ENGLISH The karma of America, Jewry’s willing executioner; God video three opener

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A supporter in Texas wrote me:

Thanks for the heartfelt response to my email, and I wish you the best this Christmas. It’s stories like these you’ve told here, on your blogs, and on the phone that put in perspective why we do what we do.

I replied [edited for general interest]:

* * *


It is fine young men like you who continue to support my work in every way you can, despite my flaws as a leader……….. who get my juices flowing again and in point of fact, it is for men like you that I am doing this, for the finest among us.

Like Hitler before 1920, at his then age of 31 (he was born in 1889), I actually never led anything large before 2009 …. except for teaching successfully in a classroom, which even for an inspiring teacher is still more managing people and following a set program, not leading.

I am sometimes baffled and truly intimidated as well as discouraged by, yes, my continuing poverty…. but far more so by the inertness of the masses, who are truly miserable and yet still do nothing except, basically, buy guns. There is no question that I cannot save the majority of pasty-faces, and now I even have no desire to save these white blobs who categorically refuse to be saved, to act or just to accept being led. They are getting ready to die and they will.

In fact, Michael Winkler’s shocking book (in German, but now two-thirds translated through my work), The Spiritual World, says that the majority of whites now on this earth have terrible karma (one example: those Americans and Brits who bombed Dresden for three days, even strafing miserable hospital patients huddled on the Elbe river, and got off scot-free — no war crimes trials for THEM!)…. and they have literally incarnated in order, by the judgment of God, to die a horrible death at the hands of the Jews they refuse to fight.

Nobel Prize winner Gerhart Hauptmann: “He who has become unable to cry any longer will learn crying again over the fate of Dresden.”


An Afrikaner told me that the main reason white South Africa surrendered in 1994 to black majority rule, which has led to 50,000 horrific murders of whites since, was the white Americans of the US Navy and the white trash scumbag Bill Clinton. It was made crystal-clear to the Afrikaners by Clinton’s actions and his emissaries that the US Navy, which was parked off the South African coast, would rain death down on the Afrikaners if the South African army rose up and intervened by force to stop the handover of power to the blax.

So all the karmic chickens are now coming home to roost, on cowardly, obedient, compliant, submissive, stupidified, callous white America.

There will be 100,000 Chris Newsome-Channon Christians in the areas of the USA which we will not have liberated.



And they will deserve it, for their many lives of cowardice and irresponsibility. For generations, lonely white leaders have tried to awaken them…going way, way back to Henry Ford in 1920!

I stood where George Lincoln Rockwell fell! (His assassin got six years from an all-white jury for premeditated murder!)

I am rethinking, for those who CAN be saved, the whole way I do videos to have a deeper and more rapid effect, again, for those who CAN be saved and awakened.

Souls between heavenly and hellish beings….


You and another IT professional have been urging some vital practical tech steps on me and the reason I have not been going through with them is that I have been doing this fundamental and also urgent, pressing rethinking right NOW. I really do think that this time martial law is becoming a real and looming possibility.

My blog that went up about Russia (https://johndenugent.com/english/english-mother-russia-fires-off-bulava-the-mace-god-needed-for-miserable-white-masses/) reflects my belief that the sh– really, truly IS about to hit the fan. And it is to warn Obongo, whose people read my blog.

(I can tell this by many things, including my visitor tracking software, with websites DOT.GOV, not to mention the three visits by the Joint Terrorism Task Force to my house and the arrest of Henrik Holappa, who in prison for 87 days was “worked on” and literally, physically brain-poisoned in federal prison. He told me himself when he called, to my surprise, on June 20th and apologized for his attacks on me of this summer, that his brain was not working right, and even Margaret,  honest and a critic of me or anyone else, pointed out to him a glaring and huge factual confusion in his memories of his time with us).

The blog on Russia was part of informing Obama that the outcome of martial law will be very iffy for him. White America hates him, most of the US military hates him, and major world powers also hate him and the whole Jewnited Snakes regime of which he is the puppet. The worst thing for him as a leader is that he is no longer liked or even respected by the minions he would need to make his martial law work. The first time US troops try to kick in a door and arrest people the flash point will be there. This is all to make him hesitate and buy us a few more weeks.

So I have been neglecting your and his reminders and urgings about tech issues because I am feverishly reworking tactics and doing some soul-searching.

The last thing I will say today about all that is that I have had an epiphany about the videos.

What I have been doing is teaching a classroom in these videos……or doing sermons like a minister denouncing the sins of his flock, not putting out the fast-paced infotainment that the masses want and expect….. from a video.

I was misled by the fact that I was a very popular teacher in the 1980s and 1990s….kids really just about LOVED me…. and I thought people still wanted in the year 2011 to be taught.


But when people watch a VIDEO, they do not think of themselves as being in my classroom.

ENTERTAIN ME! Solve world problems while I watch you! (And WNs said: Get rid of the Jews while I half-watch your vids AND check my email and Facebook… 😉 )

They want to open their mouth like a baby and be spoon-fed, passively, entertainment. They are, just as the distinguished veteran WN activist Eric Thomson — who saw Rhodesia and South Africa fall, wrote me personally, “materialistic fantasy addicts.”

They do no want to have to work on anything in themselves or regarding the fate of their country. And the whole frigging nation has “ADD,” attention-deficit-disorder, which I became an expert on personally by living with and watching Margaret, my girlfriend-fiancée for six years (with whom I am still in friendly and frequent contact, helping each other with various things).

The white masses and even WNs are bored …within…. SECONDS. (You know about this, my friend… You told me once that a website loses 10% of website visitors for every SECOND that a webpage does not download!….)

At times I feel as disgusted as Maximus in the gladiator arena in this scene…. “Are you not entertained?”

And here I am, a crusty Marine NCO (and son also of a crusty Marine NCO and then officer, who fought two wars), here I am — I see myself now as I really am — demanding effort, sacrifice and discipline from utter blobs!

Jason Salyers kept urging me to do some deep rethinking of the videos, and now I see that he was right, though HOW to change things was not clear to me until now.

So the videos from now on will be more esthetic, more emotional, more soul-impacting….

The previous videos were good, but not….entertaining and stirring ENOUGH….. Perhaps someday I will go back and rework them and “soup them up”….but the videos henceforth will be coming out under a different concept. They will remain valuable as instructional classroom tools for the full education of serious Eternal Solutreans.

I have also resourced my own understanding of the role of anterior lives. Since the 1960s I have heard disgusted Americans say that America was now like the late Roman Empire, brutal and scary yet rotten morally to the core, an empire that would fall from within.

Even the dumbest redneck somehow knows about Rome….even the ones who said (50% of them!), in a poll of high school seniors, that Abraham Lincoln was the president during World War Two! 😉

They know about Rome because THEY were THERE…. They experienced the majesty and savagery both of the Roman yoke. I had a professor of history at Georgetown once say that the reason the Roman Empire fell to the less militarily sophisticated barbarians was that not one subject of Rome, not one person who was not of the ruling class, was willing to lift a finger to defend it in the end.

He said: “Their view was that the barbarians could not possibly be worse than what they suffered from living under Rome.” Taxes, punishment, humiliation and fear….

Going much further back, I found to my utter shock that the few snippets of info I had read here and there, only half-interested, about the supposed destroyed civilization of Atlantis seem to have some real basis in fact. I found out that it was not just the great Greek philosopher Plato……

…..reporting in deadly earnest what an Egyptian high priest had told HIM, but also the Mayas, the HopI Indians and the Tibetans…. not to mention the Old Testament, where the story the Jews got from the Babylonians was of course of a wicked civilization destroyed suddenly by a Flood of water….. Bingo, Atlantis again.

Noah’s Ark in the Old Testament story…… God drowned a wicked civilization.

And basically it was the same thing as Rome…. Atlantis started out poor, virtuous, hardy and spiritual. Its virtues made it invincible and powerful. But then it got greedy, began dabbling with dangerous technology, and assaulting and dominating its neighbors.

What is left of it is the triple Atlantean tradition of 1) building pyramids, both in Egypt, on the Canary islands, and among the Aztec and Mayas, 2) worshiping a sun god, and 3) mummifying their beloved dead.

What was chilling was that two movements arose in the end, the first a virtuous movement to restore the old virtues, sort of a “Tea Party” movement, so to speak, and end the greed and the evil. This was the followers of the Law of One.

The other group who, I swear, were in effect proto-Jews, were the Sons of Belial. They preached hardcore atheism, deviant and animalistic sex apart from love and creating families, they practiced satanism and used any and all technologies, including black occult forces, for fabulous riches.

In the end, they were blasting into the earth for gold, and disturbed the earth’s very crust, triggering the sudden crash of the whole massive island out in the central Atlantic into the waves of the Atlantic ocean. Even repeated warnings — earth tremors — by Mother Nature did not deter their drilling, their warfare and their general wickedness. Atlantis began to be swamped, it began to be partly evacuated (and various peoples, both good and evil, created new offshoots of Atlantis around the world) and finally the giant main island — where the wicked had gained and kept the upper hand, insanely blinded by their infinite, jewlike greed — went under completely.

Tragically, the Sons of Belial “out-ruthlessed” the followers of this Law of One. They got and kept the upper hand, and finally the catastrophe came. Egypt’s high culture was the result of basically good Atlanteans who fled and then, with their incredible technology, became the ruling class of that mediterranean-race nation, but the Sons of Belial (those who unfortunately survived) went west and set up the psychopathic civilizations of the Olmecs, Mayans and Aztecs, based on horrific mass human sacrifices, and vicious mental manipulation of a vast and stupidified slave population, as seen in Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto….(the film which began my whole blogging and forum-posting enterprise on Libertyforum.org and then Stormfront…)



Psychopathic sons of Belial!

The Canary Islanders were blond refugee Atlanteans, virtuous and peaceful, who reverted to the Stone Age, because their islands simply had no metals at all on them, and they had zero desire to interact with a brutal outside world.


And so what my videos henceforth will do is reawaken the best of our people, on the soul level, the deep, deep and covered-over unconscious, as per Carl Jung…….just as with those famous dog whistles which only dogs can hear….. Andthose of us who are the older and better souls, those who once were the followers of the Law of One, will hear inwardly the CALL…. INSTANTLY “GET IT,” AND COME FORTH TO LEARN, TRAIN AND FIGHT.

And I pledge this: I will outruthless and outbrutalize the Sons of Belial this time. If they take our wives and kids hostage, and cut their fingers off and send them to us, we will take theirs. If some of ours desert, I will execute them by firing squads WITH MACHINE GUNS BY THE HUNDREDS. I will end up killing more whites — pusillanimous blobs who dishonor the word “man” and the once honored-word “American” — than the Jews do. We will scorch the earth they hold, and bathe THEM in their own demonic blood.

From the deepest level we will arise and do as the Delphic oracle told Socrates: KNOW THYSELF!

The ruins of the Oracle at Delphi

The priestess, the Pythia, sat in a chair over steam arising from the earth as she interpreted divine messages.

Perceive finally WHO you are!

Just today I found this video….. hokey, yes, and sensationalized, yes, and not in my style, but containing a number of truths which Jason had somewhat told me about during the twelve months he nobly helped me without any pay.


For me, as I have often blogged, my awakening came from seeing, at my Rhode Island grandfather’s house, at age five, that famous Hitler stamp…


…and I stared at it in deep wonderment and a sort of murky “connection”….until my father, kind but a strict Marine-type disciplinarian, gruffly snatched it away and told me 1) Hitler was a very evil man and 2) that he had been calling up the stairs for minutes (of mounting aggravation 😉 ) to get me to come down so we could get in the car and drive back home to Providence.

I began studying German right after that, at five, and when we all flew to Pittsburgh to the deathbed of my German great-grandmother, maiden name Berlin….. I met a German lady passenger on the plane and began talking to her in broken German as the plane (a low-flying propeller plane with Allegheny Airlines, which later became USAir) heaved up and down in the low-altitude clouds that planes then had to fly through….and others began vomiting…. But nothing could stop me, at six, from my need to speak German to a German, for I HAD to get back in touch with something in me.

And now here is a teaser for the third God video…… to project power, joy and the people awakening….pouring out deep inner feelings to ME, as a man who tries to truly listen (as best as I can, and I can yet improve)….to what their soul is saying….remembering,….feeling….


Jdn God Video 3 Opener


12/26 @ 01:34 : Hicksville, New York, US
12/26 @ 01:19 : Pfyn, CH
12/26 @ 01:18 : Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US
12/26 @ 01:16 : Cracow, PL
12/26 @ 01:14 : Ingelheim, DE
12/26 @ 01:11 : Lille, FR
12/26 @ 01:06 : Sandnes, NO
12/26 @ 01:03 : Sanluri, IT
12/26 @ 01:00 : Schererville, Indiana, US
12/26 @ 12:53 : London, GB
12/26 @ 01:39 : Mount Prospect, Illinois, US
12/26 @ 01:37 : Taipei, TW
12/26 @ 01:35 : Oakmont, Pennsylvania, US
12/26 @ 01:28 : Heredia, CR
12/26 @ 01:20 : Roanoke, Virginia, US
12/26 @ 01:19 : Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US
12/26 @ 01:13 : Lille, FR
12/26 @ 01:09 : Iraq, IQ
12/26 @ 01:08 : Pruszków, PL
12/26 @ 01:02 : Houston, Texas, US


My Russian-American video assistant and I will be working on the final video project now. We spent ten hours yesterday, Christmas Day, until 10:30 pm, creating the three-minute video you see above.

“Will THEY not be entertained?” 😉 I DO HOPE SO, ROCK MUSIC AND ALL!

Yes, I must be the commander-in-chief, Provisional President of the Americans, a religious prophet, a therapist for the 75% of whites of today — who are, and act, slightly deranged today, frantic and distracted, unable to concentrate on anything higher than “Dances With The Stars” 😉 — and I must also be their thrilling non-stop entertainer. 😉 So be it. That is why I am paid the big bucks. 😉

As the French so incisively say, people truly, literally, would rather die than change their habits. 😉 I must seduce them into wanting to live.

The Protocols say the goyish masses will be driven to such anxiety and despair they will beg the Jews to just come out and rule them openly. They will be unable to take any more stress….

I guess right now the terminally bored think dying in a FEMA camp or pissing in their pants as Obongo’s soldiers, in accordance with the terms of the new NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) kick down their door at least will be a final burst of high excitement. 😉 Yes, that will be the ultimate in exciting reality videos….

I am only half-joking….

========for your karma, do something

I will fight for you but you must help me to do so.

The Solutrean Agency operates on a very tight budget, and if everyone reading the blog were to donate $10.00 per month, we could function comfortably. WHAT I ALSO NEED NOW ARE BIG CONTRIBUTIONS!


John de Nugent




[25 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]


–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere — very easy to do: just give them the cash and my name and they give you a reference number to send me.)

(NO more PayPal — the Jews there have blocked the account and are sitting on $228 in contributions for the most specious reasons.)

Support the man the Jews hack, defame, and seek to financially strangle.

THAT IS THE MAN THEY FEAR, the one creating a fearless, truly Aryan racial religion that will create fearless and immortal warriors for the surviving and the thriving of our people in a just new order!


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