ENGLISH Was Kevin Strom framed for pedophilia? Margaret Huffstickler and Carolyn Yeager on the radio to examine the facts

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Margaret Huffstickler was on the Carolyn Yeager show at 9 pm US EST Monday, 2/10/14 to discuss Rodney Martin and the attacks by certain WNS and ZOG case against Kevin Strom:


The radio show with Carolyn Yeager and Margi about the KAS (Kevin Alfred Strom) case was interrupted CONSTANTLY by sound problems — VERY SUSPICIOUS. Carolyn and Margi also scrutinized Rodney Martin….

From Carolyn:


The Heretics’ Hour: Are we coming apart at the seams?  http://carolynyeager.net/heretics-hour-are-we-coming-apart-seams
Published by carolyn on Mon, 2014-02-10 19:20
Click here to download podcast: http://carolynyeager.net/system/files/tWn_The_Heretics_Hour_20140210.mp3

Feb. 10, 2014

“Coming apart at the Seams”

While it seems like many aspects of what we call White activism are coming apart, it may be just what is necessary to clean out the dead weight and learn to recognize “problem people.”

Margaret Huffstickler joins Carolyn in a discussion about Rodney Martin and his effect on the ability of Whites to organize, unite and defend ourselves.

Carolyn begins by telling about her phone conversation with the editor of Rodney Martin’s hometown newspaper,  who corroborated that there is nothing “wrong” in any of the archived newspaper articles by and about Martin;
Margaret describes her experience “debating” with Rodney about the Kevin Strom case on a Facebook thread — said Martin’s  style was  to repeat the same attack phrases over and over and never to consider what she said;
Is it important to know if Martin is just a “defective” (compulsive liar)  or could he be an agent sent to infiltrate;
John King calls to say that Martin told him he was a disabled veteran, which, if true, can explain his early retirement;
Carolyn, Margaret and John discuss the problem for Whites and why distractions are created to prevent us from dealing effectively with them.

Tonight’s broadcast was afflicted with Internet connection problems and 15 minutes had to be deleted from the podcast.


Margi had a fierce debate with Rodney Martin (http://wvfoundations.org/) over this, and now feels there is evidence that Strom was framed by the feds.

This in no way is “taking sides with Kevin,” or the current National Alliance power struggle. I knew Strom 1981-84 when we both were active for Dr. William Pierce, but we were not friends, or enemies either for that matter. I have had no contact with Strom in three years, since January 2011, and that was only to congratulate him on his excellent Martin Luther King article, which I then ran in German: https://johndenugent.com/deutsch/german-die-bestie-als-heiliger-die-wahrheit-uber-martin-luther-king and which got rave reviews from the Germans. I have no idea whether KAS is innocent of child porn or not. But the issue at hand is that the fed case against him seems fishy.

Margi has also never met Strom and has had zero contact with him. This is strictly about a hard look at the evidence, and beyond that, “can we really trust the feds whenever they arrest ANY WN ACTIVIST on a morals charge”?

This is a transcript of the debate on Facebook between WN Rodney Martin and Margi (who has a master’s degree from Catholic University, and has written and translated for The Barnes Review magazine since 2005 — https://johndenugent.com/english/english-barnes-review-a-fantastic-magazine-for-4-a-month-and-free-your-choice-among-12-20-books —  and given several praised speeches in America and in Europe): https://johndenugent.com/images/kevin-strom-debate-on-facebook-jan-11-2014.pdf

I think the most telling details of all are that Strom’s main accuser, his wife Elisha, was having an affair with the FBI AGENT who was “investigating” Strom — which should have triggered an automatic mistrial!! — and yet Elisha was SO nutty that she turned on and threatened the FBI man as well and she went to jail!…. and 2) Strom, a supposed pedophile, was awarded custody of his children BY THE COURT when he and Elisha split up!

This was Margi speaking on the defamation of the German nation by the Jews at the 2007 “No More Wars for Israel” conference:

Margaret Huffstickler reading Hitler poem Artois

This issue involves us ALL — if the Jewfeds lie about 9/11, the Holocaust, Obama, race, homosexuality, GMOs, vaccines, Hitler and Germany, etc. etc., etc. etc., etc………….. then WHY ON EARTH should we believe anything they say in court about high-profile WN activists and how supposedly disgusting their private life is? In America, thanks to the First and Second Amendment, they cannot nail us for “hate speech” or disarm us. So these fed hypocrites (who tolerate and promote homosexuality, pedophilia, and bestiality all the time!!!) attack us with vicious defamation of our character!

Carolyn Yeager is highly respected for her scholarship and Germanic honesty. Margi is the same way (German and Scotch-Irish), and both are lady bulldogs when it comes to digging out the truth!

Margi standing next to Canadian free-speech activist Paul Fromm in 2oo7 in East Lansing, Michigan (who, btw, was assaulted in an elevator by a Jew one week later on his way to a hearing on being fired as a teacher for being pro-White).


AND LOOK AT THE EDGAR STEELE CASE — the WN activist gets 50 years on the word of 1) a convicted felon named Larry Fairfax, whom Steele had generously helped out, and 2) a manipulated audiotape that MIT can make at its “Media Lab,” creating a conversation electronically out of audio snippets that you never had!

My radio interview with Carolyn Yeager in November 2012 (http://vimeo.com/53487790):

Margi’s master’s degree in music; she is a truly superb composer, and a singer of opera and art songs


Her father Albert was a distinguished poet in Austin, Texas and a beautiful little park, Huffstickler Green, is dedicated to him: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Huffstickler)


A handsome man, and a down-to-earth kind of poet expressing the real lives we live; he inspired love from all who read himalbert-huffstickler-renowned-texas-poet

My favorite pic of Margi… hand on my shoulder…. “Stand by your man!” 😉


Southern country vocalist Tammy Wynette sings: “Stand By Your Man!” (Margi is a southern girl too, from North Carolina)

Margi singing a wonderful Irish song, “I know my love” (12:25 to end) on TruTube.tv

John de Nugent – Why We Can Hope Part 2


…..Attempt to revive the National Alliance at death’s door


My comment to Jim Ring of the group suing to take over the defunct National Alliance (http://www.narrg.com/2014/02/narrg-files-lawsuit-against-erich-gliebe-board-of-directors-fights-to-protect-national-alliance-property-assets) (He always deletes my comments ;-)):

The Aryan superman Jim Ring and son; notice the fierce DAGGER! 😉

I worked for the NA for three years 1981-84, I ran the 1984 NA convention, I wrote much of Dr. Pierce’s membership bulletin, I ran the Washington-Baltimore unit of the NA, I spoke at the 1983 and 1984 conventions, and I get standing ovations when I speak. Right now, the NA has no charismatic leader, but Jim Ring of K-Mart and his clique reject me. I see the whole thing as futile.

First, your logo for NARRG) (National Alliance Reform and Restoration Group) has a spelling mistake in it. 😉


It’s “Alliance,” not “Alli-Acne.” 😉 But maybe you are not familiar with the word “Alliance.” 😉

The Canadians will never release that bequest money you lust after.

Jim Ring, you supported Erich Gliebe to the hilt and have badmouthed me. You have someone whom you reject whom Dr. Pierce deeply respected.

You reject someone with impeccable NA and WN credentials and proven ability.


You reject someone who can speak and think on his feet in public and in private:


Here I was on Iranian television worldwide: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-jdn-on-iranian-tv-blasts-jewish-media-control-and-murder-of-politicians-in-live-prime-time-interview

Are you saying, Jim Ring, you could do as well?


…..Would you like to donate?




Others have been making big sacrifices. See my donations log: https://johndenugent.com/donations-log

I just received 50 Euros from Germany — danke schön! –– and $50 from FRANCE. Merci beaucoup, camarade!



How about you?

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

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checks made out to “John de Nugent” now that I again have a bank account, in fact, via STEALTH, I have now two. ;-)


John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284


Just buy a MoneyPak at any Walmart, Kmart, Rite Aid, CVS or other drugstore, put money on it and send me the amount and PIN number on the back (scratch it of like a scratch ticket) by email or phone call!


Whites ARE waking up but they are cowards. The gun sales and prepper movement show they do “get” it. But they are not organizing to do anything in a concerted effort. I have to get my movement off the ground as the IMO only man with presidential caliber. I have to be a counter-president.

Otherwise, this bolshevik bisexual will continue squatting in our White House, signing executive orders. The most ominous thing by far is his purge of admiral, generals, colonels and Navy captains. These are the men who take their oath seriously that he is sh–c—–g under specious excuses.


The day WILL come when it is too late.

It is like this:

1) The country is now (yes, now) majority non-white though Whites are still 60% of voters

2) Non-Whites vote Democrat

3) Dem politicians vote gun control and hate-speech laws

The day will come when non-white Dems permanently get a lock on the White House, Congress, Supreme Court and the governorships and state legislatures, then they will disarm the Whites and kill the men, boys, and older women, keeping the pretty younger women alive for rape.

Non-Whites smell weakness. Many are merely intelligent animals.

As Chesty Puller (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chesty_Puller) famously said in Korea (where my father also served):

“Our country won’t go on forever, if we stay soft as we are now. There won’t be any America—because some foreign soldiery will invade us and take our women and breed a hardier race.”[19]

(From: Davis, Burke (1991) [1962]. Marine! The Life of Chesty Puller. Bantam Books. ISBN 0-553-27182-2, page 237)

It will take a United States Marine to do this, who is mentally tough and ready to wade through blood.




  1. I got this email from Britain:

    The same happens in the UK. If government services want to nail somebody they first of all check up on every department of their life and they have access to government information in that person’s file. Tap their phone, fix cameras to video them, and if they can’t get somebody that way, they come out with made- up rumors to destroy that person’s character in the eyes of others.

    Several government scientists have “”committed suicide” because they told the truth about the government’s actions which the authorities wanted kept secret. Usually found dead in the country homes — ransacked but nothing stolen. That is a sign the government got them.

    They have access to drugs that stop your heart and don#t leave a trace in the body. One was very recently in all newspapers, and after he told the truth he was found dead. I don’t trust your government or mine. They do legally what the Mafia do illegally. Laws are being enacted now in the UK to bring the same repression that US citizens are under, as I speak. It’s a wonder they have not labelled you, John, with the key loss-of-freedom word — “terrorist” — which allows them to remove all human rights laws and allow the CIA to watch you and the US armed forces to attack US citizens, all in the name of one word, “terrorism,” that will go down in history as the word that allowed the government to remove any freedom you have left.

  2. On Facebook:

    Rene Scherger

    I studied the Strom Case too and I came to the conclusion the only thing he was guilty of was having been in relationship with a crazy bitch.

  3. Was Kevin Strom framed for pedophilia?… Anyone can be framed for pedophilia!!!
    Here is how:
    8 Nov, 2013
    STATUTORY DECLARATION (excerpt) [sworn in the State of Victoria, Australia]

    “When I lived in Springvale, I was once approached in the courtyard of the house by a teenage Asian prostitute, who asked to use my phone. No doubt, she had her panties ‘pre-torn’ for the purpose, and – no doubt at all – Sgt Rosenblum’s uniformed criminal accomplices were parked just around the corner – ready to come to her ‘rescue’ – and bury me forever in the prison system – upon ‘undeniable evidence of a callous crime’ – and the judge and jury shopped for by the Jewpsy billionaire Pratt crime family would have made it happen, had I been so careless as to mistake this vile whore for a damsel in distress.”

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