The Forward has been a leading leftist Jewish newspaper since 1897 in New York City, founded in Yiddish (a Jewish dialect of German) and now also appearing in English. ( It was certainly the most important overtly Jewish newspaper in America at the time of the Leo Frank crisis, and had a circulation of 275,000 at one time.
Its headquarters for decades at 175 East Broadway, Manhattan
Key excerpts from its Editorial commemorating the Leo Frank trial and controvery
[source: I have addedITALICS, BOLD, LARGER FONT AND COLORS to highlight the significant sub rosa admissions. I also added the FDR ad ¦. and the Cahan pic.]
The Leo Frank Story
The trial, conviction and subsequent lynching of Leo Frank a century ago is considered by some historians to represent a turning point in the history of Jews in America. In hindsight, we can acknowledge the irony in that assertion:
A horrible incident of anti-Semitic injustice and violence led to a positive outcome, forging a powerful national Jewish identity that transcended geography, class and lived experience. The challenge now, 100 years later, is for American Jews to recapture that sense of unity without identifying only as victims.
Most Jews believe that Frank was innocent, that he did not, in fact, murder Mary Phagan, the 13-year-old girl who worked for his pencil manufacturing business in Atlanta and was strangled and left for dead in the factory cellar.
Frank’s innocence is a sort of accepted truth even though it is more accurately a complicated one.
To this day, there are those [JdN: he is trying to say “even JEWS”!] who aren’t sure, and the ambivalence doesn’t come from only the ranks of Phagan’s family and the neo-Nazis [ = John de Nugent and friends 😉 ]who use the Frank story to maintain their hateful campaigns against Jews.
Still, there is no denying the ugly strain of anti-Semitism that Frank’s arrest, trial and conviction brought forth, in Georgia and beyond. It was enough to ignite the consciences of northern Jews like Adolph Ochs, publisher of The New York Times, and the Forwards own Abraham Cahan, who used their influential newspapers to highlight what they saw as rank anti-Jewish hatred.
*** JdN
Abraham Cahan, reverer of Karl Marx
For Cahan, a Lithuanian-born, Yiddish-speaking, proudly socialist, pro-union editor, it was quite a leap to identify with Leo Frank and take on his cause.
Frank was, after all, part of the economic and social elite, a well-educated German Jew,
an effete [ = “decadent and self-indulgent”] factory owner who was known to exploit and harass his workers.
In another context, Frank might have been the target of Cahan’s pen. But religious identity and solidarity trumped all that.
As Cahan himself wrote in his memoirs, after returning from visiting Frank in his jail cell: I had a deep interest in the story as a Forverts writer, simply as a human, as a Jew and as Frank’s personal friend. The impressions I returned with from Atlanta and those I formed later on in reaction to his ultimate fate are among the deepest and most painful impacts I’ve ever had.
That Cahan and Frank were both Jewish was enough to forge a bond between these two radically different men in a moment of extraordinary difficulty for American Jews, the historian Jason Schulman wrote.
Frank’s experience in Atlanta served to unite German and Russian Jews in ethnic cohesion.
*** JdN
Well, then, that is all that matters, isn’t it? 😉 Jewish UNITY!
The only real issue, while SLANDERING EVERY INNOCENT GOY IN CREATION, is always “Is it good for the Jews?”
The Jews’ favorite shabbaz goy from 1933-45 was Franklin Roosevelt. He was “good for the Jews.” While he did NOT get America out of the Depression (Pearl Harbor and WWII did, as ALL historians now admit), still, he helped start and get us into WWII, which killed off tens of millions of intelligent and brave Gentiles. From the Jewish point of view, “What’s not to like?”
Here is the November 1, 1938 Forward and its ad pushing the utter failure Roosevelt, because he was “good for the Jews.”
Note the shabbaz goy insinuation. The Jew has a devilish grin, he is taller than Roosevelt, and he has his hand paternally and condescendingly on the shoulder of the President of the United States, establishing who is dominant in the relationship. Roosevelt’s head is thrust forward in suggested meekness; the Jew’s head posture is erect and perfect. “This goy is doing a good job for us.”
That solidarity was further strengthened after Frank was brutally kidnapped from prison in 1915 and lynched by a posse of elite white Georgians whose identities were kept secret for decades and who were never held accountable for the crime they committed.
It is genuinely hard to imagine such outright hostility today. The Frank affair spurred the creation of the Anti-Defamation League, which a century later has become the gold standard of defense organizations. The ADLs most recent annual audit of anti-Semitic incidents showed a 14% decline in assault, vandalism and harassment cases against Jews in America in just one year, continuing a three-year trend of incremental declines.
The ADL will be quick to point out that this welcome news is partly offset by the migration of anti-Semitism to the Internet, where neo-Nazis and other haters are allowed to roam free of detection and restraint. Indeed, as our Paul Berger reports, its as if the Frank trial were still going on for those who wish to use it an excuse to denigrate Jews and to shroud their white supremacist rants in the cloak of pretend journalism.
Read more:
Who cares about the shiksa? (Hebrew for “piece of meat.” I KNOW Jews use this word, because a Jew online called me a shegets (a male shiksa). She refused a Jew sex, which was not “good for the Jew.”
John Kennedy was not “good for the Jews.” He opposed Zionist control of the US economy via the Federal Reserve and their dominance of US Middle East policy. His brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, was going to have the forerunner of AIPAC shut down for being “the unregistered agent of a foreign government.”(See my “The Jewish War on the Kennedys”:
Daniel Wetstrm of Sweden, stomped to death by non-White immigrants brought in by Jews. Killing him was “good for the Jews.” His killers got fines, probation and therapy.
At the end of this accurate video, watch Barbara Spectre, California Jewess, saying Sweden “MUST” bring (violent) muslim immigrants into their country. No problem that they rape Swedish women and beat White children to death.
See also:
…..What it all comes down to is this:
I wage war on the lie and the slander Jews tell to this day against heroic men, against good, chivalrous, white Christian American males, claiming Leo Frank, was convicted and executed, not because of the facts, evidence, testimony and exhibits presented at the trial against Frank, but solely because of of some supposed anti-Jewish “prejudice.” That is a disgusting, racist, anti-Gentile blood libel spewed by pathological haters and bigots whose canard of “anti-Semitism” hides their own ANTI-GENTILISM!
And does anyone care about little Mary Phagan in all this power struggle and how she died? The last seconds of her innocent life?
And that Jews are knowingly sticking up for a rapist and child murderer just because he is a Jew?
And that the Talmud say is is okay to rape Gentile females?
Prosecutor Dorsey was wrong on one thing: Leo Frank was not being a bad Jew by raping and killing Mary. He was –believe it or not, read it in the Talmud itself — being thereby a GOOD Jew and obeying the commands of his religion when he raped and killed her! “How dare a mere goy, a shiksa (“piece of meat”=) refuse the sex demands of her Jewish lord and master? Gentiles were created by God to serve the Jews!” That is why he struck out in rage! Sex on demand and the right to humiliate is what the Talmud told Leo was his right!
“If a Jew murders a ˜goy’ there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
“Jews may use subterfuges to circumvent a ˜goy.'” (Baba Kamma 113a)
“The ˜goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b)
“All children of the ˜goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.” (Yebamoth 98a)
“Girls born of the ˜goyim’ are in a state of ˜niddah’ (menstrual uncleanness!) from birth.” (Abodah Zarah 36b)
“If you eat with a ˜goy’ it is the same as eating with a dog.” (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)
“Sexual intercourse between the ˜goyim’ is like intercourse between animals.” (Sanhedrin 74b)
“Even the best of the ˜goyim’ should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)
Judaism is a hate-filled, rape, torture and death cult. It must be banned under federal, state and local law and ALL its practitioners arrested for conspiracy to libel, steal, rape and murder.
It is not a religion; it is a worldwide psychopathology!
Thus say I, father of two daughters and grandfather of two granddaughters! Save the children!
……MY MAJOR ESSAYS ON LEO FRANK AND MARY PHAGAN — A WHITE VICTORY AGAINST THE JEWS! Five years of my commitment to this American breakthrough, when white men stopped talking and ACTED!
1. Video-Promo: Script for John de Nugent’s Promo-Video About the Murder of Mary Phagan and Lynching of Leo Frank
2. Part One: Glory to Mary Phagan and the White Men Who Avenged Her Honor
3. Part Two: Conclusion of Glory to Mary Phagan and the White Men Who Avenged Her Honor
4. Audiobook: 2015 Centennial Reboot of Jeffersonian Publishing Company’s ‘Watson’s Magazine, January, 1915, The Leo Frank Case’ Edited by John de Nugent
5. The Jewish Daily Forward Article Analysis: John de Nugent’s Response to the Editorial of The Jewish Daily Forward by Paul Berger
6. Open Letter to Paul Berger of The Jewish Daily Forward: Open Letter from John de Nugent to Paul Berger of The Jewish Daily Forward
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