ENGLISH A Boer woman cries out

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Before this blog by a simple Boer woman in South Africa (I edited the spelling and other things a bit, since her native language, which I understand, is Afrikaans), I suggest you read this if not already seen: https://johndenugent.com/white-south-african-tragedy 

“I live in South Africa in a country where it is okay to murder, kill rape, steal and name any sin you want to, if you are black. Here they already murdered more than 4,000 farmers, but they will carry on about 4 student that just wanted to initiate black people to their hostel. All of a sudden it is taken out of total context. The world is running with it. But what is really important, is not important. Our sons and daughters are fearing for their lives. We live in fear. You may murder, rape, sodomize, and lock up people for years with out a proper trial, if you are black. In my country we live behind bars.

Private security budget is nearly the same as our police budget. There is hardly any border control. People from neighboring countries are streaming into our country because, in their countries, there is not enough food.

Mandela with a key Jewess, Helen Suzman, who conspired to turn White South Africa over to the negroes.  All smiles as Boers are raped, burned alive, boiled alive, slit open and killed.

Helen Suzman, Nelson Mandela


If I were them I would have done exactly the same but our infrastructure can’t take it. We are top heavy. The government officials are stealing money from the poor. The people that must build houses for the poor are stealing the money, they build sub standard houses and pocket the rest. Farms that are bought by the government from white farmers, and given to black farmers, is not producing enough food.

Those farmers only produce enough food for themselves or they are a total failure, like all the other black nations around us. There is just not enough real farmers left on the ground. But still they carry on murdering our farmers. They kicked out the people with the skills to run the factory’s, mines, schools, electricity, etc. They put people in charge that have no idea how to run it. They even kicked out the people that know how to maintain it. This is all over Africa. Just go and see what is going on in all the Africa nations. Starvation. wars. Oh this people love making war and call it freedom, but all they want is money, money, money, not taking care of their people

In my country we gave them big parts of the country which is theirs now. We also gave them the money to build up their country, but they did not want to do that, they want what did not belong to them, that is their tradition. They are not prepared to work for it. Countries, world wide, keep on giving money to Africa to make war. They keep on feeding them so they don’t have to plough the fields and provide for themselves. People that don’t work for a living give Satan their time.

Stop giving money to Africa, stop giving them weapons because they are destroying themselves, and stop providing for Africa and their statesmen. AND STOP BELIEVING THEM THAT WE STOLE THEIR LAND. BECAUSE IT IS NOT TRUE. When the Dutch came to South Africa, they bought the ground from the people. And as the white people move into the country, vast amounts of land, there was no people living there.

And where there was people living, our leaders went to so the head of that tribe, and bought the land from the people. So please tell me why we must give our country that we build up to them. Why could they not build up their part of country as we did ours. They love to tell the world we suppressed them, they don’t tell the world that they love to make war, and take what does not belong to them, because they think it is their right. We provided them with schools, hospitals, universities. We provide them with the means to build up there country. But they are a lazy bunch. It is easier to take than to build.

They are liars, and the world believes them. They told the world that we supplied substandard education and hospitals; that is a lie. They burn down their schools, destroy their country, because WHY MUST WE WORK HARD if it is already there?

The infamous White hater Julius Malema




And the world believes their serpent language. And discriminated against the BOER people have always been God fearing people. We wanted a place where we can live with God. That is why we try to help them also.

God’s people can’t walk hand in hand with Satan’s people. It is forbidden. Since they have taken over the country, Satan is loose in this country. But God also sent us a Man that walked with God, and He told us this is going to happen. But that we must not lose faith, that the Lord will restore this country but not in the way we think. He also told us it will get much darker before the light will returns, and the only thing that will save us is our trust in the Lord our Savior. He also said that this country will be a save place for people that will flee for their beliefs. He also said that the people that don’t believe will die or flee out of this country.


That they will hold on to the Lord Jesus, our savior, because that is our only Hope. Our children and grand children must learn now in our schools all the religions. We are trying to build schools for our children, where we can educate them.

But I fear we are losing the battle to many people who have lost their faith. But I know if Christians all over the world will start praying for the [White] Christians in this country we will survive. Do you know how many of the so called Christian people [ = Blacks] in this country are shouting “KILL THE BOER. ONE BULLET, ONE BOER!!”

Do you know how our children is indoctrinated? Do you know how our moral standards is destroyed amongst our girls? That our sons have higher standards!

Do you know how our children are raped, sodomized, crippled or killed? Do you know how our old people are raped, sodomized, crippled, that the soles of their feet are cut off, hot water is poured over them, that they are burned with cigarettes, etc? That husbands are forced to watch while their wife is raped, sodomized and sometimes cut open if they are pregnant. Children must watch while these ungodly things is done to their parents. Parents must watch while these ungodly things is done to their children. We are not aloud to defend ourselves if we do we go to jail.

Please pray that you don’t ever go to jail in this country. Black men in jail sodomize our men. They are deliberately put in with this type of men. Or they get robbed of the little they have including their clothes. No. I don’t live in a terrorist country according to the world. I live in a country with no respect for God, and His word. They use the Word as they see fit. And that is the work of the SERPENT. They even went back to their old traditions of praying to their forefathers. [I assume she means something similar to voodoo here.]

A South African shaman with an interesting shoulder patch. Jews worked hard to take power from the Whites and give it to the Blacks, and now to the Chinese.



Hate for the black people of this country is flaring [among the Whites]. Where there was no hate before, there is now. Where there was respect for other people before, there is no respect now. The problem is that the black people of Africa are their own downfall, because they listen to people that speak serpent language. Very few black people uphold the Ten Commandments.

And our Lord says you must not walk with this people; you shall not mix with this people — except to bring the Word to them. That we did, but they want more. They are never satisfied.


This is not a terrorist country, but a Serpent Country. That is worse. You don’t fight a visible enemy, but an invisible enemy that manifests itself in the people. You may tell the world.

Please pray for the Boers in South Africa. Thank you.”

A Boer girl who lives in a squatter camp with no shoes. Many others are turned into junkies and offer themselves as prostitutes along the roadside outside their camp. 


See also: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-south-africa-closing-the-book-final-call-to-action



“My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter.


In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison.


To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice…. And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows.

For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people…. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their bread lines and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.”  Adolf Hitler in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922


…..Spanish mob slaughters 4,000 Jews 967 years ago 


Sad day for the Jews 967 years ago: On Dec. 30, 1066 in Grenada, Spain, 4,000 Jews and the arrogant Jewish viceroy were slaughtered: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1066_Granada_massacre

A poem ignited the outraged mob (and how true it all is again today….):

“Consider it no breach of faith to kill them — the breach of faith would be to let them carry on.
They have violated our covenant with them, so how can we be guilty against violators?
Why would they keep any pact when we are obscure and they are prominent?
Now we are humble beside them, as if we were wrong and they were right!”


….”Je suis malade” (I am sick) by Lara Fabian


If you want a White Tribe and a tribal religion to give us the inner fire again, and FACE REALITY AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, then I am your man.  Imagine if White Americans were now National Socialists, and not like the lump lower-right….


Any sane person would say that the NDAA (seizure and torture of US citizens with no warrant), the NSA scandal as revealed by Edward Snowden, and the ludicrous, overt non-US-citizenship of “President” Obama mean the current “U.S. government” is entirely illegal and profoundly unconstitutional. And all laws passed by Congress are invalid just by having Obama’s signature on them. (His real name is Barry Soetoro, and he is an Indonesian citizen and therefore a Muslim by definition!) Here a Vietnam vet talks, based on personal experience, about how the Pentagon can lose yet another insurgent war. http://attackthesystem.com/armed-revolution-possible-and-not-so-difficult/

My video on time running out — and I speak briefly in Afrikaans to the Boers (with English subtitles).

SUMMARY Topics: “Titanic” movie opener; my family, military and political background and European sojourns; Tennessee Congressional race 1990 and voting machine fraud; Discovery Channel bashes me and Solutreanism for an hour; appearance on Alan Colmes FOX radio show; 2003 academic conference I arranged on Paris, Berlin and Moscow axis aginast Bush; greetings in German, French, Spanish, Finnish and Afrikaans; shocking videos from Canada and Sweden pushing race-mixing; fear of a real God is the beginning of wisdom; how a new religion made the Arabs suddenly into a superpower; “Man is a fallen god who remembers the heavens”; the young souls indifferent to the divine world; humanimals (humans who resemble animals in looks and behavior); four realities about God in upcoming God video; Israel and 9/11, and the NWO and global depopulation conspiracy.

John de Nugent Presidential Video 1A

John de Nugent Presidential Video 1B

“Machete” — My fiery review of a White-bashing, pro-illegal alien move and my orders


Glory to Mary Phagan and the White Men who Avenged Her — My video on a 1913 rape and murder of a beautiful 13-year-old White girl by a high Jewish official, Leo Max Frank, whom the top citizens of Georgia finally courageously lynched when he was about to walk free despite the US Supreme Court and four other courts confirming his guilt. (AND DON’T MISS “EPIC BEARD MAN” IN ACTION! 😉 )





A nice compliment on Facebook:

I’ve been reading you up for quite awhile. And I gotta say, your political input is something I can honestly appreciate as a white man that has witnessed injustices in all angles. I wish more were like you.

Others have been making big sacrifices.

Donations log: https://johndenugent.com/donations-log 

Recent donations:

–December 28, 2013 $500 (U.S.dollars) in cash and aluminum foil from Scotland


–December 28, 2013 50 Euros in cash and aluminum foil from H.S., Germany

–December 26, 2013 $25 by cc from M.W.,  Colorado

–December 21, 2013 $275 by Greendot MoneyPak from R.C., Arizona, $15 via PopMoney from J.M., Oregon  and $20 by credit card from T.B., New York City


–December 19, 2013 $100 by credit card from R., Switzerland

How about you?

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

This is how you can help financially:

–via credit card top left or right!

–postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent”(IF STOLEN THEY CAN BE REDEEMED! JUST KEEP THE RECEIPT)



–sending valuable jewelry or gold coins

–cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)






–PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details how you can do this, since PP banned me….)

–Your check made out to “John de Nugent”


John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284


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  1. It’s time the Boers left South Africa altogether as should all white people.

    If I had lived there when Apartheid ended you wouldn’t have seen my arse for dust. Why is it white people can no longer think? God gave them the finest brains on the earth and they no longer use them. Unbelievable.

    John De Nugent, tell your Boer friend that I’ll pray that he comes to his senses and get’s his butt outta there as fast as he can.

    Charles Crosby aka yes2truth & thetruthnotdoctrine

    • I replied: “I took in a half-Boer family in 2008, and the mother and four kids stayed in my home for four months. I put my money where my mouth is.

      But your recommendation is both cold-hearted and factually delusional. No white country will have them. This is how you wash your hands of all desire to help. Sure, the Boers “should do this” and the Boers “should’a done that”…. But in what way, pray tell, are White Americans any smarter, after WE elected and reelected both Bush — a psychopathic, moronic cokehead — and Obama — a bisexual, communist illegal alien? Elected and RE-elected!


      Jew-stralia will of course take the rich South Africans, especially if Jewish!

      The man who did THIS website, MY website, is a White South African, and of pure British ancestry, first name of Mark. He went to Britain and the “Mother Country” refused him any and all aid, and certainly he got no visa! I had to send him money so he would not LITERALLY starve, in Britain! He had to fly BACK to RSA!

      The US State Department classifies White South Africans as just “Africans” — and the quota for “African immigrants” such as, yes, the Boers, for immigration into the US is always FULL. Do you think Barack Obama, a Kenyan-born communist and White-hater, is moving heaven and earth to bring more Boers into America???

      Or do you think China or Mexico wants these White people? Only if they speak the lingo and bring with them LOTS and lots and lots of MONEY.

      Now, are YOU offering a ticket for a Boer family of four?

      Or are you suggesting that young Boers just get selfish, hop a plane, and abandon their families? Let the Zulus rape their aunt? Is that the kind of White people we want in America? — only the Boer yuppies who would abandon their White relatives in the shanty towns and squatter camps?

      As for the White masses there, gradually, slowly, over the years, the ANC has deliberately impoverished them.

      TODAY THEY CANNOT AFFORD A TICKET. And that is the truth.

      Yes, the Boers made mistakes, big ones. But I will not permit on MY blog anyone to trash the Boers, not after the monumental stupidity of which White Americans, Brits, Germans, Canadians, Swedes, et alia are also guilty.

      The problem is with the Jews and the White psychopaths who ally with the Jews. Together, they deploy their smooth lies and economic and physical terror on the key White dissident leaders and their followers. When they have weakened or crushed all WN groups and leaders, as in AMERICA, then they lead our otherwise leaderless, trusting, “blue-eyed” ( = naive) race IN EVERY COUNTRY to their perdition.”


  2. I heard of a project to create a video to go viral amongst Afrikaaners to awaken the Boers about the Jew menace. I wrote one individual considering the project:

    Great quote from the man who sent it out:

    You know what a rich Jew told me before he sold his factory and left for Australia? This was 1990s. I went to his nice apartment and I lamented South Africa’s fate. This was before he left for Jew-stralia. The Jew said to me “countries come and countries go.”

    Since I was copied this series of emails, I saw the correspondence about this project. My donations ARE coming in, and in fact I just got in $1,200.

    I am an expert on South Africa http://johndenugent.us/english/english-a-boer-cries-out). I understand and read Afrikaans, and speak it somewhat and with a good accent.

    If you need a video about South Africa and the Jewish role in its destruction, and cannot put together $2,000 for a video, I do not need to lease anything. I own a $1,500 Sony prosumer camcorder, a $1600 iMac, a video editor on call who was worked with me for two years….AND….

    …..and I did these videos:


    If your purpose is to awaken the Boers about the Jews, then I would be your man.

    As long as the Boers worship in effect the Jews and their god, they are totally doomed. As long as their version of Christianity emphasizes the Jesus submitting to arrest and then being crucified, they will not fight.

    “My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter.

    In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison.

    To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice…. And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows.

    For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people…. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their bread lines and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.” – Adolf Hitler in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

    The Boers need to learn the entire shocking truth AND FAST. And it is this: http://johndenugent.us/english/english-neanderthals-and-semites The Jews were never God’s Chosen People but rather Satan’s from the very, very beginning. They were neanderthals and then the habiru, (Hebrews), a feared horde of Middle Eastern thieves, mercenaries and exiled individuals.

    I could deliver this entire SHOCKING video in Afrikaans with English subtitles or vice versa, or in two different versions.

    Unless the Boers stop loving their enemy, and stop following the Netherlands Reformed Church, or truly “reform” it, they will be destroyed.

    John de Nugent

  3. A Boer wrote my via email:

    I am sharing this blog, and especially the one photo where the Blacks wish death upon us. I want people to click through to your blog to see the way you said it because you are saying it in a way I cannot, and that pic of Mandela and Helen Suzman … so dead on the money.

    This super-rich Liberal bitch … I once heard her saying that she “feels quite safe and that none of us need guns.” I don’t remember the exact quote — but that was the gist of it.

    Julius Malema is hated by us big-time and rightly so. He has visited Mugabe many times and I am certain Mugabe gives him money. Malema’s people have even gone for training there.

    John, I am convinced that Malema and Mugabe planned the death of Eugene Terreblanche. http://johndenugent.us/white-south-african-tragedy/eugene-terre-blanche-murder-scene

    My personal conviction is that the killing of Terreblanche was a “decapitation” of the Boer leadership because Terreblanche was seen as the No. 1 Boer who’d fight back. I am convinced they killed him and then were going to set about engaging in massive farm invasions.

    It is my PERSONAL BELIEF – that at some point, the West must have intervened to stop this. Something happened to stop this. But I am CONVINCED to this day that the murder of Eugene was the immediate PRELUDE to a full-on farm invasion in SA.

    Now they’ve done minor-scale farm invasions, and other stuff.

    There was once a very rich German industrialist, named Wilfred Pabst. Pabst owned big farms in Zim and in SA. Pabst tried to get the news out. He even went on RSG (Radio Sonder Grense) a big Afrikaans radio station, and openly told people that South Africa was going the way of Zim. Pabst gave a talk to the German parliament and presented photos of the atrocities to the Germans.

    Nothing happened, but Pabst was active. He and other Europeans who owned farmland in Zim tried to get their Govts to help them keep their land.

    The European governments know what is going on here, but it is un-PC to interfere in black countries. HOWEVER, I do think, they have tried AND SAVED OUR LIVES. I have no doubt in my mind, that our lives HAVE BEEN SAVED ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION very secretly by the West.

    So do NOT be fooled by the fact that farm invasions have not yet been pulled off here. They have been – on quite a number of places.

    John, I am not kidding you when I say, and I repeat this, Malema came back from seeing Mugabe, and I can find the news reports of the time, and it was virtually immediately after this that Eugene was killed. Furthermore, one of the accused killers of Eugene is a ZIMBABWEAN. I’m telling you … the blacks probably planned this: “Kill Eugene, and it will put the fear of God into the Afrikaners and then invade their farms.”

    I would not be surprised if American and European intelligence monitored their scheme, and that secretly, diplomatically, Zuma was told to stop.

    Zuma himself set the townships on fire in 2009 when he came to power. He was on a mission to kill and drive out black Zimbabweans. The townships burned and burned, as in the Apartheid days. Then that stopped too.

    It appears to me, that the plan now is for Malema to go it alone – outside the ANC structures, but probably (virtually definitely) supported from inside the ANC structures, and secretly from Zim.

    Mugabe will send money, intelligence officers, and army people to train and guide them. That is how this works.

    The driving out of white farmers in Zim was a CIO/Military operation and I have followed it closely in detail for years. Malema is the front guy. Malema talks exactly like Mugabe, Malema is the guy keen to DO OR DIE. Malema means business.

    And don’t think Malema just acts alone. Zuma and Mugabe secretly support him. Mugabe more openly so.

    In 2014, we need to see how Malema’s EFF party does in the elections round about April. This will tell us how big his support is. But I’ve watched Blacks, and heard them talk about him. He excites many, especially the young and especially the stupid. But the Blacks, and this is my PERSONAL OBSERVATION — when they speak about him, they get very excited and proud of him. Malema is our Mugabe.

    I did not worry too much while they were busy zapping the gold mines with protests and strikes. But now it seems they’ve struck a monetary deal. And now Malema will leave the mines alone. But his type of wording says to me, there’s big money that was paid out. So he’s gonna leave some of them alone. This is the exact parallel of Mugabe strategy.

    So don’t be fooled by the fact that big and very bad things have not YET gone down. I have been around and I saw personally what a western military attaché did to SAVE the Boers. So these Western nations OPERATE IN TOTAL SECRECY. You won’t hear a peep in the media.

    I am convinced Malema and Mugabe were about to take us down… and Eugene was the first and only casualty of that plan. It never went beyond taking HIM out.

    However, Malema is game for trying again. The ANC officially kicked him out of the ANCYL, but he’s still getting big money including from billionaire Blacks, I think. Don’t think the super-rich Blacks are all pro-White. They stand to gain a lot from taking the place of white shareholders. So guys like Sexwale (married to a white Afrikaner woman, Judy Van Vuuren, is very pro-racist.

    Another guy I have deep suspicions of is Cyril Ramaphosa. I never trust him. The head of Military Intelligence under Apartheid told me that Ramaphosa is the worst communist of the lot and his popularity is only 2nd to Mandela. He’s now super-rich.

    I am totally convinced that the death of ET was the first move in a military strike on the White farmers which was then stopped dead in its tracks by the West.

    The mine violence is mysterious, but those of us who followed Rhodesian events are convinced CIO (Central Intelligence Organisation) operatives from Zim are here and they do lots of footwork and guidance for Malema. I would add that I am sure military officers in civilian clothing are also assigned to work here.

    I don’t know what chances Malema has of being president. We’ll see. But Zuma also ran around singing about the machine gun and kill the whites and the West managed pretty well to calm him down. But Malema wants to be our Mugabe. Malema is to be taken seriously. People are expecting him to get millions of votes but not to take power.

    My concern is that we’re back to the business of Malema focusing exclusively on the white farms. That’s the problem with whatever secret mining connivance has occurred.

    The other thing that is worrisome is the way Nikuv in Israel connived with Mugabe and worked hand in glove with the Chinese to rig the elections. But the WORST PART is that the JEW-LIBERAL Media of South Africa which previously ALWAYS cried out against Mugabe SUDDENLY WENT DEAD, DEAD, DEAD QUIET.

    John, this scares me, to be frank. The Jew Liberal media went dead-quiet because Jews are on the other side of this crime. For me, John, that’s where it ends, with the Jews. and you are soooo right. If this is how Jews are, then we’re dead meat in their presence. So for me … Liberals are no longer a joke.

    Liberals will sell Malema the rope to hang us with, while walking out of the country with the profits to their new villas in Australia, New York or London.

    Q: What’s the difference between a Communist and a Liberal?
    A: A communist is a bad liar; a liberal is a good liar.

    No Afrikaner who is worth his salt must EVER cast a vote for the Jewish DA again. Never. That’s like voting for the guy who’s gonna hang you.

    Maybe you can assist, John? We need to get the message out that no self-respecting Afrikaner must EVER cast a vote for the DA (Democratic Alliance) again. This kind of treachery means … we die, and the Jews run away with the profits and the Blacks stand laughing over our corpses.

    This is not an appealing outcome for me. We do not deserve this fate. We built this country, and we have been here since the 1650s. Our ancestors were brave and we still have the right genes and traditions in our hearts, ready to be awakened.

    A final ominous note:

    I was chatting to a security company owner who was telling me how utterly difficult it is to get FIREARMS for the staff of his ARMED RESPONSE company. How are you supposed to do armed response, and fight criminals who may be armed … when the Police give you endless hurdles to stop you from getting firearms? It blows my mind. Yes, most armed response people do have proper firearms, but to obtain them now is a mission and a half. We really should be dead – the Blacks and the Jews behind them have made the gun and ammo laws so tough.

    Americans, learn from what is happening to us!

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