ENGLISH Monomania of the neanderthals; Windover Pond Florida find — 178 skeletons of ancient Solutreans

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==============SOUTH AFRICAN JOKE

Before I repeat this joke, we need some intro. It is about the Zulu Jacob Zuma, who is now “president” of South Africa. We Americans (in our deliberately dumbed-down and numbed-down country) often have only the vaguest idea who the four million white Afrikaner people of South Africa are.

I did a blog about them the other day: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/09/05/english-white-afrikaners-now-6-percent-of-their-own-country-and-literally-starving/

Well, one of the AFRIKANERS is the worldwide movie star Charlize Theron. SHE is an Afrikaner! (About 80% of the whites in South Africa are Afrikaners; the other 20% are British or German.)


(Theron is a French Huguenot name, as with so many Afrikaners, such as the late true patriots Jaap Marais or Eugene Terre’Blanche.)

Here she is, in this YT video found below, in an interview about her movies, speaking in her native Afrikaans. Her interlocutor is a Belgian Flemish reporter speaking Dutch, a language somewhat similar to Afrikaans. He speaks in Dutch and Charlize answers in Afrikaans and they understand each other just fine. (Afrikaans is a very, very simplifed Dutch — a good thing 😉 — with many Low German and some French elements.)


Why is it the Dutch despise their own cousins, the Afrikaners? Because they have been Jew-infiltrated since 1492, when the expelled Spanish Jews left Spain for Holland?


And now on to Jacob Zuma, the Zulu who is president of the once white-ruled and well-run South Africa before the 1994 end of apartheid.

Like most negro politicians (and not a few white ones), he is an incompetent crook.

And now he is toying with a bill to END FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Mind you, the “new South Africa” already has a law against “hate-speech,” that is, whites criticizing the blacks robbing, murdering and raping them.

But the new bill would end all criticism of the government if it harms [sic] “the national interest” as determined by Zuma’s Cabinet ministers! Yes, just 16 years after the end of apartheid, South Africa is sliding into total typical African negritude.

Here is an article on the free-speech-killing bill from the prestigious Montreal Gazette (Montreal, Quebec’s English-language newspaper): http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Zuma+hard+down/3492647/story.html

As for this Zuma clown, a true national embarassment even for many blacks…

Here is Wiki’s article on this mortifying buffoon (and just imagine that YOU are a white South African of northern-European ancestry, raised from your childhhood to be efficient and honest, and this creature is your PRESIDENT!):



Zuma has faced significant legal challenges. He was charged with rape in 2005, but was acquitted. In addition, he fought a long legal battle over allegations of racketeering and corruption, resulting from his financial advisor Schabir Shaik’s conviction for corruption and fraud.

As per his autobiography JZ, as he is commonly referred to, received no formal schooling.

Zuma engaged in politics at an early age and joined the African National Congress in 1959. He became an active member of Umkhonto we Sizwe in 1962, following the banning of the ANC in 1961. He joined the South African Communist Party (SACP) in 1963.[9] In 1963, he was arrested with a group of 45 recruits near Zeerust in the western Transvaal, currently part of the North West Province. Convicted of conspiring to overthrow the Apartheid government which was led by white minorities, he was sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment, which he served on Robben Island with Nelson Mandela and other notable ANC leaders who were also imprisoned there.

One of the three Mrs. Zumas with Michelle and Barry Soetoro (pseudonym “Obama”) and JZ in Jew York….

According to The Guardian and The New York Times, he has spoken of redistribution of wealth, and he has allied himself with socialists and communists that seek to redistribute wealth.[25][26] But The Guardian (UK) also reported that Zuma has tried “to reassure foreign investors [ = WALL STREET JEWS] their interests will be protected.”

In December 2005, Zuma was charged with raping a 31 year old woman at his home in Forest Town, Johannesburg. The alleged victim was from a prominent ANC family, the daughter of a deceased struggle comrade of Zuma, and also an AIDS activist who was known to be HIV positive. Zuma denied the charges and claimed that the sex was consensual.

Even before charges were filed, as rumors about rape accusations [JDN: THAT HE RAPED THE DAUGHTER OF A BLACK FRIEND] surfaced later in November [2005] Zuma’s political prospects began to appear to take a turn for the worse. Most of his higher-level political supporters could not respond to these new charges the way they had the corruption charges.

In a hearing prior to the rape trial, a group of thousands of his supporters gathered near the courthouse, as a smaller gathering of anti-rape groups demonstrated on behalf of the alleged rape victim.[52] As he did throughout the trial, Zuma sang Lethu Mshini Wami (“Bring me my machine gun”) with the crowd, and ANC Youth League and Communist Party Youth League spokesmen spoke in support of Zuma.[53]

The trial also generated political controversy when Zuma, who at the time headed the National AIDS Council, admitted that he had not used a condom when having sex with the woman who now accuses him of rape, despite knowing that she was HIV-positive. He stated in court that he took a shower afterwards to “cut the risk of contracting HIV”. This statement was condemned by the judge, health experts, and AIDS activists. The popular South African comic strip, Madam & Eve, and well known political cartoonist, Zapiro, repeatedly lampooned the matter.


Personal life

Jacob Zuma is a polygamist, has been married five times,[67][68] and has 20 children.[69][70]

1. Gertrude Sizakele Khumalo, whom he met in 1959 and married shortly after his release from prison in 1973.[71] She lives at his home at Nkandla, KwaZulu-Natal. They have no children.
2. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, a cabinet minister since 1999, with whom he had four children, Msholozi (born 1982), Gugulethu (born 1985), Thuli (Nokuthula Nomaqhawe) (born 1987) and Thuthu (Thuthukile Xolile Nomonde) (born 1988). They divorced in June 1998.[72]
3. Kate Mantsho, from Mozambique, with whom he had five children, Mxolisi Saady (born 1980), twins Duduzile and Duduzane (born 1984), Phumzile (born 1989) and Vusi (born 1993). She committed suicide on 8 December 2000.[72]
4. Nompumelelo Ntuli (MaNtuli), married on 8 January 2008. Ntuli, born 1975, is a resident of KwaMaphumulo near Stanger and has three children with Zuma—Thandisiwe, born 2002, Sinqobile, born February 2006 and Manqoba Kholwani born August 2010.[72]
5. Thobeka Stacie Madiba (born Mabhija, her mother’s name), married 4 January 2010 with whom he has one child.[73] Zuma paid lobola to her clan in 2007. Their child was born in October 2007. She has another of Zuma’s out-of-wedlock children living with her.[73] Mabhija grew up in Umlazi, where she matriculated at Umlazi Commercial High School. She has worked at Standard Bank, Ithala, Cell C and SA Homeloans in La Lucia.[74][75][76]


1. Zuma paid 10 cattle as lobola for Swazi Princess Sebentile Dlamini in 2002.[77]
2. Lobola has been paid for Gloria Bongekile Ngema, with whom he has a son (born 2005),[78][79] with another on the way.[80] The wedding is set for December 2010[80]

Other children

* He has another son, Edward, with Minah Shongwe, sister of Judge Jeremiah Shongwe, who asked to be recused from Zuma’s rape trial because of the liaison.[81]
* He has two daughters, born January 18, 1998 and September 19, 2002, with Pietermaritzburg businesswoman Priscilla Nonkwaleko Mhlongo.[82]
* There are reports of four other children – three from a woman from Johannesburg and one from a woman from Richard’s Bay.[73]

2009 ‘love-child’

In January 2010 The Sunday Times reported that Sonono Khoza, the daughter of Irvin Khoza, gave birth to Zuma’s 20th child on October 8, 2009, a daughter called Thandekile Matina Zuma.[69][83]

* Zuma reaction

o On February 3, Zuma responded, confirming that the child was his, and that he had paid inhlawulo, acknowledging paternity. He protested the publishing of the child’s name, saying it was illegal exploitation of the child. He denied that the incident had relevance to the government’s AIDS programme, and appealed for privacy.[84] On February 6, Zuma said he “deeply regretted the pain that he caused to his family, the ANC, the alliance and South Africans in general”.[85]

….Alright, now, and so here it is, the joke. 😉 It is a supposed letter to a newspaper’s love-advice column:

Dear Sis Dolly

I am a very charming man in his late 60s and married with 3 wives & have 20 kids. My recent child is from a relationship with a 39-year-old super-hot and gorgeous woman. We are very compatible and I think she is the “special one” but there is one challenge i.e. she happened to be a daughter to a friend of mine — but I would like to wed her too!

However, I don’t want to be the cause of any beef between me and my friend. Please help.

eNkandla [a location]

Response from [the love columnist] Dolly:

“Voetsek Zuma, I know it’s you!”

I wonder what the president of China is thinking.…..

And this is what four million white South Africans deal with…..under black-majority rule


I lived in suburban Atlanta, Georgia (“the city too busy to hate”) in 1990-1991, near Norcross. Back then the negroes and Jews were foamng at the mouth because Forsyth County, Georgia was “still all-white,” as it had been since the 1920s, when in the wake of a negro murder, the whites drove every last negro out of the county. (The county, now full of affluent white-flight yuppies who swear they ain’t racist, is still 95% white.)

Well, now “times have changed” and we have a normal mixed-race, black-killing-white situation in Forsyth County (pronounced “fur-SCYTHE”):



Forsyth County, which used to be so all-white and thus safe.

“David Casto, a 37-year-old [WHITE] security guard from Winder, was disarmed before being shot in the head, authorities said.”



AND A BLACK EMPLOYEE (“Sharod Johnson”….actually a high-yellow mulatto] LET THE ROBBER-MURDERERS INTO THE BACK OF THE STORE….

You Jews at the Atlantic-Journal Constitution, YOU who demonized Forsyth County in the 1980s when it was all-white, YOU are responsible for this murder.



From this you can see that the System is not pro-black, or pro-anyone — except the Jews who run it FOR THEIR OWN BENEFIT.
===================GREAT DIXIE MUSIC VIDEO!!



The “Jewish process” seeks, in true neander style, not the finite, the moderate, or the reasonable, but the INFINITE, with all that implies.

Hans Schmidt of the Waffen-SS once said to me around 1986, as we had lunch in a nice cafeteria-style restaurant in downtown DC:

The late Hans Schmidt of the Adolf Hitler division of the Waffen-SS

You know, John, the Jews could have had it made. They are two percent of the population, yet they are fabulously rich, they are powerful and no one persecutes them here.

But you know vhat? hZat is not enough for them. They want to have it all.

Zey will push zeir luck wiss ze American people until once again it breaks.

Zeir greedt is infinite.”

As Maurice Samuel wrote in You Gentiles:

Monotheism is a desperate and overwhelming creed. It can be the expression of none but the most serious natures. It is a fundamental creed which engulfs individual and mass in an unfathomable sea of unity. In monotheism there is no room left of individual prides and distinctions, no room for joyful assertiveness. Monotheism means infinite absolutism, the crushing triumph of the One and the crushing annihilation of the ones.
We Jews are incapable of polytheism. You gentiles are incapable of monotheism.
The universal aspect of divinity, its attributes of infinity and eternity, its omnipotence – these find only your formal acknowledgment; but emotionally you are unfitted to give them true acknowledgment of complete and almost incoherent abasement. That language is alien to your spirit – the terror of the infinite cannot touch you, the eternal you know as it were by symbol and formula – but not by horrified experience.
So your gods, too, are playthings, higher powers in the tempestuous game of life. All your mythologies were tales of adventure – for your very gods are not serious. And most fascinating are the tales of those gods which you fashioned when your first brilliant blossoming in Greece started out of your turbulent soil. Who could conceive the mythology of Greece as a product of the Jewish people? That grace, that sunny charm, that adventurousness, that quarrelsomeness – could gods like these ever have sprung from us?

And Dr. Revilo P. Oliver in America’s Decline, further quoting Samuel wrote:

As Samuel says,

“The feeling in the Jew, even in a free-thinking Jew like myself, is that to be one with his people is to be thereby admitted to the power of enjoying the infinite“.

[Note 97 in America’s Decline: my emphasis. This feeling is implicit in practically every Jewish composition that is not produced merely to befuddle goyim – and even creeps, unperceived by the authors, into many that are.] You may be, as I am, unable to comprehend such a feeling, but do not be so foolish as to ignore it or to underestimate its power in history or the world today.


Well, that is quite an admission, after Carter assured us that Begin, and Clinton that Barak, and Bush that Sharon, and Obama that Netanyahu — were “men of peace.”

But why want “peace” when you can have “world conquest”?

Menachem Begin, in Hebrew, in the Knesset in 1983:

“Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.”

And when this narcissistic, psychopathic group pushes its luck, its hubris, then the masses and the gods turn on them, the ancient Hellenes taught.

Yeah, Barry, my n—, the whole country DO think you a dawg now…

Look at this week’s cover on Newsweek, which amounts to this: evybody hate you, Barack……lef’, raaaight, aan’ centah… you done united de country…. that you gotta go.

Many comrades said to me in 2007, 20098 and 2009 I should start my Solutrean movement right away, and I wanted to do so. But another instinct said — especially after Obama soared in the polls in 2007-2008………

Look at this ecstatic ninny screaming when he was campaigning in 2008 at Rhode Island College, Providence, RI, on March 1, 2008 …

He didn’t even have to salute the American flag while running for president….the man anointed by ZOG….

…then six weeks after his inauguration, and just two days before this photo, this illegal alien ordered my personal assistant, the absolutely genuine political asylum applicant Henrik Holappa, an opponent of muslim gang rape, abducted (he spent 86 days in solitary on “overstaying his visa” — NOT — and then was expelled back to Finland: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/henrik-holappa/)….

….I realized from Obama’s initial popularity that timing is everything.

Let Obama self-destruct first.

Adolf Hitler started his political party in 1920. He ran for president for the first time in 1932………after a twelve-year wait, WAITING while he stayed very busy, organizing and writing, waiting for things to get soooooo baaaaad that the masses would awaken. And it worked: He came to power in January 1933. Nobody was tired of him. He was a fresh face.


===================FLORIDA’S 176 WHITE SOLUTREANS

This is absolutely HUGE….and it guts the wimp-out of Dr Dennis Stanford of the Smithsonian who under (doubtless Jewish) pressure, and as an obedient fed-government employee, came up with the lame reasoning (at least so far without openly condemning either me or Solutrean-novelist Kyle Bristow) that “we don’t even know if the Solutreans of the Ice Age (22,000-17,000 BC) left any descendants at all among modern Europeans…..”
Well, it seems they sure still had descendants in 5000 BC in Florida!

Back in 1984, a building contractor working near Windover Pond in the area of Titusville, Florida came upon NEARLY TWO HUNDRED well-preserved ANCIENT skeletons and bodies! They had been buried at the bottom of a pond and the pond bottom had become peat, which as elsewhere in the world preserved their bodies in the most amazing manner.

178 bodies in the peat, from 5000 BC, WHITE, some with intact brains! Near Cape Canaveral!

And they sat on the DNA testing of who they were until recently!

Look from the time from 6:20 to the end of this video!

Here is the expert:
* * *

Prof Joseph Lorenz

Department of Anthropology

Central Washington University (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Washington_University)

(509) 963-3448 (office)


(Maybe soon he will be selling bags of oranges at the interstate off-ramp, fired for telling the truth that these skeletons are of EUROPEANS FROM 5000 BC 😉 )

* * *

Cape Canaveral is just to the east (see lower right of the map below) — and Orlando is about due west…. (Vero Beach, where my folks live, has a major find as well, including human bones and woolly mammoths. Yes, from snowy southern Florida……)


Liftoff at Cape Canaveral. I saw fairly close-up (from the causeway to Cape Canaveral) the Hubble telescope (http://hubblesite.org/) lift off with the shuttle back in 1990. The same gene and gift for innovation allowed the Florida Solutreans to do advanced textile weaving back in 5000 BC.

* * *

As Hungarian-American George Kadar, a contributing editor (especially on “ancient white Americans”) to The Barnes Review magazine wrote me (slightly edited):

* * *

Needless to say, the Eestablishment boys are freaking out and after realizing that further excavation cannot be avoided they are sending in their best-paid prominent character, Glen H. Doran, to do the damage control for them.


Doran was the one who was (mis)managing the extremely important recoveries at Windover, Florida.

A whopping 168 fully preserved skeletons under water, soft tissue of the brains still in the skulls in most cases, aged 7,000 to 8,000 years!

Doran simply refused to do the DNA tests or to take a stand on the racial characteristics of the Windover group!!!

Even average people know who belongs to what race — just by looking at an individual — and a physical anthropologist knows the same by looking at the skull.

A simple visual examination by an expert in physical anthropology, especially of such a large number of skulls, would be enough to do a racial classification immediately.

JdN: Sitting Bull’s skull would obvously differ greatly from that of the all-white and mostly Nordic British gymnastic group “Spellbound” (below)

Naturally a racial classification also could be supported even further by detailed physical measurements of the skulls, to confirm what a simple “eye-balling” (visual inspection) would show.

It is obvious that they were not mongoloid.

If they were, Doran would have happily stated that




A pathological self-hating white, an Irish leftist, and “Brayton,” a closet jew, continue to vociferate against me (here: http://scienceblogs.com/dispatches/2010/09/the_discovery_channel_and_the.php). I use this to state some of my key positions:

* * *

I hope that “MacTurk” (what an interesting name for a white man, “MacTurk”….rather openly a race renegade, I should say — why DO you call yourself Mac”Turk”?? ), I hope that he DOES post our correspondence. And the following as well! While it may cause you lefties to foam at the mouth more, it will mobilize my own target demographic even more.

MacTURK (again, strange name for a supposed Irishman) favors more Third World immigration to Eire, my ancestral country, which translates directly into what we see Europe-wide: muslim gang rapists entering Ireland.

(Be sure you include the WHOLE correspondence, MacTURK, with corroborating links. I have copies of it all to keep you honest, if that is even possible.)

And how do you counter this?


And this traitor takes no responsibilty for the horrendous result, muslim gang rapists doing what comes natural, gang-raping white women. (Any woman who does not convert to Islam is automatically a sex slave, says the Koran. THIS is why conquered populations converted quickly to Islam after the 600s AD! Any non-muslim could be enslaved! Go ahead, DENY IT!

And btw, why do you lefties favor muzzie immigration, which in its medieval and misogynistic attitudes contradicts everything you stand for? Hmmmmm? I know why — the Jews who are manipulating you want to use these aggressive, dark-gene hordes to thereby destroy the white indigenous peoples. and their genes. Yet in Israel intermarriage (with ANY non-Jews) is prohibited by Israeli law! Go ahead and deny it, Brayton! Will you CONDEMN Israeli bans on intermarriage?)

(And remember, MacTurk, to publish this correspondence as well, the followup to ours. It will go up on MY blog.)

Ireland is experiencing a crime wave, like the rest of Europe, from your beloved women-hating muslim immigrants. And, psychopathic hypocrite that you are, MacTURK, you are just fine with that ocean of women’s tears and the blood on your hands, like all self-righteous liberals.

The main thing for you leftopaths is that you FEEL yourselves compassionate, and you FEEL sneeringly superior and look your noses down on “heartless rightwingers.” You are on a nauseating liberal trip of moral arrogance, and damn the consequences for ordinary people. Don’t tell me how you CARE about the little people! They are being raped, robbed and killed! The results of your policies are proven tragedy.

America also, like Eire for the last decade, was not engulfed by crime until YOU liberals took over completely in the 1960s. Now look at the mess YOU have created. But it’s allll gooood… as long as you can FEEL the moral superiority, your addictive mind drug. You are junkies on hypocritical moral snobbery, on that, and on sicko, masochistic white self-hatred. Jews talk about “self-hating Jews.” Well, look in the mirror and see a “self-hating white.”

“Here, muzzie, rape my sister to make up for white oppression!”

(Oh, please DO publish this far and wide on the Net….MacTURK. In fact, hand it out on the streets of Dublin, Delvin or anywhere in Eire — or Ulster, too. I’ll get even more hits on my blog.)

I remember a fat cow waddling out of the voting booth in Iowa in fall 2007 after voting for Barack Insane Obongo and saying:

“I just voted for Barack Obama because I like the way he makes me FEEL about America and the way he makes me FEEL about MYSELF.” (On ABC News)



By the way, “Brayton,” you did not come out of your faux-goy closet, COME CLEAN, and deny directly you are a Jew despite your “Breton-Brayton” story.

I am of pure British-Isles stock, I HAVE GROWN UP WITH THIS BREED, and you with your wide mug do NOT have a narrow, British-Isles face. You are at least in part an Ashkenazi Jew, no matter what you lyingly claim, and a typical dissembling Hebrew to boot.

“Ed Brayton,” who implies he is a “Breton”….

And your suffisant, arrogant expression and leftie blog just add to the indications pointing to what I say. I have pretty good “jewdar” after 32 years of dealing with your sorry ilk, and after a childhood growing up around Jews on the East Side of Providence, RI. And as I stated above, I know an Anglo and an Irish face, too, at 20 paces. Those are MY ethnic people — and you are NOT.

Now read my blog today, and bray and wail about 178 WHITE skeletons, DNA-tested, from 5000 BC found in Florida. Read it and weep, hate-filled leftopaths. Because the “advanced Native Americans” down there in Florida with their advanced textiles and other technology in 5000 BC had European DNA.

(It is the FINAL item here: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/09/08/english-monomania-of-the-neanderthals-windover-pond-florida-finds-178-skeletons-of-ancient-solutreans/)

I suppose Dr Lorenz will be out selling oranges along the freeway pretty soon now that he has come out and confirmed genetically the Solutrean hypothesis. You lefties will surely get him fired or make him pipe waaaaaay down.

And then you turn around and condemn the nazis ….. for “intolerance.” Pharisaic, hate-mongering, truth-suppressing hypocrites…. If you could, I am sure you would destroy all 178 white skeletons.

We whites are the Native Americans. Get used to it. The science is with us, and it has been for decades, since James Adovasio in the early 1970s at Meadowcroft Rock Shelter.

And long after the Solutrean Age (22,000 BC to 17,000 BC) whites were still flourishing in North America, as here in Florida in 5000 BC. (Dr Dennis Stanford, take note.)

And we will CONTINUE to live in our sacred native continent of North America. We will reclaim ALL our sacred white lands around the world.

Brayton, go back to Khazaria with your Ashkenazim. and MacTurk, join your Turks. You are found out.


I have now gotten two notices that my site is now a “hate site” and government computers block it.





I replied:

Yes, they do fear me and my message. And they should.

* * *

I wrote a leftist:

* * *

Were I, as you cliam, a “laughing stock,” then you, an intelligent man, would not be writing me voluminously. [four times so far]

No comment on the Brussels website about the wave of muslim gang rapes?

It is because I am a decent person and I care, that I write the truth. I was a liberal at heart as a kid. I still am as an adult. I am now a compassionate, real-world liberal, a white preservationist.

Think about the real-world effects of your views on the common white people.

And I will be hated in the future but I think I will be respected by many too, and more feared than laughed at by my enemies. I am not perfect — but I am absolutely sincere and serious, and certain that what amounts to a gradual white genocide is occurring.

And we are recessive genetically. Never forget that. Those beautiful Irish blue eyes (do you have them?) and also the peaches-and-cream complexion are recessive. That look is recessive. Our heritage is recessive. Only special measures of protection will keep them. Because our race is RECESSIVE.

I am yin and yet also I am yang. YOU and others will find that out. And you say you are laughing and my prose is turgid, but neither is true. And, LOL, I graduated magna cum laude from Georgetown; you are the only person on planet earth who has ever claimed I was a bad writer.

If there is any borderline decency in you, if you are a sincere liberal and not a hate-mongering leftist, just keep reading. It may start making sense.




John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road

Sarver PA 16055

The German comrades are noticing too….

Views on a German website of my article “The Great Patents Heist” (https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/08/18/english-the-great-patents-heist-my-most-popular-article/) in German (Der grosse Patentraub) (https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/08/18/german-der-grosse-patentraub-mein-beliebtester-artikel/)

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