ENGLISH Whole Golden Dawn leadership arrested; when John Lennon blasted the Jews; rave reviews of my show with John Friend

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=============On hearing that the Golden Dawn leaders in Greece were all “peacefully” arrested


Every man without exception or excuse — there is none — can and should lift weights to stay strong, be able to fight and hit real hard, and intimidate potential enemies. Cops lift weights — so criminals see those arms and do not even think of taking a swing. That logic goes both ways — cops look at me and talk respectfully. 😉 That comes from a fierce, calm, steady look in your eyes, from solid muscle, and from them knowing I am always armed — and I shot at the “expert” level in the Army National Guard (and after pulling an all-night guard duty, and after doing a six-mile forced march, coming in first among 600 enlisted men. I was awarded at a ceremony with “Guardsperson of the Year” by my commanding officer for this.)

They all know I will fight to the death, theirs and maybe mine.


Shooting one-handed, rapid-fire, at 25 feet in a pouring rain (hence the wavy paper).

Mr. ZOGling, that will be your head.



I note, btw, that the entire leadership of the wonderful Golden Dawn party in Greece was just framed and arrested. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/09/28/us-greece-goldendawn-idUSBRE98R02Q20130928 Now if , as this jewspaper story claims, they had all these damn rifles, why did they not USE them???

The guy the Greek cops arrested for supposedly killing a rap musician was not even a member of Golden Dawn! It is like some guy out in the cybersphere reading my blog and then killing a Jew — and then they come to try to arrest ME!

(Now they claim that the killer made calls from his cell phone to Party headquarters before and after the crime…. and we all know the leftist, jew-controlled Greek government would never lie to stop “Nazis”, would they? *;) wink)
Here is the Golden Dawn coverage IN ENGLISH of the issue:


It is extremely serious to decapitate a whole party as they are doing and to say they are all guilty of criminal conspiracy to commit murder and to misuse party donations.

Edgar Steele got framed and is doing 50 years. Shaun Walker (here with his wife, Cynthia) got framed and was sentenced to six years for a bar fight. (I helped get him out after two years, I pewsaded our fellow former Marine and longtime US Congressman — R-California — Pete McCloskey to negotiate with the feds, BUT the tragic precondition was that Shaun had to end all contacts with WN-ism.)



Matt Hale got 40 years because  Tony Evola, an FBI-paid government informant, entrapped him.

Michael Weaver (photo below, distributing literature in Georgia) got 20 months for pepper-spraying his attacker, a Black felon. ……. (See the second part of this blog: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-crooked-racist-black-cop-allowed-to-merely-resign-after-persecuting-white-motorists-for-years)



Now just WHY would you as a WN surrender when there is no chance you will get justice???? Why not fight and die like a man??? Do you prefer to snort some more musty oxygen on your knees in their  prison, as their SLAVE, merely EXISTING in a sweat-ridden cage full of blax, mex, muslims, white pedophiles and East Asians??? Do you prefer to be technically “alive” as subhumans butt-f— you in a prison cell???

How can anyone call himself a man who willingly lets them snap the cuffs on and lead you to your doom??? Anyone who surrenders to ZOG at this stage is a coward, afraid to fight and die like a man.

ONLY Bob Mathews fought to the death out of the entire heavily-armed “Order”!


That is my statement and I stand by it.

I will not send money for your lawyer, and I will not read about your rigged trial, or unfair cops, or crooked prosecutors, because it is a pointless, depressing, discouraging dead end, and a total waste of our precious time, money and energy.

What did you expect? Fairness FROM THE JEWS?

Does that need to be proved by YET ANOTHER RIGGED TRIAL?

No, surrender at this stage is merely cowardice.

A comrade replied with “What good are we if we resist and then are dead?”

I retorted:

It  the very willingness to fight and die that deters them from arresting us! That is because of THEIR desire to not make martyrs. but this way, your way, the Golden Dawn way, the Steele, Weaver, Walker, Hale way, they pick us off — one by one!

We are “arrested without incident.”

It is time for incidents!!!

Leonidas and the 300 Spartans — that was an INCIDENT THAT INSPIRED ALL GREECE!

Someone wrote that the time is not yet ripe for revolution. I replied:

The time is ripe for revolution, because the rage, misery and awareness are there, but there still has to be first the new, electrifying and unifying vision, and this is the new, heroic Aryan religion. [See below.]



INTERVIEW WITH GOLDEN DAWN CO-FOUNDER: Here is the link to Saturday’s show (5 pm Eastern US) with Rodney Martin, Dir. of Western Values Fdn. in California, discussing Greek events with comrade Evangeloa Ekatommatis.


Why did modern Greek WN political leaders just now surrender to the police? What would ancient Spartan king Leonidas have said about surrender?

It amazes me that WN activists make huge waves against the NWO, then surrender to the police instead of fighting — even with five loaded guns in the house. We have all so totally lost the mindset of King Leonidas of Sparta, the heroic spirit, that my normal reaction — never surrender to your ruthless enemy — now seems outlandish: “Of course you surrender; otherwise you will be shot. Then you are dead.”
But the ONLY reason I am not in prison AFTER 35 YEARS OF HARDCORE ACTIVISM (https://johndenugent.com/about-john/wn-biography-of-jdn) is because I openly have vowed to the FBI — in person and eight times on my blog — to fight any arrest attempt to the death.
All they would get out of me is a dead martyr who “went out in style,” even “in a blaze of glory,” as they say. And that they hate. What they want is a meek surrender…. that we let them snap the cuffs on. That SUBMISSION demotivates all the arrested “leader’s” followers, and it reinforces the authority of the “state” to do as it wishes.

Then everyone wastes time, energy and money on a rigged trial.

Message: Brute force trumps good. Major bummer.
If 1) you are making big waves against the NWO (or merely showing that potential), and 2) the Jews and cops know you will not resist, then one of these days, on some insultingly some trumped-up charge, they WILL arrest you. So fight to the death.
golden-dawn-meander_flagThe Golden Dawn leadership in Greece has now surrendered — and the party is “decapitated.” Worse, Greece’s legal system has no provision for bail, nor any arrangement for a trial by jury. They will get a judge who works for the System, and even if he sympathizes with them, the Jews may threaten or bribe him or even both.
(Remember when conservative US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, who loathes Obama and vice versa, mysteriously signed off on ObamaCare? Wake up and smell the coffee. ;-))
Therefore, all these fine Greek leader likely will stay in jail until their kangaroo trial and their predetermined sentence.
Surrender is disaster, for you, me and our race. Alexander Solzhenitsyn said he and other Soviet gulag prisoners used to sit around and moan their regrets that they had not fought as men to the death, “even with crowbars and shovels,” as the great author actually wrote.
He had 12 years in hell to think about it — how he placed himself at the mercy of the Jews.
A comrade on Faceberg opined:
However corrupt the politicians might be, I still have hope for the Greek courts. It is not the first time that they take nationalists and Jew-exposers to Greek courts, without success. 
They took the lawyer and historian Konstantinos Plevris many times to the courts because of his book named “All the Truth about Jews” and he always came out innocent. Hope dies last.
I replied:
I know all about that Plevris case, and, yes, you are correct. (I am close friends with a friend of Plevris.) BUT that was back when the “movement” in Greece was just books, like Plevris’, and blogs, and when there had been no economic crash.
Now the stakes are much higher. GD is now a big party and the Greeks are either furious or committing suicide, literally, in the parks.
The Jews have got to stop Golden Dawn, or it will set an example for other parties around the White world.
An activist in South Africa wrote me:
I love your comments and insights here on what happened in Greece. You have a good knowledge. We need to stand up in support of our friends who are denied free speech and who are trampled down like that.
The ANC [“African National Congress” party, a White-hating, communist-run Black ppo9liticla party that now domimnates the RSA] killed many people ON ORDERS FROM THE ANC – and then the ANC said:
“Yes, but he’s an individual in our ranks — and we can’t be held responsible for that death!”
That’s how the ANC got away with STACKS of murders. The organisation is NOT held responsible for its followers’ actions. And each murder is then treated as a criminal case! Such bullsh+t.
A supposed WN activist just blogged his denunciation of chemtrails as a ‘crazy conspiracy theory.’ An Australian fires back after what he saw with his own eyes.



Comrades are loving this radio show! I and host John Friend in San Diego — a smart and simpatico WN activist whom the Jews fear and even got fired from his job (though he has a little daughter to support) — discuss the defeatism caused by the false theory of “historical cycles” of Spengler (and Nietzsche, Evola, etc.). Then we go into my planned new religion, and why I say this is clearly the best time ever to incarnate and be alive!


If you are curious as to what makes me tick ;-) and what I want, you will both enjoy and learn tons from this one show. SOMEONE has to step “outside the box” with a NEW vision.

The interview is based considerably on this article of mine:  https://johndenugent.com/library/oswald-spengler-vs-adolf-hitler-john-de-nugent.pdf


I also go into the anger that Hitler felt at Christianity-bashers, his reverence for Jesus, and what Adolf’s own personal library (now kept at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island and at the Library of Congress in Washington DC) revealed: a man fascinated with Christ, the divinely inspired fighter against judaism.

The most disturbing part is my report on how black magic is used by Jews to force demons to obey them, which is what black magic is: performing a ritual in such a “correct” way that it forces a demon to help the Jew. Human sacrifice is what the ritual murder of Gentile children is, and this is at the heart of Talmudism. This is one of the most hard-core interviews ever given.

I also discuss the ONE thing that made Hitler as a teenager go ballistic on the Jews, which he found about while living as a 16-year-old orphan in the slums of Vienna….

“…National Socialism is infinitely more than a mere political creed; the fact is that it is a way of life, a faith in the fullest sense of the word—one could say a religion, however different it may at first appear, from every existing system thus labeled in current speech. Religions are not as easy to uproot as mere political creeds.”

—Savitri Devi, Pilgrimage

But a literal religion must talk about 1) what happens to us when we die, 2) is there a God and 3) why there is evil and suffering. Some turkey wrote that  “national socialism is my religion and that is all I need.”

Well, Savitri Devi was an admirer of my work, and she died in 1982 before her American trip coulod be undertaken during which she wanted to meet me.  She had read my article “Go Tell the Spartans” in the NSWPP’s newspaper, White Power.
I led a Stormtroop demonstration in full uniform, with swastikas, brown shirt, black pants and motorcyle helmet — the uniform of the NSWPP stormtroopers — on the campus of Georgetown University in full view of my fellow students and professors in 1979, protesting “gay rights,” losing thereby a Marine Corps officer career and being in the end disinherited by my millionaire father.
Savitri wrote: “one could say a religion, however different it may at first appear”
But unlike some she understood that a literal religion must talk about., and let me repeat this, 1) what happens to us when we die, 2) is there a God, and 3) why there is evil and suffering.
NS was about values, philosophy of life, economics and politics, not religion, not the ultimate questions of life, death, the soul, God, and the meaning that goes beyond the here-and-now.



From California:

This interview with John Friend (Sept. 24, 2013) was one of your best ever.  Very focused.

From New York City:

I am listening to a second time now to your conversation with John Friend, very interesting, even about the New Orleans flood. I find your way of speaking very engaging, and your anecdotes educational.

I especially agree with you that defeatism causes lack of initiative, therefore lack of effort, which causes defeat. And from what you described of Spengler’s writing, maybe someone sold him some pap about cycles, and he had a job selling it too.

 You referred to Hitler as a leader who understood the universe perfectly. Maybe we should say Hitler was a great anthropologist, and as you say a protective  leukocyte too.

Your presentation is overwhelmingly persuasive. My mind is not entirely used to your notions such as  we (and the Jews) being reincarnated Atlanteans, whether good or evil.


Upon asking myself why you said that, it occurred to me after a moment you must have read something reasonably compelling along those lines. That was so on reincarnation and the extraterrestrials. You mentioned Edgar Cayce, who I have not decided about (nor read). And you say Hitler and his friends (Hess, Himmler, and Dietrich Eckart) were all Thule members.

That Hitler and his friends were believers is in my opinion a point in favor of those ways.

I have a religious sense, and I have felt for years that you either are part of a tribe or not and if you are, you share in its religion…. Your interview has concluded for the second time as I write this. It left me with a sense of resounding confidence in your thoughts..

By email from Texas:

Hello, Mr. de Nugent, I heard your show and have a question about reincarnation.

If karma is fact, why do people come back as psychopaths? Wouldn’t these people (Judaic Jews) come back as something less than dominate, ruthless leaders? Thank you for your time.

My reply:

Good question! First, let me establish that reincarnation IS a fact. It has been a proven scientific fact for nearly 50 years now. My essay here shows that there are two thousand, five hundred detailed cases at the University of Virginia Medical School of children of all races and cultures with exact, detailed memories of previous lives. Here is the written essay for this who wish to read: https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/important-info/reincarnation-evidence

Here are my God videos for others,  different-strokes-for-different-folks, who wish to watch, and they go heavily into reincarnation: https://johndenugent.com/about-john/videos-of-jdn-speaking

AND if anyone thinks reincarnation is a “flaky New Age idea,” first, Henry Ford and General George Patton believed in it and no one dares to claim those two great leaders were flaky. Second, reincarnation is an idea that is thousands or tens of thousands of years old, and far older than Christianity, Judaism, atheism and other more religious recent phenomena. Further, polls show that 50% of Americans now believe reincarnation is possible, so it does not hurt my efforts to save our race to talk about it. We are looking for open-minded people to tell them the truth about race and the Jews, about Germany and the Holocaust, about 9/11 and Israel, and if they are open-minded about those topics, they can be about others as well. Open-mindedness is the sine qua non (Latin: “without this nothing”) of becoming a White Nationalist.

Finally, I am looking for warriors. I need people unafraid to die. Reincarnation says you never really die.

And karma says that God hates cowards.

So reincarnation and karma are good for creating fearless warriors.

Okay, so to your specific question: Why do some come back as psychopaths?

Why do drunk go back into a bar? It is their nature.

Psychopaths, by definition, are completely incorrigible and utterly untreatable. You can neither cure them nor reduce the symptoms. If given an opportunity, a psychopath will lie, steal, rape and murder all over again.

Jesus said “in My Father’s house there are many mansions.” This means that the afterlife is many, many worlds. They are dimensions and frequencies, all occupying the same space but on different frequencies, just as in your house cell-phone calls, tv signals, microwaves, and wireless Internet are all in the same space but not interfering with each other.

In fact, all these invisible things are going through your body right now! Invisible, real,  and all separate, at the same time and place. The dimensions where people go after this thing labeled “death” are also all here in the same place as we are. This is why ghosts and psychic things happen, and why a very few, genuine mediums can really talk with the dead. The “dead” (a stupid word) are right here, but usually busy doing other things on their frequency. But they can feel you talking about them! (And they might just deserve it. 😉 )

This is also why people with iffy karma should NOT dabble in occult things of any sort. You can open a portal and get a visit you do not want.

The Jews are heavily influenced by demons, and the top Jews know that their god is a demon. Adepts at black magic can talk to demons and demons can materialize. The ritual murder of children is part of summoning a demon. (My radio show with John Friend goes into this.)


Now, when you die, you go to the appropriate place for people like you.

You end up with people just like yourself. Here on this earth there is a great mix of people, from saints to sinners, Hitlers fighting the Jews and Stalins using and helping them, Mother Theresas ful of mercy and Ted Bundys raping women.

You can learn a lot, grow a lot, or be corrupted a lot here on this Wild West planet.

It depends what kinds of friends you choose to be with and you choose to stay with.

Again in these other worlds, everyone is just like you.

So a hit man, who enjoys earth because most everyone is trusting prey, goes to a world where he must watch his back every second. Everyone is just as icy a killer as he is. He goes to a mafia world.

After a while, he just might say “I hate living like this!” He might conclude: “This is no life, being a murderer, and trusting no one. I want to change, and live with decent people, and not be a monster any longer. My mother tried to teach me to care about others and be a loving person. I want to finally listen to what she was trying to teach me”

Another denizen of mafiaworld, however, might have a great time down there, because he claws his way to the top, becoming the capo di tutti capi, the godfather, and when he is ready to leave gangsterworld, he is eager to come to earth to find more prey and easier prey. So his time in his netherworld has not changed him — but reinforced his psychopathic tendencies. He is worse than before, like certain prisoners in our jails.

In general, psychopaths come back as psychopaths because they were active psychopaths on the other side as well.

The same applies to decent people. They go to worlds where others are just like them — more or less good. They might not destroy their family with a torrid affair, for example, but they might have sex with another person on a business trip, with no strings attached. “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” – but, ehhh, sorry, God saw it. 😉

So the average Joe goes to average-Joe worlds, New Jerseys. 😉

He will NOT find any extreme heroes there, nor any Jack the Rippers.

As a result he will not grow very much there either…………..

He will go to a world where everyone is 30 years old, and sexless. Since no one dies, there cannot be babies, puppies or kittens — population explosion! These worlds are predictable and boring. Lots of you’s, as far as the eyes can see. 😉

so Earth is where it’s at, baby —  Here you see all the extremes of human life. You can learn just as much from observing a scumbag as from studying the life and behavior of a hero.

How many kids have vowed: “When I grow up, I will NEVER treat my kids the way my dad or mom treats and talks to me.” Bad things can be a great teacher IF YOU WANT TO BE TAUGHT.

And on this earth you also can meet an Adolf Hitler, and he can change your life, and make you noble, loving, powerful and brave.

No book will change you as much as the role model, up close or at least in a vivid way,  furnished by another human being whom you admire — or truly detest and that makes you shudder.

Look how King Leonidas has inspired Whites for 3,400 year now!



Look how this more recent man has uplifted millions by being a role model of real-world LOVE!


So to summarize, comrade….

….psychopaths are evil souls from evil worlds, and they are here looking for MORE prey…. It may take them 1,000 lives to change.

And WE are here to stop them.

Our dharma, our path, is to stop them, and spend our body if need be — to annihilate them. Then they live on in thier dark worlds, and we live on in better worlds, but as I say relatively sterile worlds — dimensions that are just as ugly or as beautiful as our actions deserve.

Finally, we all yearn to come back to the horrible, beautiful, disgusting, ennobling ACTION PLANET that is EARTH. And almost always we choose to come back to our own race and nation, out of habit, choice or even love.

United States of America at night

The French love to demonstrate in the streets. Here some comrades are protesting against homosexual marriage. France stays France because certain souls love it, are sued ot it, and like to return to France for many lives.


Germans love machines, order, action, not talk, and tackling huge projects. They keep coming back as Germans, so the national character is very stable. Here is the Berlin main train station. One thousand years ago the same stereotypes about Germans were current as today.


Americans since 1620 are a people that moves around a lot and seeks greener grass and new opportunities.


I was not an American in my last life, but I know why I am here. It is the most important country on earth. If America turns on the Jews, they are finished, and the  White race will survive.


Some dimensions are gorgeous and like a vacation; heroes go there on R&R — before they eagerly return to the battle.

Other dimensions, for selfish and mediocre shlumps, are like Detroit. No one gives a damn about you, nor did you on earth about anyone either. Is this the kind of world you want to go to? 😉 


Your choice.






==========John Lennon on the Jews

That was definitely a Hitler salute, and Lennon’s body language and mischievous look says he knew exactly what he was .. repeatedly .. doing there, a Hitler salute. And he also knew, when the reporter questioned him, that his statement that “show business is an extension of the Jewish religion” was explosive, so he refused to comment on his comment. 😉

The Beatles also sang in German, hmmmmm, and their career actually took off in Hamburg.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrZQk03uKsQ (The Beatles sing “Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand” which is “I Want To Hold Your Hand” in German)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrZQk03uKsQ (“She Loves You” in German, “Sie Liebt Dich“)

And guess what I once heard? A studio recording of “Get Back” where John Lennon sang “Paki [yes], get back to where you’re coming from” = Pakistan!!!

A comrade in England wrote:

The original Sergeant Pepper album cover was going to have a Hitler openly on it, but it was obscured at the last moment. (http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/wheres-adolf-the-mystery-of-sgt-pepper-is-solved-434995.html)


I think John was a bit racist and I read somewhere that he couldn’t stand ‘wasp jews’.. I think he was politically inconsistent but went with the popular zeitgeist in his pseudo-Che revolutionary fad.

Another  comrade, a former Marine, wrote.

In his song “Revolution” (http://www.lyrics007.com/John%20Lennon%20Lyrics/Revolution%20Lyrics.html) he sings ‘If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you’re not going to make it with anyone anyhow’ and “count me out.”

The Bolsheviks wanted John to be their poster boy but he wouldn’t go along.

He knew the entertainment industry was full of parasites and despised them. John was only 40 when he was killed. For 17 years he was sheltered from much of reality, nor had he access to books of importance. 40 years old — how many people this day and age, with all the access we have today, still don’t get it?

Picture back in the 1960’s or 70’s not too many Pro-Whites around. Heck, back then we thought we were invincible, and our extinction would have been the furthest thing from anybody’s mind.

The English comrade responded:

 Yeah… in England we thought we actually won the war.

I replied:

In 1965 we White Americans were the BIG WHITE DOG. And the Mexicans were just little chihuahuas and the Blacks were little black terriers. Now the other dogs are a HUGE PACK and the White Dog has some gray around his muzzle. (The average White in America is 42 years old!!!)

The Marine wrote:

Exactly, John. That’s why the only TV or movies I ever watch were pre-1990. Watch the movies from the 1970s –they’re corny and maybe suck, but it is all-White, with maybe a token negro here or there. Some Whites are good, some are bad, but they are portrayed as men, not negro-worshiping cowards, sodomites or “nazis.”

“The Rifleman” with Chuck Connor was a big 1960s Western series


Later, John Lennon did a nasty song, I guess, to stay in good with his masters. Listen to these lyrics by John “Lenin”:

“Imagine there’s no heaven” – the song is really preaching atheism and instead, quote, “living for today”… “Imagine there’s no countries”— total NWO toxin. I wonder if these Icelandic beauties have any idea what they are really singing?

A comrade wrote me on Facebook:

In later years Lennon said he had regret for writing those lyrics.

Another wrote:

About five years ago, some documents were revealed that demonstrated that Lennon was opposite his music alter ego.

I replied:

Oh good! There is no question the FBI murdered him, so he must have turned against his erstwhile masters.

The lesson is that once you cross the Jews, they will never forgive you and so they murdered him using the MK-ULTRA Mark David Chapman.

So you might as well go ALL THE WAY. The Jews do!




9/27 @ 4:09 : Richmond, Kentucky, US
9/27 @ 4:09 : Miami, Florida, US
9/27 @ 4:09 : Frankfurt Am Main, DE
9/27 @ 4:08 : Kiev, UA [UKRAINE]
St.Andrew’s Church, Kiev
St- Andrew-s-Church-Kiev-Ukraine
9/27 @ 4:06 : Amsterdam, NL
9/27 @ 4:06 : Riyadh, SA
9/27 @ 4:02 : Herrenberg, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
9/27 @ 4:02 : Montréal, CA[NADA]
Basilica of Notre Dame
9/27 @ 4:02 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
9/27 @ 4:02 : Wertingen, DE
9/27 @ 4:01 :  Stuttgart, DE
Home of Mercedes-Benz mercedes-benz-c-class-3
9/27 @ 4:00 : Corpus Christi, Texas, US
9/27 @ 3:59 : Sandstone, Minnesota, US
9/27 @ 3:59 : San Antonio, Texas, US
9/27 @ 3:58 : Memphis, Tennessee, US
Your truly on TV in November 2008 in Memphis defending our right as WNs to hold a big meeting in “the city where Martin Luther King died”  [sic]
9/27 @ 3:57 : Nashville, Tennessee, US
9/27 @ 3:55 : Amsterdam, NL
9/27 @ 3:54 : Houston, Texas, US
9/27 @ 3:51 : Amsterdam, NL
9/27 @ 3:51 : Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

9/27 @ 2:47 : Zülpich, DE
9/27 @ 2:47 : Castro Valley, California, US
9/27 @ 2:47 : Post Falls, Idaho, US
9/27 @ 2:46 : Innsbruck, AT

Rinn bei Innsbruck


9/27 @ 2:44 : Stockholm, SE
9/27 @ 2:42 : Belgium, BE
9/27 @ 2:41 : Iran, Islamic Republic of, IR
9/27 @ 2:40 : Greenwood, Mississippi, US
9/27 @ 2:39 : Münster, DE
9/27 @ 2:38 : Redmond, Washington, US
9/27 @ 2:38 : Hanover, DE
9/27 @ 2:37 : Heilbronn, DE9/27 @ 11:35 : Waterbury, Connecticut, US
9/27 @ 11:34 : Lugoj, RO
9/27 @ 11:34 : Thailand, TH
9/27 @ 11:31 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
9/27 @ 11:30 : Colombia, CO
9/27 @ 11:28 : Austria, AT
9/27 @ 11:27 : Ravensburg, DE
9/27 @ 11:27 : Albuquerque, New Mexico, US
9/27 @ 11:26 : Hagen, DE
9/27 @ 11:25 : Nürnberg, DE
9/27 @ 11:25 : Winnipeg, CA
9/27 @ 11:24 : Augsburg, DE
9/27 @ 11:24 : Braunschweig, DE
9/27 @ 11:24 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US

At 7  a.m., the ridge at my house, half-obscured by fog, and our Crown Victoria, a former constable’s vehicle.


9/27 @ 11:30 : Colombia, CO
9/27 @ 11:28 : Austria, AT
9/27 @ 11:27 : Ravensburg, DE
9/27 @ 11:27 : Albuquerque, New Mexico, US
9/27 @ 11:26 : Hagen, DE
9/27 @ 11:25 : Nürnberg, DE
9/27 @ 11:25 : Winnipeg, CA
9/27 @ 11:24 : Augsburg, DE
9/27 @ 11:24 : Braunschweig, DE
9/27 @ 11:24 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
9/27 @ 11:23 : Bradford, GB
9/27 @ 11:23 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
9/27 @ 11:23 : Zurich, CH
9/27 @ 11:20 : Knoxville, Tennessee, US


Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

This is how you can help financially:
(1) postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent”


(2) sending valuable jewelry or gold coins
(3) cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)





(4) PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details how you can do this, since PP banned me….)

(5) checks made out to “John de Nugent” now that I again have a bank account, in fact, via STEALTH, I have now two. 😉



John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284


===========late news item

Angela Merkel, after her massive re-election, contemptuously hands a German flag away with HORROR appearing in her face. She must simply hate the German people. Would she have grimaced this way about the Israeli flag? (German: Merkel legt deutsche Fahne mit Entsetzen weg. Sie muss das deutsche Volk einfach hassen. Ob sie bei der israelischen eine ähnliche Grimasse geschnitten hätte?)

Comments on Faceberg:

–She almost puked !
–That is horrible. I can’t imagine even President Obama doing that!
–Showing her disdain on this level for the nation she is “ruling”: Impressive!
–Some people say that she is of Polish/jewish descent. Who knows, might be true.

I replied to that remark:

I think that three-quarters of top politicians now are PART-Jews: Cameron, Hollande, Bush Junior, Al Gore, John Kerry, Helmut Kohl, Nicolas Sarkozy, the two brothers who ran Poland, etc. They pullulate like maggots in a rotting corpse.


============Reaction on Faceberg to my hard-core stance on being arrested by WN activist Scott Roberts



scott-robertsI agree, John. Surrendering sets a bad precedent. The men of our race have already been castrated, so the last thing we need is for our leaders to lead by cowardly example. 

“Blah blah blah, what good is he if he is dead? etc..etc..etc..excuse after excuse after pathetic excuse.” 

Well, if [Michaloliakos,m the key leader] died like a man, for a cause we all share, then it would fall upon the rest of us to take over where he left off, to follow his NO-compromise lead, and to see to it that he did not make his sacrifice in vain. Any lack of follow-through would not be his fault. However, surrendering to the enemy is, as it pretty much tells everyone under him that “we must play by our enemies rules.” 

There can be no compromising with the enemy at this point, and we certainly can’t cower down to them on any level (or I should say any further), as they use their BS laws to keep us under control and in line. 

When your enemies are committing genocide against you, and using the law to do so, then you have a DUTY to break their laws.

With that being said, perhaps they caught them off-guard. I mean, they should have been ready at all times, but I don’t know the specific details of the arrests just yet. 

All I know is that I am ready at all times, and I’m a relative nobody. So the leaders of GD should have been better prepared. 

Why even take the chance of being set-up to take the fall for a “crime” that either did not occur or allow yourself to be framed with another Jew-orchestrated false flag operation? Even worse, the prospect of finding myself on some torture table with some sick Jew standing above me is all the “insensitive” I need to go out on my own terms. 

I think we would be FAR better off with a handful of martyrs (to inspire those who are man-enough to back them up with the proper follow-through), then a million “leaders” who all tell us (through weak words and half-heated actions) that we “must play by our enemies rules at all times” or else “the BIG BAD Jew will come and get us.” 

Such an approach can ONLY lead to the worst kind of defeat: where we don’t even give ourselves a fighting chance.

Seriously, I’d rather we have 300 Leonidas’ leading the way, than 300 million cowards who are always looking to play by the rules of our enemies (as their weak/compromised leaders have told them).


I replied:


Amen, brother Scott!!! You get it!!! This is a time for heroes, not for being “prudent”! “Prudence” is idiotic!  When I was interviewed by the Discovery Channel, I whipped out both my pistols on the Jew, and told him: “It is perfectly appropriate to hate someone that is exterminating you!” 2:45-3:29

And this is why they have not yet arrested me and never will!


A German lady comrade added helpfully:

They will likely be murdered in prison by the Soros Regime that rules Greece. See this example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Antonio_Primo_de_Rivera

i I replied:

Exactly, Diane, and Greece is FULL of out-and-out, open, red-flag communists! (There was a Greek civil war between Soviet-run Reds and Conservatives in the late 1940s.) These guys are now in the lions’ den! AND LET US NOT FORGET THEY KILLED CODREANU ALSO IN PRISON, “SHOT TRYING TO ESCAPE”!!!

How many charismatic leaders can we allow them to haul away and kill? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corneliu_Zelea_Codreanu


The German comrade replied:

By declaring GD a “Criminal Organization” it opens GD-USA to RICO charges, thus ending their ability to collect donations for the Greek people.

I responded:

Exactly, and to seizing every asset they have: money, furniture, computers, you name it. They may in the end ban the party itself! Decades of work and sacrifice for naught! The bitter fruit of surrender!

1 Comment

  1. A White South African wrote me in an email today:

    Hi John,

    I was reading your article (http://johndenugent.us/english/english-whole-golden-dawn-leadership-arrested-when-john-lennon-blasted-the-jews-rave-reviews-of-my-show-with-john-friend). It’s long, but I read quite a bit and you really hit hard here – in every sense of the word. I like many aspects of your approach. You’re punching hard. I like! You go where others don’t go. That’s very important.

    I read where you included my comments. Thank you so much and I am delighted to be of service to you. These Blacks over here have lied in so many ways and engaged in all kinds of incredible deviousness that I am sure that my knowledge of it as a White South African will come in handy for you and for our friends around the world.

    There’s a whole business around Blacks giving orders for people to be killed …. and then the leadership was NEVER held accountable. The Blacks have all sorts of tricks, including the singing of violent songs in their own language, or even saying one thing in their own language – and then, when interviewed or speaking in English, they say something quite different. They are cunning liars of the first order. Of course their current lies about crime statistics will boggle your mind. Blacks are getting bolder now and the Govt and the Police are lying through their TEETH about crime.

    One comment, brother John:

    You talk real hard and you’re preparing hard and you’re motivating in the correct hard-assed way that everyone must prepare for. However, I always in the past found that you can’t push people beyond a certain point…… There are people out there who are quiet folks and they say nothing but they are listening and becoming really angry but are keeping it to themselves. These guys will never engage in violence because they won’t ever be arrested. But there are vast amounts of these people who will only engage in violence if it is really necessary and society is getting seriously threatened. There are whole armies of these people waiting QUIETLY and many are not even directly involved in politics but they ARE quietly thinking. These people are worth “speaking to” and sending them thoughts. They are not cowards, but the day when things go over the edge you’ll see them there armed and ready for the real action. I never forget people. ….. Different people will enter the fray at different times when they are mentally and spiritually ready. Some will convert in a short space of time.

    I believe it is important to get the FACTS – the blunt facts that the Liberals and Left hide – out to these people. These people will make their own decisions in their own time. And when they do come out one day, someone evil is gonna be hurt – badly. They may even take actions you can’t imagine, like a volcano going off after five years of steam.


    I replied:

    I could not agree more. The noble ones we seek do care about facts and truth! They take longer to make their minds up, but then they act and their actions count. 🙂

    The Hendrik Verwoerd types… solid. http://johndenugent.us/images/time-picture-Hendrik-Verwoerd.jpg

    I will run your email below almost in its entirety as a comment, but of course hide who you are.


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