ENGLISH American combat vet with an autistic brother asks “Would AH have gassed my brother?”

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A Canadian comrade told me once about her experiences with vaccines and her kids, and how they made them deathly ill. I replied:

Well I have often thought about your experiences with vaccines….I have a very friendly local, who did two combat tours with the US Army in Desert Storm….and (everyone in this town of Apollo, Pa. seems to know who I am 😉 the town Nazi 😉 who uses them big words 😉 ) he just asked me one day, straight-out:

“My kid brother is autistic and I love him, but what would Adolf Hitler have done with somebody who was autistic?”


And suddenly I “got it” as to yet another reason why the Jews are making us all sick (with vaccines, chemtrails, junk food, fluoride, cancer-causing additives, etc., etc., etc.) ……so that white Americans and Canadians would all end up with an autistic relative, a loved one with that or with Tourette’s, or ADD, (my Margi has a little touch of that) and then the Jew says to them all: “If the Nazis came to power, they would gas your kid brother.” !!!

I said to him: “Under Hitler the German people ate good food, had good jobs, got exercise, and were happy. No one gave five vaccines in one day to a baby, overwhelming their immune system, and if you read what Robert Kennedy Junior and many others have been saying, it is the vaccines that this government pushes on the parents that causes the autism!

But under Hitler, only the violently insane, the types who would run full-tilt with their head against the wall, and moan and suffer all day long from their horrible psychotic nightmares, were mercifully sent on to their next life. You are a Christian, and you know that the soul does not end at death. No one was killing their soul!

And remember that it was during time of war, when emergency measures were being taken on all levels, including women working in munition factories, and in the end even old men and teenagers were drafted and sent to the front. America would do the same things if we were under massive invasion; we would in the end do anything to win and avoid being occupied and enslaved.

Some people suffer so much psychic or physical pain that if they were a dog or a horse, an animal, we would all demand they be put down out of normal compassion. What kind of a life do the very severely handicapped have, anyway? What dignity do they have when they are helpless?

And who will care for them when they are 55 and their parents die at 70 or 80? They go into some big institution. And THAT is supposed to be kind??

Sometimes it is cruel to be kind, though it may be feel-good at the moment, and it is actually kind to briefly be cruel.

You know from the war that some of these guys who come back from Iraq with no arms, legs, eyes or testicles would be better off dead, and in WWII, Korea or Vietnam they would have died.

In earlier wars men died form their wounds, and the family grieved but was able eventually to tough it out and move on. We all die, just some sooner than others.



No woman will marry them, and after we spend $100,000 patching them up in some VA hospital, with 35 surgeries, they often commit suicide within two years because they have no life.

The Ty Ziegler story is incredibly depressing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyler_Ziegel He came back form Iraq as a Marine sergeant horrifically burned, and though his fiancée loyally married him, she could not take his looks and left him. He died a lonely death “slipping on some ice in a parking lot,” or so the story goes…… Not many men in their 30s die from slipping on some ice.


The family announced that Ziegel died on December 26, 2012 after falling on ice.[9][10][4] Though this was later proven to be false, as the cause of death was by an overdose of alcohol and morphine. About 2,000 flags lined the streets of Metamora for miles in memory of Sgt. Ziegel.[9] ….

In early May 2013, after an investigation of Ziegel’s death, Peoria County Coroner Johnna Ingersoll said that death was caused by alcohol and drug intoxication, not by fall.[13][14][15][16][17] The analyzes showed that Ziegel had a blood alcohol level of .123 and a level of morphine indicating the presence of heroin was 540 ng/ml. None of these values ​​are lethal itself. The cause of death, according to Ingersoll, was the combination of these substances. Coroner’s jury acknowledged that Ziegel’s death was accidental.[14]

 Before — Ty with his fiancée, a handsome, square-jawed Marine of German heritage




I ask you, What is REALLY kinder? To let a horribly disfigured man die, or help him die (in every war medics(corpsmen actually do give certain men a double-dose of painkiller to kill them mercifully and quickly)  — or make him live when he effectively has no life because it makes us feel kind?

Probably just seeing a cute nurse every day and knowing that they will never have a woman must be torture in itself.

Real kindness, Steve, is doing the right thing — for the person, his family and for society — and not what feels good. That’s what the liberals do, feel-good, regardless of the real effect.

And no one can kill their soul; it goes on to God and they get a new and healthy spirit body, with no pain, and angels guide them to their next life.”

He looked at me and said: “Okay.”




“Machete” — review of a White-bashing, pro-illegal alien move and my orders


Glory to Mary Phagan and the White Men who Avenged Her — on a 1913 rape and murder of a beautiful 13-year-old White girl by a high Jewish official, Leo Max Frank, whom the top citizens of Georgia finally courageously lynched when he was about to walk free despite the US Supreme Court and four other courts confirming his guilt.




Videos To Launch A Movement Part 1

Videos To Launch A Movement Part 2

Videos To Launch A Movement Part 3

Videos To Launch A Movement Part 4

Videos To Launch A Movement Part 5

Videos To Launch A Movement Part 6

Videos To Launch A Movement Part 7

Videos To Launch A Movement Part 8




Electron split experiment:

This “electron double-slit” video is a sophisticated scientific cartoon that merits being seen twice — so it sinks in (and does not remain a mere factoid) that the whole universe is a holograph and definitely not entirely “real.” Electrons most certainly should not “care” whether we are looking at them or not! BUT like a diva, they do, indicating the whole physical universe is basically staged! As I say, watch it TWICE! Then start thinking what this means!

The cartoon scientist is Fred Wolf, who is a Jew, but a legitimate physicist who fights atheism among scientists. In fact, all physics for the last 120 years points at the existence of a higher reality, not materialism. But his fellow Jews promote the idea that only the material world is real, God is a myth for the weak, and there is nothing else. When you die you are dead forever. Wolf, however, is on a crusade to say “But modern science proves the very opposite, that it is this material world that is an illusion!”

This electron anomaly was observed by the great mathematician Leonhard Euler of Switzerland and the famous American scientist and politician Ben Franklin already 250 years ago, and the experiment itself was first done by the British scientist Thomas Young in 1803: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Young_(scientist)

How can electrons act like both particle shooting forward (the arrows below) and yet also as  waves? Why does it depend on whether you are looking at it??? What the heck is going on here? 😉 

A bullet (particle) is simply not a wave. This is a definite anomaly and contradiction, suggesting God is dropping an enormous hint on us NOT to view this world as something to be taken overly seriously,  but instead like a tearjerker movie or a romantic comedy. With movies, we simply accept the illogical things in the plot for the sake of the story. As the easy-going yet wise Italians say, “Si non è vero, è ben trovato.” = “If it is not true, still it is well told.” 😉

Atheists try to debunk Wolf, a very experienced physicist, and the plain meaning of this electron double-slit experiment. They are also at pains to gloss over the “quantum leap” in modern physics, where an electron leaves an inner shell and goes instantly to an outer shell, with no lapse in time at all. But how can a physical object travel a distance in zero-comma-zero seconds? In reality, it is literally vanishing at the inner shell and re-appearing at the same time on the outer shell…. This too suggests the material world is an illusion, although a very elaborate one. The world is just a classroom for young souls, an elementary school. 😉


There is indeed a totally opposite way to explain — that everything is real, everything is matter, even heaven and God, and where we go when we die is just to a higher-frequency area. Then there is no more dichotomy between spirit and matter, religion and science, and people have less of a sense of us talking about fairy tales here, God being unfortunately the biggest fairy tale of all to the materialists.

What we really are talking about is a “multiverse,” not a universe, with many dimensions existing and all occupying the same space — but on different frequencies. In the same way, your house is occupied by cell phone calls, tv signals, microwave, wireless internet perhaps too, and of course radio — and all are occupying and penetrating the same house from top to bottom, all co-existing, and interwoven, but usually not interfering with each other. They are usually smoothly separated (except a microwave oven can cause static on a radio).

In this scientific way of seeing reality plus religion, it is normal for an electron to vanish and reappear — It ducked into another dimension, where none of the rules of our dimension apply at all. It made a shortcut. One has to think outside the box, or one cannot explain an electron being both a particle and a wave and vanishing and reappearing elsewhere at the same moment. God is dropping here some really big hints that He exists, and if scoffers scoff, He is just fine with that too. 😉

Note that in this article on quantum mysticism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_mysticism every single Jew scientist listed — Einstein, Murry Gell-Man and Steven Weinberg — attacks the fact that modern physics supports the existence of God, and the Aryan scientists line up supporting the truth that modern physics proves God’s existence.

 (But this god is neither a senile old man in a white beard nor some forgive-everything sort of yin being, or cutesy Baby Jesus. It is a realistic, stern, law-giving Father figure who gives everyone only what they deserve.)

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion advocate strongly that the goyeem be made atheistic, because then they will fear to die and, not having a soul (just a myth, you see) they will be dead forever. They will prefer to live as slaves on their knees, not become as lions who fight for their freedom, for the safety and future of their women and children, and for the survival of their race and nation.

Atheism = worry only about dying, and so every man for himself.

Theism = God expects every man to do his duty, and you will face His fury in both life and death if you choose to live on as a coward — as your women and children are taken and physically or morally destroyed.

If you wish to join the Jews and scoff at God, then you will fall into a pit of despair and end up like Lasha Darkmoon, who lists all the reasons  we supposedly are doomed: http://www.darkmoon.me/2013/under-jewish-rule-by-lasha-darkmoon/

This is God’s universe; you better believe in Him. Without Him, without Divine aid, then Lasha is right and it is over.


PART 2 – A

PART 2 – B

PART 2 – C


My encounter with one of the most reputable “psychics” in America and, it seems, through her with my deceased British grandfather!

John de Nugent Discusses Reincarnation Part 1 of 2
John de Nugent Discusses Reincarnation Part 2 of 2

On the subject of reincarnation, see also this important webpage: https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/important-info/reincarnation-evidence (In German: https://johndenugent.com/deutsch/beweise-der-reinkarnation)..


A Discovery Channel program from February 2010 — contradicting two earlier Discovery Channel documentaries (“Homicide at Kennewick” and “Ice Age Columbus”). Four hostile non-whites show up, and sit within three feet of me, having no bodyguards on such short notice. This explain the pistols. The British, half-Jewish, bisexual host, Olly Steeds, ridicules the scientific fact (proven by skeletons, tools, weapons and carbon dating) that whites came to the Americas thousands of years before the Amerindians and attacks me as a dangerous man. Four hours of interview with JdN are edited down to four hostile minutes. But after the Alan Colmes show the Jews do not like to do live shows with me which they cannot edit afterward.

February 24, 2010 Discovery Channel hatchet job on me



JUST A FUN VIDEO:  GERMAN GIRLS after the staggering military victories of 1939-40

NUMEC – Israelis make a US town radioactive and kill thousands

NUMEC Part 1 – Radioactive Contamination Kills Thousands
NUMEC Part 2 – John de Nugent Confronts The Army

Lansing, Michigan (to a live audience): Why we can hope

John de Nugent – Why We Can Hope Part 1
John de Nugent – Why We Can Hope Part 2

 The Friend of the White Worker

My 2010 video, shot near Brackenridge, Pa. shows why Hitler was loved by the Germans: He brought 1) JOBS, 2) made the streets safe again, 3) stopped drugs and alcoholism, 3) promoted strong families without divorce, abuse, homo marriage or molesting, 4) he demanded good books, music and movies, and 4) he promoted genuine national pride based on success and hard work.

(This video — repeatedly hacked by Jews — deals with the worries real working-class people have about economic and psychological survival TODAY.)

John de Nugent — The Friend of the White Worker


If you want a White Tribe and a tribal religion to give us the inner fire again, then I am your man.

“Machete” — My fiery review of a White-bashing, pro-illegal alien move and my orders


Glory to Mary Phagan and the White Men who Avenged Her — My video on a 1913 rape and murder of a beautiful 13-year-old White girl by a high Jewish official, Leo Max Frank, whom the top citizens of Georgia finally courageously lynched when he was about to walk free despite the US Supreme Court and four other courts confirming his guilt. (AND DON’T MISS “EPIC BEARD MAN” IN ACTION! 😉 )




Others have been making big sacrifices.

Donations log: https://johndenugent.com/donations-log 

How about you?

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

This is how you can help financially:

–via credit card top left or right!

–postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent”(IF STOLEN THEY CAN BE REDEEMED! JUST KEEP THE RECEIPT)


–sending valuable jewelry or gold coins
–cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)





–PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details how you can do this, since PP banned me….)

–Your check made out to “John de Nugent”


John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

This 1940 book, Soldaten des Führers im Felde, “Soldiers of the Fuehrer in the Field”,  has 3-D glasses and 3-D photos showing the triumphal three-week blitzkrieg campaign in Poland. I sold this heirloom to pay the rent. 


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  1. All the many and various Christians wouldn’t really ‘kill the idolators,’ would you? —only to later (that is, too late) realize the Vedic Aryans are your spiritual progenitors whom Jesus loves completely.

    “Christ” came from Krista, which came from Krishna.


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