ENGLISH Militaries of Chile and Brazil release new, hard UFO evidence

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Miami fireworks captured by mini-drone camera HOVERING up in the burst area! Music by Andrea Bocelli! MEGA-GORGEOUS, LIKE HEAVEN!

…….What kind of coward still doubts despite a million hard facts that UFOs are real, humans are not now and never were the top dog in the universe, and we have to share this planet with other species?


Some bullying, gang-mentality, wolfpack-like Stormfronters are again mocking me for “believing in aliens.” These mental and physical cowards refuse to actually read my essay here, which is jam-packed with HARD FACTS, MANY OF THEM FROM TOP MILITARY OFFICERS OF MANY NATIONS
Actual film footage from 1967 of a UFO firing a laser at a US ICBM missile launched as a test firing from Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana.   The missile was disabled and crashed over Canada. Certain ETs are extremely hostile to humans using nuclear weapons, indicating they view this earth as also being their planet to use as well as ours.

I and a client together saw a ship like this over McMinnville, Oregon. It cruised along the treeline and then simply vanished into thin air.
German woodcut from Nuremberg in the 1500s of a huge battle between two hostile UFO fleets. You can see a crashed UFO burning in a field in the lower-right.  The battle ended when a huge black mother ship (see big, black dagger shape) appeared and the other side fled. Hundreds of thousands of Germans witnessed this battle.

……Serious UFO researchers are all anti-NWO

Ed Komarek is a very reputable UFO researcher. He deals with facts. And like all serious UFO researchers, he is for this reason anti.NWO. This is his key book (photo.),

Fearful ridiculers of the UFO fact have no idea how anti-NWO serious UFOlogists actually are.  These brave truthtellers grasp that the Pharisees are the tip of a galactic iceberg, the vanguard of a hostile anti-human force. When Talmudists say they are anti-Gentile (that is, against 99.67% of the human race), this really means they are working for antihumans under a deal where they survive by betraying the rest of us, and aiding a hostile albeit gradual takeover of the planet. And this is why even the ancient Greeks and Romans said the Jews “hate the human race” (in Latin: “genus humanum odiunt.” They work for a species eager to eradicate the hated humans and colonize the planet with their species, which dominated the earth for millions of years in the age of dinosaurs, when mammals were tiny, primitive things and they ruled the world.
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….Reaction of a thoughtful comrade (and donor, not just a talker-typist)

Dear John:

I think that your comments that the Jews are working for alien beings is very interesting.  I have been thinking the same thing after getting turned on to the whole alien issue recently by you.  It just makes more sense.
You are right that the Jews are working with too much sophistication (for them to be doing everything on their own).  Also, think of the Protocols Of The Learned Elders of Zion.  (I admit that I have only read parts of it.  It is one of many books on my list of books to read.)  If we are to say that that was just the work of the Jews then we are ascribing to them a super-normal (evil) intelligence and foresight.  They are NOT that intelligent (I don’t think).  It would make more sense that evil grey aliens are helping them.
Likewise, look at the plan to create the Federal Reserve Bank.  It was brilliant in an evil way.  And look at the confidence with which they pursued that project.  When the first bill (the Federal Reserve Act) failed they set up a competing bill, which they pretended was different, and the bankers’ agents railed against it, tricking the public into supporting the competing bill.
Obama’s reptiloid bodyguard?

Like you said, this is too sophisticated an approach for mere humans, and also it shows too much confidence.  How could they know it would work so well?  It just seems more plausible to me that the top Jews have aliens working with them, at least advising them.  Note that I am NOT trying to let the Jews off the hook by putting the blame on the aliens instead.  Most likely I would guess it is a partnership at the top, rather than a hierarchy with the aliens controlling the top Jews.  (At least I would guess that the top Jews who are working with the aliens THINK it is a partnership.)
Just as it has been alleged that the greys worked with Eisenhower.  Just as it is alleged that aliens were working with the Germans.  I think it could be that they are advising the top Jews, perhaps with the plan being that the aliens and the Jews would eventually divvy up the spoils of their exploits or something like that.


….Chilean government releases UFO photo

The government office investigating UFOs in Chile has released an analysis of two high quality photos showing what appear be genuine unidentified flying objects above a remote copper mine.

….Brazilian military releases UFO files

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REVIEW:  A “UFO” is not necessarily coming from another place in the our universe.  There is overwhelming evidence that spans millenniums, which documents the UFO beings are multidimensional.

Recent Quantum Physics has proven there are many dimensions.  Scientists have used atoms to cross that divide.  Therefore, science no longer has “doubts” about dimensional travel is possible…it is doing it.

Once you read the article below, you will understand WHY George Soros and his “Gang of BRICS” has chosen Brazil for the business of changing the economy of the world…they have assistance.

The U.S. Government has failed to inform its citizens about the UFO encounters with the USA, and it chose to lie, cheat, and steal from its people, concerning the continued contact with “other world beings”.  For leaked details, go here:

President Eisenhower: 


New World Order:



NOTE:  This stuff is not a “secret”…. Americans are (1) not informed by choice, (2) lack the intestinal fortitude to overcome an unlawful bunch of thieves in power, and (3) are willing to serve as slaves for “bread and circuses” (i.e., food stamps and television).
R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./ sciences
Freelance Investigative Science Reporter since 1996

Major UFO Breakthrough in Brazil

May 22, 2005

The nation of Brazil is relaxing its policy of UFO secrecy. It is the first among a number of countries known to be considering the idea of abandoning the secrecy mandate that has been in place worldwide since the phenomenon first began to be publicly known nearly fifty years ago.

A.J. Gevaerd of the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers reports that a number of important files have just been released, including a folder containing documents from 1977 that cover dozens of cases of UFOs in the Amazon with over 100 pictures made during Operation Saucer, an official Brazilian military investigation that was carried out between September and December, 1977.

This change in policy means that one of the countries with the most extensive amount of UFO activity is now going to share its previously secret knowledge with the public.

Whitley Strieber
Unknown Country


Brazilian Military Recognize UFO Research and Release Classified Information

By A. J. Gevaerd,
Editor of the Brazilian UFO Magazine and
Head of the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU)

Friday, May 20, was a historic day for Ufology in Brazil and in the world as the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), for the very first time in its history, officially receives a committee of top UFO researchers to openly discuss sightings in the country and fully examine classified UFO documents in several military facilities in Brasilia, the Federal Capital.

By doing this very important step, Brazilian Air Force (FAB) has placed Brazil in a very short list of countries whose militaries acknowledge that Ufology as a serious activity and significant effort to fully understand the nature and origin of UFOs. “We want to have all info on the subject, that has been withheld by us for some decades, fully released to the public, through the UFO community”, declared Brigadier Telles Ribeiro, chief of Brazilian Air Force Communication Center.

The Brazilian Government, through the Brazilian Air Force, has finally decided to come forward and recognize UFO research as a genuine activity as a direct result of the intense pressure made by the campaign UFOs: Freedom of Information Now, a movement started by the Brazilian UFO Magazine in April 2004. The campaign was launched by the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU), composed of 6 UFO civilian researchers: Claudeir Covo, Marco Petit, Rafael Cury, Reginaldo de Athayde, Fernando Ramalho and A. J. Gevaerd (Athayde was sick an replaced by new interim member veteran UFO researcher Roberto Affonso Back)

Details of the campaign both in Portuguese and in English can be consulted at: www.Ufo.com.br and www.UFO.com.br/secrecy.

The approach of the Brazilian military by the CBU committee started last February, ten months after the campaign begun, with a phone call from a Brazilian Air Force spokesman, Major Antonio Lorenzo, and a formal invitation to a visit and a chat in some Air Force headquarters in Brasilia. Major Lorenzo fully recognized the UFO researchers‚ efforts in this field and provided a few details of what kind of reserved files and procedures the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) has about the UFO Phenomena and its detection, recording and investigation in the country.

Two meeting between the civilian UFO researchers and the military took place last Friday, May 20, and firstly happened in the headquarters of the Integrated Center of Air Defense and Air Traffic Control (Centro Integrado de Defesa Aérea e Controle de Trafego Aéreo, Cindacta), a very sensitive facility. During two hours, the researchers were given lectures of the procedures conducted at Cindacta and had the chance to visit air traffic control rooms and understand how UFOs could be detected by the Air Force personnel.

The second and most important meeting took place just after this one at the very reserved facilities of Brazilian Air Defense Command (Comando de Defesa Aerea Brasileiro, Comdabra), an even more sensitive installation that controls the entire air defense situation in the country and surrounding areas of Atlantic Ocean and South America. In this facility the UFO researchers were given full briefing of the top aspects of aerial defense of the country.

It was in this facility that its own commander, Brigadier Atheneu Azambuja, admitted to the UFO researchers how concerned the Brazilian military are about the UFO phenomena. Azambuja also gave details of Comdabra procedures and openly admitted that the country has systematically detected and registered UFOs in the country ˆ labeled as “H Traffic” ˆ since 1954. That wasn’t a surprise for the UFO researchers of the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU), but how this registering process took place was.

After detailed explanations of Comdabra activities, brigadier Atheneu Azambuja, for the first time in history, gave full access to the civilian UFO researchers to exam 3 different folders with classified UFO information, cases from specific dates of 1954, 1977 and 1986. The first case was an airplane pursuit of a UFO in the ocean shores of Paraná State.

The second file was much more important. In the folder containing the 1977 docs that could be examined by the UFO researchers were dozens of cases of UFOs in the Amazon with and amazing amount of over 100 pictures made during the so-called Operation Saucer, an official program of UFO investigation by the military that took place from September to December, 1977, and has been fully covered by specialized UFO press over the world.

The third case was the “The Official Night of UFOs in Brazil”, a very significant group of events that happened in May 1986, when 21 objects of over 100 meters in diameter jammed Brazilian air traffic control system over Rio de Janeiro, Sao Jose dos Campos and Sao Paulo, mainly, and several jets were sent to intercept ˆ without any success ˆ the intruders.

The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) representatives at those meetings then fully admitted that Ufology is serious business and broadly recognized the activity of UFO research by the civilian UFO community. And also guaranteed that further steps are about to be taken to let the researchers to exam the entire military UFO files in a more comprehensive way. Plus, a committee of military and civilian UFO researchers was promised to start operating very soon, coordinated by the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU).

This certainly means that we will start a new era in Ufology in Brazil and in South America. Very good things are about to happen as the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) command, the Brazilian Ministry of Defense and the Brazilian president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva receive the open letters and formal requests for opening for good the documents and start the mentioned committee, as presented to them by their spokesman.



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Fassade of a bar. Jean-Claude van Damme was born here.



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"Notleidende Banken" ist das Unwort des Jahres 2008
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Provincial legislature



…..Can you donate?

“Words without deeds are empty.” Someone wrote: “May God bless you and your family and all your endeavors.” I replied: Thanks for the nice words. But things are not well; I need money desperately. We were evicted over our views, have no money or food and are virtually homeless ever since I announced a black-white alliance and then hell broke loose. And the comrades wish me well! Mail being blatan See More

John de Nugent
POB 43
Apollo PA 15613

(724) 596-4268


For PayPal, please write me.



Thanks go out to three German comrades:


–$50 from D. in Phoenix, Arizona via Greendot MoneyPak


–July 6, 2014 $133 via Western Union from M. in Germany

–July 5, 2014 $350 via Western Union from L., France


–July 5, 2014 30 euros from Holland


–July 3, 2014 $20 from K. in Massachusetts via Western Union

–July 3, 2014 $10 cash from Richard, a truck driver in Minnesota

–June 26, 2014 DVD sent by G.I. in Australia “The Murder of Mary Phagan”


–June 24, 2014 $125 cash sent by KPL in Massachusetts STOLEN BY FEDERAL AUTHORITIES


–June 22, 2014 $50 from D. in Phoenix, Arizona via Greendot MoneyPak

–June 7, 2014 $50 via Greendot MoneyPak from V. in Massachusetts

–June 5, 2014 $157.23 via Western Union from J. on the Isle of Wight, England

–June 3, 2014 $91.55 from F. in Germany via Western Union and

–May 31, 2014 $200 from W. in Germany via Western Union …

Donations log: https://johndenugent.com/donations-log

What is it that Germans understand, when they donate to me, about the misery of having NO FREE SPEECH OR GUNS that Americans still do not get? ;-)


….Paid work I do in writing, videos, and translations


Thank you, British comrade, for sending on June 5, 2014 $157.23 via Western Union from the Isle of Wight, England for paid writing work. Despite the defamations of paid FBI and Pharisee agents, I work continuously every month for regular pay, such as writing (for pay for the Barnes Review, a bimonthly historical-revisionism magazine — www.barnesreview.org) and I do videos on favorite topics that various good people come to me with (such as this mammoth project on Mary Phagan: https://johndenugent.com/glory-to-mary-phagan-and-the-white-men-who-avenged-her-2 — This was of course a very worthy topic in itself, BUT I worked very hard on it — and, by arrangement, I was PAID for it).


I also do translations from German and French into English and vice versa.
For my many PAID “Barnes Review” magazine articles see:




……to a comrade who criticized my path

Thank you for your email.

ah-head-cocked-super-intenseHitler got a pitiful 2.6% of the vote in 1928 after eight years of backbreaking political work: speeches, writing, marching and organizing.


What this proves is that when the time is not right, no leader can get off the ground. Every historian agrees that the Great Depression made Hitler.

In this article you can see the difference that the Crash caused — hunger, unemployment, despair and the rising threat of German communism. This time Hitler got 18% and he rose faster and faster after that.


Two posters for the NSDAP that came out after the Depression hit: 1) “Workers of the brain and hand, vote for the frontline soldier Hitler” and 2) “Against hunger and despair, vote Hitler”


The Black-White alliance against the Pharisees and the searing NUMEC issue (example: our neighbor lost all three of her sisters to rare cancers) will propel me in November 2015 to political victory here in this town of 1600 that is just 14 blocks north to south. I just need a pair of shoes to campaign here, $50 for flyers, courage, persistence and a simple message: take back America from the Pharisee Jews.

THIS ONE VIDEO ALONE (http://trutube.tv/video/22307/Israeli-tv-show-mocks-Christ8217s-Crucifixion-)CAUSES JAWS TO ABSOLUTELY DROP IN THIS TOWN FULL OF CHRISTIAN CHURCHES. And I mean literally drop. This one video of this Israeli mocking and savaging Jesus Christ leaves people stunned. In these three minutes they “get it” about the hate-filled, violent, murderous nature of the Pharisee Jews. And the thing is this: everyone likes Jesus, even agnostics, even if they think he was just a gentle hippie or deluded idealist teaching good stuff. What is not to like about peace, love, forgiveness, brotherhood, humility, and service to others?


I remain convinced that I am not perfect but on the right path. I am groping my way through the fog of neurochemicals (this town is being blizzarded with chemtrails spewed by low-level flights), defeatism, narcissistic selfishness and personal treachery. Whites today act like ghetto blacks in the 1960s. Heroin use is everywhere. And they hate each other in this town, and especially their politicians and cops.

The task is immense and daunting. So I must think outside the box, and follow my star no matter how alone that might initially leave me.

John de Nugent



  1. If all of the UFO ‘hard evidence’ is video footage
    and witness statements, then that’s nowhere near
    hard enough. Videos prove nothing, except for
    the presence of an image. Witness statements,
    however honest and sincere, likewise prove
    nothing, except that the witnesses may well have
    believed that they saw a flying object they
    couldn’t identify.

    Could it possibly be the case that one’s belief
    in UFOs, and especially ‘aliens’, may often have
    more to do with one’s desire for a different,
    better reality — a better world — than with
    the UFOs or ‘aliens’ themselves?

    • Video footage, still photos, and witness statements, corroborated by radar images, thousands and thousands and thousands of times.

      I saw one myself with my own two eyes, an incident I have discussed repeatedly and in great detail, and I know one person who was abducted.

      So now the Chilean and Brazilian militaries are also kooks? and Wernher von Braun, and Herman Oberth, and NASA scientists, and Apollo astronauts? All kooks?

      And since when do alien abductions, mutilations and murders point to a better world???? Many aliens are outright evil!

      Are you actually r-e-a-d-i-n-g the texts? http://johndenugent.us/ufos-the-third-reich-after-1945-and-the-pleiadians

      At some point … you are just IN DENIAL.

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