ENGLISH Always fight to the death! Remember the Spartans!

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…..High-school acquaintance of Obama unloads to Pastor James Manning

Hawaii white female high-school acquaintance of Barry Soetoro/Obama in 1977 says he was a manipulative, “pathologically lying,” coke-snorting homosexual (“strictly into men”) and a self-described “foreign student.”



….White South African revolutionaries get 25 years

I have known so many WN activists who thought it was the right thing to do to submit to being arrested and railroaded into prison for decades.

Is this a twisted “lesson” we picked up unconsciously from Christianity, whose Founder did not resist being arrested, tortured and executed? A martyr, not a warrior?

Is peaceful submission to psychopaths God’s Will? What effect does “being arrested without incident” have on others and the situation?

What did King Leonidas reply when the Persian king said “Lay down your weapons!”?

After reading the blog below, a comrade wrote:

Hello!  Yesterday’s blog was great.  I agree with you in terms of the mental conditioning situation, but I would still prefer to be alive in prison, unless I were to be tortured or drugged into acquiescence.  Not only do they sometimes lose in court, it is becoming understood how they use the courts.  The longer you re alive, the longer you can tell what you know.

I responded:

Fed and state prisons are so horrible that it is much better to go to one’s next life. But I do not blame anyone who hesitates at this. This is why I need to flesh out the new religion, and make it real, impactful and truly transforming, not just a theory (such as blogs and videos on reincarnation).

The Muslim suicide bombers have defeated the US in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Japanese kamikaze would have beaten the US had they started with this form of attack in 1941, not late 1944.   The Spartans smashed the élan of Persia and boosted that of Greece, by their own suicide attack.

But Muslims, Japanese and Spartans all truly believed that life goes on. When we believe that too, we will win. We will do what gotta be done.

********** BOERS GET 25 YEARS


Wilhelm-PretoriusFree the Boeremag men!


I just signed this petition below. These Boeremag men (in Afrikaans “Boeremag” means “Boer Might”) were white revolutionaries in South Africa who exploded bombs in 2002 against the vicious, Black, genocidal government. They were all arrested and surrendered. They just got sentenced to an average of 25 years in prison, this AFTER already serving 10 years in jail! I signed this petition, for they are brave and good men!

Here you see a picture of one of these handsome Boeremag men, Wilhelm Pretorius (photo right), who just got 25 MORE YEARS from a white scumbag judge named Eben Jordaan AFTER already doing 10 years in jail! Look at that heroic jaw and face! WHY are these warlike men surrendering? They are brave, but something in their ideology is WRONG! It is better, white man, to die like a lion then live like a slave, and in prison you are a SLAVE!

However, as a former US Marine, and the son of a WWII and Korean War Marine, I question why they, as soldiers and revolutionaries, surrendered to the ANC government and police. Did they really expect fairness from the kaffir (Boer word for “negro”) government?

Now, had they died as heroic fighters, today they would be with God and His angels, and their wives and girlfriends could move forward. (Most Afrikaners are or were very religious Calvinist/Dutch Reformed Church Protestants.)

Instead these fine men are in mental torture in an ANC hellhole prison — and their friends and families are in a mental hell of grief. …..There are times, I say, when a man must fight to the death, and if he says he is a revolutionary, and if he says he believes in God, then why fear a glorious death in combat, and going to be with their Almighty God?

Wilhelm (photo right) started his BA studies in Theology at the University of Pretoria in 1996 and preached as a student of Theology in many towns and cities before his arrest in 2002. He is currently busy with his Ph.D in Church History. Wilhelm is the son of Dr. Lets Pretorius and brother of Dr. Johan and Kobus Pretorius.

Grim pictures from the courtroom at the sentencing:







It is the same with the “Order” in the US in the 1980s — They did some violent stuff, they robbed banks, and then, except for Robert Mathews, the founder, whom I met and spoke with in 1983 (photo below), every one of them surrendered when surrounded by the police — and went off to prison, some of them for many, many decades!


I have corresponded with two of them, one who did 25 years, and the other (Richard Scutari) is doing 70 years! WHY surrender????

A WN wrote: “Yawn. These petitions are truly useless.”

I replied:

Yes, they usually are, and no way the kaffirs will let these men go. These men should have fought to the death. Now they are an emotional and financial drain on the Boers.

Wilhelm Pretorius (I have chatted with him on FB) told me he is also bitter because the married Boeremag men cannot have any physical visitation with their wives, unlike other prisoners –no touching, no kissing, no “intimate” time either, just talking via phone through plexiglas.

The WN wrote back:

Even though I am certain this will upset a lot of people and violate modern nationalist etiquette, I have a hard time getting emotional for the people over there. If they aren’t willing to physically fight, immigrate here (as Mexicans and other third-worlders do), or anything other than whine and complain, let up red balloons, or pass around stupid petitions, there isn’t much we can do for them. We need an “Adopt a Boer” program. Let them get visas, live with a nationalist American family, capitalize on the Amnesty. Perhaps get citizenship marriage, SOMETHING other than complain.

I replied:

Basically, I agree, Joe. The problem with emigrating is that many of them are dead-broke and living in squatter camps. They also cannot get a US visa or an Australian visa (Oz just rejected changing its immigration law for them), nor is a Dutch or British visa possible. …. And obviously, unlike Mexicans, they cannot just walk over the border into the US as Mexicans can.

I know because I know many White South Africans and one of my web designers is a British South African. He went to Britain and got the total cold shoulder. He nearly starved to death there, in fact!


The Boeremag men surrendering is just like the Edgar Steele trial — thousands of dollars and hours down a rathole. Of course the feds gave Steele 50 years. How, as a trial lawyer himself who fought the feds, did Steele imagine he would get a fair trial? But he surrendered to the FBI, as they all do.

And as Matt Hale did, and he got 40 years.

Along the same lines, Shaun Walker of the National Alliance got six years for a bar fight where the Mexican did not even press charges!  Shaun Walker was deliberately put in a federal prison located 2,000 miles from his wife. I was very involved in getting him early release after two years, but only on his promise to quit all WN activity and even email or phone contact.


Among the greatest white heroes ever were an ancient royal couple, King Leonidas of Sparta, and his wife, Queen Gorgo.

The ancient Greeks looked like modern Americans of British-Isles descent, with long, narrow faces, and some blond, others with light brown hair, and others dark in hair and eye. The facial bone structure was like British. The ancient Greek people were a mix of invading blond Aryans, the xanthoi, who were aristocrats, and brunet Mediterraneans, just as with the Romans and other peoples. (Among the Ancient Romans, the aristocrats often bore the first name of  Flavius, which meant “blond” in Latin.)

Plato noted once: “The dark-haired men we call manly, and the golden-haired the children of the gods.” Here is the actual appearance of the Scottish-born actor (of Irish-Catholic ancestry) Gerard Butler, who played King Leonidas in the renowned 2007 movie “300.”

British actress Lena Heady played Queen Gorgo very well. She is seen here at the Los Angeles première of “300.”

Leonidas was of course the hero of the battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC in ancient Greece.

About 100,000 multiracial Persians came around the Malian Gulf from Phalara in the north, and the Spartans arrived from Scarphea in the southeast. They met at Thermopylae, at a spot between the water (to the north) an the Trachinian Cliffs (on the south) where only one wagon could pass, and the Persian numbers were of less effect.

Underneath the word Malis is a road marked “Path followed by Persians.” A traitor named Ephialtes of Malis showed the Persians this mountain road. The Persians could not defeat the Spartans in two days of combat, but thanks to this despicable creature they were able to come around the mountain,. descend to the road, and attack the Spartans from the rear as well. At that point, escape was impossible. King Leonidas dismissed the other Greeks, and the Spartans and Thespians resolved to fight to the death1) to inspire the whole nation and 2) slow the Persians down while the other Greeks got ready for war. No other Greek was willing to let the Spartans call them cowards…. To this day, in modern Greek,the word “ephialtes” means “traitor” and also “nightmare.”


This was certainly the most famous battle to the death in western history.

Spartans against Persians in “300,” with spears for thrusting and with shields for protection- All ancient Greeks were in effect bodybuilders, and thus had indeed the proverbial “sixpacks.” Numerous sculptures show men with musculature right out of a modern bodybuilding magazine (minus the exaggerated steroids effect). The Greeks wore 50 pounds of armor and carried 30 pounds of weapons..

Greek (and Roman) chest armor, called a cuirass, often depicted muscle-rippling chests and stomachs. (http://www.hellenic-art.com/armour/bodyarmour.htm) All combat was face-to-face, and you had to kill your enemy personally, not via a sniper rifle from hundreds of yards away or by firing a rocket from a helicopter. You had to be ready to kill another human up close.

–All 300 Spartans, with their king Leonidas (said to be descended from Hercules),

–plus 900 of their slaves, called the helots, who were also willing to fight,

–and 700 Thespians, who were other brave Greeks,

….battled to the very death, right down to the last and defiant man, rather than submit to 100,000 Persians.

They slaughtered the minions of that multiracial Persian empire that was invading Greece ….by a ratio of 5 to 1.

The reason why Europe is white today is the multiracial Persian empire lost that day, and it lost only because one man, Leonidas, with the total emotional backing of his brave wife and queen, Gorgo, made up his mind to stop, or at least slow down, the Persian army, and he did so at the pass called Hot Baths, or in Greek, Thermopylae.

And they did give a hot bath to the Persians ….in their own blood.

A Spartan with Pegasus on his shield hacks down with his kopis on a Persian.

For $50 you can have your own rather terrifying Spartan kopis: (http://budk.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=159456)


After the Spartans’ heroic last stand, all Greece then felt bound by their honor to match the Spartan role model, the Spartan fight to the death, to take up arms as well, and the inspired Greeks crushed the Persian hordes on both land and sea. The pure-blooded, courageous white Greeks sent the multiracial Persians retreating in humiliation BACK to their vast Asian empire.

A century later another Greek, blond king Alexander the Great, who was so fair of skin that when he blushed his whole chest turned visibly red, would go on the attack against the Persian threat, and annihilate their empire forever.

Alexander the Great; like many Greek generals and prominent citizens, he fought in the first row, “leading” his soldiers LITERALLY. All Greek citizens were also soldiers, almost all had slaves, and engaged heavily in political life.


The famous 2007 movie “300,” shot in Montreal, Québec, Canada, which took in $480 million, is based on a comic book of the same name, and thus is full of the same imagery in sepia and black. It is a very jewish version of those heroic events, with two Jewish producers, Canton and Goldmann, and I suspect the director, Zack Snyder, may also be Jewish, but still, “300” contains many good scenes, so I recommend the movie.

Rosemary Rickey, the assistant to Dr. William Pierce, founder of the old National Alliance (and I worked for three years for Dr. Pierce as a young man), once said to me that jews could do good movies. She explained that the wholesome movies Hollywood used to make in the 1930s were done under extreme pressure from Christian clergymen, especially in the OLD Catholic church, and under sharp scrutiny by Congress. Speaking for the white American public of back then, their demand was to knock off the 1920s-style promoting of fornication….that is, sex outside of marriage, family and children…. and cut out the glorifying of gangsters and their admittedly exciting, action-packed, and very wealthy lives.

Rosemary said: “The Jews do know how to make a movie that will appeal to Aryans, even promoting Aryan values — but they always put in a Jewish twist in terms of who the good guys and the bad guys are.”

What is crazy in the movie “300” is that the ancient Greeks, who back then looked very white in reality, with many blonds, like their blond god Apollo and the gray-eyed goddess Athena, were depicted as virtual latinos…. The Irish-Scottish actor Gerard Butler, who played Leonidas, of Norman descent like myself, was made to die his hair jet-black, to wear dark makeup, and put in black contact lenses to hide his bright, blue-green eyes!

And the ancient Persians, who had at least white, blue-eyed men as rulers, were depicted ridiculously as negroes, or as swarthy middle easterners. King Xerxes himself was turned into a tall, hispanic, sulky, psychopathic, bitchy, lethal, cheek-pierced, gay-ish hair dresser! 😉

Xerxes was played by a white actor from Brazil, Rodrigo Santoro….

……but even he had to get darker! Get ready for Tanworld! 😉

This is the jewish goal: everyone is tan or black, and/or a pouting, resentful gay.

However, on the other hand, the actions scenes in “300” are truly superb, many in powerful battlefield slow-motion, and what is striking there also is how King Leonidas’s wife, the Spartan Queen Gorgo, is totally supportive of her warrior husband, of his decision to sacrifice himself and all his men …for the freedom and honor of Hellas, of ancient Greece.

Queen Gorgo, by a nod, understanding that total war will result, gives her husband Leonidas the go-ahead to kill the arrogant Persian ambassador, who had just threatened her people with annihilation.  She herself was the daughter, wife and mother of Spartan kings. Here her eyes say to her husband “Just do it. It is worth whatever consequences will ensue.”

Gorgo is correctly portrayed in “300” as wise, clear-sighted, responsible and loyal, anything but a ditz, yes, a true and regal queen, just as the ancient Greek historian Hereodotus said she was.

Spartan men had great respect for their women, and the Greek historian Plutarch quotes Queen Gorgo as follows:

“A foreign lady told her that the women of Lakedaimon, that is, Sparta, were the only women in the world who could rule their men. ‘With good reason,” Gorgo, replied, ‘for we are the only women who bring forth real men.”

As an aside, a French woman who, to survive during WWII, became the mistress of German officers and then, after D-Day, of British and American officers as her lovers, once wrote: “The English and Americans were boys. The Germans were men.”

I found this quote fascinating because a French Waffen-SS general named Leon Degrelle once asked the German leader Adolf Hitler if he considered himself a German first, or a European first.

Hitler replied: “ Neither. I am a Hellene,” that is, I am an ancient Greek.

And so, going back to the Spartans, when they were pushed by their Spartan mothers and wives to be brave, in the movie “300” as in the reality of the ancient, white Greek race of yesteryear, when a Persian general arrogantly threatened a high Spartan officer with a skyful of arrows, this is what happens, first with the Persian threatening, and then the Spartan officer replying, as taken from the movie “300”:


I salute the great white heroes King Leonidas ….his Queen Gorgo…and our white blood relatives, the ancient Spartans. As they died for us, we must fulfill our obligation today to our race.




I need the funds to pay my bills while I write the sacred book to awaken the Aryan SOUL.

…..new donations blog page

. This DONATIONS LOG (https://johndenugent.com/donations-log) is to confirm to those who send me useful items –cash, valuable coins, checks, money orders, books or other gifts — that I did receive them. If you sent it and I did not get it, IT WILL NOT BE ON THIS LOG. Please let me know about it at the email address john_denugent@yahoo.com or by calling me at (724) 596-4284!




–November 3. 2013 $225 via Greendot Moneypak (see below)


–November 1, 2013 book from Germany

–November 1, 2013 DVD from Amazon.com

–October 21, 2013   Ten books in the German language from Germany

–October 21, 2013 $15 “Pop Money” recurring donation from JM, Washington State, USA


–October 21, 2013 USPS money order for $88 and two books of first-class U.S. stamps at $8.40 each


–October 18, 2013 $20 cash in aluminum foil from Minnesota/USA

–October 18, 2013 $300 via credit card from western Australia

–October 11, 2013   $20 check from J, New York


–October 9, 2013    US Postal Service money order from Colorado

–October 7, 2013    100 Euros from Germany

–October 3, 2013    $5 in cash from M.B. in Tennessee

–October 1, 2013    $10 in aluminum foil from unknown donor

–September 30, 2013  $100 USPS money order from Oklahoma

–September 28, 2013   book Raciology from Amazon from CvH

–September 26, 2013 $10 USPS money order

–September 8, 2013    $300 cash from unknown donor (3 $100 bills) .

…..how to donate

Latest donation:  100 Euros in aluminum foil from Germany    One discreet way is to go to any store in the US and buy a Greendot Moneypak (not the plastic card itself), put cash money on it at the checkout counter, then send me an email with 1) the amount you donated and 2) the PIN number. (Scratch it off like a lottery ticket on the back.) Then I can load the donation onto my own Greendot card. CVS Pharmacy, Kmart, 7-Eleven, Walgreens, RiteAid, Radioshack, Walmart — 60,000 locations across the USA since the year 2000 sell Greendot MoneyPaks (and also the debit card, but you do not need to buy a card; you are buying a MoneyPak so I, JdN, can put the funds on MY card…. 🙂 ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Dot_Corporation


Easy, idiotproof… Greendot is just a kind of Visa or Mastercard debit card, and I can pay bills with the funds you send, or get the cash out. It costs you $4.95 to put the money you are donating on my card. Again, just buy the Moneypak and and put money on it, then send me an email with the amount you put on and the PIN taken off the back. Thanks! Start a Hushmail account (takes 30 seconds!) and then write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com with the secret name of your Hushmail account. I will then contact you at your Hushmail account.  :-)(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hushmail)

.greendot_MoneyPakThe back of a MoneyPak….. Just scratch off the silver coating like a lottery ticket to reveal the number to send me.moneypak_backI need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

This is how you can help financially: (1) postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent” ( IF STOLEN THEY CAN BE REDEEMED! JUST KEEP THE RECEIPT)100-US-DOLLAR-USPS-MONEY-ORDER(2) sending valuable jewelry or gold coins(3) cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)IF YOU SEND CASH OR COINS, WRAP THEM IN ALUMINUM FOIL!aluminum-foilus-20-dollars-aluminum-envelope-2


(4) PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details how you can do this, since PP banned me….)


(5) checks made out to “John de Nugent” now that I again have a bank account, in fact, via STEALTH, I have now two. 😉

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613



Our Crown Vic and Pennsylvania morning fog



Do you understand German? If so, here is a blog I did on whether the “Christian” (?) idea of surrender is good for us now:


If not, here is the English version:


1 Comment

  1. (A lady comrade wrote me in an email)

    Hi John. I just read another one of your marvelously stirring and informative posts. My eyes REALLY perked up because of something you quoted towards the end “a French Waffen-SS general named Léon Degrelle once asked the German leader, Adolf Hitler, if he considered himself a German first, or a European first. Hitler replied: ” Neither. I am a Hellene,” that is, ‘I am an ancient Greek.’

    I have a dear friend, John, a proud Hellene who is convinced Hitler was an enemy to Greece. I would appreciate any further information you have on the source of this quote (is it in a book or newspaper article, etc. I can find?) and any other quotes or writings by Hitler on the Greeks and or Hellenes. Thank you!


    I replied:

    Is your friend and Greek-speaking Greek or just of Greek ancestry? My friend Pete Papaherakles, a strong WN, a Greek immigrant to the US, and a major writer for “American Free Press,” is close to the Golden Dawn and its leaders, and could answer this very well.

    Of course, when Hitler said “Hellene,” he meant the ANCIENT Greeks, the pre-Christian, so-called Goldne Age of Greece.

    Hitler had zero desire, in any case, to invade Greece. He had to, just as with Norway, Denmark and Holland, to thwart a British occupation, to be followed by the RAF bombing key German industries.

    Had Britain not been expelled from Greece, it would have carpet-bombed Ploesti in Romania, further up the Balkans, a city that had become a huge German oil refinery and where 75% of German oil production was located! In reality, it was Mussolini’s invasion of Greece that triggered the German invasion, because the Brits landed to stop the Italians, and then planned to bomb Ploesti….. Germany was in what in chess is called “Zugzwang” – when you have no good moves but sure you better move your pawn. 😉

    General Leon Degrelle said in his memoirs, which I co-translated from the French, that Mussolini lost WWII. Germany constantly had to rescue him and his troops, and this crippled their war effort. Because Germany HAD to invade Greece, it used up its best tank divisions, and it was also was six weeks late invading the USSR — and then the Russian snows came…..



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