

This is where we are headed — big, beefy white male cops pounding and dragging away a young white girl — who had been TRYING to obey the cops!

Here you see clearly the effect of ADL and SPLC psycho-training of the police forces — to hate the people!

“Protect and serve” — my eye!

I have inane critics who have urged me for years to “just start vour movement.”


get out there! If you think that just giving people “the truth about the Jews” (what David Duke does in vid after vid) will transform them, you are sorely mistaken.

No. What we need is an entirely new mythos. A new belief in ourself, in God, in our calling.

And that is Eternal Solutreanism.

Having said that, the people around here in greater Pittsburgh are incredibly ready for my message, once it is fully ready. They have hated the feds for 40 years now, when the steel mills here — with their good-paying jobs and benefits — began to shut down due to the fed doctrine of “free trade” with gooky China, Korea, Japan and aztec Mexico.

But I have just ONE chance to strike my match and start the bonfire. That bonfire better roar from the get-go, or ZOG will stomp me like an ant.

And then where will YOU be?

Look at my videos and then tell me you are STILL waiting for some other leader. Be honest….. What are you still waiting for?


Spiritual video one: White destiny, true manhood and womanhood; facing horrible realities with courage (Just click on the photo)

Spiritual video 1:

If you have already seen this first video, be sure to see this spiritual video (especially between the 18th and 32nd minutes) I did about the Hidden Hand that is mind-bending our population…..and teaching white cops to despise and stomp on their own people:

Spiritual video 5: (again, click on the photo)


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The heroic, often imprisoned Australian revisionist Fredrick Toeben in front of the Sydney Opera House

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Koblenz Skyline, Koblenz, GermanyThe famous Deutsches Eck in Koblenz, at the confluence of two rivers, celebrating German unity in 1870….

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A comrade with a new baby, who told me he and his wife are living on spaghetti and tomato sauce, and who has no high-speed Internet so he still has not seen the presidential video, nevertheless sent me this today …………..from halfway across the planet, from a country enchained by hate-speech laws:
Some day I am going to laugh when these pork-brained Americans, my “fellow countrymen,” have spent their last penny ON THEMSELVES … while I and my team worked seven days a week to save them…..(Jason Salyers has been here now WITHOUT PAY FOR TWELVE MONTHS) ….

Jason just had his 22nd birthday last Friday!

…….and then the economy will collapse, the racial situation will disintegrate into bloodcurdling violence…..and then they will call me and beg ME for GAS MONEY to get them to safety here in greater Pittsburgh.

(“Hey, John, GOOD BUDDY,

I always loved your blog,

maaaan!) 😉 )

They will be crying when I say NO…………….. of course, and as usual, CRYING FOR THEMSELVES.
What’s wrong with being a parasite? Hey, at least I’m a WHITE parasite –and, uhh, hey John, I don’t like n—rs!
Now is the time to review your unfulfilling life, working for the Jew-Man….watching the clock tick toward your destruction…..storing up treasures on earth…. where moth and rust consume, and thieves break in at night…..
I need volunteers HERE for many things. We are almost ready to launch.


video editors,





self-defense instructors,




Prior military with good-conduct discharges…..

Will you work for food, joy, meaning, camaraderie, fun, and the salvation — not of all whites, for most do not deserve to survive and will not — but the survival of the truly worthy representatives of our race? The building of a mighty Solutrean Ryk?
Can you show good faith NOW by at least donating $10?

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]

Hitler said just before he died: “Das letzte Kapitel schreiben wir!” (“It is we who will write the last chapter!”)



(or solutrean1@hotmail.com)

Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

–Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)


======================Nigel Farage of Britain rips into EU

Farage (a Norman name?) basically confirms what I’ve been saying for years. The theory that has prevailed within the NWO is that Jewish capitalism, materialism, sexomania, hyper-individualism and pseudo-democracy are a much more seductive way to control the goyeem than communism, which was so openly brutal it caused revolts.

When people have nothing left to lose, and are miserable, furious and insulted (as under communism), they revolt — if they have any leaders at all, even a book to read and be inspired by.

So the liberal way to destroy a race is give them some material things to lose….and tell them, over and over, they are not slaves but free.

==================JUST A SMILE-MAKER

This is a silly but magical item. And it comes as no surprise that the tinkerer, Keller, is of German descent!


=====================JOHN DEUTSCHENDORFER

He later changed his name to John Denver.….Now here is music Aryan-style, soaring, uplifting, per aspera ad astra, through hardships to the stars…..

Re music, a comrade wrote me the following:

* * *

“If Beethoven was black why can’t blacks compose music like Beethoven today?”

Für Elise by Beethoven, 1810….



“TeutonicWariorchick” is a “great communicator” — and I wish more white men had the guts she has.



I love the books by Michael Hoffman, such as his magisterial Judaism Discovered, which proves that the Jews are guided totally today by the Talmud, NOT the Old Testament, and that this Talmud — I would call it the TALL MUD — is dripping with psychopathic hatred of everyone who disobeys the genocidal, enslaving, sexually perverse rabbis who are the “elite” of Jewry.

But for lack of a better religion to join, SO FAR, people still stick with their “Bible,” which includes “The Old Testament.”

When Martin Luther was translating the Bible from Hebrew (and other languages) into German (and actually creating the modern German language, because he mixed the dialects to create a new lingo everyone could more or less understand) he found himself more and more appalled, despite his piety (he was, after all, a former Catholic monk) and his reverence for “Scripture,” at the hatred, the greed, the genocide and the sexual depravity he was reading in the Hebrew original texts.

I am tired, good-hearted, brave, brilliant brother Michael Hoffman, of the effect of your book, which is excuse-making for these Jews, saying “The Talmud made the poor, misled Jews do it”!


They were apiru scumbags, a CRIME FAMILY, psychopaths 1000 years before the Holy Talmud! The Talmud was merely the full “flowering” (in the sense of skunk cabbage flowering ;-)) of the psychopathology that this neanderthal-descended people has demonstrated from their very beginning.

* * *
Who were the original Hebrews? They were the apiru…….roving thieves…..a tribe of outcast criminals who roamed the Middle East, called by many ancient peoples who were their victims the apiru. This word became the word “Hebrew.” And this group is today known as the Jews. They descend from thieves and cut-throats, a whole ethnic group of roving criminals, a gene pool of evil.

From left to right, Jew movie director Ernst Lubitsch, Albert Einstein, Einstein’s wife Elsa, and Samuel Untermeyer, the most evil apiru of the first half of the 20th century, in Palm Springs, California, March 1, 1933. Untermeyer 1) blackmailed President Woodrow Wilson via his love letters to a mistress, which she then SOLD TO THE ADL, into getting the US into WWI, 2) Untermeyer commissioned the evil “Scofield Bible,” a commentary that has turned traditional Christians into Christian Zionists, and 3) Untermeyer declared war on behalf of world Jewry on Germany in 1933 as soon as Hitler assumed supreme power.


I chose this blog today to redeploy as a concept-weapon the historic ancient word “apiru” — with “a” in small letters to express contempt and also the probable meaning of the word, that is, roving clans of thieves. This describes with both impact and accuracy the original criminal clan of the far-distant past which, becoming known later as Hebrews, came to dominate by guile and murder our white world — the “Jews.”

I fully understand the feelings, more than justified, of all those who call this genocidal breeding group by the name kikes, yids, and other terms reflecting the general and, in fact, now intensifying opprobrium of all mankind.

Antisemitism, once restricted to Europe and the Americas, to what long was called “Christendom,” is now worldwide, largely due to 1) the hideous crushing of the Palestinians, a people who are both “of color” and majority-muslim (which gives them LOTS of sympathizers), and 2) due to catastrophic jewish financial manipulations by their controlled entities, a) Wall Street, b) the Federal Reserve and c) the City of London, all three of which have devastated productive economies worldwide.

(And guess what, apirus, when my father’s own street in rich Vero Beach, Florida has six foreclosures on it, you are p—-g off some highly educated, powerful, rightwing Republican white people with lots of friends — who have kept their antisemitism under wraps ONLY because the economy was good and they were making money.

You take away their money — after decades of their hard study and hard work to get ahead — and throw them into the street, and they will have nothing left to lose.

But they will likely NOT pawn their guns.

Here is a Vero Beach scene on the Atlantic coast, then a satellite pic of the city, thanks to Aryan inventiveness…. My father lives near here along the Atlantic beachside.


Just an hour north of Vero, at Windover Pond near Titusville, Florida, 170 skeletons of white people were found, and genetic testing has revealed they are from at least 6000 BC. The peat preserved them almost perfectly, including their brains. The Jews sat on this information for 25 years until it recently came out.

This is absolutely HUGE….and it guts the wimp-out of Dr Dennis Stanford of the Smithsonian who under (doubtless Jewish) pressure, and as an obedient fed-government employee, came up with the lame reasoning (at least so far without openly condemning either me or Solutrean-novelist Kyle Bristow) that “we don’t even know if the Solutreans of the Ice Age (22,000-17,000 BC) left any descendants at all among modern Europeans…..”

Well, it seems they sure still had descendants in 5000 BC in Florida!

Back in 1984, a building contractor working near Windover Pond in the area of Titusville, Florida came upon NEARLY TWO HUNDRED well-preserved ANCIENT skeletons and bodies! They had been buried at the bottom of a pond and the pond bottom had become peat, which as elsewhere in the world preserved their bodies in the most amazing manner.

178 bodies in the peat, from 5000 BC, WHITE, some with intact brains! Near Cape Canaveral!

And they sat on the DNA testing of who they were until recently!

Look from the time from 6:20 to the end of this video!

Here is the expert:
* * *

Prof Joseph Lorenz

Department of Anthropology

(509) 963-3448 (office)

(Maybe soon Lorenz will be selling bags of oranges at the interstate off-ramp, fired for telling the truth that these skeletons are of EUROPEANS FROM 5000 BC ;-) )

I often call these Jews simply juze — to show the entity-like nature of their swarming behavior. But in formal usage we should go back to what they truly are, the apiru, an ancient genetic “community” that arose over 3,000 years ago among deported, exiled or escaped criminals, atribe” united in the Middle East as an assemblage of diverse individual criminals, consisting of people who had all been exiled to the desert for their crimes or who had escaped with a gallop or on shank’s mare from the justice of their country or tribe of origin — people who had run from the punishment whip, the sword or the rope.

And as the scientists and historians know, the already mixed apiru horde were mixed in the eighth century A.D. by the converting to Judaism of the atrocity-loving Khazars, yet another barbarous and parasitical ethnie.

I began to understand the Jews better — nomadic thieves — by understanding who the Gypsies are — roaming crooks, in America as in Europe, with faces like the criminals, “fences,” thieves, pimps, pickpockets, and bogus fortune-tellers that they are.

Then I read in an encyclopedia that the Gypsies “left” India a thousand years ago for Europe. This raises the question: why does a people just “leave” its own country?

Maybe for fear of being hanged or beheaded? For fear of being massacred at the hands of kings and peoples who were enraged by their behavior? Were they “getting out of Dodge”? 😉

Gypsies stealing shamelessly in a Hungarian grocery store. Note the female psychopath with the big black skirt, lower right….

The “Rom,” a large component of the thieving Gypsies, “leave” India…..I am sure the other Indians yelled “Good riddance, and don’t let the door hit you on your way out.” 😉

There was in Virginia in the United States a man named Edgar Cayce, a very internationally famous supposed “psychic” in his day ( “a household word” as we say in the United States) who, I was informed by a Cayce fan, wrote a book — never published by the Edgar Cayce Society in Virginia — in which he said that the juze were

“reincarnated criminals.”

Whether one believes in reincarnation or not, this is quite a memorable statement.

I found in Wikipedia articles on the “apiru” in English, German and in French, saying clearly that the people whom the Old Testament later on calls “the Jews” (and earlier on called the “Hebrews”) are likely the descendants of the “Habirus” — and these “Habirus” or “apirus” were in actuality a gang of criminals wandering around in the Middle East, outlaws, a horde which already 4000 years ago was annoying the leaders of the Sumerian empire, and of the Hittite, Egyptian and Assyrian civilizations.

Habiru (Ha biru) or gold cApiru pr.w (Egyptian) [1] was the name given by various Sumerian, Egyptian, Akkadian, Hittite, Mitanni, and Ugaritic sources (dated, roughly, from before 2000 BC to around 1200 BC) to a group of people living as nomadic invaders in areas of the Fertile Crescent from Northeastern Mesopotamia and Iran to the borders of Egypt in Canaan [2] Depending on the source and epoch, these Habiru are variously described as nomadic or semi-nomadic, rebels, outlaws, raiders, mercenaries, archers, servants, slaves, migrant laborers, etc.

My translation of the French version of Wikipedia on this same subject of the apiru( http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habiru):

Habiru, Abirou, Hapirou, Habiru is the name given by many sources, Sumerian, Egyptian, Akkadian, Hittite, Mitannite and Ugaritic (dating approximately from -2000 to -1200) to a category of the population of north-west Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent from the borders of Egypt, Canaan and Iran. The portrait it draws of Habiru varies by source and the time they are nomadic, semi-sedentary, living outside the law, marginal, rebels, mercenaries, slaves, migrant workers, etc..

[….] Sumerian documents from the reign of Shulgi, king of Ur v. -2150, describe “a people traveling without clothing, in deathly silence, destroying everything in its path, the men go where they please, planting their tents and their camps, and they live in the countryside without observing the decrees of my king.”

In watching the documentary film of the prestigious Channel 4 in England “Ice Age Columbus” (about the Christopher Columbuses, so to speak, who came to America in Ice Age times, thus the Solutreans]) I saw the actions of various “exiles.”

They roamed about as a curse in the era of the honest, peaceful hunters and gatherers of the Stone Age. They were the criminals, psychopaths, thieves, murderers, and antisocial elements of ice Age times.

Either they were killed/executed/lynched by the clan against which they had transgressed — or in misplaced mercy they were merely driven away.

Zia chews out a lazy clansman, and lousy hunter, who later, resentful and hungry, commits an impulsive murder and is exiled by the clan chhieftain.

In this documentary film “Ice Age Columbus” Zia, the chieftain’s daughter in one clan of the Solutreans, now having crossed over to North America along the ice shelf then existing, finds that exiled Solutrean criminals, the exiles, have also crossed the Atlantic and have crept up upon them, armed. The criminal “exiles” banded together for survival, just as decent people did.

Zia and other Solutreans may have had dark hair and fair skin and light eyes as depicted (or like the “Teutonic WarriorChick”), or some may have been blond. The warlike Aryans — thousands of years later — were definitely blond-haired, and very tall — they drank cow’s milk for lots of added protein.


The head of the exile band in the section of North America where Zia and friends have landed threatens Zia’s brother with a razor-sharp spear and confiscates their boat.

In the forests to which they had been expelled, the exiles picked up other antisocial misfits, and became leaders or followers in growing clans of desperados…… We must remember that Europe back then was not overpopulated but drastically underpopulated, a nearly empty continent — like North America or Australia in 1800 — with vast forests to traverse (as in the story of “Little Red Riding Hood”), not wall-to-wall cities, suburbs and towns as we have today.

These forests offered plenty of hiding space and ambush areas for what then were called “highwaymen.”

This video song about reincarnation , one of my favorites, has the first character being a highwayman — who gets his just desserts.

In medieval Germany the forest (as in this depiction of the fairy tale) meant a place women and girls would not walk through alone, whether due to animal wolves or human wolves. In fact, as late as the 1700s there were many still apiru (jewish) criminals, highwaymen, lurking in the forests of southern Germany.

And antisocial females would join them ….. or normal women would be abducted so the sociopathic clan males had females for their sex wants and cooking needs.

Amerindians with their pitiful white female captives.

And this union produced babies …..A RACE, A GENE POOL, OF CRIMINAL BABIES.

Then an entire tribe ….. then a whole “people “……or an anti-people.

To designate the southern Italian Mafia in the United States, we often use the term “crime family.” This expresses that the various mafias are more than mere “companies” or “organizations.” They are real clans, bands of people, united by feelings of belonging and by ties of marriage, blood and/or friendship as well as by greed and self-interest. They are “fraternal” organizations, exhibiting a sordid solidarity (aside from the occasional assassinations among leaders).

My volunteer from New Zealand, Nelson1805 (whose writings I often have featured on this blog) has described in a brilliant report to me the Khazars — the ancestors of 90 percent of Jews today — and how he traced the Khazar aristocracy back to the Scythians, a largely white, Old Iranian and blond tribe of barbaric psychopaths.

(As Wikipedia reveals, the lower-class Khazars were swarthy Caucasoids who were genetically like the Armenians, Chechens, and Georgians of today, such as the Georgian mega-psychopath Josehp Stalin).

Stalin as a young Bolshevik, bank robber and hitman. Note the semito-caucasian nose, and the eyes.

These Scythians were a horrible, savage and barbaric horde, white though they were. They were Aryan psychopaths, roaming around what is now Ukraine, and a tribe that the ancient Greek historian Herodotus denounced for their cruelty.

We can safely extrapolate from the movie “Ice Age Columbus” that for thousands of years various exiled or escaped individuals since at least the Ice Age have been forming clans of criminals, and I believe, based on my research into the apiru, that exactly this kind of criminal outlaw clan was at the origin of the Jews, and of the Scythians, who later were known as Khazars — and became converted to Judaism.

(The word “outlaw”, btw, does not just mean just “criminal.” It means a criminal so heinous that the king or local judge has ruled him “outside the law” of murder, and that meant anyone could strike him down without any punishment whatsoever, in effect “taking out the trash” for a grateful community.)

And such roving thieves, fences and murderers became the apiru, the Khazars and the Gypsies and other wandering peoples who have always terrified decent village people for millennia as soon as they approached any permanent human settlement.

(On the oceans, such people were “pirates,” the thieves and rapists of the sea, and what the Romans did, such as Julius Cesar, is they captured and crucified them, using Roman soldiers on their warships as marines — to fight them in hand-to-hand combat. Caesar himself was once captured by pirates, and he vowed to them — as they smirked — that after his ransom had been paidand he was released, he would 100% come back and crucify them all, and that is exactly and precisely what Caesar did.)

Thus the juze are not a pure race of any kind, but instead a criminal gene pool, a psychopathic breeding community that has collected ne’er-do-wells for thousands of years, letting them join the horde and this crime family known as Jews now numbers in the tens of millions around the world.

Israelis delighted a half-year ago in the brazen murder of a Palestinian Hamas official. Six Mossad operatives using genuine but stolen passports of several European nations invaded a Palestinian’s hotel room, and strangled him, and it is a cause for national celebration in Israel, a country whose name in Hebrew means, yes, as an angel said after Jacob wrestled with him: “He fights against God.” Isra (he fights against)-el (God)…..

As the Romans used to say, Nomen est omen, “the name is the omen.”

Israeli-British musician Gilad Atzmon commented (http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/israeli-pride-ii.html):

The Zionist dream is over. The attempt to become a people like other people has failed.
We are dealing here with a bloodthirsty tribal society on the verge of collective psychosis.

Sorry, Gilad….and sorry, Michael Hoffman.

You are among the brave and sincere people who are trying to change Jewry, or see their problems as merely one of a bad attitude, as something, some psychological factor that COULD. maybe, somehow, be changed.

But this apiru people has ALWAYS been psychopathic in its very origins.


And the origins of the apiru are the Neanderthals.

Depiction of a neanderthal: receding chin and forehead, protruding mouth, stocky build; psychologically, fiercely clannish and violent, capable of great and enduring hatred

Faisal Shahzad, fanatic muslim and the Times Square bomber

Prof. Dr. Svante Pääbo, himself Jewish via his Estonian mother, sequenced with this team at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany the neanderthal genome and found it still exists in some modern humans.

Ronald Lauder, head of the World Jewish Congress since June 10, 2007

Menachem Begin, Zionist (depicted here in 1940), then Irgun terrorist and prime minister of Israel

Larry Silverstein, key co-conspirator in the 9/11 mass murder and financial controller of the WTC

Jimmy Wales, boss of Wikipedia, side view showing sloping forehead, slightly hooked nose and protruding mouth

Ad now to this series of blogs by Christopher Jon Bjerknes, who himself is part-Jewish and yet is totally no-nonsense toward this unpeople.

* * *

Old Testament reveals plan for Jews to enslave non-Jews

Below is a series of blogs in 4 parts (I only pasted 1st part, go to urls for 0ther 3 parts below)

Friday, December 05, 2008

The Universal Enslavement of the Non-Jew: The Ancient Jewish Plan for World Domination Found in the Old Testament


Christopher Jon Bjerknes

http://www.jewishracism.com and http://www.jewishracism.blogspot.com
The Mossad has set up a network of agents and sayanim in Canada and America who dominate the “alternative media” as talk show hosts, talk show callers, correspondents, message board pests, and controlled opposition anti-Zionists. The mission of these phonies is to turn our attention away from the existential threat the Jewish People pose to humanity, and to buy the Jews enough time to destroy us.

These Jews deny that World Jewry has for 2,500 years planned to take over the World and then use this power to destroy and then exterminate the Goyim. The Jews and crypto-Jews scapegoat Catholics, Muslims, Secret Societies, the Americans, the Russians, the Iranians, Chabad Lubavitchers, Zoharites, Talmudists, Cabalists, etc. ad nauseam, but never state the plain truth that the Jewish People as a whole have always been a parasitic and poisonous plague on humanity and that they are hell-bent on exterminating the human race.

These Jews and crypto-Jews constantly attempt to paint the Jews, themselves, as if victims of what has always been, and what continues to be, the crimes of the totality of the Jewish People against the human race resulting directly from their collective Jewish religion, their collective Jewish politics, their collective Jewish spirit of segregationism, racism, hatred and supremacism for their entire Jewish history. These Jews and crypto-Jews attempt to divert our attention away from the fact that the Jewish People as a whole, and as an ancient plague, have mass murdered hundreds of millions of non-Jews, destroyed countless civilizations, stolen the wealth of hundreds of nations, and brought war, famine, devastating revolution and genocide to every corner of the Earth, and that the Jews have always pursued these very same goals as the Jews themselves attest in their Old Testament.

These Jews and crypto-Jews constantly attempt to fault the terrible Talmud and cruddy Cabalah for the very same attitudes iterated in the Old Testament, which they hold holy and good, and in so doing attempt to excuse the Jewish People, who in fact collectively worship their genocidal Jewish God through the lens of the Talmud, the Cabalah and the Old Testament. These lying Jews create artificial and false distinctions between Jewish sects, each of which revere the whole of Jewish religious thought including Talmud and Cabalah.

The “Zoharites” and “Talmudists” are not the only Jews to view the Kabalah and Talmud as holy books. All major Jewish sects view these books as holy. The “true Torah” Jews not only hold the Talmud and Kabalah to be holy books, they include the Talmud as a part of the Torah, the most important part of the Torah. These Jews who are held up as if good and friendly Jews believe that the Talmud is the most important and revered part of the Torah, despite the lies our Jewish and crypto-Jewish friends tell us about their fellow Jews.

Beyond this childish and ridiculous Cabal of lying Jews, the main stream media ridicule the view that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion could in any way reflect the intentions and actions of the Jewish People, but there is little to be found in that document by way of a plan for World domination, which was not first iterated some 2,500 years ago in the Jewish Old Testament. The lying Jews claim that the accusation that Jews are engaged in a struggle for World domination and World government is an “anti-Semitic canard”, but this plan is plainly stated throughout the ancient Jewish Old Testament.

Let me here begin demonstrating this fact, already known to most Jews despite their public lies, by quoting the words of the Jews’ most revered mythical King, the murderous and treacherous snake of a man, King David, who conspired to murder a man named Uriah, who was loyally battling for David, so that David could then steal Uriah’s widowed wife from his butchered corpse (II Samuel 11). The perverse Jewish mentality reveals itself in the fact that the Jews’ favorite king was a murderous and treacherous snake. Note that most Jews venerate the snake, King David, just as most Jews suffer from the perverse Jewish mentality which allows them to celebrate genocide every year on the Jews’ favorite holiday, the Jewish festival of Purim, at which festival the Jews engage in pretend cannibalism by eating “Haman’s ears”.

We find that the Jewish book revered by almost all Jews, the Songs of David, Psalms 2, states:

“Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,

3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.

7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.

10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.

11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.”

For 2,500, the Jewish People, not just the Zoharites and the Talmudists, but the collective whole of the Jewish People have anxiously awaited the arrival of this genocidal Jewish king who will exterminate the Goyim. This plan predates the Zohar by at least 1,700 years and predates the Talmud by at least 700 years.

Continuing the snake King’s song, Psalm 18:40-50 states,

“40 Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies; that I might destroy them that hate me.

41 They cried, but there was none to save them: even unto the LORD, but he answered them not.

42 Then did I beat them small as the dust before the wind: I did cast them out as the dirt in the streets.

43 Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people; and thou hast made me the head of the heathen: a people whom I have not known shall serve me.

44 As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me.

45 The strangers shall fade away, and be afraid out of their close places.

46 The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exalted.

47 It is God that avengeth me, and subdueth the people under me.

48 He delivereth me from mine enemies: yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man.

49 Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name.

50 Great deliverance giveth he to his king; and sheweth mercy to his anointed, to David, and to his seed for evermore.”

Psalm 72:8-11 states,

“8 He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.

9 They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him; and his enemies shall lick the dust.

10 The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts.

11 Yea, all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him.”

Psalm 110:1-7 states,

“The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

2 The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.

3 Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth.

4 The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.

5 The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath.

6 He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill the places with the dead bodies; he shall wound the heads over many countries.

7 He shall drink of the brook in the way: therefore shall he lift up the head.”

Lest any be deceived by the lying Jews who will claim that no Jew today believes in this hateful and genocidal mythology, let them read The Jewish Utopia by the Jew Michael Higger;

[JdN: I HAVE this shocking book! and everything Bjerknes claims is true!]

…..or bear witness to the words of first Prime Minister of the Jewish State of Israel, David Ben-Gurion,

“With the exception of the USSR as a federated Eurasian state, all other continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars. In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah.”

We will not save ourselves from the extermination curse of the mythological Jewish God by romanticizing with lies about the nature and mission of the Jewish People, which has always been to dominate and destroy human life.

We must face this threat head on and put an end to genocidal Jewish aggression against humanity. In a future article, I intend to quote what Ben-Gurion’s prophet Isaiah said, and how he planned for the Jewish people to enslave the Gentiles, steal their wealth, and then exterminate them leaving none alive in the “new earth” which will only know the “elect”, the Jews, that is.

Let all who doubt ponder the tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions, the Jewish Communists mass murdered in the Soviet Union, Communist China and Communist Cambodia. Pay special attention to the fact that the Jews target the brightest and the best in the initial waves of their genocide so as to leave the Goyim genetically inferior and leaderless. That is the perverse mentality of the Jewish People at work in our modern World.
Christopher Jon Bjerknes

* * * in German and English

Sephardic leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews

Sephardischer Führer Yosef: Nichtjuden existieren nur, um den Juden zu dienen

October 18, 2010 18. Oktober 2010

JERUSALEM (JTA [JEWISH TELEGRAPH AGENCY]) — Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews. JERUSALEM (JTA [Jüdische Nachrichtenagentur]) — Der Führer der sephardischen Juden, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, sagte in seiner samstäglichen (Sabbat) Predigt, daß „Nichtjuden existieren, um den Juden zu dienen.“

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat. “Die Gojim wurden dazu geboren, um uns zu dienen. Sie erfüllen keinen anderen Zweck auf dieser Welt, als dem Volk Israel zu dienen,” sagte er während einer öffentlichen Diskussion, in der es darum ging, welche Arbeiten einem Nichtjuden erlaubt sind, sie am Shabbat zu verrichten.”

Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi [a Turkish pasha]and eat,” he said to some laughter. “Wozu werden die Nichtjuden gebraucht? Sie werden arbeiten, sie werden pflügen und sie werden ernten. Wir werden ihnen wie ein Effendi zusehen und essen,” sage er unter dem Gelächter der Anwesenden.

Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews. Yosef, der geistige Führer der Shas-Partei [Koalitionsparter der Regierung Netanyahu] und ehemalige Chef-Rabbiner der Sepharden in Israel sagte auch, daß die Leben der Nichtjuden geschützt sind, um die Juden vor finanziellen Verlusten zu schützen.

“With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” said the rabbi, who recently turned 90. “Mit den Nichtjuden ist es wie mit jeder anderen Person auch. Sie
müssen letztlich sterben. Aber Gott schenkt ihnen Langlebigkeit. Warum? Stellt euch vor, Jemandes Esel stirbt, er würde dadurch Geld verlieren. Der Esel ist schließlich sein Diener. Das ist der Grund, warum er [der Nichtjude] ein langes Leben hat, um für den Juden gut zu
arbeiten,” sagte der Rabbiner, der kürzlich 90 wurde.

An audio recording of some of the rabbi’s remarks was broadcast on Israel’s Channel 10.Ein Audiomitschnitt einiger der Bemerkungen des Rabbiners wurde über Israel‘s [Radio] Kanal 10 verbreitet.

The American Jewish Committee condemned the rabbi’s remarks in a statement issued Monday. Das Amerikanische Jüdische Komitee [AJC] verurteilte die Bemerkungen des Rabbiners in einer am Montag veröffentlichten Erklärung.

“Rabbi Yosef’s remarks — suggesting outrageously that Jewish scripture asserts non-Jews exist to serve Jews — are abhorrent and an offense to human dignity and human equality,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris. “Rabbi Yosef‘s Bemerkungen — suggerieren fürchterlich, das die jüdische Heilige Schrift behauptet, daß Nichtjuden existieren, um den Juden zu dienen — sind abscheulich und ein Verstoß gegen die menschliche Würde und menschliche Gleichheit,” sagte AJC-Direktor David Harris.

“Judaism first taught the world that all individuals are created in the divine image, which helped form the basis of our moral code. A rabbi should be the first, not the last, to reflect that bedrock teaching of our tradition.” Das Judentum brachte der Welt zuerst bei, daß alle Individuen als göttliche Abbildung geschaffen sind, was half, die Basis unserer moralischen Ordnung zu formen. Ein Rabbiner sollte Erster sein, diese Grundlagenlehre unserer Tradition zu reflektieren, nicht Letzter.”

* * *

JdN: These denials are meaningless,because as Ralph Waldo Emerson once said to someone, “Who you are speaks more loudly than what you say.”

And the arrogance of Harris’ claim that ‘the Jews first taught the world that humans are made in God’s image# belies every word out of this bureacrat’ snout. What ludicrous Jewish supremacism to assert that before the Jews we “gentiles” were all moral barbarians, when there is no more barbaric breed on this planet than the neanderthalic apiru, the Hebrew, the Jew.

My mission as the founder of Solutreanism is to break in the most radical and total manner possible with any form of judeolatry, and that means the Old Testament is utterly dead for us. While there is indeed some beauty and some loftiness of sentiment in certain passages of the Old Testament, there is often charm in the words of a child molester to a child as well, designed to lure him in.

* * *

Your financial support will enable me to launch the Solutrean movement:

1) an international, pan-Aryan tribe that will survive, like high-tech Amish, the downfall of the Jew-corrupted West;

2) believing in ARYAN concepts of God and life after death, including reincarnation

3) understanding that psychopaths, not just deluded liberals, have taken over power in almost every aspect of society

4) realizing that “blue-eyed” naivete, lack of children and hyper-individualism are flaws in our race that must be actively countered;

5) seeing in the Jew and Arab a Neanderthal intrinsically hostile to the Cro Magnon, the white race. http://www.amfirstbooks.com/IntroPages/Subscription_Preview/Barnes_Review/2010/TBR_2010_05-06_Issue_3_Contents.html

6) Aryans, as a self-disciplined race, do NOT advocate dictatorship or a Führerprinzip except during times of extreme emergency and for a limited duration. The solution to the problems of democracy, as Thomas Jefferson said, are more democracy, more education, more knowledge, more free press and speech, more character, more love of our people — and the ruthless investigation, identification, and elimination of psychopaths from our society. Only our own bad apples have let the contemptible Jew into our lives.

7) This universe is a duality of male and female forces, the harsh and the gentle, the hierarchic and the democratic, the violent and the peaceful, the punishment and the forgiveness, and in each situation we must measure how much of each energy to use. But moderation cannot be a fetish; there can be no moderation about survival, power and strength. We will survive, and will pay any price to do so, and make the enemy of all mankind pay in the fullest measure.

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