ENGLISH Happy birthday today in 1412, Joan of Arc!

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I wrote the Aussie comrade who sent me this link:

THIS is how they treat Whites! (A boy from the white minority Uighurs in western China, descended from the Keltic Tokharians)  The Uighurs were forcibly converted to Islam by the Turks, and that brought in dark hair, but their basic genes are keltic, and the mummies of their ancestors show red and blond hair and plaid clothing. They are a mixed Caucasian-Asian Muslim group that live in Xinjiang, China. They have been agitating for independence for some time now. China has responded to these calls by flooding Xinjia with Han Chinese…

First, a red haired Uighur. (Source of these photos: http://robertlindsay.wordpress.com/2013/05/17/the-whites-of-asia-the-uighurs/)

A very White looking, in fact, red-haired, Uighur child, who could easily be an Irish kid.

A very White looking, in fact, red-haired, Uighur child, who could easily be an Irish kid.

Next, we have a Slavic-appearing Uighur.

A very White looking Uighur boy. To me, he looks somewhat Russian or East Slavic, does he not?

A very White looking Uighur boy. To me, he looks somewhat Russian or East Slavic, does he not?

Next, a very White looking Uighur woman. The phenotype is very exotic, and the only thing I have seen close to this is from the Kalash of northwest Pakistan.

This is a very White looking Uighur woman. Note the tall, angular, thin nose. I am not sure what European type she resembles. Any guesses?

This is a very White looking Uighur woman. Note the tall, angular, thin nose.

* * *

Thank you very much for this superb video, which has the harrowing scene I have shown before on my blog with the white kid in China (which got huge views on YT when it first came out).

The Chinese now claim the kid being beaten and his hand stomped on was a thief, which, even if it were true, would raise the question why the white minority in the west of Chinese territory, the Uighurs, who are about 25% white due to their ancient keltic and Tokharian ancestors, have to steal to survive in their own country! The reason why is that the racist, yellow Han Chinese (who are 90% of the Chinese population) have taken over the Uighur economy and turned the Uighurs, the original inhabitants, into paupers.

I know, btw, an Aussie in Perth who married a Chinese female (BEFORE he became a WN…) and he is miserable under her ruthless, pushy, selfish domination. When he and I talked on Skype, she kept interrupting and telling him to stop talking to me!

Whites in Cronulla, Sydney, Australia rioted in late 2005 against muslim Lebanese rapists on Cronulla Beach in 2005.

A “Lebbo” gets a pounding by enraged white men, but even a little beating is nothing compared to the trauma a woman experiences from being RAPED!

Of course, the cops, now turned into zombies trained in hate and hostility by B’nai B’rith, pounced on their fellow whites and brutally arrested them….

(When whites divorce in Australia, the wife gets a huge alimony settlement from a feminist judge, then the guy is so poor no white woman will date him and he is forced to send for a Chinese mail-order bride. Many Aussie WNs have reported this to me. The streets are now FULL of couples consisting of a white man with a snub-nosed, flat-chested, raven-haired, money-grubbing Chinese female.)

I thank you also in advance for your promised donation, comrade!




 A portrait of her done a few decades after her death. Joan’s face and overall appearance were very well-known. She had been seen up-close by the French king, his royal courtiers, the bishop and judges at her trial, French and English soldiers by the hundreds, and the crowd that witnessed her burning. She was a national heroine during her brief life, a living legend and an unforgettable redhead. Joan is truly a universal figures, since she was a devout Catholic but also disobeyed the Church very openly….hence was not canonized for 489 years! As all of us should, she actually did listen to the inner voice, the voice of duty.


The German police in Wiesbaden used computer techniques to reconstruct her face:

with helmet


with her auburn hair showing


The sorest sore point between the French and the English over the last 1000 years has been the burning alive at the stake in 1431 of Joan of Arc, a brave 19-year-old redheaded village girl from Lorraine, a part-German-speaking part of France, on absurd charges of heresy.

The English, who at the time occupied much of France, alleged that no woman but a witch would wear men’s armor. In truth, they simply wanted this young woman dead because she was a threat to their control of French territory.

The charismatic, fervent 17-year-old girl (b. 1412), told by visions from two saints, Saint Margaret of Antioch and Saint Catherine of Alexandria, as well as the Archangel Michael, to give courage to the French king and save France, had entirely changed the atmosphere of the Hundred Years War, both on the battlefield and in all the villages of France.

Joan may have been a very skilled tactician, according to testimony by officers at a second trial 20 years after her death, and she was definitely a castle-stormer. She was also a literal standard bearer, charging with the battle flag into the enemy’s ranks. She once pulled an English arrow from her shoulder and continued fighting, which electrified her army. Later she was grazed on the helmet by an English stone cannonball. She took a France on the ropes, with a weak king, and turned the military tide in favor of France.

Much of northern and western France had been overrun by the Norman British armed forces, and Burgundy was in league with the invaders. The Norman British aristocrats, generals and officers all themselves spoke French, having conquered England in 1066 from their base in Normandy, in northern France. The French slang for the invaders was les Goddons, from the English swear word “God damn.” 😉


Actually, a number of women, all aristocrats, unlike Joan, led armies and/or wore armor during that era. A ruler personally led the troops into battle, and if the ruler was a woman, so be it.

There is likely a France today because of Joan of Arc. England took 800 years to let Ireland go, once conquered, and still controls Wales and Scotland.

England is tenacious and fierce, once it becomes an enemy. (Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, asked once if England was still an important power in our time, said: “England is an old lion, but it still has claws.”)

Coat of arms of the United Kingdom, still replete with Norman French slogans a thousand years after the Norman Conquest, such as Honni soit qui mal y pense” (“Shame on him who thinks evil thoughts”) and Dieu et mon droit (“God and my rights”). Note the fleur-de-lys at the bottom center, an extremely ancient Aryan symbol that goes back to the hagal rune, from which all the runes were born.

Many great talents have depicted the Maid of Orleans—Shakespeare, Voltaire, Schiller, Verdi, Tchaikovsky, Mark Twain and Brecht—and two recent Hollywood movies (among many) have done her some justice. The finest, most balanced and accurate portrait of her, without propaganda, was by the great English dramatist and Nobel Prize winner, George Bernard Shaw, in his play “St. Joan.”

Shaw considered her a religious proto-Protestant because she insisted in 1430, many decades before Martin Luther, that her personal visions of God’s will gave her the right to take up arms, whatever the Catholic hierarchy thought about them or her. (She was not actually made a Catholic saint until 1920, a whopping 500 years after her death.)

An Aussie comrade wrote me that her handwriting proved she was a left-hander (like me, so I liked that 😉) and said he thought she was a brunette, and sent this pic, of the earliest known drawing of Joan of Arc, in the protocol of the Parliament of Paris, drawn by Clement de Fauquembergue in 1429 (two years before her death).

I wrote back to this comrade: Well, that pen-and-ink drawing does NOT prove black hair, which I think would have resulted in the cartoonist drawing far more dark lines into her hair. The earliest painting of her, in COLOR of course, the one shown above from 64 years after her judicial murder, shows her as a redhead, and she was a very, very famous woman, seen by THOUSANDS. She was, let’s face it, the equivalent today of a rock star! Furthermore, France is or once WAS fundamentally keltic and often red-headed. (Hans F. K. Günther wrote in his Racial Life of the Indo-European Peoples that a study of recruits in Napoleon’s army in the year 1800 showed 70% had BLUE EYES, reflecting the original French look before the wars of Napoleon and WWI decimated the true French stock. The French are basically a keltic-germanic-mediterranean mixture. The northeastern province of Lorraine, next to Alsace, then in Germany, specifically was heavily keltic-germanic.) Joan’s temperament was also rather what I would expect from a ginger, having been with one for six years. 😉

This fundamental and revolutionary attitude seemed like anarchy, megalomania and cultism to French Bishop Cauchon, a sincere man who, as the detailed witchcraft trial transcripts from 1431 show, only very reluctantly acquiesced in what the English were going to do anyway, whatever the witchcraft verdict: kill her, just as they killed the charismatic William “Braveheart” Wallace of Scotland, defaming the Scot as a traitor to England, a rank absurdity.

In fact, in her trial, Cauchon gave her numerous opportunities to say that the Church should be the one deciding about the visions of angels by illiterate farm girls, urging her just to say the right words of acknowledgment that the church should have the last word and the final say. That she refused to do. Then she recanted, thinking about being burned alive for up to 30 minutes. Remember, the body is 80% water, not a dry matchstick. A death by fire can be long and terribly painful. But after praying, she became defiant once again, defiant to the very end, and the English immediately began building the fire to burn her alive. Faced with the flames, she refused to recant a second time.

Joan was held at this dungeon in Rouen, Normandy by British soldiers. I visited it in 2004, and spoke on two occasions extensively with the director on the topic of psychopaths in political power. Joan wore men’s clothes in the dungeon to “turn off” English soldiers from trying to rape her, but gave clear instructions that, unless she was burned, she should be buried in women’s clothes, as befitting her womanhood. She was no masculine lesbian, but a dainty girl who realized that SOMEONE had to go out and FIGHT.

The crowd was mesmerized by her courage and their hatred of the British invader became hotter than the flames burning that girl. She yelled at Bishop Cauchon: “It is you, not my sins, that have brought me to this place of fire!”



Toward the end of the burning scene, Joan sees a light over her. This might refer to the fact that good people dying painfully can have an OBE, an out-of-body experience as they die, and leave their body and its pain. They look down and see the suffering body, but they are no longer connected to it at all, or to its pain. They simply rise into the tunnel of light to a God who has witnessed their brave final minutes. Such heroes and heroines have nothing more to fear.

The greatest thing for me is that after she renounced her views, fearing being burned to death, she then renounced her renunciation, and faced the flames after all in total integrity. She was fully, totally aware of the horrors of burning, which can take half an hour. The body being mostly water, it does not go up in flames like a dry leaf. There is lots of pain involved.

I can say, on the other hand, and as always on such topics I am deadly serious, that angels can aid the soul to leave the body at such points, and experience thus no pain as the body is destroyed. In the literature on OBEs (out-of-body experiences) and NDEs (near-death experiences) many who have come back have reported seeing their body from the outside, and feeling no pain at all. In the cases of patients who die (temporarily) on the operating table, until revived by electroshock, heart massage, and chemical injections into the heart muscle, they have no pulse, no heart beat, no brain waves, and no respiration, and thus are clinically dead as a door nail. BUT they can recount in perfect detail the conversations between doctor and nurse, and what each did, and even the debates on “should we call it, doctor?” after 15 minutes of futile resuscitation efforts.

I remember reading one book, perhaps by Raymond Moody MD, and the person who came back recounts floating up right through the surgical lamps, out of the OP, up through all the wiring , and floating upward through many floors of the hospital. Then he passed up through the roof of the hospital and told in detail what the roof looked like: the helicopter landing zone with painted markers, the spinning ventilation fans, the doors… and how a tunnel of light then appeared and then a voice said “They are trying to bring you back. Do you wish to come through or return to your body?” and the person answered: “I have a husband and children who need me. Yes, I want to.” And the kind voice said: “You are very seriously injured. You will be in serious pain and need many months of convalescence, and you will never fully recover from these injuries.” The person (the soul) replied: “I accept that and, yes, I do want to go back to my family.” The voice said: “Just as you wish. We will see you again, and good luck to you.”

If ever any woman deserved angels to lift her from her body, it was Joan of Arc.

After Bishop Cauchon died and the English had quit France in defeat, an angry mob dug up his bones and threw them into the Seine.

In retrospect, the Church feared, rightly, that a series of charismatic Joans or Jeans or Jans or Martins would eventually break up Christendom into a hundred feuding sects and religious wars—just as the English army feared she would continue to galvanize the war spirit of occupied France and thwart the century-old English investment in seizing it. In Shaw’s play, Cauchon reasons: “An illiterate camel trader [his term for Islam’s founder, Mohammed] creates his own religion and sweeps away half of Christendom. So we cannot say, ‘she is just one girl’.”

Truly, Joan was a human phenomenon, still fascinating 570 years after her girlish frame sank into ashes. Above all, she remains a specific symbol, in the French conscious and subconscious, of both men and women resisting foreign occupiers and bullies to the death.

The trial and burning of Joan, a girl defending and rallying her nation, and not recanting as she faced the blazing bonfire, has put a stamp for almost 600 years now on the French view of themselves.

Aside from Joan, the other national symbol of France, rather masculine, is the rooster, called Chanticleer.

One Frenchman told me why the rooster is apropos:

The rooster will fight, he loves ze females, and even if he is standing up to his knees in manure, he continues singing.”

And that is the spirit we all need.


…..My videos on life after death

THE GOD VIDEOS (from https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking)



Electron split experiment:

This “electron double-slit” video is a sophisticated scientific cartoon that merits being seen twice — so it sinks in (and does not remain a mere factoid) that the whole universe is a holograph and definitely not entirely “real.” Electrons most certainly should not “care” whether we are looking at them or not! BUT like a diva, they do, indicating the whole physical universe is basically staged! As I say, watch it TWICE! Then start thinking what this means!

The cartoon scientist is Fred Wolf, who is a Jew, but a legitimate physicist who fights atheism among scientists. In fact, all physics for the last 120 years points at the existence of a higher reality, not materialism. But his fellow Jews promote the idea that only the material world is real, God is a myth for the weak, and there is nothing else. When you die you are dead forever. Wolf, however, is on a crusade to say “But modern science proves the very opposite, that it is this material world that is an illusion!”

This electron anomaly was observed by the great mathematician Leonhard Euler of Switzerland and the famous American scientist and politician Ben Franklin already 250 years ago, and the experiment itself was first done by the British scientist Thomas Young in 1803: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Young_(scientist)

How can electrons act like both particle shooting forward (the arrows below) and yet also as  waves? Why does it depend on whether you are looking at it??? What the heck is going on here? 😉 

A bullet (particle) is simply not a wave. This is a definite anomaly and contradiction, suggesting God is dropping an enormous hint on us NOT to view this world as something to be taken overly seriously,  but instead like a tearjerker movie or a romantic comedy. With movies, we simply accept the illogical things in the plot for the sake of the story. As the easy-going yet wise Italians say, “Si non è vero, è ben trovato.” = “If it is not true, still it is well told.” 😉

Atheists try to debunk Wolf, a very experienced physicist, and the plain meaning of this electron double-slit experiment. They are also at pains to gloss over the “quantum leap” in modern physics, where an electron leaves an inner shell and goes instantly to an outer shell, with no lapse in time at all. But how can a physical object travel a distance in zero-comma-zero seconds? In reality, it is literally vanishing at the inner shell and re-appearing at the same time on the outer shell…. This too suggests the material world is an illusion, although a very elaborate one. The world is just a classroom for young souls, an elementary school. 😉


There is indeed a totally opposite way to explain — that everything is real, everything is matter, even heaven and God, and where we go when we die is just to a higher-frequency area. Then there is no more dichotomy between spirit and matter, religion and science, and people have less of a sense of us talking about fairy tales here, God being unfortunately the biggest fairy tale of all to the materialists.

What we really are talking about is a “multiverse,” not a universe, with many dimensions existing and all occupying the same space — but on different frequencies. In the same way, your house is occupied by cell phone calls, tv signals, microwave, wireless internet perhaps too, and of course radio — and all are occupying and penetrating the same house from top to bottom, all co-existing, and interwoven, but usually not interfering with each other. They are usually smoothly separated (except a microwave oven can cause static on a radio).

In this scientific way of seeing reality plus religion, it is normal for an electron to vanish and reappear — It ducked into another dimension, where none of the rules of our dimension apply at all. It made a shortcut. One has to think outside the box, or one cannot explain an electron being both a particle and a wave and vanishing and reappearing elsewhere at the same moment. God is dropping here some really big hints that He exists, and if scoffers scoff, He is just fine with that too. 😉

Note that in this article on quantum mysticism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_mysticism every single Jew scientist listed — Einstein, Murry Gell-Man and Steven Weinberg — attacks the fact that modern physics supports the existence of God, and the Aryan scientists line up supporting the truth that modern physics proves God’s existence.

 (But this god is neither a senile old man in a white beard nor some forgive-everything sort of yin being, or cutesy Baby Jesus. It is a realistic, stern, law-giving Father figure who gives everyone only what they deserve.)

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion advocate strongly that the goyeem be made atheistic, because then they will fear to die and, not having a soul (just a myth, you see) they will be dead forever. They will prefer to live as slaves on their knees, not become as lions who fight for their freedom, for the safety and future of their women and children, and for the survival of their race and nation.

Atheism = worry only about dying, and so every man for himself.

Theism = God expects every man to do his duty, and you will face His fury in both life and death if you choose to live on as a coward — as your women and children are taken and physically or morally destroyed.

If you wish to join the Jews and scoff at God, then you will fall into a pit of despair and end up like Lasha Darkmoon, who lists all the reasons  we supposedly are doomed: http://www.darkmoon.me/2013/under-jewish-rule-by-lasha-darkmoon/

This is God’s universe; you better believe in Him. Without Him, without Divine aid, then Lasha is right and it is over.


PART 2 – A

PART 2 – B

PART 2 – C


My encounter with one of the most reputable “psychics” in America and, it seems, through her with my deceased British grandfather!

John de Nugent Discusses Reincarnation Part 1 of 2
John de Nugent Discusses Reincarnation Part 2 of 2

On the subject of reincarnation, see also this important webpage: https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/important-info/reincarnation-evidence (In German: https://johndenugent.com/deutsch/beweise-der-reinkarnation)..


 …..Support the man risking his life for you

As one of my blogs showed, I live in a very dangerous world:https://johndenugent.com/english/english-another-reporter-murdered-by-feds-in-fake-car-crashmichael-hastings-flaming-car-wreck.

I need your support, comrades. A new movement is not started by clicking “like” on Facebook, or sending me an email full of empty praise, but by money and volunteers, plus a convincing, charismatic leader with the right message and organization.

Can I count on your donation? Or are you all-talk, all “click”, a Net surfer dude only?? 😉


Go up, top-left or top-right, and click on the blue donate button to make an easy donation! (My donations log: https://johndenugent.com/donations-log)


Or send your donation of $10, $50 or $500 to John de Nugent, 681 Canal Road, Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

Email: john_denugent@yahoo.com

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)

Facebook: “John D. Nugent

 In 1990 I nearly won the Republican primary for US Congress in Tennessee with just $3,000:


.McAtee Nugent WSMV TV Nashville.

35 years of commitment to the cause of Whites surviving and thriving again!(Click on this image from 1979, when I crossed the Rubicon for our race,  to enlarge it!)

.Georgetown Hoya Feb 15 1979 NaziThat reporter, Ascoli, today:lorenzo-ascoli-2013The reporter, Ascoli, is a blond, northern Italian Jew, and kept asking me if I thought he was Aryan enough. 😉 Many Jews have asked me the same thing, including Ollie Steeds of the Discovery Channel: “Do you think that I am an Aryan?”  I think that, deep-down, they know who the real Chosen People is. 😉 And it ain’t them!

John Kennedy and Wernher von Braunkennedy_vonbraun_19may63_01


  1. A nice email came in from, perhaps, Scotland:

    “After reading your website I am astonished that we have a lot in common, not just politically but spiritually. I was expecting to disagree with a lot of what I thought you would say but the opposite occurred. Like you, I am a very determined person, and a loyal friend to those that are loyal to me, but not very forgiving of anything done against me.

    I have a total belief in God, and know I lived on this earth previously. You are also right that we are here to be taught, in a school for spirits where pain can be experienced in this life to show us right from wrong. Each life is a progression on hopefully an upward direction, but you do have freedom of speech and action that is only limited by your physical body. God wants peace, not war.

    Reading about Joan de Arc and red hair now, my wife is called Jeanette (“Little Jean” in French) and is red-haired with pale, fine skin and comes from good stock….. very intelligent and born in January too, as Joan was. I myself have had many “religious experiences.” Jesus stopped me from dying as a child. My granny from Tiree (a Scottish island) had “the second sight,” so had my mother. She saved her brother-in-law during the war when he was home on leave, telling him strictly not to to rejoin his ship, the HMS Arethusa (a cruiser) as it would be sunk. He took her advice — and a week or two later it was sunk. [Actually, it was hit and 142 sailors were killed, but it limped into port for repairs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Arethusa_(26)%5D

    While I can’t tell what happens tomorrow, I am able to come to a conclusion of what will happen years ahead.

    Take care and God bless, John.”

    • Greetings, comrade. What a fascinating email, and many thanks!

      Glad you liked both the blog and my God videos, and thanks for your support in every way.

      Interesting about the HMS Arethusa: It might have had a pinch of bad karma. Wiki says it was involved in the Royal Navy’s sinking of the French fleet at Mers El-Kebir, Algeria, an outright massacre of 1,200 sleeping sailors. ((http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_on_Mers-el-K%C3%A9bir).

      I have stayed alive and out of prison for 35 years in this Cause by endeavoring as often as possible to LISTEN to my inner voice, follow my intuition, and occasionally that of certain friends and certainly of those women who seem to have a special “feel” for things. (Almost all true psychics are in fact women, and this has always been true, ging back to the most ancient times.)

      And, on occasion, a guardian angel has sent me a strong hint or two. 😉

      I received a very nice benefaction from Scotland not long ago, from one of its two major cities, and from such a thrifty nation, that said a lot! *:) happy

      My great-grandfather was a Scot, Waddell, and an elder in the Presbyterian Church. He had the first Ford dealership in western Pennsylvania.

      He married a German woman who would become my great-grandmother, a blond and blue-eyed Teuton whose maiden name was Berlin. 😉 wink Later they raised my father.

      I put your comment up on my blog as a blog comment (http://johndenugent.us/english/english-happy-birthday-today-in-1412-joan-of-arc#comment-180010), adding a pic of the Arethusa, and also replied to it in my own comment, below yours. 🙂

      Many thanks again, brother!

      The superficial WNs do not understand that this is not primarily about race. It is about GOD, the soul, karma and testing. As Solzhenitsyn said, all that befell Russia in 1917 came “because people forgot God.” We are not just white animals. No mere Darwinianism can save us. In fact, without my leadership, taking our racial struggle to a HIGHER LEVEL, I am certain we have lost already.

      John de Nugent

  2. Somebody wrote me said the Chinese were great until communism came along, and I rejected that totally:

    No, China was always a land of extreme brutality and dishonesty, thousands of years before communism. It came to power promising to rectify those things, and instead joined them. If you subscribe to “The Barnes Review,” you can order the free book “Ways that are Dark,” and learn what an American missionary to China wrote about the people of China. (http://johndenugent.us/english/english-barnes-review-a-fantastic-magazine-for-4-a-month-and-free-your-choice-among-12-20-books)

    The Chinese are as sadistic, devious and greedy as the Jews, and very ANTI-WHITE, but there are a BILLION of them. http://johndenugent.us/english/english-happy-birthday-today-in-1412-joan-of-arc See the first half of that blog!

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