ENGLISH Young souls, Charlize Theron, and liberals; the dead end of secular racialism and the beginning of Aryan religion

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=============A HAPPY RESCUE!

Dolphins and whales sometimes get the strange idea to beach themselves, where of course they die. In this heart-warming video, caring humans, after being surprised by a pack of dolphins beaching themselves, run to their rescue — and drag them right back out into deeper water where they can swim happily away. 🙂

But thinking about it, you know, I think this is what a true white nationist is doing too — saying to our folk:

You should not be here with other races; you should be swimming happily with your own people and thriving in your own place! 🙂

(Some claim that US Navy submarines are causing 🙁 this disorder by broadcasting brutally powerful sonar frequencies that confuse them. It is a very well-established fact that dolphins and whales themselves navigate and hunt fish by using sonar. When I read now the claim that supposedly some “virus” is making the sea mammals do this, I assume it is just more cynical Pentagon disinfo. And when I hear about bees dying,  you KNOW that something sinister is being done — and that the regime is lying whatever it says, every time it opens its mouth.)

I believe in my religion, Aristeia, that we should always be kind to our lower-mammals cousins that we share the earth with. They are a lot of fun and they enjoy our company too! They make us laugh and we make them chuckle inside too — you can tell by the joy in them. (Cute too how this Aussie girl, like all girls, likes being chased, even if by a “roo.” 😉 )

But beyond the enjoyment:

What people who have heard of reincarnation but do not grasp its details miss out on is that the young souls in the human race have just recently risen from this level…

A deer right outside my house last week….


….and the big difference is that as new humans they of course suddenly have much larger brains, but not necessarily any spiritual wisdom or any sophistication at all. These young souls (see my piece on Afrikaner actress Charlize Theron below)

“If I adopt a black baby, then the Jews in Hollywood will forgive me for being an Afrikaner. God forbid I ever have a white baby of my own. Must not pass on my racist white genes.”


….are often incredibly naive and inexperienced, and dominated by feelings, not reality. Many (not all) women especially are young souls, and thus very vulnerable. (This is why daughters in the old days were under the very watchful and protective eyes of their fathers, older brothers and uncles.)

Lost in Space” was a fun 1960s space-travel action series; the male-chauvinist-pig-racist-white-male-oppressor 😉 played by Guy Williams (top right) served as the kind, firm father figure to his all-white family and crew as they tried to get back to earth. The despicable “Dr. Smith” (lower-left-bottom) was a peevish, effeminate coward played by a very Jewish-acting actor. 😉


I am amazed, despite what I know, at the risks white women take with hostile men of other races despite a thousand clear warnings. Many race-mixing women end up beaten, raped or killed, even in horrible ways like being set on fire.

The Jew is out to destroy the white male so the white female is unprotected; he can then take her, degrade her, mix her genes with his, and ruin her happiness.

As for an old soul, on the other hand, he/she has had many human lives, and maybe, just maybe, even learned something in each of them. 😉

If you have not read my important webpage on the scientific reality of reincarnation, why not read it and not just look at the link and ignore all my hard work for you? What are you afraid of, a meaningful new understanding of life? To finally understand the mysteries of why things happen? Why we have instant likes and dislikes, intense fears and also attractions to certain things and people, even as kids?


Here is a video I did with an excerpt you should really see, raising the whole issue of humanimals. As this video (see below the segment 26:39 to 28:01, letting the video spool forward for a minute, then going to that time period) shows, a huge percentage of the people living today are on their first or second human life, and resemble in behavior the exact kinds of animals they were in their pre-human stage. What is typical of a humanimal who was a prey animal in a recent life is inexperience, naiveté and on in many cases, running from reality, acting like the animals they recently had been.

[Link: http://blip.tv/realamericanview/pres-1-a-6319715]

But treat our animal friends well. In your next life, one of them may be your best friend.




Here are heart-warming cases of kindness in the street. Everyone benefits, the one helped and the helper, who feels pride that they did a good thing.


It was really not all that heroic, what these various men did, helping an old lady or a duck, or using a tow hitch. 😉

The real test of a MAN is when you spot four non-white male teenagers on the sidewalk — not cute wittle ducks or rabbits, or kindly, grateful old ladies — and the fiends are kicking a white teenage boy’s head in.

Does it happen? Yes it does!

Daniel Wreström, Sweden, a young WN musician, attacked by non-whites — autopsy photo


His vile muslim killers — they got small fines, probation, and psychiatric therapy for being stressed out by racism.



And this is why we need a new Aryan, heroic religion. Honestly, right now, the answer for most white males would be NO.

More on this below.



I criticized Afrikaner actress Charlize Theron as a a race-mixing traitor for adopting a black baby, and a comrade thought I was a bit harsh on her. I wrote him back:

The blog is written to a hard-core WN audience…my key audience, and as for my sheriff race,  the locals are responding, though they agree with me,  by running from the danger of talking with me like the human rabbits they are.

They know I am right, and the proof is that the voters in this rightwing, white country voted in a landslide against Obama in 2012; but they run from me though I am friendly, respectful, caring, simpatico and a good listener as well as communicator.

I also had a perfect issue here locally: NUMEC and the thousands of locals killed by cancer from illegal Israeli nuclear-fuel dumping!


But the locals are afraid of the Jews! And of a man who talks about them! And about WHY they are getting cancer in this rural county! Afraid, afraid, afraid!

Also, American comrade, more and more I am also writing this blog as an outreach to white Afrikaners in the Republic of South Africa, who are facing violent genocide daily, rape daily, murder daily, and even being burned alive — daily. (White men are also gang-raped by black men; black cops arrest white men arbitrarily so that black prisoners can rape them.)

(The new fad is 1) knock a white man to the ground, 2) douse him in gasoline and 3) set him on fire.)


Blacks killing whites…. EVERY SINGLE DAY.

As the video here shows, the adopt-a-black-baby thing (using Charlize Theron as the first example) is a cynical ploy to curry favor with the satanical Hollyweird Jewish movie studio bosses. These actresses want to keep their big bucks flowing. They want to get  new roles even as they approach forty, when brutal Jew moguls put most white actresses out to pasture. Even liberals get cynical about the adopt-a-black-baby fad by these white traitresses!

Btw (by the way), I notice that Saint 🙁 Nelson Mandela’s website is still not in the Afrikaans language of South Africa at all, though Mandela was president of South Africa, Afrikaans is an official language of the Republic of SA, and it was the Afrikaners who turned over power and a magnificent modern country to him in 1994:




A British comrade named Leon wrote me (on Facebook):

John,  please don’t model things too much on 1939-45. That approach failed once already. Still, I can’t think of a better man for the job than you!

A lady comrade wrote:

Margaret Huffstickler I find this comment confusing. What approach was that? It was one hundred percent the Allies, controlled by the international banksters, who started the war, in order to prevent a mass exodus from their system of slavery and extortion by the rest of the world, inspired by Germany’s successful example.


John D. Nugent I agree with you both! I think Leon means that Americans and Brits do not want goose-stepping and brown shirts, but it must grow out of the roots of our own non-German culture. Hitler criticized Oswald Mosley for copying too much of the trappings of Italian fascism, and said “he should copy something from Cromwell or another period of British history!”

Leon Kensington It just seems to me that the notion of a large, empowered state is utterly un-American. Sure, that’s what you have now, but two wrongs don’t make a right.

John D. Nugent It is, but that is indeed what we have now. It won’t go away by throwing flower petals. And Whites need desperately to be de-programmed and re-educated to again think heroically and with pride, and that means a government with power.

John D. Nugent When a patient is dying the doctor must take over. In the same way a strong government must take over until the crisis is also over.


Hitler openly asked the German people to approve of ending parliamentary democracy and openly, legally asked the German parliament, the Reichstag, for emergency powers. He said:


“Democracy has not worked. Our country is financially and morally bankrupt and the communists are now the second-biggest party. They have killed 20 million people next door in Russia. I can save the country only with full powers to deal with our crisis — and no more endless debates by egomaniacs and talkers as our Fatherland perishes! Give me four years time and you will not recognize the country — how much it will change for the better!!”

He kept his word! He saved Germany — and it took the whole Jew-run planet to crush one brave little country!

As for women, yes, American comrade, your mother and mine were naive… as are many (not all) females.

This is why patriarchy is vital, because facts tend to matter to men, and the big picture.

I had one big argument once with my [] wife, the [], and the things she said were so blindly disconnected from obvious realities, so profoundly committed to wishful thinking, that I marveled and my jaw literally dropped. The facts simply did not exist any more for her once they became inconvenient. I have seen men act that way too, but this was truly spectacular. 😉

I finally realized that (I am generalizing!) women can achieve total disconnects where feelings truly mean everything. Often, but not always, women are in fact younger souls.

If facts and truth are meaningless and feelings everything, then we have the very definition of a liberal, and of a young soul. A young soul has recently arisen from a mammal and has had only a few human lives. They look at you blankly when higher things are under discussion, and I do not mean by higher things technology or high finance. 😉 I mean the higher realities of this universe, the meaning of life, and what our mission as humans should be. Ands the highest truth is what Hitler said:

This world is a place of struggle, and if you reject struggle you are not worthy to live.

My [a female relative] was exceptionally evil, so I afraid I am the wrong one to say all women are sweet little deer who must be cut slack when they fight reality tooth and nail, use their tongue as a dagger, and rebel against logic and reality. It took me decades to even begin to recover from what a certain woman did to me…. so no, women do not get a free pass, nor does any man.

The SS also strung up female terrorists just like males — if you kill, you will be killed. The rule followed by all military organizations and the Hague Rules of Warfare state: Wear a uniform if you are a soldier! This rule protects civilians and non-combatants! Do not sneak around and pretend to be a civilian if you are a killer!


Maria Kislyak was born in March 1925, in the village of Lednoe in the Kharkov region of the Ukraine. The village had been occupied by the Germans during 1943. Maria and her school friend, Fedor Rudenko, who were both Komsomol [bolshevik youth] members, hatched a plan to murder a German officer. The plan was for 18 year old Maria, who was very pretty, to make friends with a German lieutenant. She suggested to this man that they went for a walk in the countryside to which he naturally agreed. Outside the village, Fedor [a male communist] was waiting for them and came up behind the German soldier and hit him over the head with an iron crowbar. Maria was arrested the next day. As the Germans could not prove anything, they finally let her go. Several months later, Maria and her friends murdered another officer in the same way. This time the Germans arrested nearly 100 inhabitants as hostages and declared that they would execute them all if the murderers didn’t come forward. The following day Maria and her friends gave themselves up to the Gestapo and confessed to the murder. Maria claimed that she was the leader of the group. On June the 18th, 1943, Maria, Fedor Rudenko and their comrade Vasiliy Bugrimenko (both 19) were publicly hanged on the branch of an ash tree.

Anyway, my religion is what we need right now overall, a partly harsh religion, to win the death struggle that is right ahead.

There will be time later for the gentle virtues, which are actually my own personal leanings, after we annihilate the annihilators with all the mercy they have shown us………………  For now, GOD’S WILL BE DONE!



==========hard-nosed view of the incredible suffering of white South Africans

Some Afrikaners read my webpage here — https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/race/white-south-african-tragedy


South Africa – Survivor of brutal ethnic-cleansing: Beautiful, innocent White child raped and battered. She suffered dislocated bones and internal injuries.


and asked:

liza April 22, 2013 at 11:45 am [edit]

Where is the rest of the world now?

I responded:

The rest of the white world is like the rest of the whites in South Africa, who followed F.W. De Klerk or the fake Conservative Party, and laughed at the noble Jaap Marais and his HNP, and also mocked Eugene Terre’Blanche and the Afrikaner Resistance Movement. (He fell off his horse once and had girlfriend troubles, so that was all some needed to reject him when the jewsmedia needle-tongues went to work.) “If a man is not perfect then you should never support him.” 😉

Well, as my father would say to fault-finders: “Jesus was perfect, and look what happened to Him!”

When a white leader arises, they do not support him but look for his faults and desperately seek reasons to do nothing.

In South Africa, as a British South African wrote me:

I am rejected by Boers as a Brit, yet, funnily enough, I herald from both General Piet Cronje and Gert van der Berg – both heroes for the “Afrikaans nation”. It is VERY difficult to get the “WHITE” idea across many boundaries – church / heritage / culture / language / perception. Some of us are Brits and some of us are Boers, but we all are WHITES! The blacks are killing us as WHITES!

The real issues is this — what do you do when a heroic leader arises?

Hitler came to power ONLY because he had infinite determination AND ALSO the Great Depression intervened in 1929, causing the Germans to lose their jobs, to then literally starve, and finally begin committing suicide. An estimated 400,000 Germans committed suicide in 1932, just before Hitler came to power.

In 1928, BEFORE obviously the Great “Black Friday” stock market crash of October 1929, his NSDAP party, as well-run as it was and as skilled a speaker as Hitler was, got a pitiful 2.6% of the vote.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_federal_election,_1928)

But in 1930, AFTER the Crash, Hitler got over 30%.

The issue is not “Do whites deserve their fate?” Of course, whether it is good or bad, everyone always deserves their fate! Let us be clear, manly, and have both feet on the ground!

The vast majority of Whites are, and always have been, cowardly, irresponsible, naive, swallowing lies with amazing eagerness, and looking out for their money and pleasures, drinking beer and watching football on television while KNOWING that their nation meanwhile is dying.

They do bobble their pink little grandchildren on their knees, yes (because it is FUN), and they tell themselves that they “love” them…. but then they do nothing about THEIR FUTURE!

….Not even when a leader arises and loudly, respectfully and artfully summons calls them to clearest duty, demanding they help him prevent a world where those very granddaughters now on their knee will someday be raped by blacks, and those grandsons they give an ice cream cone to will be set on fire with gasoline, or if “lucky”, just lose their job to a Chinese, black, muslim or Hindu.

How can a white grandparent say he “loves” his grandchildren, or his nephews and nieces, when he does not care what world they will live in?

LOVE is to search for, find and then follow a leader to the death!

Love is not tickling a grandchild or a giving him a zoo visit for your own amusement!

The question is this:

Do whites deserve these idealistic leaders who arise over and over to sacrifice everything, who are defamed and harassed, threatened, jailed and bankrupted, and finally often even lose their very lives (as we saw with Eugene Terre’Blanche in 2010, or in the 1960s with Hendrik Verwoerd in the RSA and George Lincoln Rockwell in the USA)? Do Whites deserve those leaders who make desperate attempts to awaken and save them?

Jaap Marais (A former bodyguard wrote me the other day “He was quiet about it but a convinced National Socialist.”)


The first thing we must do to save our race is END forever the jew-taught, insane folly of fake democracy and fake equality, neither of which have ever existed in any real world. These are toxic myths used by the Jewish foe to destroy any society so no true elite of wise, selfless, caring heroes and idealists arises to rule wisely.

But history has shown one thousand times in the past — and now in the present with South Africa, America, Germany, France, Canada, etc. etc., — that the average White, however good his occasional impulses might be, is simply not born to think and rule himself, but better cut out to feel, believe, and follow.

If you ever ask “Joe Sixpack” to put himself at risk to do the right thing, he always will refuse, usually with a flimsy excuse, and then he and his loved ones suffer disaster after disaster.

Does this mean Whites are evil? Not worth saving? Not at all!

No, it just means that reincarnation is correct. It proves that most people are young souls. They were literally cows, sheep, rabbits and the like in earlier lives, and their nature is still that way. They are disappointing only in the way that a rabbit makes a lousy wolf. but they make excellent rabbits., 😉 Most people make very good followers but very terrible leaders and especially lousy thinkers. 😉

They are still basically humanimals.

Adolf Hitler was nicknamed “Wolf” by his closest friends, and how fitting that was.

We all reflect in our current incarnation who we previously were, and most of us were higher mammals,not humans, in our recent lives.

So who are the famous “old souls”? They already rose to the human stage many lives ago — and have learned something important in each of those lives. They are fully human. they THINK about the meaning of life, They think about the meaning of THEIR life. They EXAMINE their life. They PRAY to become better. they FACE their faults, and say: “Please, God, help me change the deep groove of my bad habits.”

Here is a webpage on this topic of reincarnation:


Here is a video I did with an excerpt you should really see, raising the whole issue of humanimals. As this video (see below the segment 26:39 to 28:01, letting the video spool forward for a minute, then going to that time period) shows, a huge percentage of the people living today are on their first or second human life, and resemble in behavior the exact kinds of animals they were in their prehuman stage. What is typical of a humanimal who was a prey animal in a recent life is inexperience, naiveté and on in many cases, running from reality, acting like the animals they recently had been.


Does God love such people? Of course, but when given a chance to rise above their primitive way of thinking and feeling, WHEN A BRAVE LEADER APPEARS WHO REALLY CARES, they must use their free will and accept the call to duty, grow a conscience, or they will die — and thus learn the very hard way, and then, after thinking about their sins between earthly lives, go forward to their next life sadder and wiser.

Someone asked me if, in a recent incident in RSA where blacks drowned a little white boy in his own bathtub in boiling water 🙁 🙁 :-(, he deserved it.

I am sure, of course, that in that one specific life he certainly had done nothing to merit such a horrible death!

But 90% of whites have both done very bad or cowardly things in earlier lives and “gotten away with it,” and also failed to do the right thing in THIS life, when the lives and happiness of others, and even the future of their whole country depended on action, and on many serious occasions this failure to act has been the rule, not the exception.

And thus, sometimes, it all comes home horribly to roost, the unpaid karmic bills, and they come due in one shocking incident.

When I think of the Generals Meiring and Viljoen in South Africa, who smoothly handed power over to the blacks, KNOWING WHAT WOULD HAPPEN, this a perfect example.


Look at whites today around the world. They ALL say and do nothing as, one by one, blacks, Muslims, Mexicans and others rape or kill them. I often run on my blog such horrifying cases around the white world of victims of clearly racist crimes by sadistic non-whites. This whole video deals with such a case in Tennessee, the Christian-Newsome murders:


But how many whites in Knoxville, Tennessee REACTED by joining or founding a white activist group do say or do something after this unspeakable crime???

And, to be brutal, if I had broached the topic of white rights the day before the murder with either young person, Christian or Newsom, is it not likely, given how 90% of whites are, that they would have looked at me in disgust and scorn and walked away from the conversation, rejecting me as a hateful racist and glorying deep inside in how tolerant, liberal and “good” they are, wallowing in their smug holier-than-thou-ism that makes them feel proud and so lofty by “rejecting hate”?

The truth is that God is a tough-love being, and if a person rejects advice, he gets reality.


The white South Africans are good people, VERY GOOD PEOPLE, but so are the white Germans, Canadians and Americans! But none of these Whites consist mostly of heroes.

They all go “low-profile” when duty calls. 😉

Do we now hate Whites? No, we hate the toxic Jew myths of equality and democracy! — that the masses should run the country!

And this is why heroic leaders are so very, very, very important to the saving of a nation.

They make all the difference in whether that nation will live on or die. It is they who bring out the goodness that in most people merely slumbers. They evoke the greatness that transforms mediocrity into excellence, weakness into strength, cowardice into courage, slavery into revolution and defeat into victory.

But no Easter Bunny, no Odin, Jesus, Hitler, Verwoerd, or Robert E. Lee, will save you, me or the white race. Look for, search for, the white leader today! Sacrifice and struggle under a good leader, with loyal devotion, appreciating and even loving those who take up the heavy responsibility of leading us through hell and suffering back to life!

Who knows what tomorrow brings
In a world where few hearts survive
All I know is the way I feel
When it’s real
I keep it alive.

The road is long;
There are mountains in the way
But we climb a step every day.

Love lift us up where we belong
Where the eagles cry
On a mountain high.
Love lift us up where we belong
Far from the world we know
Up where the clear winds blow.

Some hang on to “used to be”;
Live their lives looking behind,
When all we have is here and now
All our lives
Out there to find.

The road is long;
There are mountains in the way
But we climb a step every day.


==========I need now your support


My promising race for sheriff has failed solely due to a lack of financial support. This is a 98% white county that hates Obama, but the locals are cowards or hate-filled Freemasons, and the WNs who read me by the thousands over the last few months sent no vital initial funding. Everyone hoped someone else would send me money. 😉 Young souls….



I was talked into this sheriff race by people who then did far less than I had every right to expect from those very persons who urged the sheriff campaign on me. We needed to get the ball rolling — and they actually cut back on their support, saying “I have already done so much. Someone else should help!”

I finally wrote them: “Well, no one else did. Just as I warned you, no sheriff race will change the human race. The issues are spiritual and moral.”

If you have not already seen this video, linked to above, please see it now.

I now must take the time without corrosive financial worries to write my sacred work. Then I will lead this religion — as its stern yet caring prophet — to hell and back. When you see a leader, you must follow.

It will be a real religion, with rituals, dogmatic certainty and the will to do anything to preserve our folk and the safety of white children.

After 35 years of my talking about race and current events — all of them atrocious — I see clearly that my calling is to lead our folk to find meaning, honor and God. If not, we are totally doomed.

This is not the 1930s. We do not control our military, our media, our economy, our political parties,our schools or our universities. We do not even control our food, water, and air; they too are toxic.  We are becoming a physically, legally and morally disarmed, and aging minority in every single white country on earth.

And no, for all their good intentions and great merits,  Creativity, Christian Identity and Odinism have not worked in the decades that some have tried to use them to save our folk.


John de Nugent

681 Canal Road
Apollo PA 15613 USA

(724) 596-4284

Credit cards! (Go top-right or top-left to do this)

If you have money, I need it now. Urgently, urgently!

If you have no money, but can translate into Afrikaans, French, German or Spanish, contact me.

Your motto: “Everyone can do something. Just because I cannot do everything does not mean I should do nothing. What is in my power to do, I shall!”


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