ENGLISH My letter to a Secret Service official; living on the challenging planet earth; truth is sacred to Solutreans

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A Tennessee comrade sent a touching letter and ten dollars that he could spare……

……but also these beautiful German stamps from the war, referring to the “Greater German Reich.” These are the Wehrmacht stamp series.


John de Nugent




[25 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



–Cash in an envelope (It arrives just fine.)

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–Western Union (also found at Woodforest banks inside Walmarts) ….or MoneyGram (send from a Walmart service desk or elsewhere — very easy to do: just give them the cash and my name and they give you a reference number to send me.)

I am working on a replacement for PayPal, which froze my account, stealing $228 on a bogus technicality, and, I just heard, also stole $40,000 from the patriotic activist and gun-rights champion, Sheriff Richard Mack.

PayPal has a long record of screwing around with donations to political websites.

* * *

Support those whom the Jews target, hack, defame, and seek to financially strangle.

Support the man talking to the real people, and creating a fearless, truly Aryan racial religion — for the surviving and the thriving of our people in a just new order!



I thank a Dutchman for his wonderful donation too….two crisp $100 bills!

(Thank you for sending me US currency so I do not have to drive 40 miles ot the airport to exchange them.)

In his honor, this tribute to the 40,000 Dutchmen who fought in the Waffen-SS for Europe and our race.

…and this

Rugged Dutch actor Rutger Hauer, in “Ladyhawke” (1985)


And I thank also a Canadian for a generous Canadian postal money order made out, conveniently, in US dollars…..

He also sent these pictures of how the German Wehrmacht honored captured enemy soldiers and their dead as well….(Compare that with US Marines, indoctrinated in hate by the Jewashington regime, urinating on four dead Taliban, and the neo-cons then claiming: “That is just how war is.” NO, not for the German Wehrmacht it was not!)

Upper image: German troops on the sidewalk at the left salute captured French troops (with rifles!) in Lille, France, in May, 1940. Lower image: GI gets his kicks kicking a captured German soldier, 1945.

In March 1942 the British launched an extremely successful raid against the docks of Saint-Nazaire, France, where large German warships could have been repaired. Wiki: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Nazaire_Raid)

“The obsolete destroyer HMS Campbeltown, accompanied by 18 smaller craft, crossed the English Channel to the Atlantic coast of France and was rammed into the Normandie dock gates. The ship had been packed with delayed-action explosives that detonated later that day, putting the dock out of service for the remainder of the war. A force of commandos landed to destroy machinery and other structures. Heavy German gunfire sank or immobilised all the small craft intended to transport the commandos back to England; the commandos had to fight their way out through the town to try to escape overland. They were forced to surrender when their ammunition was expended and they were surrounded. After the raid only 228 men returned to Britain; 169 were killed and 215 became prisoners of war. German casualties were over 360 dead, mostly killed after the raid when Campbeltown exploded.”

Did the German Wehrmacht then become furious, spiteful and vengeful toward the Brits over the loss of a critical drydock and of 360 of their men? NO.

Here we see a German guard of honor at the coffin of a fallen Briton as his comrades file by.

Upper image: As a German officer attends, British soldiers lower his coffin into the ground. Lower image: The German navy chaplain offers condolences to the British POWs’ officer in charge.



FYI…. I wrote this official, William Steen, after a major Jewish newspaper printed a column calling for Obama to be assassinated if he does not wage war on Iran. He wrote back, and then I added this….
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: John de Nugent <john_denugent@yahoo.com>
To: WILLIAM STEEN (PIT)…..@usss.dhs.gov>
Sent: Sunday, 22 January 2012, 15:42
Subject: Re: Atlanta Jewish Newspaper Advocates Mossad Assassinae President Obama if…..
Dear Mr. Steen,

I am delighted to hear back from you, respecting your professional service, and surprised you wrote back so soon, working on a Sunday! ;) wink

I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate to you, as a Secret Service official connected with the Joint Terrorism Task Force, what I stated clearly in person to you and your FBI colleague back in the summer of 2009 after we met over the James von Brunn case (on which I fully cooperated), and soon thereafter also wrote you in email correspondence:
This is a scan of his actual business card, with his contact data whited out. Mr. Steen has always been courteous and professional with me, and helpful on one occasion that could have gotten tense.

–Unless the government gets violent first with us, we will not get violent in reaction with the government.

–It must not savage the US Constitution by curtailing the Internet, declaring martial law, passing any laws limiting peaceful free speech, or seizing guns.

And now no crisis with Iran, provoked by the US government itself, can be misused to do any of the above.

If you frequented the bars as I do, sir, you would see a seething and arming people. Every person I talked to loathes President Obama, and likewise Romney and Gingrich. And that seething mass includes the returning young combat veterans, many of whom have done a thousand days of actual combat service (the WWII average was 100 to 200 days, as a FOX news program said last night) and they are by turns sullen and livid. They have gone house-to-house, they have killed, and they feel exploited and betrayed, as did our fathers in Korea and Vietnam. It is not just the young vets who hate this government.

And they all open up to me.


I must now add, after the passage of the NDAA Act, which even Judge Andrew Napolitano just denounced on the “Stossel” program on FOX last night as totally unconstitutional (and he has also criticized the previous Bush administration for other police-state measures):

The US military must NEVER arrest American civilians at home or in the street who are merely protesting what is going on.

I know that if free speech is maintained, my movement will make all the progress I desire. This is a peaceful, Internet-driven movement. We TALK. We COMPLAIN. We ORGANIZE to TALK SOME MORE. We do not conspire, attack or hate anyone of any race who is not evil.

That is all I as an American require, that this God-given free speech be maintained, and especially ON THE INTERNET.
Our iMac, donated by a European comrade

Defense Secretary Pannetta has been on teevee, talking about “red lines” Iran must not cross.

The “red line” for Americans is:

2) free speech online, unhindered, and that now includes this: no free speech can be taken down deviously by corporate forms of censorship, such as common carriers (Comcast, Verizon, Cox Cable, Pacific Bell, etc.) a) refusing to carry our emails, b) blocking access to our websites, or c) saying “we found a copyrighted image on your site so we are closing the whole website.”
No, no, no.

This corporate gutting of the First Amendment would violate the common carrier trust, disregard that they are merely public-benefit utilities (however profit-driven), and negate the purpose of the free information superhighway.

We the taxpayers funded the Internet via DARPA, we PAID for the Internet, it is OUR Internet, and it is our public-access highway to each other.
Wall Street does NOT own OUR Internet.

There will be no slow, squeezing death via corporate America OR the extremely unpopular US government of our free speech online.
Lieberman’s Internet kill switch:

Free speech online is the only safety valve we have left.
And that will be the message of my final video. The entity on the Potomac must not touch the First or Second Amendment, by any means, whether governmental or corporate.
Our Sony prosumer camcorder, donated by a European comrade
Stereo microphone for interviews. and a flag honoring the donor

The government must not plead: “WE believe in free speech, but it is the decision of these private corporations whether they wish to carry your messages. Corporations are private persons under law, and you cannot force them to carry messages they dislike.”
NO. Then the whole Internet must be re-nationalized and made the common property of We The People once again.
In the interests of peace, as gun sales soar to new highs, I have endeavored to make myself clear so no misunderstandings are possible.

I remain, as always, Mr. Steen, most respectfully yours,

President, Solutrean Agency

From: WILLIAM STEEN (PIT) <@usss.dhs.gov>
To: john_denugent@yahoo.com
Sent: Sunday, 22 January 2012, 13:17
Subject: Re: Atlanta Jewish Newspaper Advocates Mossad Assassinae President Obama if…..

Mr. de Nugent,
I read a report of this on Friday in The Guardian(UK), but thank you for bringing this to my attention.
SA Bill Steen
From: John de Nugent [mailto:john_denugent@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 12:48 PM
Subject: Atlanta Jewish Newspaper Advocates Mossad Assassinae President Obama if…..
FYI, Mr. Steen………… I am sure the Secret Service will find this of interest
If Andrew Adler were a “white supremacist,” I am sure this would be very interesting.
But in view of the Mossad proclivity to assassinate, this is interesting on all counts. Newt Gingrich said in a presidential debate the US or Israel should do more assassinations of key Iranians….



Atlanta Jewish Newspaper Advocates Mossad Assassinating Obama If Iran Gets Nukes

by Richard Silverstein

January 21, 2012
Andrew Adler, now that’s a name that should live in Jewish infamy. He’s the publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times who actually published a column in his paper saying that one of three options Israel should consider on the day the Prime Minister hears that Iran has a nuclear weapon is for Mossad agents in the U.S. to assassinate Barack Obama. Just in case you think I’m making this lunacy up here’s a screenshot of the column itself. Here’s the money–or should I say, “kill shot.” Adler writes that Option 3 is:
…Give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.
Yes, you read option three correctly. Order a hit on a president in order to preserve Israel’s existence. Think about it. If I have thought of this Tom Clancy-type scenario, don’t you think that this almost unfathomable idea has been discussed in Israel’s most inner circles?
Another way of putting “three” in perspective goes something like this: How far would you go to save a nation comprised of seven million lives…Jews, Christians and Arabs alike?
You have got to believe, like I do, that all options are on the table.
No, actually I’ve got to believe that Andrew Adler is a class A asshole and an idiot to boot. I could rail about the fact that the editor of a Jewish paper in one of America’s largest Jewish communities would pen such disgusting tripe. But what disturbs me even more is that the tens of thousands of Jews living in Atlanta read not just this, but all the garbage this jerk writes. Imagine the impact that this has on the tone and substance of political debate in that town.
Apparently, Israel has such a sterling reputation lately for political assassinations that Adler and others have come to believe that the best way of pursuing a political objective is to murder whoever stands in the way. That’s one of the legacies that Israel’s far right government has bestowed to the world, both Jewish and non-Jewish.
Don’t think that Atlanta is alone. The Jewish paper in the Five Towns published a similarly disturbing column a few years ago calling for the murder of Muslims. Jews, even rabbis, dream up the most vile, disgusting scenarios for their fellow Jews. In Israel, rabbis call for putting uppity Arabs in concentration camps. We have much to ashamed of, just as we have much to be proud of: from our prophetic ethical tradition and inheritors of its mantle like Martin Buber, Judah Magnes and those who founded Brit Shalom; and their latter-day followers in NGOs like Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity, the Popular Committee Against Torture, Breaking the Silence, Peace Now and so many others.


I replied to a donor from the Lone Star State:

Well, that quote from Mein Kampf was so true… A leader must, above all, be persistent and have willpower. That is how your Texas ancestors conquered.

Davy Crockett and all the American volunteers fought to the death at the Alamo in Texas in 1836. Outnumberd 10 to 1 by the Mexicans, they fought, Spartan-syle, 300-style, to the death, electrifying the whole Republic of Texas and the neighboring country, the United States.

And whoever understands karma and why this planet exists embraces the truth that we are supposed to be struggling, innovating and overcoming trials.

This is why I call it The Eternal Solutreans, because our ancestors were the small remnant of the white race that survived the Glacial Maximum in 17,000 BC, the die-off, and those who made it through did so by eternal innovations and death-defying courage, even crossing the icy Atlantic to face twelve-ton woolly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers and 2,000-pound bears, animals they had never faced in Europe!


(The mammoths back in Europe had starved to death in the Glacial Maximum. With all the snow, they could not dig down to the little grass that was left.)

As John Kennedy said in his inaugural address, “I do not shrink from this task, I welcome it!”

Thank you so much again, Texan brother!


PS I am including a marvelous letter that Henrik Holappa wrote me from prison in 2009. (https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/important-info/henrik-holappa/) The only difference between then and now is that my book is now a video series, which of course has taken a lot longer to create, but it shows a human being, not ink on paper — the young people often do not read, they watch — and most of all it is not just facts about the Jews and other enemies.

This video series is about us, our karma, our moral downfall and our rebirth, and forget the f—g Jews! And for me it is the story of my own struggle. If you have seen the “waitress” interview in the final God video, that is how I was for four decades, a beaten, dangerous, abused dog.

The Jews do not realize this, but they are just actors in a cosmic drama revolving around us. They are the villains we need.

What made Henrik and others frustrated at me has been that I myself have been puzzled as to why miserable people, and (as we see more and more) angry people still do not wish to help themselves. I find this generation baffling in its inertia…. …and yet I know that most of all, their nervous system needs to see ACTION first before they can DARE to HOPE. Only action will awaken the dead and dying, dying of grief.

And now Henrik’s letter to me of May 19, 2009 from Batavia Federal Detention Facility, during his 87 days in solitary….

I transcribed his letter in pencil when I got it.

* * *


It’s like being a soldier in the army. You need to understand that you might get killed and soldiers do die. If you have not accepted that you will run and you are preparing to lose. But as the Buddhist proverb reminds us, “Death walks with you and when you run it runs with you.” In this business you cannot try to run away from being captured or even killed. In that moment when I was arrested [March 9] I knew that it was my time and my heart did not even beat faster. I just did not feel “much of anything.” Everything ends in time.

Holappa in Sarver,, Pennslyvania with my then dogs, in the summer of 2008, six months before his outrageous arrest and incarceration by the forces of the now despised Emperor Obama. I had to put the dogs down after they bit an obnoxious neighbor.

The same as for you it has been difficult for me. But in this place [prison] you need to start to ask questions and stay open-minded. I have not cried, but maybe that will come later. But I haven’t been angry either. If you surrender yourself to any strong feeling you start to lose your judgment skills and you start to break.

All that I will be feeling – anger, sadness, etc. – will come out later and I have prepared myself for that. I will direct it rightly. I am not shutting down any of my emotions. I have gone through them in my mind.

If I have a child or children and some day grandchildren, I don’t want to be, with all due respect, like my paternal grandfather who felt he had to apologize for the war in which he fought and which was lost. My grandfather said that he never really got out of the war, that it lived with him. And sometimes he cried so much at night because in his dreams he kept going back there and refought the battles he had already gone through. After World War Two there was no therapy for the side that lost.

Finland, in yellow, before the utterly unprovoked and massive Soviet invasion of 1939. In 1941 Finland fought as an ally of Germany to regain the southeastern regions the Soviets took in 1940. In 1944-45 it was forced to switch sides and fight against Germany (in the so-called “Brothers War”) or face a total Soviet occupation and the liquidation by Stalin and his Jews of hundreds of thousands of the best Finns. This was the most sickening and distasteful episode in Finland’s long, brave and honorable military history, and caused deep regret in many Finns — to have to fight a friend at the behest of an enemy.

Basically, he never talked about his experiences with his wife [my father’s mother], only with other men who had been there themselves. It was forty years after the war that he spoke to his wife of his experiences for a whole night.

I was just thinking now how my mother described her father, my other grandfather. She remembered when she was six years old, getting ready to start school and her father just “disappeared” one night. So my mother’s mother had to ask the housekeeper to look after the children and she went out to look for him. My grandmother told me that she finally found him somewhere out in the forest, about two miles from their home, and when she asked him what he was doing out there, he replied: “I thought THEY would come tonight.” So my grandmother took him back to the house, and my mother told me she remembers seeing both her parents and her mother saying to her father: “Now you just need to lie down and sleep.”

Of course my mother had no idea then why her father was acting that way. But he kept getting more and more ill, and as my mother related to me he just had an empty look in his eyes. He “disappeared” more times, on other nights, and sometimes he just screamed and then he would yell, my grandmother believes, in Russian [the language of his captors]. His situation got so bad that they had to put him in the hospital because they just couldn’t take care of him themselves at home.

The doctors one day had to call my own mother, a teenager then, to come to the hospital, because he was yelling so much and calling out her name and would not stop. My mother said that when she arrived he began to calm down and then became peaceful. She asked him “What’s wrong?” and her father only said “There are so many things I would like to talk about.” My mother was only 15 then and answered: “It is too late for that now.” Later that evening he finally died.

My mother told me she wishes she had said something more intelligent than that, had she known he was about to die. She always said to me that she never really knew her father, just that he had been in the war, but that was it. That was in April 1966, 21 years after the war. My grandfather was only 52 years old.

My grandmother still cannot talk about him without starting to cry.

She had married him during the war, in 1943. She said he was such a happy and handsome young man, so full of life. They all liked him a lot. My grandfather Martti had blue eyes and was a big man who used to be in good shape. She and he had met at a church meeting before the war, in 1938. Just before he was called up to active duty in October 1939 he had asked her Swedish father in his poor Swedish: “May I take out Miss Jordman?”

In 1945, six long years later, he returned, and my grandmother, his wife, went to the Oulu Military Hospital where an army major simply said: “Your husband, Corporal Martti Partanen, is being treated and is ready to go back home. His behavior might be different but all men who have been in those [Soviet] camps are like that. He will be just fine, trust me.”

On the way back home he did not say one word — nothing at all. And he was indeed a very different and changed man. And again and again my grandmother told me that he was not “fine” and he never again became “fine.” She told me that whatever happened must have been so horrible that it changed this young man after the war into someone she could not recognize at all.

His spirit was totally gone, his striking blue eyes no longer shone, and he had become so thin he weighed only 50 kilograms (120 pounds). And he was a tall man, a big man; his army record said he once weighed 75 kilograms (180 pounds). For my grandmother it was so painful to see the love of her life changed and ill. The young man she met before the war did not exist any more.

My grandmother, I must say, was a beautiful woman, with long blond hair and blue eyes, a real Swede.

A Finnish girl enjoying the snow. Finland and Sweden are the two blondest countries on earth.

The war destroyed so many fine, so many good young men. I am telling you about my grandfather because he is a reason why your book is so important, John, so that in the future there will be no more stories like my grandfather’s, but only the history of our past will tell of such tragedies. In the meantime we should gather our stories together, the stories of the side that lost the war, our own “holocaust” stories. I hope some day there will be a book like that.

* * *

Holappa has been very busy with his Finnish Resistance Movement, affiliated with the Swedish Resistance Movement.

His newly redesigned website is

The new banner:

Here, in Google translation (not very good for Finnish 😉 ) is the front page in English


Here is an account of some of his activities, in Swedish….the annual report he wrote on the Swedish website:


…and then in so-so-quality Google translation


–and, again in Swedish….


…and then in so-so-quality Google translation



The whole incredible Holappa saga of bravery and suffering for our race:



On Facebook a comrade in Massachusetts wrote me with reference to this blog:


and said:

Impressive post up there now, spectacular in so many ways. Honesty and sensitivity is so much a part of your brand, and the equal parts measured brutality and severity somehow (incongruously and impossibly) fit right in.

Thank you and congratulations to you for being an unapologetic and utter original.

I appreciated the bit about mowing down adversaries, or however you put it, it startled me and blew me away. Yet, my heart was really blown away by your story about calling out to God.

I have thought, rarely, what folly it is to believe in righteousness when righteousness does not prevail. Wouldn’t it be more prudent to believe in whatever prevails? 😉

I admire your perseverance. Of your many great qualities, your strength to continue your fight amidst adversity is really something to be proud of. People are getting the message, your message, and many more will follow.
Best regards.

I replied:

Hi, dear friend.

A very well-intentioned Austrian comrade just wrote me in German that I should stick to just one image, that of the invincible Marine ;-), and not expose my vulnerabilities. He said “what will stick in peoples’ minds is the molested child, not the conquering hero.”

Well, today it is like this:
–1 in 4 women are on psychiatric meds (usually for depression.)
–Every soldier coming back from the war zone is now pushed to get PTSD treatment.
–A huge percentage of the population has seen a therapist or “counselor” for something.
–A quarter of the kids are on Ritalin.
–The Jerry Sandusky scandal, which just put football coaching legend Joe Patino in an early grave, is nationwide headlines.

What we need as a nation is a large helping of TRUTH. and, frankly, I have so much baggage from the years of the “pre-therapy John” — I was molested for YEARS — that the ONLY correct PR solution (as well as the morally right thing) is to write what I am writing.

What a poser I would be if I pretended to be perfect!

The motto of the Eternal Solutreans is (notice the order) TRUTH * GOD * WORK * FOLK. …..

I would like to also say how much I appreciate conversation (or in this case, Facebook “chat”) with white women at your level — intellectually, spiritually, etc.

….I sometimes fall into the wrong attitude, based on much experience, that all “dames” (old phrase that dates me ;-)) are so feeling-driven that only light conversation is worthwhile with them, and so many women (as well as womanish men) flee conflict with the outside world and harsh truths as well, but then someone likes you comes along! 😉

The Buddha said once that a woman would have to reincarnate as a man to achieve enlightenment….but honestly, the most enlightened person I ever encountered over a long period of time was a woman from South Carolina named Rae Autry….

She was a Jehovah’s Witness, and zealous, but I could tell hat she had her doubts too….. When she walked into a room, the place lit up; the whole energy changed.

It is of course God’s will that women have a strong “feeling” nature because motherhood demands the infinite patience that comes from love, powerful love and affection, not logic. (Otherwise we might strangle the whining little pissers and poopers! ;-)) ….But there ARE women who are advanced souls, and both feminine and also clear-minded about the world.

I’m just another feller who happens to be an Aryan warlord. 😉 We warriors need good women like you who try to “get” us, and know we are needed.

The first spiritual video goes in several places into how white women can make a giant contribution to our ultimate victory, by appreciating the warrior nature of any real man. We are hunters and thus we are killers, we kill for food and we kill for freedom from fear and tyrany, and we have been at it since the Stone Age.

http://www.principia.edu/mammoth/mammothfacts.htm Here come ten tons, 13 towering feet tall, saying to our Solutrean ancestors: “You gonna eat WHOM?”


But it can be a lonely life unless women appreciate us for who we are and for what we do. (Hey, I would love sometime to be a woman, peacefully shopping for shoes for hours, not seeking blood, battle, bones and gore. ;-))




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