ENGLISH Nixon blasted Jews even to Kissinger

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ENGLISH Nixon blasted Jews even to Kissinger

[source: http://www.haaretz.com/news/world/.premium-1.543129]

By  | Aug. 23, 2013 | 1:58 AM |

nixon-points-index Former President Richard Nixon is heard making anti-Semitic statements in discussions with visitors to the Oval Office and by telephone in White House tapes that were released on Thursday .

The 340 hours of tapes, which cover the period from April 9, 1973 to July 12, 1973, were released by the Nixon Presidential Library. They are the last set of tapes that will be released by the library.

In a phone discussion in mid-April with Henry Kissinger, a Jew who at the time was the national security adviser, Nixon expresses concerns that Jews would torpedo an upcoming U.S.-Soviet summit. If that happened, Nixon said, “Let me say, Henry, it’s gonna be the worst thing that happened to Jews in American history.” He added, “If they torpedo this summit — and it might go down for other reasons — I’m gonna put the blame on them, and I’m going to do it publicly at 9 o’clock at night before 80 million people.”

He continued: “They put the Jewish interest above America’s interest, and it’s about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he’s an American first and a Jew second.”


Nixon with Billy Graham at a prayer rally in North Carolina 


The Reverend Billy Graham, the most famous evangelist in the world for 30 years, said by phone to President Richard Nixon on February 23, 1973 (http://www.talk2action.org/story/2009/10/31/133853/93)

Well, you know, I told you one time that the Bible talks about two kinds of Jews. One is called `the synagogue of Satan.’ They’re the ones putting out the pornographic literature, they’re the ones putting out these obscene films…And the people [Bible-believing Christians] that have been the most pro-Israel are the ones that are being attacked now by the Jews.

(Nixon said in a later phone conversation with Reverend Graham that after he was re-elected in 1972 he wanted to “do something” about Jewish control of the US media.

But “then came Watergate….” and the media hysteria against Nixon. The worst of all is TV. You can FEEL the evil coming out of that box!


I do not have pix of my late dad with Nixon, as I do of him with Ford and Reagan, but my father was very involved with Nixon. He was the Rhode Island chairman of Nixon-Agnew (for president and vice-president) in 1968 and 1972 and ran Republican patronage (getting federal jobs for Republican activists)  for New Englanders from 1969-89. He served as Aide to the Secretary of the Army from 1973 to 1976, thus under both Nixon and Ford.

He was the Republican candidate for Governor of Rhode Island in 1974, chaired the election campaign of Ronald Reagan in New England in 1976 and served as Chairman of Reagan-Bush for President in 1980 and 1984 in Rhode Island, during which time he was also White House Clearance Officer, chairing a Federal Advisory Committee.
With US President Ronald Reagan
My father, James W. Nugent, is here just short of calling President Gerald Ford, in the Oval Office, a boneheaded moron for insisting on closing the Quonset Naval Air Station in Rhode Island in the 1970s while spending billion$ on a new out-of-state US Navy military facility. My father lost this battle, and a year later Ford lost his to Jimmy Carter. Ford was known for playing football without a helmet.
With US President Gerald Ford
===========family photo January 2007
(upper row, l. to r.) John; his brother Todd; his son-in-law José Irigoyen;
(lower row) His stepmother from Prince Edward Island, Canada, Helen; his (now late) father James; his elder daughter Ingrid, then getting her master’s at Duke Univ.; and my fiancée Margaret


My father’s view on the Jews was that they were extremely powerful. He was bitter because whereas he had twice sponsored Jews to PREVIOUSLY Jew-free country clubs (Rhode Island Country Club and Wannamoisett Country Club), he THEN went on to lose his huge insurance contract with the giant Rhode Island-based toymaker Hasbro (Hassenfeld Brothers), makers of “GI Joe” and other toys,  to, as he put it, “the synagogue.”

Yes, Hasbro (the Hassenfelds) gave all their insurance to some fellow Jew who also offered insurance.

In other words, he had INCLUDED Jews in his two country clubs but they EXCLUDED him from insurance, his business and livelihood, because he was merely a goy, a Gentile. HE was fair to THEM — but they turned around and were unfair to HIM.


My father once said to me:

“The Jews can be very vicious, John, You have to be extremely cautious with them. They are ruthless and will stop at nothing, especially the Israelis.”

As he said these last words, he looked directly at me, warning me as a father would.


However, I thought then, as I still do now, what is the point of not fighting them? With every moment, they just get stronger for their FINAL ATTACK.

“They are not satisfied,” as my late friend Hans Schmidt of the Waffen-SS (division “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler”) said to me one day in 1986, “with the riches, respect, the freedom, the huge power and the lack of persecution they now enjoy.” 

Hans Schmidt

“No, John, they want it all. They want a total dictatorship, they want ALL the money, not just most of it, and they want us to be their total slaves. and so they always push their luck too far. It is a mania.”

I replied: “They are again ‘cruising for a bruising,’ as we say in English. 😉 )

Hans replied:

“They are on auto-pilot toward their next big disaster. They never learn.. and thank God. ;-)”

And Hans smiled…….



(”See also my blog here: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-obama-chemtrails-my-house-again-with-a-huge-x-world-war-three-looms-if-obama-attacks-syria-and-the-end-of-the-jewnited-snakes)

Because this is how Israhell will end.

(At 2:43 an Israeli even utters “Oy!” 😉 ) It is interesting hearing Hebrew, which sounds like Arabic but with a heavy French accent. One Jewess uses the universal English word “sh–”  as huge bombs go off. 😉 All the collective bad karma of the Jews comes down on them in this video, all the oceans of tears they have inflicted on others!


The world hates the Jews SO much now that we AS THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE are even willing to have WWIII to stop them — whatever devastating cost to ourselves may well ensue — so that a Jewish PRISON PLANET can be avoided.

I would rather see the earth destroyed than live as MISERABLE SLAVES under the sadistic boot of the raping, murdering, lying, thieving, defaming, women-and-children abusing, drug-selling, torturing, hate-filled, racist, bigoted, prejudiced, and monstrously ungrateful  Eternal Jew.




9/9 @ 10:01 : Tulsa, Oklahoma, US
9/9 @ 10:00 : Hanover, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
9/9 @ 9:58 : Laval, CA
9/9 @ 9:57 : Radolfzell, DE
9/9 @ 9:55 : Celle, DE
9/9 @ 9:55 : Cairo, EG
9/9 @ 9:54 : Handewitt, DE
9/9 @ 9:53 : Mautern, AT [AUSTRIA]
9/9 @ 9:53 : Handewitt, DE
9/9 @ 9:52 : Milton, Massachusetts, US
9/9 @ 9:52 : Toulon, FR[ANCE]
9/9 @ 9:52 : Annandale, Virginia, US
9/9 @ 9:52 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US

Monday, August 9 @ 9:52 : Iserlohn, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
Monday, August 9 @ 9:39 : Kingfield, Maine, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:39 : Puebla, MX
Monday, August 9 @ 9:39 : London, CA[NADA]
Monday, August 9 @ 9:39 : Camrose, CA

Monday, August 9 @ 9:35 : Bourne, GB [ENGLAND]

Many famous British films such as “Gladiator” (2000) have been shot near here, in Bourne Wood, in Surrey, northeast of London
Monday, August 9 @ 9:35 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:33 : San Jose, California, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:33 : Maiden, North Carolina, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:33 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:31 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:26 : Freiburg, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
Monday, August 9 @ 9:24 : Spokane, Washington, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:24 : Freiburg, DE
Monday, August 9 @ 9:22 : Cluj-napoca, RO
Monday, August 9 @ 9:21 : United States, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:11 : Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Monday, August 9 @ 9:02 : Suzano, BR[AZIL]

Monday, August 9 @ 9:00 : Montreal, QUEBEC, CANADA
La Basilique de Notre Dame
Monday, August 9 @ 9:59 : Skanderborg, DK [DENMARK]
A social worker in Skanderborg
Monday, August 9 @ 9:58 : Spokane, Washington, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:53 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
Myself on a walk along the Kiski River, near the NUMEC plant, which became “Paradise Lost”
Monday, August 9 @ 9:52 : Europe, EU
Monday, August 9 @ 9:52 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:51 : Winter Springs, Florida, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:49 : Dublin, IE
Monday, August 9 @ 9:49 : Joinville, BR
Monday, August 9 @ 9:48 : Bursa, TR
Monday, August 9 @ 9:47 : Sainte-Maure-de-Touraine, FR

Monday, August 9 @ 9:45 : Circleville, Utah, US

Monday, August 9 @ 9:42 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:41 : United States, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:39 : Salisbury, Maryland, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:39 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:37 : Manahawkin, New Jersey, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:36 : Ashburn, Virginia, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:35 : Petah Tiqva, IL [ISRAEL]
Monday, August 9 @ 9:35 : Saint Albans, GB

Monday, August 9 @ 9:06 : Toronto, CA
Monday, August 9 @ 9:00 : Manaus, BR
Monday, August 9 @ 9:59 : Maribor, SI
Monday, August 9 @ 9:57 : London, GB



Monday, August 9 @ 9:53 : Martins Ferry, Ohio, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:50 : Washington, District of Columbia, US


Monday, August 9 @ 9:48 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:47 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:47 : Mexico, MX
Monday, August 9 @ 9:42 : Los Angeles, California, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:42 : Athens, GR[EECE]


Monday, August 9 @ 9:46 : Dublin, IE


Monday, August 9 @ 9:45 : Edinburgh, GB
Monday, August 9 @ 9:44 : San Antonio, Texas, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:44 : Nogent-sur-Oise, FR[ANCE]


Gymnastes féminines à Nogent sur Oise

Monday, August 9 @ 9:43 : San Antonio, Texas, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:43 : Italy, IT
Monday, August 9 @ 9:41 : Bratislava, SK
Monday, August 9 @ 9:41 : Tunis, TN
Monday, August 9 @ 9:40 : Salzburg, AT [AUSTRIA]


Monday, August 9 @ 9:40 : Bury Saint Edmunds, GB
Monday, August 9 @ 9:39 : Baytown, Texas, US
Monday, August 9 @ 9:36 : Klagenfurt, AT
Monday, August 9 @ 9:33 : Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US




John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284




A German sent me this…..




Washington Post article of June 13, 2013: “Whites’ death outpaces births”. For the first time ever, more Whites died than were born in the USA. the average White age is a staggering 42, for Asians 34, for Blacks 32, and for Hispanics 28.

We are a dying race because our soul has died.


Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284


This is how you can help financially:
(1) postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent”


(2) sending valuable jewelry or gold coins


(3) cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)


(4) PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details)
(5) checks made out to “john de Nugent” (now that I again have a bank account. (in fact, BY STEALTH, I have now two. 😉

I need the funds to at least pay my bills while I write the sacred book to awaken the SOUL.

Recent donations:

400 Swiss francs and 70 Australian dollars

And $US 5….. That helps too, from Tennessee!



John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613

(724) 596-4284


On Facebook: John D. Nugent

On Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


Donate via Credit Card


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  1. Hi John. That was a great story. And thank you for the wonderful family photos. I had no idea that you were such a political Blue Blood! If America was the nation it was during the Reagan years, Pres. Romney would be in office. But times have changed. Good looking white men like you and Romney are, incredibly, now at a slight political disadvantage in the ‘new America;. Incredibly, you’re just a bit ‘too white’ for the diversity police and the rapidly growing ‘communities’ that they represent. Amazing, but true.

    Nixon rightfully resented the Jews for their ruthless tribalism and rampant disloyalty. But he was actually good to the Jews. After all, with Kissinger’s help, Nixon saved Israel’s ass during the Yom Kippur war in 1973 buy sending in tons of US armaments to Israel during that war. US favoritism towards the Jewish State set the stage for the subsequent Arab oil embargo which cost the US economy untold billions. The Arab oil embargos of the 70s eventually crashed even the US auto industry. Many lives were destroyed so Israel could win that war and hold onto Arab lands that it captured during the 1967 Six Day War that it initiated. Yes, Jewish power is very real and it can be very harmful. But to say so makes one ‘anti-Semitic’ in American culture. How absurd.

    As for Jewish treachery, Nixon was finally betrayed by a Jewish colleague, Mark Felt, who had access to Top Secret information. Felt leaked all the Watergate information to Bernstein and Woodward at the Washington Post during ‘Watergate’. The rest is history. But it was a Jew (and a hostile Jewish media) that destroyed Nixon’s Presidency. At least we have brave men like you now pushing back.

    Keep up the terrific work, John.

    Sincerely, Mark Green, California, USA

    • Glad you liked this blog, Mark!

      Both John Kennedy and Richard Nixon were far and away not ruthless enough.

      James von Brunn once said that 150 special-forces commandos could solve our problems. Well, the Presidents of the United States Kennedy and Nixon both would have been the right men to start an operation, a “Night of the Long Knives,” to take out all the key malefactors of humanity in one fell swoop.

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