ENGLISH Near-death experiences and rebirth

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Marine Le Pen soars in polls as presidential candidate in France:



Look at this great activist website!


This new video is very good, I think, very emotional and stirring, though of course one might gag and nearly vomit at a few of the “heroes” in it (such as Henry VIII and the roaster of Dresden, Churchill), but the video is not to teach or correct any notion, just stir the ignorantized white masses in the UK….


I would also add this, on a personal note:

I have thought long about IT tech people such as yourself…..and then I go back to Dr. William Pierce, whom I knew so well 1981-84 (and saw again for a heart-to-heart talk in 1990). He was the ultimate left-brain logical type, a physicist from a top, top science university, CalTech, really a bit imbalanced for all his bravery and brilliance, unlike yourself, who have a real, rich heart.

Our IT friend J has a heart too, though he expresses it by hard work, never warm words. What J feels, he plows into hard work, vital work…and he saved me betimes financially too, even as a college student!

I remember well when you called me when I was terribly down….revealing once again you are far more than a mere techie….but a man, and an Irish Kelt with feeling, not just brain.

The point of every video has been to reach out, in both a yin and yang way…..to the caring and compassionate, and yet also to the male and logical, to the soft and forgiving — and to the harsh and “it-is-results-that-count”….to love and to businesslike performance….

The final God videos have proven that solid medical scientists are now opening up to what once seemed “flakey” (American word for nutty or crazy), namely the existence of the soul and reincarnation.

I do no want to attract girly men, for we have wonderful women in our race to express the yin virtues of beauty and kindness….

“Love your race”

…..and the thing is this: There are many men today who were women in previous lives and all day long they just FEEEL things….. This makes some a challenge to deal with, and yet for the mission I exercise great tact and patience every day….

(I remember Dr. Pierce once saying to me:

“John, you are good at stroking people. I hate stroking people! I think they should just do their duty BECAUSE it is their duty, and I have little patience for those who cannot do what they should without constantly being buttered up.”

All I could say to him then, or would say now if he lived still, is that I only give true and sincere compliments. My entire “mojo” 😉 is based on HONESTY.)

Well, I will end this email, since we both are so busy, and the launch date I have set myself is approaching, by asking you this searching question:

Are these videos starting to convince YOU, the IT professional, that there is a soul and life after death? I would like you to tell me exactly what goes on inside YOU as you watch them…..

There are focus groups today that are highly advanced. What they do is show a commercial, a video or a movie, and the viewers actually have two buttons to press, one in each hand, as they watch…. Every second where they feel something in reaction to the video, they are to press either a “like” or “dislike” button…..

So you can help me by telling me what exactly you like and dislike, because it is vital to me to win the hearts and minds of tech people like you….to a growing conviction that it is intellectually respectable to feel a sense of the eternity of life …and that a wise being sees us and loves us, in a fatherlike way, even if He shows it via trials and stressful challenges.

By the way, do you think Mr. Sean Quinn (I was just reading about the famous Irish billionaire) can lend me a few millions? 😉



PS I think, though I said I would end this email, I will relate something….

Between various good and loyal supporters blowing off the steam of their frustration over me — and it is because they rightfully expect big things out of me, including the miracle of awakening the nearly dead, a Jesus-and-Lazarus thing 😉 — and a recent event that happened while filming the God video…..

….I decided to take a six-mile walk.

I came back different.

As I walked past the steel mill and the junkyards along the Allegheny River, and then climbed a mountain road that zigzagged me up along the cliffs to Natrona Heights…..

……I reflected on a discovery that dismayed me about ….me, the mortal creature whose body I find myself in, this “John de Nugent” chap.

It had to do with the waitress interview….

Brann and I met her at a chain restaurant one morning on our drive into Pittsburgh, and as so often, though it always amazes me, this woman just poured out her feelings about God and suffering to me right at our table….

(And this woman is no whiner, but a real German Pennsylvanian, and she was working a double shift that day.)

She told me and Brann about being sexually abused as a kid by her own sibling, her parents putting her down, and then her children being taken away by the court after her nervous breakdown, and big tears came out of her eyes as she said:

“I would like to believe in God, but it is so hard after what has happened to me in my life.”

(And as I write this, i think of the gigantic, explosive scandal in the Irish Catholic Church (http://www.progressivepuppy.com/the_progressive_puppy/2009/12/two-irish-bishops-resign-over-pedophile-priest-scandal.html) with the dozens of pedophile priests…..and all the kids, many orphans, whom they horrifically damaged. God, what kind of human satans, these clergymen, could do that to an adorable white child?…………….)

We arranged with her at breakfast an appointment to interview her on-camera that same afternoon.

Down in the Strip District, I then sallied forth to do something I absolutely had never done before…play reporter, interviewing perfect strangers………and endeavoring to get them to open up to a total stranger, boasting only a camera and a media badge (which Brann had made up the previous day), seeking to get them to reveal their thoughts — not about football or the weather, the safe and innocuous topics — but about God, religion and even the supposedly “flaky” notion of reincarnation!

Well, I think the interviews went well, though I confess that first, in pious homage to my Irish ancestry, I did fortify myself twice with a quenching substance! 😉

Via transference, the very fact that my father was held by his heels and kissed the Blarney Stone gave, it seems, the gift of gab passed over to his first-born son….

Blarney Castle…

Of the eight people I stopped, a whopping three gave usable interviews. 😉

But one thing also appalled me… that my hand was shaking, and it is very visible in the Strip District interviews and then I had an even more violent hand trembling during the interview with the waitress herself, later that afternoon.

Was it just nervousness? No… I am pretty fearless with people. I can chat them up or literally knock them down, or literally gun them down if an emergency situation so dictates.

I used an old cap to practice head shots, aiming for the exact spot on the upper right side of the head where the Jews in Dallas, Texas, had John Fitzgerald Kennedy murdered, who was blocking Israhell from getting The Bomb…..I am proud of the grouping.

I was born to confront people for their weal or woe.

It was this:

Like a severely beaten dog, the kind who wags his tail as you approach but when you reach out to pet him he lifts his lips to show his fangs, showing he has them in case you betray him….or even snarls….

I realized, via seeing my own hand trembling as Brann and I edited the videos, that the waitress had reopened all my own little shop of childhood horrors. Actually, Brann saw also that the interviewees were noticing my microphone hand shake, and he interjected helpfully, to put them at ease: “John, your hands must be getting cold.” The tycoon even said he would lend me some gloves if he had any! 😉

Well, I went on this six-mile walk and I did something that worked. I just cried out to our heavenly father:

“God, I have a great mission before me, I have loyal supporters who have stood by me with great patience, I have been through therapy, I have tried changing and healing myself as much as I could.

The time to start this movement is NOW.

I am asking you, here and now, to heal me of the nerve damage, and make me whole enough that I can do the job you, I and everyone else expects of me. I cannot no more than that, and I cannot be a great leader in the storms ahead unless you heal me. I am at the end of what I by my own efforts can do.”

And then a peace came over me, a solid and quiet thing, and these realizations popped into my head:

1) I had indeed been…..quietly… healed

2) I could focus, and make decisions much more easily

3) I became unusually aware of my use of time and could say “no” to lesser tasks

4) I understood the why of my childhood….and this is what I grasped:

At the end of this age, when jewish demons do their death dance over our heads, white people will be so traumatized, desperate, angry, confused and emotionally sick that they cannot identify with a perfect man, but only with a sufferer who overcomes.

ABC Sports had a clip promoting their program, and the narrator said, as clips of various athletes went by who were gaining their GLORIOUS victories (while bathed in sweat) in track, soccer, tennis, skiing and football:

“We watch them not because they are superhumans, but because they are humans.”



From a Wisconsin comrade

To: John de Nugent
Sent: Thursday, 19 January 2012, 17:09
Subject: Near Death Experiences

Heil John,

I just watched the latest of the God Video on your blog (https://johndenugent.com/english/english-god-video-3-c-harvard-medical-school-professor-and-brain-surgeon-stops-his-atheism-after-reviving-from-a-coma/), and I cannot help but reflect deeply on the recent years that I have suffered from this overwhelming illness that I have been carrying around. I’m sure that many people watching your God Video have the same reaction to it: that they are reminded of those times when they thought their time here had reached its end. And that is what I was strongly reminded of.

It was only November of 2010 that I was laying in bed, only weighing 90 pounds, and I was slipping into an unknown place. I can recall a strange feeling resonating in the backs of my upper arms, my lower back, and my hamstring muscles: I had a sensation of degeneration that lasted about six weeks or so, maybe a little more. One night I woke up from an odd sensation of feeling exhausted – so exhausted that I was too tired to sleep. I lifted my head up and propped myself up on my right arm. In my left arm lay my sleeping girlfriend who had been taking care of me for the past several months. The room I was in appeared ultra-dark: a darkness like I cannot describe. There was an absence of all sound. All I could see was my sleeping girlfriend in my arm and a very faint, almost black light from the eastern facing window.

In the darkness and the silence I began to notice a subtly increasing sensation of drifting away: like I was actually a body of water that was flowing. The water was flowing from behind me, out of those points of my body that I had felt degenerating for weeks. I looked down at my young lady and I noticed that she was far ahead of me: I was flowing away and she was getting further and further away from me. I couldn’t see myself holding her; all I could see was her laying there peacefully as I became a body of flowing water that drifted away into a place that I had no idea of.

I noticed that the flowing seemed to be going downhill, and I was concerned about where it was taking me. There was no pain, no strong feelings whatsoever to speak of. There was nothing that led me to believe that anything bad was happening, but I was apprehensive about what was going on. I knew that I was leaving this world, and though I was not panicking with fear, the last thing I said to myself before laying my head back down was “I really was not prepared for this.”

I had been thinking about death a lot back then, and mostly because I literally wanted to die. In every way possible I was eager to leave this world and the crushing weight of the sickness that I have been carrying around for three and a half years. It was all so much, so I gave up trying to get better and I hoped, day and night, that I would soon cease this stage of existence. But when that night came, all I could feel was that sense of not having been ready to deal with that feeling. I have never experienced anything like it; and I have never read anything remotely close to it before.

I didn’t feel any warmth, I didn’t see any light, and I didn’t see any deceased friends or relatives. I didn’t even feel like I was leaving my body: I felt like my body was becoming a temperature-less flowing stream of water. It was unreal, and yet, it was the most real feeling I know of.

I think it would be worth noting that during the “slipping away” experience, what I felt was not a “ceasing to be,” but rather a continuation into something else. It was not clear what was going to happen; what was clear was that which was taking place: my form of existence was changing. I was not ceasing to be: I was changing my state of existence.

I have not told many people about this because I do not care for attention and dramatics: I am a humble and modest person; but I do think that this experience of mine may be worth sharing with you because of the work you are doing to reveal this subject to the people. It was a profound sensation, and it left me knowing what I have always known: death in this life does not mean the end of your existence. You move through the various bodies: your energy inhabits many vessels over time. Each time, your energy uses those vessels in order to restore balance in the universe.

I hope sharing this story with you offered you some value; I know that this experience will be on my mind for the rest of my life.



=================PLEASE DONATE

Donations recently:

From Oklahoma, what oldtimers used to call a century note

And from Switzerland a book on how to use a Swiss army knife, and make Swiss cheese if necessary 😉 and also money to buy such a pocket knife…. 😉


John de Nugent




[25 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



–Cash in an envelope (It arrives just fine.)

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–Western Union (also found at Woodforest banks inside Walmarts) ….or MoneyGram (send from a Walmart service desk or elsewhere — very easy to do: just give them the cash and my name and they give you a reference number to send me.)

–Bank wire (send me an email and I will send you my bank routing number and account number)

My email address:


I am working on a replacement for PayPal, which froze my account, stealing $228 on a bogus technicality, and, I just heard, also stole $40,000 from the patriotic activist and gun-rights champion, Sheriff Richard Mack.


They have been testing that for several years now. Resilient Tech was developing them for the military application.

Michelin Tires… Absolutely SCARY looking… Look for ’em in August.

These tires are made in South Carolina , USA .


Radical new tire design by Michelin.

The next generation of tires.

They had a pair at the Philadelphia car show.

Yes, those are ‘spoke’ like connections to the inner part of the tire from the outside tread ‘wrap!’ The next picture shows how odd it looks in motion…

Makes you wonder how the ride feels doesn’t it?

These tires are airless and are scheduled to be out on the market very soon.

The bad news for law enforcement is that spike strips will not work on these.

Just think of the impact on existing technology:

A. no more air valves…
B. no more air compressors at gas stations…
C. no more repair kits…
D. no more flats…

These are actual pictures taken at the South Carolina plant of Michelin

Attached Images

Attached Images

As I understand it, they’re ‘sidewall-less’ and the reason is “just because” for right now.

The production tires will have sidewalls for looks AND for preventing mud & crud from collecting inside the “honeycombs” (which would throw the balance off…not to mention being a PITB to clean. 😉

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