ENGLISH Subliminals; American gun maker Ruger overwhelmed by gun demand, suspends further orders; time wasters

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AlL day long I have been getting scathing emails from Jews. Wonder why, today of all days? 😉 Is anything special going on? 😉

The videos displayed in the blog below are being interfered with also, with JewTube videos from previous blogs popping up in their place…..

The culprit is Google, owner of JewTube, which 1) cancelled three of my YouTube channels, 2) closed all three of my gmail accounts, and 3) reduced search engine results on the term “John de Nugent” from three million to 150,000.

If the wrong video is displaying, just click on the URL above it. Of course, this measure may cause them to desist anyway. I know, dear Jewbies, that this is a very painful day for you. 😉 Blow your hooked noses and cry, for if Hitler ever came back, he would finish the job.


There will surely be good visits to my website today, all people honoring Hitler, though when he was alive and struggling in 1928 he got 2.6% of the vote….

Born to save people who do not want to be saved

He had to spend most of his time leading up to the 30 May 1928 election with infighting and various racialists who hated his guts.


Hitler came to power four years later, but it was due to MONEY… The Great Depression which began one year later proceeded to drive workers toward him, and German industrialists, Wall Street bankers and Zionist Jew bankers sent him fat donations, though each for their own selfish reasons.

One certainly cannot start a movement for whites with money from whites!

It is far better to die, wallet full, at the hands of a communist, black or jew, than give your money to a foolish cause. 😉 Of course, the enemy will then get your precious full wallet, and I am sure he will thank you and bring flowers to your grave. 😉

This is the last blog, comrades.
Thanks for your wonderful support.
You supported me just as your kind in 1928 supported Hitler, with 2.6% support. 😉


“What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, and the freedom and independence of our Fatherland so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the Creator of the universe.
Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its usefulness.”

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf CHAPTER 8 p.190

“Für was wir zu kämpfen haben, ist die Sicherung des Bestehens und der Vermehrung unserer Rasse und unseres Volkes, die Ernährung seiner Kinder und Reinhaltung des Blutes, die Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit des Vaterlandes, auf dass unser Volk zur Erfüllung der auch ihm vom Schöpfer des Universums zugewiesenen Mission heranzureifen vermag.

Jede Gedanke und jede Idee ,jede Lehre und alles Wissen haben diesem Zweck zu dienen.Von diesem Gesichtspunkte aus ist auch alles zu prüfen und nach seiner Zweckmäßigkeit zu verwenden oder abzulehnen.”

Adolf Hitler

Mein Kampf KAPITEL 8 seite 234

And this is why I preach reincarnation, 1) because it is true and 2) because it is a useful teaching. It will create fearless and elite warriors who will wade through the mediocre blobs of current humanity to ruthless victory.

And it will create real women, looking dutifully for real men, and to bear the warriors and mothers in our glorious future.

The comrade who created this video wrote (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcFyF-y-2lg):


This was lifted off the archives of Radio Free Mississippi. This is the #1 reason why I support John de Nugent as the leader of the WN movement. To find out more about John de Nugent, feel free to check out his website. With the will of God, may we unite to save the white republic.




Yup, some people can’t handle the truth

My Favorite Animal

Our teacher asked what my favorite animal was, and I said, “Fried chicken.”
She said I wasn’t funny, but she couldn’t have been right, because everyone else laughed.

My parents told me to always tell the truth. I did. Fried chicken is my favorite animal.
I told my dad what happened, and he said my teacher was probably a member of PETA.
He said they love animals very much.

I do, too. Especially chicken, pork and beef. Anyway, my teacher sent me to the principal’s office.
I told him what happened, and he laughed, too. Then he told me not to do it again.

The next day in class my teacher asked me what my favorite live animal was.
I told her it was chicken. She asked me why, so I told her it was because you could make them into fried chicken.

She sent me back to the principal’s office. He laughed, and told me not to do it again.

I don’t understand. My parents taught me to be honest, but my teacher doesn’t like it when I am.

Today, my teacher asked me to tell her what famous person I admired most. I told her, “Colonel Sanders.”
Guess where I am now…


A comrade sent me this breathless email:

* * *

There is now NO doubt about WHO is behind FACEBOOK

If you have an acct, you are left with the choice… Do I shut it OR do I continue to voluntarily supply the CIA with data about myself, family, friends, etc?

Mark Zuckerberg is not the owner of FACEBOOK; he is a decorated CIA employee!



* * *

I replied:

* * *

Well, what you say is all true, but true with a diabolical comic twist.

The Onion, which did this video production, is a satirical campus newspaper and online website (http://www.theonion.com/) , well-known to the college crowd.

What they are doing here is diabolical. It is a sneering, habituating and classically Jewish admission-denial, admitting everything, but presenting it as a joke, just as the movie “V for Vendetta” was truth — the government is doing the terrorism so as to get more and more police state — but presented as mere fiction.

When I saw “V for Vendetta” by WARNER BROTHERS IN HOLLYWOOD my first thought was HABITUATION.

Get mentally used to getting raped.

After all, jews for millennia have run the forced white sex slave business, and once you rape a woman enough, she accepts her lot. Something breaks inside. It is like breaking in a horse. It accepts it will never be free.

Hitler became a violent antisemite in Vienna on learning who runs the white sex slave business — and how they run it, starting with a “boot camp” for these kidnapped white country girls of days of degrading rapes in every orifice.

Habituation. This video is not truth, but mental rape. “Facebook is run by the CIA — hah-hah-hah.” And yet, and yet, deep-down you realize they are not kidding at all.

But now you can lie to yourself that it was just a movie.

As Anton Lavey (the Jew born Harold Levy), who founded modern Satanism , once wrote:

“Man is the only animal who can lie to himself and believe it.”

As the Romans said, Mundus decipi vult, “the world wants to be deceived.”

Many lies are comforting.

“It’s just a movie…. It’s just a satire, for Pete’s sake! Lighten up!”




===========Aryan Atlantis video and blatant subliminal crown pic; Frank Collin book on Atlantis
It is bizarre that the Weather Channel would run this clip (below), which has virtually nothing to do with weather, unless one includes Hörbiger’s World Ice Theory, which is flashed on the screen for about two seconds.

Or maybe sunken continents from 12,000 BC (they say) affect the weather today?



The Today Show’s “Hispanic” hottie Natalie Morales (I wish all “Hispanics” looked like this ;) wink ) narrates this, a loathsome bit of NWO propaganda shtick.

For example, Nazi archeologists, under orders from Himmler, “invade” archeological sites (yes, “invade,” because that is what bored Nazis always do). 😉

They then engage in “digging frantically” for clues about Atlantis…. Obviously Nazis are so mentally ill, not to mention dangerous, that they need to be restrained for their own good, or put down like rabid dogs….as many government-controlled fake WN websites say about me. 😉

Note especially the subliminal at 7:30, of which, with some effort, I took a screen shot. It lasted maybe 1/64th of a second.

Last fall, as the Borders bookstore chain was collapsing, I and my assistant went to the local store and bought a lot of books very cheap at their going-out-of-business sale. One that I bought was Frank Joseph’s 1987 book on Atlantis, The Destruction of Atlantis: Compelling Evidence of the Sudden Fall of the Legendary Civilization..

We all know about Frank Joseph… but anyway the book is very good.

It goes a great deal into what Edgar Cayce said about Atlantis. Well, this is the Edgar Cayce whom earlier versions of Wikipedia said was a hardcore antisemite and white racialist. (A more recent version says in effect “well, everybody down south was a racist and antisemite back then. Nothing to look at here, people; keep moving.”)

I recall that a WN named Truman Keesey once told me that a publication which the Cayce Society never released has Cayce declaring that “the Jews are reincarnated criminals.”

Back to the Joseph book:

It relates word-for-word what Cayce said about a long final struggle between on the one hand a virtuous sort of Atlantean “Tea Party,” trying to restore the old virtues, and on the other hand an evil force, both battling it out on Atlantis.

The former, called the Sons of the Law of One, felt Atlantis had turned wicked and to avoid doom must return to the values of the original republic.

The latter, the Sons of Belial, preached God is dead, Satan rules, and orgies and crime are the way to liberation.

Putting it all together, if Atlantis was real, and Joseph’s book adds to the idea that it was (to which I might add that even Establishment archeologists admit that Puma Punku, way high up in the Andes, was destroyed by a FLOOD which swept along huge building blocks). then the Jews of today are the reincarnated Sons of Belial, and just as they destroyed Atlantis (by tampering with the laws of physics, seeking all the riches inside the earth) they seek the same thing to the West today, total wealth and power or absolute destruction.

I now believe that when Jesus said to the Jew leaders in John 8:44 “you are from your father, the Devil,” He meant it absolutely literally.

A Canadian comrade got this very, very typical hate mail from a Jew the other day (warning: shocking content!) and forwarded it to me:


The Jews really are literally a demon people. They think up things that could not even occur to a normal person, belchings of twisted hate that are more bizarre than scary. Yes, the Jews are phenomenal…. There is no one like them, and their father is the prince of darkness. So many people live with gray areas and ambiguity, but I thank God when the issues are so clear. We are doing the work of the Lord.

And He will strengthen us. Joan of Arc was once mocked: “If God is with you, why do you need soldiers?”

She responded with her usual bold and succinct style: “The men at arms will fight and God will give victory.”

The more I read about that girl, the more you have to love her.


PS For those who have not seen my God videos, which marshal the massive scientific evidence of reincarnation, they are found here:


A static webpage on reincarnation and the losers who believed in it such as George Patton and Henry Ford, both also vociferous antisemites:




Here is a Wiki article on this distinguished German-American gun comnpany:

Press release: http://www.ruger.com/corporate/news/2012-03-21.html

March 21, 2012

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE: RGR), announced today that for the first quarter 2012, the Company has received orders for more than one million units. Therefore, the Company has temporarily suspended the acceptance of new orders. Chief Executive Officer Michael O. Fifer made the following comments:

    • The Company’s Retailer Programs that were offered from January 1, 2012 through February 29, 2012 were very successful and generated significant orders from retailers to independent wholesale distributors for Ruger firearms.
    • Year-to-date, the independent wholesale distributors placed orders with the Company for more than one million Ruger firearms.
    • Despite the Company’s continuing successful efforts to increase production rates, the incoming order rate exceeds our capacity to rapidly fulfill these orders. Consequently, the Company has temporarily suspended the acceptance of new orders.
    • The Company expects to resume the normal acceptance of orders by the end of May 2012.

* * *
A sign of our times…..Barack.
==================to a time waster who then grew a conscience and became a donor 😉

Dear comrade,
You emailed me that you wanted my new phone number so we again could chat.
Here’s the deal. As I expected, when I asked if you wanted to make a big donation you clammed up. The ADL has thousands of paid full-time employees, because even the greediest Jew understands money buys power and he donates.
You have read my blog for years and sent nothing. Now you are lonely, and want to call someone, and what you again will say is this:
“A Pittsburgh jury convicted me, so Pittsburgh people are brain-dead. You’re wasting your time, John.”
If I have absolutely nothing better to do, you can send me YOUR phone number and I may call you IF I want to be a depressed defeatist. ;) wink
But right now you are just one of the 99% who read my blog and send zip. THAT is why I have not been able to start my movement, and THAT is why I lost my HQ-size house in October 2011….. because of my 1500 regular readers, just 5 are serious donors.
I suggested years ago that since you were unemployed you come up and help me, but no, let me guess, you still prefer to stay in North Carolina, you are still unemployed, and you are still depressed. 😉
HOW can I justify talking to you when I have so much to do? I am working on a fundamentally new approach. And that takes time and money.
PS The upshot is he sent me a $200 US postal money order, gratefully accepted.
Yes, chastising worked. 😉
I am doing a video today for worthless white racists, and it may awaken the conscience in some as with this comrade. For two years zip and then suddenly two hundred dollars. And he is unemployed too! These turkeys need to understand their names are already on the long government arrest and execution list, and if I fail they will be taken away.
It is thus enlightened selfishness to help me, not just idealism, and maybe that angle will work (but probably not. 😉 )
God knows courage, duty and idealism do not work with the unevolved nig-jew-haters.
Every animal resents being kicked or bitten, and that is all they are. White nationalism is building a new and better white nation based on love of our heritage, admiration for the beauty of our men, women and children, and knowledge and pride regarding our history, culture and accomplishments. And it is having a sensible religion for when we die..The minorities are just a footnote in true white nationalism, not the centerpiece as today. People think they need to educate themselves more on the Jews and blacks. No, they are just getting themselves more depressed. The minorities are doing the same thing today as they did yesterday, just worse. 😉 Worse because we do not support our leaders. But the scroogiest Jew gives money to advance HIS group.
=============STOP SPONGING

If you read my blog regularly, how can you look yourself in the mirror if you never send a donation? Are you somehow unaware this blog is about to morph like a butterfly into a movement?

Are you having a blackout about the eternally repeated fact, stated on my blog over and over and over, that you can send small amounts of cash with no return address? If that is the case, then take some iron pills and stop fainting at the donations section,…. 😉

I got in some donations yesterday, and treated myself, after a dry spell, to a small and a large Bud Light (beer) after a hot day videofilming under five hot lights roasting my face in closeup.

Interesting bill total… ;-), and notice how in Gottseidank Hispanic-free Pittsburgh they printed up Gracias por visitarnos.…. 😉

And we are notified an optional gratuity of 18% will be added.… 😉





I got this sweet letter (just showing the first paragraph below) from two students in the Northeast of the USA, who also are a couple, and committed to Vedanta (Aryan religion).


They also sent

$102 in cash!

A generous Texan sent

$60 in cash

Another comrade….
–husband and father of four,
–laid off by iPhone,
–and so poor he rides his bicycle to the library to read my blog,
–whose house was just burned down by a crazed neighbor, and
–who lives in the most liberal state in the whole USA,
sent me

$20 in cash.

I deeply appreciate these sacrifices.
I deeply appreciate these sacrifices.

Mark 12:41-44 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

The Widow’s Mite

41 And He [Jesus] sat down opposite the [Temple] treasury, and began observing how the people were putting money into the treasury; and many rich people were putting in large sums. 42 A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which amount to a cent. 43 Calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, “Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury; 44 for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on.”

What Jesus meant by that was that God is not fooled. He knows what you CAN give and what you DO give.
Everyone who sends me needed donations believes in a Higher Power watching over this world. Not one atheist sends me money.
As Christ said, you will die in your sins. As in literally die.
I need to film and edit the final video, and redo this website to a mass-appeal website. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

This is how you can help financially:

–postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area — or made out to “John de Nugent”

Send to

John de Nugent

76 Highlands Mall 67

Natrona Heights PA 15065


–sending valuable jewelry or gold coins

–cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)

–bank wire to an alternate bank account (contact me for details at john_denugent@yahoo.com; one comrade does this every month!)

–PAYPAL (write me for details)

–gift cards for BestBuy, Walmart, Barnes & Noble bookstores, etc.

I need your donation urgently to pay for the new website and for the final video, which will be the most devastating attack on the Jews FOCUSING ON CHILD MOLESTATION, THE MOST HATED CRIME ON EARTH, and the most inspiring appeal to the Aryan soul inside us ever recorded.

========================visitors to this website


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04/19 @ 04:30 : Gloucester, Massachusetts, US
04/19 @ 04:30 : Glenside, Pennsylvania, US
04/19 @ 04:29 : Glenside, Pennsylvania, US
04/19 @ 04:26 : Goldthwaite, Texas, US
04/19 @ 04:23 : Bittstädt, DE
04/19 @ 04:22 : State College, Pennsylvania, US
04/19 @ 04:19 : Columbus, Ohio, US
04/19 @ 04:17 : Wernersville, Pennsylvania, US
04/19 @ 04:15 : Belgrade, RS
04/19 @ 04:14 : Blue Eye, Missouri, US
04/19 @ 04:14 : Zurich, CH
04/19 @ 03:52 : Aberdeen, GB
04/19 @ 03:49 : Sarcelles, FR
04/19 @ 03:47 : Worthing, GB
04/19 @ 03:46 : Steelville, Missouri, US
04/19 @ 03:44 : Atlanta, Georgia, US
04/19 @ 03:36 : Oxford, GB
04/19 @ 03:16 : Bethel, Minnesota, US
04/19 @ 03:10 : Hainewalde, DE
04/19 @ 03:07 : Castellbisbal, ES
04/19 @ 03:07 : Holstebro, DK
04/19 @ 02:59 : Toronto, CA

04/20 @ 03:56 : Tampa, Florida, US
04/20 @ 03:55 : Otradnoe, RU
04/20 @ 03:53 : Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania, US
04/20 @ 03:52 : Chino, California, US
04/20 @ 03:51 : Saint Louis, Missouri, US
04/20 @ 03:50 : Chicago, Illinois, US
04/20 @ 03:49 : Istanbul, TR
04/20 @ 03:48 : Zurich, CH
04/20 @ 03:47 : Winnipeg, CA
04/20 @ 03:32 : Port Dover, CA
04/20 @ 03:32 : Dryden, CA
04/20 @ 03:32 : Bergisch Gladbach, DE
04/20 @ 04:10 : Bayonne, New Jersey, US
04/20 @ 04:10 : Saint Petersburg, Florida, US
04/20 @ 04:09 : Charleston, Illinois, US
04/20 @ 04:08 : Rocklin, California, US
04/20 @ 04:06 : Owensboro, Kentucky, US
04/20 @ 04:06 : Jülich, DE
04/20 @ 04:04 : Lille, FR
04/20 @ 04:02 : Union, New Jersey, US
04/20 @ 03:59 : Beaune, FR
04/20 @ 03:58 : Sharpsburg, Georgia, US

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