ENGLISH Why Jews are both the most insane and most evil people on earth; Blowhard governor Perry embraces illegal alien Mexicans; explosive video of missile hitting Pentagon

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A comrade saw my second (of nine) spiritual videos, the one on psychopaths in power…..

Spiritual video 2 PSYCHOPATHS: the toxic minority that takes over everything [CLICK ON THE PHOTO!]

and wrote me:

The two primary symptoms of insanity are 1) delusions of persecution, and 2) delusions of grandeur. I’m sure that we can all think of a specific people who embody these two symptoms religiously.

I replied:

Yes, the Jews suffer from both obvious megalomania and obvious paranoia, but as my spiritual video number eight shows, the real psycho iceberg in Jewish life is the widespread practice of incest (which the Romans and Chinese both noted in ancient times), which makes them totally crazy, and racked with PTSD, more than even the twisted culture of the Tall Mud. 😉

Spiritual video 8:
Betrayal of the American fighting man; white Americans now a minority; incest and judaism — a shocking exposé (this expose starts around the 50th minute) [CLICK ON THE PHOTO!]

I am the ONLY English-speaking WN to fully discuss this gigantic factor of INCEST AMONG THE JEWS, which the great French WN and Sorbonne graduate Herve Ryssen has fully proved in his books, such as his Psychoanalysis of Judaism (in French). He proves there that the sinister Jewish psychiatrist Sigmund Freud ……

…..completely invented the whole crazy and now completely discredited notion of the “Oedipus Complex” (claiming babies want sex with their parents!) to hide the alarming, scandalous and massive incidence of incest specifically among his fellow Jews, and that Freud even hinted repeatedly that both he and his sister were victims of incest by their father!

This staggeringly wicked and twisted practice of incest is why the Jews are 1) deeply, profoundly disturbed and also 2) incredibly homely, far more so than the Arabs, Armenians and others who are related to them.

One cannot get more inbred than parents producing children with their own children. It makes me laugh when I hear people mocking West Virginians, for 1) that is highly exaggerated, it happened in very isolated valleys with no transportation, and it generally involved cousins, not parents or siblings (a friend who has lived for 40 years in WV gave me the whole story), and 2) the real world champs in inbreeding are the Jews themselves. Basically, it is a truly, truly satanic people who are molesting their own kids.

* * *

A comrade read the above and watched the eighth spiritual video, then commented:


I have had numerous conversations over the years with a multitude of people regarding the source of the Jews’ deeply ingrained insanity. As of recently, even, these conversations have again began to come up more frequently; and what we always concluded is that it is absolutely biological, it is genetic, it is inherited physically.
Thank you, now, for revealing to me the final piece of the puzzle. This is invaluable information. When Aryans finally have control over the medical sciences field once again, it should be first priority to biologically define the Jewish race through extensive DNA analysis: reveal to the world the utter corruption which dwells beneath the surface of those diseased creatures.

I replied:

* * *

Thanks for your encouraging kudos.

But we must go even further.

The Jews are reincarnated demons, and that is exactly what Edgar Cayce said in a book his society refused to publish.

A few years back, the Wikipedia article on Cayce had a whole subsection on how he was an antisemite and racist. The section ended with some throw-away comment about how a lot of people back then thought that way… Subsequently, the whole sectio was deleted.

When Jesus said, in the Gospel of John, chapter 8, verse 44 “You are from your father, the Devil,” He meant it LITERALLY.



The two presidents of the Jewnited Snakes who, from 1790 to 2012, have brought the most harm on the USA and the most international discredit and unpopularity to our nation were by far the fake-tough, fake-patriotic, fake-cowboy-talking murderer Lyndon Johnson and the coke-head moron George W. Bush.

Now, proving that, as PT Barnum said, there is a sucker born every minute, the polls are way up for yet another fake Texan, Governor Perry, who, unlike any real white Texan, cannot stand the Mexican takeover of his beloved state.

In the video below, look at this puke saying sanctimoniously (while his eyes betray he knows he is lying) that he wants to “bring us together” by giving amnesty to illegal aliens and by stopping all enforcement, as in Arizona, of immigration laws!

(And, btw, a female federal judge, Sharon Blackburn, has just suspended Arizona’s law enforcing proper inspection of those who seem to be illegals until she decides if SHE likes it. What is the point of having STATES and ELECTIONS if a FEDERAL judge, appointed undemocratically to a lifetime term, can overturn every state law and cannot be booted out by the people????)

I read your post (https://johndenugent.com/english/english-you-can-only-shake-your-head-obongos-red-oval-office-and-no-us-flags-at-news-conferences) about the white doctor who decided to become a waiter in California.

Actually, here we have a lot of racism here in Mexico against whites. No brown who is more or less civilized says so openly, but phrases like “pinche güerito” (blond fuck) or “güera pendeja” (blond bitch) are very common between browns. Also here, to have sex with a blond girl is reason enough to brag (show off), especially if the victim is an American which here are called “gringas estupidas“.

When I was younger I was at school and I heard a liberal American English teacher (with a degree in social sciences) complain (crying) with a friend of hers about her Mexican husband (a valet who parked cars….).

She said he had wasted all his salary in a sex club. She said he had promised her to go only once a month and not to spend much on it. When I heard this I thought “What did you expect???”

Seriously, white women must open their eyes and realize that Mexicans only see them as meat and trophies.

In case you need me to help you with something, you have my email. I’m at your service, Sir!

Best of luck!

¡Heil Hitler!


* * *

I responded:

* * *

Thank you very much for this report. Because you are yourself a Mexican, and also a white person living in that mestizo country, your reports have great credibility and value in awakening white Americans. To save the white race, the most important white country must be awakened! And then WE can protect YOU, the true whites, our racial brothers and sisters, in Latin America.

I want to thank you also very much for translating my blog into Spanish. Today the blog begins in that beautiful, powerful, dignified white Castilian language. We must never forget that there are at least twenty million true whites in Latin America, nor that Latin American whites (and some segments of the Catholic Church as well!) saved the lives of many German heroes after World War Two.




A young comrade saw this movie and wrote me:

My uncle took a few friends and I to see this movie when it came out. It was at times entertaining, graphic and always anti-White. I wonder what went on in the minds of every white person in the theater when Jessica Alba stood on the roof of a car, yelled with fist in the air: “We didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us!” No doubt the director may have intended on instigating a race war, along with more angst, between whites and Mestizos.


Here is Trevor Lynch’s review of the 2010 movie “Machete” in “Counter-Currents
Publishing (source: http://www.counter-currents.com/2010/09/machete/ )



I saw Machete on Friday afternoon. It was gross, it was hilarious, and it communicated an important message: Mexico is a filthy, impoverished, backward, corrupt country inhabited by ugly, treacherous, cruel people. Mexicans are invading the United States, bringing Mexico with them. Mexicans corrupt every American who comes into contact with them, and their power to corrupt is so total that they even corrupt the patriots and politicians who oppose them.

In spite of their cruelty to one another, Mexicans pull together with a fierce solidarity when facing Americans, who are merely selfish individuals out to make or save a buck. People like that can always be bought off or intimidated. This solidarity gives Mexicans a vast support network in the United States—a network that includes the Catholic Church—which aids them in taking jobs from Americans, undercutting American wages, and leeching off American social services.

What do these locusts think they’ll do once they strip America bare? Well, locusts don’t think. But if they did, they would probably conclude (a) they would be no worse off than they were in Mexico, and (b) there’s always Canada.

Machete was directed by Robert Rodriguez, a Texas-born Mexican-American (a white man by the looks of him), who is versatile and highly talented but also wildly inconsistent. (His masterpiece is 2005’s Sin City, but he has also done some stunningly awful crap.) The character of Machete first appeared in Rodriguez’s delightful Spy Kids movie. The movie Machete was based on a faux “trailer” in Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino’s “double feature” Grindhouse (2007).

Does Machete promote violence against Whites, as claimed by some who have not seen the movie?

To answer that, I must say quite a lot about the plot, so stop reading here if you don’t want to know.

Machete, played by Danny Trejo (more than half Amerindian by the looks of him), is a Mexican Federale, a cop, whose wife and daughter have been horribly murdered by a Mexican drug lord Torrez (Steven Seagal, who is half-Jewish, half-Irish) in cooperation with his own corrupt superiors. A few years later, Machete shows up in Texas as a day laborer. He is hired by a White American Michael Booth (Jeff Fahey) to kill a state Senator, John McLaughlin (Robert DeNiro), who is a fierce opponent of immigration. Booth explains that business in Texas depends on cheap labor. Thus the border must remain open. Thus the Senator must die. (This speech is a concise and eloquent proof that capitalism is subversive of patriotism.)

Machete takes the job, but discovers that he is being framed as a fall guy. A henchman of Booth wounds the Senator, and Machete is hunted down as the Mexican would-be assassin. It turns out that Booth actually works for the Senator, and he has cooked up the assassination attempt to revive his flagging poll numbers and stir up hatred against Mexicans. We eventually learn, however, that Booth is actually working for the drug lord Torrez, who wants the border tightened up so that the cost of his products rises in the US. He also hopes to build in back doors to the new electrified border fence proposed by McLaughlin.

McLaughlin is no sympathetic dupe, however. He is introduced hunting down illegal aliens with his friends, a posse of border vigilantes clearly supposed to be the Minutemen. The vigilante leader Von Jackson (Don Johnson) shoots a pregnant Mexican woman while making a speech about the anchor baby problem, and the Senator shoots the woman’s boyfriend. He has the whole incident filmed to show it to his “big money donors.”

But it is hard to say what Rodriguez’s intentions are. Does he really think that immigration opponents are like this? (If only . . .) Is it an attempt to tar anti-immigration advocates by putting their messages in the mouths of ruthless killers? If so, then it fails by being too over the top. It comes off more as a parody of the paranoia and hysteria of the left-wing critics of the anti-immigration movement.

When Jackson shoots Luz, a leader of the Mexican underground network played by Michelle Rodriguez (a Puerto-Rican actress who looks about one eighth black—hard to tell given the popularity of plastic surgery in Hollywood), the network rallies under Machete’s leadership for a battle with the vigilantes.

The Mexicans attack in a fleet of chrome-plated, rainbow-tinted, bouncing and shimmying low-riders and choppers. I laughed my ass off. Jackson’s vigilantes look like a low rent motorcycle gang. After a brutal battle, the vigilantes are put to flight. But it is hard to have too much sympathy with them. After all, they are dupes of Jackson and Booth in league with Torrez.

So, does Machete promote racial war against White people? Yes and no.

Yes, since the bad guys are almost all White people.

No, because the Whites are not just any White people, but corrupt traitors to their own race and dupes of said traitors.

No, because the politics of the film, insofar as it has any, is quasi-Marxist. The enemies are the Rich (the Mexican Torrez, the American Booth). The good guys are “the people”—most of them Mexican, but one of them is a White American working with Mexicans as a dishwasher. Luz’s alter ego is Shé (with the accent, as in Ché), a revolutionary pinup girl.

In truth, I suspect that this film’s real agenda is pretty much the same as that of Rodriguez’s friend and frequent collaborator Quentin Tarantino, namely: sheer nihilism.

This movie is really all about making brutal and sadistic violence funny. Machete stabs, slashes, beheads, slices, dices, and juliennes people with his machete. He also kills with guns, grenades, rockets, knives, surgical implements, vehicles, garden tools, a meat thermometer, his bare hands, and probably his bad breath.

A white cop gets a machete through the back from “Machete”

Rodriguez follows the Chekovian dramatic principle that if a corkscrew is left on a counter, it had better be used to gouge out someone’s eye before the end of the act. In one scene, Machete rips out a man’s intestines and uses them to rappel off the side of a building.

And Machete is far from the only killer in this movie. Machete’s brother, a Catholic priest (Cheech Marin, who appears to be heavily Amerindian as well) dispatches a number of assassins with shotgun blasts before being crucified in his own church.



Booth’s slutty daughter April (played by Irish-Italian American Catholic girl Lindsay Lohan) dresses as a nun and blows the Senator away with a 45.

It is all very droll, so I guess Rodriguez can count this movie a success.

The aesthetic of Machete seems to be derived from biker magazines. Where else does one find hideously scarred, fat, tattooed old satyrs who are inexplicably alluring to young, scantily clad women sporting machineguns?

To capitalize on the controversy about the Arizona immigration enforcement law, a trailer for Machete was released with a warning to the state of Arizona. Having seen the movie, I have to dismiss the trailer as a cheap opportunism rather than a serious political message. For this movie has no serious political message.

Yes, Machete does promote Mexican solidarity against Whites. Sartana, a Mexican-American immigration agent played by Mexican-American actress Jessica Alba (who cannot be more than one eighth Amerindian) does learn the value of solidarity with her people. “There is the law,” she says, “and then there’s what’s right.” And racial solidarity is what’s right.

But ask yourself: Whose mind is this message more likely to change? The mind of a Mexican, most of whom already eat, sleep, and breathe solidarity with “La Raza”? Or the mind of your average deracinated White American, who also gets to observe the contrast between Mexican solidarity and the corruption of his selfish, individualistic fellow Whites? Mexican solidarity needs no promoting. So the result of Machete might be a net increase in White solidarity.

At one point in the movie, one of Booth’s bodyguards remarks that it is strange that Americans allow Mexican gardeners and nannies in their homes when they don’t want them in their country. Makes you think, doesn’t it?

The same bodyguard speaks to Machete in Hungarian. He does not understand, of course. It points out the fact that all the other immigrant groups who came here learned English, so why don’t the Mexicans learn it too? Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Yes, Machete delivers a warning to Arizona and the rest of America, but not the one its director intended. Machete portrays Mexicans as profoundly alien and threatening. It shows that their racial solidarity gives them an advantage over Americans, whose selfish individualism brought them here and keeps them here even though they are destroying our society. It shows our leaders as corrupt, sociopathic race traitors.

The conclusion: If Whites are going to save our country, we must first develop racial solidarity, toss out our corrupt leaders, and reign in traitorous capitalists.


A comrade forwarded to me this email:


* * *

There have constant rumors that the U.S. Air Force has been in a state of near-mutiny, working behind the scenes to foil one or more additional “false flag attacks on the USA.

And weapons experts have examined the damage to the Pentagon and almost to a man concluded that the hole in the Pentagon could only have been caused by an Air Launched Cruise Missile. (Nope, you can’t stuff 200,000 lbs of airplane through a twelve-foot hole.)

Could this video be something leaked by USAF insiders to cast further light on the 911 attack? Is this a film/photo of the ALCM? Watch it, and decide for yourself. – T


Better watch this video quickly before they “pull it”.

I recommend downloading this and other important videos through a free online app at keepvidd.com
From there, you can download it as an MP4 or flash file, and then get a free flv or Quicktime player easily online. Then see the link below this forwarded link.
Subject: Important

ALCM in American Airlines Livery – Hope YOU caught it!

Re the “leaked” Pentagon clip I posted yesterday: I missed the pic of the ALCM (Air-Launched Cruise Missile), painted in full AA livery, being loaded onto a B-52. The first pic appears at the 0:38 mark, and the second, a lot more detailed, appears at 2:05.

I missed the first one, and, in haste, stopped watching when it got to the part about WTC Building Seven.

Thanks go out to a buddy in Thailand who just brought this to my attention.

I hang my head in shame for having been asleep at the wheel.

Folks, needless to say, this is HUGE.

“Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth” give you the cold, hard scientific facts by real experts. Intro by Ed Asner.

What strikes me is how many Jews are in it, starting with the neanderthalic-looking actor Ed Asner, getting in front of the camera to denounce the government’s version as a fraud.


Rats abandoning the sinking Zio-ship? Afraid that this time there really WILL be a Holocaust of the Jews for multiple mega-atrocities against the whole human race?


If a Jew wishes forgiveness, let him make effective amends (as did Alan Sabrosky and Gordon Duff, both part-Jews) and state OPENLY, as have many courageous non-Jews risking their careers and their lives, that ISRAHELL, the Jewish State, did 9/11!

No more bullcrap that the bankers or the oilmen did it, or Halliburton, or Cheney!

As with the JFK murder, only one group has the power to pull off 1) such an involved operation and 2) such a media-government coverup:


Ed Asner, fess up!

This is the video the Jews really fear…..filmed in August of 2010, and being used in the presidential video, part three:



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Now is the time to review your unfulfilling life, working for the Jew-Man….watching the clock tick toward your destruction…..storing up treasures on earth…. where moth and rust consume, and thieves break in at night…..
I need volunteers HERE for many things. We are almost ready to launch.


video editors,





self-defense instructors,




Prior military with good-conduct discharges…..

Will you work for food, joy, meaning, camaraderie, fun, and the salvation — not of all whites, for most do not deserve to survive and will not — but the survival of the truly worthy representatives of our race? The building of a mighty Solutrean Ryk?
Can you show good faith NOW by at least donating $10?

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]

Hitler said just before he died: “Das letzte Kapitel schreiben wir!” (“It is we who will write the last chapter!”)



(or solutrean1@hotmail.com)

Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


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