ENGLISH Homs, Syria; ancient Aliens or Aryans? monogamy; Natalie Horler

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…..the destruction of Homs

  • Lisa Maree, Giovanni Giustiniani Longo, Justin Hurley and 2 others like this.
  • John D. NugentHoms, Syria, after the US-sponsored civil war. The city is heavily Christian (Amurrikun Born-Again Christians are not told that) and the Jew-controlled CIA paid OUTSIDE islamic fundamentalist mercenaries from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Libya, etc. to come in, attack Homs, and TORTURE and BEHEAD the CHRISTIANS peacefully living there under the PROTECTION of President Assad.
  • John D. NugentI know several Syrian Christians here in the Pittsburgh area and they attend a big church in New Kensington, 11 miles from my town of Apollo. http://www.antiochian.org/st-george-new-kensington-pa…


    “Our Roots Run Deep” was the theme for St. George Orthodox Church’s 100th Annive See More
  • John D. NugentThe destruction of the heavily Christian Homs by CIA-backed muslim extremists is yet more proof that it is Talmudic JEWS who hate Christianity that run the US government and the CIA, not white Christian Gentiles. Under Bush Afghanistan and Iraq were devastated and under Obama Libya and Syria. Our enemy is not each other; it is THE JEW.
    “Thinking rather than acting makes cowards of us all.” A John D. Nugent quote from his God-video series watching.
    • You like this.
    • John D. NugentI think white people, as an offshoot of the Ice Age — where 1) every move had to be planned and 2) you could literally die from the freezing of your own sweat, and 3) you had to chop wood, not have fun, in every non-winter month of the year — have an exaggerated tendency to avoid the first and natural reaction.
      We tend to think things over a hundred times first, and that can be used against us. Then we do the cowardly thing — and call it “prudent.”
      When you overthink you start to stink. 😉

……Ancient Aliens or Aryans?

Photo: http://atlanteangardens.blogspot.com/2014/04/banned-occult-secrets-of-vril-society.html
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……special malware against my websites only

I just got a report from a supporter that a special virus has been created only to block access by him on his Windows computer to my two mirror sites, www.johndenugent.com and www.democratic-republicans.us After he used CCleaner-com’s antivirus, acces to both my sites was restored. The virus ONLY blocked access to MY sites!!!
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  • Kolga Aegirsdottir, Remmic Lewis, Bruce Allenbach and 4 others like this.
  • John D. NugentOn Skype: [01:46:34] John de Nugent: From a donor and former Marine Corps officer )(PS] to me:
    [01:12:57] PS: Hello John. I can actually access your website at work, but something has occurred to my laptop computer I use at home, where I get “Site temporaily unavailable” when I type-in either one of your site addresses [my two mirror sites, www.johndenugent.com and www.democratic-republicans.us] and hit “enter”. So I think that posssibly some kind of cookie or malware is interfering with MY computer accesssing your website. Perhaps if I do a scan, disk cleaning, and try again, it’ll be okay. I do have avast antivirus active on my machine.
    [01:13:24] John de Nugent: Hi, PS….interesting….
    [01:16:45] PS: It wouldn’t surprise me. I actually think that , as you have mentioned, jews are extremely afraid of any white/anyone-else alliance against them, especially white/black. They have always considered blax their exclusive “pets,” to be manipulated and weaponized against whitey as they deem needed. This alliance throws their whole paradigm out the window.
    [01:18:32] PS: Very scary to them. yep. soo. we know that they devote a lot of resources to misinformation, hacking, sabotage, etc. So yes, I wouldn’t put it past them at all. to have developed a harrassment cookie, or something that interferes with access to certain sites.
    [01:19:44] PS: But I am not an expert on computers and, sorry to say, don’t know much in-detail about how they work
    [01:24:00] PS: I hav a program called “CC cleaner” running on my machine now
    [01:27:06] PS: aha! As I said, I ran a program called CCcleaner.com, analyzed and deleted files, and now, voila! I have successfully accessed www.johndenugent.com!
    [01:27:43] PS: will try democratic-republicans.us now
    [01:28:19] PS: ok, that works now, too…..
    [01:28:43] PS: Problem solved
    [01:29:34] John de Nugent: OK, well, this is indeed significant info, PS…………………
    [01:30:06] John de Nugent: So this seems to mean that there is a special JdN-blocking virus….
    [01:30:55] John de Nugent: Before you did this hard-disk cleaning, were you able to access all other websites that you wanted?
    [01:31:44] PS: Yes, I had no problems accessing anything else
    [01:31:48] PS: None at all
    [01:31:57] PS: ….just your two web addresses
    [01:32:35] John de Nugent: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    [01:33:19] PS: At first it was just johndenugent.com, but I could still get the other one..then
    , a short time later, the other one would not come up either, and the exact same message appeared, in black type on a white screen
    : “Site temporarily unavailable

    [01:34:27] PS: etc
    [01:38:38] PS: the junk-clearing program I have is actually CCleaner.com, a free website
    [01:45:21] John de Nugent: Very interesting…. Will take this up with the Rebel of Oz, who is a computer expert.
    [01:48:14] Rebel of Oz: Excellent news, John!
    [01:49:59] Rebel of Oz: You should be proud of yourself.
    [01:50:33] John de Nugent: Yeah, I guess so The J-Team loves me in a very special way.

  • Nekrapapa Bwc ZeskenI doubt the Jew boys would be making a virus to do that. It could have just been a computer error or a DDoS attack, maybe some form of simple script to block it. I’m not to sure when it comes to viruses but if someone was after you to plant a virus on your computer it would have been more then that.
  • John D. NugentWhy do you doubt this after reading the details? First, he goes to my site daily since 2009 and knows my URL perfectly. And a DDOS attack would block everyone. But this malware only blocked HIM. This was IMO a trial of a new, targeted malware before larger distribution. Hackers do create viruses and other malware for pay against specific targeted sites that some government wants shut down or to get far fewer views. They are often hired guns, literally hitmen, who for hire attack specific sites, not just nerds out to harm all Windows computers.
  • John D. NugentMy site was hacked twice and most content deleted in both the fall of 2009 and again in January 2012. If you look at my blogs from 2008-2012 they now lack 2/3rds of their accompanying photos. If you type John de Nugent in on Google you will see 1.6 MILLION hits. The J-Team knows well who I am. And here is more info: https://johndenugent.com/wn-biography-of-jdn)


    As of August 31, 2013 (and Google manipulates this shamelessly, but they were ca See More
  • John D. NugentThe Jews seem pretty worried. I started meeting with a retired Black educator and Rotary Club president and then I got in a medium-large contribution from Europe. Next thing I knew:

    –We were forced out of the house we had rented for 20 months

    –My credit-card donations system was abruptly cancelled

    –As a result of these financial blows we have had to move in with others (friends, but still).

    –Our provider of Internet, cable tv and phone, the Jew-run Comcast, was “unable” for ten straight days to turn my voicemail on. Some of the calls we have missed were likely asking how to donate! Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.
    My new contact data: John D. Nugent John de Nugent, POB 43, Apollo PA 15613 tel: (724) 596-4268 Skype “John de Nugent” (Pittsburgh)
  • John D. NugentFurthermore, others are hired hitmen whose job is not to hack websites but to defame activists and leaders the regime fears. They attack the messenger, not the message.
  • John D. NugentGo to “Diary of an Israeli Shill” on veteranstoday.com
  • John D. NugentThe nerd admits he was out of work as a computer guy, then got a job in a grimy basement going online and defaming anyone who criticizes Israel or the Jews. Finally, his conscience bothered him, he quit and then went public exposing the pro-Israel trolling operation.

…..Adolf Hitler on reincarnation

AH on reincarnation (from Table Talk, p38, 23rd of September, 1941, in the evening (http://www.archive.org/…/Hitl…/HitlersTableTalk_djvu.txt), in the evening: “The elements of which our body is made belong to the cycle of nature; and as for our soul, it’s possible that it might return to limbo, until it gets an opportunity to REINCARNATE itself.”

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Emmschneider Wieland, Ahnen Gesellschaft, Jason Zado and 2 others like this.

….”I want to stand with you on a mountain”

Cascada “I want to stand with you on a mountain” (“Truly, madly, deeply”) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uE2WizHls0 (lyrics displayed in English and translated subtitles in French)

……Fun fact

What reverses exactly the word “stressed”? D-e-s-s-e-r-t-s



…..Scottish terrier pinwheel!

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……The stars on Adolf Hitler

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