ENGLISH To an African-American writer and musician

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May 1, 2014

Recently I reconnected with a Black Washington DC author and musician who had seen me protesting at the US Holocaust Museum in 1993. (https://johndenugent.com/english/John-de-Nugent-drives-Bill-Clinton-and-Elie-Wiesel-crazy-1993-lower-and-higher-man)

I was tired of American Jews wailing and getting money by the millions and billions for some event they claim happened to them in a foreign land half a century ago, and yes, to this people whom every nation on earth has come to hate — while we Americans are losing our  shirts, and jobs, homes, cars, families and now even the hope that things will ever get better.

Back of the one-dollar bill as redesigned in 1935


Hey, America is great — for the Jews! How many Wall Street CROOKS who stole billions have gone to jail under Barack Obama? NO more than under Bush!


AIPAC’s 2014 Israel-lobby convention in Washington DC. The president, vice.president and two-thirds of Congress showed up to kiss up. No problem that Israel stomps on the Palestinians, a people of color.


We hear day-in and day-out about six million Jews supposedly killed by Germans, but why do we have no memorial for all the 100 MILLION DEAD the Jews killed via the invention of Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky,  communism?  How about the African slaves who died during the “passage” across the Atlantic from Africa to America in  JEW-RUN, JEW-FINANCED and  JEW-CAPTAINED SLAVE SHIPS? Just google “Aaron Lopez,” the king of the slave traders! (Or look here: https://johndenugent.com/for-african-americans-part-1)

Yours truly leading a protest rally in 1993, in a photo this African-American took


An amazing little “fun fact” 😉 :


I wrote to this African-American writer and musician the following as we were reconnecting after 23 years:


A lot has changed since 1993 — instead of “hope” and “change” (the 2008 Obama slogans), we have hype and chains, and for Black and White people both. As I said to my friend Jim Rawls (https://www.facebook.com/jim.rawls.902?fref=ts), we both are being phased out — in favor of the Chinese and the Mexicans. Wall Street has decided we are too unruly, and actually imagine we still have some “rights” in the country that we put out sweat and blood into for 400 years.

Three races IMO built our America: the red man, the white man and the black man. And now others are coming in with Judea’s blessing, now that the country through endless sacrifice has been built up, to take it away and make us both into tiny minorities in the land of our forefathers.

And when the Chinese totally take over, it will be hell for Whites — and I submit even more so for Blacks.

Sculpture at the Vietnam Memorial in Washington DC. The statue on the left actually depicts a Hispanic, but most Latinos from Mexico are heavily Indian (“mestizos”).


Did you know that this statue of MLK across from the Jefferson Memorial was made entirely in China, in the Chinese style, by Chinese sculptors, and is even made of Chinese granite? Not one job for one African-American went into the making of this monument. Is that what “Martin” wanted? http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nation/2011-07-04-MLK-Jr-statue-critics_n.htm

From Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King,_Jr._Memorial) (3/4 down):

Sculptor and laborers

It was announced in January 2007 that Lei Yixin, an artist from the People’s Republic of China, would sculpt the centerpiece of the memorial, including the statue of King[82] and the “Stone of Hope”. The commission was criticized by human rights activist Harry Wu on the grounds that Lei had sculpted Mao Zedong. It also stirred accusations that it was based on financial considerations, because the Chinese government would make a $25 million donation to help meet the projected shortfall in donations.

Sculptor Lei Yixin‘s signature

Gilbert Young, an artist known for a work of art entitled He Ain’t Heavy, led a protest against the decision to hire Lei by launching the website King Is Ours, which demanded that an African American artist be used for the monument.[84] Human-rights activist and arts advocate Ann Lau and American stone-carver Clint Button joined Young and national talk-show host Joe Madison in advancing the protest when the use of Chinese granite was discovered.[85] Lau decried the human rights record of the Chinese government and asserted that the granite would be mined by workers forced to toil in unsafe and unfair conditions, unlike that used in the National World War II Memorial, for example.[86] Button argued that the $10 million in federal money that has been authorized for the King project required it to be subject to an open bidding process.[87]

In September 2010, the foundation gave written promises that it would use local stonemasons to assemble the memorial. However, when construction began in October, it appeared that only Chinese laborers would be used. An investigator working for the Washington area local of the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers was reportedly told that the Chinese workers did not know what they would be paid for their work on the memorial and that they expected to be paid when they returned home.[88]


The memorial’s design team visited China in October 2006 to inspect potential granite to be used.[89] The project’s foundation has argued that only China could provide granite of that hue in sufficient quantity.[90] Some questioned why such white granite would be used to portray a black man.[91]

Young’s King Is Ours petition demanded that an African American artist and American granite be used for the national monument, arguing the importance of such selections as a part of the memorial’s legacy. The petition received support from American granite workers[92][93] and from the California State Conference of the NAACP.[94][95]


In May 2008, the Commission of Fine Arts, one of the agencies which had to approve all elements of the memorial, raised concerns about “the colossal scale and Social Realist style of the proposed sculpture”, noting that it “recalls a genre of political sculpture that has recently been pulled down in other countries.”[90] The Commission did, however, approve the final design in September 2008.[78]


New York Times art critic Edward Rothstein was among those who criticized the depiction of King as overly “stern”: not the proper depiction of a man famous for a speech like “I Have a Dream” or the Nobel Peace Prize: [96]

We don’t even see his feet. He is embedded in the rock like something not yet fully born, suited and stern, rising from its roughly chiseled surface. His face is uncompromising, determined, his eyes fixed in the distance, not far from where Jefferson stands across the water. But kitsch here strains at the limits of resemblance: Is this the Dr. King of the “I Have a Dream” speech? Or the writer of the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech?


Some ask: What kind of a ‘white nationalist’ are you, John?” I say: I am just pro-white, but also pro-black and pro-everyone that believes in realistic idealism, in service to others and not service to self. The Jew is the great exception; his religion teaches him to be deeply into himself. I come from a Republican New England family and we fought to free the slaves, not JUST “save the Union.” And so did many of the 350,000 white men who died in the blue uniform 1861-65. They knew the events depicted in the book Twelve Years a Slave were only too real. (ENGLISH On the movie “Twelve Years a Slave”)

My father with President Ford (from https://johndenugent.com/wn-biography-of-jdn/about-john/james-waddell-nugent-obituary)

And Reagan


As to “racial differences,” we all know that there are minor differences. The real thing separating the communities, the submarine lurking between us, is that white and black men are unconsciously sexual rivals, and this is a very under-estimated and never-brought-up factor. After all, we as humans are the only mammal species that is always “in heat.” *;) wink If an alien were listening to human music he would think” This is all about sex and women!” *;) wink

White men will even fight other white men over their woman. This is the explosive issue, and we need to be aware of it.

…..Trespassers beware

A comrade pointed out that it started when one of the two jerks hit the guy’s girlfriend.

I replied:

TRUE! Good catchl I could not believe my eyes but yes, right at the very beginning, the closer one did take a poke at the girl (with her boyfriend walking right next to her….) and this is what triggered it. No wonder the boyfriend went “hot” — this brought out the caveman in him, and it was a good, healthy reaction.

I remember reading decades ago a great book by Robert Ardrey called “The Territorial Imperative,” and it pointed out that when an animal is defending his own turf or young in an even fight, he/she is far more likely to win than an aggressor who is trespassing.


But no difference is more important than this reality — the Enemy wants us to have a race war with each other, then the “J-Team” *;) wink that really runs everything, has the government declare martial law and suspend the First and Second Amendment — suspend them forever. And then we Blacks and Whites both are doomed — unless we come together for practical and urgent reasons to defend what our ancestors gave us.

America should be a rich, happy, free country. It has everything, including good people and vast resources. And the majority just want to get along, have a job, a car, a nice wife — and when they die, have their grandchildren around their death bed saying “We love you, grandpa.”

Why should we fight when we want the same reasonable things, and if we did not have damn-fool foreign wars that cost trillions, we could all have them and share this rich country in peace? And now they want a war with R-U-S-S-I-A? Will the congressmen’s children go fight it? Nope — it will be working-class Black and White kids coming back in body bags!

Jim and I at the Heritage bar here in Apollo


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I need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES, and prepare a new political alliance — and run for President in 2016 as the head of a NEW multiracial coalition against the real problem, the Jews! jdn-facing-left-profile-b-w-sarver-garage-2011

Others have been making big sacrifices. But I have gotten in just $150 all month so far and we have to move tomorrow! (The owners are moving back into the house we rented from them from Sept. 2012 to now.) And the Jews just cancelled my credit card donations processing!


How about you?

John de Nugent


Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

This is how you can help financially:

Or, if in the US, just buy a MoneyPak at any Walmart, Kmart, Rite Aid, CVS or other drugstore, put money on it and send me the amount and PIN number on the back (scratch it of like a scratch ticket) by email or phone call!

greendot_MoneyPak postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent” ( IF STOLEN THEY CAN BE REDEEMED! JUST KEEP THE RECEIPT) 100-US-DOLLAR-USPS-MONEY-ORDER sending valuable jewelry or gold coins cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!) IF YOU SEND CASH OR COINS, WRAP THEM IN ALUMINUM FOIL! aluminum-foil us-20-dollars-aluminum-envelope-2 PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details how you can do this, since PP banned me….) paypal


checks made out to “John de Nugent” now that I again have a bank account, in fact, via STEALTH, I have now two. ;-)

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284


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