ENGLISH Amazing accents; the Normans — England’s curse and blessing

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Amazing gal — English accents from across the globe…..

I am filming a “killer” video now, editing it with iMovies, on God. White people will lose their fear of death after this; they will fear only LIVING with dishonor.  They will have no hesitation whatsoever to do whatever is necessary for victory.

A government asset in the revisionist movement, who is sitting on five houses and never helps anyone else, recently launched a new attack on me as a “mentally ill con man.”

LOL — I should buy the book “Con Man for Dummies” at Barnes & Noble and learn why I, unlike other conmen, have never become rich…. I am living in a motel.

I will complete my video series, launch this movement and then there will be consequences. One person found that out in June, and now he is quiet.

I am not quiet, just biding my time.

Lawyer Edgar Steele, on whose radio show I appeared in 2009, just got 50 years in prison on a trumped-up fedzilla charge. My fellow former Marine Shaun Walker got six years for a barfight. My friend Vincent Reynouard in France got a year — and his wife left him, denying him contact with his eight kids, whom I well know he loved very, very dearly. My friend Horst Mahler got 13 years. My assistant Henrik Holappa got 87 days in solitary and was expelled from America.

I am not in this for money, fame, power for its own sake, or any earthly lust. There is no earthly pleasure that can outweigh the perpetual stress of being a targeted white civil rights worker.

Filming the God video in Freeport, Pa. and editing it with iMovies. Jews, I think you are doing focus groups on my videos and the favorable reaction by the white public scares you, doesn’t it?  The fact is, Jews, a true Aryan can outthink any Jew. You always trip yourselves up, blinded by your arrogance and insane greed, and history repeats itself.


================SEEKING THE MAGIC HERO

I got a sarcastic email from a supporter who means well and has sent some small amount of money and other useful things, but lashes out when frustrated. I replied:

* * *

Sorry, but your notions are a bit romantic, comrade, about both people and politics.

Remember that Adolf Hitler was ignored and bashed too by the other “leaders.”

Adolf in 1916

He got 2.6 % of the vote in 1928 after eight years of work.

WNs dream that “if only we had a Hitler today…” Well, suppose they did? In reality, they would reject him as the vast majority of German antisemites rejected Hitler. (In fact, the whole country was somewhat antisemitic and yet it rejected Hitler!)

Both the WNs and the general population scorned Hitler in 1928. He was very well known after the 1923 putsch attempt — which he botched by naively — blue-eyedly — letting his enemies leave captivity, the very ones he had just overthrown, on their word of honor to not oppose him!!!). And the masses ignored Hitler as an odd, funny little man with a strange mustache throughout the entire decade of the 1920s.

Hitler’s MISERABLE AND DISHEARTENING election result in 1928 — TWO-POINT-SIX PERCENT! — clearly proved that he was not attracting the masses. Yes, the GREAT HITLER was at that time a DOUBLE FAILURE.

In fact, Chancellor von Paper wanted Hitler made chancellor expecting he would make a fool of himself in office and thus German politics would be rid of their rival for good.

A NSDAP meeting just before the 1923 putsch in the famous Bürgerbraukeller. Hyper-inflation then wracked the country. In the putsch of November 9 at 8:30 pm, Hitler arrested the Bavarian goverment leaders, but released them, and failed to secure the telephone network and the railroad stations. As a result, a whopping 16 followers were killed in the abortive coup; Hitler was shot (as was Goering) but survived. He was released after 14 months in prison but was banned from public speaking for four years (until 1927) and from even visiting Prussia (which was most of northern Germany and the location of the capital, Berlin) until 1928, five long years later. But his pure motives, energy, courage and charisma were recognized by the court and public.

Yes, the 1928 election result — 2.6% for the Hitler Party — reflected how SURE people were that Hitler was a NUT!

And the Second Book, written in 1928 after the debacle, reflected Hitler’s intense frustration at his lack of support. (He wrote it partly because he was being accused of being an agent of Mussolini for abandoning the South Tyrol issue, just as I am accused of all sorts of defamatory things.)

ONLY the Great Depression and the terrifying rise of the German Communist Party (remember, the USSR, SLAUGHTERING MILLIONS IN THE GULAG, was right next door to German East Prussia) forced the Hitler-ridiculers to fall in step with the NSDAP and cast aside their doubts and excuses.

Well, “if only we had a George Washington” ….Washington won only three of the seven major battles he was in — where he actually fought the British at all, for mostly he spent his time literally retreating from them, and writing letters to Congress and various state legislatures begging for funds so his troops did not desert..


He did not “win” the climactic battle at Yorktown — the French fleet offshore crushed the British fleet at the (naval) Battle of the Virginia Capes on September 5, 1781 (yes, the French do sometimes beat the British, even AT SEA, and they beat them in the Hundred Years War too….led by a 19-year-old named Joan….)

Then French troops, plus the Prussian volunteer general, Baron von Steuben, and the French volunteer general, the Marquis de Lafayette, sealed the deal. Once the British fleet had fled, the British forces were afraid of being bombarded to death BY THE FRENCH FLEET, cooped up as the “Redcoats” were by the French and American land forces. (On this map, the French are on the left and the americans center and right. The British are cornered, and the French fleet is to their back.)

Washington modestly asked that General Richard Butler or one of his five sons accept British commander Lord Cornwallis’ sword. (Butler, PA., right up the road from us, is named after Butler, another Norman, who tragically was killed and scalped ten years later fighting the Indians in Ohio. Almost all the 600 American soldiers he led into an ambush were killed. It was a far greater disaster than Custer’s Last Stand at Little Big Horn.)

Well, “if we only had a Thomas Jefferson…” I love TJ, but this fine man also had sex with another man’s wife (which he admitted, bravely enough — yet if I admit things I am told I am “saying way too much“)…. and was so incompetent as governor of Virginia during the British invasion that he left Virginia politics for good after his one term, and only ran after that for the presidency of the US, based solely on his national fame — as the composer of the Declaration of Independence and ambassador to France at a critical time. (In fact, he was in France while the Constitution was being written and had no part in it, unfortunately. He would definitely have strengthened states’ rights and gun rights even more.)

In sum, failing to support a person of great potential is what most people do — and most WNs as well.

And remember, out of the three million people in the American colonies in 1777, exactly six thousand were with George Washington in that terrible winter of 1776-77 at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

The vast majority of us are the spiritual descendants of those 2,994,000. Generous to a fault with the critique. 😉

The great men of history are not out for applause; they are on a mission. They just appreciate the support if and when it comes. What others do is THEIR karma…. often very bad karma.


An English comrade of Anglo-Saxon ancestry wrote me:

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It was a few weeks ago when you sent me the PDF regarding the Norman invasion, occupation, genocide and transformation of Anglo-Saxon England (Normans Nov 18 09 to friends — the short version of this is below) and I thought I would thank you very much for doing so. The article was well written and, most importantly, balanced.

From reading the pdf I can tell that you feel empathy with what happened to our Saxon ancestors, I know you carry the name of a Norman but no doubt you are of Saxon blood. And as you said the Normans had Viking blood who settled in England during various invasions and in fact the original Germanic tribes that invaded England were from a similar area anyway.

I was pleased to see you mention the Jews who did indeed first settle in England in 1066. I was also shocked to discover the death toll of the “Harrowing of the North” could be as high as 100,000. This I found truly shocking.

* * *
I replied:

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I can say this about the Normans from whom I descend on both sides (Nugent and Angell):

All societies are ruled by psychopaths today, as my (I believe) extremely important article here shows: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/psychopaths-in-power

And…well, it ain’t much — but it might as well then be a Nordic Viking psychopath! 😉

If societies are ruled, on the other hand, by black psychopaths, or mexican or chinese, then the result is a very stagnant society indeed. (China prospers only by MASSIVELY stealing white ideas in every domain.)

Through eugenics we can exclude these psychopathic genes from the British and other white gene pools.

(Btw, psychopathy runs through the mother….and interestingly, juish ancestry is counted only through the mother………………..And now you know, as radio host Paul Harvey used to say, THE REST OF THE STORY.)

We can restore the English-speaking white peoples to all their former greatness — by eugenics and Solutreanism.

Here now is the pdf of The Normans — England’s Blessing and Curse:

CLICK HERE: Normans Nov 18 09 to friends (1.7 meg upload but with typos)

CLICK HERE: NORMANS – Dec 12 2009 (10 meg upload and nearly ready for publication. The final version is being prepared now, but I’d really appreciate your feedback on the content before I finalize it.)

There are very important ideas in here and I hope you enjoy the read. Thank you, comrades! These key ideas are at the core of Solutreanism.

(From a scan of a jocular book on the Brits by a Brit. Note the blond hunter finishing his tea before finishing the elephant.)

=========The Normans — England’s curse and blessing

It has been nearly 1,000 years now since anyone, with open military force, successfully conquered the English, a fierce and resolute mixture of Germanic whites (with a dash of Kelts and pre-Indo-Europeans). The Spanish Armada, Napoleon and Hitler all failed to defeat “the Sceptered Isle.”

But back in1066, Old French-speaking Vikings called Normans (from the Scandinavian word for “Northmen”) slew the English nobility and their common soldiers at Hastings, just days after the exhausted and valiant English army had rushed south from defeating an invasion by Danish Vikings in northern England at Stamford Bridge.


Hastings was the catastrophic end of Anglo-Saxon England—of its original language, its purely Germanic culture, and its semi-isolation from the troubles of the European continent and of the world. Ever since that October day in 1066, Normans and the Jewish immigrants they brought in have played a large role in England’s leadership. As a blessing or a curse?

Of Norman ancestry myself, I decided to tackle this thorny question.

The Norman Castle Nugent or Castle Delvin, in County Westmeath, central Ireland. built around 1166


Field Marshal Laval Nugent of Austria, an Irish Norman who as a Catholic could not serve in the British Army. His father had been a field marshal in Russia! Normans are extremely warlike, and seek conflicts to win.

The castle in Croatia the Austrian emperor gave him….

A few years ago I wrote a British comrade and mentioned that I had ancestors from both the English common people, the Anglo-Saxons, through my mother, and from the Norman aristocrats who ruled England, through my father.

His reply surprised me and made me realize that the English people to this day are not so fond of their longtime overlords:

“Normans, eh? I guess we can forgive you that.” 😉

My first naïve thought was that he had been influenced by the mere tales of Robin Hood, and how this semi-legendary English hero (actually a Norman himself) had led the English common people in resistance to the cruel Norman usurper on the throne of England, Prince John, while John’s brother, King Richard the Lion-Heart, was away crusading.

But then I read about the shocking “Harrying (or Harrowing) of the North” (the North of England) by William the Conqueror—actually the term referred to the utter devastation of man, woman, child, plant and cow in that very Yorkshire where my maternal grandfather, John Thomas Coldwell, was born.

One hundred thousand Yorkshire men and women from my mother’s people perished, and it was due to what my father’s people did. Even the pope — who had supported William’s claim to the English throne — threatened, horrified, to excommunicate him. And Hereward “the Exile” (also known as Hereward “the Wake”; c. 1035-1072), the Anglo-Saxon champion, who fought the Normans for years from a swampy bastion, may have been foully murdered after he had honorably surrendered. [Hereward may actually have been Anglo-Danish, ethnically speaking.—Ed.]

And I read that J.R. Tolkien, the great Oxford professor and author of The Lord of the Rings (of which the three-part movie version was seen by two billion filmgoers) actually loathed the Normans as nightmarishly cruel and money-grubbing corrupters. He decried their lust for the “ring of gold,” and their terrorizing of the decent, honest English common folk, symbolized by the brave little Hobbits.

I began to get an inkling of why that Englishman wrote me as he did.

As a boy I wondered why sheep meat not called that, but instead was called “mutton,” from the French “mouton.” Why was pig meat called “pork” (French “porc”) and calf meat “veal”? Why was cow meat called “beef” (French “boeuf”)?


In German the words were the same: Schweine geben Schweinefleisch, “swine give swineflesh.” Why was the name different—English name for the animal in the farmer’s field—and then the meat got renamed French-style on the lord’s table, ready for his devouring?

Why do court sessions in my native New England, such as in Massachusetts, still open with “Oyez, oyez, oyez!” (“Oyez” is Old French for “hear ye.”)


Why do the coats of arms of rainy England say in gay French “Dieu et mon droit” (“God and my right”) and the Order of the Garter declare “Honi soit qui mal y pense” (“Shame on him who thinks dirty thoughts”)?


Why do we have both the word “think” (German “denk”) and the word “reflect” (French “réfléchir”)? Both “right” (German “richtig”) and “correct”? Why was Henry VIII a “king” but the adjective for a king is “royal”?

Why did Britain, an Anglo-Saxon country, side in both world wars with dark-eyed France against a blue-eyed, kindred Germany, where three provinces are called Saxony?


I began a voyage into part of my own ancestry, even visiting Normandy, France in 2004…..

At sunlit Ètretat on the Norman coast, facing the White Cliffs of Dover on the English side….

At the Abbey for Men, built by William the Conqueror as penance for having married a cousin. (He belted the cousin in the mouth when she publicly scorned him as he sought to date her, then married her and had eight children by her.) 

William built this massive fortress in Caen, Normandy. He loved white stone and even built cathedrals in drizzly England with Norman stone, sent by barge northward and over the Channel. Under the Normans, Britain became grand….no longer Hobbitland.

to learn all I could about the French-speaking Vikings who had transformed a mind-its-own-business island out in the North Sea, England (that is, “Angle-land,” Anglo-Saxon-land), into not only the boon—but also the very bane—of the rest of the white race.


How had England, from splendid isolation, slipped into being, as Charles de Gaulle said, “the aircraft carrier of the United States”?


Since the Norman Conquest of 1066, England has been a land of incredible culture (e.g., Shakespeare), statecraft (Magna Charta, Elizabeth I, Parliament), science (Sir Isaac Newton) and military valor (Sir Francis Drake defeating the Spanish Armada, and Adm. Nelson stopping Napoleon), but also a country saddled with a government of unparalleled cruelty and treachery toward its very own people, crimes against white unity in general, and dedication for centuries to annihilating the white Irish (1500-1850) by war and famine, crushing the white Scots, aiding the Soviet Bolsheviks in their hour of greatest peril, and fighting to subdue both their kindred in America and also their distant blood relatives in the original “Saxonland” of Germany.

Dresden after the British bombing of February 1945 by “Bomber Harris,” the RAF Air Marshall. The psychopathic bastard was once stopped for speeding during the war, and a policeman remonstrated: “You could get someone killed.” “Young man,” Harris (a Norman name) replied, “I kill thousands of people every night.”

And not just people — he killed 3,900 animals in 1943 with his blind “carpet bombing” at the Berlin Zoo….then doubtless went to his posh club for a whiskey or a sherry.

London—against every English interest—has waged disastrous wars that have spoiled crucial moments of hope and unity in Western history, and its ruling class even destroyed deliberately, after WWII, its own vast and magnificent British empire, a product of British valor which Adolf Hitler himself, who had fought the British in the trenches in WWI, highly admired and wished to save from the hostile designs of both Roosevelt and Stalin.

British (red) and French (blue) empires in 1920


The flight of Rudolf Hess to Scotland in March 1941 was part of that unrequited dream of Anglo-German brotherhood.

Already in 1940 Hitler had let 100,000 English soldiers escape from the beaches of Dunkirk, France (while his Wehrmacht generals tore their hair out) as a gesture of peace to the British people and their government. But London continued the war until the empire was as bankrupt as Germany was pulverized.


Above all, I can never forget or forgive this about the Normans: that it was they who brought the Jews into England. They shipped them in from Normandy to tax the previously Jew-free English (using the Domesday Book, a property tax recorfd) with grinding fees into despair and poverty, all to raise money for countless imperial Norman projects that involved sending England’s hardy Anglo-Saxon peasant lads overseas into foreign wars to die for their foreign aristocracy.


And then, as in the case of Rhodesia, London ordered those same doughty Englishmen to turn their flourishing white-run colony over to the infamous Robert Mugabe and his illiterate blacks.


Why is English history, over and over, so anti-English? The Jews were expelled in 1290 by those same Normans (after public uproars over both their usury and repeated acts of child ritual murder)……

Edward I, called Longshanks for his height, not only killed William Wallace but expelled the Jews….. (Photo of Patrick McGoohan playing Longshanks in Mel Gibson’s “Braveheart” — after ordering his appalled archers to fire at his own men since it would also kill reams of Scots…..)

And as depicted in Westminster Abbey….


…..but by 1690 the Jews were firmly back in the saddle, founding and controlling the Bank of England. As Lord Rothschild (Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild) infamously said: “Give me control of a nation’s currency and I care not who makes its laws.”


Interestingly, the Human Genome Project (HGP) has been shedding light on both Norman and Jewish genes as they moved into England. The HGP has been mapping all the genes of the human races as they spread out over the world, starting with the genes of scientist Craig Venter and Nobel Laureate James Watson of DNA fame.


One can clearly see* the Norwegian gene R1b1b2a1a1d moving from southern Norway into Rouen, Normandy, France, and then up across the English Channel and into the eastern half of England.


One can also see the so-called Ashkenazi-Norman gene R1b1b2a1a4, nicknamed Ivanhoe (evidently after Sir Walter Scott’s judeophilic novel of that name) on the move, from western Ukraine to the Baltic, through Germany and also stopping at the same Rouen, Normandy, France, before moving to the northern half of England and into Scotland. From that year of 1066 on, English history changed, and not just in calling swineflesh as pork.


Seafaring psychopaths


One could say that Charlemagne, for all the good this great emperor otherwise did for the unity of Europe, and in repelling the invasions of Islam, provoked the rise of the Vikings. And some key Vikings then raided the French part of his empire, and became the Normans.


When Charlemagne (in Latin Carolus Magnus, “Karl the Great”) ordered the entire nobility of the pagan Saxons, his surrendered prisoners, to be beheaded—4,500 prisoners, the cream of the Saxons—at Verden, in the German part of his empire, this pious act of Christian massacre of a pagan people’s whole leadership rolled like a shock wave through the still-heathen north of Germanic Europe.


For the heathens, it was not only a mass murder, but also a despicable act of hypocrisy by a people who had been preaching to the heathens the supposed “God is love” message of a gentle Jesus. Over four thousand bloody blond heads in a ditch did not seem gentle. It was as outrageous to the North as the Soviet massacre of the Polish officers in 1940 in Katyn Forest.

The cream of Polish society — officers and even reserve officers, many of them intelligentsia —  executed by Stalin and his bolsheviks….(Scene from “Katyn” by director  Andrzej Wajda)

And, worse, Charlemagne’s act manifested his imperialist desire to eventually impose his Christian belief system and his worship of the Galilean (as understood, nota bene, by celibate Italians in medieval Rome), on all of Scandinavia, like it or not.


“Conversion” meant the direct obligation to curse their own gods, and watch the cutting-down of their sacred groves of trees, and accepting that their gods of the hearth, the family, motherhood, good harvests and heroic battles, had all been devils and demons.


It meant bowing.

Years ago, I read psychologist William Sheldon’s theory of body types, somatology. He believed that long-headed, naturally slender peoples (“ectomorphs,” in Greek, “narrow shapes”) were natural individualists and non-conformists. That is what the Vikings were, long-headed, blond, blue-eyed Scandinavian Nordics.

* * *

Sheldon’s theories

**Sheldon also believed the square-headed people (“mesomorphs,” i.e., “middle shapes”) were natural leaders and warriors, and that round-faced individuals (“endomorphs” = “wide shapes”) were natural followers. Today his once-famous theories are derided by those who ridicule all notions of genes influencing behavior. For generations, Ivy League students—among them George Bush I and II, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Meryl Streep—were obligated to submit to a nude photograph as part of these studies of thinkers, doers and followers—or for blackmail? William H. Sheldon, a Rhode Island native, wrote The Varieties of Human Physique: An Introduction to Constitutional Psychology (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1940) and The Atlas of Men (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1954).]

* * *

In the 10th century Rollo, the king of the Vikings (real name “Rolf”, whence our English name “Ralph”), cut a deal with the king of dark-ages France: he and his marauders would stop pillaging, raping and burning throughout France if the king gave them one whole separate chunk of his kingdom as their permanent preserve. It was previously part of Neustria, along the English Channel, but after the Northmen took it over, it would be called “Normandy.” Rolf or Rollo agreed to accept this coastal area, and in return to:


(1) abandon his heathen religion and embrace Christianity,

(2) speak French, not Norwegian,

(3) stop attacking the rest of France, and

(4) kiss the king’s foot as a sign he was now the king’s vassal, i.e., that the duchy still belonged to France.


A later French king once said, “Paris [i.e., being crowned king over France] is certainly worth [celebrating] a Mass,” and Rolf/Rollo similarly decided that Rouen (which would be the capital of Normandy) was also worth a Mass.


But bending down and kissing a Christian foot was not on the doable list. That demand brought out all the “ectomorphic” Viking hatred of slavery and conformity.


A compromise finally was found: One of the king’s retainers suggested the French king get on his horse, and then he, in Rolf’s place, would kiss the royal foot without any Viking having to really bow his head.


Well, even up on his horse the kingly toes were still too low, necessitating bowing, so the retainer just grabbed the king’s foot and lifted it up to his head level. Unfortunately, this caused the king to reel backwards, fall off his horse and land on the derrière royal. History does not recall whether the Vikings were able to stifle a laugh on this solemn occasion.


Other than raping and pillaging, actually, the Vikings were anything but a barbarian horde. The Nordmenn set about creating the most efficient duchy in Europe, and melding their Germanic spirit with Continental architecture and statecraft. Norman architects, actually, were being hired by the Anglo-Saxon kings ruling over across the channel in England long before Duke William of Normandy sailed in 1066 with his 7,000 knights to claim the kingdom.

In my article “Psychopaths in History” in The Barnes Review of January/February 2007 (https://johndenugent.com/psychopaths-in-power) I discussed the phenomenon of the large role played by psychopaths in world history.

Psychopathy & History
I showed how the scientific research, now seventy years of medical studies that have been buttressed since the 1990s by extensive brain scans, shows that some individuals are born with the grave defect of absolutely no ability to feel any conscience, an unchangeable disorder.


They seek power, vengeance and other “thrills” with no moral brake pedal whatsoever inside their neurological makeup. They are born ruthless, and often are slick manipulators.

This was also the theme of Margaret’s and my cover story in the September-October 2006 Barnes Review,”The Truth About Cattle Kate: Wyoming History’s Forbidden Subject.”


This saga, the forerunner of many a Western film about ruthless cattle barons versus small homesteaders, was the non-fictional and true horror story of how one cattle rancher in July 1889 got several other ranchers drunk during the annual roundup, defamed an innocent couple that was in his way as rustlers, and then had them lynch this pair, who took 10 minutes to die in a botched hanging. Then the judicial inquest was subverted.


What strikes the reader is how “respectable” the lead cattle baron, John Bothwell, seemed to be to others, even to visiting clergymen. Bothwell was a man of great ability, charm and energy by all accounts, as well as a member of the Republican “country club” of its day, the elegant Cheyenne Club in the Wyoming capital.


There was just this one little matter of him murdering this couple who had pointed out to him privately and publicly in the newspapers that the homesteaders had legal title to the land and water the cattle barons coveted.


Several Hollywood movies have dealt with this incident, which triggered in 1891 the immense gun battle called the “Wyoming Civil War,” yet they still repeat Bothwell’s vicious claim that Cattle Kate (Ellen Watson was her real name) was a “fence” for stolen calves and a prostitute. (Most of the other guilty ranchers fled the state, hated and scorned, albeit with their money.) The consensus now is that Cattle Kate and her husband were indeed defamed, framed and horribly murdered, but the “bad guys” incontrovertibly “won.”


In fact, Bothwell perversely put his own house on rollers and dropped it right on the site of Cattle Kate’s house, and died peacefully and wealthily in the 1920s in Los Angeles.


The Normans, as their later behavior in England would show, fit neatly into the same Bothwellian category of psychopaths, in my view, albeit one must qualify the situation and see it in its dark-ages content.

One subject I did not delve enough into in my TBR study on psychopaths was what are euphemistically called “disadvantaged” psychopaths.


Their brain scans reveal a pattern between that of normal, altruistic persons and full-blown psychopaths with no true feeling at all for other people. Often they grew up in an abusive home or setting.


I saw an interview with the psychiatrist at Canada’s only “super-max” prison, which contains the 100 worst criminal fiends in Canada, all men. (Ninety percent of psychopaths, as it happens, are men. And let us recall that even Lady MacBeth in Shakespeare’s famous play kills herself in remorse, after crying “out, out, damned spot!” to the bloodstains on her hands.) This doctor said that all 100 men had been “severely abused” as children.


This may recall to us that a very young Caligula, before he became emperor of Rome, saw his own two little brothers murdered. Let us then recall the shock to the northern peoples of the entire Saxon aristocracy being mass murdered by Charlegmagne. In fact, Snorri Sturluson, the Christian monk from Iceland of the 12th century, directly states that the massacre at Verden was the key incident that triggered the Viking Age.


Not enough is known about why certain abuse victims themselves become killers, but one can assume that it is a reaction to the primary brain’s “decision” that the world is simply a jungle, and thus the only rule is “the survival of the fittest,” or as Herbert Spencer once famously described nature, “red in tooth and claw.”


Certainly the dark ages—that long period after the fall of Rome—say 450-1100—when the European population was far below what it had once been, and roads and bridges, schools and law and literacy were neglected, were in a sense one long trauma for all European mankind.

It is said that when the Visigoths cut the aqueduct into Rome, overnight hundreds of thousands of Romans had to flee to the countryside to become instant slaves of any landowner who would accept them as his serfs, to work for him for water and food. (I have a neighbor here in Pennsylvania who told me that even in the late 1940s, men would walk out of the nearby town to his farm, six miles one-way, to work hard all day just for three meals, no cash.)

In the same way, the early life of William the Conqueror was full of extreme trauma. He was mockingly called William the Bastard by the other nobles, for he was born illegitimate. *His mother was a beautiful French peasant girl and his noble father, the duke of Normandy, saw the “fetching wench” washing clothes in a stream. He never married her but did put their son on the ducal throne.)

William was nearly murdered several times as a child by other nobles, and right in his own bedroom, as a young teen, he saw his own manservant being killed defending his life from assassins. He had to flee in the pitch of night for his life on horseback, a very dangerous high-speed ride — if one considers the uneven roads of that time, with of course no electric street lighting, low-hanging branches, rutty roads, etc. He easily could have been thrown by a stumbling horse and broken his neck at any time. (In our times, actor Christopher Reeve found out how dangerous horses can be.)

This incessant trauma or PTSD (not entirely unlike that of a Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan veteran who has been through numerous horrific experiences) may well have shaped William’s psyche, and it was he who set the tone for Norman rule over England — life for William was about winning or dying, crushing or being crushed…..

The Normans did make England into an incredibly powerful country, a little island that has changed the whole world. No surprise here that these Vikings transformed agricultural Saxon England into a supreme global sea power! (The USA, an offshoot of Norman Britain, have continued this naval tradition.) The Brits also have a desire to win that the ruthless Normans gave them, and that has made them a valiant and conquering race.

After the Spanish Armada was defeated by the skill and courage of the Royal Navy, Engöland was still “broke.” Queen Elizabeth I was then faced with the awful dilemma of how to pay thousands of rough, tough sailors out of an empty treasury…. sailors who especially after the great victory were sure to vehemently demand their wages.

I think she did one of the most appealling things ever…. She ordered the warships simply kept sequestered in the harbor, and the men were absolutely not permitted to disembark.  Over the course of weeks, many of the men died of disease and starvation.

Had she let them back on shore, unpaid and furious, there would certainly have been uprisings and perhaps religious and civil war such as had crippled England during the War of the Roses. Nobody wanted that…. so the sailors just quietly….perished…in sight of land, of the land they had saved.

Ruthless? Yes. Necessary? Yes. Every ruler has to face moments when no boy-scout solution will work, and then answer to God Almighty for his or her motives, actions and the ultimate results.


===================”Aryan” means self-sacrifice, not pasty-white skin! 😉

Dear reader,

At this point I am sure you are aware that we are in our Fall Fundraising campaign. I just wanted to make sure you know that your support, at what ever level you can afford, is critical to our survival. Can you make a contribution today?

The Solutrean Agency operates on a very tight budget,

We are at 62.5% of our Fall Fundraising goal of $4,000. We have raised $2500. We need your help to get all the way there. Every $5, $15 or $50 you can contribute adds up to keeping our independent Newscenter alive. We can’t do it without you.

A European donated this magnificent, new $1500  camcorder….

A New Zealander and his wife ate spaghetti so they could regularly donate.

A Texan moneygrammed me over a thousand dollars.

Whatever amount you can afford, please help out today – and if you have the means – please give generously to end this campaign quickly. There is much work to be done!

We are beholden to no corporate interests. You rely on us and we rely on you.

Can we count on you now to keep moving forward?

Thanks so much.

John de Nugent

PS A German sent me $100 in cash……

He added, touchingly…..(in German, translated afterward)

Ich und andere Kameraden haben diese Summe zusammengekratzt, weil wir wissen, was du für die gesamte weiße Welt bedeutest.

I and other comrades have scraped this sum together because we know what you mean for the whole white world.

(My new postal address!)

John de Nugent



[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]


Filming the God video along Freeport Beach in western Pennsylvania


–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

–Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)


Every newscaster says the exact same words! But some say ENvelope and others ONvelope…. 😉


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