ENGLISH Why a White-Black alliance?

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A lady comrade wrote me:

 Dear Mr. de Nugent:

I follow your blog daily.

Wouldn’t it be better to ally with the Mexicans because they are partly White? The blacks are very much used by the media to promote race-mixing, HipHop and other degenerated cults. I do not see so much propaganda for the Mexicans. Not to mention that the Mexicans are really conservative and antisemitic. The blacks? For me the Mexicans are closer cause of the appearance and heritage.


I replied:

Good question, and this is my answer: The Mexicans are powerful and doing relatively great. They do not need or seek allies beyond the Jews they are already in with.

Blacks, however, are in a much more precarious position and they need allies. Their only possible ally is White Americans.

Also, Blacks have been here, sweating and working, for 400 years in this country, and since WWII they also have been fighting in combat for America.

Finally, Blacks are here legally. They are US citizens.

Mexicans, however, entered against the wishes of the American people and in violation of federal law. Now they want amnesty for their illegal brothers (in reality 40 million, NOT 11 million) and then they want the vote. Once they get all this they will become dominant.

In the end our country threatens to be come a Mexican-Chinese-Jewish-Muslim society with both the Whites and the Blacks (the original American groups since the early 1600s) friendless, powerful and being phased down and out.

Beyond that, on a personal note, I like Black people and always have, while not blind to the many problems. Any alliance has to be based on both common interests — such as two very threatened ethnic groups, the Whites and the Blacks, who logically should band together — and also on good personal rapport. If one cannot “hit it off” with the other side, no agreement will be reached, no matter how “logical” an alliance might look on paper. I have lived around Black people for over 40 years, I like the good African-Americans a lot, they like me back, and so we have found deep areas of good rapport as well as common ground.

There are other reasons as well for my strategy, but because we are at war with the Jews (that is, they are waging war on us) I do not wish to divulge all my thinking because they would read it too.

But in sum, the Mexicans don’t need help from Whites; they already have their deal with the Jews, everything is going along smoothly for them, they have the upper hand over the Whites now, and they are on the way up. They will stick with the Jews.

Blacks, in contrast, are losing out in every way.  Economically — and in popularity.

They need allies, and so do we Whites. And after 400 years together:

–we know each other,

–we have history together, some of it good,

–we can find much to agree on,

–we have the same Jew enemy,

–we both speak the same American English language,

–we like the same sports,

–we eat the same foods, and

–we often enjoy the same entertainers.

We haven been bound together by fate since the early 1600s.

Beyond that, I just like decent, normal Black people – the majority who just want to get along and live a good life as we do.

And let me tell you a secret 😉 —  they do NOT want White people to disappear, or any hate-whitey movement to come to power. They have common sense about what is good for them and for the country, and white disappearance is not it. 😉  They also know plenty of nice White people and like them.

As my friend Jim said common-sensically when the Nation of Islam knocked on his door and handed him their newspaper, which was talking about the “blue-eyed devils,” (Whites),

“Sorry, brother, but I know too many Black devils!” 😉




Jewnited Snakes threatens to stir up the 20% that are minorities inside Russia. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/russia-lose-territory-too-worry-093000619.html BUT TWO CAN PLAY THAT GAME. America is 50% minority!

Even President Obama, at last, found an off-ramp he didn’t believe in. Thus two weeks after an agreement to disarm and disband pro-Russian separatists, those separatists remain armed and banded, backed by an unrepentant Russia. Russia…
Yahoo Finance
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  • Ralf Dörnbaum likes this.
  • John D. NugentPlenty of angry groups inside THIS country!
  • John D. NugentMany Americans who have never traveled abroad, as I have for now 40 years, in eleven trips total, have no idea how many countries hate the United States, and would love to see it fall, each for their own reasons. But it amounts to about 90% of humanity at this stage who curse the US government for its hypocrisy, greed and brutality. And they hate the Jews who control America and Israel even more. The Jew.S.A. terror regime is treading on extremely thin ice at this time, especially if it thinks the world approves of it starting a WWIII with Russia.


  1. As much as the truth about Yiddomania that is controlling this nation is apparent, I struggle to even imagine your projected seeking of high political office and don’t get me wrong on this. It has to be the easiest thing in the world to wham-bam a WN, brand him as a racist, extremist, wacko, hater and get him out of the political arena before he gets out of his home district. Witness the David Duke situation and for the moment, let’s not cast aspersions at him. He sees this thing for what it is, he sees how this game is played and he knows our enemies, just as you do. But David Duke is so blackmailable, the dossier on him would knock him out of any race for higher office and to this I ask, “why are you not as vulnerable as he is”? This is not 1920 Germany. Clearly, this nation is headed for the dumps, down, down, down. The major parties run the show, financed by guess who? While I would not casually consign a potential political figure to the scrap heap immediately, I don’t see hope of any extremist gaining adequate support in the face of the huge propaganda smearing effect the PTB can muster. You are a man of vision, but the obstacles are insurmountable in any reasonable time frame. Right or wrong, this nation is filled with people that are brain dead, gleefully eat GMO’s and really don’t know and don’t care about much of consequence.
    As such, I just find it hard imagining you can impact much of anything in this upcoming election period. Please prove me wrong and kindly omit the platitudes.

    thank you,

    • Dear comrade,

      Thanks for the forthright questions, and I read you loud and clear.

      The very fact that the Jews are forcing us to move out of this nice home we rented for 20 months and cut off my credit-card donations (twice in fact in one month), none of which happened UNTIL RIGHT AFTER the announcement that I was forging a new WHITE-BLACK ALLIANCE for families, jobs, discipline in the schools, clean movies and entertainment, and law and order on our streets and in the business world as well, tells me the Jews are NOT skeptical about my abilities or the threat I represent to them.

      But nothing happens without money.


      PS I recommend you listen to to the radio show I did yesterday with John Friend and especially to the disarmingly frank quote from Jewish activist Leonard Zeskin.


      I was interviewed on the John Friend “Realist Report” about the infamous Jewish LA Clippers owner Donald Tokowitz “Sterling,” about my proposal of a white-black alliance against the Jews, and the large number of Black Americans who abhor ghetto behavior: thugs, drugs, saggy pants, gangsta rap, welfare entitlement mentality, illegitimacy, etc. http://www.john-friend.net/2014/05/the-realist-report-john-de-nugent.html


      This Jew basically said he was glad that WNs just keep on bashing other races, because they are not using the magic formula, [which, I would add, was Hitler’s in gaining power] of promising jobs to the terribly suffering white working class.

      Our path must not be one of bashing other races, whatever differences and angers do exist, but forging a world of jobs, families and hope for all the Gentiles of the world who suffer under the Jews. And then our crusade will be pro-white, and based only on love of our own people, but not fundamentally against anybody else except the clearly predatory, openly genocidal, international Jewish crime family.

      Even groups I am highly suspicious of, such as the Chinese, consist of ordinary people who like us just want a decent life. The Jew alone wants a prison planet of slaves (us) and masters (them). And in the end, humanity does not wish to be their slaves.

      We all wish to be left alone, and to be free and happy with our own families.

  2. Looking clearly at the picture of possible racial alliances:

    When considering alliances for survival, I look at the picture in three ways: physically, mentally (culturally), and spiritually (religion/belief systems).

    Physically we caucasoids cannot align ourselves with the Jews because they will not allow it. They are the chosen people (in their own minds) and will not dilute their “race” with white blood. That’s fine with me. I have no interest in aligning my race with theirs. Talk about a negative move.

    The Muslims are “at war” with the white race for attrocities as Crusaders. Talk about carrying a grudge! On the more important note, it is the Sharia law that I cannot accept. No alliance there.

    Alliance with the Latinos, likely, as there are many shared core values and mores. However, if they align themselves with the Jews, then my support is withdrawn. I suspect an alignment with the Jews will not turn out good for the Latinos. The Jews have not learned how to play nice with anyone, especially anyone they consider beneath them.

    That leaves the blacks. Would the blacks align themselves with the whites? They have in the past, and they are likely to in the future——if they can get past their history and if the whites can get past their arrogance. Yet when the whites become a minority, I think the arrogance will die a natural death (good riddance). Blacks have a lot to offer to whites and whites have a lot to offer blacks
    The thought of blacks subjecting themselves to the rule of Jews is obnoxious. Look at the Palestinians who had lived with Jews for centuries in peace to be crushed now by the Israel state is the best example why NO ONE should align themselves with the present crop of Jews. The American blacks are too smart and too proud for that.

    How well the whites would align themselves with the blacks depends upon several factors. One is our gov’t which is extremely divisive and plays one group against the other for political gain and power. Two is Whites must accept leadership by Blacks in the business world. This quality already exists in sports and in music. It should not be a hard thing to do. It has proven true in the military, so I expect it to be true for us civilians if we extend the hand of friendship.

    • Good comment.

      I was discussing my Black-White alliance with a friend who is a WN on the old sense — Down with the Blacks as much as Down with the Jews. In fact, though a friend, he actually hung up on me, to my shock. (Later, he called me back and apologized thrice — and I gladly accepted his expression of remorse and we resumed our friendship.)

      I wrote him:

      I thank you for your help in the past, but hanging up on me is undeserved, un-Aryan, unprofessional and rude, in fact, what a New York Jew would do, and not an educated German-American such as yourself. We need alliances to WIN, not because we want it — all alliances with another group with its own separate agenda are difficult — but because we NEED this alliance. We Whites are less that 50% of the country now.

      Virginia Abernethy (full professor emerita, Vanderbilt Univ. Nashville, Tennessee) estimated there were “as many as 30 or even 40 million” illegals in the country now, and we have a 40-million U.S. Census undercount! Mexicans are even in our smallest towns now in big numbers! The huge publishing house Springer Verlag in Germany owns the population studies magazine she edited for 11 years (just as it owns 1,000 other scientific journals) and her journal is the number-one demographics journal on earth. http://democratic-republicans.us/…/video_player_page10.htm 51:57-62:00 Please start the video and then pause it, letting it load for one minute, then go to the section I listed. Whites are a minority NOW in their own country.

      Worse, many of the Whites we have now are Jew-worshiping Born-Agains, others are total wimps, and others are aging Baby Boomers over 65. The average White age today is forty-two! And as a result of the end of the military draft in 1975, we now have had two generations without any military experience!

      We have been right on many facts for a long, long time — and for all that, without making any progress; Pierce, Rockwell, and on and on and on, were purists and right on certain facts (black crime, Jew Wall Street power and media control, etc., etc.) and yet these truths have made almost no progress for us toward any power whatsoever.

      The Aryan thing would be to listen to my logical reasons, just as Hitler explained in detail in Mein Kampf why an alliance with Italy, which had been an enemy country to Germany back in WWI, and in fact had switched sides in mid-war and betrayed Germany, would nevertheless be a logical choice going forward.

      And in fact, short-term, it did work out great: With the backing of Mussolini and Italy, Hitler left the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations, restarted the draft, put German troops back into the Rhineland, stopped paying “reparations” for WWI, and got back Austria and the Sudetenland, and then all of Czechoslovakia — again, all due to Germany’s alliance with Mussolini. Had Italy joined with Britain, France, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Soviet Russia in an alliance, they could have crushed Germany from 1933-1939 as it was struggling to get back on its feet and rebuild its tiny, no-aviation, no-battleship, 100,000-man military.

      Roosevelt, the capitalist, allied with Stalin, the communists, in WWII against Germany. That paid off for both.

      White Germany allied with Asiatic Japan. The alliance kept a huge percentage of US forces out of Europe and busy in the Pacific.

      This is the real world. Weak people need to form alliances, or they will stay weak forever.

      And this ain’t no game. This is about avoiding the genocide of our people and the enslavement and depopulation of the planet, not to mention the exquisite fate reserved for WNs after mass arrests.

      And in the end, and truer words were never spoken, whatever personal faults MLK had:

      We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.

      –Martin Luther King, Jr.

      If you can consider a donation, the enemy is financially squeezing me terribly at this time due to the incipient Black-White alliance.

  3. Peter wrote:
    “The Muslims are ‘at war’ with the white race
    for atrocities of the Crusaders. Talk about
    carrying a grudge!”

    In fact, the whole of ‘Islamic extremism’ is only
    a very recently manufactured Jewish product.
    As little as four decades ago, you only heard
    of Arabs, not of any ‘Muslims’. Religion used
    to be a relatively private matter, not for public

    In a sense, you have to take your hat off to
    the Jew parasites — they created ‘Islamic
    extremism’ just like they created communism —
    by way of extremely indiscriminate terror.
    And 9/11 was worth to them nearly as much
    as WW2 victory and the ‘Russian revolution’ —
    Khazar coup d’etat — earlier on.

    Some four decades ago, ‘Crusaders’ were
    mere characters in distant medieval history
    in the Middle East — just like in Europe.
    The Jew terror, however, forced the Arabs
    to fall into their ‘default position’ — and that’s
    ‘Islam’ — and all those bloody old fairy stories
    that come with it.

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