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The heroic Michael Weaver is doing fantastic work
for me online, promoting my blog (and his as well http://news4whites.blogspot.com/) and working very hard 7 days a week for our race.
Michael is a perfect Southern gentleman, 33, neat and clean, quiet and friendly, that has however suffered incredible legal mistreatment over his brave, peaceful, and successful WN leafleting for our race and Cause in Columbus, Georgia.
But it just got suddenly worse, with his landlady suddenly trying to evict him ONTO THE STREET — after eight months of zero problems and rent paid punctually! (Either the FBI or the Daryl Jenkins people clearly got to her. http://www.johndenugent.com/english/english-fatso-faggot-daryl-lamont-jenkins-loses-50k-lawsuit-amazing-color-1920s-hitler-video)
If you live anywhere in Georgia, or have a WN friend who does, except in the specific counties of Harris, Chattahoochee, Marion, Muscogee, Talbot, or Taylor,  Georgia, where he is banned by an outrageous judicial order, PLEASE WRITE ME, JOHN DE NUGENT, by FB private message or email at john_denugent@yahoo.com or thejohndenugent@gmail.com or on Skype (John de Nugent/Pittsburgh) OR CALL ME ASAP! (724) 506-4284!
Michael has put out thousands and thousands of leaflets and also American Free Press newspaper.
Michael is one of us! To help him is to help me and our race, and God will bless you!
Michael worked at Gold’s Gym as a body-building trainer to earn his keep until six squad cars came to arrest him for pepper-spraying a Black convicted felon who was attacking him. His disloyal fiancée dumped him despite this lovey-dovey decoration she made of a photo she took of him.
It would be some first-rate good karma to come through for Michael and right now!
You can also donate for Michael to get his own place and not be subject to tyrannical liberal boarding houses. The landlady suddenly cut off his internet, hiked his rent by 25%, and said pay up or get out NOW – after eight months of no problems. The contract is verbal…. and this landlady can say “I am afraid of him, Your Honor. He is a felon, he was convicted of aggravated assault, and he is a hate-filled Nazi!”

Write me to help Michael at john_denugent@yahoo.com !



    • Hi, comrade, and glad to read this! God bless you!

      Please call me at (724) 596-4284 or contact me on Skype at John de Nugent (Pittsburgh).

      Any donation will help too, of course. Michael MUST get a new place. IF they set him up and re-arrest him, he must serve in prison

      the NINE YEARS

      remaining on his probation.


  1. http://news4whites.blogspot.com/2010/10/importance-of-idealism-by-michael.html

    The Importance of Idealism by: Michael Weaver
    The Importance

    During the history of the Aryan race,brave White men and women have
    fought and died for ideas.The Aryan fighting spirit is Ingrained in
    our Race soul,it’s an integral part of who we are as a race.Take for
    example: the bravery of Leonidas,the lion’s son of Sparta.In August
    480 BC,Leonidas set out to meet Xerxes’s army at Thermopylae with a
    small,but well organized and disciplined force of 300,though vastly
    outnumbered Leonidas exemplified the Aryan traits of Honor,Loyalty and
    Courage when he died a warrior’s death during the Battle of
    Thermopylae that day. Let’s not forget the brave White men who
    defended the Alamo against the tsunami of Mexicans on March
    6,1836,though overwhelmed by the advancing non-white army, they
    displayed Courage,superior fighting ability and the Will to Win, even
    though the odds were against them. These were the men of our race and
    the same blood is within us all!

    Idealism is a powerful force,especially in the hearts and minds
    of intrepid Idealists. I’m reminded of a intrepid idealist,who was
    born in Austria on April 20th,1889,his great name often invokes
    instant condemnation from the Bolshevik Beasts who control our mass
    media.He’s been demonized by the Jewish-controlled media,because he
    broke the Jewish stranglehold over his beloved Fatherland.This
    talented Aryan genius was a painter,great
    most of all,HE WAS AN Idealist!

    Our Beloved founder Dr.William Pierce was a visionary,an idealist
    who put Idealism into action!
    Dr.William Pierce believed in the righteousness of his cause and he
    believed in his people,often working an 80+hour week building the
    National Alliance as a powerful force to counter the Jewish poison of
    MTV,VH1 and the communistic indoctrination centers of the public
    school system.Dr.Pierce spoke forcefully about the Terrible Taboo
    Topics of Today,for that thought crime,he was both feared and vilified
    by the race destroyers,the race corruptors,the most nefarious race to
    walk the earth,the Scourge of Humanity,the JEWS!!The National Alliance
    is the product of Dr.Pierce’s Idealism,as members of the National
    Alliance it is our duty to continue on the righteous path that our
    beloved founder set forth for his members to follow.We must do
    whatever is necessary to bring our noble cause to victory! Our Race’s
    future is in our hands and demands our immediate action!We are the
    most creative race on earth and if we are courageous,no force in the
    world can defeat the White Race!We must look deep within ourselves and
    seek the warrior spirit that our Aryan ancestors possessed.We must be
    passionate in our mission to awaken the sleeping White giant!We must
    expose the corrupters of our youth,the nefarious Jews and their
    willing collaborators.Remember,the seeds of truth must be sowed before
    the great harvest,The National Alliance must be our Raison d’etre,our
    reason for existence.Are you ready fellow comrades for the National
    Alliance to sweep this nation of the Jewish power structure and
    reclaim our ancestral homelands?Stand up White men and women,have the
    courage of your convictions,Ich Kampf (I Fight) should be our motto.

    George Orwell aka Eric Blair said eloquently:”In an age of universal
    deceit,telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” If,this is indeed
    true,Then Let the White Revolution begin! Thank you!

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