ENGLISH As I predicted — after homosexuality now Pharisee Jews also call pedophilia normal

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“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”

–Edward Louis Bernays, “Propaganda” 1928. Bernays (photo) was a nephew of Sigmund Freud.


“We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”

— Jewish International Banker James Warburg on February 17, 1950, as he testified before the U.S. Senate. James was the son of Paul Warburg, who represented the Rothschilds when they created the Federal Reserve act at Jekyll Island in 1910. He also later formed the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR).



“In everything, we are destroyers even in the instruments of destruction to which we turn for relief… We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands.”

Maurice Samuel, “You Gentiles,” pages 152, 155, and 147.






Paedophilia is natural and normal for males’

How some university academics make the case for paedophiles at summer conferences

After the report into Jimmy Savile and the conviction of Rolf Harris, Britain has gone into a convulsion of anxiety about child abuse in the Eighties Photo: Rex

“Paedophilic interest is natural and normal for human males,” said the presentation. “At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children … Normal males are aroused by children.”

Some yellowing tract from the Seventies or early Eighties, era of abusive celebrities and the infamous PIE, the Paedophile Information Exchange? No. Anonymous commenters on some underground website? No again.

The statement that paedophilia is “natural and normal” was made not three decades ago but last July. It was made not in private but as one of the central claims of an academic presentation delivered, at the invitation of the organisers, to many of the key experts in the field at a conference held by the University of Cambridge.

[JdN., Cambridge (photo) is one of the oldest and most elite and prestigious universities on the planet earth, ranking with Oxford, Harvard, Yale and my own Georgetown. The holding of a conference there on legalizing pedophilia show how it is being mainstreamed.]


Other presentations included “Liberating the paedophile: a discursive analysis,” and “Danger and difference: the stakes of hebephilia.”

Hebephilia is the sexual preference for children in early puberty, typically 11 to 14-year-olds.

Another attendee, and enthusiastic participant from the floor, was one Tom O’Carroll, a multiple child sex offender, long-time campaigner for the legalisation of sex with children and former head of the Paedophile Information Exchange. “Wonderful!” he wrote on his blog afterwards. “It was a rare few days when I could feel relatively popular!”

Last week, after the conviction of Rolf Harris, the report into Jimmy Savile and claims of an establishment cover-up to protect a sex-offending minister in Margaret Thatcher’s Cabinet, Britain went into a convulsion of anxiety about child abuse in the Eighties. But unnoticed amid the furore is a much more current threat: attempts, right now, in parts of the academic establishment to push the boundaries on the acceptability of child sex.


Jimmy Savile exploited the trust of a nation for his own vile purposes


A key factor in what happened all those decades ago in the dressing rooms of the BBC, the wards of the NHS and, allegedly, the corridors of power was not just institutional failings or establishment “conspiracies”, but a climate of far greater intellectual tolerance of practices that horrify today.

With the Pill, the legalisation of homosexuality and shrinking taboos against premarital sex, the Seventies was an era of quite sudden sexual emancipation. Many liberals, of course, saw through PIE’s cynical rhetoric of “child lib”.

But to others on the Left, sex by or with children was just another repressive boundary to be swept away – and some of the most important backing came from academia.

In 1981, a respectable publisher, Batsford, published Perspectives on Paedophilia, edited by Brian Taylor, a sociology lecturer at Sussex University, to challenge what Dr Taylor’s introduction called the “prejudice” against child sex. Disturbingly, the book was aimed at “social workers, community workers, probation officers and child care workers”.

The public, wrote Dr Taylor, “generally thinks of paedophiles as sick or evil men who lurk around school playgrounds in the hope of attempting unspecified beastliness with unsuspecting innocent children”. That, he reassured readers, was merely a “stereotype”, both “inaccurate and unhelpful”, which flew in the face of the “empirical realities of paedophile behaviour”. Why, most adult-child sexual relationships occurred in the family!

The perspectives of most, though not all, the contributors, appeared strongly pro-paedophile. At least two were members of PIE and at least one, Peter Righton, (who was, incredibly, director of education at the National Institute for Social Work) was later convicted of child sex crimes. But from the viewpoint of today, the fascinating thing about Perspectives on Paedophilia is that at least two of its contributors are still academically active and influential.

Prof Ken Plummer, left, and former PIE head Tom O’Carroll


Ken Plummer is emeritus professor of sociology at Essex University, where he has an office and teaches courses, the most recent scheduled for last month.

“The isolation, secrecy, guilt and anguish of many paedophiles,” he wrote in Perspectives on Paedophilia, “are not intrinsic to the phenomen[on] but are derived from the extreme social repression placed on minorities …”

“Paedophiles are told they are the seducers and rapists of children; they know their experiences are often loving and tender ones. They are told that children are pure and innocent, devoid of sexuality; they know both from their own experiences of childhood and from the children they meet that this is not the case.”

As recently as 2012, Prof Plummer published on his personal blog a chapter he wrote in another book, Male Intergenerational Intimacy, in 1991. “As homosexuality has become slightly less open to sustained moral panic, the new pariah of ‘child molester’ has become the latest folk devil,” he wrote. “Many adult paedophiles say that boys actively seek out sex partners … ‘childhood’ itself is not a biological given but an historically produced social object.”

[JdN: I knew it! Now childhood too is a “social construct”!!!! Like race and gender! It is all in our mind!]

Prof Plummer confirmed to The Sunday Telegraph that he had been a member of PIE in order to “facilitate” his research. He said: “I would never want any of my work to be used as a rationale for doing ‘bad things’ – and I regard all coercive, abusive, exploitative sexuality as a ‘bad thing’. I am sorry if it has impacted anyone negatively this way, or if it has encouraged this.” However, he did not answer when asked if he still held the views he expressed in the Eighties and Nineties. A spokesman for Essex University claimed Prof Plummer’s work “did not express support for paedophilia” and cited the university’s charter which gave academic staff “freedom within the law to put forward controversial and unpopular opinions without placing themselves in jeopardy”.

Graham Powell is one of the country’s most distinguished psychologists, a past president of the British Psychological Society and a current provider of psychology support services to the Serious Organised Crime Agency, the National Crime Squad, the Metropolitan Police, Kent Police, Essex Police and the Internet Watch Foundation.

In Perspectives on Paedophilia, however, he co-authored a chapter which stated: “In the public mind, paedophile attention is generally assumed to be traumatic and to have lasting and wholly deleterious consequences for the victim. The evidence that we have considered here does not support this view … we need to ask not why are the effects of paedophile action so large, but why so small.”

JdN: I’ll say! I was a child victim myself! I had nightmares until I was age 49 from them! Sick, sick, SICK!!!


Death to pedophiles, and to all you who shield them!



The chapter does admit that there were “methodological problems” with the studies the authors relied on which “leave our conclusions somewhat muted”. Dr Powell told The Sunday Telegraph last week that “what I wrote was completely wrong and it is a matter of deep regret that it could in any way have made things more difficult [for victims]”. He said: “The literature [scientific evidence] was so poor in 1981, people just didn’t realise what was going on. There was a lack of understanding at the academic level.” Dr Powell said he had never been a member of PIE.

In other academic quarters, with rather fewer excuses, that lack of understanding appears to be reasserting itself. The Cambridge University conference, on July 4-5 last year, was about the classification of sexuality in the DSM, a standard international psychiatric manual used by the police and courts.

After a fierce battle in the American Psychiatric Association (APA), which produces it, a proposal to include hebephilia as a disorder in the new edition of the manual has been defeated. The proposal arose because puberty in children has started ever earlier in recent decades and as a result, it was argued, the current definition of paedophilia – pre-pubertal sexual attraction – missed out too many young people.

Ray Blanchard, professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto, who led the APA’s working group on the subject, said that unless some other way was found of encompassing hebephilia in the new manual, that was “tantamount to stating that


the APA’s [ = American Psychiatric Association’s] official position is that

the sexual preference for early pubertal children is normal”.


Prof Blanchard was in turn criticised by a speaker at the Cambridge conference, Patrick Singy, of Union College, New York, who said hebephilia would be abused as a diagnosis to detain sex offenders as “mentally ill” under US “sexually violent predator” laws even after they had completed their sentences.

But perhaps the most controversial presentation of all was by  Philip Tromovitch [photo], a professor at Doshisha University in Japan, who stated in a presentation on the “prevalence of paedophilia” that the


majority of men are probably paedophiles and hebephiles” and that “paedophilic interest is normal and natural in human males”.

O’Carroll, the former PIE leader, was thrilled, and described on his blog how he joined Prof Tromovitch and a colleague for drinks after the conference. “The conversation flowed most agreeably, along with the drinks and the beautiful River Cam,” he said.

It’s fair to say the Tromovitch view does not represent majority academic opinion. It’s likely, too, that some of the academic protests against the “stigmatisation” of paedophiles are as much a backlash against the harshness of sex-offender laws as anything else. Finally, of course, academic inquiry is supposed to question conventional wisdom and to deal rigorously with the evidence, whether or not the conclusions it leads you to are popular.

Even so, there really is now no shortage of evidence about the harm done by child abuse. In the latest frenzy about the crimes of the past, it’s worth watching whether we could, in the future, go back to the intellectual climate which allowed them.

[end of Telegraph article]


As soon as I saw the name “Tromovitch,” I thought Jewish. (Here is his website at his Japanese university: http://istc.doshisha.ac.jp/en/message/message_01.html) There has to be a Jew justifying with clever academic language in an Ivy League setting  the molesting of our innocent children.

I cannot prove he is a Jew, yet, but:

1) his nose, features (protruding mouth, wide nose: https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and-semites), perverted opinions, sexology studies, and University of Pennsylvania PhD (this Ivy League school in Philadelphia is the most Jewish of all the Ivy schools, reflecting partly the huge Jewish population in greater Philadelphia).

2) this female professor at Pacifica University teaches theater arts and has the same last name. Look at the features:

Lisa Tromovitch


…..Jesus Christ on the Jews

jesus_angryNew Living Translation

For you are the children of your father the devil,


and you love to do the evil things he does.

He was a murderer from the beginning.

He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him.


When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.




…..My final personal comment on this

I cannot possibly remain calm and neutral as I see this worldwide satanic movement growing that aims to legalize sex between creepy adults and innocent kids. The effect of pedophilia on my life was extremely traumatic. It is just devastating to a child’s trust in adults and in the goodness of the world, period. I woke up at night screaming at the top of my lungs for decades, sometimes twice or more a week, even into my forties! I actually passed out at least four times from terror when seeing normal images of male genitalia (such as in a Georgetown University course on human anatomy), or even viewing an innocent tv ad, for God’s sake, that was just an infomercial on products for a healthy prostate!

Child molesting is the worst crime in the universe.



crying little blond girl


I ask you to support John de Nugent financially, as a volunteer, or as an online promoter, in my coming, WINNABLE political battle here in the town of Apollo, Pennsylvania, population just 1600, 14 blocks, in November 2015




….where I will talk fully about the pedophile takeover of America and the entire western world !



…..The Jerry Sandusky case, the tip of the the pedophile iceberg


Learn the truth about Jerry Sandusky and how through “friends in high places” he got away with it for FORTY YEARS. Yes, 40! A relative of the owner of the Rockhopper’s Bar, formerly the Mosey Inn, located in Apollo near the Rte. 66 bridge, told me her son Warren was studying engineering at Penn State in 1971….and at an ice cream parlor he used to frequent right off-campus, they had an ice cream sundae that they sold, the “Sandusky Sundae”…..Two scoops of vanilla ice cream and a banana in-between. Yes, that was back in 1971! …..a whopping forty yearsbefore he was arrested! And he was already coaching young people!

Tom CorbettNo wonder the polls show a drop to 38% approval of Governor Tom Corbett [photo] in the wake of the Sandusky scandal. Corbett was Attorney General for eight long years while Smiley Sandusky continued his sicko crime spree against innocent kids at 1) Penn State and 2) at Second Mile Foundation, a MULTI-MILLION-DOLLAR charity whose directors donated $25,000 to….. Attorney General Tom Corbett, then running for governor……..


And it seems if one investigates too much, people just sort-of DISAPPEAR or they RUN AWAY. Even district attorneys! The District Attorney 1985-2005of Centre County (the location of Penn State), Mr. Ray Gricar, just up and disappeared in 2005! Hmmmm!


Wikipedia: Ray Frank Gricar, born October 9, 1945, missing April 15, 2005, declared legally dead July 25, 2011, was an American attorney who served as the district attorney of Centre County, Pennsylvania, from 1985 until 2005. On April 15, 2005, Gricar went missing under mysterious circumstances and has not been heard from since.


ABC News (Nov. 8, 2011): Ray Gricar served as the district attorney for Pennsylvania’s Centre County in 1998 when Sandusky was accused of sexually abusing several boys. After an extensive investigation, which included testimony by two law enforcement officers that they had overheard Sandusky admitting to showering with multiple young boys, Gricar decided no criminal charges would be filed, according to recent court documents. Sandusky retired the next year. Then, in April 2005, Gricar disappeared.


His car was found abandoned in a Lewisburg, Pa., parking lot and his laptop’s hard drive was recovered from the nearby Susquehannna River, but there was no other trace of Gricar. No clues could be gleaned from the severely damaged hard drive and despite a six-year investigation that involved the FBI and international help, police have as little an idea today about what happened to the former DA as they did then. “We literally used every single resource, national and international,” Bellefonte, Pa., police chief Shawn Weaver told ABC News. “This is baffling. He literally just disappeared off the face of the earth.”

District Attorney Gricar’s friends said he was happy, successful and not in the least bit suicidal. I BELIEVE HE WAS MURDERED BY THE VILE PEDOPHILE NETWORK! And how about this? The next DA of Centre County, in 2009, Michael Madeira, who “won all of the cases he prosecuted” (CollegianOnline, February 2, 2009) and announced he would run for re-election, suddenly dropped out later that year as a grand jury began investigating Sandusky! Hmmmm once again… Sounds like PEDOPHILE TERRORISM!


This terrorism would explain why nothing was done for decades to the villain Sandusky or to his protectors and goom-bas, such as the (can I say this?) Jewish head of Second Mile, child psychologist, Jack Raykovitz, PhD (who with his wife got $233,000 a year in salaries from a “charity” – funneling troubled kids who needed guidance to a pedophile!)


Likewise, nothing was done to the (can I also say this?) likewise Jewish head of Penn State (1995-2011), Graham Spanier, PhD (who was paid $800,000 a year!) (Photo below)


Spanier, who “just happens to be Jewish” – and in many Sandusky-related emails showed no interest in the molested (Gentile) children (according to the official report by former FBI director Louis Freeh) — wrote a paper in 1975 implying wife-swapping and “swinging” were good and normal (Spanier, Graham, 1975.Mate Swapping: Perceptions, Value Orientations, and Participation in a Midwestern Community,” Archives of Sexual Behavior). Then Spanier was close friends with a pedophile named Ronald Roskens, who was fired in 1989 as president of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln after naked boys were seen in his house! (Interestingly, Roskens was quickly appointed by President George H.W. Bush as Director of the Agency for International Development, in Washington DC, which runs all US foreign aid, has 4,000 employees, and gives $590 million a year to Israel, one of the richest countries on earth…..)


The same Graham Spanier then permitted, in November 2000, a sex festival at Penn State called, yes, “C—T-fest: a Declaration of Independence”!!! http://www.collegian.psu.edu:8080/archive/2001/03/03-12-01tdc/03-12-01dops-letter-10.asp DISGUSTING! The police removed the huge banners with the word “C—T,” but Spanier intervened, and the police had to put them back up! (http://www.dadi.org/c-fest.htm) The second festival, held only months later in February 2001, went by the name “Sex Faire.” Games at this gala included “Pin the Clitoris on the Vulva,”“Smut and other Great Literature,” plus “Orgasm Bingo.” In addition, a “Tent of Consent” allowed participants [JdN: this was an on-campus, taxpayer-funded event] to engage in whatever type of consensual sexual activity they so desired. When enraged PSU students and legislators asked Spanier if he thought these two events were immoral, he responded, “It depends on what your definition of immoral is.” Spanier also publicly pronounced that he sought to make PSU the most homosexual-friendly university in America, and requested that all faculty post pink triangles on their office doors in order to show support for gay and lesbian students.


(With that mindset, heh, why not help Ol’ Jerr’ too? “ After all, “it depends on what your definition of immoral is.” What’s wrong with a little “man-boy lovin’,” right, Graham? Why be so narrow-minded and bourgeois, eh, Mr. Pedophile-Protector?)




Does the censored media talk about Spanier? No, of course not, and until his indictment he kept a cushy federal job in “national security” – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham_Spanier – in addition to STILL being a tenured PSU professor!

Would George Washington – or our own grandfathers — have put up with a taxpayer-funded university holding a“C—T-FEST”?!?

(This is exactly and precisely how no-nonsense general George Washington looked, with red hair and blue eyes. This wax effigy is found at the multimillion-dollar Mt Vernon Museum in Virginia.)


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Fassade of a bar. Jean-Claude van Damme was born here.



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…..Can you donate?

“Words without deeds are empty.” Someone wrote: “May God bless you and your family and all your endeavors.” I replied: Thanks for the nice words. But things are not well; I need money desperately. We were evicted over our views, have no money or food and are virtually homeless ever since I announced a black-white alliance and then hell broke loose. And the comrades wish me well! Mail being blatan See More

John de Nugent
POB 43
Apollo PA 15613

(724) 596-4268


For PayPal, please write me.



Thanks go out to three German comrades:


–$50 from D. in Phoenix, Arizona via Greendot MoneyPak


–July 6, 2014 $133 via Western Union from M. in Germany

–July 5, 2014 $350 via Western Union from L., France


–July 5, 2014 30 euros from Holland


–July 3, 2014 $20 from K. in Massachusetts via Western Union

–July 3, 2014 $10 cash from Richard, a truck driver in Minnesota

–June 26, 2014 DVD sent by G.I. in Australia “The Murder of Mary Phagan”


–June 24, 2014 $125 cash sent by KPL in Massachusetts STOLEN BY FEDERAL AUTHORITIES


–June 22, 2014 $50 from D. in Phoenix, Arizona via Greendot MoneyPak

–June 7, 2014 $50 via Greendot MoneyPak from V. in Massachusetts

–June 5, 2014 $157.23 via Western Union from J. on the Isle of Wight, England

–June 3, 2014 $91.55 from F. in Germany via Western Union and

–May 31, 2014 $200 from W. in Germany via Western Union …

Donations log: https://johndenugent.com/donations-log

What is it that Germans understand, when they donate to me, about the misery of having NO FREE SPEECH OR GUNS that Americans still do not get? ;-)


….Paid work I do in writing, videos, and translations


Thank you, British comrade, for sending on June 5, 2014 $157.23 via Western Union from the Isle of Wight, England for paid writing work. Despite the defamations of paid FBI and Pharisee agents, I work continuously every month for regular pay, such as writing (for pay for the Barnes Review, a bimonthly historical-revisionism magazine — www.barnesreview.org) and I do videos on favorite topics that various good people come to me with (such as this mammoth project on Mary Phagan: https://johndenugent.com/glory-to-mary-phagan-and-the-white-men-who-avenged-her-2 — This was of course a very worthy topic in itself, BUT I worked very hard on it — and, by arrangement, I was PAID for it).


I also do translations from German and French into English and vice versa.
For my many PAID “Barnes Review” magazine articles see:




……to a comrade who criticized my path

Thank you for your email.

ah-head-cocked-super-intenseHitler got a pitiful 2.6% of the vote in 1928 after eight years of backbreaking political work: speeches, writing, marching and organizing.


What this proves is that when the time is not right, no leader can get off the ground. Every historian agrees that the Great Depression made Hitler.

In this article you can see the difference that the Crash caused — hunger, unemployment, despair and the rising threat of German communism. This time Hitler got 18% and he rose faster and faster after that.


Two posters for the NSDAP that came out after the Depression hit: 1) “Workers of the brain and hand, vote for the frontline soldier Hitler” and 2) “Against hunger and despair, vote Hitler”


The Black-White alliance against the Pharisees and the searing NUMEC issue (example: our neighbor lost all three of her sisters to rare cancers) will propel me in November 2015 to political victory here in this town of 1600 that is just 14 blocks north to south. I just need a pair of shoes to campaign here, $50 for flyers, courage, persistence and a simple message: take back America from the Pharisee Jews.

THIS ONE VIDEO ALONE (http://trutube.tv/video/22307/Israeli-tv-show-mocks-Christ8217s-Crucifixion-)CAUSES JAWS TO ABSOLUTELY DROP IN THIS TOWN FULL OF CHRISTIAN CHURCHES. And I mean literally drop. This one video of this Israeli mocking and savaging Jesus Christ leaves people stunned. In these three minutes they “get it” about the hate-filled, violent, murderous nature of the Pharisee Jews. And the thing is this: everyone likes Jesus, even agnostics, even if they think he was just a gentle hippie or deluded idealist teaching good stuff. What is not to like about peace, love, forgiveness, brotherhood, humility, and service to others?


I remain convinced that I am not perfect but on the right path. I am groping my way through the fog of neurochemicals sprayed on the American public (this town is being blizzarded with chemtrails spewed by low-level flights), defeatism, narcissistic selfishness and personal treachery. Whites today act like ghetto blacks in the 1960s. Heroin use is everywhere. And they hate each other in this town, and especially their politicians and cops.

The task is immense and daunting. So I must think outside the box, and follow my star no matter how alone that might initially leave me.

John de Nugent


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