ENGLISH Ancient Aryans; a religion right for our race; the folk community feeling

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The mysterious battle of the alien spaceships over Germany in the 1500s; everyone in Nuremberg saw them fighting. The big black thing that looks like a kind of electric guitar or dagger was the mother ship for one side.

A mature (over-70) lady gets pulled over for speeding…
Older Woman: Is there a problem, Officer?
Officer: Ma’am, you were speeding.

Older Woman: Oh, I see.

Officer: Can I see your license, please?

Older Woman: I’d give it to you but I don’t have one.

Officer: Don’t have one?

Older Woman: Lost it, four years ago, for drunk driving.

Officer: I see…Can I see your vehicle registration papers, please.

Older Woman: I can’t do that.

Officer: Why not?

Older Woman: I stole this car.

Officer: Stole it?

Older Woman: Yes, and I killed and hacked up the owner.

Officer: You what!?

Older Woman: His body parts are in plastic bags in the trunk if you want to see….

The Officer looks at the woman and slowly backs away to his car and calls for back up. Within minutes five police cars circle the car. A senior
officer slowly approaches the car, clasping his half-drawn gun.

Officer 2: Ma’am, could you step out of your vehicle, please! The woman steps out of her vehicle.

Older woman: Is there a problem, sir?

Officer 2: One of my officers told me that you have stolen this car and murdered the owner.

Older Woman: Murdered the owner!?

Officer 2: Yes, could you please open the trunk of your car, please.

The woman opens the trunk, revealing nothing but an empty trunk.

Officer 2: Is this your car, ma’am?

Older Woman: Yes, here are the registration papers.

The officer is quite stunned.

Officer 2: One of my officers claims that you do not have a driving

The woman digs into her handbag and pulls out a clutch purse and hands it to the officer.

The officer examines the license. He looks quite puzzled.

Officer 2: Thank you ma’am. One of my officers told me you didn’t have a license, that you stole this car, and that you murdered and hacked up the owner.

Older Woman: Bet the liar told you I was speeding, too.


Many ancient peoples, white and non-white, believe there was a Golden Age when a higher race ruled this world and then after becoming wicked was destroyed. My spiritual video number nine  touches on this (https://johndenugent.com/pages/video_player_page11.htm).

Anyone who studies Puma Punku in Bolivia can only come away grasping this fact. (https://johndenugent.com/english/english-jewsmedia-dead-silent-on-loughner-jewishness-more-puma-punku-marvels and scroll down 40% to “PUMA PUNKU, MIRACLE CITY IN BOLIVIA OF VERY ANCIENT, ANCIENT ARYANS”)



How was it possible to build a city of granite in very ancient times when only a diamond (the hardest thing on earth) can cut granite (the second-hardest thing on earth)?

Canadian comrade T.A. Long at Puma Punku



It is one thing, like the Greeks, to cut something as SOFT as marble to make temples, or pour concrete like the Romans, but quite another to cut GRANITE. Note the crosses below, more proof the cross is a pre-Christian symbol. (The FISH was the true and original logo of Christianity.) The core beliefs of Christianity such as 1) God-versus-Devil, 2) the Messiah, 3) free will, and 4) the immortality of the soul, all come NOT from early judaism but instead from the Aryan religion of Zoroastrianism, which was spread throughout the whole Near East via the mighty Persian Empire.

Look at these huge, mysterious H letters, carved in granite….

A granite block. Even if someone put a gun to your head, how would YOU cut granite without a diamond-studded work tool?

T.A. Long and the veteran activist for white civil rights from Texas, Louis Beam. The two regularly visit South America to study the amazing achievements of the mysterious ancient Aryans.


And how did they quarry and move such stupendous blocks?

(The Incas tried and failed to copy this feat, even with 7,000 slaves, lacking their ancient technology. Despite popular misconceptions, Macchu Picchu was NOT built by the Incas at all, as they admitted themselves to the Spaniards. It was built by ancient Aryans. .

Nevertheless, I found both photos below at Bing Images under the IDIOTIC — or lying — title “Macchu Picchu, lost Inca city.” NO! It was PRE-Inca!! The Incas SAID that “a white people, like you Spaniards, but BLONDER, built these cities.”)


And without question a VIOLENT FLOOD destroyed Puma Punku (as in the Bible story)….sweeping aside 70-ton granite walls in an inundation pattern. The primitive local Indians could not even BUDGE these blocks. They had no horses and they never invented even the WHEEL.

I believe the Aryan race once lived at a very high level, until a divine judgment over their evil misuse of technology brought it down. It is even possible that whites are a result of an “Aryan alien”/primitive-human interaction.

The above is a woodcut depicting one of the most amazing UFO sightings. This happened in 1541, before we had planes or air balloons …

At dawn of April 4, in the sky over Nuremberg (Germany), a lot of men and women saw a very alarming spectacle where various objects were involved, including balls

“approximately 3 in a row from time to time, or four in a square, and between these balls, one saw a number of crosses of the color of blood. Then one saw two large pipes, in which there were small and large pipes, and three balls, also four or more. All these elements started to fight one against the other.” (Gazette of the town of Nuremberg).

Through a new movement, and the reincarnation of older souls, the Aryan race can, must and will be refounded on this earth. With both spirituality and the liberation of wonderful technologies on which the NWO is currently sitting, such as nearly free and very clean energy (as proved by Tesla’s amazing Wardenclyffe tower 1901-1917 out on Long Island, New York State (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wardenclyffe_Tower), which sent out free energy from the ionosphere ten miles under ground and lit up light bulbs way across town without any wires, plugs or cables whatsoever), this world can be safe, beautiful and progressing in every way, a near-paradise!

The Wardenclyffe tower of the great Slavic scientist and inventor, Nikola Tesla. The FBI (under the part-negro and homosexual J. Edgar Hoover, a close ally of both Franklin Roosevelt and later Lyndon Johnson, both crypto-Jews) raided his apartment as soon as he died and hauled away EVERYTHING. Tesla should havewon multiple Nobel Pruizes,; instead he died in near poverty, thanks to the Jews Rothschild and Rockefeller, who wanted the world to keep using OIL.

“It is not a dream, it is a simple feat of scientific electrical engineering, only expensive — blind, faint-hearted, doubting world! […] Humanity is not yet sufficiently advanced to be willingly led by the discoverer’s keen searching sense.

But who knows? Perhaps it is better in this present world of ours that a revolutionary idea or invention, instead of being helped and patted, be hampered and ill-treated in its adolescence — by want of means, by selfish interest, pedantry, stupidity and ignorance; that it be attacked and stifled; that it pass through bitter trials and tribulations, through the strife of commercial existence.

So do we get our light. So all that was great in the past was ridiculed, condemned, combatted, suppressed — only to emerge all the more powerfully, all the more triumphantly from the struggle.” – Nikola Tesla, “The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires as a Means for Furthering Peace,” Electrical World and Engineer, January 7, 1905.

=================LOVES THE WEBSITE

A Stormfront veteran wrote me:

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Greetings, John!

My name is Kathleen and I am of mostly Irish and some German blood. I have been lurking on your site for a while and I found every video and blog post of yours to be informative, interesting — and frightening, too.

It’s been three years since I have really opened my eyes and I am glad that I am no longer trapped in this jewish-created vortex of lies and other illusions.

Up until late 2008 I actually wasn’t sure what the Holocaust really was. All I knew was that at one point this man named Adolf H. was for some reason a bad guy. They started the holocaust brainwashing during my seventh-grade English class with their LONG lesson on Anne Frank. After the two-week lesson and an essay I believed in holocaustianity but I didn’t feel shame in having some German blood or for being white.

JdN: An Frank, whose wartime “diary” was partly written in ballpoint pen, which was unknown in Europe until the 1950s. Even a West German court ruled it was a hoax. Furthermore, Ann Frank was NOT “gassed,” though Jewish and kept in a concentration camp, but instead died of a camp-born disease in the overcrowded final conditions of the war as Germany was collapsing. This was precisely the cause of death which Holo revisionists have stated caused the mounds of corpses which Allied troops found.

JdN: Ann Frank, in a rather cute picture — perfect for triggering sympathy in gullible white school kids. How many white kids have perished in Jewmerica from drugs, suicide, from being volunteers in pointless Pentagon wars? How many have died died via lcohol-induced car wrecks, or gotten VD from sleeping around……. because they are so MISERABLE they have a death wish and are destroying themselves?

I believed at least that you should take pride in what you are regardless of what happened years and years ago.

I became somewhat fascinated with National Socialism even thought I didn’t fully understand what it was about. The fact that anything having to do with whites being proud of themselves was a taboo, a big no/no according to today’s mainstream culture, also got me wanting to go sniffing around at these nationalist sites, and so I did, also believing in having all sides of an argument presented and listened to.

I have came from Stormfront, finding your website there, and so far your website is the most appealing one to me. Since then I have been jew-wise.

Unfortunately my family refuses to hear the truth and I have grown frustrated with my family. My cousin has already had a mulatto baby with a black male. My mother tries to tell me to not worry about these things and that I am probably paranoid!


* * *

I replied:

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Dear Kathleen.

I am glad you like my site, which is really about religion and God, not race. We have become the Jews’ slave through our own corruptibility. Maggots thrive only where the body is already dead. The white race is effectively dead, a walking cadaver, a zombie whose brain has been eaten out.

My mission is to transmit a new and more convincing feeling of the reality of God, His love and His justice, and then, truly, truly FEARING Him, and seeing that each day and moment count, we will obey and do our iron-clad duty toward our Folk, now surrounded by enemies on all sides as well as corrupted within.

It was Islam that made the Arab nobodies into somebodies, and Solutreanism learns:

–from Islam’s worldly successes (while rejecting its teachings and values),

–and also from judaism (creating a powerful tribal unity and purpose),

–from mormonism (big families, work ethic and organized family meetings),

–from sikhism (a minority that became fierce, bearded, dagger-bearing warriors after being trampled down),

–and from the Jehovah’s Witnesses (training in how to preach door-to-door and make converts), and all other religions which dynamize their people.

When I look back at my over five years as a JW (1970-76), a sect which I left at age 21 when I got out on my own (and btw, it is hard emotionally to leave a cult where you have so many friends), I realize this was all training. We will not win this without God, and a religion right for our race. No book on the JEWS will turn whites into Aryans, only God and we ourselves.

A comrade wrote me recently:

Atheism is too selfish to save us, and “regular” Christianity (I keep hearing this nauseating “Remember, Jesus was a Jew!”) too selfLESS.

“Love thy enemies, Xtians, and roll over, submit to Yahweh’s will, and let them stomp on us.”

We must love our suffering people, see the greatness slumbering in them, and give absolutely everything to our resurrection.

This is the meaning of a touching video. Look especially at AH at the time frame 03:58-04:39, at the closeup of him, his face full of blood, words pouring from his heart, and examine with your own heart that face, glowing with sincere love for a people in whom he sensed infinite potential for greatness.


Compare that with the ludicrous video here, which nevertheless shows Hitler as an object of endless fascination to this very day (24 MILLION hits on this video! .. and are they because of fascination with “Darth Vader”?):



A distinguished British comrade wrote me:

Dear John,
What a fantastic start. Well done! I look forward to the finished piece.

Best regards,
Your friend

* * *

I replied:

Dear Andrew,

Coming from a fighter like you, this is a very meaningful and encouraging message.

Thank you, sir.


The month of May 2011 marked my thirty-third year in our cause. According to the Freemasons, 33 is the number of earthly mastery, so this is a good year for me to launch my movement. 😉

It was back in May 1978, while studying at Georgetown University and taking a course entitled “German Language and Society” that I came across some key passages from Mein Kampf about the Jews corrupting German society.


Hitler described the moral filth, pessimism and defeatism he saw in the Weimar Republic of 1919-32. It sounded exactly like America in the year 1978. He saw the weak politicians of Weimar and I saw the weak Jimmy Carter, the minority takeover of the German economy and media, and I saw the same in America.

When I walked in May 1978 into the tiny headquarters building of the National Socialist White People’s Party for the first time……


…..the tiny party founded by George Lincoln Rockwell, I felt no juvenile thrill like a skinhead to see swastikas, or these giant photos of Hitler and Rockwell on the wall:



I felt a black wave of ineffable sadness. I felt only futile nostalgia for something beautiful that had ended in unbearable tragedy, failure, rape, torture and death.

And though I came to get information, and it was all indeed factually enlightening, and it confirmed what I suspected — that the Jews had taken over MY America, the land of my forefathers since 1635 — I felt in my innermost core, down in my very being, that no return to the past could save us. What failed before could only fail again. In fact, it could not even get off the ground.

And though I wrote articles for the NSWPP’s paper, White Power, including one on the Spartans which caused the great Savitri Devi to express the desire to meet me (as part of a plan to visit America that was thwarted by her final illness, blindness and death), and I did humble things such as guard duty, and even did a uproar-causing demonstration with three other stormtroopers on the campus of my own university, which caused a sharp crisis in my military career and family life…..

….I realized that nothing the American national socialists were attempting to do for the awakening of the white masses, or through offshoot groups like that of Dr. William Pierce, could possibly ever WIN. The recent tragic case of attorney Edgar Steele, now railroaded with the help of a mostly white jury for the rest of his life into prison…..


..has furnished merely the umpteenth proof that we are getting nowhere. Even with the country now less than half white, as I have demonstrated in the spiritual video series, and the economy sagging and cracking, and with a terrifying bolshevik negro in the White House, the masses continue to be, as Eric Thomson accurately calls them, “materialistic fantasy addicts”: self-centered, escapist, morally numb and mentally dumb.

Worst of all is Christian Zionism, which has taken white conservatives, both down in the South and around the country, and made them into fanatical Israel-worshippers.

The most hate-filled glares I have ever gotten have not been from liberals or leftist, or even Jews, who seem to sort of admire me in the various street confrontations and verbal battles I have had with them…..


….. but from people of my own blood who worship the Jews. They look with their crazed blue eyes like they want to kill me with their bare hands. It is an Old Testament hate glowing in their eyes.

And they think the Jews, of all people, will protect Christianity, the Constitution, and family values! They are a vast zomby army, and literally demon-possessed. Even if Jesus preached “love thy enemy,” they are convinced that antisemites CANNOT be loved, or to anyone else the Jew aims them at like a cruise missile. They have been weaponized (to use a Pentagon term) to kill their own people.

In 1984 I also resigned from Dr. William Pierce’s crypto-national socialist organization. I was appalled that Pierce was an atheist and that after 15 years he had only 200 members, as he himself told me.

I realized that only a true Aryan world religion could save us, and that somehow I would have to be worthy to found it. Someday, I would have to heal from a horrific childhood, present then a perfect, spot-on message, and the masses also would have to be ready, or at least ten percent of them. I knew we would win with ten percent, if God is with us, for no one on the other side really loves this system that makes them miserable.

I heard a history professor at Georgetown once tell the class that the main reason the Roman Empire fell was that everyone was sick of it, its greed, taxes and cruelty, and when the so-called barbarians invaded, whether Germans or Huns, not one subject of the Roman Empire lifted a finger to defend Rome. And within 30 years of Christianity becoming the mandatory religion, and executing pagans (such as the beautiful female scholar Hypatia) the thousand-year-old Roman Republic and Empire fell with a mighty crash.

On the other hand, Islam provides a perfect example of how a weak people became powerful through a new religion that did motivate them.


I wrote to one of my generous donors:

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The onlookers, butt-scratchers, fence-straddlers and harsh critics of my path will really be in a bad way karmically…..I could not have made it more explicit that I am aiming to create an elite-led mass movement to win, and the videos show I can connect with the right people: sensible, patriotic, moderate conservatives who are already asking questions and searching for the answers.

I even tell the scaredy-cats that they can send me cash in a envelope with a fake address! How can they be rounded up that way? :-/ confused

I can and I do forgive them somewhat, however:

1) most of them are young and terrified souls, as we ourselves once were, and their self-centeredness is innocent, like that of a cat…. Cats are nice to look, and some are even friendly — if allowing oneself to be petted is “friendly” ;-) — but they are very much into themselves. There are humans out there, including many whites, who, when you make an appeal to ideals, to a grand mission surpassing themselves to save millions of lives, look at you with an uncomprehending stare, just exactly as a cat would.

“What? who, me? you expect me to make sacrifices or others? Why?”

They do not get it in a simple yet profound way.

They are simply animals with a large brain. They can drive a car, type on the Internet, paint a house and watch TV. But they are immune to any moral appeal.You can ONLY appeal to their self-interest to get anything out of them, what the Romans called a quid pro quo: “you give me something, and I will give you something back.” If you do something for me, I will do something for you. “Enlightened self-interest.” Or… I will do something for you to ingratiate myself with you so when down the road I need your help you will RECIPROCATE. And we both smile AT each other as we do our icy, calculating, selfish acts of mutual reciprocation….. That is what I saw every day during the decades I lived with the people of Washington, DC, human calculators. Friendly but not friends, networkers passing out business cards, seeking their benefit at all times. The white buildings of Washington are white tombs for dead souls.

I am thinking of an Ivy League graduate I know who is exactly like that, and innocently selfish. The brain on this animal is, however, very large….. ;-)

And this is why the Founding Fathers were against democracy. The majority are immune to any moral appeal. They will look out first and foremost for number one at all times. Like a cat. Because they are young souls, just a few lives removed from the animal stage, as Vedanta explains.

They are like the 1960s “Animals” song, sung by the neanderthalic Eric Burdon (and note the mounted-head trophy of a woman at the beginning!), and note he sings of taking what he wants with no regrets, squeezing the other person dry,” and “it is his life and he will do what he wants.”

Most so-called Americans today, and this bitter fact is true of much of humanity, descend from those who did nothing in our glorious Revolution, who did nothing for Washington and for his 6,000 starving men at Valley Forge when they were desperately short of everything……

Washington prays in the snow at Valley Forge. He barely averted a serious mutiny when food, pay, medicine and even shoes ran out due to lack of support from both the Congress and the “average American” whom he was seeking to free.

The arrival of Baron von Steuben at Valley Forge became a huge boost to morale. This Prussian officer came at his own expense from Germany to discipline and train the dispirited Americans, who had been little match for the trained (as well as brave) British soldiery until von Steuben began his iron training program. The baron did not even speak English! (He spoke in French to an American officer, who then translated his orders into English.) Washington, von Steuben, the Marquis de Lafayette — nature’s aristocrats, doing their duty and superbly, with almost no resources, regardless of the bloblike masses.

Baron von Steuben observes as a sergeant under his supervision teaches bayonet attacks. Rifles at that time could only fire one round per minute, and when troops clashed, the bayonets came out. It was man to man, steel to steel, up-close-and-personal. And the British foe was superbly trained and used to winning.

England’s last major defeat had been at the hands of the charismatic 19-year-old GIRL, Joan of Arc, over 300 years earlier, in the Hundred Years War with France. That one girl, guided by God, from Lorraine/Lothringen, the mixed-Germanic-French area in the east of what is now France, turned the tide, and went bravely to her fiery death after a bogus British trial in Rouen, Normandy — she was convicted of being a witch…… because she wore a man’s armor!….– rather than renounce her belief in her country and the angel who had guided her.

…..and so we must expect nothing from the descendants of those fake Americans today, from the majority of blob-brains and weak souls, especially not in the age of drugs, junk food that makes people fat, and excess body fat, which secretes estrogen, a female hormone, yes, even in men……. and the tv set is on seven hours a day, making people sit and sit and sit — and what is television but sitting and watching passively while others do things actively? You are being overfed, depressed, and trained to sit and watch as our world goes down, and your fat is making you feminine even if you are a man.
That is what the people who really run this country want, human blobs, willpower-deprived slaves to sex, food, entertainment and money, in effect hum-animals — not free and proud men and women who participate in their country’s destiny.

In fact, that lack of patriotism and courage in the majority was the overwhelming reason why the Founding Fathers in the 1770s wisely NEVER created a “democracy” for America at all, whatever propaganda you have been told.

But instead they launched, through a victorious war waged and won by a very elite few, a “constitutional republic” and in this constitutional republic, as in the very ancient Roman republic, only white male landowners could vote.

Why “white male landowners “? Are they angels? Hardly! It was solely because back then in the pioneer and colonial days there was no inherited wealth. They were all self-made men, successful at carving a business out of the wilderness from sweat, blood, muscle, hard work, and alert brains. They were gun-owners one and all, and they also were the sort of men who actually read something strange that existed back then called books, thick wads of paper filled with words and thoughts ;-) and they actually thought about things, not just watching the boob tube, or hanging out in bars, then called taverns, or sleeping their lives away, or looking at porn. That was an elite, they fought the Revolution, and they alone got the vote.

The Founding Fathers knew then what we see now, that ignorance and apathy rule the vast majority. In fact, the word “democracy” (meaning in Ancient Greek “the rule of the average people”) does not occur one single time in the 1,346 words of the Declaration of Independence….

… nor does the word “democracy” appear even once in the 4,427 words of the Constitution of the United States……

Thomas Jefferson objected sharply to the opening words “We the people” for three reasons:

1) the average “people” had done nothing for the Revolution over the seven-year course of the war, preferring slavery,

2) the goal of the United States was a meritocracy, a rule of the best, not a rule by the ignorant and apathetic (and speaking of ignorant, born-again Christian Zionist congresswoman Michele Bachmann, a quasi-presidential candidate, stated that the “shot heard around the world” of April 19, 1775 had been fired in New Hampshire [sic], not Concord, Massachusetts, and this utter BIMBO wants to be PRESIDENT!)
3) it was the SOVEREIGN STATES that created the federal government, not “THE PEEPLE,” and the states were to control America, not one centralized power! Jefferson wanted to Constitution to start with:

We, the states of South Carolina, North Carolina, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Virginia” etc.

The very wording “we the people” is a toxic unitary concept. One people = one central power.

This is why the federal government was to have NO taxing power and NO standing army; the states were to send it money and supply troops from state militias IF AMERICA WAS ATTACKED!)

If they had wanted central rule, why did they fight for seven years to get rid of the king we already had in London!

George III, puppet of the Jews and their Bank of England. During his terrible reign, marked first by the catastrophic loss of America, the Rothschilds completed the Jewish takeover of Britain, collapsing the London stock market in 1815 and buying up a third of the British economy in the wake of a false report they had deliberately spread, so as to cause panic and massive stock selling, claiming that Napoleon had won at Waterloo.

Why did we not just beg His Centralized Majesty to reform things?

The point was decentralization and rule by, not one psychopath run by the Jews, bur rule by the natural elite spread around America, an elite of character, education, self-made success and acts of valor, sacrifice and patriotism!

Those few who make all the sacrifices while others shirk, those elite few who show responsibility while others make transparent excuses, and that minority which act heroically while others look out for number one, worshiping in effect at the altar of themselves, seeing nothing sacred but their mouth, stomach and body parts further down ;-), those few and proud who make all the sacrifices — THEY are the citizens who deserve to rule us, not the 90% of humanity who always do nothing, not even when the evil is horrifying as it is now, growing as it is now, blatant and leading into a catastrophe for us all.

The excuse-makers plead to the active ones who have rolled up their sleeve: “I would join you, but I have to look out for my family.”

You have to look out for the nation in which your family lives, in which your family can be destroyed, and thus morally, you must join. You have this legal duty as a citizen. If you say you do not like Nazi Germany, where one man ruled, if you call yourself an American, then BE an active citizen, and no longer follow orders from your tv set, or fake president and a craven, intimidated, blackmailed, terrified, bought and paid-for Congress.

Look at the Congress grovel to this smirking, satanic creature Netanyahu…. exposing in action the demeaning democracy which the Founding Fathers opposed.

Looking at the vastness of our problems, it is clear that we must have a total renewal of our civilization on every level, for it is corrupt now on every single level there is.

The government must change, our banking and finance, the stressful and insulting working conditions, the Mexican takeover of our jobs and the Chinese takeover of our economy, and our religious faith must change so as to serve US. Family life must be saved and restored, and our media, education system and culture must serve us, not destroy us.
And for this we must have God. Those who see this as a struggle between white and dark animals will live, think, act and die as animals. And the brown animals will overwhelm them. The unspiritual whites all will die. In the end, the only whites left on earth will be Eternal Solutreans, strong through God dwelling in them and ruling above them in this, His universe, a vast realm of galaxies and light years where the Jews are mere bacteria and nothing.

There is an elite arising and forming, now, as during the American Revolution, and it will attract more and more dedicated and skilled supporters to demand and achieve the changes we need. This small elite, by growing in support, will achieve what science calls “critical mass,” and that term from science means attaining a level of energy at which very suddenly things flip over, and a tipping point is reached when things accelerate suddenly.

2) my book has been promised before and has not come out…because I just KNEW that no book would “cut it” and I had no staff for videos and no video camera, no lighting, nothing, no large presidential-looking desk, not even a truly quiet room of any size. (My previous “office” was a tiny sewing room, and my desk a sewing desk!)

In a German video, you can see me (after 04:40) at the sewing desk!

3) the masses (includiing run-of-the-mill WNs) are afraid to hope, lest their hopes be dashed and devastatingly let down.

But, undeterred, we got a 90-year-old secretary’s desk, two local comrades sanded it down, and Jason Salyers varnished it……

…and then we got a used huge monitor for teleprompting…..

SOME rack up good karma, and others prefer idiotically to buy silver, stock food and be survivalists, as if the government did not have their exact address, knowledge of their views, knowledge of their silver and gun purchases — PUTITNG THEM ON THE ARREST LIST — and a nice FEMA camp awaiting them!

What did it avail Edgar Steele to have $50,000 in silver, and food and guns!? He just let them drag him away, and now he is in the gulag for the rest of his life.

It was no different in 1920, comrades. But it will end differently, this time.

This little blondie, now ten, from Pittsburgh, sure melts my heart, and perhaps you have seen her video on my blog:


I have seen her being interviewed many times, even by the most hideous and fatuous jews and blacks, and this is unquestionably an old soul. Just her young body is new. ;) wink She is Ukrainian and German, with deep blue eyes like mine, and lives just ten miles from here with her intact family.

It is the old souls that show us what Aryans are.

When you watch the effusive raving over her by the jew Howie Mandel (his frizzy hair has now receded, I note, and he walks around these days with a shaved head) I know he is thinking: Would that we jews could ever produce a girl that looks and can sing like that!….. ;-)

(And just think that we now have a movie camera that can shoot footage as sharp as this broadcast of “America’s Got Talent” — in teevee quality!)

I want to tell each of you who gives how much your help and deep sacrifice means to Kampfmoral. The enemy has sharply stepped up disruptive activities, and I just had four large daggers to the heart, including two searing betrayals, but I pulled the blade out each time, wiped my own blood off it, and put it in my pocket, cleaned off by blood.

One thing that hurt me so much was that we just had to put down the dogs I have had for three years, Carmen and Spike. They got out the broken screen door and bit a neighbor they did not like, hostile to us all, and who seemed to them wrongly to be approaching the house. But I lacked $130 to replace that bent aluminum screen door, and so under state law I had to euthanize the dogs who were my loyal friends and loyal security as well.

with Spike

and her mother, Carmen

Ultimately, fellow old soul, we knew what we were getting into when we reincarnated now, at this terrible time. We knew the masses would be unteachable, and that includes most white nationalists. Only an elite would respond. So it has to be truly VERY elite, more than the SS of yore, and carry life and death on its few dozen shoulders for millions of young souls that are, yes, definitely good enough to save.

This speech by the very nordic John Kennedy (Norman on his mother’s side), with his ultimate murderer, the crypto-Jew Johnson visible and seated at his side, incarnates our soaring spirit in every way:

(It is all excellent, but esp. around 8:45-9:00)

Aristeueien, hypereikhon einai allon! As the Achaeans said: “Excel, and surpass all the others!”
As Kennedy defiantls proclaimed: “We choose to do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”

That is the brotherhood that we who are old souls embrace with solemn joy.


As usual, it is Europeans and other non-Americans who send contributions to our AMERICAN FREEDOM STRUGGLE. They understand that our white race will be saved if the superpower AMERICA changes.
What a shame that American WNs do not contribute…..to the salvation of their own country.

Contact the man the Jews and white psychopaths hate most….

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)Donations:

–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

–Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)

It was back in May 1978, while studying at Georgetown University and taking a course entitled “German language and Society” that I came across some key passages from Mein Kampf about the Jews corrupting German society.


Hitler described moral filth, pessimism and defeatism. It sounded exactly like America in the year 1978. The weak politicians of Weimar and the weak jimmy Carter, the minority takeover of the German economy and media, and the same in America.

When I walked in May 1978 into the tiny headquarters building of the National Socialist White People’s Party for the first time……


…..the tiny party founded by George Lincoln Rockwell, I felt no juvenile thrill like a skinhead to see swastikas, or these giant photos of Hitler and Rockwell on the wall:



I felt a black wave of ineffable sadness. I felt only futile nostalgia for something beautiful that ended in tragedy, failure, rape, torture and death.

And though I came to get information, and it was enlightening, and confirmed what I suspected — that the Jews had taken over America — I felt in my innermost core that no return to the past could save us. What failed before could only fail again. In fact, it could not even get off the ground.

And though I wrote articles for the NSWPP’s paper, White Power, including one on the Spartans which caused the great Savitri Devi to express the desire to meet me (as part of a plan to visit America that was thwarted by her final illness, blindness and death), and I did humble things such as guard duty, and even did a uproar-causing demonstration with three other stormtroopers on the campus of my own university, which caused a crisis in my military career and family life…..


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