Elvis another Hitler and “Nazi” sympathizer? Michael Jackson calls them “leeches”

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A German comrade told me there were pix or a video of Elvis showing his true colors…..

I found these supposed 1964 pix supposedly taken on a yacht in 1964



Elvis certainly liked the Germans and enjoyed immensely his two years, 1958-1960, in the US Army in Germany.

Elvis’ real hair color was almost blond, and his eyes were blue. Here is a teenage pic of the future King.


And NO, he was not Jewish: http://www.jewornotjew.com/profile.jsp?ID=62

Here is a very charming video of “the King” singing a classic German love song to an audience of Teutonic kids in a Punch-n-Judy setting…..

Another German comrade said Elvis was killed because of his secret views, his HUGE wealth, his popularity and potential power if he ever turned against the NWO (as later Michael Jackson did), and she says he was given a dose of cortisone 100 times stronger than normal.

Btw, in this video, country-crossover star Mac Davis (whgo wrote “Lord, it’s hard to be humble” and, for Elvis, “In the Ghetto”and other hits) recalls, for what it is worth,  that Elvis had his bathroom entirely in red wallpaper and black marble. Red and black…


5:25-40 on Elvis’ bathroom 😉 .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywsuK3sRtLI


I am not convinced this video is genuine (Elvis’ voice was a deeper baritone) but this is a video maybe he could have sung had he lived:

We all have heard about Tila Tequila, the Vietnamese-American celebrity who aryanized her hair — and became an open national-socialist:



Singer Michael Jackson to his sister:

Pop star Michael Jackson was caught on tape making anti-Semitic remarks, calling Jews “leeches.” In a series of audio tapes broadcasted Wednesday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Jackson is heard using anti-Semitic language in a voice message to one of his former advisers. “They suck, they’re like leeches,” Jackson is heard saying. “You end up penniless. It’s a conspiracy. The Jews do it on purpose.” http://www.jpost.com/Jewish-World/Jewish-News/Michael-Jackson-calls-Jews-leeches




Good old Jew-gle! ;-)It still has a 90-day-old, closed thread against me at the top of page one under “John de Nugent” .. but my counter-attack on Jamie Kelso and Linda Falla for their recorded message — sent out to thousands — defaming me as a homosexual, pedophile and girlfriend-beater is not on page one at all under “Jamie Kelso”! Yet another indication that Kelso is doing “the Lord’s work” —  the Dark Lord’s 😉



  1. Hi John, In the world of music is much alcohol and drug involved just because music has the same influence in the brain as alcohol or other drugs do. That´s why I don´t listen to music for 12 years and counting. Musicians are a bunch of alcoholic and drug adicts, see Beaver just lately.

  2. Unsere jüdischen Interessen erfordern die endgültige Vernichtung Deutschlands, das deutsche Volk samt und sonders ist eine Gefahr für uns, deshalb ist es unmöglich zuzulassen, dass Deutschland unter der gegenwärtigen Regierung mächtig wird.”
    Zionistenführer Wladimir Jabotinsky, Januar 1934 in der jüdischen Zeitung „Tatscha Retsch”

    Centraalblad coor Israeliten in Nederland: “Die Millionen von Juden, welche leben in Amerika, England, Frankreich, in Nord- und Südafrika, ohne Palästina zu vergessen, sind entschlossen, den Ausrottungskrieg nach Deutschland zu tragen bis zur totalen Vernichtung.” 13. 9. 1939.
    „Unser Hauptziel ist die Vernichtung von so viel Deutschen, wie möglich. Ich erwarte die
    Vernichtung jedes Deutschen westlich des Rheines und innerhalb des Gebietes, das wir
    General Dwight D. Eisenhower zu Beginn des Angriffs an der Röhr (Nebenfluß der Ruhr im

  3. Elvis also cut a disc in the late 50’s or early 60’s called “It’s all the fault of the Jews”. You won’t find it on Google or jewtube now. I had it on a cd but it’s lost now.

    • My blog has the counter-evidence.

      Keeping the secret of the Jewishness of Atatürk is of the highest importance to the national security of Israel, so of course they lie. Who Elvis was is not. 😉 He is dead, and he is not a nation of 75 million north of Israel with a huge military. 😉

      Israel’s strategy for decades was an alliance with Turkey, and if it came out that Atatürk was a Jew, it would overthrow completely the willingness of the Turkish masses to support Kemalism.

  4. Michael Jackson also allegedly had a huge collection of Third Reich memorabilia, including original film footage; some of which he openly displayed in his home. It also doesn’t take a genius to figure out his stage uniforms, as well as the clothes he wore on a daily basis, were inspired by the Third Reich.

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