ENGLISH When combat vets with PTSD become fathers; regular Christianity fails many soldiers in combat

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…..Dynamite show on the Fourth Reich

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 10 AM US EDT I was the guest on the radio show of  Clay Douglas, biker, author, thinker, publisher and most of all, “the Free American”http://www.blogtalkradio.com/claydouglas/2013/10/09/the-free-american-hour aged-ah-white-hair-1 Our topic: THE FOURTH REICH (as per my essay here: https://johndenugent.com/the-fourth-reich-and-nordic-aliens) —  in 1945, Hitler was dead, and his Reich went out of business. The US and USSR ruled the world without any further challenge — it was just the “two superpowers.” Or is that what both the Reich and the Allies, for opposite reasons, wanted us to think??? Is something else going on here?

Do we deserve their help or their contempt? One thing we need to be clear about is this: White civilization and the white race are not about to disappear. They are flourishing and meeting the challenges of THEIR lives all across the galaxy — just not here. We Americans took care of that by destroying Germany.

Neither the Fourth Reich nor nordic aliens owe us anything, especially not White Americans. WE destroyed Germany, killed its people, stole their patents, and made fabulous profits off their science.

And when I say we, I mean the innumerable Whites who help the jews — or say and do nothing. Maybe in fact the Fourth Reich and exonordics are waiting for the “Greatest Generation” types to all kick the bucket, enemies for whom they must have a special loathing.

…..Horrors of war that a defective religion cannot cope with

A ‘Good’ War, a Bad Father

Published: October 5, 2013
World War II had been over for more than a decade when Dale Maharidge was born, but he still sees himself as damaged by that war, in particular by the Battle of Okinawa, in 1945. His father, Steve, a Marine sergeant, brought that battle home with him, to a suburb south of Cleveland. It lived on, taking the shape of desolate anger, forever on the edge of violence, of pain that he parceled out to his wife and children over the rest of his life.
Mr. Maharidge, who teaches journalism at Columbia University, published a book in March, “Bringing Mulligan Home,” that revisits that haunted battlefield and unearths the damage done to his father, his father’s war buddies and his family. I sought him out after reading that Bill de Blasio, the candidate for New York mayor, also had a father, an Army veteran, who fought at Okinawa. He was badly wounded, went home and was lost to alcoholism, and killed himself in 1979.
Color footage of Marines on Okinawa wiping out Japanese soldiers in caves
Mr. de Blasio has said little about his father, and declined my interview request. But Mr. Maharidge believes — from his own story, from having tracked down 29 surviving Marines from his father’s unit, Company L, Third Battalion, 22nd Marines, and from long letters, phone calls and e-mail exchanges with readers — that many families of World War II veterans have more in common than they might think. His book, subtitled “The Other Side of the Good War,” looks at the untreated battlefield trauma that caused untold numbers of men to suffer in silence, self-medicate and bring harm to themselves and their families. When Mr. Maharidge makes a bold assumption — “I imagine Bill de Blasio had the same father I had” — it does not seem unreasonable.
“We always thought we were the only family like this,” Mr. Maharidge told me, meaning the hair-trigger rages, dinner-table screaming and terrorized children. One idle threat from his father to his misbehaving young brother — “I could kill you” — ruined his brother’s sleep for decades.
It all spilled from the older Mr. Maharidge’s horror stories, from Guam and Okinawa, like the time he used the corpse of a Japanese soldier he’d shot as a shield in a firefight, while screaming at his fellow Marines to stop whimpering for their mothers. The Battle of Okinawa killed more than 250,000 people, including about 150,000 civilians, in three months of bombardment and cave-to-cave, hand-to-hand combat. It flattened the island down to mud and coral. It was sickeningly brutal, even by the debased standards of 20th-century war.
“My dad came back and was drunk for four years,” Mr. Maharidge said. He was surprised while researching the book to learn how many vets died in the years right after the war. “A lot of guys just drank themselves to death,” he said. “My father, if he hadn’t met my mother, he wouldn’t have lived.”
Steve Maharidge died in 2000, and most in his generation have gone to their graves. Vietnam veterans now form the cresting wave of the sick and injured, though veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering in alarming numbers, too, strained by multiple deployments and scarred by blast injuries. They are coming home with grave wounds that would have left their predecessors buried on the beach.
Maybe Shakespeare’s Caesar was wrong: maybe the valiant taste of death over and over again. Mr. Maharidge found that his subjects’ war memories seemed to grow clearer and more vivid as they grew old. Joe Lanciotti, a sharpshooter in L Company, was 86 years old when he wrote to Mr. Maharidge last year, urging him to finish the book. Without the expletives, the e-mail reads:
“To me it was a state of confusion and FEAR with shouted hysterical commands, screaming, shells exploding, darkness and flame from flares and fire. I was there and I never saw the enemy but knew he was out there somewhere. Trying to kill us.
“When your father and I, and the other kids walked, crawled and stumbled down from Sugar Loaf with wounded minds that probably never healed we did not know whether the cause was artillery blast or mortar shells. We were reduced to the point of insanity from the general horror and fear of … war. Slobbering, crying, shaking, vomiting … screaming, mumbling, trembling, swearing. FEAR FEAR … FEAR — ‘combat fatigue’ my ass.”
My comment:
This is why standard Christianity  is utterly inadequate. Were it credible, people would NOT fear dying. Period.
Let me repeat this:
Were it credible, people would NOT fear dying. After all, it teaches the immortality of the sol and going to God for your reward. So what is there to be afraid of, especially if you die having been a reasonably good person?
See what I mean?
Also, killing a body is not killing the soul. It is just making a body no longer viable for a soul to stay in. When it is shot up, the soul up and leaves it and goes on to the next world. It is exactly like a hand pulling out of a glove. Big deal!
But because people do not REALLY believe in life after death, they are afraid to die — and also squeamish about killing.
This is why I need your financial help as I found a new religion. We need people unafraid to die for our freedom, and, if need be, make evildoers die for their tyranny.
When I say all this, I speak from experience. My father (https://johndenugent.com/about-john/james-waddell-nugent-obituary) was tough as nails, but he had to see a Navy psychiatrist for six months for his PTSD from WWII and Korea. He saw, and maybe had to do, terrible things.
He told my mother once, and she later told me his words:
“I used to believe in God until I was in Korea.”
He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church, but I do not think he ever did really believe in God again. He just believed that religion was useful for teaching morality to society.
Scene from “The Pacific” of the battle of Iwo Jima. (My father fought here.)


10/8 @ 07:51 : Saltsburg, Pennsylvania, US
10/8 @ 07:50 : Spokane, Washington, US
10/8 @ 07:48 : Saltsburg, Pennsylvania, US
10/8 @ 07:48 : Nancy, FR
10/8 @ 07:43 : Bayside, New York, US
10/8 @ 07:41 : Deer Park, New York, US
10/8 @ 07:40 : Bradenton, Florida, US
10/8 @ 07:39 : Saltsburg, Pennsylvania, US
10/8 @ 07:39 : Yonkers, New York, US
10/8 @ 07:36 : Cincinnati, Ohio, US
10/8 @ 07:29 : Barcelona, ES [SPAIN]
10/8 @ 07:28 : Perugia, IT[ALY]
10/8 @ 07:28 : Milpa Alta, MX [MEXICO]
10/8 @ 07:28 : Saltsburg, Pennsylvania, US
10/8 @ 07:26 : Tucson, Arizona, US
10/8 @ 07:24 : London, GB
Since 1485, the Yeomen Warders of Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress, the Tower of London, and Members of the Sovereign’s Body Guard of the Yeoman Guard Extraordinary, popularly known as the Beefeaters, are ceremonial guardians of the Tower of London. In principle they are responsible for looking after any prisoners at the Tower and safeguarding the British crown jewels.
10/8 @ 07:22 : Towson, Maryland, US
10/8 @ 07:22 : Brisbane, AU
10/8 @ 07:20 : Escondido, California, US
10/8 @ 07:19 : Washington, District of Columbia, US
10/8 @ 07:19 : Mexico, MX

10/8 @ 05:26 : Saltsburg, Pennsylvania, US 10/8 @ 05:22 : Walkersville, Maryland, US 10/8 @ 05:21 : Brevard, North Carolina, US 10/8 @ 05:19 : Las Vegas, Nevada, US 10/8 @ 05:13 : Houston, Texas, US 10/8 @ 05:13 : Budapest, HU[NGARY] 10/8 @ 05:05 : Atlanta, Georgia, US 10/8 @ 05:03 : Saint-geoire-en-valdaine, FR[ANCE] 10/8 @ 05:02 : Grand Rapids, Michigan, US 10/8 @ 05:00 : Gießen, DE[UTSCHLAND] 10/8 @ 04:59 : Dresden, DE . Frauenkirche, Dresden .   10/8 @ 04:59 : Portland, Oregon, US 10/8 @ 04:55 : Heusweiler, DE 10/8 @ 04:55 : Espirito Santo Do Pinhal, BR[AZIL] 10/8 @ 04:54 : Heusweiler, DE 10/8 @ 04:51 : Arroyo Grande, California, US 10/8 @ 04:19 : Bellville, ZA [SOUTH AFRICA] 10/8 @ 04:10 : Wyoming, Minnesota, US 10/8 @ 04:10 : Israel, IL 10/8 @ 04:00 : Saltsburg, Pennsylvania, US 10/8 @ 03:56 : Vancouver, CA[NADA] 10/8 @ 03:50 : Arvada, Colorado, US 10/8 @ 03:47 : Potomac, Maryland, US 10/8 @ 03:26 : Helsinki, FI[NLAND] 10/8 @ 03:19 : Burlington, CA 10/8 @ 03:19 : Oceanside, California, US 10/8 @ 03:16 : Prague, CZ [CZECH REPUBLIC]

…..new donations blog page

. This BRAND-NEW WEBPAGE, the DONATIONS LOG (https://johndenugent.com/donations-log) is to confirm to those who send me useful items –cash, valuable coins, checks, money orders, books or other gifts — that I did receive them. If you sent it and I did not get it, IT WILL NOT BE ON THIS LOG. Please let me know about it at the email address john_denugent@yahoo.com or by calling me at (724) 596-4284! ***   RECENT DONATIONS –October 7, 2013    100 Euros from Germany –October 3, 2013    $5 in cash from M.B. in Tennessee –October 1, 2013    $10 in aluminum foil from unknown donor –September 30, 2013  $100 USPS money order from Oklahoma –September 28, 2013   book Raciology from Amazon from CvH –September 26, 2013 $10 USPS money order –September 8, 2013    $300 cash from unknown donor (3 $100 bills) .

…..how to donate

Latest donation:  100 Euros in aluminum foil from Germany     One discreet way is to go to any store in the US and buy a Greendot Moneypak (not the plastic card itself), put cash money on it at the checkout counter, then send me an email with 1) the amount you donated and 2) the PIN number. (Scratch it off like a lottery ticket on the back.) Then I can load the donation onto my own Greendot card. CVS Pharmacy, Kmart, 7-Eleven, Walgreens, RiteAid, Radioshack, Walmart — 60,000 locations across the USA since the year 2000 sell Greendot MoneyPaks (and also the debit card, but you do not need to buy a card; you are buying a MoneyPak so I, JdN, can put the funds on MY card…. 🙂 ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Dot_Corporation Easy, idiotproof… Greendot is just a kind of Visa or Mastercard debit card, and I can pay bills with the funds you send, or get the cash out. It costs you $4.95 to put the money you are donating on my card. Again, just buy the Moneypak and and put money on it, then send me an email with the amount you put on and the PIN taken off the back. Thanks! Start a Hushmail account (takes 30 seconds!) and then write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com with the secret name of your Hushmail account. I will then contact you at your Hushmail account.  :-)(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hushmail) greendot_MoneyPak The back of a MoneyPak….. Just scratch off the silver coating like a lottery ticket to reveal the number to send me. moneypak_back I need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

This is how you can help financially: (1) postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent” ( IF STOLEN THEY CAN BE REDEEMED! JUST KEEP THE RECEIPT) 100-US-DOLLAR-USPS-MONEY-ORDER (2) sending valuable jewelry or gold coins (3) cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!) IF YOU SEND CASH OR COINS, WRAP THEM IN ALUMINUM FOIL! aluminum-foil us-20-dollars-aluminum-envelope-2


(4) PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details how you can do this, since PP banned me….) paypal (5) checks made out to “John de Nugent” now that I again have a bank account, in fact, via STEALTH, I have now two. 😉

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613



…..My history for 35 years in White Nationalism

John Friend wrote me: “By far one of the best programs we’ve done!”


My 35 years of experiences with great WNs of the past: Carto, Pierce, Duke, etc., the radical failure of a race-only, non-religion approach, and the reincarnation of the Reich in America.

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