Arthur Topham’s second warning to the West; more racy photos surface of Obama’s slutty, communist, Jewish mama

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12/13 @ 08:55 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US

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John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613

tel: (724) 596-4284




Two Gulags: A Second Warning to the West
by Arthur Topham
December 11, 2012
Arthur Topham has been the Editor and Publisher of The Radical Press since June of 1998. He lives in British Columbia, Canada. Since November of 2007 Arthur has been in a running legal battle with B’nai Brith Canada, an Israeli Jew lobby group who have been attempting to have Arthur’s website shut down and Arthur put in jail for allegedly publishing information that B’nai Brith deems to be “Hate” literature. In May of 2012 Arthur was arrested and jailed by the RCMP’s HATE CRIME TEAM after Harry Abrams of B’nai Brith Canada and Richard Warman an agent for this same Jewish lobby organization filed a sec. 319(2) CC complaint against Arthur. An indictment was handed down on November 5, 2012 and a trial by Judge and Jury will begin to take place in 2013. In the meantime the Crown, acting on allegations by the RCMP, are attempting to remove all of Arthur’s Charter rights to freedom of speech well in advance of any trial taking place. Arthur and his lawyer Doug Christie are fighting to retain Arthur’s right to maintain his website and post his work on the Internet pending any future legal outcome when his trial is completed. Anyone wishing to help Arthur in this important court battle to defend Canadians’ right to freedom of speech on the internet are encouraged to go to Arthur’s website at and make a donation via the PayPal button on his home page. He can also be reached by snail mail at: Arthur Topham, 4633 Barkerville Highway, Quesnel, B.C. Canada V2J 6T8

[Note: As the owner and writer of this blog, I (John de Nugent) am adding some clearly “JdN”-marked photos and remarks to the essay below, written by the heroic comrade Arthur Topham of Canada. And I wish to thank all Canadians who have supported me as an American, since we here in the States still have the freedom of speech which Canadians — and all other white nations — now lack. and we Americans still have GUNS.]

I understand that you love freedom, but in our crowded world you have to pay a tax for freedom. You cannot love freedom for yourselves alone and quietly agree to a situation where the majority of humanity, spread over the greater part of the globe, is subjected to violence and oppression. The Communist ideology is to destroy your social order. This has been their aim for 125 years and it has never changed; only the methods have changed a little….And what is ideological war? It is a concentration of hatred, a continued repetition of the oath to destroy the Western world.”

~Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, from a speech given in New York City to the AFL-CIO on July 9, 1975
Permit me to begin this essay by stating that in comparing the case of Arthur Topham and versus Regina ([JdN: Latin for “The Queen,”that is,] the ‘Crown’ aka B’nai Brith Canada) to that of the trials and sufferings of former Nobel Peace prize winner Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, I am fully aware that it will naturally be construed by some readers as little more than hyperbole on the part of the writer. Nonetheless there are a number of historic lay lines connecting the two situations which need identification in the hope that others will see and understand the systematic progression and transformation of this climacteric element of tyranny that’s been stalking the global landscape since the successful Bolshevik coup of 1917 in Russia, and contained in his book, Warning to the West.
First I would like to add to Solzhenitsyn’s words where he states that Communism’s ideology aim has not changed from the start, only the “methods” have. This simple statement, for those of my generation and later generations, is indispensable when attempting to comprehend how the ideology itself has managed to retain its essential character even after the downfall in 1989 of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
Key to visualizing the doctrinal strands of the Communist ideology and their continual ability to unobtrusively weave themselves in and out of the ever-changing warp and woof of day to day history is the possession of a fundamental awareness that today’s political ideology, Zionism, is precisely the same ideology that first gave birth to its historic pedigree, Marxism, in the mid-19th century. Its founding and funding has, from day one, flowed from the same source.
Today, those who have been paying attention to the details in the Zionist script for the creation of a one world totalitarian dictatorship understand that there is a direct connection between the House of Rothschild, the political ideology known Zionism and the premeditated, deliberate, illegal creation of the state of Israel by the United Nations back in 1948. These ideas thrash about like a load of dirty underwear in an automatic washer on most alternative blogs dealing with political issues as well as in a myriad number of posts on Facebook and other internet forums and venues. So many viewers have peered through that revolving window that now (as compared to even a decade ago when the Internet was in its nascent beginnings) the Rothschild = Zionism = Israel connection is a done deal and recognized as fact. But what is not fully understood yet by this vast number of viewers is the underlying, direct relationship between Communism and Zionism, without which the world will continue to disconnect the two apparently differing ideologies and fail to grasp the crucial historic continuity of this longstanding conspiracy; one meant to destroy the West and bring to fruition the ultimate goal of the Communist creed – world slavery under an all powerful Rothschild oligarchy.


* * * (added by JdN)

Alexander Solzhenitsyn was descended from the Cossacks, who had been runaway Russian serfs out in the steppe whom the tsars forgave and then made into a tribe of border soldiers to defend Mother Russia against the Mongols and the Turks.

JdN: The Solzhenitsyn book Two Hundred Years Together (see below!) was so moving but so horrible — imagine reading 600 pages about decades of ever-more efficient procedures for mass murder, inescapable torture, and round-the-clock, perfect surveillance — that it took me nine months to suffer my way through translating a SUMMARY of this heart-rending book by the Nobel laureate Solzhenitsyn. It seemed like a true white holocaust, but still a practice Holocaust of the Aryans, using Russians — a preparatory exercise to plan out the big, final White Holocaust of every white person on earth.


Kolyma on the Arctic Sea: white prisoners being worked to death by Jews. Stalin ordered the pitiful food rations cut even more in 1939 — so more would die and so they would die faster. Solzhenitysn estimates a death rate in the camps of one percent per day. But a year has 365 days. That means a total “turnover” over three times a year — rapid death by work and starvation. If you did not fulfill the work quota, you got less food, and then the energy was not there the next day to fulfill the quota either, and so the rapid death spiral began. If you don’t understand psychopaths, all this must seem unlikely or unbelievable — Why would Stalin and his Jews destroy their own Soviet workforce? SIMPLE: BECAUSE IT WAS SO MUCH “FUN.”


Jacob Sverdlov murdered the tsar and his wife and children, then ground their bones and threw them down a mine shaft. The Bolsheviks renamed Ekaterinburg (“Catherine [the Great] City”) after him, calling it “Sverdlovsk,” because he murdered them there. The city name has now been returned to Ekaterinburg, to honor once again the German-born tsarina Catherine the Great.
* * *
The genius that was Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn knew his enemy well enough that he was able, upon finally having his eleven year sentence in the Soviet gulag annulled in April of 1956, to actually have his first novel, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, published in Krushchev’s soviet union in 1962. His earlier works that included The First Circle and Cancer Ward were first published in English in 1968 and by 1970 had earned him the Nobel Prize for literature. It wasn’t until 1974 though that Solzhenitsyn was finally arrested again and expelled from the Soviet Union after a copy of his Gulag was seized by the KGB in December of 1973. He first moved to West Germany and then to Vermont in the USA where he remained until returning permanently to Russia in 1994.
Solzhenitsyn’s classic work The Gulag Archipelago was first published in English and French in June of 1974 and remains the literary linchpin holding together the ultimate hidden knowledge regarding the cogent connection between Marxism, the supposed “Russian” Revolution, Communism, Bolshevism and Zionism and their direct tie to the Rothschild oligarchy alluded to earlier.
Solzhenitsyn was able to accomplish this monumental feat of delivering to the West the evidence merely by omission. His trilogy of terror (the Gulag), which outlines the subsequent premeditated, calculated mass genocide of approximately 66 million Russians, mostly of Christian denomination, from the coup of 1917 up until Khrushchev was deposed in 1964, will stand forever as the single most important work ever written on the actualizing and unfolding of Zionism’s essential tenets in a real life situation where a vast nation fell under the full control and domination of its ideological proponents.
* * *
JdN: It is vital to understand that Barack Hussein Obama himself is literally a communist, and not just a “liberal” or FDR-style Big-Government person who wants to help others. His entire body language and facial expression indicate, not some compassionate bleeding-heart person, but a hater who is impatient to start the killing. (Millions of blacks have awakened to the fact that he has done NOTHING for blacks either. See the video below the graphic by David Dees.) It was OBAMA who insisted on the police-state measures of the dreaded 2012 NDAA act, as USA senator Carl Levin stated when the protests began raining into his Senate office. It is Obama whose real biological father, Frank Marshall Davis, was a full member of the Communist Party USA (and questioned by the FBI and by Congress!), and it is Obama whose mentor, William Ayers, was a violent communist in the 1960s and 1970s.
See this video by the FBI agent who infiltrated Ayers’ group, the “Weathermen.”

More truth about Obama, Davis and the communist, Jewish, mother….

I have always said that Obama’s mother was Jewish because HER FATHER was Jewish!

I am proud that I was among the very first bloggers to expose Frank Marshall Davis as…..

1) the biological father of Obama, 2) a sicko porn writer, 3) the taker of the nudie shots of Ann Dunham,  Obama’s mother, and 4) his mentor in communism…..

…and that I did so way back on November 22, 2008 ( ….. and now the evidence is much more massive!

I wrote in 2008:

Obama continued his communist training and indoctrination at his first college, Occidental. According to Obama’s book, Dreams from My Father, Obama spent much of his free college time with “Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk rock performance poets,” with whom he “discussed neocolonialism.” Before leaving to college, “Frank” warned the young Barrack, “. . don’t start believing what they tell you about equal opportunity and the American way and all that sh–.”

Barrack Obama’s leftism continued in full force, albeit subtly, on the streets of Chicago. Obama is known to have been friends with left-wing fanatic and Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers, who is responsible for dozens of bombings between 1969 and 1975, and who also served on two different boards with Obama. Ayers told The New York Times, “I don’t regret setting bombs . .I feel we didn’t do enough.” When George Stephanopoulos of ABC News challenged Obama in an interview to explain his relationship with Ayers, Obama dismissed the relationship as “a guy who lives in my neighborhood.”

Nothing could be further from the truth! Obama’s political career began with him raising funds in Ayers’ living room. Ayers and Obama worked together in the context of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge through which Ayers hoped to include left-wing indoctrination in the city’s public school system. Later on in his career as an “organizer,” Obama worked closely with Ayers at the Woods Fund which
conveniently gave a $6,000 grant to Obama’s radical Trinity United Church …. where the “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright infamously preached “GOD DAAAAAMN AMERICA!

This Oct. 26, 1944, photo provided by the Dunham family shows Stanley Armour Dunham, while serving in the U.S. Army somewhere in France during World War II. Dunham, the man whom Barack Obama would one day call Gramps, was a 26-year-old supply sergeant in the Army Air Force when the Allied invasion of Normandy at last began. (AP Photo/Dunham Family Archives)
This is the most Jewish-looking photo of Ann Dunham ever!
At age 18, Barack Obama, as he admitted in his autobiography, arrived at Occidental College a committed revolutionary Marxist. What was the source of Obama’s foundation in Marxism? Throughout his 2008 Presidential campaign and term in office, questions have been raised regarding Barack Obama’s family background, economic philosophy, and fundamental political ideology. Dreams from My Real Father is the alternative Barack Obama “autobiography,” offering a divergent theory of what may have shaped our 44th President’s life and politics. [Sale $14.95]

But this honest BLACK MAN is KEEPING IT REAL about Obama


Eric Holder, US Attorney General, and the man whose real name should be Frank Davis, Junior, form a light-skinned-black wannabe elite of “sort-of-blacks,” as Rush Limbaugh once jibed, along with Susan Rice. (As Spike Lee’s movie “School Daze” revealed, the light-skinned blacks despise the dark-skinned blacks, whom the light-skinned blacks themselves — see the Spike Lee movie — actually themselves call “jigaboos.”) Eric Holder was infamous as U.S. Deputy Attorney General for advising Bill Clinton, on his last day as president in 1981, to pardon the infamous Jewish financial criminal and fugitive Marc Rich — for his donations to the ADL and other Jew causes. Holder also specifically stated in 2009 that individuals do NOT have a right to bear arms, and that the Second Amendment to the US Constitution endorses only state-government-run militias!

Yet here is an Obama-like, HATE-FILLED, ANGRY BLACK COMEDIAN JAMIE FOXX, who is PROUD of “killing all whites in my new movie”……

Two weeks ago, Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx made national headlines when he called President Obama “Our lord and savior.”

While hosting NBC’s Saturday Night Live this weekend, Foxx joked about how in his new film “Django Unchained,” “I kill all the white people in the movie. How great is that?” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

JAMIE FOXX: My name is Jamie Foxx. Give it up, give it up, New York City, Saturday Night Live. Come on, make some noise, man. New York City, New York City, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Queens, it’s crazy. I’m black, and I’m dressed all black, ’cause it’s good to be black. Black is the new white. I’m telling you, how black is this right here? Nice fly, I’m saying. You know how I know black is in right now? Cause the Nets [professional basketball team] moved to Brooklyn. How black is that? They got black jerseys, black court. I mean, how black is that? And Jay-z is the owner, a rapper. How black is that? And Jay-z only own about this much of the team. But he act like he own all of New York. How black is that?

And I got a movie coming out, “Django,” check it out. Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel L. Jackson. “Django Unchained” I play a slave. How black is that? And in the movie I had to wear chains. How whack is that? But don’t be worried about it because I get out the chains, I get free, I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie. How great is that? And how black is that?

But I’m going to tell you right now, speaking of blackness, my President, President Obama is back up in the White House four more years. How black is that? And not only that, he’s so black, he was playing basketball during the Election Day. How black is that? But he was also late for his acceptance speech. Okay, all the white people, this is your turn – how black is that?

But he going to be extra black this next four years. He going to get everything black, and white people, don’t get nervous about that because he is mixed. Now the first four years was the white side of him, because I don’t know if you saw him on Ellen when he was dancing and everything. I don’t know what this is. That wasn’t President Obama, that was President Barry Gibb Obama.

But the next four years he’s even changing his name from to President Barack Dikembe Mutombo Tupac Mandela Hussein Obama X. How black is that? And the next time you see him dancing on Ellen, he gonna be dancing like this. [Does a funkier, more sensual, “blacker” kind of dance]

How does it help race relations in this country when a black actor jokes on national television about killing white people? One has to believe that his opening monologue was approved by SNL’s writers, meaning they were in on it. Imagine the uproar if a white actor joked about killing all the black people in a new film he was starring in.

That would probably be the end of his career. By contrast, for Foxx, this will probably win him another Oscar. It’s a grave new world, isn’t it?

* * * (back to Arthur Topham’s essay 😉
He was able to have it published and promoted in the West by simply omitting to identify the vast majority of all the key players in his epic drama of demonic destruction as being of Ashkenazi Jewish origins. In this way he avoided the West’s Zionist press that controls all the major publishing houses throughout Europe and North America who, had he pin-pointed the true ethnic identity of the rogues and criminals and sadistic, psychopathic killers who were directly responsible for this mass murder of the Russian people (including all of Tsar Nicholas II’s family and even the family dog!), would have outright shunned him and his work and in all likelihood initiated a smear campaign against him that would have included all the same tactics now being employed by the Zionist controlled media here in Canada to attack my own person and my website
Upon his return to the Russian republic in the mid 1990′s Solzhenitsyn resumed work on another two volume set of books entitled Two Hundred Years Together, the history of the Jews in Russia. The first volume was called Russian Jewish History 1795-1916 and when published created such a stink within Zionist circles that when volume two, The Jews in the Soviet Union came out in Russia the West was then on to him and the book was never published in the English language and still remains censored by the Jewish media to this day, a prime example of the power of the Zionist media to cover up their endless crimes against humanity.
Fortunately the German Revisionist Udo Walendy was able to procure copies and translate the book into German and from there an English translation of segments of the overall work made it to the West and were published by the Barnes Review in their September-October 2008 edition of their magazine. While not a complete version of the text the edition in question covers the issue of the major players in the gulag drama and identifies all those who were of Jewish origin, more than sufficient to firmly establish that the ‘Russian Revolution’ was in truth little more than an incredible take-over of a nation by Zionist forces funded in full measure by the Rothschild banking cartel.
[JdN: The translator of the 55-page Walendy essay in said issue of The Barnes Review, as noted in the publisher’s foreword, was I myself, with some help also from German-American comrade Roy Armstrong-Godenau.]
When Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was travelling around the United States back in 1975 speaking to different groups about his experiences in the Soviet concentrations camps during the late 40′s and early 50′s he kept emphasizing the perennial problem of trying to convey to people the imminent danger that Communism (aka Zionism) posed to the Western democracies. During one such talk he asked,
“Is it possible or impossible to transmit the experience of those who have suffered to those who have yet to suffer? Can one part of humanity learn from the bitter experience of another or can it not? Is it possible or impossible to warn someone of danger?”
He then capped off his questings by firmly stating,
“It can happen. It is possible. As a Russian proverb says: ‘When it happens to you, you’ll know it’s true.’
Speaking for myself as a writer and publisher here in Canada I too can say that when you attempt to expose the true identity of those who continually strive to remain hidden behind the outer show curtain of unfolding political events while at the same time are controlling the actions of politicians and the mainstream media and all levels of the legal system via their influential lobby groups and advisers and sayanim who have infiltrated every stratum of Canada’s cultural, social, legal, economic, governmental and corporate levels, then you will undoubtedly be attacked in their media and accused by their pressure groups such as B’nai B’rith Canada of being an “anti-Semite” and a “hate monger” and “racist” and then, based upon said accusations, arrested by their complicit police agents working for the “Crown” (but another name for the representative of the City of London in England owned by the same Rothschild oligarchy that owns everything else of importance in the world today) and thrown into jail and your constitutional rights taken away from you before you even begin to approach a courtroom in order to challenge their illegal, immoral actions.
Such is the current state of affairs in Canada today whether those in denial of this fact and the complacent and lazy and otherwise too busy to notice portions of society are willing to admit this or not.
The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, came to the home of Solzhenitsyn in 2007 and bestowed the highest medal of the Russian Federation on the courageous author and Nobel Laureate. This was Putin’s second trip to the dacha of Solzhenitsyn (the first was in 2000, when Putin was new in office) and came AFTER the book Two Hundred Years Together was published in Russia (in 2002) but still it has been published nowhere in the English language….. It is so depressing that it took me nine months to translate it!!!!!! It is the story of psychopaths taking over a country with no restrictions, and able to do exactly as their black hearts desired.
Solzhenitsyn once remarked that the very essence of Communism [which is really] Zionism was quite beyond the scope of human understanding and that for so many average, normal, moral, decent people living in the West it was just too much of a stretch of their imagination to picture the real and dreadful, vile and disgusting actions committed by these ideologically and spiritually crippled people who have plundered and pillaged and raped and destroyed untold millions of souls in their quest to gain total control of the world.
[JdN: I agree that the average person cannot comprehend the motives of such true psychopaths, of such human demons. Because THEY can take no delight in lies, torture and murder, or in starving or working people to death, they cannot conceive that OTHERS most certainly DO. They also delude themselves that all psychopaths are literal serial killers like Ted Bundy, stalking women, or like Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, who molested kids, but many go into business, politics, media, police work, military or finance IN ORDER TO HARM OTHERS FOR SADISTIC FUN! See my essay on psychopaths below!]
I could go on with quote after quote from Solzhenitsyn warning to those in the West of the subtle dangers that are working ceaselessly everywhere to drag down unsuspecting nations into the mire of atheistic perversions and immoral mental and spiritual torpor and confusion thus making them incapable of realizing that their rights and freedoms are being terminated until it is too late. Ultimately he says it becomes incumbent upon the individual to reject the Zionist ideology in favour of simply being a human being. In his words, “Such a rejection is more than a political act. It is a protest of our souls against those who would have us forget the concepts of good and evil.
Thirty seven years have now passed since Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn travelled throughout the USA warning the nation of the impending dangers of Communism/Zionism and imploring the people to wake up and take heed of what he was telling them based upon his own first hand experience. Did the American people hear his words and did they understand? Did they do anything to forestall what was then the beginning of the shift from Communism to what we now call Zionism? Judging from all appearances Solzhenitsyn’s words fell on deaf ears or at least ears already stopped up by the din and blare of the Zionist media that had, for decades, already been pumping their minds full of Zionist propaganda.
Today that same danger has grown even more powerful and openly threatening. It was first openly declared by Douglas Reed back in 1956 in his monumental classic The Controversy of Zion and then enunciated with greater emphasis and detail in 1975 by gulag survivor Solzhenitsyn in his equally eloquent 3-volume trilogy The Gulag Archipelago and still the mass of citizenry continue to think and act as if this threat to their very existence doesn’t exist other than in the imaginations and fantasies of “conspiracy theorists” and Internet fringe dwellers.
And so this very question arises once again with respect to my own trials and tribulations. For years now I have been researching and publishing information that corroborates all that these great forerunners like Reed and Solzhenitsyn have revealed to the world about the supreme danger that lies hidden within the Zionist ideology. Five years ago my website came up on the Zionist’s radar screen and they decided to do whatever it would take to demonize me and have my website removed from the Internet. That is why they created the so-called “HATE CRIME” laws which were insinuated over time into Canada’s legal system via their lobbyist influence, their infiltration of the Supreme Court of Canada (four out of nine SCC Justices are now Zionist Jews) and their behind the scenes control of all of Canada’s active political parties and their leaders via non-elected ‘advisers’.
Will my warning to Canada and the rest of the world also go unheeded like those before me who had the foresight and courage to risk their very lives to bring to light this dark and menacing evil that is slowly overshadowing the lives of people around the globe as well as the very planet upon which we all must live? Will Canadians listen and begin to stand up and speak out without fear? Will they lend their support to my struggle to defeat this sec. 319(2) “Hate” law and protest over the manner in which I am being treated as a Canadian citizen?
Or will they stand by in silence, apathy and paranoia watching while the Zionist forces within their nation force yet another writer and researcher to take down his website and cease from telling the truth about what is happening to his country?
It is not just Arthur Topham who will be on trial in the days ahead but every Canadian who values their right to freedom of speech.



FEMA Gulag CA-Northern Sector, Zion States of North America

Daily party meeting, pre-work detail; June 1, 2016
“Please open your Little Blue Books to the Martyrdom, chapter 1.”
“And on that day the virtual 6 million were raised unto their martyr piles as the non believers laid fuel at their feet and they were then ignited. The wails of the innocents arose from all parts of Western European Zion as streets and roads lined with fires immolated the sacred lambs of Mayer Amschel. Celebrating in their own wickedness, no Goy stood to help the innocents and they perished; every one. After thirty years, they rose miraculously from their sacred mass graves to become the Holysmokes Survivors and were paid tribute to the end of their days; they and their heirs – forever.
Please bow for the requisite three head thumps to the floor, unchastened and undeserving.
And so, you understand it was this original sin against the martyred that brought you and your nation to this collective punishment for atonement and cleansing. You as individuals have an opportunity here to clear your guilt for this past transgression through work and in service to the big eye, fully, for the duration of your lives. And if you serve fully and without question, you will ascend in the end to the high alter of the Great Soylent to meet with forgiveness and light. We wish you strength and humility in your journey.
Begin work.”


Psychopaths in Power

Does psychopathy enable world leaders to become mass murderers?

PSYCHOPATHS: RUTHLESS SOCIAL PREDATORS who manipulate and plow their way through life—leave a trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations and empty wallets. They selfishly take what they want and do as they please, completely lacking in conscience and in feelings for others. Psychopaths are found in every segment of society. There is a good chance that eventually you will have a painful or humiliating encounter with one of these human monsters. Unfortunately, they are particularly prevalent among top politicians and the establishment elite. Their importance in history is an emerging field of study.

What is a psychopath? Are psychopaths usually in prison—or are the vast majority of them moving among us, or lording it over us in society? Are they one in a million or 40,000 in a million? And what about “mattoids”—those dynamic and “gifted” psychopaths who rarely end up in prisons? Who are the most prominent and successful mattoids of today —and yesterday?

Alarming yet enlightening research in the last 15 years has concluded that full or partial psychopathy may be shockingly widespread— one American in 25, and far more in leadership positions. The key traits of the psychopath: he (usually a male) is radically self-centered, slick, lying, manipulative, ruthless, sadistic, focused and, sometimes, insanely fearless.

“Alarming yet enlightening research in the last 15 years has concluded that full or partial psychopathy may be shockingly widespread—one American in 25, and far more in leadership positions.”

Here is a list of identifiers for psychopathy, compiled from several authorities. If an individual has at least any four of the below in a very pronounced form, there are grounds for concern. Many people have a touch of several of these traits, but few have a majority of them in full measure. And normal people feel shame when they act in cruel or selflish ways, whether they are upbraided by others or are stricken by pangs of conscience themselves. But the psychopath CANNOT feel a bad conscience, ever.

The signs of psychopathy are:

  1. Glib and superficial charm;
  2. Grandiose sense of self-worth; narcissism; seeing the self as the center of the universe; feeling “no one else is human, only I”;
  3. Focused self-advancement without losing any energy on others except as stepping-stones;
  4. No moral taboos or inhibitions as to methods, aiding career success until caught;
  5. Need for constant stimulation, action, and new ways to avoid boredom;
  6. Lying as an art form to fine-tune and a source of pride;
  7. Targeting and manipulation of the gullible;
  8. Enticing people they do not love to naively love them;
  9. Skill at faking emotions, including love, sincerity and regret;
  10. Doing good work and good deeds solely to advance oneself;
  11. Ruthlessness and “stopping at nothing”;
  12. Enjoyment of the power to coldly end close relationships;
  13. “Getting” others back as a peak experience;
  14. Desire for vengeance when spurned;
  15. Pleasure in firing or ruining people. In the U.S., where highly profitable firms routinely cut good employees to boost stock values, there are professional terminators who roam the country cutting staff and personally firing them;
  16. Abuse and literal torture of living creatures;
  17. Humiliating others physically, verbally, emotionally, psychologically or sexually;
  18. Denigrating one’s own child or mate;
  19. Callousness; lack of empathy and compassion;
  20. Shallow or no feelings for others, even mates, children and friends;
  21. No ability to feel remorse or undergo inner repentance;
  22. Regret solely at being caught, embarrassed or punished;
  23. Incomprehension of the angry reactions of those they hurt;
  24. Underestimation of their own anger;
  25. No sense of responsibility for one’s actions;
  26. Parasitical world view: living by scams and not hard work;
  27. Contempt for those who “play by the rules”;
  28. Criminal talent, energy and innovativeness;
  29. Warlike courage far above the norm;
  30. Playing on the sympathy of others. To this one might add—in the purely subjective, non-scientific eye of many beholders—a curious dead look in the eyes of a psychopath, and that is the chilling part. Others speak of looking into such eyes and “having a feeling that nothing is there.”

It is instructive to check this subjective hypothesis by looking at famous persons, in still photos but especially on moving film or television. Is there a warm life form expressing itself through the eyes, or is there a flat, soulless gaze, not unlike that of a large insect or reptile?

Although the story of Don Juan conjures up for many images of the classic “Latin lover” (above), he was in fact a brutal psychopath, although a fictitious character, given life by Spanish dramatist Tirso de Molino in his play The Seducer of Seville.

The painting Stone Guest (right), by Russian artist Ilya Repin (1844-1930), is based on the Spanish legend about Don Juan. Don Juan, a heartless and immoral man of noble origin, killed in a duel the commander of Seville. A stone statue was erected on the commander’s tomb. Don Juan met Donna Anna, the widow of the commander, at the base of the tomb and seduced her. The statue moved its head in anger. Taunting the statue, Don Juan invited it to a banquet. The invitation was accepted; the stone commander came and crushed Don Juan. The popularity and longevity of the Don Juan legend is a testament to the allure many average people feel for cunning and brutal psychopaths.


Despite staggering differences between the cultures and peoples spread across the globe, most citizens of the world describe their own caste of politicians with identical words of anger, contempt and alienation. Further, the overwhelming majority see their politicians as incorrigible. But why? What part of society produced this “breed apart”?

This anomaly was most striking in the context of the culture and values of Japan. In personal matters, the Japanese are among the most reliable, honest and rule-observing nations on Earth, still influenced by samurai concepts of honor. Yet the way Japanese describe the behavior of their political “leaders,” does not sound Japanese at all. After hours of hearing this same lament from various parts of our planet, it would seem that politicians, in particular, came from another and very twisted world.

The universally praised 2006 film The Last King of Scotland relates the story of the fictional Nicholas Garrigan, a young Scottish doctor who came to Uganda to serve its people, yet is sucked into the lifestyle of the very real charismatic psychopath Idi Amin, who ruled and ruined Uganda from 1971 to 1979. The young Scot has his own in-depth encounter with a charming, megalomanic authority figure. There is only one difference between Idi Amin and evil American, Japanese or Indian politicians. Idi Amin was not hindered by any checks and balances whatsoever and so could live out to the fullest his nature’s true fantasies.

Amnesty International estimates the Ugandan president killed 500,000 fellow citizens, feeding some to crocodiles. He gave himself the title: “His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular.” Called Idi Amin “Dada,” his nickname arose while in the British colonial army in Kenya. Every time he was caught with a woman in his pup tent, he would overcome the scowl of his English officers with his considerable charm, claiming the female was only his “dada”—Swahili for sister.


Why did the Founding Fathers create checks and balances in the U.S. Constitution, since they demonstrably slow the government and add years or decades to reforms, even the most pressing? Was it the Constitution framers’ belief that all men are evil or rather than there was a psychopathically ambitious minority among them thirsting for power? Did they perceive bad traits existing in all men but true evil lurking in some?

Where do such apparently born liars, egomaniacs, terrorists and manipulators come from?

The question expands, and it seems as if we suddenly gain a new prescription for our glasses. How many bosses, politicians, CEOs of multinational corporations, advertising manipulators, and other powerful figures such as military, police, and, in our private lives, the ex-husbands, wives, boyfriends or sons-in-law “from hell,” are not “morally confused” but instead inwardly directed and born to be slick, ruthless, incorrigible, diseased psychopaths?

Yes, and even how many psychologists, psychoanalysts and psychiatrists are afflicted with the very disease they claim to study?

How much do psychopaths influence society and affect life for the vast majority of good, decent people? How much do they affect the moral values of what we watch on TV or in cinema?

Many people are asking themselves this and similar questions, especially since the American election year 2000. When one enters the words “George W. Bush” and “psychopath” into a search engine on the Internet such as Google, it produces 511,000 citations—just in English—linking the two concepts, most of them written or spoken in dead earnest by concerned citizens.

But foreigners speak of the two in the same breath as well: 19,700 references in the German language, 30,800 in French and 52,500 in Spanish. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who in 2006 openly called Bush el diablo from the podium at the UN, must be getting some serious attention.

Normal humans oscillate, and must, between attending to their personal needs, desires and dreams and helping others. Usually the two instincts work hand in hand.

Humans are all in a sense bipolar, hence complicated. They are both individualistic—hence, creative, innovating and at times selfish—and altruistic, other-oriented, often ready literally to die to save their children and, if convinced or prodded, to perish for the survival of their nation or its freedoms. A significant minority, the history-makers among inert humankind, even choose to live and suffer for a noble cause—one that may lead to their personal imprisonment or death.

Psychopaths, however, solely look out for No. 1, and cannot do otherwise. They see society as a collection of walking humanthings that are potential tools, victims, and often both, born for their cruel enjoyment. Cult leaders are a classic example of gifted users. One, Sun Myung Moon of the “Unification Church,” owns The Washington Times daily newspaper, which every Republican in the capital of the United States reads daily. They read a dangerous cult’s newspaper, spending as much time with it as they do really talking with their spouse, children or constituents.

A new vision of society is emerging from the research and firm conclusions of some of the world’s most distinguished and reputable neurologists, psychologists and psychiatrists. These are men and women of stellar scientific backgrounds that mass-produce Nobel prizes in science and medicine.

These unpleasing but truthful messengers are stating or corroborating one clear, simple finding:
Our culture has been taken over by literal psychopaths, and all who are not psychopaths are nevertheless living under their thumb, affected by them, perhaps influenced by their persistent lies, and suffering miseries through them that mankind would otherwise never experience. This is the message of the experts.

Whether we fight psychopaths or not, we are still on a psychological and moral urban battlefield, suffering wounds, deprivation, misery, despair and sometimes premature death in their world.

And that is just the good part. The bad part is the possibility of World War III, with millions of people turned into hate-zombies with devastating weapons of mass destruction at the command of rejoicing psychopaths.


In the United States, three different terms are used to categorize the radically selfish individual or “human monster”:

  1. Persons with “antisocial personality disorder” (APD),
  2. “Sociopaths” and, the scariest word of all,
  3. “Psychopaths,” of whom serial killers are a special subtype. APD is, as many in criminology agree, a somewhat “lazy” catchall phrase for general criminal attitudes and behavior. This is the term usually put in prisoner files.

The word “sociopath” is being used in several similar but truly confusing ways. For some experts, sociopath (from the Latin word for “soci”-ety and “pathy,” the Greek word related to disease) means the ruthless manipulators, whereas psychopaths are the violent beaters and killers. It is obvious that some infamous people in history have been both.

A few of these modern examples include, according to various experts: Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, the Shah of Iran, Pol Pot, Ariel Sharon, Robert Mugabe and David Rockefeller. Other experts use the word “sociopath” to mean those who are mis-raised to be vicious, whereas “psychopath” means those born vicious.

More and more, however, as is usual in science, one simple term wins out. “Psychopath” has been gaining currency since 1941 among the world’s most experienced clinicians to describe all incorrigible human monsters—however they got that way and whatever methods they use.

In any case, they prove to be, for decent society, an irresistible force and an immovable, incurable object. They are the fountainhead of human suffering that is human-caused, and aside from sickness, aging, death and natural disasters.

Religions have called such persons evil. Yet religions usually teach that almost anyone can be saved. The science of psychopathology says “no.” Not all can be “saved.” Their brains won’t permit it; they do not want it. But if you want to save them, they may find a way to exploit your compassion.

While one may speak of evil and evildoers, this is the category of a diseased force of nature—human parasites.

Most Americans assume that psychopaths are rare—serial killers and other felons. The stunning new revelation of the last 15 years is that as many as one in 25 Americans may be psychopathic. Probably, in view of their notorious traits—according to Martha Stout, Ph.D., a former 25-year veteran of Harvard Medical School and now a practicing psychotherapist—a much higher percentage of psychopaths haunt occupations that take advantage of the traits of the true psychopath listed earlier in this article.

Serial killers such as Jack the Ripper and Ted Bundy, and leaders such as Stalin and Pol Pot, are among history’s most famous psychopaths. The original, true Spanish tale from the 1600s of Don Juan reveals not the famous “lady’s man” but a murderous, raping, diabolically ingenious psychopath who also betrays his friends and sinks into hell. In the end the statue of a former adversary comes to life to punish him for his crimes.

“The original Spanish tale from the 1600s of Don Juan reveals, not the ‘lady’s man, but a murderous, raping, diabolically ingenious psychopath who betrays friends and sinks into hell.”

The Samson of the Jewish Old Testament, known to generations of Christian Sunday schoolchildren as a “Bible hero,” may have had psychopathic traits. The Talmud tells of his lies to his parents, his cruelty to animals, his torching of Philistine fields, his frequent brawls, and Samson’s unremitting bragging after killing “a thousand men.” It bears noting here that the Philistines are the ancestors of today’s Palestinians.

Actually, a psychopath is more capable of personally killing a thousand men than anyone else. The true berserkers (whence the phrase “to go berserk”) were Vikings who possibly were psychopathic. They guarded the Norwegian king and fought battles as unleashed “Dober-men.” Heedless of danger, their pre-battle preparation included working themselves into a bloodlust—berserker rage—by banging their helmets (with heads inside) with their own weapons, biting their shields, and howling. Once in a frenzy they would plow through both foe and friend, arms, legs and heads tumbling away like grass clippings. In battle they were said to be immune to pain (or even immune to weapons and fire). Even allies gave the berserkers wide berth. Fearing that their own homesteads and families might be targeted by the unchained “bear-shirts,” friendly Norsemen kept loved ones hidden away.


Not just individuals but entire castes and groups in society may manifest these characteristics. Psychopathy can be inherited, often through the mother. It can appear spontaneously as a birth defect. It can also be produced by brain diseases or injuries. These multiple factors can be seen as explaining the relatively high percentage of psychopaths that researchers now perceive in the population.

It has been speculated that the number of psychopaths overall has been increasing since the Age of Bronze, roughly 1000 B.C. in Europe, which was the beginning of a traumatic new era for the European peoples: the age of metal weapons, of warlords owning slaves forced to mine for copper and tin, and of professional soldiers. That was an innovation: men who killed other men for power, and not high-protein animals for food. Hunting by itself is an inborn male instinct that, in literally bringing home the bacon and the meat, brought essential proteins for the growth of larger brains, hence civilization.

Wars, for millennia, have always tended to kill off the decent and the volunteers and often spared the true instigators and also the defective. Warlords and kings have long been polygamous, sometimes having enormous numbers of offspring. It is reliably said that Genghis Khan raped 10,000 women. Genetic studies indicate that 10% of all continental North Asians are descended from him. One of Genghis’s memorable lines was: “Happiness is to kill the foe, ride his horses, watch his wife and daughters weep, and seize them to your bosom.”

In materialistic societies, ruthless businessmen, such as investment mogul Donald Trump, find the media fawning on them and gold-digging, beautiful and fecund women flocking to them.

How many a tycoon, after letting his first wife help him through medical or business school or the start of a career, dumps her at 45 for a younger “trophy wife” whom he can show off to his fellow magnates, and with her then spread his genes even further? Hollywood is said to be full of beauties with beasts.

One of the most important benefits of understanding the new finding of the prevalence of psychopaths in society is this:
whereas so-called conspiracy theories tend to appear to decent people as “off-the-wall,” now no more. The main objection to a conspiracy theory, especially one that posits the involvement of many evil people, is this: “I cannot imagine anyone doing such a thing. And it could never be a secret.” Wrong: psychopaths are numerous and they do know how to keep a secret and kill to maintain it.

Perhaps the struggle against the psychopaths marauding among us will be the ultimate battle for the human race.

PSYCHOPATHS IN MODERN HISTORY (left to right): Franklin Delano Roosevelt: forced America into WWII and handed Stalin half of Europe; Josef Stalin: murdered 21 million Christian Russians; Winston Churchill: ordered the firebombing of WWII civilian centers; Mao Tse Tung: murdered 50 million Chinese; Idi Amin: murdered 500,000 Ugandans including feeding some to crocodiles; Pol Pot: murdered 3 million Cambodians—an estimated half of the population.

Grasping the Nature of the Beast

Over 100 years ago, psychiatrists, psychologists, and criminologists were discussing what they called— groping for a scientific description—“moral imbeciles” or “the morally insane.” For thousands of years, religions have recognized the concept of “evil,” and of evildoers whom God and man must punish. Governments have recognized evil and evildoers in the citizenry, and either punished or promoted them. Now esteemed scientists in the mental health field have weighed in on the subject of people who are truly evil.(1)

The breakthrough has sped up in the last 15 years from well-meaning attempts at compassion and understanding to this grim recognition of personified evil.

The most recent bombshell in this direction was the bestselling The Sociopath Next Door (2005) from Martha Stout, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist who for 25 years was a faculty member of Harvard Medical School.

Stout uses the term “sociopath” to emphasize that almost all psychopaths are out in society. She has been widely reported on and interviewed for website and print publications.

Another powerful figure in the psychopaths-in-society movement is Robert D. Hare, Ph.D., a consultant for the FBI, the creator of the recognized “Hare Psychopathic Checklist” (the standard tool for diagnosing psychopathy), and author of the 1999 book for laypersons Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us.

One powerful weapon in the struggle to warn the public against psychopaths, in jail and out, has been the work of Adrian Raine, Ph.D., an Oxford graduate in psychology, a former prison psychologist in England, a professor of experimental psychology at the University of Southern California and author of the 1993 classic, The Psychopathology of Crime: Criminal Behavior As a Clinical Disorder. More than any written text before or since, his vivid colored brain scans comparing psychopaths with normal people make a powerful case that psychopaths are utterly unlike the other 96% of society. These brain scans show that when normal, altruistic people see something tragic, sad, pitiful or shocking, the red dye injected into their brains reveals a great deal of chemical activity in “compassion centers.” However, when psychopaths are shown horrifying images that appall others or even turn others sick to their stomachs, their brains, as revealed by the dye, stay blue as before, meaning cool and unactivated. They just really do not care.

Normal brain, with red areas showing feelings such as compassion

Psychopathic brain; the blue indicates no activity in compassion centers

In the 1980s a distinguished Polish psychologist with first-hand experience under Stalinism, and a long-time resident of the United States, Andrew M. Lobaczewski Ph.D., wrote his revolutionary Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes (from the Greek poneros, evil, and logia study).(2) He asserts that much of politics, bureaucracy, political philosophy—and thus the whole history of mankind—has been shaped by persons who today would be considered clinically diagnosticable psychopaths.

Among his unique observations, Dr. Lobaczewski describes how, after the brutal Stalinization of his native Poland from 1948- 52, virtually every psychopath in his country “within two years” had emerged from the dregs of society, recognized himself as among friends in the new system, and become a bureaucrat or other servant of the Stalinist regime.

In effect, they all crawled out from under their rock. He emphasizes that this Stalino-psychopathic regime was as inept and “out of touch” as it was cruel, showing that many psychopaths are not brilliant and great mis-leaders of men, but often despised and shunned “scum.” What makes them similar is their desire to dominate, humiliate, prevaricate and cause suffering.(3)

The great foundational work for the modern professional study of psychopaths was the still-famous 1941 bestseller, The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley, M.D. (1903-84). He graduated in 1924 from the University of Georgia with highest honors, and then from Oxford. With his subsequent M.D. from the University of Georgia Medical School (now “Medical College of Georgia”) he became a professor of psychiatry and neurology there and then chief of psychiatry/ neurology at University Hospital in Augusta in 1937. In 1956 Cleckley co-authored The Three Faces of Eve, the book that led to the famous 1957 film of the same name starring Joanne Woodward, illustrating Multiple Personality Disorder. A Fellow of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Cleckley was acting psychiatrist in the trial of the psychopathic serial killer Ted Bundy of Florida.


Charming, handsome and charismatic, Bundy would con his way into his at least thirty female victims’ confidence, lull them to his car, and beat them unconscious with a blunt object. After driving around with victims, sometimes for hours, continually assaulting them sexually — nearly all of them white and quite attractive — Bundy would strangle them to death with nylon stockings. In at least a dozen instances, he would hack the women’s heads off with a saw and keep them as trophies. He was a known necrophiliac (that is, he had sex with the corpses of his victims).

In this video, shortly after his arrest, he acts cocky:

However, in the following video, made just 15 hours before he was electrocuted by the State of Florida, Bundy is pensive. He says violentt kinds of pornography were an obsession with him and with all the violent inmates he had gotten to know in prison, that it released “a separate entity” in himself that he felt had existed in him already, and that alcohol was the other factor that de-inhibited him before he actually committed his crimes. He directly blamed “what is in the media” for future murders of other women and girls after his execution.

He told Reverend Ted Dobson that after each crime he felt he had been “overwhelmed” and “possessed,” because at other times he was “an essentially normal person with good friends.” He said others viewed him as “an all-American boy,” as “okay,” and that “they had no clue.”

Bundy emphasizes how each thrill ebbed and then he needed a greater thrill, another and worse crime — a classic sign of a psychopath for him normal pleasures are insufficient.

It is interesting how Bundy seems to actually try to feel remorse, but his voice and face suggest he simply cannot. His sincere regrets are for himself as a prisoner facing death, or very cerebral regrets for society. I think he is enjoying being important one last time.

* * *

These five researchers, Cleckley, Lobaczewski, Raine, Hare and Stout, have forever lifted psychopathology out of the realm of speculation or what some cynically call “psychobabble” into the realm of science—the science of absolute evil.


  1. A psychiatrist at Canada’s only “super max” prison, in Ontario province, who observes and meets with the 100 vilest criminals in Canada (outside of Parliament) was asked: “Have you ever looked into an inmate’s eyes and seen evil, just pure evil?” He replied: “Yes, I would say I have—in layman’s language—seen pure evil.” Source: Philip R., Wheeler, founder, Learn for Living Foundation, Alexandria, Virginia.
  2. 2. A general edition for the public of this academic work, suitable for the educated layperson, was published in 2006 by Red Pill Press under the aegis of Laura Knight-Jadczyk, of and other websites, an American thinker who edited and introduced the English version.
  3. 3. A combat-decorated World War II and Korea hero, Michael Mata Jr., who once guarded generals Eisenhower and Patton in postwar Berlin, told this writer of the sadistic and Big Brotherish attitude in parts of the bureaucracy toward U.S. veterans. When Matas complained about a new resident of his Soldier’s Home, a sexual pervert who kept making unwanted advances on him, he was brought up before a staff hearing to be told that he was on “one year’s probation” for being “disruptive.” He learned through a Veterans Administration document that the VA had created—in its own star chamber procedure and unbeknownst to the individual veteran (hence without possibility of appeal)—a bureaucratic, secret code number in each veteran’s file. This file indicated the bureaucracy’s secret internal classifications, or defamations: shirker, troublemaker, insane etc. In Mr. Mata’s case, “refused a promotion.” For years, when he would apply for a job with an employer, he was asked: Were you a U.S. veteran? After saying yes, he would suddenly get rejected, and believes it was due to this secret code.

=================Black pastor James David Manning again on Obama as “the Son of Satan”!




John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613

tel: (724) 596-4284




  1. JEW Nobel Peace Prize????????????????
    EU receives Nobel Peace Prize for 60 years of stability and democracy
    The European Union gets Nobel Peace Prize “PEACE PRIZE”????????????
    This is as bad as “JEW PUPPETS” Mandela, F. W. de Klerk and OBAMA.
    The EU WAR MONGERING JEWS have got a Destabilizing War going on in almost every Country in Africa and the Middle East.
    GENOCIDE in almost every country in Africa.
    Polluted for 1000 years.
    We want all those using or selling DEPLETED URANIUM to be prosecuted for war and Environmental CRIMES NOT given a Nobel Peace Prize.
    60 years of JEW WARS.
    There is NO such thing as TERRORISTS.
    The Jew Criminal MAFIA own al Qaeda Mercenaries.
    Destabilizing every country in Africa.
    Africom is owned by the JEW Criminal MAFIA.
    Their motto:
    DEPLETED URANIUM is an ILLEGAL “WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION” used by Military Industrial Complex USA.
    340 TONS of DEPLETED URANIUM used in First Golf War 1991
    1000 TONS of DEPLETED URANIUM used in Afghanistan 2001
    2400 TONS of DEPLETED URANIUM used in Iraq 2003.
    Please forward to your mailing list and put on your website.

  2. Hi,

    Wasn’t it a Jewish magazine that declared; “OBAMA – THE FIRST JEWISH PRESIDENT”?

    When I think about the faith of the Tsar-family it makes me sick to the stomach. Really disturbing.


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