=================the Noble Wolf: my heart will go on
Among the greatest white heroes ever were an ancient royal couple, King Leonidas of Sparta, and his wife, Queen Gorgo.
The ancient Greeks looked like modern Americans of British-Isles descent, with long, narrow faces, and some blond, others with light brown hair, and others dark in hair and eye. The bones structure was British. The ancient Greek people were a mix of invading blond Aryans, the “xanthoi,” who were aristocrats, and brunet Mediterraneans, just as with the Romans and other peoples.
Plato noted once: “The dark-haired men we call manly, and the golden-haired the children of the gods.” Here is the actual appearance of the Scottish-born actor (of Irish-Catholic ancestry) Gerard Butler, who played King Leonidas in the renowned 2007 movie “300.”
British actress Lena Heady played Queen Gorgo very well, seen here at the Los Angeles premiere of “300”
Leonidas was of course the hero of the battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC in ancient Greece.
About 100,000 multiracial Persians came around the Malian Gulf from Phalara in the north, and the Spartans arrived from Scarphea in the southeast. They met at Thermopylae, at a spot between the water (to the north) an the Trachinian Cliffs (on the south) where only one wagon could pass, and the Persian numbers were of less effect.
Underneath the word Malis is a road marked “Path followed by Persians.” A traitor named Ephialtes of Malis showed the Persians this mountain road. The Persians could not defeat the Spartans in two days of combat, but thanks to this despicable creature they were able to come around the mountain,. descend to the road, and attack the Spartans from the rear as well. At that point, escape was impossible. King Leonidas dismissed the other Greeks, and the Spartans and Thespians resolved to fight to the death1) to inspire the whole nation and 2) slow the Persians down while the other Greeks got ready for war. No other Greek was willing to let the Spartans call them cowards…. To this day, in modern Greek,the word “ephialtes” means “traitor” and also “nightmare.”
This was certainly the most famous battle to the death in western history.
Spartans against Persians in “300,” with spears for thrusting and with shields for protection- All ancient Greeks were in effect bodybuilders, and thus had indeed the proverbial “sixpacks.” Numerous sculptures show men with musculature right out of a modern bodybuilding magazine (,minus the exaggerated steroids effect). The Greeks wore 50 pounds of armor and carried 30 pounds of weapons..
Greek (and Roman) chest armor, called a cuirass, often depicted muscle-rippling chests and stomachs. (http://www.hellenic-art.com/armour/bodyarmour.htm) All combat was face-to-face, and you had to kill your enemy personally, not via a sniper rifle from hundreds of yards away or by firing a rocket from a helicopter. You had to be ready to kill another human up close.
–All 300 Spartans, with their king Leonidas (said to be descended from Hercules),
–plus 900 of their slaves, called the helots, who were also willing to fight,
–and 700 Thespians, who were other brave Greeks,
….battled to the very death, right down to the last and defiant man, rather than submit to 100,000 Persians.
They slaughtered the minions of that multiracial Persian empire that was invading Greece ….by a ratio of 5 to 1.
The reason why Europe is white today is the multiracial Persian empire lost that day, and it lost only because one man, Leonidas, with the total emotional backing of his brave wife and queen, Gorgo, made up his mind to stop, or at least slow down, the Persian army, and he did so at the pass called Hot Baths, or in Greek, Thermopylae.
And they did give a hot bath to the Persians ….in their own blood.
A Spartan with Pegasus on his shield hacks down with his kopis on a Persian.
After the Spartans’ heroic last stand, all Greece then felt bound by their honor to match the Spartan role model, the Spartan fight to the death, to take up arms as well, and the inspired Greeks crushed the Persian hordes on both land and sea. The pure-blooded, courageous white Greeks sent the multiracial Persians retreating in humiliation BACK to their vast Asian empire.
A century later another Greek, blond king Alexander the Great, who was so fair of skin that when he blushed his whole chest turned visibly red, would go on the attack against the Persian threat, and annihilate their empire forever.
Alexander the Great; like many Greek generals and prominent citizens, he fought in the first row, “leading” his soldiers LITERALLY. All Greek citizens were also soldiers, almost all had slaves, and engaged heavily in political life.
The famous 2007 movie “300,” shot in Montreal, Québec, Canada, which took in $480 million, is based on a comic book of the same name, and thus is full of the same imagery in sepia and black. It is a very jewish version of those heroic events, with two Jewish producers, Canton and Goldmann, and I suspect the director, Zack Snyder, may also be Jewish, but still, “300” contains many good scenes, so I recommend the movie.
Rosemary Rickey, the assistant to Dr. William Pierce, founder of the old National Alliance (and I worked for three years for Dr. Pierce as a young man), once said to me that jews could do good movies. She explained that the wholesome movies Hollywood used to make in the 1930s were done under extreme pressure from Christian clergymen, especially in the OLD Catholic church, and under sharp scrutiny by Congress. Speaking for the white American public of back then, their demand was to knock off the 1920s-style promoting of fornication….that is, sex outside of marriage, family and children…. and cut out the glorifying of gangsters and their admittedly exciting, action-packed, and very wealthy lives.
Rosemary said: “The Jews do know how to make a movie that will appeal to Aryans, even promoting Aryan values — but they always put in a Jewish twist in terms of who the good guys and the bad guys are.”
What is crazy in the movie “300” is that the ancient Greeks, who back then looked very white in reality, with many blonds, like their blond god Apollo and the gray-eyed goddess Athena, were depicted as virtual latinos…. The Irish-Scottish actor Gerard Butler, who played Leonidas, of Norman descent like myself, was made to die his hair jet-black, to wear dark makeup, and put in black contact lenses to hide his bright, blue-green eyes!
And the ancient Persians, who had at least white, blue-eyed men as rulers, were depicted ridiculously as negroes, or as swarthy middle easterners. King Xerxes himself was turned into a tall, hispanic, sulky, psychopathic, bitchy, lethal, sort-of gay hair dresser!
Xerxes was played by a white actor from Brazil, Rodrigo Santoro….
……but even he had to get darker! Get ready for Tanworld! 😉
This is the jewish goal: everyone is tan or black, and/or a pouting, resentful gay.
However, on the other hand, the actions scenes in “300” are truly superb, many in powerful batlefield slow-motion, and what is striking ther also is how King Leonidas’s wife, the Spartan Queen Gorgo, is totally supportive of her warrior husband, of his decision to sacrifice himself and all his men …for the freedom and honor of Hellas, of ancient Greece.
Queen Gorgo, by a nod, understanding that total war will result,. gives her husband Leonidas the go-ahead to kill the arrogant Persian ambassador. She was the daughter, wife and mother of Spartan kings. Here her eyes say to her husband “do it.”
Gorgo is correctly portrayed in “300” as wise, clear-sighted, responsible and loyal, anything but a ditz, yes, a true and regal queen, just as the ancient Greek historian Hereodotus said she was.
Spartan men had great respect for their women, and the Greek historian Plutarch quotes Queen Gorgo as follows:
“A foreign lady told her that the women of Lakedaimon, that is, Sparta, were the only women in the world who could rule their men. ‘With good reason,” Gorgo, replied, ‘for we are the only women who bring forth real men.”
As an aside, a French woman who, to survive during WWII, became the mistress of German officers and then, after D-Day, of British and American officers as her lovers, once wrote: “The English and Americans were boys. The Germans were men.”
I found this quote fascinating because a French Waffen-SS general named Leon Degrelle once asked the German leader Adolf Hitler if he considered himself a German first, or a European first.
Hitler replied: “ Neither. I am a Hellene,” that is, I am an ancient Greek.
And so, going back to the Spartans, when they were pushed by their Spartan mothers and wives to be brave, in the movie “300” as in the reality of the ancient, white Greek race of yesteryear, when a Persian general arrogantly threatened a high Spartan officer with a skyful of arrows, this is what happens, first with the Persian threatening, and then the Spartan officer replying, as taken from the movie “300”:
(play 0:57 to end)
I salute the great white heroes King Leonidas ….his Queen Gorgo…and our white blood relatives, the ancient Spartans. As they died for us, we must fulfill our obligation too to our race.
The scientific name persica, along with the word “peach” itself and its cognates in many European languages, derives from an early European belief that peaches were native to Persia (now Iran).The modern botanical consensus is that they originate in China, and were introduced to Persia and the Mediterranean region along the Silk Road before Christian times.[2] The botanical name is derived from the Greek word for the fruit after it was introduced into the Mediterranean through Persia and from China.
* * *
Sometimes, when admiring the noble carriage and behavior of a fellow white person, I will catch myself beaming inwardly with pride. I feel genuinely happy for them and I am rooting for them. Even a simple greeting with another of my race will generate an unspoken comment, “Good afternoon, my brother or sister.” I leave that last part out, but it’s right at the tip of my tongue, and I treat my brothers and sisters with warmth and familiarity. I want the best for them, I want them to be healthy and happy, and I feel good around them.
When I become aware of this mental shift I think, “By God, how far you’ve come.” I marvel at the ease with which I could adopt a new belief system. But then it occurs to me – this is not a new philosophy. This is the innate kinship that was driven out of us, relentlessly, by public school initiatives and main stream media brainwashing. On the other side of the fence, no one from the pc camps is pushing for programs to re-educate blacks to accept minority whites. No one is forcing them to deny racial unity.
The Islamists say, when someone joins the religion, that they haven’t converted but reverted – gone back to how they were born. I feel this way about white unity and Aryan pride. It is how we are born, to love and support our own. We start by identifying with our own families, then the community around us. Jews just LOVE other Jews and are very vocal about bonding with their own wherever they are found. It is the same with every religion and race.I can’t think of another race, other than ours, that is ashamed to express kinship with their people. I also can’t think of another race so put-upon to relinquish racial unity. People will see it someday, people will get it, but by that time the annihilation of the white race and culture could be so far along that there might then be little to be done about it.
Thank you for working so hard on this white hero and heroine program, John. I know that what you do has come with a very steep price tag.
================WHITTAKER’S “THE MANTRA”
Comrade John King, a former Army lieutenant, husband and father, and white activist, sent me this:
* * *
Video: Bob Whitaker, the creator of “the Mantra,” speaks
And good people across the antizionist spectrum have been doing that well.
Unfortunately, they have never seen or realized the central thread, and so their readers do not getit either.
That is why the Mantra must be pushed.
All of the problems we suffer today (racial quotas, non-white immigration, historical distortion, etc) are SYMPTOMS of the Multicultural white genocide program
The Mantra about white genocide must be our CENTRAL FOCUS. That’s what we’re fighting. We must not allow our people to get bogged down in the tangents (revisionism, black crime statistics, Jewish control of this or that). These are ADJUNCTS to the mantra but not replacements for it.
As Bob says, if you’re not parroting the Mantra you’re really not pro-White.
Bradley Smith is a big figure in Holocaust revisionism but that does not make him pro-White. For a matter of fact, he’s married to a Mexican.
Andrew Breitbart was a big hater of Obama and brought down the crooked black organization Acorn — but he too was not a pro-White
Most ‘responsible conservatives” are “politically incorrect” but that does not make them pro-white. Most responsible conservatives, politically incorrect as they are, are still anti-whites. The conservative wants the Mexicans so he can work them in his sweatshops and pay them little for his increased profits.
The liberal wants the Mexicans as potential voters.
Here’s the mantra written out, in case you haven’t yet heard it.
The Mantra
===========================PLEASE HELP ME FINANCIALLY
This is how you can help financially:
–checks, postal money orders and other money orders that are made out to “John de Nugent”
One hundred Swiss francs arrived yesterday from Germany, equivalent to US$93….
$50 in US cash arrived yesterday from “the True North, Proud and Free” (Canada).
The banknote itself honors President (and general) Ulysses Grant, who during the War Between the States (called wrongly the “Civil War” — it was not a war between angry civilians — the French and Germans call it correctly the “Secession War”) banned all Jews from a three-state military district for illegal cotton trading and other swindles. (A panicky Abraham Lincoln had General Halleck order Grant’s order rescinded.)The Jews whine and moan about being banished from three states by a “renowned war hero.” http://www.jpost.com/Features/InThespotlight/Article.aspx?id=199853
“The Jews, as a class violating every regulation of trade… are hereby expelled from the department within twenty-four hours from the receipt of this order.”
This was not an order given in 1930s Germany, but rather in the midst of the US Civil War. On December 17, 1862, just over two weeks before Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in the US, Maj.-Gen. (and future president) Ulysses S. Grant signed General Order No. 11, expelling all Jews from Tennessee, Mississippi and Kentucky. Although only remaining in effect for several weeks, it was the first and possibly most overt official act of anti-Semitism in the United States to date.
The order was issued on the backdrop of cotton trading between the US North and secessionist South during the war. The North was reliant on cotton from the South, and handed regulatory control over the trade to the army. As a general, Grant was given the authority to regulate that trade and hand out licenses to cotton merchants inside his military theater of operations. It was his anti-Semitic belief that Jews controlled trade, specifically the black market trade of cotton, which led to General Order No. 11.
The auburn-haired, blue-eyed Grant, his last name indicating Norman ancestry like my own, was the relentless yet careful general who won the war for the North. He called the “Israelites” (his phrase) “an intolerable nuisance.” This is a colorized photo, based on descriptions from the time of his eye and hair color.
–sending valuable jewelry or gold coins
–cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)
–bank wire (contact me for details at john_denugent@yahoo.com)
–gift cards for BestBuy, Walmart, Barnes & Noble bookstores, etc.
This is what I have been saying for years, and Pat Buchanan wrote in “Death of the West.” I tell every white young person I meet to make sure they multiply because we are in a non-shooting kind of WAR right now. At least 3 children per couple and if you need more then one wife I think that should be legal (it is even biblical). They let Muslims have more then one and look the other way. I think every white needs to have about 8 children = just like the muslims! We could make a comeback fast. In 2 generations we could be back as the majority of the world as we were in 1900! Those German people as so wonderful to see = wish we could redo history!