ENGLISH Missing the American South; Duke’s wrong attack on Khazar origins of most modern Jews

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…..Southern living (humor)

Though a Damn Yankee 😉 , I lived down South 1977-1993 and 2005-08. I do not miss the heat — but I do miss the people, their politeness, friendliness, sense of honor — and their quirks.




















…..Profoundly WRONG attack by David Duke and Kevin MacDonald on the FACT that most “Jews” (90%) descend from Khazar Turks:

http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t1037059/ In a nutshell, Khazars are similar to Sephardic Jews because:

1) they practice a common (though very psychopathic 😉 ) religion and

2) both groups of Jews, as racial types from the Middle-Eastern-Caucasus-Black Sea area, have the same prehistoric genes from NEANDERTHALS (and so do their Arab, Armenian, and other Eastern-Mediterranean neighbors.)

Here is the truth: https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and-semites

Duke, the supposed antisemite, and Kevin MacDonald cite endless JEWS as his “credible” sources (or rarely a Goy scientist who works at a Jew-run university) as if a Jew scientist could never lie!!!

Hey, King David, and Kevin MacDonald, “Jew scholars” also say the Holocaust happened and Hitler was the vilest of monsters!

Only the Jews claim they are a pure race, and David Duke and now MacDonald! They are, as Khazars, 90% a mix of Neanderthals and Slavs. Yes, as Dr. William Pierce wrote 30 years ago, they have some sephardic blood — because thousands of rabbis moved to Khazaria to convert and teach the millions of Khazar masses.  But that is like the genetic influence of the Germanic Visigoths on the modern Spanish — negligeable.

The Khazar Jews and the sephardic Jews are genetically similar because they come from the same stock in the same part of the world! It is the same as when a Finn and an Irishman look similar. They do not descend from one another, but they both descend from the same original White ancestors through different branches!

And the Sephards and Khazars both descend from neanderthals! Of course the rabbis were eager to convert them to Judaism, because they already looked and acted similar!

Now this is an interesting pattern:

Duke and MacDonald agree with the top Israelis that they are true Jews…

….just as Duke agrees with the Israelis that they did not do 9/11……………..

….and via his minions Don Black, Henrik Holappa, Jamie Kelso and Carlos Porter, Duke says vile things about ME!

See more on the “Neanderthals Among Us”…. below.

On Facebook:

  • Jason SalyersHitler said that Jews are not a race of the blood, but of the mind, which in a sense is more real than a race united solely by blood.
  • John D. NugentGood point, Jason. Arabs and Armenians have a huge amount of neandethalic-semitic blood as well, but are not one-tenth as evil. It is Judaism which makes them so vicious, and transforms this homely race into this “mental race” of psychopaths.
  • Jason SalyersI believe a good strategy to defeat the Jew would at least unite a minority of our race mentally, a weltenschaung. Jung talked about two racial archetypes before the war, one Jewish and one Aryan.
  • John D. NugentYes, and this calls for a new Aryan religion! Our god and what we worship is what our values are!





Others have been making big sacrifices.

I just received $50 from FRANCE. Merci beaucoup, camarade!



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John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

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John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284


…..Kudos for my essay on “Neanderthals and semites”

Rave review of my “Neanderthals and Semites” piece on Jim Stone’s website. (Stone is a major Fukushima exposé blogger.) http://jimstonefreelance.com/ 1/4 down: a rave review of my neanderthal material — 300 hits today….

Excerpt: “Paul wrote:

Jim, you linked to a blog yesterday talking about neanderthal dna… [https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and…]

It’s THE single most eye-opening things I have EVER read.

It’s going to take a while for me to process that info in my own head because it’s as if I now have to rearrange a bunch of stuff in there in order to make room for all the new pieces of the puzzle, like this one…

I saw a documentary a while back about Hitler and the Nazis traveling the world and going to remote areas and researching the isolated people there, like asking them questions about their history, measuring their skulls, faces, bone structures, etc. That fits right in with how a lot of neanderthal bones were found in Germany and the surrounding areas… they were trying to gauge the similarities between modern races and neanderthals. At the time they didn’t have advanced genetic testing like now, but they still made the connection through observation of similarities and realizing the diminished frontal brain capacity… that’s why some people were targeted and some were not.

All this is making so much sense now.

I have a LOT of research to do to learn more about this aspect of history. If you have links you’re saving up, please post more soon.

This answers the biggest questions I have about how some people can be so cold, calculating and evil while the bulk of humanity is live-and-let-live for the most part.”

A comrade on Facebook wrote me:

The question I have, John, is how long have trolls been depicted as Neanderthal-like creatures? When looking through Wikipedia, some of the earlier depictions seem to be more demonic creatures, no doubt inspired by the idea of devils and demons. It seems that the portrayal of trolls as primitive hominids is a fairly new development, becoming popular after the discovery of the Neanderthal specimens in the middle of the 19th century. What do you reckon? 😉

I replied: Interesting….. but in my world view, which posits a multiverse, neanderthals came from dark dimensions to incarnate on the earth — They ARE violent, hate-filled, predatory, treacherous beings who on earth take on the neanderthal form. We are basically good souls, learning through battle with evil souls to be brave, to care, to become heroes — innovating, fighting and prevailing against the psychopaths among us in all races, peoples, religions and political movements.

Ultimately, there are only two kinds of people, the altruists in service to others and the psychopaths in service to self. Everyone who helps us take down the Jew is welcome to this struggle!

Myself recent with an African-American advisor and friend who is about to step forward.


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1 Comment

  1. A CI comrade wrote me:

    For your research in refuting Duke:

    DNA Unearths Stunning Secret: Jews Are Khazars
    Science Proves the World’s “Jews” are Not the Seed of Abraham but are the “Synagogue of Satan”

    New DNA Science Research Confirms Jews Are Not Descendant of Abraham

    Angry Khazar Jews Reject DNA Science and History
    Khazar Jews Deny Being Khazars and Say “To Hell with Science”

    The “Jews” Are Not The Seed of Abraham
    How the Racial Hoax of the Jews Was Finally Exposed

    DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline

    DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline: Who are the Jews? What is their ancestry? Are the Jews a homogenous race? Are Jews descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?

    Today, DNA science reveals that almost all the Jews in the world come from Khazaria. They are not of the blood lineage of Abraham and the prophets, but of King Bulan and the pagan peoples of the Caucasus. The ancestors of today’s Jews are not Israelites but are Khazarians.

    Khazaria’s people, in the 8th century, converted from paganism to Judaism. In the 10th century, these Khazarian “Jewish” converts emigrated to Eastern Europe, and especially Poland and Lithuania.

    In 1948, the Khazars, erroneously believing themselves to be “Jews,” arrived in the territory of Palestine and set up the state of Israel. The people of Israel today are virtually all of Khazar (Turk/Mongol stock) extraction. The “Jews” have no genetic claims to the land of Israel and no family connection whatsoever to historical Israel.

    DNA science joins recent discoveries in history and archaeology to present the world with a correct and remarkable picture of the Jewish people. Now, everything changes!

    I replied:

    Though I am not CI, I appreciate their values and motives in fighting for our race and to purge Christianity of the synagogue-of-Satan Jews!

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