John de Nugent for President in 2016! So the mulatto puppet beat the white puppet; letter to German-Americans; my Marine Corps record; Diary of an Israeli Shill

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 What is this? Hint: It weights 7,000 pounds…. and it contains brutal life forms that will kill if attacked. 😉 (Half-kidding only)

Who is better qualified to lead our race than a man with two mustached “Kitlers”?  😉 (This is the very couch the bisexual Jew Olly Steeds sat on when he interviewed me for the Discovery Channel.) 😉

(See especially 1:41-46. 😉

The Discovery Channel interviewed me for four hours in January 2012, but used only 2 minutes 45 seconds in the version now on their website. Had I not pulled out two pistols as a ploy to get them to use anything at all, figuring 1) liberals would think it would make me look bad ;-), as well as 2) a warning in case the crew was really Israelis masquerading as “Discovery Channel” and ready to jump me, I suspect they would have not used any of the footage at all…… where I verbally beat Steeds to a pulp, an ignorant affirmative-action jew with no expertise at all on the Solutrean hypothesis.

After Steeds accused me of being a racist and thus not really American,  I said my family has been here since 1635 and fought on most of our nation’s. Then I pointed at the Marine Corps-Iwo Jima commemorative lamp which my father gave me. (He was a veteran of that ferocious battle in 1945, when 21,00 Japanese fought to the death, and just 200 surrendered; 7,000 Marines died and 19,000 were wounded. 22 Marines and 5 Navy sailors received the Medal of Honor, mostly posthumously.).

Steeds blinked at it incomprehendingly and asked: “What is that?” 😉

I asked: “You have been to America how many times — and the Americans are your biggest audience at the Discovery Channel — yet you never saw the Marine Corps logo or Iwo Jima monument?”

But Jews, no matter how mediocre or ugly, will always get a job on TV….


Olly Steeds….not smart, just jewish….

Howie Mandel…not funny, or good-looking, just jewish — as jewish as former bank robber and TV promoter Simon Cowell, who hired him as a “judge” on “America’s Got Talent”….

I knew the gorgeous little blonde singing genius from Pittsburgh, Jacqueline Marie (“Jackie”) Evancho, would never win the first place at the 2010 “America’s got Talent” after she sang three Christian songs in a row at every stage of the elimination — not with Sanhedrin judges like Cowell and Mandel….. Here is true genius, and an Old Soul, an old Aryan soul….born a master, singing “Pie Jesu” (“O Pious Jesus”). It takes not just good parents and hard work, but also previous lives, to achieve this poise, feeling and stellar skill at age ELEVEN. (



The minorities jubilate…..


* * *

Thursday, November 8, 2012

by Dr. James P. Wickstrom


This presidential election was another election of RACE.  But the White people have not figured that out yet, because they are still colored blind.  Over 95% of the Blacks voted BLACK, the colored Latino’s voted COLOR as to black, as well as the majority of the Jews (who are not White, but of Turk-Mongolian DNA).  Then the ignorant White‘s divided their vote as per political …. Republican vs Democrat, and the victory was sealed for Marxist communist Obama for another four years with his communist Czars and cabinet members.  If you think the last four years of communist Obama were bad, stay tuned in America …. because I feel that there will NEVER be a White president in the White House again.  Period!!

Latino groups to Obama: You owe

Latinos the election, now pass

immigration reform



Voters in a polling place in East Los Angeles on Tuesday (David McNew/Getty Images)

In initially off-the-record comments to the Des Moines Register’s editors in October, President Barack Obama said that if he won re-election, he would owe it to Latinos.

“Should I win a second term,” Obama said, “a big reason I will win a second term is because the Republican nominee and the Republican Party have so alienated the fastest-growing demographic group in the country, the Latino community.”

Exit polls show the president’s prediction was on the mark.

The national exit poll estimated that about 10 percent of those who voted in the presidential election identified as Hispanic, marking Latinos’ highest-ever share of the electorate. Latinos backed Obama over challenger Mitt Romney a resounding 71 to 27 percent.

Gary Segura, a pollster for Latino Decisions and a professor at Stanford University, told reporters on Wednesday that he believes the exit poll understated Latinos’ support for Obama by 4 points, and that the president actually won 75 percent of their vote.

Segura estimates that Latinos gave Obama an extra 2.3 percentage points in the popular vote. If Romney had managed to nab just 35 percent of Latinos, he would have won the popular vote, Segura said. (President George W. Bush captured at least that share of Latinos in 2000 and 2004, showing Republicans are backsliding with the group.)

Leaders of immigrant rights and Latino groups told reporters in a conference call on Wednesday that Obama owes his second term to Latino voters, and should repay them by passing comprehensive immigration reform. Obama promised to pass a law legalizing many of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the country while he campaigned four years ago, and he’s been chastised by Latino leaders for breaking his promise.

[end of Wickstrom piece]

* * *

Obama, as even the liberal Washington Post admitted, has been incredibly vague as to what he plans to accomplish. The Com-Post predicts he will legalize gay marriage…  and then legalize illegal aliens — FORTY MILLION OF THEM!

The aging whites grieve. In New Mexico (photo below), whites are now a minority and of course the Mexicans there voted for their fellow minority, and so the illegal-alien, jewish communist Obama carried the state.

Other sad whites grieve at Romney’s Boston headquarters. I am proud that I campaigned in 2002 against Mitt Romney door-to-door in Winthrop, Massachusetts when he ran for governor of Massachusetts. As a fake conservative, Romney  would have made a terrible President, lulling whites into a false sense of security as did George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan. Conservatism is NOT 1) tax cuts for billionaires and 2) wars for Israel!

Many Republicans, to their credit, distrusted the black-haired and black-eyed snake. It was the GOP policy of not preventing illegal immigration that ruined the Republican night. The plain fact is this: the Republican demographic is WHITES, and they are less than 50% of the country.

Here is a cartoon that says it all…..

And now my campaign for President in 2016 begins.

Its purpose is to create an organization for white survival in the dire times dead ahead.

And because there will be no cancellation of the avalanche of national, corporate and private DEBT, that being my primary solution for the Great Recession, the economy will continue to spiral DOWN as Jews, by gradual foreclosure of home after home, car after car, business after business, factory after factory, and farm after farm, will continue to pocket ALL THE WEALTH OF AMERICA. The disgust and rage at both parties will build. And the time will come — hunger and danger — when events will force white Americans to awaken and to ACT under a new, true leader for our nation.


I am the only President of the Americans, and with your support, like Noah and his family, we will build a political Arch of survival during the coming dark-skinned Flood. And while we will 1) rely on our own willpower and 2) seek the blessing of God on our struggle, 3) other forces around the world that are opposed, for their own different reasons, to the same Jewashington terror regime, will see our progress and aid us. This happened before during the American Revolution, which was finally crowned with success because France, Spain and Holland, major powers with naval and land power, provided essential aid to our struggle. Scroll down halfway to

“A revolution ‘at the end of its tether’ finally succeeds!

Three months before final victory Washington despaired, but he hung in there!

And I am the man TODAY to not give up!


Part One of the Presidential launch video:

Part 5 of the launch video:

Skipping to the conclusion of the Launch Video (part 7):

John de Nugent for President


Federally registered candidate for President in 2016

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613

(724) 596-4284

I need your donations for campaign flyers, bumper stickers and DVDs! Let the Games begin!

==========================THE PRESIDENTIAL FLYER


This may be the


(Just HOW can an ILLEGAL ALIEN  who submitted a fraudulent birth certificate

be the legal President???)


John de Nugent — former Marine NCO, high-honors and “Phi Beta Kappa” Georgetown graduate, father, grandfather and FEARLESS LEADER —

QUALIFICATIONS: 1)  not an illegal alien 😉, 2) not a bisexual 😉, 3) not a civilian all my life, and thus, having served IN THE MILITARY (both Marines and
Army National Guard), I know, unlike Obama, that a Corpsman (a medic in the Navy) is not pronounced as “Corpse-Man! ”


President of the Americans!

(“Provisional” until a real election can happen in 2016)



I as President will bring back the economy by five clear steps:


(Wikipedia: “$50.7 trillion in debt are owed by US households, businesses, and governments”!)

After WWII Germany CANCELED ITS DEBTS and though 80% destroyed by war, today Germany is the richest country in Europe! The Europeans now beg Germany to bail THEM out! We Americans, like Germany after the war, must be DEBT-FREE! We cannot EVER pay off  TRILLIONS in debts to Wall Street! Cancel all debts. Start fresh! To hell with the financial, blood-sucking vultures and their FAT BONUSES!



  3. (paid under-the-table to drive down our wages; 95% of illegals do jobs Americans are happy to do; just 5% actually pick vegetables! They are in our factories, driving our trucks, and doing our roofing and carpentry jobs!)


– get the money to Main Street, not to the crooks on Wall Street who caused this CRISIS!

Who runs the puppet US government? Why does it never obey “The People”? This is whom it obeys: Take out a ONE-DOLLAR BILL! FLIP it over!! LOOK at it right now!!! They’re LAUGHING at you!!!!

Go to my website JOHNDENUGENT.ORG, and learn the truth about the ECONOMY, the MEDIA, 9/11, JERRY SANDUSKY, the NUMEC nuclear CANCER EPIDEMIC in western Pennsylvania, why kids are getting AUTISM, and why DRUGS are taking over our towns. (I’ll tell you what a fellow Marine revealed, his hands shaking in remorse.)

I am your FEDERALLY REGISTERED CANDIDATE FOR US PRESIDENT in 2016! This is just the BEGINNING of something BIG. Build NOW for the next election – in 2016!

Voting for the lesser of two evils is WHY America is becoming evil! The very act of voting these puppets in makes these marionettes SEEM to be “legit”!

NO – and NOW select the real choice! Now you have a leader!

John de Nugent, US Marine, at your service!


tel:   (724) 596-4284




The German-American Heritage Project of

The Barnes Review historical magazine

645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100,

Washington DC 20003

Dear fellow American who has some German ancestry and is, deep-down, actually, kind-of proud of it ;-):

We just saw in the recent election how “ethnic” America still is and probably always will be. We saw it this year with Colin Powell, a black appointed to the highest offices (National Security Advisor, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and Secretary of State) under four Republican presidents: Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and both President Bushes.

Nevertheless the Republican-favored Colin Powell glibly crossed party lines in 2008 to endorse his fellow black man, Barack Obama, a Democrat, for President, and re-endorsed him in 2012, (though even Obama supporters admit our first black president got little done.) Powell said: ” I’ll be voting for he [sic] and Vice President Joe Biden next month.”That repeated act by Powell told the world pretty clearly that tribal, racial and ethnic loyalties are still very much the reality in America. As the “Reverend” Jesse Jackson once joked: “America is not a melting pot; it is a tossed salad.” 😉

In fact, those who just assimilate and lose their identity, who spout the line “We are all the same; we are all just Americans,” well, their influence indeed is “melting.” Other groups strengthen their power in the government and economy by unity. And then they get their way; they have “clout.” This is the reality, and we just saw it when the minorities basically ALL voted Obama while the white vote was split.

I never understood, having an ancestor named “Berlin” in my family, why the German-Americans had no holiday, yet Irish-Americans could have Saint Patrick’s Day, the Italians Christopher Columbus Day, the blacks get even a Black History Month and also Martin Luther King Day. (George Washington Day was in fact canceled to give King a day.) The Hispanics get “El Dia de la Raza,” literally “the Day of the Race” and “Push one for English, two for Spanish.” (How about “push one for English and push two to be disconnected until you learn English!” ?;-))

And because almost every group has “rights,” recently, Barack Obama ordered in June 2012 a “Gay Pride Month” for the entire US military and gays can now march in full US military uniform at gay-pride parades. (Previously, active homosexuals got “paraded” into a court-martial or a fast discharge.)

Yes, groups that stick together get power. Identity politics are the way America really works and always has. Individuals alone are powerless, however justified. So if someone tells you this: you are just an individual, and you belong to no group, you are just “an American”  — it is to keep you powerless and disunited while THEIR GROUP unites. Am I right?

What would be the effect on America if the fifty million Americans of German descent (says the US Census 2010) became a factor once more as a group, demanding as taxpayers and members of the Armed Forces that the Germanic values of the work ethic, self-discipline, neatness, honesty and efficiency be respected around this nation? Would we not have a better country for all?

 In all the states in gray, people of German (and Austrian and Swiss) ancestry are the largest heritage group. The Midwestern “heartland” — the breadbasket of food and home of industry, patriotism and small-town virtues, is heavily German-influenced.

Of course, we know that because of the two wars and Hitler, we are not supposed to have any ethnic pride in our heritage. More on that later, because The Barnes Review is a magazine of history.

But can you imagine a world without the staggering inventions of Germans and German-Americans? What would our country be like without the Germanic inventions of the car, the diesel truck, the contact lens, aspirin, the jet…..

The Messerschmitt 262, 1945. Top speed 530 mph; kill ratio to Allied fighters 5:1

…. the rocket, the computer, the television set, the x-ray machine, the interstate superhighway (“autobahn” in German), the rifle (with a spiral in the barrel to make the bullet spin), or, while we are at it, such all-American but really German-immigrant things as the hotdog, beer, cole slaw and ketchup? (Think “Heinz.”) And ironically US troops now wear German-shaped helmets à la WWII, a cover-your-ears version nicknamed by the troops (no surprise here) the “fritz” helmet…. 😉

Did anyone ever point out that all these major US companies were founded by dynamic Germans? Kraft, Merck, Schick, Westinghouse, Chrysler, Anheuser-Busch, Coors, Nestlé, Oscar Meyer, Meineke (mufflers), Anheuser-Busch (beer), (Eddie) Bauer (sports clothing), Bausch and Lomb (telescopes), Bayer (aspirin),  Boeing (aerospace)….

Boeing 747

Kroeger (supermarkets), Derringer (pistols), Sturm and Ruger rifles, the Doppler effect in radar, Fender (the prized “Stratocaster” electric guitar), Gerber (baby foods), Hershey (“Hirsche,” chocolate), Kaiser aluminum, Mosler and Diebold safes, Mack (trucks) , Maytag (appliances), Stouffer foods and Reese’s Pieces….. and, and, and…. Germanic people just gotta start or invent something every day.

Obviously, the list of famous products is even greater if we include brands actually “Made in Germany” on our roads: Volkswagen, Mercedes, BMW, and Audi. The number-one U.S. police pistol (70% market share) is a Glock, from German-speaking Austria, and Red Bull, the top energy drink, is also from that gorgeous, spotless Alpine nation, the home of Mozart.

Why is all this important? Because — do we want to stay a first-rate country or become a Third World nation? Part of Mexico, Arabia or China? Will we be the land of the German shepherd — or of the chihuahua? Will we compete up on the German level, or sink down to the Mexican and African?

Do we believe in work and family — or whining, drugs, divorce, and loafing? I submit that Americans of German heritage need to again be “players” – as they were before the war hysteria of World War One – (ah yes, the slogan was “the war to end all wars,” heh-heh). We should again use our fine influence, or this country will end up with everyone on the dole, playing the victim, half the young people on “psych-meds” for depression or living off foodstamps, and the nation will be bankrupt… Then we will be taken over, yes, I do believe, by the Chinese, first economically, with Chinese troops eventually on our soil. God help us then!

Look at the Germans, wiped out in 1945 by bombs and defeat. It took the whole entire world to defeat just one country, Germany…. This was Nuremberg in 1945. A staggering sixteen million Germans died in the war and its aftermath.

Today, by incredible hard work and sterling quality products, Germany is peacefully again Number One in Europe. The whole European Union, far less devastated by World War II, now wants Germany to rebuild THEIR economies and save the euro currency! Germany exports one trillion dollars a year of products “Made in Germany” Here is a video on the cutting-edge Volkswagen factory in Dresden.

A C-Class Mercedes

The Barnes Review magazine has believed since its founding in 1994 on Capitol Hill that we cannot save our country if we are obsessed with not hurting anyone’s feelings or being politically correct. What is the TRUTH about Germany in the Twentieth Century? Did it suddenly become the incarnation of evil, though it gave America superb immigrants and half the science and technology we enjoy today, not to mention the supreme music and culture of Mozart, Bach, Beethoven and Brahms? Since 1994, The Barnes Review has dared, in its photo-rich pages, to ask what really happened in history and if the media are telling us the truth today. As George Orwell warned in the novel 1984, “he who controls the past controls the present.”

I guarantee you as a former associate editor of this magazine that your $47 subscription ($17 for the online edition) for one year of six big issues will change your life. As Oliver Wendell Holmes once said: “A mind, once expanded, never goes back to its original dimensions.”

John de Nugent

PS With your subscription we will send you three special articles, 1) “Of German Blood,”  (Pt.1 | Pt.2 | Pt.3) or 2) “Of German Blood,” Part One, then “Insane WWII Battle of Hürtgen Forest,” and “Psychopathy & History.” You will see your own rich heritage in a new light, and the greatness our country can again achieve.






11/07 @ 04:07 : Xanten, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
11/07 @ 04:06 : San Isidro, AR[GENTINA]
11/07 @ 04:05 : Australia, AU
11/07 @ 04:04 : Laguna Hills, California, US
11/07 @ 04:04 : Sydney, AU
11/07 @ 04:02 : Brampton, CA
11/07 @ 04:00 : Switzerland, CH
11/07 @ 04:00 : Russian Federation, RU
11/07 @ 03:58 : Belgrade, RS  [SERBIA]
11/07 @ 03:58 : Palo Alto, California, US

11/07 @ 03:57 : Münchberg, DE

11/07 @ 03:57 : Bad Salzungen, DE

11/07 @ 03:56 : Wake Forest, North Carolina, US

11/07 @ 03:55 : Ryazan, RU[SSIA]
11/07 @ 03:53 : Los Angeles, California, US
11/07 @ 03:52 : Skopje, MK [MACEDONIA]
11/07 @ 03:52 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
11/07 @ 03:51 : Charlottenlund, DK [DENMARK]
11/07 @ 03:49 : Las Vegas, Nevada, US
11/07 @ 03:49 : Sydney, AU[STRALIA]
11/07 @ 03:48 : Singapore, SG
11/07 @ 03:47 : United States, US
11/07 @ 03:43 : Fairport, New York, US
11/07 @ 03:43 : Woking, GB [ENGLAND]

11/06 @ 10:04 : New York, New York, US

11/06 @ 10:03 : Bergenfield, New Jersey, US
11/06 @ 10:03 : Montreal, CA[NADA]
11/06 @ 10:03 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
11/06 @ 10:02 : Montreal, CA
11/06 @ 10:02 : Sausalito, California, US
11/06 @ 10:02 : Manassas, Virginia, US
11/06 @ 10:02 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
11/06 @ 10:01 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
11/06 @ 09:59 : São Bernardo Do Campo, BR[AZIL]
11/06 @ 09:59 : Berlin, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
11/06 @ 09:59 : Calgary, CA
11/06 @ 09:58 : Hellerup, DK [DENMARK]
11/06 @ 09:58 : Muntinlupa, PH[ILIPPINES]
11/06 @ 09:55 : Mountain View, California, US
11/06 @ 06:52 : Haderslev, DK [DENMARK]
11/06 @ 06:52 : Aachen, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
11/06 @ 06:52 : Fort Collins, Colorado, US
11/06 @ 06:52 : Frederiksberg, DK
11/06 @ 06:52 : Tauranga, NZ [NEW ZEALAND]
11/06 @ 06:51 : Frederiksberg, DK
11/06 @ 06:51 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
11/06 @ 06:50 : Frederiksberg, DK
11/06 @ 06:50 : Houston, Texas, US

11/06 @ 06:45 : Copenhagen, DK [DENMARK]

11/06 @ 06:44 : Denmark, DK
11/06 @ 06:44 : Copenhagen, DK
11/06 @ 06:44 : Lindenhurst, New York, US
11/06 @ 06:42 : Copenhagen, DK
11/06 @ 06:42 : Tulsa, Oklahoma, US
11/06 @ 06:42 : Greenville, South Carolina, US
11/06 @ 06:41 : Los Angeles, California, US
11/06 @ 06:41 : Athens, Georgia, US
11/06 @ 06:41 : Monterrey, MX [MEXICO]
11/06 @ 06:40 : Birkerød, DK
11/06 @ 06:39 : Roy, Utah, US
11/06 @ 06:37 : Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US
11/06 @ 06:37 : Austin, Texas, US
11/06 @ 06:34 : Livingston, New Jersey, US
11/06 @ 06:32 : Roy, Utah, US
11/06 @ 06:29 : Sydney, AU[STRALIA]
11/06 @ 06:29 : Santo André, BR[AZIL]
11/06 @ 06:26 : Vienna, AT
11/06 @ 06:25 : Paris, FR
11/06 @ 06:24 : Fresno, California, US
11/06 @ 06:23 : York, CA[NADA]
11/06 @ 06:21 : Lausanne, CH
11/06 @ 06:17 : Montclair, New Jersey, US
11/06 @ 06:16 : Golden, Colorado, US
11/06 @ 06:16 : Vigo, ES [SPAIN]
11/06 @ 06:15 : Luton, GB
11/06 @ 06:15 : Friendswood, Texas, US
11/06 @ 06:15 : Poland, PL

11/06 @ 06:14 : Bialystok, PL
11/06 @ 06:14 : London, GB
11/06 @ 06:12 : Bellshill, GB
11/06 @ 06:11 : Palo Alto, California, US
11/06 @ 06:10 : New York, New York, US
11/06 @ 06:09 : Alger, DZ
11/06 @ 06:06 : Washington, District of Columbia, US
11/06 @ 05:29 : Luton, GB [ENGLAND]
11/06 @ 05:28 : Cluj-napoca, RO[MANIA]
11/06 @ 05:27 : Melbourne, AU[STRALIA]
11/06 @ 05:26 : Poland, PL
11/06 @ 05:26 : Austin, Texas, US
11/06 @ 05:25 : Cardiff, GB
11/06 @ 05:25 : San Diego, California, US
11/06 @ 05:24 : Mansfield, GB
11/06 @ 05:21 : Spain, ES
11/06 @ 05:21 : Fremont, California, US
11/06 @ 05:17 : Austria, AT
11/06 @ 05:16 : Mountain View, California, US



For any interested, this was my US Marine Corps record. The very bottom reflects my transfer by my Jewish commanding officer, after he discovered my racial and antisemitic views, from military intelligence (“BASIC INTEL”),  where I got three meritorious promotions, to an all-black supply battalion “”SUPBN”). 😉

The record, unfortunately, does not state that I got those three meritorious promotions before that travesty, making in fact the rank of corporal (NCO in the Marine Corps) actually in one year.

But it at least shows a normal (honorable) discharge, and thus refutes the vicious lie spread by FBI or Jewish trolls online (see article below “Diary of an Israeli shill”) that I was discharged for “homosexuality.” (I was in fact married — 1976-1990 — and fathered a baby girl while in the Marine Corps Reserve with my then wife!)

==================”DIARY OF AN ISRAELI SHILL”


Diary of an Israeli Shill

Veterans Today  How the Masters of the Universe Infect the Internet

An Ex- Shill

I am writing here to come out of the closet as a paid shill. For a little over six months, I was paid to spread disinformation and argue political points on the Internet. This site, xxx, was NOT one that I was assigned to post on, although other people in the same organization were paid to be here, and I assume they still walk among you. But more on this later.

I quit this job in the latter part of 2011, because I became disgusted with it, and with myself. I realized I couldn’t look myself in the mirror anymore. If this confession triggers some kind of retribution against me, so be it. Part of being a real man in this world is having real values that you stand up for, no matter what the consequences.

My story begins in early 2011. I had been out of work for almost a year after losing my last job in tech support. Increasingly desperate and despondent, I jumped at the chance when a former co-worker called me up and said she had a possible lead for me.

“It is an unusual job, and one that requires secrecy. But the pay is good. And I know you are a good writer, so its something you are suited for.” (Writing has always been a hobby for me). She gave me only a phone-number and an address, in one of the seedier parts of San Francisco, where I live.

Intrigued, I asked her for the company’s URL and some more info. She laughed. “They don’t have a website. Or even a name. You’ll see. Just tell them I referred you.” Yes, it sounded suspicious, but long-term joblessness breeds desperation, and desperation has a funny way of overlooking the suspicious when it comes to putting food on the table.

The next day, I arrived at the address – the third floor in a crumbling building. The appearance of the place did not inspire confidence. After walking down a long, filthy linoleum-covered corridor lit by dimly-flickering halogen, I came to the entrance of the office itself: a crudely battered metal door with a sign that said “United Amalgamated Industries, Inc.,” (sounds like “Urban Movers”).

Hasbaras like the ‘war’ thing – Something genetic

I later learned that this “company” changed its name almost monthly, always using bland names like that which gave no strong impression of what the company actually does. Not too hopeful, I went inside.

The interior was equally shabby. There were a few long tables with folding chairs, at which about a dozen people were tapping away on old, beat-up computers.

There were no decorations or ornaments of any type: not even the standard-issue office fica trees or plastic ferns. What a dump. Well, beggars can’t be choosers.

The manager, a balding man in his late forties, rose from the only stand-alone desk in the room and came forward with an easy smile. “You must be Chris. Yvette [my ex-co-worker] told me you’d be coming.” [Not our real names]. “Welcome. Let me tell you a little about what we do.”

No interview, nothing. I later learned they took people based solely on referral, and that the people making the referrals, like my ex-colleague Yvette, were trained to pick out candidates based on several factors including ability to keep one’s mouth shut, basic writing skills, and desperation for work.

We sat down at his desk and he began by asking me a few questions about myself and my background, including my political views (which were basically non-existent). Then he began to explain the job.

“We work on influencing people’s opinions here,” is how he described it. The company’s clients paid them to post on Internet message boards and popular chartrooms, as well as in gaming forums and social networks like Facebook and MySpace. Who were these clients? “Oh, various people,” he said vaguely. “Sometimes private companies, sometimes political groups.”

Satisfied that my political views were not strong, he said I would be assigned to political work. “The best people for this type of job are people like you, without strong views,” he said with a laugh. “It might seem counterintuitive, but actually we’ve found that to be the case.”

Well, OK. Fine. As long as it comes with a steady paycheck, I’d believe whatever they wanted me to believe, as the guy in Ghostbusters said. After discussing pay (which was much better than I’d hoped) and a few other details, he then went over the need for absolute privacy and secrecy.

“You can’t tell anyone what we do here. Not your wife, not your dog.” (I have neither, as it happens.) “We’ll give you a cover story and even a phone number and a fake website you can use. You will have to tell people you are a consultant. Since your background is in tech support, that will be your cover job. Is this going to be a problem for you?”

Cutting the heart out of the Internet – Industrial deception

I assured him it would not. “Well, OK. Shall we get started?” “Right now?” I asked, a bit taken aback. “No time like the present!” he said with a hearty laugh.

The rest of the day was taken up with training. Another staff member, a no-nonsense woman in her thirties, was to be my trainer, and training would only last two days. “You seem like a bright guy, you’ll get the hang of it pretty fast, I think,” she said. And indeed, the job was easier than I’d imagined.

My task was simple: I would be assigned to four different websites, with the goal of entering certain discussions and promoting a certain view.

I learned later that some of the personnel were assigned to internet message boards (like me), while others worked on Facebook or chatrooms. It seems these three types of media each have different strategy for shilling, and each shill concentrates on one of the three in particular.

My task? “To support Israel and counter anti-Israeli, anti-Semitic posters.” Fine with me. I had no opinions one way or another about Israel, and who likes anti-Semites and Nazis? Not me, anyway. But I didn’t know too much about the topic.

“That’s OK,” she said. “You’ll pick it up as you go along. For the most part, at first, you will be doing what we call “meme-patrol.” This is pretty easy. Later if you show promise, we’ll train you for more complex arguments, where more in-depth knowledge is necessary.”

Organized like an Espionage Operation

She handed me two binders with sheets enclosed in limp plastic. The first was labeled simply “Israel” in magic-marker on the cover, and it had two sections .

The first section contained basic background info on the topic. I would have to read and memorize some of this, as time went on. It had internet links for further reading, essays and talking points, and excerpts from some history books.

The second, and larger, section was called“Strat” (short for “strategy”) with long lists of “dialogue pairs.” These were specific responses to specific postings. If a poster wrote something close to “X,” we were supposed to respond with something close to “Y.”

“You have to mix it up a bit, though,” said my trainer.“Otherwise it gets too obvious. Learn to use a thesaurus.”

This section also contained a number of hints for de-railing conversations that went too far away from what we were attempting.

These strategies included various forms of personal attacks, complaining to the forum moderators, smearing the characters of our opponents, using images and icons effectively, and even dragging the tone of the conversation down with sexual innuendo, links to pornography, or other such things.

“Sometimes we have to fight dirty,” our trainer told us. “Our opponents don’t hesitate to, so we can’t either.”

The second binder was smaller, and it contained information specific to the web sites I would be assigned to. The sites I would work were: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, and a handful of smaller sites that rotated depending on need. As stated, I was NOT assigned to work xxx (although others in my group were), which is part of the reason I am posting this here, rather than elsewhere.

I wanted to post this on Godlike Productions at first, but they have banned me from even viewing that site for some reason (perhaps they are onto me?). But if somebody connected with this site can get the message to them, I think they should know about it, because that was the site I spent a good 70% of my time working on.

The site-specific info in the second binder included a brief history each site, including recent flame-wars, as well as info on what to avoid on each site so as not to get banned.

It also had quite detailed info on the moderators and the most popular regged posters on each site: location (if known), personality type, topics of interest, background sketch, and even some notes on how to “push the psychological buttons” of different posters. Although I didn’t work for xxx, I did see they had a lot of info on your so-called “WATS” posters here (the ones with gold borders around their edges). “Focus on the popular posters,” my trainer told me.

“These are the influential ones. Each of these is worth 50 to 100 of the lesser known names.” Each popular poster was classified as “hostile,” “friendly,” or “indifferent” to my goal. We were supposed to cultivate friendship with the friendly posters as well as the mods (basically, by brown-nosing and sucking up), and there were even notes on strategies for dealing with specific hostile posters. The info was pretty detailed, but not perfect in every case.

“If you can convert one of the hostile posters from the enemy side to our side, you get a nice bonus. But this doesn’t happen too often, sadly. So mostly you’ll be attacking them and trying to smear them.”

At first, like I said, my job was “meme-patrol.” This was pretty simple and repetitive; it involved countering memes and introducing new memes, and didn’t demand much in-depth knowledge of the subject. Mostly just repetitive posting based on the dialogue pairs in the “Strat” section of the first binder.

A lot of my job was de-railing and spamming threads that didn’t go our way, or making accusations of racism and anti-Semitism. Sometimes I had to simply lie and claim a poster said something or did something “in another thread” they really hadn’t said or done

I felt bad about this…but in the end I felt worse about the possibility of losing the first job I’d been able to get since losing my “real” job.

For most trolls – It’s an empowerment thing.

The funny thing was, although I started the job with no strong opinions or political views, after a few weeks of this I became very emotionally wedded to the pro-Israel ideas I was pushing.

There must be some psychological factor at work…a good salesman learns to honestly love the products he’s selling, I guess.

It wasn’t long before my responses became fiery and passionate, and I began to learn more about the topic on my own. “This is a good sign,” my trainer told me. “It means you are ready for the next step: complex debate.”

The “complex debate” part of the job involved a fair amount of additional training, including memorizing more specific information about the specific posters (friendly and hostile) I’d be sparring with. Here, too, there were scripts and suggested lines of argument, but we were given more freedom.

There were a lot of details to this more advanced stage of the job – everything from how to select the right avatar to how to use“demotivationals” (humorous images with black borders that one finds floating around the web). Even the proper use of images of cats was discussed.

Sometimes we used faked or photo-shopped images or doctored news reports (something else that bothered me).

I was also given the job of tying to find new recruits, people “like me” who had the personality type, ability to keep a secret, basic writing/thinking skills, and desperation necessary to sign on a shill. I was less successful at this part of the job, though, and I couldn’t find another in the time I was there.

After a while of doing this, I started to feel bad. Not because of the views I was pushing (as I said, I was first apolitical, then pro-Israel), but because of the dishonesty involved. If my arguments were so correct, I wondered, why did we have to do this in the first place? Shouldn’t truth propagate itself naturally, rather than through, well…propaganda?

And who was behind this whole operation, anyway? Who was signing my paychecks? The stress of lying to my parents and friends about being a “consultant” was also getting to me. Finally, I said enough was enough.

A lot of Israelis and Jews do it for free – The rest for the money, and they have a lot of money to spend on this.

I quit in September 2011. Since then I’ve been working a series of unglamorous temp office jobs for lower pay. But at least I’m not making my living lying and heckling people who come online to express their views and exercise freedom of speech.

A few days ago I happened to be in the same neighborhood and on a whim thought I’d check out the old office. It turns out the operation is gone, having moved on.

This, too, I understood, is part of their strategy: Don’t stay in the same place for too long, don’t keep the same name too long, move on after half a year or so.

Keeping a low profile, finding new employees through word of mouth: All this is part of the shill way of life. But it is a deceptive way of life, and no matter how noble the goals (I remain pro-Israel, by the way), these sleazy means cannot be justified by the end.

This is my confession. I haven’t made up my mind yet about whether I want to talk more about this, so if I don’t respond to this thread, don’t be angry.

But I think you should know: Shills exist. They are real. They walk among you, and they pay special attention to your popular gold-bordered WATS posters. You should be aware of this. What you choose to do with this awareness is up to you.

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